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Integration Cache


Occasionally, you might need to store data between integration commands runs.

A common use-case would be storing API tokens which have expiration time (i.e. JWT).

Very often JWTs (a.k.a. JSON Web Tokens) are generated through an API call and have a validity of several minutes or hours: in order to avoid re-generating tokens every time a command is executed in Cortex XSOAR, you can cache them using integrationContext and retrieve them until they expire.

For that, Cortex XSOAR introduces the cached object integrationContext.

The object is stored in the database per integration instance.

Note: the integrationContext object cannot be retrieved or set in the test-module command.


The integrationContext supports two methods: getter and setter.

Both methods are provided by the demisto class which have wrappers in the CommonServerPython script.

If no object is stored, the method will return an empty dictionary.

The get_integration_context() Method#

This is the getter the cached object, which returns a key-value dictionary.

The set_integration_context() Method#

This is the setter the cached object.

This method takes as argument the the object to store, which its keys and values must be strings.

Note that this method overrides the existing object which is stored, so in order to update a stored object, one should first get it, make the requested changes and then set it.


General usage#

integration_context: Dict = get_integration_context()
>>> {}
integration_context_to_set = {'token': 'TOKEN'}
integration_context = get_integration_context()
>>> "TOKEN"
integration_context_to_set = {'token': 'NEW-TOKEN'}
integration_context = get_integration_context()

Storing token with expiration time#

integration_context = get_integration_context()
token = integration_context.get('access_token')
valid_until = integration_context.get('valid_until')
time_now = int(time.time())
if token and valid_until:
if time_now < valid_until:
# Token is still valid - did not expire yet
return token
# get_token() should be the implementation of retrieving the token from the API
token = get_token()
integration_context = {
'access_token': token,
'valid_until': time_now + 3600 # Assuming the expiration time is 1 hour

For more examples, refer to following integrations:#

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