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Anomali ThreatStream v2 (Deprecated)

This Integration is part of the Anomali ThreatStream Pack.#


Use Anomali ThreatStream v3 integration instead.

Use Anomali ThreatStream to query and submit threats.

Anomali ThreatStream v2 Playbook#

  • Detonate File - ThreatStream
  • Detonate URL - ThreatStream

Use Cases#

  1. Get threat intelligence from the ThreatStream platform.
  2. Create and manage threat models.
  3. Import indicators to ThreatStream platform.
  4. Submit file or URL to sandbox and receive an analysis report.

Configure Anomali ThreatStream v2 in Cortex#

urlServer URL (e.g.,\)True
apikeyAPI KeyTrue
default_thresholdThreshold of the indicator.True
Source ReliabilityReliability of the source providing the intelligence data. The default value is B - Usually reliable.True
insecureTrust any certificate (not secure)False
proxyUse system proxy settingsFalse


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Checks the reputation of the given IP.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ipThe IP to check.Required
thresholdIf severity is greater than or equal to the threshold, then the IP address will be considered malicious. This argument will override the default threshold defined as a parameter.Optional
include_inactiveWhether to include results with the status "Inactive". Default is "False".Optional

Context Output#

DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
IP.ASNStringAutonomous System (AS) number associated with the indicator.
IP.AddressStringIP address of the indicator.
IP.Geo.CountryStringCountry associated with the indicator.
IP.Geo.LocationStringLongitude and latitude of the IP address.
IP.TagsUnknown(List) Tags of the IP.
ThreatStream.IP.ASNStringAutonomous System (AS) number associated with the indicator.
ThreatStream.IP.AddressStringIP address of the indicator.
ThreatStream.IP.CountryStringCountry associated with the indicator.
ThreatStream.IP.TypeStringThe indicator type.
ThreatStream.IP.ModifiedStringTime when the indicator was last updated. The date format is: YYYYMMDDThhmmss, where "T" denotes the start of the value for time, in UTC time.
ThreatStream.IP.SeverityStringThe indicator severity ("very-high", "high", "medium", or "low".
ThreatStream.IP.ConfidenceStringLevel of certainty that an observable is of the reported indicator type. Confidence score can range from 0-100, in increasing order of confidence.
ThreatStream.IP.StatusStringStatus assigned to the indicator.
ThreatStream.IP.OrganizationStringName of the business that owns the IP address associated with the indicator.
ThreatStream.IP.SourceStringThe source of the indicator.
ThreatStream.IP.TagsUnknownTags assigned to the IP.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
IP.Malicious.VendorStringVendor that reported the indicator as malicious.

Command Example#

ip ip= using-brand="Anomali ThreatStream v2"

Context Example#

"IP": {
"Geo": {
"Country": "PK",
"Location": "33.6007,73.0679"
"ASN": "45595",
"Address": "",
"Tags": ["phish-target", "victim-hi-tech"]
"DBotScore": {
"Vendor": "TOR Exit Nodes",
"Indicator": "",
"Score": 2,
"Type": "ip"
"ThreatStream.IP": {
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 96,
"Severity": "low",
"Country": "PK",
"Modified": "2019-06-24T10:10:12.289Z",
"Source": "TOR Exit Nodes",
"Address": "",
"Organization": "PTCL",
"Type": "ip",
"Tags": [{"id": "4wq", "name": "phish-target", "org_id": "88"}, {"id": "ezn", "name": "victim-hi-tech", "org_id": "88"}],
"ASN": "45595"

Human Readable Output#

IP reputation for:
AddressConfidenceSourceTypeStatusModifiedOrganizationASNCountrySeverity Exit Nodesipactive2019-06-24T10:10:12.289ZPTCL45595PKlow


Checks the reputation of the given domain name.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
domainThe domain name to check.Required
thresholdIf severity is greater than or equal to the threshold, then the IP address will be considered malicious. This argument will override the default threshold defined as a parameter.Optional
include_inactiveWhether to include results with status of "Inactive". Default is "False".Optional

Context Output#

Domain.NameStringThe domain name.
Domain.DNSStringIPs resolved by DNS.
Domain.TagsUnknown(List) Tags of the domain.
Domain.WHOIS.CreationDateDateDate the domain was created. The date format is: YYYYMMDDThhmmss. Where T denotes the start of the value for time, in UTC time.
Domain.WHOIS.UpdatedDateDateDate the domain was last updated. The date format is: YYYYMMDDThhmmss. Where T denotes the start of the value for time, in UTC time.
Domain.WHOIS.Registrant.NameStringName of the registrant.
Domain.WHOIS.Registrant.EmailStringEmail address of the registrant.
Domain.WHOIS.Registrant.PhoneStringPhone number of the registrant.
ThreatStream.Domain.ASNStringAutonomous System (AS) number associated with the indicator.
ThreatStream.Domain.AddressStringThe domain name of the indicator.
ThreatStream.Domain.CountryStringCountry associated with the indicator.
ThreatStream.Domain.TypeStringThe indicator type.
ThreatStream.Domain.ModifiedStringDate and time when the indicator was last updated. The date format is: YYYYMMDDThhmmss, where "T" denotes the start of the value for time, in UTC time.
ThreatStream.Domain.SeverityStringThe indicator severity ("very-high", "high", "medium", "low").
ThreatStream.Domain.ConfidenceStringLevel of certainty that an observable is of the reported indicator type. Confidence score can range from 0-100, in increasing order of confidence.
ThreatStream.Domain.StatusStringStatus assigned to the indicator.
ThreatStream.Domain.OrganizationStringName of the business that owns the IP address associated with the indicator.
ThreatStream.Domain.SourceStringThe source of the indicator.
ThreatStream.Domain.TagsUnknownTags assigned to the domain.
Domain.Malicious.VendorStringVendor that reported the indicator as malicious.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.

Command Example#

domain domain="" using-brand="Anomali ThreatStream v2" 
Context Example #
"ThreatStream.Domain": {
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 38,
"Severity": "high",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2019-06-24T08:39:04.644Z",
"Source": "Analyst",
"Address": "",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "domain",
"Tags": ["phish-target", "victim-hi-tech"],
"ASN": ""
"Domain": {
"Malicious": {
"Vendor": "ThreatStream"
"Name": "",
"DNS": "",
"WHOIS": {
"UpdatedDate": "2019-06-24T08:39:04.644Z",
"CreationDate": "2019-06-24T08:38:53.246Z",
"Registrant": {
"Phone": "",
"Email": "",
"Name": "Registrant City:"
"Tags": [{"id": "4wq", "name": "phish-target", "org_id": "88"}, {"id": "ezn", "name": "victim-hi-tech", "org_id": "88"}]
"DBotScore": {
"Vendor": "Analyst",
"Indicator": "",
"Score": 3,
"Type": "domain"

Human Readable Output #

Domain reputation for:



Checks the reputation of the given hash of the file.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
fileThe hash of file to check.Required
thresholdIf severity is greater than or equal to the threshold, then the hash of file will be considered malicious. This argument will override the default threshold defined as a parameter.Optional
include_inactiveWhether to include results with the status "Inactive". Default is "False".Optional

Context Output#

File.MD5StringMD5 hash of the file.
File.SHA1StringSHA1 hash of the file.
File.SHA256StringSHA256 hash of the file.
File.SHA512StringSHA512 hash of the file.
File.Malicious.VendorStringVendor that reported the indicator as malicious.
File.TagsUnknown(List) Tags of the file.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
ThreatStream.File.SeverityStringThe indicator severity ("very-high", "high", "medium", "low").
ThreatStream.File.ConfidenceStringLevel of certainty that an observable is of the reported indicator type. Confidence score can range from 0-100, in increasing order of confidence.
ThreatStream.File.StatusStringStatus assigned to the indicator.
ThreatStream.File.TypeStringThe indicator type.
ThreatStream.File.MD5StringThe MD5 hash of the indicator.
ThreatStream.File.SHA1StringThe SHA1 hash of the indicator.
ThreatStream.File.SHA256StringThe SHA256 hash of the indicator.
ThreatStream.File.SHA512StringThe SHA512 hash of the indicator.
ThreatStream.File.ModifiedStringDate and time when the indicator was last updated. The date format is: YYYYMMDDThhmmss, where "T" denotes the start of the value for time, in UTC time.
ThreatStream.File.SourceStringThe source of the indicator.
ThreatStream.File.TagsUnknownTags assigned to the file.

Command Example#

file file=07df6c1d9a76d81f191be288d463784b using-brand="Anomali ThreatStream v2"

Context Example#

"DBotScore": {
"Vendor": "URLHaus Hashes",
"Indicator": "07df6c1d9a76d81f191be288d463784b",
"Score": 2,
"Type": "md5"
"ThreatStream.File": {
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 75,
"Severity": "medium",
"Modified": "2019-06-24T10:13:27.284Z",
"Source": "URLHaus Hashes",
"Type": "md5",
"Tags": [{"id": "4wq", "name": "phish-target", "org_id": "88"}, {"id": "ezn", "name": "victim-hi-tech", "org_id": "88"}],
"MD5": "07df6c1d9a76d81f191be288d463784b"
"File": {
"MD5": "07df6c1d9a76d81f191be288d463784b",
"Tags": ["phish-target", "victim-hi-tech"]

Human Readable Output#

MD5 reputation for: 07df6c1d9a76d81f191be288d463784b#
75URLHaus Hashesmd5active2019-06-24T10:13:27.284Zmedium07df6c1d9a76d81f191be288d463784b


Checks the reputation of the given email address.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
emailThe email address to check.Required
thresholdIf severity is greater or equal than the threshold, then the IP address will be considered malicious. This argument will override the default threshold defined as a parameter.Optional
include_inactiveWhether to include results with the status "Inactive". Default is "False".Optional

Context Output#

DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe tested indicator.
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
ThreatStream.EmailReputation.SeverityStringThe indicator severity ("very-high", "high", "medium", "low").
ThreatStream.EmailReputation.ConfidenceStringLevel of certainty that an observable is of the reported indicator type. Confidence score can range from 0-100, in increasing order of confidence.
ThreatStream.EmailReputation.StatusStringStatus assigned to the indicator.
ThreatStream.EmailReputation.TypeStringThe indicator type.
ThreatStream.EmailReputation.EmailStringThe email address of the indicator.
ThreatStream.EmailReputation.SourceStringThe source of the indicator.
ThreatStream.EmailReputation.ModifiedStringDate and time when the indicator was last updated. The date format is: YYYYMMDDThhmmss, where "T" denotes the start of the value for time, in UTC time.
ThreatStream.EmailReputation.TagsUnknownTags assigned to the email.

Command Example#


Context Example#

"DBotScore": {
"Vendor": "Anomali Labs Compromised Credentials",
"Indicator": "",
"Score": 2,
"Type": "email"
"ThreatStream.EmailReputation": {
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"Severity": "low",
"Modified": "2019-06-24T09:50:23.810Z",
"Source": "Anomali Labs Compromised Credentials",
"Type": "email",
"Tags": [{"id": "4wq", "name": "phish-target", "org_id": "88"}, {"id": "ezn", "name": "victim-hi-tech", "org_id": "88"}],
"Email": ""

Human Readable Output#

Email reputation for:
100Anomali Labs Compromised


Returns enrichment data for Domain or IP for availabe observables.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
typeThe type of passive DNS search ("ip", "domain").Required
valuePossible values are "IP" or "Domain".Required
limitMaximum number of results to return. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

ThreatStream.PassiveDNS.DomainStringThe domain value.
ThreatStream.PassiveDNS.IpStringThe IP value.
ThreatStream.PassiveDNS.RrtypeStringThe Rrtype value.
ThreatStream.PassiveDNS.SourceStringThe source value.
ThreatStream.PassiveDNS.FirstSeenStringThe first seen date. The date format is: YYYYMMDDThhmmss, where "T" denotes the start of the value for time, in UTC time.
ThreatStream.PassiveDNS.LastSeenStringThe last seen date. The date format is: YYYYMMDDThhmmss, where "T" denotes the start of the value for time, in UTC time.

Command Example#

threatstream-get-passive-dns type=domain

Context Example#

"ThreatStream.PassiveDNS": [
"Domain": "",
"Ip": "",
"Rrtype": "A",
"Source": "Spamhaus",
"LastSeen": "2019-06-23T08:09:54",
"FirstSeen": "2019-06-23T08:09:54"
"Domain": "",
"Ip": "",
"Rrtype": "A",
"Source": "Spamhaus",
"LastSeen": "2019-06-21T10:33:54",
"FirstSeen": "2019-06-21T10:33:54"

Human Readable Output#

Passive DNS enrichment data for:


Imports indicators (observables) into ThreatStream. Approval of the imported data is required, usingh the ThreatStream UI. The data can be imported using one of three methods: plain-text, file, or URL. Only one argument can be used.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
confidenceThe level of certainty that an observable is of the reported indicator type. Default is 50.Optional
classificationDenotes whether the indicator data is public or private to the organization. Default is "private".Optional
threat_typeType of threat associated with the imported observables. Default is "exploit".Optional
severityThe potential impact of the indicator type with which the observable is thought to be associated. Default is "low".Optional
import_typeThe import type of the indicator. Can be datatext, file-id, or url.Required
import_valueThe source of imported data. Can be one of the following: url, datatext of file-id of uploaded file to the War Rroom. Supported file types for file-id are: CSV, HTML, IOC, JSON, PDF, TXT.Required
ip_mappingWhether to include IP mapping. Whether to include url mapping. Can be yes or no. Default is no.Optional
domain_mappingWhether to include domain mapping. Whether to include url mapping. Can be yes or no. Default is no.Optional
url_mappingWhether to include url mapping. Can be yes or no. Default is no.Optional
email_mappingWhether to include email mapping. Whether to include url mapping. Can be yes or no. Default is no.Optional
md5_mappingWhether to include MD5 mapping. Whether to include url mapping. Can be yes or no. Default is no.Optional

Command Example#

threatstream-import-indicator-with-approval import_type="file-id" import_value=5403@6cf3881e-1cfd-48b5-8fc3-0b9fcfb791f0

Context Example#

"File": {
"EntryID": "5403@6cf3881e-1cfd-48b5-8fc3-0b9fcfb791f0",
"Extension": "csv",
"Info": "text/csv; charset=utf-8",
"MD5": "5b7ed7973e4deb3c98ee3a4bd6d911af",
"Name": "input.csv",
"SHA1": "055c5002eb5a4d4abe2eb1768e925bfc3a1a763e",
"SHA256": "fd16220852b39e2c8fa51766750e3991670766512836212c799c5a0537e3ef8c",
"SSDeep": "3:Wg8oEIjOH9+KS3qvRBTdRi690oVqzBUGyT0/n:Vx0HgKnTdE6eoVafY8",
"Size": 102,
"Type": "UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) text, with CRLF line terminators\n"
"ThreatStream": {
"Import": {
"ImportID": "894516"

Human Readable Output#

The data was imported successfully. The ID of imported job is: 894514


Imports indicators (observables) into ThreatStream. Approval is not required for the imported data. You must have the Approve Intel user permission to import without approval using the API.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
confidenceThe level of certainty that an observable is of the reported indicator type. Default is 50.Optional
source_confidence_weightTo use your specified confidence entirely, set sourceconfidence weight to 100.Optional
expiration_tsTime stamp of when intelligence will expire on ThreatStream, in ISO format. For example, 2020-12-24T00:00:00.Optional
severitySeverity you want to assign to the observable when it is imported.Optional
tagsComma-separated list of tags. e.g. tag1,tag2.Optional
trustedcirclesID of the trusted circle with which this threat data should be shared. If you want to import the threat data to multiple trusted circles, enter a list of comma-separated IDs.Optional
classificationDenotes whether the indicator data is public or private to the organization.Required
allow_unresolvedWhen set to true, domain observables included in the file which do not resolve will be accepted as valid in ThreatStream and imported.Optional
file_idEntry id of uploaded file to war room containing a json with "objects" array and "meta" maps.Required


Returns a list of threat model.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
modelThreat model of the returned list.Required
limitLimits the list of models size. Specifying limit=0 will return up to a maximum of 1000 models. In case of limit=0 the output won't be set in the context.Optional

Context Output#

ThreatStream.List.TypeStringThe type of threat model.
ThreatStream.List.NameStringThe name of the threat model.
ThreatStream.List.IDStringThe ID of the threat model.
ThreatStream.List.CreatedTimeStringDate and time of threat model creation. The date format is: YYYYMMDDThhmmss, where "T" denotes the start of the value for time, in UTC time.

Command Example#

threatstream-get-model-list model=actor limit=10

Context Example#

"ThreatStream.List": [
"CreatedTime": "2015-06-29T17:02:01.885011",
"Type": "Actor",
"ID": 2,
"Name": "Pirpi"
"CreatedTime": "2015-06-30T19:20:05.930697",
"Type": "Actor",
"ID": 3,
"Name": "TeamCyberGhost"
"CreatedTime": "2015-07-01T18:10:53.241301",
"Type": "Actor",
"ID": 4,
"Name": "Wekby"
"CreatedTime": "2015-07-01T19:27:06.180602",
"Type": "Actor",
"ID": 5,
"Name": "Axiom"
"CreatedTime": "2015-07-01T19:52:56.019862",
"Type": "Actor",
"ID": 7,
"Name": "Peace (Group) a/k/a C0d0s0"
"CreatedTime": "2015-07-01T19:58:50.741202",
"Type": "Actor",
"ID": 8,
"Name": "Nitro"
"CreatedTime": "2015-07-06T16:06:12.123839",
"Type": "Actor",
"ID": 9,
"Name": "Comment Crew"
"CreatedTime": "2015-07-07T17:40:04.920012",
"Type": "Actor",
"ID": 10,
"Name": "Comfoo"
"CreatedTime": "2015-07-07T18:53:12.331221",
"Type": "Actor",
"ID": 11,
"Name": "Syrian Electronic Army"
"CreatedTime": "2015-07-08T20:59:29.751919",
"Type": "Actor",
"ID": 12,
"Name": "DD4BC"

Human Readable Output#

List of Actors#
2015-07-01T19:52:56.0198627Peace (Group) a/k/a C0d0s0Actor
2015-07-06T16:06:12.1238399Comment CrewActor
2015-07-07T18:53:12.33122111Syrian Electronic ArmyActor


Returns an HTML file with a description of the threat model.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
modelThe threat model.Required
idThe ID of the threat model.Required

Context Output#

File.NameStringThe file name of the model desctiption.
File.EntryIDStringThe entry ID of the model desctipton.

Command Example#

threatstream-get-model-description model=campaign id=1406
Context Example#
"File": {
"EntryID": "5384@6cf3881e-1cfd-48b5-8fc3-0b9fcfb791f0",
"Extension": "html",
"Info": "text/html; charset=utf-8",
"MD5": "66eabc1c704fdac429939eb09bc5346f",
"Name": "campaign_1406.html",
"SHA1": "69f3dfe8ae037253e782dd201904aa583d83bcd7",
"SHA256": "49635483962b38a2fd5d50ebbb51b7002ecab3fd23e0f9f99e915f7b33d3f739",
"SSDeep": "96:XZcBqz4xqHC2AwALc+nvJN7GBoBGK1IW7h:XC40W/tixmoLTh",
"Size": 3686,
"Type": "HTML document text, ASCII text, with very long lines, with no line terminators\n"


Returns a list of indicators associated with the specified model and ID of the model.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
modelThe threat model.Required
idThe ID of the model.Required
limitMaximum number of results to return. Default is 20.Optional

Context Output#

ThreatStream.Model.ModelTypeStringThe type of the threat model.
ThreatStream.Model.ModelIDStringThe ID of the threat model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.ValueStringThe value of indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.IDStringThe ID of indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.ITypeStringThe iType of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.SeverityStringThe severity of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.ConfidenceStringThe confidence of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.CountryStringThe courty of the indicator associated with the specified model
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.OrganizationStringThe organization of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.ASNStringThe ASN of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.StatusStringThe status of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.TagsStringThe tags of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.ModifiedStringThe date and time the indicator was last modified.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.SourceStringThe source of the inidicator.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.TypeStringThe type of the inidicator.

Command Example#

threatstream-get-indicators-by-model id=11885 model=incident
Context Example#
"ThreatStream.Model": {
"Indicators": [
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"IType": "mal_md5",
"Severity": "very-high",
"Tags": "FINSPY,FinSpy,community-threat-briefing,Weaponization",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2017-09-25T11:43:54.446",
"Value": "417072b246af74647897978902f7d903562e0f6f",
"ID": "50117813617",
"Source": "ThreatStream",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "md5",
"ASN": ""
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"IType": "mal_md5",
"Severity": "very-high",
"Tags": "FINSPY,FinSpy,community-threat-briefing,Weaponization",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2017-09-25T11:43:54.455",
"Value": "d3c65377d39e97ab019f7f00458036ee0c7509a7",
"ID": "50117813616",
"Source": "ThreatStream",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "md5",
"ASN": ""
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"IType": "mal_md5",
"Severity": "very-high",
"Tags": "FINSPY,FinSpy,community-threat-briefing,Weaponization",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2017-09-25T11:43:54.462",
"Value": "5f51084a4b81b40a8fcf485b0808f97ba3b0f6af",
"ID": "50117813615",
"Source": "ThreatStream",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "md5",
"ASN": ""
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"IType": "mal_md5",
"Severity": "very-high",
"Tags": "FINSPY,FinSpy,community-threat-briefing,Weaponization",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2017-09-25T11:43:54.469",
"Value": "220a8eacd212ecc5a55d538cb964e742acf039c6",
"ID": "50117813614",
"Source": "ThreatStream",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "md5",
"ASN": ""
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"IType": "mal_md5",
"Severity": "very-high",
"Tags": "FINSPY,FinSpy,community-threat-briefing,Weaponization",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2017-09-25T11:43:54.477",
"Value": "a16ef7d96a72a24e2a645d5e3758c7d8e6469a55",
"ID": "50117813612",
"Source": "ThreatStream",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "md5",
"ASN": ""
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"IType": "mal_md5",
"Severity": "very-high",
"Tags": "FINSPY,FinSpy,community-threat-briefing,Weaponization",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2017-09-25T11:43:54.485",
"Value": "275e76fc462b865fe1af32f5f15b41a37496dd97",
"ID": "50117813611",
"Source": "ThreatStream",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "md5",
"ASN": ""
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"IType": "mal_md5",
"Severity": "very-high",
"Tags": "FINSPY,FinSpy,community-threat-briefing,Weaponization",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2017-09-25T11:43:54.493",
"Value": "df4b8c4b485d916c3cadd963f91f7fa9f509723f",
"ID": "50117813610",
"Source": "ThreatStream",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "md5",
"ASN": ""
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"IType": "mal_md5",
"Severity": "very-high",
"Tags": "FINSPY,FinSpy,community-threat-briefing,Weaponization",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2017-09-25T11:43:54.500",
"Value": "66eccea3e8901f6d5151b49bca53c126f086e437",
"ID": "50117813609",
"Source": "ThreatStream",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "md5",
"ASN": ""
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"IType": "mal_md5",
"Severity": "very-high",
"Tags": "FINSPY,FinSpy,community-threat-briefing,Weaponization",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2017-09-25T11:43:54.507",
"Value": "3d90630ff6c151fc2659a579de8d204d1c2f841a",
"ID": "50117813608",
"Source": "ThreatStream",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "md5",
"ASN": ""
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"IType": "mal_md5",
"Severity": "very-high",
"Tags": "FINSPY,FinSpy,community-threat-briefing,Weaponization",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2017-09-25T11:43:54.513",
"Value": "a6d14b104744188f80c6c6b368b589e0bd361607",
"ID": "50117813607",
"Source": "ThreatStream",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "md5",
"ASN": ""
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"IType": "mal_md5",
"Severity": "very-high",
"Tags": "FINSPY,FinSpy,community-threat-briefing,Weaponization",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2017-09-25T11:43:54.520",
"Value": "e3f183e67c818f4e693b69748962eecda53f7f88",
"ID": "50117813606",
"Source": "ThreatStream",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "md5",
"ASN": ""
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"IType": "mal_md5",
"Severity": "very-high",
"Tags": "FINSPY,FinSpy,community-threat-briefing,Weaponization",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2017-09-25T11:43:54.527",
"Value": "f326479a4aacc2aaf86b364b78ed5b1b0def1fbe",
"ID": "50117813605",
"Source": "ThreatStream",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "md5",
"ASN": ""
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"IType": "mal_md5",
"Severity": "very-high",
"Tags": "FINSPY,FinSpy,community-threat-briefing,Weaponization",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2017-09-25T11:43:54.534",
"Value": "c4d1fb784fcd252d13058dbb947645a902fc8935",
"ID": "50117813604",
"Source": "ThreatStream",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "md5",
"ASN": ""
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"IType": "mal_md5",
"Severity": "very-high",
"Tags": "FINSPY,FinSpy,community-threat-briefing,Weaponization",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2017-09-25T11:43:54.541",
"Value": "fb4a4143d4f32b0af4c2f6f59c8d91504d670b41",
"ID": "50117813603",
"Source": "ThreatStream",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "md5",
"ASN": ""
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"IType": "mal_md5",
"Severity": "very-high",
"Tags": "FINSPY,FinSpy,community-threat-briefing,Weaponization",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2017-09-25T11:43:54.548",
"Value": "400e4f843ff93df95145554b2d574a9abf24653f",
"ID": "50117813602",
"Source": "ThreatStream",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "md5",
"ASN": ""
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"IType": "mal_md5",
"Severity": "very-high",
"Tags": "FINSPY,FinSpy,community-threat-briefing,Weaponization",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2017-09-25T11:43:54.555",
"Value": "f82d18656341793c0a6b9204a68605232f0c39e7",
"ID": "50117813601",
"Source": "ThreatStream",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "md5",
"ASN": ""
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"IType": "mal_md5",
"Severity": "very-high",
"Tags": "FINSPY,FinSpy,community-threat-briefing,Weaponization",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2017-09-25T11:43:54.562",
"Value": "c33fe4c286845a175ee0d83db6d234fe24dd2864",
"ID": "50117813600",
"Source": "ThreatStream",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "md5",
"ASN": ""
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"IType": "mal_md5",
"Severity": "very-high",
"Tags": "FINSPY,FinSpy,community-threat-briefing,Weaponization",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2017-09-25T11:43:54.569",
"Value": "d9294b86b3976ddf89b66b8051ccf98cfae2e312",
"ID": "50117813599",
"Source": "ThreatStream",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "md5",
"ASN": ""
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"IType": "mal_md5",
"Severity": "very-high",
"Tags": "FINSPY,FinSpy,community-threat-briefing,Weaponization",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2017-09-25T11:43:54.576",
"Value": "9fc71853d3e6ac843bd36ce9297e398507e5b2bd",
"ID": "50117813597",
"Source": "ThreatStream",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "md5",
"ASN": ""
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 100,
"IType": "mal_md5",
"Severity": "very-high",
"Tags": "FINSPY,FinSpy,community-threat-briefing,Weaponization",
"Country": null,
"Modified": "2017-09-25T11:43:54.583",
"Value": "c0ad9c242c533effd50b51e94874514a5b9f2219",
"ID": "50117813596",
"Source": "ThreatStream",
"Organization": "",
"Type": "md5",
"ASN": ""
"ModelType": "Incident",
"ModelID": "11885"

Human Readable Output#

Indicators list for Threat Model Incident with id 11885#


Submits a file or URL to the ThreatStream-hosted Sandbox for detonation.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
submission_classificationClassification of the Sandbox submission.Optional
report_platformPlatform on which the submitted URL or file will be run. To obtain a list supported platforms run the threatstream-get-sandbox-platforms command.Optional
submission_typeThe detonation type ("file" or "url".Required
submission_valueThe submission value. Possible values are a valid URL or a file ID that was uploaded to the War Room to detonate.Required
premium_sandboxSpecifies whether the premium sandbox should be used for detonation. Default is "false".Optional
detailA CSV list of additional details for the indicator. This information is displayed in the Tag column of the ThreatStream UI.Optional

Context Output#

ThreatStream.Analysis.ReportIDStringThe report ID that was submitted to the sandbox.
ThreatStream.Analysis.StatusStringThe analysis status.
ThreatStream.Analysis.PlatformStringThe platform of the submission submitted to the sanbox.

Command Example#

threatstream-submit-to-sandbox submission_type=file submission_value=5358@6cf3881e-1cfd-48b5-8fc3-0b9fcfb791f0 premium_sandbox=false report_platform=WINDOWS7

Context Example#

"File": {
"EntryID": "5358@6cf3881e-1cfd-48b5-8fc3-0b9fcfb791f0",
"Extension": "png",
"Info": "image/png",
"MD5": "a36544c75d1253d8dd32070908adebd0",
"Name": "input_file.png",
"SHA1": "15868fbe28e34f601b4e07b0f356ecb1f3a14876",
"SHA256": "5126eb938b3c2dc53837d4805df01c8522a3bd4e5e77e9bc4f825b9ee178e6ab",
"SSDeep": "98304:pKOjdLh3d35gcNMjnN+FOLEdhVb2t6lLPP9nuyxJ4iQzxKxOduLT/GzxS3UvtT:pHhhvglN+F+GwUlLPP9PxnQzxKxOdEUR",
"Size": 4938234,
"Type": "PNG image data, 2572 x 1309, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced\n"
"ThreatStream": {
"Analysis": {
"Platform": "WINDOWS7",
"ReportID": 422662,
"Status": "processing"

Human Readable Output#

The submission info for 5358@6cf3881e-1cfd-48b5-8fc3-0b9fcfb791f0#


Returns the current status of the report that was submitted to the sandbox. The report ID is returned from threatstream-submit-to-sandbox command.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
report_idReport ID for which to check the status.Required

Context Output#

ThreatStream.Analysis.ReportIDStringThe report ID of the file or URL that was detonated to sandbox.
ThreatStream.Analysis.StatusStringThe report status of the file or URL that was detonated in the sandbox.
ThreatStream.Analysis.PlatformStringThe platfrom that was used for detonation.
ThreatStream.Analysis.VerdictStringThe report verdict of the file or URL that was detonated in the sandbox. The verdict will remain "benign" until detonation is complete.

Command Example#

Human Readable Output#

Report 413336 analysis results#
File2019-05-30 14:05:252019-05-30 14:06:3368413336Benign


Returns the report of a file or URL that was submitted to the sandbox.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
report_idReport ID to return.Required

Context Output#

ThreatStream.Analysis.ReportIDStringThe ID of the report submitted to the sandbox.
ThreatStream.Analysis.CategoryStringThe report category.
ThreatStream.Analysis.StartedStringDetonation start time.
ThreatStream.Analysis.CompletedStringDetonation completion time.
ThreatStream.Analysis.DurationNumberDuration of the detonation (in seconds).
ThreatStream.Analysis.VmNameStringThe name of the VM.
ThreatStream.Analysis.VmIDStringThe ID of the VM.
ThreatStream.Analysis.Network.UdpSourceStringThe source of UDP.
ThreatStream.Analysis.Network.UdpDestinationStringThe destination of UDP.
ThreatStream.Analysis.Network.UdpPortStringThe port of the UDP.
ThreatStream.Analysis.Network.IcmpSourceStringThe ICMP source.
ThreatStream.Analysis.Network.IcmpDestinationStringThe destinaton of ICMP.
ThreatStream.Analysis.Network.IcmpPortStringThe port of the ICMP.
ThreatStream.Analysis.Network.TcpSourceStringThe source of TCP.
ThreatStream.Analysis.Network.TcpDestinationStringThe destination of TCP.
ThreatStream.Analysis.Network.TcpPortStringThe port of TCP.
ThreatStream.Analysis.Network.HttpSourceStringThe source of HTTP.
ThreatStream.Analysis.Network.HttpDestinatonStringThe destination of HTTP.
ThreatStream.Analysis.Network.HttpPortStringThe port of HTTP.
ThreatStream.Analysis.Network.HttpsSourceStringThe source of HTTPS.
ThreatStream.Analysis.Network.HttpsDestinatonStringThe destination of HTTPS.
ThreatStream.Analysis.Network.HttpsPortStringThe port of HTTPS.
ThreatStream.Analysis.Network.HostsStringThe hosts of network analysis.
ThreatStream.Analysis.VerdictStringThe verdict of the sandbox detonation.

Command Example#

threatstream-get-analysis-status report_id=422662

Context Example#

"ThreatStream": {
"Analysis": {
"Platform": "WINDOWS7",
"ReportID": "422662",
"Status": "processing",
"Verdict": "Benign"

Human Readable Output#

The analysis status for id 422662#
File2019-05-30 14:05:252019-05-30 14:06:3368413336Benign


Return filtered indicators from ThreatStream. If a query is defined, it overides all othe arguments that were passed to the command.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
queryAnomali Observable Search Filter Language query to filter indicatorts results. If a query is passed as an argument, it overides all other arguments.Optional
asnAutonomous System (AS) number associated with the indicator.Optional
confidenceLevel of certainty that an observable
is of the reported indicator type. Confidence scores range from 0-100, in increasing order of confidence, and is assigned by ThreatStream based on several factors.
countryCountry associated with the indicator.Optional
created_tsWhen the indicator was first seen on
the ThreatStream cloud platform. Date must be specified in this format:
YYYYMMDDThhmmss, where "T" denotes the start of the value for time, in UTC time.
For example, 2014-10-02T20:44:35.
idUnique ID for the indicator.Optional
is_publicClassification of the indicator.Optional
indicator_severitySeverity assigned to the indicator by ThreatStream.Optional
orgRegistered owner (organization) of the IP address associated with the indicator.Optional
statusStatus assigned to the indicator.Optional
tags_nameTag assigned to the indicator.Optional
typeType of indicator.Optional
indicator_valueValue of the indicator.Optional
limitMaximum number of results to return from ThreatStrem. Default is 20.Optional

Context Output#

ThreatStream.Indicators.ITypeStringThe indicator type.
ThreatStream.Indicators.ModifiedStringDate and time when the indicator was last updated on the ThreatStream. Format: YYYYMMDDThhmmss, where T denotes the start of the value for time, in UTC time.
ThreatStream.Indicators.ConfidenceStringLevel of certainty that an observable is of the reported indicator type.
ThreatStream.Indicators.ValueStringThe indicator value.
ThreatStream.Indicators.StatusStringThe indicator status.
ThreatStream.Indicators.OrganizationStringRegistered owner (organization) of the IP address associated with the indicator.
ThreatStream.Indicators.CountryStringCountry associated with the indicator.
ThreatStream.Indicators.TagsStringTag assigned to the indicator.
ThreatStream.Indicators.SourceStringThe source of the indicator.
ThreatStream.Indicators.IDStringThe ID of the indicator.
ThreatStream.Indicators.ASNStringAutonomous System (AS) number associated with the indicator.
ThreatStream.Indicators.SeverityStringThe severity assigned to the indicator.

Command Example#

threatstream-get-indicators type=ip status=active asn=4837 country=CN confidence=84 indicator_severity=medium org="China Unicom Guangxi" limit=5

Context Example#

"ThreatStream.Indicators": [
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 84,
"IType": "scan_ip",
"Severity": "medium",
"Tags": null,
"Country": "CN",
"Modified": "2019-06-24T10:19:52.077Z",
"Value": "",
"ID": 53042398831,
"Source": "Anomali Labs MHN",
"Organization": "China Unicom Guangxi",
"Type": "ip",
"ASN": "4837"
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 84,
"IType": "scan_ip",
"Severity": "medium",
"Tags": "port-1433,suricata,TCP",
"Country": "CN",
"Modified": "2019-06-24T09:51:04.804Z",
"Value": "",
"ID": 53042253345,
"Source": "Anomali Labs MHN Tagged",
"Organization": "China Unicom Guangxi",
"Type": "ip",
"ASN": "4837"
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 84,
"IType": "scan_ip",
"Severity": "medium",
"Tags": null,
"Country": "CN",
"Modified": "2019-06-24T06:08:12.585Z",
"Value": "",
"ID": 53016547378,
"Source": "DShield Scanning IPs",
"Organization": "China Unicom Guangxi",
"Type": "ip",
"ASN": "4837"
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 84,
"IType": "scan_ip",
"Severity": "medium",
"Tags": "AlienVault,OTX",
"Country": "CN",
"Modified": "2019-06-23T19:38:05.782Z",
"Value": "",
"ID": 53038621037,
"Source": "Alien Vault OTX Malicious IPs",
"Organization": "China Unicom Guangxi",
"Type": "ip",
"ASN": "4837"
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 84,
"IType": "scan_ip",
"Severity": "medium",
"Tags": null,
"Country": "CN",
"Modified": "2019-06-23T17:52:51.165Z",
"Value": "",
"ID": 52970998522,
"Source": "DShield Scanning IPs",
"Organization": "China Unicom Guangxi",
"Type": "ip",
"ASN": "4837"

Human Readable Output#

The indicators results#
scan_ip121.31.166.998453042398831Anomali Labs MHNipactive2019-06-24T10:19:52.077ZChina Unicom Guangxi4837CNmedium
scan_ip121.31.166.998453042253345Anomali Labs MHN Taggedipactiveport-1433,suricata,TCP2019-06-24T09:51:04.804ZChina Unicom Guangxi4837CNmedium
scan_ip182.88.27.1688453016547378DShield Scanning IPsipactive2019-06-24T06:08:12.585ZChina Unicom Guangxi4837CNmedium
scan_ip182.91.129.1658453038621037Alien Vault OTX Malicious IPsipactiveAlienVault,OTX2019-06-23T19:38:05.782ZChina Unicom Guangxi4837CNmedium
scan_ip182.91.129.2078452970998522DShield Scanning IPsipactive2019-06-23T17:52:51.165ZChina Unicom Guangxi4837CNmedium


Add tags to intelligence for purposes of filtering for related entities.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
modelThe type of threat model entity on which to add the tag. Default is "intelligence" (indicator).Optional
tagsA CSV list of tags applied to the specified threat model entities or observable.Required
model_idThe ID of the model on which to add the tag.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

threatstream-add-tag-to-model model=intelligence model_id=51375607503 tags="suspicious,not valid"

Human Readable Output#

Added successfully tags: ['suspicious', 'not valid'] to intelligence with 51375607503


Creates a threat model with the specified parameters.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
modelThe type of threat model to create.Required
nameThe name of the threat model to create.Required
is_publicThe scope of threat model visibility.Optional
tlpTraffic Light Protocol designation for the threat model.Optional
tagsA CSV list of tags.Optional
intelligenceA CSV list of indicators IDs associated with the threat model on the ThreatStream platform.Optional
descriptionThe description of the threat model.Optional

Context Output#

ThreatStream.Model.ModelTypeStringThe type of the threat model.
ThreatStream.Model.ModelIDStringThe ID of the threat model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.ValueStringThe value of indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.IDStringThe ID of indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.ITypeStringThe iType of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.SeverityStringThe severity of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.ConfidenceStringThe confidence of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.CountryStringThe courty of the indicator associated with the specified model
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.OrganizationStringThe organization of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.ASNStringThe ASN of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.StatusStringThe status of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.TagsStringThe tags of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.ModifiedStringThe date and time the indicator was last modified.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.SourceStringThe source of the inidicator.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.TypeStringThe type of the inidicator.

Command Example#

threatstream-create-model model=actor name="New_Created_Actor" description="Description of the actor threat model" intelligence=53042425466,53042425532,53042425520 tags="new actor,test" tlp=red

Context Example#

"ThreatStream.Model": {
"Indicators": [
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 86,
"IType": "suspicious_domain",
"Severity": "high",
"Tags": "Suspicious-Domain-Registration,TSLABS,victim-Hi-Tech",
"Country": "US",
"Modified": "2019-06-24T10:51:16.384",
"Value": "",
"ID": "53042425532",
"Source": "Analyst",
"Organization": "Hostinger International Limited",
"Type": "domain",
"ASN": "12769"
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 85,
"IType": "suspicious_domain",
"Severity": "high",
"Tags": "Suspicious-Domain-Registration,TSLABS,victim-Hi-Tech",
"Country": "US",
"Modified": "2019-06-24T10:51:16.589",
"Value": "",
"ID": "53042425520",
"Source": "Analyst",
"Organization": ", LLC",
"Type": "domain",
"ASN": "26496"
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 77,
"IType": "suspicious_domain",
"Severity": "high",
"Tags": "Suspicious-Domain-Registration,TSLABS,victim-Hi-Tech",
"Country": "US",
"Modified": "2019-06-24T10:54:31.318",
"Value": "",
"ID": "53042425466",
"Source": "Analyst",
"Organization": ", LLC",
"Type": "domain",
"ASN": "26496"
"ModelType": "Actor",
"ModelID": 26697

Human Readable Output#

Indicators list for Threat Model Actor with id 26697#
suspicious_domainchatbotshq.com5304242553286AnalystdomainactiveSuspicious-Domain-Registration,TSLABS,victim-Hi-Tech2019-06-24T10:51:16.384Hostinger International Limited12769UShigh
suspicious_domainmarketshq.com5304242552085AnalystdomainactiveSuspicious-Domain-Registration,TSLABS,, LLC26496UShigh
suspicious_domainleanomalie.com5304242546677AnalystdomainactiveSuspicious-Domain-Registration,TSLABS,, LLC26496UShigh


Updates a threat model with specific parameters. If one or more optional parameters are defined, the command overides previous data stored in ThreatStream.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
modelThe type of threat model to update.Required
model_idThe ID of the threat model to update.Required
nameThe name of the threat model to update.Optional
is_publicThe scope of threat model visibility.Optional
tlpTraffic Light Protocol designation for the threat model.Optional
tagsA CSV list of tags.Optional
intelligenceA CSV list of indicators IDs associated with the threat model on the ThreatStream platform.Optional
descriptionThe description of the threat model.Optional

Context Output#

ThreatStream.Model.ModelTypeStringThe type of the threat model.
ThreatStream.Model.ModelIDStringThe ID of the threat model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.ValueStringThe value of indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.IDStringThe ID of indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.ITypeStringThe iType of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.SeverityStringThe severity of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.ConfidenceStringThe confidence of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.CountryStringThe courty of the indicator associated with the specified model
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.OrganizationStringThe organization of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.ASNStringThe ASN of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.StatusStringThe status of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.TagsStringThe tags of the indicator associated with the specified model.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.ModifiedStringThe date and time the indicator was last modified.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.SourceStringThe source of the inidicator.
ThreatStream.Model.Indicators.TypeStringThe type of the inidicator.

Command Example#

threatstream-update-model model=actor model_id=26697 intelligence=53042694591 tags="updated tag,gone"

Context Example#

"ThreatStream": {
"Model": {
"Indicators": [
"ASN": "",
"Confidence": 36,
"Country": "CA",
"ID": "53042694591",
"IType": "exploit_ip",
"Modified": "2019-06-24T11:28:31.185",
"Organization": "OVH Hosting",
"Severity": "high",
"Source": "Analyst",
"Status": "active",
"Tags": "HoneyDB",
"Type": "ip",
"Value": ""
"ModelID": "26697",
"ModelType": "Actor"

Human Readable Output#

Indicators list for Threat Model Actor with id 26697#
exploit_ip54.39.20.145304269459136AnalystipactiveHoneyDB2019-06-24T11:28:31.185OVH HostingCAhigh


Returns list of supported platforms for default or premium sandbox.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
sandbox_typeThe type of sandbox ("default" or "premium").Optional

Context Output#

ThreatStream.PremiumPlatforms.NameStringName of the supported platform for premium sadnbox.
ThreatStream.PremiumPlatforms.TypesStringType of supported submissions for premium sanbox.
ThreatStream.PremiumPlatforms.LabelStringThe display name of the supported platform of premium sandbox.
ThreatStream.DefaultPlatforms.NameStringName of the supported platform for standard sadnbox.
ThreatStream.DefaultPlatforms.TypesStringType of supported submissions for standard sanbox.
ThreatStream.DefaultPlatforms.LabelStringThe display name of the supported platform of standard sandbox.

Command Example#

threatstream-supported-platforms sandbox_type=default

Context Example#

"ThreatStream.DefaultPlatforms": [
"Name": "WINDOWSXP",
"Types": [
"Label": "Windows XP"
"Name": "WINDOWS7",
"Types": [
"Label": "Windows 7"
"Name": "ALL",
"Types": [
"Label": "All"

Human Readable Output#

Supported platforms for default sandbox#
WINDOWSXPfile, urlWindows XP
WINDOWS7file, urlWindows 7
ALLfile, urlAll


Checks the reputation of the given URL.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
urlThe URL to check.Required
thresholdIf severity is greater than or equal to the threshold, then the URL will be considered malicious. This argument will override the default threshold defined as a parameter.Optional
include_inactiveWhether to include results with the status "Inactive". Default is "False".Optional

Context Output#

DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
URL.DataStringThe URL of the indicator.
URL.TagsUnknown(List) Tags of the URL.
URL.Malicious.VendorStringVendor that reported the indicator as malicious.
ThreatStream.URL.ModifiedStringDate and time when the indicator was last updated. The date format is: YYYYMMDDThhmmss, where "T" denotes the start of the value for time, in UTC time.
ThreatStream.URL.ConfidenceStringLevel of certainty that an observable is of the reported indicator type. Confidence score can range from 0-100, in increasing order of confidence.
ThreatStream.URL.StatusStringThe status of the indicator.
ThreatStream.URL.OrganizationStringName of the business that owns the IP address associated with the indicator.
ThreatStream.URL.AddressStringURL of the indicator.
ThreatStream.URL.CountryStringCountry associated with the indicator.
ThreatStream.URL.TypeStringThe indicator type.
ThreatStream.URL.SourceStringThe source of the indicator.
ThreatStream.URL.SeverityStringThe indicator severity ("very-high", "high", "medium", or "low").
ThreatStream.URL.TagsUnknownTags assigned to the URL.

Command Example#

url url= using-brand="Anomali ThreatStream v2"

Context Example#

"URL": {
"Malicious": {
"Vendor": "ThreatStream"
"Data": "",
"Tags": ["phish-target", "victim-hi-tech"]
"ThreatStream.URL": {
"Status": "active",
"Confidence": 90,
"Severity": "very-high",
"Country": "RU",
"Modified": "2019-06-24T10:10:05.890Z",
"Source": "H3X Tracker",
"Address": "",
"Organization": "LLC Baxet",
"Type": "url",
"Tags": [{"id": "4wq", "name": "phish-target", "org_id": "88"}, {"id": "ezn", "name": "victim-hi-tech", "org_id": "88"}]
"DBotScore": {
"Vendor": "H3X Tracker",
"Indicator": "",
"Score": 3,
"Type": "url"

Human Readable Output#

URL reputation for:
AddressConfidenceSourceTypeStatusModifiedOrganizationCountrySeverity Trackerurlactive2019-06-24T10:10:05.890ZLLC BaxetRUvery-high