- contextPath: Domain.Name
description: 'The domain name, for example: "google.com".'
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Relationships.EntityA
description: The source of the relationship.
type: string
- contextPath: Domain.Relationships.EntityB
description: The destination of the relationship.
type: string
- contextPath: Domain.Relationships.Relationship
description: The name of the relationship.
type: string
- contextPath: Domain.Relationships.EntityAType
description: The type of the source of the relationship.
type: string
- contextPath: Domain.Relationships.EntityBType
description: The type of the destination of the relationship.
type: string
- contextPath: Domain.DNS
description: A list of IP objects resolved by DNS.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.DetectionEngines
description: The total number of engines that checked the indicator.
type: Number
- contextPath: Domain.PositiveDetections
description: The number of engines that positively detected the indicator as malicious.
type: Number
- contextPath: Domain.CreationDate
description: The date that the domain was created.
type: Date
- contextPath: Domain.UpdatedDate
description: The date that the domain was last updated.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.ExpirationDate
description: The expiration date of the domain.
type: Date
- contextPath: Domain.DomainStatus
description: The status of the domain.
type: Datte
- contextPath: Domain.NameServers
description: (List<String>) Name servers of the domain.
type: Unknown
- contextPath: Domain.Organization
description: The organization of the domain.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Subdomains
description: (List<String>) Subdomains of the domain.
type: Unknown
- contextPath: Domain.Admin.Country
description: The country of the domain administrator.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Admin.Email
description: The email address of the domain administrator.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Admin.Name
description: The name of the domain administrator.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Admin.Phone
description: The phone number of the domain administrator.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Registrant.Country
description: The country of the registrant.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Registrant.Email
description: The email address of the registrant.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Registrant.Name
description: The name of the registrant.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Registrant.Phone
description: The phone number for receiving abuse reports.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Tags
description: (List) Tags of the domain.
type: Unknown
- contextPath: Domain.FeedRelatedIndicators.value
description: Indicators that are associated with the domain.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.FeedRelatedIndicators.type
description: The type of the indicators that are associated with the domain.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.FeedRelatedIndicators.description
description: The description of the indicators that are associated with the domain.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.MalwareFamily
description: The malware family associated with the domain.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.WHOIS.DomainStatus
description: The status of the domain.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.WHOIS.NameServers
description: (List<String>) Name servers of the domain.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.WHOIS.CreationDate
description: The date that the domain was created.
type: Date
- contextPath: Domain.WHOIS.UpdatedDate
description: The date that the domain was last updated.
type: Date
- contextPath: Domain.WHOIS.ExpirationDate
description: The expiration date of the domain.
type: Date
- contextPath: Domain.WHOIS.Registrant.Name
description: The name of the registrant.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.WHOIS.Registrant.Email
description: The email address of the registrant.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.WHOIS.Registrant.Phone
description: The phone number of the registrant.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.WHOIS.Registrar.Name
description: 'The name of the registrar, for example: 'GoDaddy"'
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.WHOIS.Registrar.AbuseEmail
description: The email address of the contact for reporting abuse.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.WHOIS.Registrar.AbusePhone
description: The phone number of contact for reporting abuse.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.WHOIS.Admin.Name
description: The name of the domain administrator.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.WHOIS.Admin.Email
description: The email address of the domain administrator.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.WHOIS.Admin.Phone
description: The phone number of the domain administrator.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.WHOIS/History
description: List of Whois objects
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Malicious.Vendor
description: The vendor reporting the domain as malicious.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Malicious.Description
description: A description explaining why the domain was reported as malicious.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.DomainIDNName
description: The internationalized domain name (IDN) of the domain.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Port
description: Ports that are associated with the domain.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Internal
description: Whether or not the domain is internal or external.
type: Bool
- contextPath: Domain.Category
description: The category associated with the indicator.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Campaign
description: The campaign associated with the domain.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.TrafficLightProtocol
description: The Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) color that is suitable for the domain.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.ThreatTypes.threatcategory
description: The threat category associated to this indicator by the source vendor. For example, Phishing, Control, TOR, etc.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.ThreatTypes.threatcategoryconfidence
description: Threat Category Confidence is the confidence level provided by the vendor for the threat type category For example a confidence of 90 for threat type category 'malware' means that the vendor rates that this is 90% confidence of being a malware.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Geo.Location
description: 'The geolocation where the domain address is located, in the format: latitude:longitude.'
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Geo.Country
description: The country in which the domain address is located.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Geo.Description
description: Additional information about the location.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Tech.Country
description: The country of the domain technical contact.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Tech.Name
description: The name of the domain technical contact.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Tech.Organization
description: The organization of the domain technical contact.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Tech.Email
description: The email address of the domain technical contact.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.CommunityNotes.note
description: Notes on the domain that were given by the community.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.CommunityNotes.timestamp
description: The time in which the note was published.
type: Date
- contextPath: Domain.Publications.source
description: The source in which the article was published.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Publications.title
description: The name of the article.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Publications.link
description: A link to the original article.
type: String
- contextPath: Domain.Publications.timestamp
description: The time in which the article was published.
type: Date
- contextPath: Domain.Billing
description: The billing address of the domain.
type: String