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OpenAPI (Swagger) Code-Gen

It is possible to generate a Cortex XSOAR integration package (YAML and Python files) with a dedicated tool in the Cortex XSOAR (demisto) SDK. The integration will be usable right away after generation.


  • OpenAPI (Swagger) specification file (v2.0 is recommended) in JSON format.
  • Cortex XSOAR (demisto) SDK


  1. Install the Cortex XSOAR SDK: pip3 install demisto-sdk.
  2. Run the demisto-sdk openapi-codegen command. Using the arguments and examples below.
  3. Follow the instructions to generate the Cortex XSOAR integration files.
  4. Use demisto-sdk unify to create a unified integration YAML file from the integration files.
  5. Use demisto-sdk upload to upload the generated integration to Cortex XSOAR.
  6. Set up an instance and run the integration commands.

Command instructions#


  • '-h', '--help'

    Show command help.

  • '-i', '--input_file'

    The swagger file to load in JSON format.

  • '-cf', '--config_file'

    The integration configuration file. It is created in the first run of the command.

  • '-n', '--base_name'

    The base filename to use for the generated files.

  • '-o', '--output_dir'

    Directory to store the output in (default is current working directory).

  • '-pr', '--command_prefix'

    Add a prefix to each command in the code.

  • '-c', '--context_path'

    Context output path.

  • '-u', '--unique_keys'

    Comma separated unique keys to use in context paths (case sensitive).

  • '-r', '--root_objects'

    Comma separated JSON root objects to use in command outputs (case sensitive).

  • '-v', '--verbose'

    Be verbose with the log output.

  • '-f', '--fix_code'

    Fix the python code using autopep8.

  • '-a', '--use_default'

    Use the automatically generated integration configuration (Skip the second run).


The Examples below are for the Pet Store Swagger specification.

demisto-sdk openapi-codegen -i pet_swagger.json -n PetStore -o PetStoreIntegration -u "id" -r "Pet"

This will create an integration configuration for the PetStore swagger file in the PetStoreIntegration directory. It will use id to identify unique properties in outputs and Pet to identify root objects in the outputs. That configuration can be modified and will be used in a second run of the command.

demisto-sdk openapi-codegen -i pet_swagger.json -n PetStore -o PetStoreIntegration -u "id" -r "Pet" -cf "PetStoreIntegration/PetStore.json"

This will create the Cortex XSOAR integration for the PetStore swagger file using the configuration file located in PetStoreIntegration/PetStore.json.

demisto-sdk openapi-codegen -i pet_swagger.json -n PetStore -o PetStoreIntegration -u "id" -r "Pet" -a

This will create the Cortex XSOAR integration for the PetStore swagger file using the generated configuration file, thus skipping the second run of the command.

Video Tutorial#

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