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Event Collection Integrations

Server version 6.8.0 adds support for Event Collection integrations for Cortex XSIAM. Collection integrations allow fetching events and logs from external products, for example OKTA, Jira and so on.

An example Collection integration can be seen here.

Collection integrations are developed the same as other integrations. They provide a few extra configuration parameters and APIs.

Naming Convention#

Collection Integration names (id, name and display fields) should end with the words Event Collector. This consistent naming convention ensures that users can easily understand what the integration is used for.

Required Keys#

  • Every Event Collection integration should have the isfetchevents key in the integration YAML file, to indicate that this integration is a Collection integration.
  • A Collection integration's YAML file must have the fromversion: 6.8.0 field. This is because Collection integrations are only supported from server version 6.8.0 and onwards.
  • Since Collection integrations are only supported in XSIAM make sure that your YML file includes the marketplaces key with the -marketplacev2 value.


isfetchevents: true
fromversion: 6.8.0
- marketplacev2


Every Collection integration will at minimum support these three commands:

  • test-module - this is the command that is run when the Test button in the configuration panel of an integration is clicked.
  • <product-prefix>-get-events - where <product-prefix> is replaced by the name of the Product or Vendor source providing the events. So for example, if you were developing a Collection integration for Microsoft Intune, this command might be called msintune-get-events. This command should fetch a limited number of events from the external source and display them in the war room.
  • fetch-events - this command will initiate a request to the external product chosen endpoint(s) using the relevant chosen params, and send the fetched events to the XSIAM database. If the integration instance is configured to Fetch evnts, then this is the command that will be executed at the specified Events Fetch Interval.

API Command: send_events_to_xsiam()#

Use the send_events_to_xsiam() function when the fetch-events command is executed. With the following arguments:

  • events - The events to send to the XSIAM server. Should be of the following:
    1. List of strings or dicts where each string or dict represents an event.
    2. String containing raw events separated by new lines.
  • vendor - The vendor represented by Collection integration.
  • product - The specific product integrated in the given Collection integration.
  • data_format - Should only be filled in case the events parameter contains a string in the format of leef or cef. In other cases the data_format will be set automatically.

Let's look at an example main() function from a Collection integration:

def main():
params = demisto.params()
client = Client(params.get('insecure'),
command = demisto.command()'Command being called is {command}')
# Switch case
if demisto.command() == 'fetch-events':
events, last_run = fetch_events_command(client)
# we submit the indicators in batches
send_events_to_xsiam(events=events, vendor='MyVendor', product='MyProduct')
results = get_events_command(client)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(f'Error in {SOURCE_NAME} Integration [{e}]')


  • You should always path the events to the send_events_to_xsiam() function, also in cases when no events were fetched. This is important as the send_events_to_xsiam() function also updates the UI for the number of events fetched which could also be 0. Don't be troubled, in such cases the empty data will not be sent forward to the DataBase.
  • In the given example we assume the events are not in a cef or leef formats and therefore the data_format argument is not used.
  • send_events_to_xsiam() function will work only if the integration is a system integration. The function will fail if it will be called from a custom integration.

Fore more info on the send_events_to_xsiam() function visit the API reference.

Seeing the data#

In order to ses the events sent by the send_events_to_xsiam() function, in your XSIAM instance:

  1. Go to the left toolbar and navigate to: Incident response > Investigation > Query BuilderUnder.
  2. Click the XQL Search button.
  3. In the query builder screen type the following:
dataset = MyVendor_MyProduct_raw

If all was done correctly you should be seeing the events sent by your integration in the table of results, like this: debug test

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