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Integrations and Scripts Metadata YAML File

All the metadata of your integration is included in the YAML file: think of it as key, value set for your integration. When pushing content for public release, your YAML file must follow certain structural requirements in order to work properly. In this section we will review the various parts of the Cortex XSOAR YAML file.

Note: Automation Scripts also have a metadata YML file that follows a very similar structure.

Common Fields#

The Common Fields section contains information that the Cortex XSOAR server will use to identify your integration. See the example below:

id: New Integration
version: -1

This section accepts the following information:

idA unique identifier for your integration
versionSetting the value to -1 will lock the integration from being modified

Basic Information#

Observe the following:

name: MaxMind GeoIP2
display: MaxMind GeoIP2
category: Data Enrichment & Threat Intelligence
image: data:image/png;base64,**Base64 of Image Here**
description: Enriches IP addresses
detaileddescription: 'The MaxMind GeoIP2 integration allows you to query the MaxMind
API service and retrieve a JSON of all details. '

Note: You can find all categories options here:

The following is an explanation of these fields:

nameThe name of your integration. This may be different than the display name
displayThis is the display name for your integration
categoryThe applicable category
imageThe Icon that will be used for the integration. Please note that this image must be in Base64. Ask the design team to provide you with a compatible image
descriptionA brief description of what your integration will do
detaileddescriptionThis description should go into more detail about how your integration works as well as requirements for the integration to work


In this section, we specify the configuration requirements that are necessary for the integration to operate.

- display: API Key
name: apikey
defaultvalue: ""
type: 0
required: true
- display: Use system proxy
name: proxy
defaultvalue: ""
type: 8
required: false

An explanation of these fields is as follows:

displayThe display name for the field.
nameThe parameter which is used within the integration
defaultvalueIf there is a default for the field, it should be located here
typeAn Integer that represents the type for the field.
Type 0 - Short text field
Type 4 - Encrypted text field
Type 8 - Boolean checkbox
Type 9 - Authentication text - allows switching to credentials
Type 12 - Long text block
Type 13 - special use - automatically added - Incident type single select dropdown
Type 15 - Single select dropdown
Type 16 - Multiple select dropdown
requiredBoolean value to indicate that the parameter is required
additionalinfoAdditional info about the field, will appear under a question mark in the configuration panel
fromlicenseSpecifies to take the credentials from the xsoar license. (relevant to type 9)

Integration parameters may be hidden from the XSOAR UI, using the optional hidden field.

  • To hide the parameter in all marketplaces (XSOAR, XSOAR_SAAS, XSOAR_ON_PREM, XSIAM), use a boolean true.
  • To hide the parameter in specific content marketplace versions, provide list of marketplace version names (e.g. xsoar (XSOAR 6 and XSOAR 8), xsoar_on_prem (XSOAR 6), xsoar_saas (XSOAR 8 Cloud or On-prem), marketplacev2 (XSIAM) or xpanse (XPANSE))

Configurations Sections#

As of Cortex XSOAR version 8.1 and Cortex XSIAM version 1.3, an integration's configuration display is divided to sections to help our users configure the instances. The sections re-organize the parameters the users have to fill when configuring the instance.

The Advanced section should contain parameters that are part of advanced usage of the integration. The Connect section should contain parameters that the customer needs to configure in order to connect to the product.

  • Connect Parameters:
    • Name
    • Server URL / URL Address
    • Classifier / Incident Type / Mapper section
    • Username
    • Password
    • API Key
    • Other mandatory parameters
  • Advanced Connect Params:
    • Trust any certificate (not secure)
    • Use system proxy settings
    • Log level
    • Run on single engine
    • Any additional filters / Non mandatory parameters

The Collect section should contain parameters that the customer needs to configure in order to collect information from the product.

  • Collect Parameters:
    • Fetch events / Do not fetch radio buttons or Fetch/Do not fetch indicators
    • Incident Mirroring Direction
    • First fetch timestamp
    • Number of incidents/events to fetch per fetch
    • Do not use by default
    • Indicator Reputation
    • Source Reliability
    • Traffic Light Protocol Color
  • Advanced Collect Parameters:
    • Events Fetch Interval
    • Mirroring parameters
    • Indicator expiration method
    • Feed fetch interval
    • Bypass exclusion list
    • Create relationships
    • Any additional filters / Non mandatory parameters

The Optimize Parameters are parameters that do not belong in the Connect or Collect sections, e.g., Advanced Thresholds, Advanced Queries.

The sections will look like this in the UI, when advanced parameters are hidden unless opening the Advanced Settings section: Example of the connect and collect sections Example of the advanced section

To add sections to your integration:

  1. Add the sectionOrder key to the yml's root. This key should contain a list of sections available. Currently we support only "Connect", "Collect" and "Optimize".
  2. Add the section key to each parameter in the configuration, with one of the sections from (1).
  3. If the parameter is to be shown only as part of the advanced settings in the section, add the advanced: true key and value to it.

For example:

category: Analytics & SIEM
- Connect
- Collect
id: GitLab Event Collector
version: -1
- display: Server URL
name: url
required: true
type: 0
section: Connect
- displaypassword: API Key
additionalinfo: The API Key to use for connection.
name: api_key
required: true
hiddenusername: true
type: 9
section: Connect
- display: Groups IDs
name: group_ids
required: false
type: 0
section: Collect
- display: First fetch timestamp (<number> <time unit>, for example, 12 hours, 7 days, 3 months, 1 year)
name: after
required: true
defaultvalue: 1 day
type: 0
section: Collect
- display: Trust any certificate (not secure)
name: insecure
required: false
type: 8
section: Connect
advanced: true
- display: Use system proxy settings
name: proxy
type: 8
required: false
section: Connect
advanced: true


This section is where your code will reside. Review the example below:

script: |
import requests
import collections
def explain_yaml():
if user.understands is False:
type: python
subtype: python3
dockerimage: demisto/python3:

Type indicates the language your integration is written in. Cortex XSOAR currently supports Python and JavaScript. When using Python specifying subtype field is required (either: python2 or python3). Additionally, when using Python dockerimage should be specified. If dockerimage is not specified a default Python 2 image will be used.


The command section tells Cortex XSOAR what arguments are required for your command as well as what the outputs are.

- name: command-name
- name: command-argument
required: true
default: false
isArray: false
secret: true
description: This is a description for the argument
- contextPath: Example.Sample.Name
description: The name of the sample
type: string
- contextPath: Example.Sample.ID
description: The ID for the sample
type: string
description: Sample description for the command-name function
runonce: false

An explanation of these fields is as follows:


nameThe name of the command.vendorname-command
descriptionA description for the command.
runonceBoolean. Indicates if the command runs repeatedly.

Command arguments:#

nameThe name of the argument.argumnt_name
requiredBoolean. Is the argument required.
defaultBoolean. If set to true, the user could pass a value for this argument without specifying the argument name. For example if the argument called ip is marked as default, running the following: !ip will be equivelent to running !ip ip= Note that only one argument per command can be set as the default.
isArrayBoolean. Does the argument accepts a CSV list of input values. If this is set to true, the command will run once, instead for each input.
secretBoolean. If set to true, the argument value will not be printed in war room when the command runs.
executionBoolean. If set to true, the command will be marked as Potentially harmful.
descriptionA description of the argument.
typeThe type of the argument. For example, keyValue is a valid argument type. If used, the argument received by your code will be a python dictionary.

Command outputs:#

contextPathThe dot notation representation of the context.Product.Entity.EntityDetails
descriptionDescription of the context item.
typeThe type which the context item will be formatted.Available options are: Unknown, String, Number, Date, Boolean.

Version and Tests#

The last section of the YAML file provides Cortex XSOAR with information regarding what version is supported and tests. See the example below:

fromversion: 6.5.0
- Sample Integration Test

From version indicates the server version that is supported with the integration. If the server version is below the fromversion, the integration will not display in the Settings area.

Tests instructs the Cortex XSOAR CircleCI tool which test to run to verify that the integration is working.

If you want to run all of the tests you will need to add to the tests section Run all tests as the test you would like to run.

If you want to live a life of shame and disappoint your team, you can opt to not run any tests by adding No test - <reason> as a test you would like to run. You can attempt to earn back the respect of your team by writing a reason for skipping the test and we may consider it.

Please take into consideration that both the automatic and the manual mechanisms are working side by side and don't override each other, and don't worry it will not cause the same test to run more than once.

Entry Types#

1NoteA note is a text entry in the war room.
2Download AgentInternal use only
3FileA file and it's metadata will be displayed
4ErrorObserved with a red background, this indicates that a command did not run successfully.
5PinnedInternal use only
6User ManagementInternal use only
7ImageAn image will be displayed in the war room.
8Playground ErrorAn error has occurred in the playground
9Entry Info FileUsed in the FileResult function in ServerCommon. This is similar to the file entry type.
10-14ReservedThis is for future entry types
15MapPosts a map location in the war room. Please note: This will require an API key from Google maps.
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