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Ansible Alibaba Cloud

This Integration is part of the Ansible Alibaba Cloud Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.

This integration enables the management of Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service using Ansible modules. The Ansible engine is self-contained and pre-configured as part of this pack onto your XSOAR server, all you need to do is provide credentials you are ready to use the feature rich commands.

To use this integration, configure an instance of this integration. This will associate a credential to be used to manage a Alibaba tenancy. Create separate instances for each region being managed.

Authorize Cortex XSOAR for Alibaba Cloud#

To use this integration you must generate an Access/Secret token for your Aliyun tenancy.

  1. Navigate to the Resource Access Management
  2. Create a service account dedicated for XSOAR with Programmatic Access enabled
  3. Record the Access and Secret tokens
  4. Navigate to Permmions > Grants
  5. Grant the service account principal either AliyunECSFullAccess or AliyunECSReadOnlyAccess permissions.

Configure Ansible Alibaba Cloud in Cortex#

Access KeyAliyun Cloud access keyTrue
Access Secret KeyAliyun Cloud secret keyTrue
RegionAliyun Cloud regionTrue


The action commands in this integration are idempotent. This means that the result of performing it once is exactly the same as the result of performing it repeatedly without any intervening actions.

State Arguement#

Some of the commands in this integration take a state argument. These define the desired end state of the object being managed. As a result these commands are able to perform multiple management operations depending on the desired state value. Common state values are: | State | Result | | --- | --- | | present | Object should exist. If not present, the object will be created with the provided parameters. If present but not with correct parameters, it will be modified to met provided parameters. | | running | Object should be running not stopped. | | stopped | Object should be stopped not running. | | restarted | Object will be restarted. | | absent | Object should not exist. If it it exists it will be deleted. |

Complex Command Inputs#

Some commands may require structured input arguments such as lists or dictionary, these can be provided in standard JSON notation wrapped in double curly braces. For example a argument called dns_servers that accepts a list of server IPs and would be entered as dns_servers="{{ ['', ''] }}".

Other more advanced data manipulation tools such as Ansible/Jinja2 filters can also be used in-line. For example to get a random number between 0 and 60 you can use {{ 60 | random }}.


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Create, Start, Stop, Restart or Terminate an Instance in ECS. Add or Remove Instance to/from a Security Group. Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
stateThe state of the instance after operating. Possible values are: present, running, stopped, restarted, absent. Default is present.Optional
availability_zoneAliyun availability zone ID in which to launch the instance. If it is not specified, it will be allocated by system automatically.Optional
image_idImage ID used to launch instances. Required when state=present and creating new ECS instances.Optional
instance_typeInstance type used to launch instances. Required when state=present and creating new ECS instances.Optional
security_groupsA list of security group IDs.Optional
vswitch_idThe subnet ID in which to launch the instances (VPC).Optional
instance_nameThe name of ECS instance, which is a string of 2 to 128 Chinese or English characters. It must begin with an uppercase/lowercase letter or a Chinese character and can contain numerals, ".", "_" or "-". It cannot begin with http:// or https://.Optional
descriptionThe description of ECS instance, which is a string of 2 to 256 characters. It cannot begin with http:// or https://.Optional
internet_charge_typeInternet charge type of ECS instance. Possible values are: PayByBandwidth, PayByTraffic. Default is PayByBandwidth.Optional
max_bandwidth_inMaximum incoming bandwidth from the public network, measured in Mbps (Megabits per second). Default is 200.Optional
max_bandwidth_outMaximum outgoing bandwidth to the public network, measured in Mbps (Megabits per second). Default is 0.Optional
host_nameInstance host name.Optional
passwordThe password to login instance. After rebooting instances, modified password will take effect.Optional
system_disk_categoryCategory of the system disk. Possible values are: cloud_efficiency, cloud_ssd. Default is cloud_efficiency.Optional
system_disk_sizeSize of the system disk, in GB. The valid values are 40~500. Default is 40.Optional
system_disk_nameName of the system disk.Optional
system_disk_descriptionDescription of the system disk.Optional
countThe number of the new instance. An integer value which indicates how many instances that match count_tag should be running. Instances are either created or terminated based on this value. Default is 1.Optional
count_tagcount determines how many instances based on a specific tag criteria should be present. This can be expressed in multiple ways and is shown in the EXAMPLES section. The specified count_tag must already exist or be passed in as the instance_tags option. If it is not specified, it will be replaced by instance_name.Optional
allocate_public_ipWhether allocate a public ip for the new instance. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
instance_charge_typeThe charge type of the instance. Possible values are: PrePaid, PostPaid. Default is PostPaid.Optional
periodThe charge duration of the instance, in month. Required when instance_charge_type=PrePaid.
The valid value are [1-9, 12, 24, 36]. Default is 1.
auto_renewWhether automate renew the charge of the instance. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
auto_renew_periodThe duration of the automatic renew the charge of the instance. Required when auto_renew=True. Possible values are: 1, 2, 3, 6, 12.Optional
instance_idsA list of instance ids. It is required when need to operate existing instances. If it is specified, count will lose efficacy.Optional
forceWhether the current operation needs to be execute forcibly. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
instance_tagsA hash/dictionaries of instance tags, to add to the new instance or for starting/stopping instance by tag. {"key":"value"}.Optional
key_nameThe name of key pair which is used to access ECS instance in SSH.Optional
user_dataUser-defined data to customize the startup behaviors of an ECS instance and to pass data into an ECS instance. It only will take effect when launching the new ECS instances.Optional

Context Output#

AlibabaCloud.AliInstance.instancesunknownList of ECS instances
AlibabaCloud.AliInstance.idsunknownList of ECS instance IDs

Command Example#

!ali-instance image_id=ubuntu_20_04_x64_20G_alibase_20210420.vhd instance_type=ecs.n4.small vswitch_id=vsw-bp1aclhyjkdy98ujfzspt host_name=testserver security_groups=sg-bp1fy1o431n7m0hta5tt

Context Example#

"AlibabaCloud": {
"AliInstance": [
"changed": true,
"instances": [],
"status": "CHANGED"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: True
  • Instances#


Gather information on instances of Alibaba Cloud ECS. Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
availability_zoneAliyun availability zone ID in which to launch the instance.Optional
instance_namesA list of ECS instance names.Optional
instance_idsA list of ECS instance ids.Optional
instance_tagsA hash/dictionaries of instance tags. {"key":"value"}.Optional

Context Output#

AlibabaCloud.AliInstanceInfo.instancesunknownList of ECS instances
AlibabaCloud.AliInstanceInfo.idsunknownList of ECS instance IDs

Command Example#


Context Example#

"AlibabaCloud": {
"AliInstanceInfo": [
"changed": false,
"ids": [
"instances": [
"auto_release_time": "",
"availability_zone": "cn-hangzhou-b",
"block_device_mappings": [
"attach_time": "2021-06-14T00:11:06Z",
"delete_on_termination": true,
"device_name": "/dev/xvda",
"status": "in_use",
"volume_id": "d-bp12fxlqjtnmbzluop4s"
"cpu": 1,
"cpu_options": {
"core_count": 1,
"numa": "",
"threads_per_core": 1
"creation_time": "2021-06-14T00:11Z",
"credit_specification": "",
"dedicated_instance_attribute": {
"affinity": "",
"tenancy": ""
"deletion_protection": false,
"deployment_set_id": "",
"description": "",
"ecs_capacity_reservation_attr": {
"capacity_reservation_id": "",
"capacity_reservation_preference": ""
"eip": {
"allocation_id": "",
"internet_charge_type": "",
"ip_address": ""
"expired_time": "2099-12-31T15:59Z",
"gpu": {
"amount": 0,
"spec": "",
"specification": ""
"hibernation_options": {
"configured": false
"host_name": "testserver",
"id": "i-bp17uguykg2l5jkktagl",
"image_id": "ubuntu_20_04_x64_20G_alibase_20210420.vhd",
"inner_ip_address": "",
"instance_charge_type": "PostPaid",
"instance_id": "i-bp17uguykg2l5jkktagl",
"instance_name": "testserver",
"instance_type": "ecs.n4.small",
"instance_type_family": "ecs.n4",
"internet_charge_type": "PayByBandwidth",
"internet_max_bandwidth_in": -1,
"internet_max_bandwidth_out": 0,
"io_optimized": true,
"memory": 2048,
"metadata_options": {
"http_endpoint": "",
"http_tokens": ""
"network_interfaces": [
"mac_address": "00:16:3e:11:bb:a2",
"network_interface_id": "eni-bp129akowq29d0ocv18q",
"primary_ip_address": "",
"private_ip_sets": {
"private_ip_set": [
"primary": true,
"private_ip_address": ""
"type": "Primary"
"osname": "Ubuntu 20.04 64\u4f4d",
"osname_en": "Ubuntu 20.04 64 bit",
"ostype": "linux",
"private_ip_address": "",
"public_ip_address": "",
"resource_group_id": "",
"status": "running",
"tags": {},
"user_data": "",
"vpc_id": "vpc-bp179mi6isco5xen2wojd",
"vswitch_id": "vsw-bp1aclhyjkdy98ujfzspt"
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • Ids#

    • 0: i-bp17uguykg2l5jkktagl
  • Instances#

  • Testserver#

    • auto_release_time:
    • availability_zone: cn-hangzhou-b
    • cpu: 1
    • creation_time: 2021-06-14T00:11Z
    • credit_specification:
    • deletion_protection: False
    • deployment_set_id:
    • description:
    • expired_time: 2099-12-31T15:59Z
    • host_name: testserver
    • id: i-bp17uguykg2l5jkktagl
    • image_id: ubuntu_20_04_x64_20G_alibase_20210420.vhd
    • inner_ip_address:
    • instance_charge_type: PostPaid
    • instance_id: i-bp17uguykg2l5jkktagl
    • instance_name: testserver
    • instance_type: ecs.n4.small
    • instance_type_family: ecs.n4
    • internet_charge_type: PayByBandwidth
    • internet_max_bandwidth_in: -1
    • internet_max_bandwidth_out: 0
    • io_optimized: True
    • memory: 2048
    • osname: Ubuntu 20.04 64位
    • osname_en: Ubuntu 20.04 64 bit
    • ostype: linux
    • private_ip_address:
    • public_ip_address:
    • resource_group_id:
    • status: running
    • user_data:
    • vpc_id: vpc-bp179mi6isco5xen2wojd
    • vswitch_id: vsw-bp1aclhyjkdy98ujfzspt
    • Block_Device_Mappings#

    • /Dev/Xvda#

      • attach_time: 2021-06-14T00:11:06Z
      • delete_on_termination: True
      • device_name: /dev/xvda
      • status: in_use
      • volume_id: d-bp12fxlqjtnmbzluop4s
    • Cpu_Options#

      • core_count: 1
      • numa:
      • threads_per_core: 1
    • Dedicated_Instance_Attribute#

      • affinity:
      • tenancy:
    • Ecs_Capacity_Reservation_Attr#

      • capacity_reservation_id:
      • capacity_reservation_preference:
    • Eip#

      • allocation_id:
      • internet_charge_type:
      • ip_address:
    • Gpu#

      • amount: 0
      • spec:
      • specification:
    • Hibernation_Options#

      • configured: False
    • Metadata_Options#

      • http_endpoint:
      • http_tokens:
    • Network_Interfaces#

    • Eni-Bp129Akowq29D0Ocv18Q#

      • mac_address: 00:16:3e:11:bb:a2
      • network_interface_id: eni-bp129akowq29d0ocv18q
      • primary_ip_address:
      • type: Primary
      • Private_Ip_Sets#

        • Private_Ip_Set#
        • List#
          • primary: True
          • private_ip_address:
    • Tags#


The Ansible-Runner container is not suitable for running as a non-root user. Therefore, the Ansible integrations will fail if you follow the instructions in Docker hardening guide (Cortex XSOAR 6.13) or Docker hardening guide (Cortex XSOAR 8 Cloud) or Docker hardening guide (Cortex XSOAR 8.7 On-prem).

The server configuration causes the software that is run inside of the Docker containers utilized by Cortex XSOAR to run as a non-root user account inside the container.

The Ansible-Runner software is required to run as root as it applies its own isolation via bwrap to the Ansible execution environment.

This is a limitation of the Ansible-Runner software itself

A workaround is to use the server setting and to configure Cortex XSOAR to ignore the Ansible container image by setting the value of demisto/ansible-runner and afterwards running /reset_containers to reload any containers that might be running to ensure they receive the configuration.

See step 2 of this Docker hardening guide (Cortex XSOAR 6.13). For Cortex XSOAR 8 Cloud see step 3 in Run Docker with non-root internal users of this Docker hardening guide (Cortex XSOAR 8 Cloud). For Cortex XSOAR 8.7 On-prem see step 3 in Run Docker with non-root internal users of this Docker hardening guide (Cortex XSOAR 8.7 On-prem) for complete instructions.