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Ansible Kubernetes

This Integration is part of the Ansible Kubernetes Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.

This integration enables the management of Kubernetes environments using Ansible modules. The Ansible engine is self-contained and pre-configured as part of this pack onto your XSOAR server, all you need to do is provide credentials you are ready to use the feature rich commands.

Authorize Cortex XSOAR for Ansible Kubernetes#

This integration supports API Token, and Username/Password authentication. It is recommended to use API tokens.

To create a service account with API token use the following kubectl commands.

  1. Create a service account
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: xsoar
namespace: kube-system
  1. Create secret for the above service account.
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: xsoar-secret
namespace: kube-system
annotations: xsoar
  1. Grant the service account an appropriate role. Refer to Kubernetes RBAC docs if granting more fine grain or scoped access.
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: xsoar-admin
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-admin
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: xsoar
namespace: kube-system
  1. Generate the service account token.
kubectl create token xsoar -n kube-system
  1. Copy the output token and paste it into the API field.

Configure Ansible Kubernetes on Cortex XSOAR#

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.

  2. Search for Ansible Kubernetes.

  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.

    K8s Host URLProvide a URL for accessing the API.True
    UsernameProvide a username for authenticating with the API.False
    PasswordProvide a password for authenticating with the API.False
    API KeyToken used to authenticate with the API.False
    Validate CertsAllows connection when SSL certificates are not valid. Set to `false` when certificates are not trusted.True


This integration does not support testing from the integration management screen. Instead it is recommended to use the !k8s-info command querying a object kind allowed by the RBAC assigned. For example !k8s-info kind="svc"


The action commands in this integration are idempotent. This means that the result of performing it once is exactly the same as the result of performing it repeatedly without any intervening actions.

State Arguement#

Some of the commands in this integration take a state argument. These define the desired end state of the object being managed. As a result these commands are able to perform multiple management operations depending on the desired state value. Common state values are: | State | Result | | --- | --- | | present | Object should exist. If not present, the object will be created with the provided parameters. If present but not with correct parameters, it will be modified to met provided parameters. | | running | Object should be running not stopped. | | stopped | Object should be stopped not running. | | restarted | Object will be restarted. | | absent | Object should not exist. If it it exists it will be deleted. |

Complex Command Inputs#

Some commands may require structured input arguments such as lists or dictionary, these can be provided in standard JSON notation wrapped in double curly braces. For example a argument called dns_servers that accepts a list of server IPs and would be entered as dns_servers="{{ ['', ''] }}".

Other more advanced data manipulation tools such as Ansible/Jinja2 filters can also be used in-line. For example to get a random number between 0 and 60 you can use {{ 60 | random }}.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Manage Kubernetes (K8s) objects Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
merge_typeWhether to override the default patch merge approach with a specific type. By default, the strategic merge will typically be used.
For example, Custom Resource Definitions typically aren't updatable by the usual strategic merge. You may want to use merge if you see "strategic merge patch format is not supported"
Requires openshift >= 0.6.2
If more than one merge_type is given, the merge_types will be tried in order
If openshift >= 0.6.2, this defaults to ['strategic-merge', 'merge'], which is ideal for using the same parameters on resource kinds that combine Custom Resources and built-in resources. For openshift < 0.6.2, the default is simply strategic-merge.
mutually exclusive with apply. Possible values are: json, merge, strategic-merge.
waitWhether to wait for certain resource kinds to end up in the desired state. By default the module exits once Kubernetes has received the request
Implemented for state=present for Deployment, DaemonSet and Pod, and for state=absent for all resource kinds.
For resource kinds without an implementation, wait returns immediately unless wait_condition is set. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.
wait_sleepNumber of seconds to sleep between checks. Default is 5.Optional
wait_timeoutHow long in seconds to wait for the resource to end up in the desired state. Ignored if wait is not set. Default is 120.Optional
wait_conditionSpecifies a custom condition on the status to wait for. Ignored if wait is not set or is set to False.Optional
validatehow (if at all) to validate the resource definition against the kubernetes schema. Requires the kubernetes-validate python module and openshift >= 0.8.0.Optional
append_hashWhether to append a hash to a resource name for immutability purposes
Applies only to ConfigMap and Secret resources
The parameter will be silently ignored for other resource kinds
The full definition of an object is needed to generate the hash - this means that deleting an object created with append_hash will only work if the same object is passed with state=absent (alternatively, just use state=absent with the name including the generated hash and append_hash=no)
Requires openshift >= 0.7.2.
applyapply compares the desired resource definition with the previously supplied resource definition, ignoring properties that are automatically generated
apply works better with Services than 'force=yes'
Requires openshift >= 0.9.2
mutually exclusive with merge_type.
stateDetermines if an object should be created, patched, or deleted. When set to present, an object will be created, if it does not already exist. If set to absent, an existing object will be deleted. If set to present, an existing object will be patched, if its attributes differ from those specified using resource_definition or src. Possible values are: absent, present. Default is present.Optional
forceIf set to yes, and state is present, an existing object will be replaced. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
api_versionUse to specify the API version. Use to create, delete, or discover an object without providing a full resource definition. Use in conjunction with kind, name, and namespace to identify a specific object. If resource definition is provided, the apiVersion from the resource_definition will override this option. Default is v1.Optional
kindUse to specify an object model. Use to create, delete, or discover an object without providing a full resource definition. Use in conjunction with api_version, name, and namespace to identify a specific object. If resource definition is provided, the kind from the resource_definition will override this option.Optional
nameUse to specify an object name. Use to create, delete, or discover an object without providing a full resource definition. Use in conjunction with api_version, kind and namespace to identify a specific object. If resource definition is provided, the value from the resource_definition will override this option.Optional
namespaceUse to specify an object namespace. Useful when creating, deleting, or discovering an object without providing a full resource definition. Use in conjunction with api_version, kind, and name to identify a specfic object. If resource definition is provided, the metadata.namespace value from the resource_definition will override this option.Optional
resource_definitionProvide a valid YAML definition (either as a string, list, or dict) for an object when creating or updating. NOTE: kind, api_version, name, and namespace will be overwritten by corresponding values found in the provided resource_definition.Optional

Context Output#

Kubernetes.K8s.resultunknownThe created, patched, or otherwise present object. Will be empty in the case of a deletion.

Command Example#

!k8s-k8s name="testing" kind="Namespace" state="present"

Context Example#

"Kubernetes": {
"K8S": [
"changed": false,
"method": "patch",
"result": {
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "Namespace",
"metadata": {
"creationTimestamp": "2021-07-04T16:08:41Z",
"managedFields": [
"apiVersion": "v1",
"fieldsType": "FieldsV1",
"fieldsV1": {
"f:status": {
"f:phase": {}
"manager": "OpenAPI-Generator",
"operation": "Update",
"time": "2021-07-04T16:08:41Z"
"name": "testing",
"resourceVersion": "34538",
"uid": "44296a6f-af82-45bf-af3e-e3a7327d7a30"
"spec": {
"finalizers": [
"status": {
"phase": "Active"
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • method: patch
  • Result#

    • apiVersion: v1
    • kind: Namespace
    • Metadata#

      • creationTimestamp: 2021-07-04T16:08:41Z
      • name: testing
      • resourceVersion: 34538
      • uid: 44296a6f-af82-45bf-af3e-e3a7327d7a30
      • Managedfields#

      • List#

        • apiVersion: v1
        • fieldsType: FieldsV1
        • manager: OpenAPI-Generator
        • operation: Update
        • time: 2021-07-04T16:08:41Z
        • Fieldsv1#
          • F:Status#
            • ####### F:Phase
    • Spec#

      • Finalizers#

        • 0: kubernetes
    • Status#

      • phase: Active


Describe Kubernetes (K8s) objects Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
api_versionUse to specify the API version. in conjunction with kind, name, and namespace to identify a specific object. Default is v1.Optional
kindUse to specify an object model. Use in conjunction with api_version, name, and namespace to identify a specific object.Required
nameUse to specify an object name. Use in conjunction with api_version, kind and namespace to identify a specific object.Optional
namespaceUse to specify an object namespace. Use in conjunction with api_version, kind, and name to identify a specific object.Optional
label_selectorsList of label selectors to use to filter results.Optional
field_selectorsList of field selectors to use to filter results.Optional

Context Output#

Kubernetes.K8sInfo.resourcesunknownThe object(s) that exists

Command Example#

!k8s-info kind="namespace" name="testing"

Context Example#

"Kubernetes": {
"K8SInfo": [
"changed": false,
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "Namespace",
"metadata": {
"creationTimestamp": "2021-07-04T16:08:41Z",
"managedFields": [
"apiVersion": "v1",
"fieldsType": "FieldsV1",
"fieldsV1": {
"f:status": {
"f:phase": {}
"manager": "OpenAPI-Generator",
"operation": "Update",
"time": "2021-07-04T16:08:41Z"
"name": "testing",
"resourceVersion": "34538",
"uid": "44296a6f-af82-45bf-af3e-e3a7327d7a30"
"spec": {
"finalizers": [
"status": {
"phase": "Active"
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • Resources#

  • List#

    • apiVersion: v1
    • kind: Namespace
    • Metadata#

      • creationTimestamp: 2021-07-04T16:08:41Z
      • name: testing
      • resourceVersion: 34538
      • uid: 44296a6f-af82-45bf-af3e-e3a7327d7a30
      • Managedfields#

      • List#

        • apiVersion: v1
        • fieldsType: FieldsV1
        • manager: OpenAPI-Generator
        • operation: Update
        • time: 2021-07-04T16:08:41Z
        • Fieldsv1#
          • F:Status#
            • ####### F:Phase
    • Spec#

      • Finalizers#

        • 0: kubernetes
    • Status#

      • phase: Active


Set a new size for a Deployment, ReplicaSet, Replication Controller, or Job. Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
api_versionUse to specify the API version. Use to create, delete, or discover an object without providing a full resource definition. Use in conjunction with kind, name, and namespace to identify a specific object. If resource definition is provided, the apiVersion from the resource_definition will override this option. Default is v1.Optional
kindUse to specify an object model. Use to create, delete, or discover an object without providing a full resource definition. Use in conjunction with api_version, name, and namespace to identify a specific object. If resource definition is provided, the kind from the resource_definition will override this option.Optional
nameUse to specify an object name. Use to create, delete, or discover an object without providing a full resource definition. Use in conjunction with api_version, kind and namespace to identify a specific object. If resource definition is provided, the value from the resource_definition will override this option.Optional
namespaceUse to specify an object namespace. Useful when creating, deleting, or discovering an object without providing a full resource definition. Use in conjunction with api_version, kind, and name to identify a specfic object. If resource definition is provided, the metadata.namespace value from the resource_definition will override this option.Optional
resource_definitionProvide a valid YAML definition (either as a string, list, or dict) for an object when creating or updating. NOTE: kind, api_version, name, and namespace will be overwritten by corresponding values found in the provided resource_definition.Optional
replicasThe desired number of replicas.Optional
current_replicasFor Deployment, ReplicaSet, Replication Controller, only scale, if the number of existing replicas matches. In the case of a Job, update parallelism only if the current parallelism value matches.Optional
resource_versionOnly attempt to scale, if the current object version matches.Optional
waitFor Deployment, ReplicaSet, Replication Controller, wait for the status value of ready_replicas to change to the number of replicas. In the case of a Job, this option is ignored. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is Yes.Optional
wait_timeoutWhen wait is True, the number of seconds to wait for the ready_replicas status to equal replicas. If the status is not reached within the allotted time, an error will result. In the case of a Job, this option is ignored. Default is 20.Optional

Context Output#

Kubernetes.K8sScale.resultunknownIf a change was made, will return the patched object, otherwise returns the existing object.

Command Example#

!k8s-scale kind="Deployment" name="nginx-deployment" namespace="testing" replicas="2" wait_timeout="60"

Context Example#

"Kubernetes": {
"K8SScale": [
"changed": true,
"duration": 5,
"result": {
"apiVersion": "apps/v1",
"kind": "Deployment",
"metadata": {
"annotations": {
"": "1",
"": "{\"apiVersion\":\"apps/v1\",\"kind\":\"Deployment\",\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{},\"labels\":{\"app\":\"nginx\"},\"name\":\"nginx-deployment\",\"namespace\":\"testing\"},\"spec\":{\"replicas\":3,\"selector\":{\"matchLabels\":{\"app\":\"nginx\"}},\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"labels\":{\"app\":\"nginx\"}},\"spec\":{\"containers\":[{\"image\":\"nginx:1.14.2\",\"name\":\"nginx\",\"ports\":[{\"containerPort\":80}]}]}}}}\n"
"creationTimestamp": "2021-07-04T16:42:43Z",
"generation": 2,
"labels": {
"app": "nginx"
"managedFields": [
"apiVersion": "apps/v1",
"fieldsType": "FieldsV1",
"fieldsV1": {
"f:metadata": {
"f:annotations": {
".": {},
"": {}
"f:labels": {
".": {},
"f:app": {}
"f:spec": {
"f:progressDeadlineSeconds": {},
"f:replicas": {},
"f:revisionHistoryLimit": {},
"f:selector": {},
"f:strategy": {
"f:rollingUpdate": {
".": {},
"f:maxSurge": {},
"f:maxUnavailable": {}
"f:type": {}
"f:template": {
"f:metadata": {
"f:labels": {
".": {},
"f:app": {}
"f:spec": {
"f:containers": {
"k:{\"name\":\"nginx\"}": {
".": {},
"f:image": {},
"f:imagePullPolicy": {},
"f:name": {},
"f:ports": {
".": {},
"k:{\"containerPort\":80,\"protocol\":\"TCP\"}": {
".": {},
"f:containerPort": {},
"f:protocol": {}
"f:resources": {},
"f:terminationMessagePath": {},
"f:terminationMessagePolicy": {}
"f:dnsPolicy": {},
"f:restartPolicy": {},
"f:schedulerName": {},
"f:securityContext": {},
"f:terminationGracePeriodSeconds": {}
"manager": "kubectl-client-side-apply",
"operation": "Update",
"time": "2021-07-04T16:42:43Z"
"name": "nginx-deployment",
"namespace": "testing",
"resourceVersion": "38764",
"uid": "364a24b7-211d-4f9d-8573-9310f5850e50"
"spec": {
"progressDeadlineSeconds": 600,
"replicas": 2,
"revisionHistoryLimit": 10,
"selector": {
"matchLabels": {
"app": "nginx"
"strategy": {
"rollingUpdate": {
"maxSurge": "25%",
"maxUnavailable": "25%"
"type": "RollingUpdate"
"template": {
"metadata": {
"creationTimestamp": null,
"labels": {
"app": "nginx"
"spec": {
"containers": [
"image": "nginx:1.14.2",
"imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
"name": "nginx",
"ports": [
"containerPort": 80,
"protocol": "TCP"
"resources": {},
"terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
"terminationMessagePolicy": "File"
"dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
"restartPolicy": "Always",
"schedulerName": "default-scheduler",
"securityContext": {},
"terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30
"status": {
"availableReplicas": 2,
"conditions": [
"lastTransitionTime": "2021-07-04T16:42:52Z",
"lastUpdateTime": "2021-07-04T16:42:52Z",
"message": "Deployment has minimum availability.",
"reason": "MinimumReplicasAvailable",
"status": "True",
"type": "Available"
"observedGeneration": 2,
"readyReplicas": 2,
"replicas": 2,
"updatedReplicas": 2
"status": "CHANGED"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: True

  • duration: 5

  • Result#

    • apiVersion: apps/v1

    • kind: Deployment

    • Metadata#

      • creationTimestamp: 2021-07-04T16:42:43Z

      • generation: 2

      • name: nginx-deployment

      • namespace: testing

      • resourceVersion: 38764

      • uid: 364a24b7-211d-4f9d-8573-9310f5850e50

      • Annotations#

        • 1
        • {"apiVersion":"apps/v1","kind":"Deployment","metadata":{"annotations":{},"labels":{"app":"nginx"},"name":"nginx-deployment","namespace":"testing"},"spec":{"replicas":3,"selector":{"matchLabels":{"app":"nginx"}},"template":{"metadata":{"labels":{"app":"nginx"}},"spec":{"containers":[{"image":"nginx:1.14.2","name":"nginx","ports":[{"containerPort":80}]}]}}}}
      • Labels#

        • app: nginx
      • Managedfields#

      • List#

        • apiVersion: apps/v1
        • fieldsType: FieldsV1
        • manager: kubectl-client-side-apply
        • operation: Update
        • time: 2021-07-04T16:42:43Z
        • Fieldsv1#
          • F:Metadata#
            • ####### F:Annotations
              • ######## .
              • ######## F:Kubectl.Kubernetes.Io/Last-Applied-Configuration
            • ####### F:Labels
              • ######## .
              • ######## F:App
          • F:Spec#
            • ####### F:Progressdeadlineseconds
            • ####### F:Replicas
            • ####### F:Revisionhistorylimit
            • ####### F:Selector
            • ####### F:Strategy
              • ######## F:Rollingupdate
                • ######### .
                • ######### F:Maxsurge
                • ######### F:Maxunavailable
              • ######## F:Type
            • ####### F:Template
              • ######## F:Metadata
                • ######### F:Labels
                  • ########## .
                  • ########## F:App
              • ######## F:Spec
                • ######### F:Containers
                  • ########## K:{"Name":"Nginx"}
                    • ########### .
                    • ########### F:Image
                    • ########### F:Imagepullpolicy
                    • ########### F:Name
                    • ########### F:Ports
                      • ############ .
                      • ############ K:{"Containerport":80,"Protocol":"Tcp"}
                        • ############# .
                        • ############# F:Containerport
                        • ############# F:Protocol
                    • ########### F:Resources
                    • ########### F:Terminationmessagepath
                    • ########### F:Terminationmessagepolicy
                • ######### F:Dnspolicy
                • ######### F:Restartpolicy
                • ######### F:Schedulername
                • ######### F:Securitycontext
                • ######### F:Terminationgraceperiodseconds
      • List#

        • apiVersion: apps/v1
        • fieldsType: FieldsV1
        • manager: kube-controller-manager
        • operation: Update
        • time: 2021-07-04T16:42:52Z
        • Fieldsv1#
          • F:Metadata#
            • ####### F:Annotations
              • ######## F:Deployment.Kubernetes.Io/Revision
          • F:Status#
            • ####### F:Availablereplicas
            • ####### F:Conditions
              • ######## .
              • ######## K:{"Type":"Available"}
                • ######### .
                • ######### F:Lasttransitiontime
                • ######### F:Lastupdatetime
                • ######### F:Message
                • ######### F:Reason
                • ######### F:Status
                • ######### F:Type
            • ####### F:Observedgeneration
            • ####### F:Readyreplicas
            • ####### F:Replicas
            • ####### F:Updatedreplicas
    • Spec#

      • progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
      • replicas: 2
      • revisionHistoryLimit: 10
      • Selector#

        • Matchlabels#
          • app: nginx
      • Strategy#

        • type: RollingUpdate
        • Rollingupdate#
          • maxSurge: 25%
          • maxUnavailable: 25%
      • Template#

        • Metadata#
          • creationTimestamp: None
          • Labels#
            • app: nginx
        • Spec#
          • dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
          • restartPolicy: Always
          • schedulerName: default-scheduler
          • terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
          • Containers#
          • Nginx#
            • image: nginx:1.14.2
            • imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            • name: nginx
            • terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
            • terminationMessagePolicy: File
            • ####### Ports
            • ####### List
              • containerPort: 80
              • protocol: TCP
            • ####### Resources
          • Securitycontext#
    • Status#

      • availableReplicas: 2
      • observedGeneration: 2
      • readyReplicas: 2
      • replicas: 2
      • updatedReplicas: 2
      • Conditions#

      • List#

        • lastTransitionTime: 2021-07-04T16:42:52Z
        • lastUpdateTime: 2021-07-04T16:42:52Z
        • message: Deployment has minimum availability.
        • reason: MinimumReplicasAvailable
        • status: True
        • type: Available
      • List#

        • lastTransitionTime: 2021-07-04T16:42:43Z
        • lastUpdateTime: 2021-07-04T16:42:52Z
        • message: ReplicaSet "nginx-deployment-66b6c48dd5" has successfully progressed.
        • reason: NewReplicaSetAvailable
        • status: True
        • type: Progressing


Manage Services on Kubernetes Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
resource_definitionA partial YAML definition of the Service object being created/updated. Here you can define Kubernetes Service Resource parameters not covered by this module's parameters.
NOTE: resource_definition has lower priority than module parameters. If you try to define e.g. metadata.namespace here, that value will be ignored and metadata used instead.
stateDetermines if an object should be created, patched, or deleted. When set to present, an object will be created, if it does not already exist. If set to absent, an existing object will be deleted. If set to present, an existing object will be patched, if its attributes differ from those specified using module options and resource_definition. Possible values are: present, absent. Default is present.Optional
forceIf set to True, and state is present, an existing object will be replaced. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
merge_typeWhether to override the default patch merge approach with a specific type. By default, the strategic merge will typically be used.
For example, Custom Resource Definitions typically aren't updatable by the usual strategic merge. You may want to use merge if you see "strategic merge patch format is not supported"
Requires openshift >= 0.6.2
If more than one merge_type is given, the merge_types will be tried in order
If openshift >= 0.6.2, this defaults to ['strategic-merge', 'merge'], which is ideal for using the same parameters on resource kinds that combine Custom Resources and built-in resources. For openshift < 0.6.2, the default is simply strategic-merge. Possible values are: json, merge, strategic-merge.
nameUse to specify a Service object name.Required
namespaceUse to specify a Service object namespace.Required
typeSpecifies the type of Service to create.
See Possible values are: NodePort, ClusterIP, LoadBalancer, ExternalName.
portsA list of ports to expose.
selectorLabel selectors identify objects this Service should apply to.

Context Output#

Kubernetes.K8sService.resultunknownThe created, patched, or otherwise present Service object. Will be empty in the case of a deletion.

Command Example#

!k8s-service state="present" name="test-https" namespace="testing" ports="{{ [{'port': 443, 'protocol': 'TCP'}] }}" selector="{'app': 'nginx'}"

Context Example#

"Kubernetes": {
"K8SService": [
"changed": true,
"method": "create",
"result": {
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "Service",
"metadata": {
"creationTimestamp": "2021-07-04T16:49:51Z",
"managedFields": [
"apiVersion": "v1",
"fieldsType": "FieldsV1",
"fieldsV1": {
"f:spec": {
"f:ports": {
".": {},
"k:{\"port\":443,\"protocol\":\"TCP\"}": {
".": {},
"f:port": {},
"f:protocol": {},
"f:targetPort": {}
"f:selector": {
".": {},
"f:app": {}
"f:sessionAffinity": {},
"f:type": {}
"manager": "OpenAPI-Generator",
"operation": "Update",
"time": "2021-07-04T16:49:51Z"
"name": "test-https",
"namespace": "testing",
"resourceVersion": "38785",
"uid": "71dd0d2d-9c84-497f-b900-6ba4357a325d"
"spec": {
"clusterIP": "",
"clusterIPs": [
"ports": [
"port": 443,
"protocol": "TCP",
"targetPort": 443
"selector": {
"app": "nginx"
"sessionAffinity": "None",
"type": "ClusterIP"
"status": {
"loadBalancer": {}
"status": "CHANGED"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: True
  • method: create
  • Result#

    • apiVersion: v1
    • kind: Service
    • Metadata#

      • creationTimestamp: 2021-07-04T16:49:51Z
      • name: test-https
      • namespace: testing
      • resourceVersion: 38785
      • uid: 71dd0d2d-9c84-497f-b900-6ba4357a325d
      • Managedfields#

      • List#

        • apiVersion: v1
        • fieldsType: FieldsV1
        • manager: OpenAPI-Generator
        • operation: Update
        • time: 2021-07-04T16:49:51Z
        • Fieldsv1#
          • F:Spec#
            • ####### F:Ports
              • ######## .
              • ######## K:{"Port":443,"Protocol":"Tcp"}
                • ######### .
                • ######### F:Port
                • ######### F:Protocol
                • ######### F:Targetport
            • ####### F:Selector
              • ######## .
              • ######## F:App
            • ####### F:Sessionaffinity
            • ####### F:Type
    • Spec#

      • clusterIP:
      • sessionAffinity: None
      • type: ClusterIP
      • Clusterips#

        • 0:
      • Ports#

      • List#

        • port: 443
        • protocol: TCP
        • targetPort: 443
      • Selector#

        • app: nginx
    • Status#

      • Loadbalancer#


The Ansible-Runner container is not suitable for running as a non-root user. Therefore, the Ansible integrations will fail if you follow the instructions in Docker hardening guide (Cortex XSOAR 6.13) or Docker hardening guide (Cortex XSOAR 8 Cloud) or Docker hardening guide (Cortex XSOAR 8.7 On-prem).

The server configuration causes the software that is run inside of the Docker containers utilized by Cortex XSOAR to run as a non-root user account inside the container.

The Ansible-Runner software is required to run as root as it applies its own isolation via bwrap to the Ansible execution environment.

This is a limitation of the Ansible-Runner software itself

A workaround is to use the server setting and to configure Cortex XSOAR to ignore the Ansible container image by setting the value of demisto/ansible-runner and afterwards running /reset_containers to reload any containers that might be running to ensure they receive the configuration.

See step 2 of this Docker hardening guide (Cortex XSOAR 6.13). For Cortex XSOAR 8 Cloud see step 3 in Run Docker with non-root internal users of this Docker hardening guide (Cortex XSOAR 8 Cloud). For Cortex XSOAR 8.7 On-prem see step 3 in Run Docker with non-root internal users of this Docker hardening guide (Cortex XSOAR 8.7 On-prem) for complete instructions.