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Accessdata (Deprecated)

This Integration is part of the Accessdata (Deprecated) Pack.#


Use Exterro FTK instead.

Use the Quin-C AccessData integration to protect against and provide additional visibility into phishing and other malicious email attacks. This integration was integrated and tested with version 20190926 of Quin-C Accessdata.

Documentation for the integration was provided by Quin-C.

AccessData Playbook#

For example, you can look at “Accessdata: Dump memory for malicious process” playbook to understand how to use this integration.

Configure AccessData in Cortex#

NameA meaningful name for the integration instance.Quin-C Instance Alpha
Server URLThe URL to the AccessData server, including the scheme.FQDN or IP address in X.X.X.X format with scheme specified.
TokenA piece of data that servers use to verify for authenticityeea810f5-a6f6
Trust any certificate (not secure)When selected, certificates are not checked.N/A
Use system proxy settingsRuns the integration instance using the proxy server (HTTP or HTTPS) that you defined in the server configuration.


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.

Get a process list#

Returns a list of processes from the legacy agent.

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
caseidThe ID of the case.Optional
target_ipThe IP address of the agent.Required
Context Output#
Accessdata.Job.IDstringThe ID of the job.
Accessdata.Job.CaseIDstringThe ID of the case.
Accessdata.Job.CaseJobIDstringThe concatenated CaseID and JobID, for example, like “1_800”.
Accessdata.Job.TypestringThe job type.
Accessdata.Job.StatestringThe execution state of the job.
Command Example#
accessdata-legacyagent-get-processlist caseid=2 target_ip=X.X.X.X
Context Example#
"Accessdata.Job": {
"ID": 157,
"Type": "Volatile",
"CaseID": "2",
"State": "Unknown",
"CaseJobID": "2_157"
Human Readable Output#

JobID: 157

Create a legacy agent memory dump#

Creates a legacy agent memory dump.

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
caseidThe ID of the case.Optional
target_ipThe IP address of the agent.Required
Context Output#
Accessdata.Job.IDstringThe ID of the job.
Accessdata.Job.CaseIDstringThe ID of the case.
Accessdata.Job.CaseJobIDstringThe concatenated CaseID and JobID, for example, like “1_800”.
Accessdata.Job.TypestringThe job type.
Accessdata.Job.StatestringThe execution state of the job.
Command Example#
accessdata-legacyagent-get-memorydump caseid=2 target_ip=X.X.X.X
Context Example#
"Accessdata.Job": {
"ID": 158,
"Type": "LegacyMemoryDump",
"CaseID": "2",
"State": "Unknown",
"CaseJobID": "2_158"
Human Readable Output#

JobID: 158

Read a file from a case folder#

Reads a file from a case folder and puts the contents into the context output.

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
filepathThe path to the case file.Required
Context Output#
Accessdata.File.ContentsstringThe contents of the file.
Command Example#
accessdata-read-casefile filepath="\\X.X.X.X\D$\paths\cases\ProcessingHelperCase\b389a8e9-4ce4-473d-8d2e-9026f53f925c\Jobs\job_153\fa9787a3-49a1-4d73-a194-7c944eb9a3bf\1\snapshot.xml"
Context Example#
"Accessdata.File.Contents": "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n<root>\r\n<Process resultitemtype=\"15\"><Name>addm.exe</Name><Path/><StartTi ... ress>0</baseAddress><ImageSize>0</ImageSize><ProcessName/><FromAgent/></DLL>\r\n</root>\r\n"
Human Readable Output#
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Process resultitemtype="15">\<Name>addm.exe</Name>\<Path/>\<StartTi ... ress>0</baseAddress>\<ImageSize>0</ImageSize>\<ProcessName/>\<FromAgent/>\</DLL>

Check the status of a job#

Checks the status of a job.

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
caseJobIDThe concatenated CaseID and JobID, for example, “1_800”.Required
Context Output#
Accessdata.Job.CaseIDstringThe ID of the case.
Accessdata.Job.IDstringThe ID of the job.
Accessdata.Job.CaseJobIDstringThe concatenated CaseID and JobID, for example, like “1_800”.
Accessdata.Job.StatestringThe execution state of the job.
Command Example#
accessdata-jobstatus-scan caseJobID=2_153
Context Example#
"Accessdata.Job": {
"ID": "153",
"CaseID": "2",
"State": "Success",
"CaseJobID": "2_153"
Human Readable Output#

Current job state: Success

Get a snapshot of a path#

Gets a snapshot of the path from the results of the process list job.

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
caseIDThe ID of the case.Required
jobIDThe ID of the job.Required
Context Output#
Accessdata.Job.StatestringThe state of the job.
Accessdata.Job.ResultstringThe snapshot of the path with the processes list.
Accessdata.Job.IDnumberThe ID of the job.
Accessdata.Job.CaseIDnumberThe case ID of the job.
Accessdata.Job.CaseJobIDstringThe concatenated CaseID and JobID, for example, like “1_800”.
Command Example#
accessdata-get-jobstatus-processlist caseID=2 jobID=153
Context Example#
"Accessdata.Job": {
"ID": "153",
"Result": "\\\\X.X.X.X\\D$\\paths\\cases\\ProcessingHelperCase\\b389a8e9-4ce4-473d-8d2e-9026f53f925c\\Jobs\\job_153\\fa9787a3-49a1-4d73-a194-7c944eb9a3bf\\1\\snapshot.xml",
"CaseID": "2",
"State": "Success",
"CaseJobID": "2_153"
Human Readable Output#


Get a memory dump#

Gets a memory dump path from the results of a memory dump job.

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
caseIDThe ID of the case.Required
jobIDThe ID of the job.Required
Context Output#
Accessdata.Job.StatestringThe state of the job.
Accessdata.Job.ResultstringThe path of the memory dump.
Accessdata.Job.IDnumberThe ID of the job.
Accessdata.Job.CaseIDnumberThe case ID of the job.
Accessdata.Job.CaseJobIDstringThe concatenated CaseID and JobID, for example, like “1_800”.
Command Example#
accessdata-get-jobstatus-memorydump caseID=2 jobID=154
Context Example#
"Accessdata.Job": {
"ID": "154",
"Result": "\\\\X.X.X.X\\data\\SiteServer\\storage\\60564598-ca55-475c-9f27-ab4992e8ff46\\1\\memdump.mem",
"CaseID": "2",
"State": "Success",
"CaseJobID": "2_154"
Human Readable Output#


Get an ID#

Returns the ID of the processing case.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#
Accessdata.ProcessingCaseIdstringThe ID of the processing case.
Command Example#
Context Example#
"Accessdata.ProcessingCaseId": 2
Human Readable Output#