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This Integration is part of the Absolute Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.

Absolute is an adaptive endpoint security solution that delivers device security, data security, and asset management of endpoints. This integration was integrated and tested with the API version 1.7 of Absolute.

Configure Absolute in Cortex#

Your Absolute server URLTrue
Token IDToken ID and Secret Key.True
Secret KeyTrue
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
Use system proxy settingsFalse
Events Fetch IntervalOnly in XSIAMFalse
Max number of events per fetchOnly in XSIAMFalse
Fetch EventsOnly in XSIAMFalse


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Returns a list of custom device fields associated with the given device_id, based on the authorization token.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
device_idThe system unique identifier of the device.Required

Context Output#

Absolute.CustomDeviceField.DeviceUIDStringThe system-defined unique identifier of the device.
Absolute.CustomDeviceField.ESNStringThe unique ESN (identifier) assigned to the Absolute agent that is installed on a device.
Absolute.CustomDeviceField.CDFValues.CDFUIDStringThe unique identifier of the custom device field.
Absolute.CustomDeviceField.CDFValues.FieldKeyStringThe unique identifier of the custom device field in the classic version of Absolute.
Absolute.CustomDeviceField.CDFValues.FieldNameStringThe name assigned to the custom device field.
Absolute.CustomDeviceField.CDFValues.CategoryCodeStringThe type of custom device field. Possible values are: PREDEFINED, ESNCOLUMN, UDF.
Absolute.CustomDeviceField.CDFValues.FieldValueStringThe current value of the custom device field.
Absolute.CustomDeviceField.CDFValues.TypeStringThe data type of the field value. Possible values are: Text, Date, Dropdown.

Command example#

!absolute-custom-device-field-list device_id=1234

Context Example#

"Absolute": {
"CustomDeviceField": {
"CDFValues": [
"CDFUID": "4m9fUCZqTYec1bJgDSNg",
"CategoryCode": "ESNCOLUMN",
"FieldKey": 1,
"FieldName": "Asset Number",
"FieldValue": "aa",
"Type": "Text"
"CDFUID": "2iS3ryiSvSDsksJ289vtQ",
"CategoryCode": "UDF",
"FieldKey": 30,
"FieldName": "Custom2",
"FieldValue": "TPB",
"Type": "Text"
"DeviceUID": "1234",
"ESN": "D0004"

Human Readable Output#

Absolute Custom device field list#

CDF IDField ValueFiled Name
4m9fUCZqTYec1bJgDSNgAsset NumberAsset Number


Updates the value of the included custom device fields for the given device_id.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
device_idThe system unique identifier of the device.Required
cdf_uidThe unique identifier of the custom device field. Note: In order to get this value, use the "absolute-custom-device-field-list" command.Required
valueThe new value of the custom device field to be set.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!absolute-custom-device-field-update device_id=1234 cdf_uid=4m9fUCZqTYec1bJgDSNg value="test2"

Human Readable Output#

Device 1234 with value test2 was updated successfully.


Creates a new Freeze request for the devices specified in the device_ids argument.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
device_idsA comma-separated list of the unique identifiers of devices included in the request. The recommendation is to use up to 10,000 devices per request.Required
request_nameThe user-defined name for the Freeze request. The name should be a non-unique string and has 1-250 characters.Required
html_messageThe user-defined, HTML coded message shown on devices when the Freeze is applied. The message should be in a non-unique HTML format and has 1-4000 characters.Required
message_nameThe user-defined name for the Freeze message.Required
device_freeze_typeThe type of Freeze. You cannot freeze a device that has been reported Stolen in the Absolute console.
- OnDemand: Freezes a device on its next connection to the Absolute Monitoring Center, which is typically within 15 minutes. This applies for all supported operating systems.
- Scheduled: Freezes a device on its next connection to the Absolute Monitoring Center on or after a specified date and time. This applies to Windows and Mac devices. The scheduled freeze date is specified in the scheduled_freeze_date argument. Scheduled Freeze requests are only supported on Windows and Mac devices with an active Absolute agent that is regularly connecting to the Absolute Monitoring Center.
- Offline: Freezes a device if it has been offline for a specified period of time. Applies to Windows and Mac devices. Offline period is specified in the offline_time_seconds arguments. Offline freeze is not available if your Absolute account has been migrated to Offline Freeze Rules. For more information, see the console Help.
Possible values are: OnDemand, Scheduled, Offline.
scheduled_freeze_dateThe date and time (in UTC) when the device should be frozen in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ. Required if device_freeze_type is Scheduled. For example, 2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.Optional
offline_time_secondsThe length of time (in seconds) that a device can be offline before the device is frozen. Required if device_freeze_type is Offline. Must be between 1200 seconds (20 minutes) and 172800000 seconds (2000 days). Default value is 30 days. Default is 22592000.Optional
passcode_typeThe type of passcode to unfreeze a device.
- UserDefined: Manually set the passcode in passcode. You must specify the passcode argument.
- RandomForEach: A unique passcode is randomly generated for each device. You must specify the passcode_length argument.
- RandomForAll: A passcode is randomly generated and is the same for all devices. You must specify the passcode_length argument. Possible values are: UserDefined, RandomForEach, RandomForAll.
passcodeThe passcode used to unfreeze the devices. Required if passcode_type is UserDefined. A valid passcode is a number that has 4-8 characters. For example, 12345678.Optional
passcode_lengthThe length of the passcode when it is randomly generated. Required if passcode_type is RandomForEach or RandomForAll. A valid passcode is a number from 4-8. For example, 8.Optional
notification_emailsA comma-separated list of user-entered email addresses that will receive an email notification when the status of the Freeze request changes. The API supports up to 10 email addresses.Optional

Context Output#

Absolute.FreezeRequest.RequestUIDStringThe system-defined, unique identifier of the Freeze request.
Absolute.FreezeRequest.SucceededDeviceUIDsUnknownAn array of the unique devices identifiers that succeeded in creating a Freeze request.
Absolute.FreezeRequest.Errors.detail.deviceUidsUnknownAn array of the unique identifiers of devices for the Freeze request error.
Absolute.FreezeRequest.Errors.messageStringThe reason for the Freeze failure.
Absolute.FreezeRequest.Errors.messageKeyStringThe reference key for the error message.

Command example#

!absolute-device-freeze-request device_ids=123456 device_freeze_type=Scheduled html_message="test" message_name="new name" request_name="name1" scheduled_freeze_date=2022-04-03T13:30:00.000Z passcode_type=RandomForEach passcode_length=5

Context Example#

"Absolute": {
"FreezeRequest": {
"RequestUID": "2b62b290-d590-4237-8ba0-57e4779b9f1c",
"SucceededDeviceUIDs": [

Human Readable Output#

Absolute device freeze requests results#



Creates a new Remove Freeze request for one or more devices, regardless of their Freeze status. You can submit Remove Freeze requests to perform the following actions: unfreeze frozen devices, remove newly submitted Freeze requests, or remove outstanding Scheduled and Offline Freeze requests.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
device_idsA comma-separated list of the unique identifiers of devices included in the request. The recommendation is to use up to 10,000 devices per request.Required
remove_scheduledWhether to remove only a Scheduled Freeze request. Note: When setting to true, if the Freeze request is a Scheduled Freeze request, the Freeze request is removed. Otherwise, when setting to false, if the Freeze request is not a Scheduled Freeze request, the Freeze request is not removed. Possible values are: true, false.Optional
remove_offlineWhether to remove only an Offline Freeze request. Note: When setting to true, if the Freeze request is an Offline Freeze request, the Freeze request is removed. Otherwise, when setting to false, if the Freeze request is not an Offline Freeze request, the Freeze request is not removed. Possible values are: true, false.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!absolute-device-remove-freeze-request device_ids=123456 remove_scheduled=true

Human Readable Output#

Successfully removed freeze request for devices ids: 123456.


Gets detailed information about the Freeze request specified by request_uid.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
request_uidThe system-defined, unique identifier of the Freeze request.Required

Context Output#

Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.IDStringThe system-defined, unique identifier of the Freeze request.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.AccountUidStringThe system-defined, unique identifier associated with this Absolute account.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.ActionRequestUidStringThe system-defined, unique identifier of the Freeze request (the same as ID).
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.DeviceUidStringThe system-defined, unique identifier of the device.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Statuses.actionUidStringThe system-defined, unique identifier of the Freeze action.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Statuses.statusUidStringThe system-defined, unique identifier of the Freeze status.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Statuses.messageKeyStringThe reference key for the error message or the info message. Error messages start with 'dds'. Info messages start with 'ddsui'.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Statuses.messageParamsUnknownA list of strings describing the error message when the status is LaunchFailed. If the status isn't LaunchFailed, messageParams is empty.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Statuses.messageStringThe message for the status change that occurred.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Statuses.updatedByStringThe last entity to update the Freeze request.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Statuses.updatedUtcDateThe time (in Unix epoch) when the Freeze request was last updated.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Statuses.triggerActionUidStringThe system-defined, unique identifier of a new Freeze request that replaces another Freeze request of the same type.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Statuses.eventTypeStringDevice freeze type event.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Statuses.ackClientTSNumberThe acknowledgment timestamp (in Unix epoch local time) when the request was downloaded on the device.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Statuses.ackClientUtcNumberThe acknowledgment timestamp (in Unix epoch UTC) when the request was downloaded to the device.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Statuses.instructionStringAll action instructions which are sent from the device DFZ agent component.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Statuses.scheduledFreezeDateUTCNumberThe date and time (in Unix epoch) when a Scheduled Freeze request was scheduled to be performed.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Configuration.messageNameStringThe user-defined name for the Freeze message.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Configuration.htmlClearStringThe user-defined, HTML coded message shown on the device when the Freeze is applied (the same as Configuration.freezeMessage except it contains the HTML tags).
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Configuration.passcodeClearStringThe passcode that can be used to unfreeze the device.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Configuration.passcodeOptionStringThe type of passcode to unfreeze a device.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Configuration.freezeMessageStringThe content of the Freeze message without the HTML tags.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Configuration.freezeIdStringThe user-friendly identifier of the request that is displayed in the event history in the Absolute console (same as EventHistoryId).
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Configuration.configurationUidStringThe system-defined unique identifier assigned to the Freeze configuration.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Configuration.actionStringThe type of action being performed on the device.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Configuration.typeStringThe type of Freeze.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Configuration.passcodeLengthNumberThe length of the device unfreeze passcode when it is randomly generated.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Configuration.passcodeSaltStringThe salt used for hashing the passcode before the passcode is sent to the device.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Configuration.passcodeHashedStringThe hashed value of the passcode.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Configuration.htmlStringThe encoded value of Configuration.htmlClear.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Configuration.disableRemoteLoginBooleanWhether remote login is disabled on the device.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Configuration.disableFileSharingBooleanWhether file sharing is disabled on the device.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Configuration.Conditions.secondsUntilFreezeNumberThe amount of time (in seconds) a device can be offline before the device is frozen.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Configuration.Conditions.scheduledFreezeDateDateThe date and time (in UTC) that a Scheduled Freeze request is scheduled to be performed.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Configuration.issuedUtcDateThe date and time (in Unix epoch) when the Freeze request was created.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Configuration.preLoginEnabledBooleanWhether pre-login is enabled on the device.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.Configuration.serviceControlListStringList of service controls that the server sends to the device.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.NameStringThe user-defined name for the Freeze request.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.RequesterStringThe user ID of the entity that created the Freeze request.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.RequesterUidStringThe system-defined unique identifier of the user who created the Freeze request.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.CreatedUTCDateThe date and time (in Unix epoch) when the Freeze request was created.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.ChangedUTCDateThe date and time (in Unix epoch) when the Freeze request was last modified.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.NotificationEmailsUnknownAn array of user-entered email addresses that will receive an email notification when the status of the Freeze request changes. Supports up to 10 email addresses.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.EventHistoryIdStringThe user-friendly identifier of the request that is displayed in the event history in the Absolute console (same as freezeId).
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.PolicyGroupUidStringThe system-defined unique identifier of the policy group that the device belongs to.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.PolicyConfigurationVersionNumberThe version of the configuration for the policy.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.FreezePolicyUidStringThe unique identifier of the Freeze policy.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.DownloadedBooleanWhether the Freeze request has been downloaded to the device.
Absolute.FreezeRequestDetail.IsCurrentBooleanInternal flag.

Command example#

!absolute-device-freeze-request-get request_uid=c638c2dc-1dd1-4cfa-8708-46f368012398

Context Example#

"Absolute": {
"FreezeRequestDetail": {
"AccountUid": "accountID",
"ActionRequestUid": "c638c2dc-1dd1-4cfa-8708-46f368012398",
"ChangedBy": null,
"ChangedUTC": "2022-03-29T10:30:55.462+00:00",
"Configuration": {
"action": "DFZ",
"conditions": [
"scheduledFreezeDate": "2022-03-29T10:30:22.000+00:00"
"configurationUid": "c61b0cb7-3846-4d1e-9e78-641084b7747a",
"disableFileSharing": true,
"disableRemoteLogin": true,
"forceReboot": false,
"freezeId": "DeviceFreeze-0010",
"freezeMessage": "test",
"htmlClear": "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"></head><body><p style=\"font-size: small\">DeviceFreeze-0010</p><hr/>test</body></html>",
"issuedUTC": "2022-03-29T10:30:24.268+00:00",
"messageName": "new name",
"passcodeClear": "26148",
"passcodeHashed": "c5pr+oaojn37SFZJ3uokRe0Uy/+kAhzPNv6TyrCzXOdL1vu/KyoFF7T6rQfLK6ej2jYWXPGRzxWCfrS9f/S8JA==",
"passcodeLength": 5,
"passcodeOption": "RandomForEach",
"passcodeSalt": "/4VA8uE3DUv04mWy9iGkZp5rL3zDwtEP/YsqAvL190VIn9bhPZUzYXozoSSEPro0tVSVMtG9Rfssqpy2yvsm6g==",
"preLoginEnabled": true,
"type": "Scheduled"
"Content": null,
"CreatedBy": null,
"CreatedUTC": "2022-03-29T10:30:24.279+00:00",
"DeviceUid": "123456",
"Downloaded": false,
"EventHistoryId": "DeviceFreeze-0010",
"FreezePolicyUid": null,
"ID": "fa72b6ed-62f4-40bd-b581-ef5c114efb8e",
"IsCurrent": false,
"Name": "name1",
"NotificationEmails": [],
"PolicyConfigurationVersion": 0,
"PolicyGroupUid": null,
"Requester": "",
"RequesterUid": "778f8cce-8cc6-4de1-b025-e0538f97e072",
"Statuses": [
"ackClientTS": 0,
"ackClientUTC": 1,
"eventType": "Remove",
"scheduledFreezeDateUTC": 0,
"status": "Removed",
"statusUid": "9e413f56-8b2d-4605-9527-536427b9ad02",
"updatedBy": "",
"updatedUTC": "2022-03-29T10:30:55.462+00:00"
"ackClientTS": 0,
"ackClientUTC": 0,
"scheduledFreezeDateUTC": 0,
"status": "FreezeRequested",
"updatedBy": "",
"updatedUTC": "2022-03-29T10:30:24.268+00:00"

Human Readable Output#

Absolute Freeze request details for: c638c2dc-1dd1-4cfa-8708-46f368012398#



Gets all the Freeze messages that are configured for the account by the given message_id. If message_id is not given all the messages will be returned.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
message_idThe system-defined, unique identifier of the Freeze message.Optional

Context Output#

Absolute.FreezeMessage.IDStringThe system-defined, unique identifier of the Freeze message.
Absolute.FreezeMessage.NameStringThe user-defined name for the Freeze message.
Absolute.FreezeMessage.ContentStringThe user-defined, HTML coded message that shows on a device when a Freeze is applied.
Absolute.FreezeMessage.CreatedByStringThe username of the entity that created the Freeze message.
Absolute.FreezeMessage.ChangedByStringThe username of the entity that last updated the Freeze message.
Absolute.FreezeMessage.CreatedUTCStringThe date and time when the Freeze message was created.
Absolute.FreezeMessage.ChangedUTCStringThe date and time when the Freeze message was last modified.

Command example#


Context Example#

"Absolute": {
"FreezeMessage": {
"ChangedBy": "778f8cce-8cc6-4de1-b025-e0538f97e072",
"ChangedUTC": "2022-04-03T07:45:01.487+00:00",
"Content": "some text- new",
"CreatedBy": "",
"CreatedUTC": "2022-04-03T07:45:01.487+00:00",
"ID": "711b5da9-3867-473f-9d8f-9aba3de42b7a",
"Name": "name"

Human Readable Output#

Absolute Device freeze message details:#



Creates a new Freeze message for the account.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
html_messageThe user-defined, HTML coded message that shows on a device when a Device Freeze is applied. Should be in HTML format with 1-4000 characters.Required
message_nameThe user-defined name for the Device Freeze message. The name should be a string with 1-255 characters.Required

Context Output#

Absolute.FreezeMessage.IDStringThe system-defined, unique identifier of the Freeze message.

Command example#

!absolute-device-freeze-message-create html_message="some text" message_name="name name"

Context Example#

"Absolute": {
"FreezeMessage": {
"ID": "bdaf3a55-411a-4393-a0bf-7340f38fbc68"

Human Readable Output#

Absolute New freeze message was created with ID: bdaf3a55-411a-4393-a0bf-7340f38fbc68


Updates the content of an existing Freeze message.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
html_messageThe user-defined, HTML coded message that shows on a device when a Device Freeze is applied. Should be in HTML format with 1-4000 characters.Required
message_nameThe user-defined name for the Device Freeze message. The name should be a string with 1-255 characters.Required
message_idThe system-defined, unique identifier of the Freeze message.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!absolute-device-freeze-message-update html_message="new mesg" message_id=711b5da9-3867-473f-9d8f-9aba3de42b7a message_name="name-new"

Human Readable Output#

Absolute Freeze message: 711b5da9-3867-473f-9d8f-9aba3de42b7a was updated successfully


Deletes an existing Freeze message for the account.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
message_idThe system-defined, unique identifier of the Freeze message.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!absolute-device-freeze-message-delete message_id="711b5da9-3867-473f-9d8f-9aba3de42b7a"

Human Readable Output#

Absolute Freeze message: 711b5da9-3867-473f-9d8f-9aba3de42b7a was deleted successfully


Initiates an unenroll request on a list of eligible devices.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
device_idsA comma-separated list of device UIDs that should be unenrolled.Required

Context Output#

Absolute.DeviceUnenroll.DeviceUidStringThe unique GUID identifier of the device.
Absolute.DeviceUnenroll.SystemNameStringThe name assigned to the device.
Absolute.DeviceUnenroll.UsernameStringThe unique user name of the user who was logged into the device at the time of the agent call.
Absolute.DeviceUnenroll.EligibleStatusNumberThe eligibility status of the device. Possible vales are: 0 for eligible, 1 for inactive or disabled, and 2 for stolen.
Absolute.DeviceUnenroll.SerialStringThe identification number that is assigned to the device by the device manufacturer.
Absolute.DeviceUnenroll.ESNStringThe unique Electronic SerialNumber (ESN) that is assigned to the agent installed on the device.

Command example#

!absolute-device-unenroll device_ids="1"

Context Example#

"Absolute": {
"DeviceUnenroll": [
"DeviceUid": "1",
"ESN": "2BU2PJD28VAA1UYL0008",
"EligibleStatus": 0,
"Serial": "CNF83051BN",
"SystemName": "user1",
"Username": ""
"DeviceUid": "2",
"ESN": "2BU2PJ545L0008",
"EligibleStatus": 1,
"Serial": "CNF43051BN",
"SystemName": "user2",
"Username": ""

Human Readable Output#

Absolute unenroll devices:#



Gets a list of device records and the corresponding software application data for each device on the account that you have access to or that meets the given filter.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
filterThe query by which to filter the device applications. If this argument is set, it overrides the others. For example, appName eq 'someName' or availableVirtualMemoryBytes lt 1073741824.Optional
return_fieldsA comma-separated list of all specific values to return. If not set, all possible values will be returned.Optional
account_uidsA comma-separated list of the unique ID associated with this Absolute accounts.Optional
device_idsA comma-separated list of the system-defined unique identifier of the devices.Optional
device_namesA comma-separated list of the devices names.Optional
app_namesA comma-separated list of the applications names.Optional
app_publishersA comma-separated list of the name of the software publishers of the application.Optional
user_namesA comma-separated list of the user names of the users logged in to the device.Optional
osA comma-separated list of the operating systems that are installed on the device.Optional
esnA comma-separated list of the system-defined unique Electronic Serial Numbers (ESN) assigned to the Absolute agent installed on the device.Optional
limitMaximum number of results to return. The default is 50. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe page number of the results to retrieve. Minimum value is 0. Default is 0.Optional

Context Output#

Absolute.DeviceApplication.DeviceAppIdStringThe unique ID of the application.
Absolute.DeviceApplication.DeviceUidStringThe system-defined unique identifier of the device.
Absolute.DeviceApplication.AccountUidStringThe unique ID associated with this Absolute account.
Absolute.DeviceApplication.AppIdStringThe identifier of the application.
Absolute.DeviceApplication.AppNameStringThe name of the application.
Absolute.DeviceApplication.AppPublisherStringThe name of the software publisher of the application.
Absolute.DeviceApplication.AppOriginalPublisherStringThe original name of the software publisher of the application.
Absolute.DeviceApplication.AppVersionStringThe version of the application.
Absolute.DeviceApplication.EnsStringThe system-defined unique Electronic Serial Number (ESN) assigned to the Absolute agent installed on the device.
Absolute.DeviceApplication.DeviceNameStringThe name of the device.
Absolute.DeviceApplication.DeviceSerialNumberStringThe identification number that is assigned to the device by the device manufacturer.
Absolute.DeviceApplication.UserNameStringIncludes the device name and the username of the user logged in to the device at the time of the agent call.
Absolute.DeviceApplication.InstallPathStringThe location where the application is installed.
Absolute.DeviceApplication.InstallDateDateThe date (in Unix epoch time) when the application was installed.
Absolute.DeviceApplication.FirstDetectUtcDateThe date and time (in Unix epoch time) when the indicated version of the application was first detected on the device.
Absolute.DeviceApplication.OsNameStringThe operating system that is installed on the device.
Absolute.DeviceApplication.LastScanTimeUtcDateThe date and time (in Unix epoch time) of the most recent installed software (SNG) scan.

Command example#

!absolute-device-application-list device_ids=1234 filter="appName eq 'Notepad++' or appName eq 'Settings'"

Context Example#

"Absolute": {
"DeviceApplication": [
"AccountUid": "accountID",
"AppId": "U2V0dGluZ3N8fE1pY3Jvc29mdHx8MTAuMC4yLjEwMDA=",
"AppName": "Settings",
"AppOriginalName": "Settings",
"AppOriginalPublisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
"AppOriginalVersion": "",
"AppPublisher": "Microsoft",
"AppVersion": "",
"DeviceAppId": "123456_24222cfe5ccbe45e6d5a78faa58cd977921b4c1dd552884ec38653934c3b75f9",
"DeviceName": "ABSOLUTE-ASSET-",
"DeviceSerialNumber": "GoogleCloud-B8736A4405BF0E968020BCBC46EDA096",
"DeviceUid": "123456",
"Esn": "D0001",
"FirstDetectUtc": 1648601001193,
"InstallDate": 1536995941018,
"InstallPath": "C:\\Windows\\ImmersiveControlPanel",
"LastScanTimeUtc": 1648627356120,
"OsName": "Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Datacenter"
"AccountUid": "accountID",
"AppId": "Tm90ZXBhZCsrfHxOb3RlUGFkfHw4LjMuMw==",
"AppName": "Notepad++",
"AppOriginalName": "Notepad++ (64-bit x64)",
"AppOriginalPublisher": "Notepad++ Team",
"AppOriginalVersion": "8.3.3",
"AppPublisher": "NotePad",
"AppVersion": "8.3.3",
"DeviceAppId": "1234_3653d2a872cd1208dfc4845a20670a6c9364a626cd6c987cd5e916ca71f38105",
"DeviceName": "ABSOLUTE-ASSET-",
"DeviceSerialNumber": "GoogleCloud-6420CF930DEE84DE8497CF40F0D56AFA",
"DeviceUid": "1234",
"Esn": "D0004",
"FirstDetectUtc": 1648027180153,
"InstallDate": 1648026266334,
"InstallPath": "C:\\Program Files\\Notepad++",
"LastScanTimeUtc": 1648894013571,
"OsName": "Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Datacenter"
"AccountUid": "accountID",
"AppId": "U2V0dGluZ3N8fE1pY3Jvc29mdHx8MTAuMC40LjEwMDA=",
"AppName": "Settings",
"AppOriginalName": "Settings",
"AppOriginalPublisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
"AppOriginalVersion": "",
"AppPublisher": "Microsoft",
"AppVersion": "",
"DeviceAppId": "1234_f3ef442d95c3b7155fe9b138384bda2219afb3048c2a9466f1174fc1488ca671",
"DeviceName": "ABSOLUTE-ASSET-",
"DeviceSerialNumber": "GoogleCloud-6420CF930DEE84DE8497CF40F0D56AFA",
"DeviceUid": "1234",
"Esn": "D0004",
"FirstDetectUtc": 1648027180153,
"InstallDate": 1620462024187,
"InstallPath": "C:\\Windows\\ImmersiveControlPanel",
"LastScanTimeUtc": 1648894013571,
"OsName": "Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Datacenter"

Human Readable Output#

Absolute device applications list:#

accountIDU2V0dGluZ3N8fE1pY3Jvc29mdHx8MTAuMC4yLjEwMDA=SettingsSettingsMicrosoft Corporation10.0.2.1000Microsoft10.0.2.1000123456_24222cfe5ccbe45e6d5a78faa58cd977921b4c1dd552884ec38653934c3b75f9ABSOLUTE-ASSET-GoogleCloud-B8736A4405BF0E968020BCBC46EDA096123456D000116486010011931536995941018C:\Windows\ImmersiveControlPanel1648627356120Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Datacenter
accountIDTm90ZXBhZCsrfHxOb3RlUGFkfHw4LjMuMw==Notepad++Notepad++ (64-bit x64)Notepad++ Team8.3.3NotePad8.3.31234_3653d2a872cd1208dfc4845a20670a6c9364a626cd6c987cd5e916ca71f38105ABSOLUTE-ASSET-GoogleCloud-6420CF930DEE84DE8497CF40F0D56AFA1234D000416480271801531648026266334C:\Program Files\Notepad++1648894013571Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Datacenter
accountIDU2V0dGluZ3N8fE1pY3Jvc29mdHx8MTAuMC40LjEwMDA=SettingsSettingsMicrosoft Corporation10.0.4.1000Microsoft10.0.4.10001234_f3ef442d95c3b7155fe9b138384bda2219afb3048c2a9466f1174fc1488ca671ABSOLUTE-ASSET-GoogleCloud-6420CF930DEE84DE8497CF40F0D56AFA1234D000416480271801531620462024187C:\Windows\ImmersiveControlPanel1648894013571Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Datacenter

Above results are with page number: 0 and with size: 50.


Gets a list of device records and their corresponding data that meets the required filter for all devices in your account, based on your authorization token.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
filterThe query by which to filter all the devices managed by the account. If this argument is set, it overrides the others. For example, agentStatus eq 'A' or lastConnectedUtc lt datetime'2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'.Optional
agent_statusThe status of the Absolute agent on the device. Possible values are: Active, Disabled, Inactive.Optional
os_nameShort description of the operating system expressed as a one-line string that includes the version of the operating system.Optional
os_versionThe version of the operating system.Optional
manufacturerThe manufacturer of the device.Optional
modelThe product name from the manufacturer.Optional
user_namesA comma-separated list of the usernames of the users who were logged in to the device at the time of the most recent agent call. If no user was logged in during the last agent call, the last detected username is used.Optional
limitMaximum number of results to return. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe page number of the results to retrieve. Minimum value is 0. Default is 0.Optional

Context Output#

Absolute.Device.IdStringThe unique identifier assigned to the device.
Absolute.Device.EsnStringThe unique ESN (Absolute Identifier) assigned to the agent installed on the device.
Absolute.Device.LastConnectedUtcNumberThe date and time (in Unix epoch) when the device last connected to the Absolute Monitoring Center.
Absolute.Device.SystemNameStringThe name assigned to the device.
Absolute.Device.FullSystemNameStringThe full name assigned to the device consisting of the system name and the domain name.
Absolute.Device.AgentStatusStringThe status of the Absolute agent on the device.
Absolute.Device.osNameStringShort description of the operating system expressed as a one-line string that includes the version of the operating system.
Absolute.Device.SystemManufacturerStringThe manufacturer of the device.
Absolute.Device.SystemModelStringThe product name from the manufacturer.
Absolute.Device.SystemTypeStringThe system running on the Windows-based computer.
Absolute.Device.SerialStringThe manufacturer-defined unique identifier assigned to the device. May correspond to the serial number of the BIOS, the motherboard, or the chassis, depending on the manufacturer.
Absolute.Device.LocalIpStringLast known local IP address of this device.
Absolute.Device.PublicIpStringLast known public IP address of this device.
Absolute.Device.EncryptionStatusStringThe summarized encryption status of the device.

Command example#

!absolute-device-list os_name="Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Datacenter"

Context Example#

"Absolute": {
"Device": {
"AgentStatus": "A",
"Esn": "D0001",
"Id": "123456",
"LastConnectedUtc": 1648971645189,
"LocalIp": "",
"PublicIp": "",
"Serial": "GoogleCloud-B8736A4405BF0E968020BCBC46EDA096",
"SystemManufacturer": "Google",
"SystemName": "ABSOLUTE-ASSET-",
"SystemType": "x64-based PC",
"osName": "Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Datacenter"

Human Readable Output#

Absolute devices list:#

AD0001ABSOLUTE-ASSET-.WORKGROUP1234561648971645189127.0.0.1127.0.0.1GoogleCloud-B8736A4405BF0E968020BCBC46EDA096GoogleGOOGLE COMPUTE ENGINEABSOLUTE-ASSET-x64-based PCMicrosoft Windows Server 2019 Datacenter

Above results are with page number: 0 and with size: 50.


Gets a list of device records and their corresponding data that meets the required fields for all devices in your account.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
fieldsA comma-separated list of all specific values to return.Optional
device_idsA comma-separated list of the system-defined unique identifier of the devices.Optional
device_namesA comma-separated list of the devices names.Optional
local_ipsA comma-separated list of the last known local IP addresses of a device.Optional
public_ipsA comma-separated list of the last known public IP addresses of a device.Optional

Context Output#

Absolute.Device.IdStringThe unique identifier assigned to the device.
Absolute.Device.EsnStringThe unique ESN (Absolute Identifier) assigned to the agent installed on the device.
Absolute.Device.DomainStringThe name of the Windows domain to which this device belongs.
Absolute.Device.LastConnectedUtcNumberThe date and time (in Unix epoch) when the device last connected to the Absolute Monitoring Center.
Absolute.Device.SystemNameStringThe name assigned to the device.
Absolute.Device.FullSystemNameStringThe full name assigned to the device consisting of the system name and the domain name.
Absolute.Device.AgentStatusStringThe status of the Absolute agent on the device.
Absolute.Device.Os.nameStringShort description of the operating system expressed as a one-line string that includes the version of the operating system.
Absolute.Device.Os.versionStringThe version of the operating system.
Absolute.Device.Os.currentBuildStringThe current build number of the operating system.
Absolute.Device.Os.architectureStringThe architecture of the operating system.
Absolute.Device.Os.installDateNumberThe date and time (in Unix epoch) when the operating system was installed.
Absolute.Device.Os.productKeyStringThe product key of the operating system.
Absolute.Device.Os.serialNumberStringThe serial identification number of the operating system.
Absolute.Device.Os.lastBootTimeNumberThe date and time (in Unix epoch) when the operating system was last restarted.
Absolute.Device.Bios.idStringThe unique identifier of this BIOS given by the manufacturer.
Absolute.Device.Bios.serialNumberStringThe serial number assigned to the BIOS.
Absolute.Device.Bios.smBiosVersionStringThe major version number of the BIOS, as reported by SMBIOS.
Absolute.Device.Bios.versionStringThe version of the BIOS, as reported by SMBIOS.
Absolute.Device.Bios.versionDateStringA substring of the manufacturer of the BIOS + the version of the BIOS version, as reported by SMBIOS + the release date of the Window BIOS.
Absolute.Device.SystemManufacturerStringThe manufacturer of the device.
Absolute.Device.SystemModelStringThe product name from the manufacturer.
Absolute.Device.SystemTypeStringThe system running on the Windows-based computer.
Absolute.Device.SerialStringThe manufacturer-defined unique identifier assigned to the device. May correspond to the serial number of the BIOS, the motherboard, or the chassis, depending on the manufacturer.
Absolute.Device.LocalIpStringLast known local IP address of this device.
Absolute.Device.PublicIpStringLast known public IP address of this device.
Absolute.Device.EncryptionStatusStringThe summarized encryption status of the device.
Absolute.Device.UsernameStringThe unique username of the user that was logged in to the device at the time of the most recent agent call.
Absolute.Device.PolicyGroupUidStringThe unique identifier of the policy group that the device belongs to.
Absolute.Device.PolicyGroupNameStringThe name of the policy group that the device belongs to.
Absolute.Device.IsStolenStringIndicates whether this device was reported as stolen.
Absolute.Device.DeviceStatus.typeStringThe status of the device. Possible values are STOLEN or MISSING.
Absolute.Device.DeviceStatus.reportedNumberThe data and time (in Unix epoch) when the device was reported missing or stolen.
Absolute.Device.NetworkAdapters.networkSSIDStringThe Service Set Identifier (SSID) of the connected Wi-Fi adapter.

Command example#

!absolute-device-get device_names="ABSOLUTE-ASSET-"

Context Example#

"Absolute": {
"Device": [
"AgentStatus": "A",
"Bios": {
"id": "Google - 1 Google ",
"serialNumber": "GoogleCloud-B8736A4405BF0E968020BCBC46EDA096",
"smBiosVersion": "2.4",
"version": "Google - 1 Google ",
"versionDate": "Google Google, 01/01/2011"
"Domain": "WORKGROUP",
"Esn": "D0001",
"Id": "123456",
"LastConnectedUtc": 1648971645189,
"LocalIp": "",
"NetworkAdapters": [
"Os": {
"architecture": "64-bit",
"currentBuild": "17763",
"installDate": 1643800616000,
"lastBootTime": 1646884562500,
"name": "Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Datacenter",
"productKey": "WMDGN-G9PQG-XVVXX-R3X43-63DFG",
"serialNumber": "00430-00000-00000-AA691",
"version": "10.0.17763"
"PolicyGroupName": "Global Policy Group",
"PublicIp": "",
"Serial": "GoogleCloud-B8736A4405BF0E968020BCBC46EDA096",
"SystemManufacturer": "Google",
"SystemName": "ABSOLUTE-ASSET-",
"SystemType": "x64-based PC",
"Username": "Administrator"
"AgentStatus": "A",
"Bios": {
"id": "Google - 1 Google ",
"serialNumber": "GoogleCloud-6420CF930DEE84DE8497CF40F0D56AFA",
"smBiosVersion": "2.4",
"version": "Google - 1 Google ",
"versionDate": "Google Google, 01/01/2011"
"Domain": "WORKGROUP",
"Esn": "D0004",
"Id": "1234",
"LastConnectedUtc": 1648971873079,
"LocalIp": "",
"NetworkAdapters": [
"Os": {
"architecture": "64-bit",
"currentBuild": "20348",
"installDate": 1648025097000,
"lastBootTime": 1648025060499,
"name": "Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Datacenter",
"productKey": "WX4NM-KYWYW-QJJR4-XV3QB-6VM33",
"serialNumber": "00454-60000-00001-AA937",
"version": "10.0.20348"
"PolicyGroupName": "Global Policy Group",
"PublicIp": "",
"Serial": "GoogleCloud-6420CF930DEE84DE8497CF40F0D56AFA",
"SystemManufacturer": "Google",
"SystemName": "ABSOLUTE-ASSET-",
"SystemType": "x64-based PC",
"Username": "Administrator"

Human Readable Output#

Absolute devices list:#

Aid: Google - 1 Google
serialNumber: GoogleCloud-B8736A4405BF0E968020BCBC46EDA096
version: Google - 1 Google
versionDate: Google Google, 01/01/2011
smBiosVersion: 2.4
architecture: 64-bit
installDate: 1643800616000
lastBootTime: 1646884562500
name: Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Datacenter
productKey: WMDGN-G9PQG-XVVXX-R3X43-63DFG
serialNumber: 00430-00000-00000-AA691
version: 10.0.17763
currentBuild: 17763
Global Policy Group127.0.0.1GoogleCloud-B8736A4405BF0E968020BCBC46EDA096GoogleGOOGLE COMPUTE ENGINEABSOLUTE-ASSET-x64-based PCAdministrator
Aid: Google - 1 Google
serialNumber: GoogleCloud-6420CF930DEE84DE8497CF40F0D56AFA
version: Google - 1 Google
versionDate: Google Google, 01/01/2011
smBiosVersion: 2.4
architecture: 64-bit
installDate: 1648025097000
lastBootTime: 1648025060499
name: Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Datacenter
productKey: WX4NM-KYWYW-QJJR4-XV3QB-6VM33
serialNumber: 00454-60000-00001-AA937
version: 10.0.20348
currentBuild: 20348
Global Policy Group127.0.0.1GoogleCloud-6420CF930DEE84DE8497CF40F0D56AFAGoogleGOOGLE COMPUTE ENGINEABSOLUTE-ASSET-x64-based PCAdministrator


Gets a list of devices geo locations records and their corresponding data that meets the required devices IDs.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
device_idsA comma-separated list of the system-defined unique identifier of the devices.Required

Context Output#

Absolute.LocationReport.CoordinatesUnknownA comma-separated list where the first number is the estimated latitude and the second number is the estimated longitude (in degrees) where the device is located.
Absolute.LocationReport.IDStringThe system-defined unique identifier of the device.
Absolute.LocationReport.CityStringThe city where the device is located.
Absolute.LocationReport.StateStringThe state or province where the device is located.
Absolute.LocationReport.CountryCodeStringThe country code for the country where the device is located.
Absolute.LocationReport.CountryStringThe country where the device is located.
Absolute.LocationReport.LocationTechnologyStringThe technology used to get the location.
Absolute.LocationReport.AccuracyNumberThe estimated accuracy (in meters) of the technology used to locate the device.
Absolute.LocationReport.LastUpdateNumberThe date and time (in Unix epoch) when the device last changed its location.

Command example#

!absolute-device-location-get device_ids=1234

Human Readable Output#

No device locations found in Absolute for the given filters: {'device_ids': '1234'}


Retrieves a list of events from the Absolute device instance.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
should_push_eventsSet this argument to True in order to create events, otherwise the command will only display them. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional
start_dateFilters the results to the records on or after the start date.Optional
end_dateFilters the results to the records until the end date.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return per page. Note, this may be restricted by fixed system limits.Optional

Command Example#

!absolute-device-get-events start_date="one minute ago" end_date="now" limit=10

Creating a filtering and sorting query#

The following commands have the option to insert a filter argument:

  • absolute-device-application-list
  • absolute-device-list

Absolute uses a subset of query options from Open Data Protocol (OData) for filtering and sorting. OData version 1 and 2 are supported. OData query parameters must be alphabetized and URI encoded. For more information about OData, see:

A few examples of creating a query (i.e., passing a filter argument):

  • Using the eq operator
    • Get a list of all devices with an active status: agentStatus eq 'A'
    • Get a list of all devices that are currently frozen: dfStatus.statusCode eq 'FRZN'
    • Get a list of all devices that have 1734 in their ESN (Identifier): substringof('1734',esn) eq true
  • Using the ne operator
    • Get a list of all devices that are not active: agentStatus ne 'A'
  • Using the gt operator
    • Get a list of all devices with greater than 1 GB (1073741824 bytes) of available physical: availablePhysicalRamBytes gt 1073741824
  • Using the or operator:
    • Get a list of all devices with less than 1 GB (1073741824 bytes) of available physical ram or less than 1 GB (1073741824 bytes) of available virtual raml: availablePhysicalMemroyBytes lt 1073741824 or availableVirtualMemoryBytes lt 1073741824

For more examples and explanations, see the Absolute docs (from page 10).