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AlienVault OTX v2

This Integration is part of the AlienVault OTX Pack.#

Query Indicators of Compromise in AlienVault OTX.

Configure AlienVault OTX v2 in Cortex#

Server addressTrue
API TokenFalse
Indicator Threshold. The minimum number of pulses to consider the indicator as malicious.False
Maximum number of relationships for indicatorsIf not provided, no relationships will be added.False
Source ReliabilityReliability of the source providing the intelligence data.True
Create relationshipsCreate relationships between indicators as part of Enrichment.False
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
Use system proxy settingsFalse


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Queries an IP address in AlienVault OTX.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ipThe IP address to query.Required
thresholdIf the number of pulses is bigger than the threshold, the IP address is considered as malicious. If the threshold is not specified, the default indicator threshold is used, which is configured in the instance settings.Optional

Context Output#

IP.AddressStringThe address of the IP.
IP.ASNStringThe autonomous system name for the IP address. For example, "AS8948".
IP.Geo.CountryStringThe country where the IP address is located.
IP.Geo.LocationStringThe geolocation where the IP address is located, in the format: latitude:longitude.
AlienVaultOTX.IP.ReputationStringThe reputation of the IP address.
AlienVaultOTX.IP.IPStringIP address
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.
IP.Relationships.EntityAstringThe source of the relationship.
IP.Relationships.EntityBstringThe destination of the relationship.
IP.Relationships.RelationshipstringThe name of the relationship.
IP.Relationships.EntityATypestringThe type of the source of the relationship.
IP.Relationships.EntityBTypestringThe type of the destination of the relationship.

Command Example#

!ip ip=

Context Example#

"AlienVaultOTX": {
"IP": {
"IP": {
"IP": "",
"Reputation": 0
"DBotScore": {
"Indicator": "",
"Reliability": "C - Fairly reliable",
"Score": 2,
"Type": "ip",
"Vendor": "AlienVault OTX v2"
"IP": {
"ASN": "AS36647 YAHOO-GQ1",
"Address": "",
"Geo": {
"Country": "US",
"Location": "37.751:-97.822"
"Relationships": [
"EntityA": "",
"EntityAType": "IP",
"EntityB": "T1140 - Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information",
"EntityBType": "Attack Pattern",
"Relationship": "indicator-of"
"EntityA": "",
"EntityAType": "IP",
"EntityB": "T1040 - Network Sniffing",
"EntityBType": "Attack Pattern",
"Relationship": "indicator-of"
"EntityA": "",
"EntityAType": "IP",
"EntityB": "T1053 - Scheduled Task/Job",
"EntityBType": "Attack Pattern",
"Relationship": "indicator-of"
"EntityA": "",
"EntityAType": "IP",
"EntityB": "T1060 - Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder",
"EntityBType": "Attack Pattern",
"Relationship": "indicator-of"
"EntityA": "",
"EntityAType": "IP",
"EntityB": "T1071 - Application Layer Protocol",
"EntityBType": "Attack Pattern",
"Relationship": "indicator-of"
"EntityA": "",
"EntityAType": "IP",
"entityB": "",
"entityBType": "URL",
"Relationship": "indicator-of"
"EntityA": "",
"EntityAType": "IP",
"entityB": "",
"entityBType": "Domain",
"Relationship": "indicator-of"
"EntityA": "",
"EntityAType": "IP",
"entityB": "0b4d4a7c35a185680bc5102bdd98218297e2cdf0a552bde10e377345f3622c1c",
"entityBType": "File",
"Relationship": "indicator-of"

Human Readable Output#

AlienVault OTX v2 - Results for ips query#

AS36647 YAHOO-GQ198.136.103.23Location: 37.751:-97.822
Country: US
{'Relationship': 'indicator-of', 'EntityA': '', 'EntityAType': 'IP', 'EntityB': 'T1140 - Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information', 'EntityBType': 'Attack Pattern'},
{'Relationship': 'indicator-of', 'EntityA': '', 'EntityAType': 'IP', 'EntityB': 'T1040 - Network Sniffing', 'EntityBType': 'Attack Pattern'},
{'Relationship': 'indicator-of', 'EntityA': '', 'EntityAType': 'IP', 'EntityB': 'T1053 - Scheduled Task/Job', 'EntityBType': 'Attack Pattern'},
{'Relationship': 'indicator-of', 'EntityA': '', 'EntityAType': 'IP', 'EntityB': 'T1060 - Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder', 'EntityBType': 'Attack Pattern'},
{'Relationship': 'indicator-of', 'EntityA': '', 'EntityAType': 'IP', 'EntityB': 'T1071 - Application Layer Protocol', 'EntityBType': 'Attack Pattern'}


Queries a domain in AlienVault OTX.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
domainThe domain to query.Required
thresholdIf the number of pulses is bigger than the threshold, the domain is considered as malicious. If the threshold is not specified, the default indicator threshold is used, which is configured in the instance settings.Optional

Context Output#

Domain.NameStringThe domain name. For example, "".
AlienVaultOTX.Domain.AlexaStringAlexa URL for the domain data.
AlienVaultOTX.Domain.WhoisStringWhois URL for the domain data.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
Domain.Relationships.EntityAstringThe source of the relationship.
Domain.Relationships.EntityBstringThe destination of the relationship.
Domain.Relationships.RelationshipstringThe name of the relationship.
Domain.Relationships.EntityATypestringThe type of the source of the relationship.
Domain.Relationships.EntityBTypestringThe type of the destination of the relationship.

Command Example#


Context Example#

"AlienVaultOTX": {
"Domain": {
"Alexa": "",
"Name": "",
"Whois": ""
"DBotScore": {
"Indicator": "",
"Reliability": "C - Fairly reliable",
"Score": 0,
"Type": "domain",
"Vendor": "AlienVault OTX v2"
"Domain": {
"Name": "",
"EntityA": "",
"EntityAType": "Domain",
"EntityB": "b3558ad9f46b72a0319f11889870457dfd611cc4020dbc63945a92869581f774",
"EntityBType": "File",
"Relationship": "indicator-of"
"EntityA": "",
"EntityAType": "Domain",
"EntityB": "219c6da3c6555bba5a3c1138180351dd6d39bc14d3cb491e93a46bff6c5ca271",
"EntityBType": "File",
"Relationship": "indicator-of",
"EntityA": "",
"EntityAType": "Domain",
"EntityB": "",
"EntityBType": "IP",
"Relationship": "indicator-of"
"EntityA": "",
"EntityAType": "Domain",
"EntityB": "",
"EntityBType": "IP",
"Relationship": "indicator-of"

Human Readable Output#

AlienVault OTX v2 - Results for Domain query#



Queries IPv6 in AlienVault OTX.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ipThe IP address to query.Required
thresholdIf the number of pulses is bigger than the threshold, the IP address is considered as malicious. If the threshold is not specified, the default indicator threshold is used, which is configured in the instance settings.Optional

Context Output#

IP.AddressStringThe IP address.
IP.ASNStringThe autonomous system name for the IP address. For example, "AS8948".
IP.AlienVaultOTX.ReputationStringThe IP reputation in AlienVault OTX.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.

Command Example#

!alienvault-search-ipv6 ip=2001:4860:4860::8888

Context Example#

"AlienVaultOTX": {
"IP": {
"IP": {
"IP": "2001:4860:4860::8888",
"Reputation": 0
"DBotScore": {
"Indicator": "2001:4860:4860::8888",
"Reliability": "C - Fairly reliable",
"Score": 2,
"Type": "ip",
"Vendor": "AlienVault OTX v2"
"IP": {
"ASN": "AS15169 GOOGLE",
"Address": "2001:4860:4860::8888",
"Geo": {
"Country": "US",
"Location": "37.751:-97.822"
"Relationships": [
"EntityA": "2001:4860:4860::8888",
"EntityAType": "IPv6",
"EntityB": "T1071.004 - DNS",
"EntityBType": "Attack Pattern",
"Relationship": "indicator-of"
"EntityA": "2001:4860:4860::8888",
"EntityAType": "IPv6",
"EntityB": "T1071.001 - Web Protocols",
"EntityBType": "Attack Pattern",
"Relationship": "indicator-of"
"EntityA": "2001:4860:4860::8888",
"EntityAType": "IPv6",
"EntityB": "T1071 - Application Layer Protocol",
"EntityBType": "Attack Pattern",
"Relationship": "indicator-of"
"EntityA": "2001:4860:4860::8888",
"EntityAType": "IPv6",
"EntityB": "T1071.003 - Mail Protocols",
"EntityBType": "Attack Pattern",
"Relationship": "indicator-of"
"EntityA": "2001:4860:4860::8888",
"EntityAType": "IPv6",
"EntityB": "T1071.002 - File Transfer Protocols",
"EntityBType": "Attack Pattern",
"Relationship": "indicator-of"
"EntityA": "2001:4860:4860::8888",
"EntityAType": "IPv6",
"EntityB": "TA0011 - Command and Control",
"EntityBType": "Attack Pattern",
"Relationship": "indicator-of"
"EntityA": "2001:4860:4860::8888",
"EntityAType": "IPv6",
"EntityB": "T1048 - Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol",
"EntityBType": "Attack Pattern",
"Relationship": "indicator-of"
"EntityA": "2001:4860:4860::8888",
"EntityAType": "IPv6",
"EntityB": "T1041 - Exfiltration Over C2 Channel",
"EntityBType": "Attack Pattern",
"Relationship": "indicator-of"

Human Readable Output#

AlienVault OTX v2 - Results for ips query#

AS15169 GOOGLE2001:4860:4860::8888Location: 37.751:-97.822
Country: US
{'Relationship': 'indicator-of', 'EntityA': '2001:4860:4860::8888', 'EntityAType': 'IPv6', 'EntityB': 'T1071.004 - DNS', 'EntityBType': 'Attack Pattern'},
{'Relationship': 'indicator-of', 'EntityA': '2001:4860:4860::8888', 'EntityAType': 'IPv6', 'EntityB': 'T1071.001 - Web Protocols', 'EntityBType': 'Attack Pattern'},
{'Relationship': 'indicator-of', 'EntityA': '2001:4860:4860::8888', 'EntityAType': 'IPv6', 'EntityB': 'T1071 - Application Layer Protocol', 'EntityBType': 'Attack Pattern'},
{'Relationship': 'indicator-of', 'EntityA': '2001:4860:4860::8888', 'EntityAType': 'IPv6', 'EntityB': 'T1071.003 - Mail Protocols', 'EntityBType': 'Attack Pattern'},
{'Relationship': 'indicator-of', 'EntityA': '2001:4860:4860::8888', 'EntityAType': 'IPv6', 'EntityB': 'T1071.002 - File Transfer Protocols', 'EntityBType': 'Attack Pattern'},
{'Relationship': 'indicator-of', 'EntityA': '2001:4860:4860::8888', 'EntityAType': 'IPv6', 'EntityB': 'TA0011 - Command and Control', 'EntityBType': 'Attack Pattern'},
{'Relationship': 'indicator-of', 'EntityA': '2001:4860:4860::8888', 'EntityAType': 'IPv6', 'EntityB': 'T1048 - Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol', 'EntityBType': 'Attack Pattern'},
{'Relationship': 'indicator-of', 'EntityA': '2001:4860:4860::8888', 'EntityAType': 'IPv6', 'EntityB': 'T1041 - Exfiltration Over C2 Channel', 'EntityBType': 'Attack Pattern'}


Searches for a host name in AlienVault OTX.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
hostnameThe host name to query.Required
thresholdIf the number of pulses is bigger than the threshold, the host name is considered as malicious. If the threshold is not specified, the default indicator threshold is used, which is configured in the instance settings.Optional

Context Output#

Endpoint.HostnameStringThe hostname that is mapped to the endpoint.
AlienVaultOTX.Endpoint.HostnameStringThe hostname that is mapped to the endpoint.
AlienVaultOTX.Endpoint.AlexaStringThe Alexa URL endpoint.
AlienVaultOTX.Endpoint.WhoisStringThe Whois URL endpoint.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.

Command Example#


Context Example#

"AlienVaultOTX": {
"Endpoint": {
"Alexa": "",
"Hostname": "",
"Whois": ""
"DBotScore": {
"Indicator": "",
"Reliability": "C - Fairly reliable",
"Score": 0,
"Type": "hostname",
"Vendor": "AlienVault OTX v2"
"Endpoint": {
"Hostname": ""

Human Readable Output#

AlienVault OTX v2 - Results for Hostname query#



Query a file in AlienVault OTX.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
fileThe file hash to query.Required
thresholdIf the number of pulses is bigger than the threshold, the file is considered as malicious. If the threshold is not specified, the default indicator threshold is used, which is configured in the instance settings.Optional

Context Output#

File.MD5StringThe MD5 hash of the file.
File.SHA1StringThe SHA1 hash of the file.
File.SHA256StringThe SHA256 hash of the file.
File.Malicious.PulseIDsStringIDs of pulses which are marked as malicious.
File.TypeStringThe file type, as determined by libmagic (same as displayed in file entries).
File.SizeNumberThe size of the file in bytes.
File.SSDeepStringThe SSDeep hash of the file (same as displayed in file entries).
File.Relationships.EntityAstringThe source of the relationship.
File.Relationships.EntityBstringThe destination of the relationship.
File.Relationships.RelationshipstringThe name of the relationship.
File.Relationships.EntityATypestringThe type of the source of the relationship.
File.Relationships.EntityBTypestringThe type of the destination of the relationship.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.

Command Example#

!file file=6c5360d41bd2b14b1565f5b18e5c203cf512e493

Context Example#

"DBotScore": {
"Indicator": "6c5360d41bd2b14b1565f5b18e5c203cf512e493",
"Reliability": "C - Fairly reliable",
"Score": 0,
"Type": "file",
"Vendor": "AlienVault OTX v2"
"File": {
"MD5": "2eb14920c75d5e73264f77cfa273ad2c",
"Malicious": {
"PulseIDs": []
"SHA1": "6c5360d41bd2b14b1565f5b18e5c203cf512e493",
"SHA256": "4cf9322c49adebf63311a599dc225bbcbf16a253eca59bbe1a02e4ae1d824412",
"SSDeep": "",
"Size": "437760",
"Type": "PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows"

Human Readable Output#

AlienVault OTX v2 - Results for File hash query#

2eb14920c75d5e73264f77cfa273ad2cPulseIDs:6c5360d41bd2b14b1565f5b18e5c203cf512e4934cf9322c49adebf63311a599dc225bbcbf16a253eca59bbe1a02e4ae1d824412437760PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows


Query Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) in AlienVault OTX.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
cve_idThe CVE to query.Required
thresholdIf the number of pulses is bigger than the threshold, the CVE is considered as malicious. If the threshold is not specified, the default indicator threshold is used, which is configured in the instance settings.Optional

Context Output#

CVE.IDStringThe ID of the CVE. For example, "CVE-2015-1653".
CVE.CVSSStringThe CVSS of the CVE. For example, "10.0".
CVE.PublishedStringThe timestamp of when the CVE was published.
CVE.ModifiedStringThe timestamp of when the CVE was last modified.
CVE.DescriptionStringA description of the CVE.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.

Command Example#

!alienvault-search-cve cve_id=CVE-2014-0160

Context Example#

"CVE": {
"CVSS": "5.0",
"Description": "The (1) TLS and (2) DTLS implementations in OpenSSL 1.0.1 before 1.0.1g do not properly handle Heartbeat Extension packets, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from process memory via crafted packets that trigger a buffer over-read, as demonstrated by reading private keys, related to d1_both.c and t1_lib.c, aka the Heartbleed bug.",
"ID": "CVE-2014-0160",
"Modified": "2020-07-28T17:11:00",
"Published": "2014-04-07T22:55:00"
"DBotScore": {
"Indicator": "CVE-2014-0160",
"Reliability": "C - Fairly reliable",
"Score": 3,
"Type": "cve",
"Vendor": "AlienVault OTX v2"

Human Readable Output#

AlienVault OTX v2 - Results for Hostname query#

5.0The (1) TLS and (2) DTLS implementations in OpenSSL 1.0.1 before 1.0.1g do not properly handle Heartbeat Extension packets, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from process memory via crafted packets that trigger a buffer over-read, as demonstrated by reading private keys, related to d1_both.c and t1_lib.c, aka the Heartbleed bug.CVE-2014-01602020-07-28T17:11:002014-04-07T22:55:00


Returns related URLs by indicator.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
indicator_typeThe indicator type. Can be: "IPv4", "IPv6", "domain", "hostname", or "url". Possible values are: IPv4, IPv6, domain, hostname, url.Required
indicatorThe indicator for which to search related URLs.Required

Context Output#

AlienVaultOTX.URL.DataUnknownThe path of the related URLs.

Command Example#

!alienvault-get-related-urls-by-indicator indicator= indicator_type=IPv4

Context Example#

"AlienVaultOTX": {
"URL": [
"Data": ""

Human Readable Output#

AlienVault OTX v2 - Related url list to queried indicator#



Returns related hashes by indicator.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
indicatorThe indicator for which to search for related hashes.Optional
indicator_typeThe indicator type. Can be: "IPv4", "IPv6", "domain", or "hostname". Possible values are: IPv4, IPv6, domain, hostname.Optional

Context Output#

AlienVaultOTX.File.HashUnknownThe path of the url.

Command Example#

!alienvault-get-related-hashes-by-indicator indicator= indicator_type=IPv4

Context Example#

"AlienVaultOTX": {
"File": [
"Hash": "ffc2595aefa80b61621023252b5f0ccb22b6e31d7f1640913cd8ff74ddbd8b41"
"Hash": "0b4d4a7c35a185680bc5102bdd98218297e2cdf0a552bde10e377345f3622c1c"
"Hash": "d8b8a5c941b6a1c3cb58f7e59489b2554ed14e6c6655d1fbf6852e45404b7516"
"Hash": "b3d8adc185834ab858ebf55082828cb9fc1170bbe8de222821d225a6056ff5dc"
"Hash": "e43cf3f5fa5e14972ba3f159dee6e98330bd19dccc1267cfc91b1000aef975d9"
"Hash": "9e11b1e769da3c8059345b36c62b4a857845bd7e14c7c14af2945ce26570d91f"
"Hash": "ae695ce9b8ff4bb831721a8c60377c1757d6d4fe579640b54f3c7f62b175f506"
"Hash": "093bde5d50daba59bfe68b31251cf2c39353bdfe8ad510284935ca027f269637"

Human Readable Output#

AlienVault OTX v2 - Related malware list to queried indicator#

No entries.


Returns passive DNS records by indicator.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
indicator_typeThe indicator type. Can be: "IPv4", "IPv6", "domain", or "hostname". Possible values are: IPv4, IPv6, domain, hostname.Required
indicatorThe indicator for which to search URLs.Required

Context Output#

AlienVaultOTX.PassiveDNS.HostnameStringThe domain value.
AlienVaultOTX.PassiveDNS.IPStringThe IP passive DNS.
AlienVaultOTX.PassiveDNS.DomainStringThe domain value.
AlienVaultOTX.PassiveDNS.TypeStringThe asset type.
AlienVaultOTX.PassiveDNS.FirstSeenDateThe date first seen.
AlienVaultOTX.PassiveDNS.LastSeenDateThe date last seen.

Command Example#

!alienvault-get-passive-dns-data-by-indicator indicator= indicator_type=IPv4

Context Example#

"AlienVaultOTX": {
"PassiveDNS": [
"FirstSeen": "2021-04-27T09:48:48",
"Hostname": "",
"IP": "",
"LastSeen": "2021-04-27T09:49:05",
"Type": "hostname"
"FirstSeen": "2021-04-27T09:48:30",
"Hostname": "",
"IP": "",
"LastSeen": "2021-04-27T09:49:11",
"Type": "hostname"

Human Readable Output#

AlienVault OTX v2 - Related passive dns list to queried indicator#



Searches for pulses in AlienVault OTX.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
pageThe page of the pulse to retrieve.Required

Context Output#

AlienVaultOTX.Pulses.IDStringThe ID of the pulse.
AlienVaultOTX.Pulses.Author.IDStringThe ID of the Author.
AlienVaultOTX.Pulses.Author.UsernameStringThe username of the Author.
AlienVaultOTX.Pulses.CountStringThe pulse count.
AlienVaultOTX.Pulses.ModifiedDateThe date of the pulse modification.
AlienVaultOTX.Pulses.NameStringThe name of the pulse.
AlienVaultOTX.Pulses.SourceStringThe source of the Pulse.
AlienVaultOTX.Pulses.SubscriberCountStringThe count of the pulse subscriber.
AlienVaultOTX.Pulses.TagsStringThe tags of the pulse.
AlienVaultOTX.Pulses.DescriptionStringThe description of the pulse.

Command Example#

!alienvault-search-pulses page=1

Context Example#

"AlienVaultOTX": {
"Pulses": [
"Author": {
"ID": "2",
"Username": "AlienVault"
"Count": 28,
"ID": "546ce8eb11d40838dc6e43f1",
"Modified": "1273 days ago ",
"Name": "PoS Scammers Toolbox",
"Source": "web",
"SubscriberCount": 141735
"Author": {
"ID": "2",
"Username": "AlienVault"
"Count": 11,
"ID": "546cf5ba11d40839ea8821ca",
"Modified": "2098 days ago ",
"Source": "web",
"SubscriberCount": 141715
"Author": {
"ID": "2",
"Username": "AlienVault"
"Count": 10,
"ID": "546e2e4f11d4083bc021c37d",
"Modified": "1342 days ago ",
"Name": "Linking Asprox, Zemot, Rovix and Rerdom Malware Families ",
"Source": "web",
"SubscriberCount": 141707,
"Tags": [
"Author": {
"ID": "2",
"Username": "AlienVault"
"Count": 23,
"ID": "546fc7bf11d4083bc021c37f",
"Modified": "1341 days ago ",
"Name": "Operation Double Tap",
"Source": "web",
"SubscriberCount": 141711
"Author": {
"ID": "2",
"Username": "AlienVault"
"Count": 60,
"Description": "Regin is a multi-purpose data collection tool which dates back several years. Symantec first began looking into this threat in the fall of 2013. Multiple versions of Regin were found in the wild, targeting several corporations, institutions, academics, and individuals.\nRegin has a wide range of standard capabilities, particularly around monitoring targets and stealing data. It also has the ability to load custom features tailored to individual targets. Some of Regin\u2019s custom payloads point to a high level of specialist knowledge in particular sectors, such as telecoms infrastructure software, on the part of\nthe developers.",
"ID": "5473709d11d4083bc021c387",
"Modified": "824 days ago ",
"Name": "Regin",
"Source": "web",
"SubscriberCount": 141690

Human Readable Output#

AlienVault OTX v2 - pulse page 1#

ID: 2
Username: AlienVault
28546ce8eb11d40838dc6e43f11273 days agoPoS Scammers Toolboxweb141735
ID: 2
Username: AlienVault
11546cf5ba11d40839ea8821ca2098 days agoRAZOR BLADES IN THE CANDY JARweb141715
ID: 2
Username: AlienVault
10546e2e4f11d4083bc021c37d1342 days agoLinking Asprox, Zemot, Rovix and Rerdom Malware Familiesweb141707
ID: 2
Username: AlienVault
23546fc7bf11d4083bc021c37f1341 days agoOperation Double Tapweb141711
ID: 2
Username: AlienVault
605473709d11d4083bc021c387824 days agoReginweb141690


Returns pulse details.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
pulse_idThe ID of the pulse.Required

Context Output#

AlienVaultOTX.Pulses.CreatedDateThe date the pulse was created.
AlienVaultOTX.Pulses.Author.UsernameStringThe author username of the pulse.
AlienVaultOTX.Pulses.IDStringThe ID of the pulse.
AlienVaultOTX.Pulses.NameStringThe name of the pulse.
AlienVaultOTX.Pulses.TagsStringThe tags of the pulse.
AlienVaultOTX.Pulses.TargetedCountriesStringThe targeted countries of the pulse.
AlienVaultOTX.Pulses.DescriptionStringThe description of the pulse.

Command Example#

!alienvault-get-pulse-details pulse_id=57204e9b3c4c3e015d93cb12

Context Example#

"AlienVaultOTX": {
"Pulses": {
"Author": {
"Username": "AlienVault"
"Created": "2016-04-27T05:31:06.941000",
"Description": "The infamous Remote Access Trojan (RAT) Poison Ivy (hereafter referred to as PIVY) has resurfaced recently, and exhibits some new behaviors. PIVY has been observed targeting a number of Asian countries for various purposes over the past year. Palo Alto Networks\u2019 Unit 42 recently blogged about a new Poison Ivy variant targeting Hong Kong activists dubbed SPIVY that uses DLL sideloading and operates quite differently from a variant recently observed by ASERT that has been active for at least the past 12 months.",
"ID": "57204e9b3c4c3e015d93cb12",
"Name": "Poison Ivy Activity Targeting Myanmar, Asian Countries",
"Tags": [
"remote access trojan",
"poison ivy",
"Hong Kong",
"TargetedCountries": []

Human Readable Output#

AlienVault OTX v2 - pulse id details#

Username: AlienVault2016-04-27T05:31:06.941000The infamous Remote Access Trojan (RAT) Poison Ivy (hereafter referred to as PIVY) has resurfaced recently, and exhibits some new behaviors. PIVY has been observed targeting a number of Asian countries for various purposes over the past year. Palo Alto Networks’ Unit 42 recently blogged about a new Poison Ivy variant targeting Hong Kong activists dubbed SPIVY that uses DLL sideloading and operates quite differently from a variant recently observed by ASERT that has been active for at least the past 12 months.57204e9b3c4c3e015d93cb12Poison Ivy Activity Targeting Myanmar, Asian Countriesrat,
remote access trojan,
poison ivy,
Hong Kong,


Queries a URL in AlienVault OTX.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
urlThe URL to query.Required
thresholdIf the number of pulses is bigger than the threshold, the URL is considered as malicious. If threshold is not specified, the default indicator threshold is used, which is configured in the instance settings.Optional

Context Output#

URL.DataStringThe URL.
AlienVaultOTX.URL.HostnameStringThe host name of the URL.
AlienVaultOTX.URL.DomainStringThe domain of the URL.
AlienVaultOTX.URL.AlexaStringThe domain data for the Alexa URL.
AlienVaultOTX.URL.WhoisStringThe Whois URL for domain data.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
URL.Relationships.EntityAstringThe source of the relationship.
URL.Relationships.EntityBstringThe destination of the relationship.
URL.Relationships.RelationshipstringThe name of the relationship.
URL.Relationships.EntityATypestringThe type of the source of the relationship.
URL.Relationships.EntityBTypestringThe type of the destination of the relationship.

Command Example#

!url url=""

Context Example#

"AlienVaultOTX": {
"URL": {
"Alexa": "",
"Domain": "",
"Hostname": "",
"Url": "",
"Whois": ""
"DBotScore": {
"Indicator": "",
"Reliability": "C - Fairly reliable",
"Score": 0,
"Type": "url",
"Vendor": "AlienVault OTX v2"
"URL": {
"Data": "",
"Relationships": [
"EntityA": "",
"EntityAType": "URL",
"EntityB": "",
"EntityBType": "Domain",
"Relationship": "hosted-on"

Human Readable Output#

AlienVault OTX v2 - Results for url query#


Additional Information#

  • AlienVault considers non lowercased URL protocol as invalid, e.g, HTTP:// Hence such submissions will be lowercased to ensure a seamless usage of the integration.

Dbot score calculation method#

In case AlienVault OTX API response contains accepted under the false_positive.assessment key, the DbotScore will be set to Good.

Otherwise, if the response includes one validation, DbotScore will be set to SUSPICIOUS, if there's no validation in the response then the DbotScore will be set by the pulse_info length in the following manner:

  • Bad - If the length of is greater or equal to the default threshold given by the user.
  • SUSPICIOUS - If the length is shorter than the default threshold.
  • None - If the length is zero.

In any other case, the DbotScore will be set to Good.