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Get Entries Filter

When building a script, you can fetch entries from an incident. If you do not specify the incident id number, the script fetches from the current incident. You have the option to create a filter to limit the search results.

pageSizeThe number of entries to return.
lastIdReturn entries starting from the specified entry ID and backward.
firstIDReturn entries starting from the specified entry ID and forward.
selectedEntryIDReturn entries before and after the specified entry ID.
categoriesReturn entries with the specified categories (array). {commandAndResults, playbookTaskResult, playbookTaskStartAndDone, playbookErrors, justFound, deleted, incidentInfo, chats, evidence, notes, attachments}
tagsReturn entries with the specified tags (array).
usersReturn entries with the specified users (array).
tagsAndOperatorReturn entries that include all specified tags.
fromTimeReturn entries from this time and forward.
parentIDThe ID of the parent entry.

Example: Grab all entries that have been marked as a note:#

res = demisto.executeCommand("getEntries", {"filter": {"categories": ["notes"]}})


u 'Category': u 'Builtin',
u 'ModuleName': u 'InnerServicesModule',
u 'System': u '',
u 'Note': True,
u 'Version': 2,
u 'ReadableContentsFormat': u '',
u 'Type': 1,
u 'Metadata': {
u 'reputationSize': 0,
u 'startDate': u '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z',
u 'recurrent': False,
u 'sortValues': None,
u 'file': u '',
u 'retryTime': u '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z',
u 'previousAllReadWrite': False,
u 'endingDate': u '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z',
u 'id': u '96@42646',
u 'contents': u '',
u 'cronView': False,
u 'category': u 'chat',
u 'note': True,
u 'isTodo': False,
u 'format': u 'markdown',
u 'system': u '',
u 'mirrored': False,
u 'hasRole': False,
u 'pinned': False,
u 'instance': u 'Builtin',
u 'version': 2,
u 'parentId': u '',
u 'type': 1,
u 'brand': u 'Builtin',
u 'timezoneOffset': 0,
u 'scheduled': False,
u 'parentEntryTruncated': False,
u 'previousRoles': None,
u 'allRead': False,
u 'allReadWrite': False,
u 'incidentCreationTime': u '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z',
u 'ShardID': 0,
u 'reputations': None,
u 'user': u 'admin',
u 'taskId': u '',
u 'parentContent': u '!getEntries filter="{\\"categories\\":[\\"notes\\"]}"',
u 'fileMetadata': None,
u 'tags': None,
u 'tagsRaw': None,
u 'errorSource': u '',
u 'entryTask': None,
u 'roles': None,
u 'created': u '2021-03-08T18:47:47.786120529Z',
u 'IndicatorTimeline': None,
u 'modified': u '2021-03-08T18:47:51.032485206Z',
u 'times': 0,
u 'investigationId': u '42646',
u 'dbotCreatedBy': u 'admin',
u 'playbookId': u '',
u 'contentsSize': 14,
u 'previousAllRead': False,
u 'fileID': u ''
u 'ContentsFormat': u 'markdown',
u 'Tags': None,
u 'Brand': u 'Builtin',
u 'HumanReadable': None,
u 'ID': u '96@42646',
u 'FileID': u '',
u 'IgnoreAutoExtract': False,
u 'IndicatorTimeline': None,
u 'Evidence': False,
u 'EntryContext': None,
u 'Contents': u 'This is a note',
u 'File': u '',
u 'EvidenceID': u '',
u 'FileMetadata': None,
u 'ImportantEntryContext': None
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