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Ansible VMware

This Integration is part of the Ansible VMware Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.

This integration enables the management of VMware vCenter and ESXi hosts directly from XSOAR using Ansible modules. The Ansible engine is self-contained and pre-configured as part of this pack onto your XSOAR server, all you need to do is provide credentials you are ready to use the feature rich commands. This integration functions without any agents or additional software installed on the hosts by utilising VMware APIs.


  • vCenter or ESXi Server 6.5 and above
  • Paid License on vCenter or ESXi Server. Free vSphere Hypervistor will be read-only


By default, TCP port 443 will be used to initiate a REST API connection to the vSphere host.

The connection will be initiated from the XSOAR engine/server specified in the instance settings.

Configure Ansible VMware in Cortex#

HostnameThe hostname or IP address of the vSphere vCenter or ESXi server.True
PortThe port of the vSphere vCenter or ESXi server.True
UsernameThe username to access the vSphere vCenter or ESXi server.True
PasswordThe password to access the vSphere vCenter or ESXi server.True
Validate CertsAllows connection when SSL certificates are not valid. Set to `false` when certificates are not trusted.True


The action commands in this integration are idempotent. This means that the result of performing it once is exactly the same as the result of performing it repeatedly without any intervening actions.

State Arguement#

Some of the commands in this integration take a state argument. These define the desired end state of the object being managed. As a result these commands are able to perform multiple management operations depending on the desired state value. Common state values are: | State | Result | | --- | --- | | present | Object should exist. If not present, the object will be created with the provided parameters. If present but not with correct parameters, it will be modified to met provided parameters. | | running | Object should be running not stopped. | | stopped | Object should be stopped not running. | | restarted | Object will be restarted. | | absent | Object should not exist. If it it exists it will be deleted. |

Complex Command Inputs#

Some commands may require structured input arguments such as lists or dictionary, these can be provided in standard JSON notation wrapped in double curly braces. For example a argument called dns_servers that accepts a list of server IPs and would be entered as dns_servers="{{ ['', ''] }}".

Other more advanced data manipulation tools such as Ansible/Jinja2 filters can also be used in-line. For example to get a random number between 0 and 60 you can use {{ 60 | random }}.


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Provides information about VMware server to which user is connecting to Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareAboutInfo.about_infostringdict about VMware server

Command Example#


Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareAboutInfo": [
"about_info": {
"api_type": "VirtualCenter",
"api_version": "6.5",
"build": "8024368",
"instance_uuid": "a2ed9f62-9d30-4ee8-90d0-0f8f830448b4",
"license_product_name": "VMware VirtualCenter Server",
"license_product_version": "6.0",
"locale_build": "000",
"locale_version": "INTL",
"os_type": "linux-x64",
"product_full_name": "VMware vCenter Server 6.5.0 build-8024368",
"product_line_id": "vpx",
"product_name": "VMware vCenter Server",
"vendor": "VMware, Inc.",
"version": "6.5.0"
"changed": false,
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • About_Info#

    • api_type: VirtualCenter
    • api_version: 6.5
    • build: 8024368
    • instance_uuid: a2ed9f62-9d30-4ee8-90d0-0f8f830448b4
    • license_product_name: VMware VirtualCenter Server
    • license_product_version: 6.0
    • locale_build: 000
    • locale_version: INTL
    • os_type: linux-x64
    • product_full_name: VMware vCenter Server 6.5.0 build-8024368
    • product_line_id: vpx
    • product_name: VMware vCenter Server
    • vendor: VMware, Inc.
    • version: 6.5.0


Manage VMware categories Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
category_nameThe name of category to manage.Required
category_descriptionThe category description. This is required only if state is set to present. This parameter is ignored, when state is set to absent.Optional
category_cardinalityThe category cardinality. This parameter is ignored, when updating existing category. Possible values are: multiple, single. Default is multiple.Optional
new_category_nameThe new name for an existing category. This value is used while updating an existing category.Optional
stateThe state of category. If set to present and category does not exists, then category is created. If set to present and category exists, then category is updated. If set to absent and category exists, then category is deleted. If set to absent and category does not exists, no action is taken. Process of updating category only allows name, description change. Possible values are: present, absent. Default is present.Optional
protocolThe connection to protocol. Possible values are: http, https. Default is https.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareCategory.category_resultsunknowndictionary of category metadata


Gather info about VMware tag categories Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
protocolThe connection to protocol. Possible values are: http, https. Default is https.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareCategoryInfo.tag_category_infounknownmetadata of tag categories


Backup / Restore / Reset ESXi host configuration Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
esxi_hostnameName of ESXi server. This is required only if authentication against a vCenter is done.Optional
destThe destination where the ESXi configuration bundle will be saved. The dest can be a folder or a file. If dest is a folder, the backup file will be saved in the folder with the default filename generated from the ESXi server. If dest is a file, the backup file will be saved with that filename. The file extension will always be .tgz.Optional
srcThe file containing the ESXi configuration that will be restored.Optional
stateIf saved, the .tgz backup bundle will be saved in dest. If absent, the host configuration will be reset to default values. If loaded, the backup file in src will be loaded to the ESXi host rewriting the hosts settings. Possible values are: saved, absent, loaded.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareCfgBackup.dest_filestringThe full path of where the file holding the ESXi configurations was stored

Command Example#

!vmware-cfg-backup state="saved" dest="/tmp/" esxi_hostname="esxi01"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareCfgBackup": [
"changed": true,
"dest_file": "/tmp/configBundle-esxi01.tgz",
"status": "CHANGED"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: True
  • dest_file: /tmp/configBundle-esxi01.tgz


Manage VMware vSphere clusters Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
cluster_nameThe name of the cluster to be managed.Required
datacenterThe name of the datacenter.Required
ignore_drsIf set to yes, DRS will not be configured; all explicit and default DRS related configurations will be ignored. Default is no.Optional
ignore_haIf set to yes, HA will not be configured; all explicit and default HA related configurations will be ignored. Default is no.Optional
ignore_vsanIf set to yes, VSAN will not be configured; all explicit and default VSAN related configurations will be ignored. Default is no.Optional
enable_drsIf set to yes, will enable DRS when the cluster is created. Use enable_drs of vmware_cluster_drs instead. Deprecated option, will be removed in version 2.12. Default is no.Optional
drs_enable_vm_behavior_overridesDetermines whether DRS Behavior overrides for individual virtual machines are enabled. If set to True, overrides drs_default_vm_behavior. Use drs_enable_vm_behavior_overrides of vmware_cluster_drs instead. Deprecated option, will be removed in version 2.12. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is Yes.Optional
drs_default_vm_behaviorSpecifies the cluster-wide default DRS behavior for virtual machines. If set to partiallyAutomated, then vCenter generate recommendations for virtual machine migration and for the placement with a host. vCenter automatically implement placement at power on. If set to manual, then vCenter generate recommendations for virtual machine migration and for the placement with a host. vCenter should not implement the recommendations automatically. If set to fullyAutomated, then vCenter should automate both the migration of virtual machines and their placement with a host at power on. Use drs_default_vm_behavior of vmware_cluster_drs instead. Deprecated option, will be removed in version 2.12. Possible values are: fullyAutomated, manual, partiallyAutomated. Default is fullyAutomated.Optional
drs_vmotion_rateThreshold for generated ClusterRecommendations. Use drs_vmotion_rate of vmware_cluster_drs instead. Deprecated option, will be removed in version 2.12. Possible values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 3.Optional
enable_haIf set to yes will enable HA when the cluster is created. Use enable_ha of vmware_cluster_ha instead. Deprecated option, will be removed in version 2.12. Default is no.Optional
ha_host_monitoringIndicates whether HA restarts virtual machines after a host fails. If set to enabled, HA restarts virtual machines after a host fails. If set to disabled, HA does not restart virtual machines after a host fails. If enable_ha is set to no, then this value is ignored. Use ha_host_monitoring of vmware_cluster_ha instead. Deprecated option, will be removed in version 2.12. Possible values are: enabled, disabled. Default is enabled.Optional
ha_vm_monitoringIndicates the state of virtual machine health monitoring service. If set to vmAndAppMonitoring, HA response to both virtual machine and application heartbeat failure. If set to vmMonitoringDisabled, virtual machine health monitoring is disabled. If set to vmMonitoringOnly, HA response to virtual machine heartbeat failure. If enable_ha is set to no, then this value is ignored. Use ha_vm_monitoring of vmware_cluster_ha instead. Deprecated option, will be removed in version 2.12. Possible values are: vmAndAppMonitoring, vmMonitoringOnly, vmMonitoringDisabled. Default is vmMonitoringDisabled.Optional
ha_failover_levelNumber of host failures that should be tolerated, still guaranteeing sufficient resources to restart virtual machines on available hosts. Accepts integer values only. Use slot_based_admission_control, reservation_based_admission_control or failover_host_admission_control of vmware_cluster_ha instead. Deprecated option, will be removed in version 2.12. Default is 2.Optional
ha_admission_control_enabledDetermines if strict admission control is enabled. It is recommended to set this parameter to True, please refer documentation for more details. Use slot_based_admission_control, reservation_based_admission_control or failover_host_admission_control of vmware_cluster_ha instead. Deprecated option, will be removed in version 2.12. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is Yes.Optional
ha_vm_failure_intervalThe number of seconds after which virtual machine is declared as failed if no heartbeat has been received. This setting is only valid if ha_vm_monitoring is set to, either vmAndAppMonitoring or vmMonitoringOnly. Unit is seconds. Use ha_vm_failure_interval of vmware_cluster_ha instead. Deprecated option, will be removed in version 2.12. Default is 30.Optional
ha_vm_min_up_timeThe number of seconds for the virtual machine's heartbeats to stabilize after the virtual machine has been powered on. This setting is only valid if ha_vm_monitoring is set to, either vmAndAppMonitoring or vmMonitoringOnly. Unit is seconds. Use ha_vm_min_up_time of vmware_cluster_ha instead. Deprecated option, will be removed in version 2.12. Default is 120.Optional
ha_vm_max_failuresMaximum number of failures and automated resets allowed during the time that ha_vm_max_failure_window specifies. This setting is only valid if ha_vm_monitoring is set to, either vmAndAppMonitoring or vmMonitoringOnly. Use ha_vm_max_failures of vmware_cluster_ha instead. Deprecated option, will be removed in version 2.12. Default is 3.Optional
ha_vm_max_failure_windowThe number of seconds for the window during which up to ha_vm_max_failures resets can occur before automated responses stop. This setting is only valid if ha_vm_monitoring is set to, either vmAndAppMonitoring or vmMonitoringOnly. Unit is seconds. Default specifies no failure window. Use ha_vm_max_failure_window of vmware_cluster_ha instead. Deprecated option, will be removed in version 2.12. Default is -1.Optional
ha_restart_priorityDetermines the preference that HA gives to a virtual machine if sufficient capacity is not available to power on all failed virtual machines. This setting is only valid if ha_vm_monitoring is set to, either vmAndAppMonitoring or vmMonitoringOnly. If set to disabled, then HA is disabled for this virtual machine. If set to high, then virtual machine with this priority have a higher chance of powering on after a failure, when there is insufficient capacity on hosts to meet all virtual machine needs. If set to medium, then virtual machine with this priority have an intermediate chance of powering on after a failure, when there is insufficient capacity on hosts to meet all virtual machine needs. If set to low, then virtual machine with this priority have a lower chance of powering on after a failure, when there is insufficient capacity on hosts to meet all virtual machine needs. Use ha_restart_priority of vmware_cluster_ha instead. Deprecated option, will be removed in version 2.12. Possible values are: disabled, high, low, medium. Default is medium.Optional
enable_vsanIf set to yes will enable vSAN when the cluster is created. Use enable_vsan of vmware_cluster_vsan instead. Deprecated option, will be removed in version 2.12. Default is no.Optional
vsan_auto_claim_storageDetermines whether the VSAN service is configured to automatically claim local storage on VSAN-enabled hosts in the cluster. Use vsan_auto_claim_storage of vmware_cluster_vsan instead. Deprecated option, will be removed in version 2.12. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
stateCreate present or remove absent a VMware vSphere cluster. Possible values are: absent, present. Default is present.Optional

Context Output#


Command Example#

!vmware-cluster datacenter="DC1" cluster_name="cluster" enable_ha="False" enable_drs="False" enable_vsan="False"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareCluster": [
"changed": false,
"result": null,
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • result: None


Manage Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) on VMware vSphere clusters Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
cluster_nameThe name of the cluster to be managed.Required
datacenterThe name of the datacenter.Required
enable_drsWhether to enable DRS. Default is no.Optional
drs_enable_vm_behavior_overridesWhether DRS Behavior overrides for individual virtual machines are enabled. If set to True, overrides drs_default_vm_behavior. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is Yes.Optional
drs_default_vm_behaviorSpecifies the cluster-wide default DRS behavior for virtual machines. If set to partiallyAutomated, vCenter generates recommendations for virtual machine migration and for the placement with a host, then automatically implements placement recommendations at power on. If set to manual, then vCenter generates recommendations for virtual machine migration and for the placement with a host, but does not implement the recommendations automatically. If set to fullyAutomated, then vCenter automates both the migration of virtual machines and their placement with a host at power on. Possible values are: fullyAutomated, manual, partiallyAutomated. Default is fullyAutomated.Optional
drs_vmotion_rateThreshold for generated ClusterRecommendations. Possible values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 3.Optional

Context Output#


Command Example#

!vmware-cluster-drs datacenter="DC1" cluster_name="cluster" enable_drs="False"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareClusterDrs": [
"changed": false,
"result": null,
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • result: None


Manage High Availability (HA) on VMware vSphere clusters Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
cluster_nameThe name of the cluster to be managed.Required
datacenterThe name of the datacenter.Required
enable_haWhether to enable HA. Default is no.Optional
ha_host_monitoringWhether HA restarts virtual machines after a host fails. If set to enabled, HA restarts virtual machines after a host fails. If set to disabled, HA does not restart virtual machines after a host fails. If enable_ha is set to no, then this value is ignored. Possible values are: enabled, disabled. Default is enabled.Optional
ha_vm_monitoringState of virtual machine health monitoring service. If set to vmAndAppMonitoring, HA response to both virtual machine and application heartbeat failure. If set to vmMonitoringDisabled, virtual machine health monitoring is disabled. If set to vmMonitoringOnly, HA response to virtual machine heartbeat failure. If enable_ha is set to no, then this value is ignored. Possible values are: vmAndAppMonitoring, vmMonitoringOnly, vmMonitoringDisabled. Default is vmMonitoringDisabled.Optional
host_isolation_responseIndicates whether or VMs should be powered off if a host determines that it is isolated from the rest of the compute resource. If set to none, do not power off VMs in the event of a host network isolation. If set to powerOff, power off VMs in the event of a host network isolation. If set to shutdown, shut down VMs guest operating system in the event of a host network isolation. Possible values are: none, powerOff, shutdown. Default is none.Optional
slot_based_admission_controlConfigure slot based admission control policy. slot_based_admission_control, reservation_based_admission_control and failover_host_admission_control are mutually exclusive.Optional
reservation_based_admission_controlConfigure reservation based admission control policy. slot_based_admission_control, reservation_based_admission_control and failover_host_admission_control are mutually exclusive.Optional
failover_host_admission_controlConfigure dedicated failover hosts. slot_based_admission_control, reservation_based_admission_control and failover_host_admission_control are mutually exclusive.Optional
ha_vm_failure_intervalThe number of seconds after which virtual machine is declared as failed if no heartbeat has been received. This setting is only valid if ha_vm_monitoring is set to, either vmAndAppMonitoring or vmMonitoringOnly. Unit is seconds. Default is 30.Optional
ha_vm_min_up_timeThe number of seconds for the virtual machine's heartbeats to stabilize after the virtual machine has been powered on. Valid only when ha_vm_monitoring is set to either vmAndAppMonitoring or vmMonitoringOnly. Unit is seconds. Default is 120.Optional
ha_vm_max_failuresMaximum number of failures and automated resets allowed during the time that ha_vm_max_failure_window specifies. Valid only when ha_vm_monitoring is set to either vmAndAppMonitoring or vmMonitoringOnly. Default is 3.Optional
ha_vm_max_failure_windowThe number of seconds for the window during which up to ha_vm_max_failures resets can occur before automated responses stop. Valid only when ha_vm_monitoring is set to either vmAndAppMonitoring or vmMonitoringOnly. Unit is seconds. Default specifies no failure window. Default is -1.Optional
ha_restart_priorityPriority HA gives to a virtual machine if sufficient capacity is not available to power on all failed virtual machines. Valid only if ha_vm_monitoring is set to either vmAndAppMonitoring or vmMonitoringOnly. If set to disabled, then HA is disabled for this virtual machine. If set to high, then virtual machine with this priority have a higher chance of powering on after a failure, when there is insufficient capacity on hosts to meet all virtual machine needs. If set to medium, then virtual machine with this priority have an intermediate chance of powering on after a failure, when there is insufficient capacity on hosts to meet all virtual machine needs. If set to low, then virtual machine with this priority have a lower chance of powering on after a failure, when there is insufficient capacity on hosts to meet all virtual machine needs. Possible values are: disabled, high, low, medium. Default is medium.Optional

Context Output#


Command Example#

!vmware-cluster-ha datacenter="DC1" cluster_name="cluster" enable_ha="False"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareClusterHa": [
"changed": false,
"result": null,
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • result: None


Gather info about clusters available in given vCenter Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
datacenterDatacenter to search for cluster/s. This parameter is required, if cluster_name is not supplied.Optional
cluster_nameName of the cluster. If set, information of this cluster will be returned. This parameter is required, if datacenter is not supplied.Optional
show_tagTags related to cluster are shown if set to True. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareClusterInfo.clustersunknownmetadata about the available clusters

Command Example#

!vmware-cluster-info datacenter="DC1"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareClusterInfo": [
"changed": false,
"clusters": {
"cluster": {
"datacenter": "DC1",
"drs_default_vm_behavior": "fullyAutomated",
"drs_enable_vm_behavior_overrides": true,
"drs_vmotion_rate": 3,
"enable_ha": false,
"enabled_drs": false,
"enabled_vsan": false,
"ha_admission_control_enabled": true,
"ha_failover_level": 2,
"ha_host_monitoring": "enabled",
"ha_restart_priority": [
"ha_vm_failure_interval": [
"ha_vm_max_failure_window": [
"ha_vm_max_failures": [
"ha_vm_min_up_time": [
"ha_vm_monitoring": "vmMonitoringDisabled",
"ha_vm_tools_monitoring": [
"hosts": [
"folder": "/DC1/host/cluster",
"name": "esxi01"
"moid": "domain-c7",
"resource_summary": {
"cpuCapacityMHz": 5330,
"cpuUsedMHz": 32,
"memCapacityMB": 6143,
"memUsedMB": 1487,
"pMemAvailableMB": null,
"pMemCapacityMB": null,
"storageCapacityMB": 7936,
"storageUsedMB": 1439
"tags": [],
"vsan_auto_claim_storage": false
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • Clusters#

    • Cluster#

      • datacenter: DC1
      • drs_default_vm_behavior: fullyAutomated
      • drs_enable_vm_behavior_overrides: True
      • drs_vmotion_rate: 3
      • enable_ha: False
      • enabled_drs: False
      • enabled_vsan: False
      • ha_admission_control_enabled: True
      • ha_failover_level: 2
      • ha_host_monitoring: enabled
      • ha_vm_monitoring: vmMonitoringDisabled
      • moid: domain-c7
      • vsan_auto_claim_storage: False
      • Ha_Restart_Priority#

        • 0: medium
      • Ha_Vm_Failure_Interval#

        • 0: 30
      • Ha_Vm_Max_Failure_Window#

        • 0: -1
      • Ha_Vm_Max_Failures#

        • 0: 3
      • Ha_Vm_Min_Up_Time#

        • 0: 120
      • Ha_Vm_Tools_Monitoring#

        • 0: vmMonitoringDisabled
      • Hosts#

      • esxi01#

        • folder: /DC1/host/cluster
        • name: esxi01
      • Resource_Summary#

        • cpuCapacityMHz: 5330
        • cpuUsedMHz: 32
        • memCapacityMB: 6143
        • memUsedMB: 1487
        • pMemAvailableMB: None
        • pMemCapacityMB: None
        • storageCapacityMB: 7936
        • storageUsedMB: 1439
      • Tags#


Manages virtual storage area network (vSAN) configuration on VMware vSphere clusters Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
cluster_nameThe name of the cluster to be managed.Required
datacenterThe name of the datacenter.Required
enable_vsanWhether to enable vSAN. Default is no.Optional
vsan_auto_claim_storageWhether the VSAN service is configured to automatically claim local storage on VSAN-enabled hosts in the cluster. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional

Context Output#



Deploy Virtual Machine from template stored in content library. Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
templateThe name of template from which VM to be deployed.Required
nameThe name of the VM to be deployed.Required
datacenterName of the datacenter, where VM to be deployed.Required
datastoreName of the datastore to store deployed VM and disk.Required
folderName of the folder in datacenter in which to place deployed VM.Required
hostName of the ESX Host in datacenter in which to place deployed VM.Required
resource_poolName of the resourcepool in datacenter in which to place deployed VM.Optional
clusterName of the cluster in datacenter in which to place deployed VM.Optional
stateThe state of Virtual Machine deployed from template in content library. If set to present and VM does not exists, then VM is created. If set to present and VM exists, no action is taken. If set to poweredon and VM does not exists, then VM is created with powered on state. If set to poweredon and VM exists, no action is taken. Possible values are: present, poweredon. Default is present.Optional
protocolThe connection to protocol. Possible values are: http, https. Default is https.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareContentDeployTemplate.vm_deploy_infounknownVirtual machine deployment message and vm_id


Gather information about VMware Content Library Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
library_idcontent library id for which details needs to be fetched.Optional
protocolThe connection to protocol. Possible values are: http, https. Default is https.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareContentLibraryInfo.content_lib_detailsunknownlist of content library metadata
VMware.VmwareContentLibraryInfo.content_libsunknownlist of content libraries


Create, update and delete VMware content library Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
library_nameThe name of VMware content library to manage.Required
library_descriptionThe content library description. This is required only if state is set to present. This parameter is ignored, when state is set to absent. Process of updating content library only allows description change.Optional
library_typeThe content library type. This is required only if state is set to present. This parameter is ignored, when state is set to absent. Possible values are: local, subscribed. Default is local.Optional
datastore_nameName of the datastore on which backing content library is created. This is required only if state is set to present. This parameter is ignored, when state is set to absent. Currently only datastore backing creation is supported.Optional
stateThe state of content library. If set to present and library does not exists, then content library is created. If set to present and library exists, then content library is updated. If set to absent and library exists, then content library is deleted. If set to absent and library does not exists, no action is taken. Possible values are: present, absent. Default is present.Optional
protocolThe connection to protocol. Possible values are: http, https. Default is https.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareContentLibraryManager.content_library_infounknownlibrary creation success and library_id


Manage VMware vSphere Datacenters Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
datacenter_nameThe name of the datacenter the cluster will be created in.Required
stateIf the datacenter should be present or absent. Possible values are: present, absent. Default is present.Optional

Context Output#


Command Example#

!vmware-datacenter datacenter_name="DC1" state="present"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareDatacenter": [
"changed": false,
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False


Manage VMware vSphere datastore clusters Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
datacenter_nameThe name of the datacenter. You must specify either a datacenter_name or a folder. Mutually exclusive with folder parameter.Optional
datastore_cluster_nameThe name of the datastore cluster.Required
stateIf the datastore cluster should be present or absent. Possible values are: present, absent. Default is present.Optional
folderDestination folder, absolute path to place datastore cluster in. The folder should include the datacenter. This parameter is case sensitive. You must specify either a folder or a datacenter_name. Examples: folder: /datacenter1/datastore folder: datacenter1/datastore folder: /datacenter1/datastore/folder1 folder: datacenter1/datastore/folder1 folder: /folder1/datacenter1/datastore folder: folder1/datacenter1/datastore folder: /folder1/datacenter1/datastore/folder2.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareDatastoreCluster.resultstringinformation about datastore cluster operation

Command Example#

!vmware-datastore-cluster datacenter_name="DC1" datastore_cluster_name="Storage_Cluster" state="present"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareDatastoreCluster": [
"changed": true,
"result": "Datastore cluster 'Storage_Cluster' created successfully.",
"status": "CHANGED"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: True
  • result: Datastore cluster 'Storage_Cluster' created successfully.


Gather info about datastores available in given vCenter Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameName of the datastore to match. If set, information of specific datastores are returned.Optional
datacenterDatacenter to search for datastores. This parameter is required, if cluster is not supplied.Optional
clusterCluster to search for datastores. If set, information of datastores belonging this clusters will be returned. This parameter is required, if datacenter is not supplied.Optional
gather_nfs_mount_infoGather mount information of NFS datastores. Disabled per default because this slows down the execution if you have a lot of datastores. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
gather_vmfs_mount_infoGather mount information of VMFS datastores. Disabled per default because this slows down the execution if you have a lot of datastores. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareDatastoreInfo.datastoresunknownmetadata about the available datastores

Command Example#

!vmware-datastore-info datacenter_name="DC1"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareDatastoreInfo": [
"changed": false,
"datastores": [
"accessible": true,
"capacity": 8321499136,
"datastore_cluster": "N/A",
"freeSpace": 6812598272,
"maintenanceMode": "normal",
"multipleHostAccess": false,
"name": "datastore1",
"provisioned": 1508900864,
"type": "VMFS",
"uncommitted": 0,
"url": "ds:///vmfs/volumes/60eafb85-4b6578d0-c0a8-000c29d92704/"
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • Datastores#

  • Datastore1#

    • accessible: True
    • capacity: 8321499136
    • datastore_cluster: N/A
    • freeSpace: 6812598272
    • maintenanceMode: normal
    • multipleHostAccess: False
    • name: datastore1
    • provisioned: 1508900864
    • type: VMFS
    • uncommitted: 0
    • url: ds:///vmfs/volumes/60eafb85-4b6578d0-c0a8-000c29d92704/


Place a datastore into maintenance mode Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
datastoreName of datastore to manage. If datastore_cluster or cluster_name are not set, this parameter is required.Optional
datastore_clusterName of the datastore cluster from all child datastores to be managed. If datastore or cluster_name are not set, this parameter is required.Optional
cluster_nameName of the cluster where datastore is connected to. If multiple datastores are connected to the given cluster, then all datastores will be managed by state. If datastore or datastore_cluster are not set, this parameter is required.Optional
stateIf set to present, then enter datastore into maintenance mode. If set to present and datastore is already in maintenance mode, then no action will be taken. If set to absent and datastore is in maintenance mode, then exit maintenance mode. If set to absent and datastore is not in maintenance mode, then no action will be taken. Possible values are: present, absent. Default is present.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareDatastoreMaintenancemode.resultsunknownAction taken for datastore

Command Example#

!vmware-datastore-maintenancemode datastore="datastore1" state="present"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareDatastoreMaintenancemode": [
"changed": true,
"datastore_status": {
"datastore1": "Datastore 'datastore1' entered in maintenance mode."
"status": "CHANGED"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: True
  • Datastore_Status#

    • datastore1: Datastore 'datastore1' entered in maintenance mode.


Manage VMware ESXi DNS Configuration Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
change_hostname_toThe hostname that an ESXi host should be changed to.Required
domainnameThe domain the ESXi host should be apart of.Required
dns_serversThe DNS servers that the host should be configured to use.Required

Context Output#


Command Example#

!vmware-dns-config change_hostname_to="esxi01" domainname="" dns_servers="{{ ['', ''] }}"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareDnsConfig": [
"changed": false,
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False


Creates vm/host group in a given cluster. Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
cluster_nameCluster to create vm/host group.Required
datacenterDatacenter to search for given cluster. If not set, we use first cluster we encounter with cluster_name.Optional
group_nameThe name of the group to create or remove.Required
hostsList of hosts to create in group. Required only if vms is not set.Optional
stateIf set to present and the group doesn't exists then the group will be created. If set to absent and the group exists then the group will be deleted. Possible values are: present, absent. Default is present.Required
vmsList of vms to create in group. Required only if hosts is not set.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareDrsGroup.drs_group_factsunknownMetadata about DRS group created

Command Example#

!vmware-drs-group cluster_name="cluster" datacenter_name="DC1" group_name="TEST_VM_01" vms="Sample_VM" state="present"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareDrsGroup": [
"changed": false,
"msg": "Updated vm group TEST_VM_01 successfully",
"result": {
"cluster": [
"group_name": "TEST_VM_01",
"type": "vm",
"vms": [
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • msg: Updated vm group TEST_VM_01 successfully
  • Result#

    • Cluster#

    • Test_Vm_01#

      • group_name: TEST_VM_01
      • type: vm
      • Vms#

        • 0: Sample_VM


Gathers info about DRS VM/Host groups on the given cluster Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
cluster_nameCluster to search for VM/Host groups. If set, information of DRS groups belonging this cluster will be returned. Not needed if datacenter is set.Optional
datacenterDatacenter to search for DRS VM/Host groups.Required

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareDrsGroupInfo.drs_group_infounknownMetadata about DRS group from given cluster / datacenter

Command Example#

!vmware-drs-group-info datacenter="DC1"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareDrsGroupInfo": [
"changed": false,
"drs_group_info": {
"cluster": [
"group_name": "TEST_VM_01",
"type": "vm",
"vms": [
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • Drs_Group_Info#

    • Cluster#

    • Test_Vm_01#

      • group_name: TEST_VM_01
      • type: vm
      • Vms#

        • 0: Sample_VM


Gathers info about DRS rule on the given cluster Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
cluster_nameName of the cluster. DRS information for the given cluster will be returned. This is required parameter if datacenter parameter is not provided.Optional
datacenterName of the datacenter. DRS information for all the clusters from the given datacenter will be returned. This is required parameter if cluster_name parameter is not provided.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareDrsRuleInfo.drs_rule_infounknownmetadata about DRS rule from given cluster / datacenter

Command Example#

!vmware-drs-rule-info cluster_name="cluster"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareDrsRuleInfo": [
"changed": false,
"drs_rule_info": {
"cluster": []
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • Drs_Rule_Info#

    • Cluster#


Add or remove a host from distributed virtual switch Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
esxi_hostnameThe ESXi hostname.Required
switch_nameThe name of the Distributed vSwitch.Required
vmnicsThe ESXi hosts vmnics to use with the Distributed vSwitch.Required
stateIf the host should be present or absent attached to the vSwitch. Possible values are: present, absent. Default is present.Required
vendor_specific_configList of key,value dictionaries for the Vendor Specific Configuration. Element attributes are: - key (str): Key of setting. (default: None) - value (str): Value of setting. (default: None).Optional

Context Output#



Create or remove a Distributed vSwitch portgroup. Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
portgroup_nameThe name of the portgroup that is to be created or deleted.Required
switch_nameThe name of the distributed vSwitch the port group should be created on.Required
vlan_idThe VLAN ID that should be configured with the portgroup, use 0 for no VLAN. If vlan_trunk is configured to be true, this can be a combination of multiple ranges and numbers, example: 1-200, 205, 400-4094. The valid vlan_id range is from 0 to 4094. Overlapping ranges are allowed.Required
num_portsThe number of ports the portgroup should contain.Required
portgroup_typeSee VMware KB 1022312 regarding portgroup types. Possible values are: earlyBinding, lateBinding, ephemeral.Required
stateDetermines if the portgroup should be present or not. Possible values are: present, absent.Required
vlan_trunkIndicates whether this is a VLAN trunk or not. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
network_policyDictionary which configures the different security values for portgroup. Valid attributes are: - promiscuous (bool): indicates whether promiscuous mode is allowed. (default: false) - forged_transmits (bool): indicates whether forged transmits are allowed. (default: false) - mac_changes (bool): indicates whether mac changes are allowed. (default: false). Default is {'promiscuous': False, 'forged_transmits': False, 'mac_changes': False}.Optional
teaming_policyDictionary which configures the different teaming values for portgroup. Valid attributes are: - load_balance_policy (string): Network adapter teaming policy. (default: loadbalance_srcid) - choices: [ loadbalance_ip, loadbalance_srcmac, loadbalance_srcid, loadbalance_loadbased, failover_explicit] - "loadbalance_loadbased" is available from version 2.6 and onwards - inbound_policy (bool): Indicate whether or not the teaming policy is applied to inbound frames as well. (default: False) - notify_switches (bool): Indicate whether or not to notify the physical switch if a link fails. (default: True) - rolling_order (bool): Indicate whether or not to use a rolling policy when restoring links. (default: False). Default is {'notify_switches': True, 'load_balance_policy': 'loadbalance_srcid', 'inbound_policy': False, 'rolling_order': False}.Optional
port_policyDictionary which configures the advanced policy settings for the portgroup. Valid attributes are: - block_override (bool): indicates if the block policy can be changed per port. (default: true) - ipfix_override (bool): indicates if the ipfix policy can be changed per port. (default: false) - live_port_move (bool): indicates if a live port can be moved in or out of the portgroup. (default: false) - network_rp_override (bool): indicates if the network resource pool can be changed per port. (default: false) - port_config_reset_at_disconnect (bool): indicates if the configuration of a port is reset automatically after disconnect. (default: true) - security_override (bool): indicates if the security policy can be changed per port. (default: false) - shaping_override (bool): indicates if the shaping policy can be changed per port. (default: false) - traffic_filter_override (bool): indicates if the traffic filter can be changed per port. (default: false) - uplink_teaming_override (bool): indicates if the uplink teaming policy can be changed per port. (default: false) - vendor_config_override (bool): indicates if the vendor config can be changed per port. (default: false) - vlan_override (bool): indicates if the vlan can be changed per port. (default: false). Default is {'traffic_filter_override': False, 'network_rp_override': False, 'live_port_move': False, 'security_override': False, 'vendor_config_override': False, 'port_config_reset_at_disconnect': True, 'uplink_teaming_override': False, 'block_override': True, 'shaping_override': False, 'vlan_override': False, 'ipfix_override': False}.Optional

Context Output#


Command Example#

!vmware-dvs-portgroup portgroup_name="vlan-123-portrgoup" switch_name="dvSwitch" vlan_id="123" num_ports="120" portgroup_type="earlyBinding" state="present"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareDvsPortgroup": [
"changed": true,
"result": "None",
"status": "CHANGED"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: True
  • result: None


Find portgroup(s) in a VMware environment Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
dvswitchName of a distributed vSwitch to look for.Optional
vlanidVLAN id can be any number between 1 and 4094. This search criteria will looks into VLAN ranges to find possible matches.Optional
namestring to check inside the name of the portgroup. Basic containment check using python in operation.Optional
show_uplinkShow or hide uplink portgroups. Only relevant when vlanid is supplied. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareDvsPortgroupFind.dvs_portgroupsunknownbasic details of portgroups found

Command Example#

!vmware-dvs-portgroup-find dvswitch="dvSwitch"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareDvsPortgroupFind": [
"changed": false,
"dvs_portgroups": [
"dvswitch": "dvSwitch",
"name": "vlan-123-portrgoup",
"pvlan": false,
"trunk": false,
"vlan_id": "123"
"dvswitch": "dvSwitch",
"name": "dvSwitch-DVUplinks-23",
"pvlan": false,
"trunk": true,
"vlan_id": "0-4094"
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • Dvs_Portgroups#

  • Vlan-123-Portrgoup#

    • dvswitch: dvSwitch
    • name: vlan-123-portrgoup
    • pvlan: False
    • trunk: False
    • vlan_id: 123
  • Dvswitch-Dvuplinks-23#

    • dvswitch: dvSwitch
    • name: dvSwitch-DVUplinks-23
    • pvlan: False
    • trunk: True
    • vlan_id: 0-4094


Gathers info DVS portgroup configurations Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
datacenterName of the datacenter.Required
dvswitchName of a dvswitch to look for.Optional
show_network_policyShow or hide network policies of DVS portgroup. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is Yes.Optional
show_port_policyShow or hide port policies of DVS portgroup. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is Yes.Optional
show_teaming_policyShow or hide teaming policies of DVS portgroup. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is Yes.Optional
show_vlan_infoShow or hide vlan information of the DVS portgroup. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareDvsPortgroupInfo.dvs_portgroup_infounknownmetadata about DVS portgroup configuration

Command Example#

!vmware-dvs-portgroup-info datacenter="DC1"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareDvsPortgroupInfo": [
"changed": false,
"dvs_portgroup_info": {
"dvSwitch": [
"description": null,
"dvswitch_name": "dvSwitch",
"key": "dvportgroup-25",
"network_policy": {
"forged_transmits": false,
"mac_changes": false,
"promiscuous": false
"num_ports": 120,
"port_policy": {
"block_override": true,
"ipfix_override": false,
"live_port_move": false,
"network_rp_override": false,
"port_config_reset_at_disconnect": true,
"security_override": false,
"shaping_override": false,
"traffic_filter_override": false,
"uplink_teaming_override": false,
"vendor_config_override": false,
"vlan_override": false
"portgroup_name": "vlan-123-portrgoup",
"teaming_policy": {
"inbound_policy": false,
"notify_switches": true,
"policy": "loadbalance_srcid",
"rolling_order": false
"type": "earlyBinding",
"vlan_info": {}
"description": null,
"dvswitch_name": "dvSwitch",
"key": "dvportgroup-24",
"network_policy": {
"forged_transmits": true,
"mac_changes": false,
"promiscuous": false
"num_ports": 0,
"port_policy": {
"block_override": true,
"ipfix_override": false,
"live_port_move": false,
"network_rp_override": false,
"port_config_reset_at_disconnect": true,
"security_override": false,
"shaping_override": false,
"traffic_filter_override": false,
"uplink_teaming_override": false,
"vendor_config_override": false,
"vlan_override": false
"portgroup_name": "dvSwitch-DVUplinks-23",
"teaming_policy": {
"inbound_policy": true,
"notify_switches": true,
"policy": "loadbalance_srcid",
"rolling_order": false
"type": "earlyBinding",
"vlan_info": {}
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • Dvs_Portgroup_Info#

    • Dvswitch#

    • Dvswitch#

      • description: None
      • dvswitch_name: dvSwitch
      • key: dvportgroup-25
      • num_ports: 120
      • portgroup_name: vlan-123-portrgoup
      • type: earlyBinding
      • Network_Policy#

        • forged_transmits: False
        • mac_changes: False
        • promiscuous: False
      • Port_Policy#

        • block_override: True
        • ipfix_override: False
        • live_port_move: False
        • network_rp_override: False
        • port_config_reset_at_disconnect: True
        • security_override: False
        • shaping_override: False
        • traffic_filter_override: False
        • uplink_teaming_override: False
        • vendor_config_override: False
        • vlan_override: False
      • Teaming_Policy#

        • inbound_policy: False
        • notify_switches: True
        • policy: loadbalance_srcid
        • rolling_order: False
      • Vlan_Info#

    • Dvswitch#

      • description: None
      • dvswitch_name: dvSwitch
      • key: dvportgroup-24
      • num_ports: 0
      • portgroup_name: dvSwitch-DVUplinks-23
      • type: earlyBinding
      • Network_Policy#

        • forged_transmits: True
        • mac_changes: False
        • promiscuous: False
      • Port_Policy#

        • block_override: True
        • ipfix_override: False
        • live_port_move: False
        • network_rp_override: False
        • port_config_reset_at_disconnect: True
        • security_override: False
        • shaping_override: False
        • traffic_filter_override: False
        • uplink_teaming_override: False
        • vendor_config_override: False
        • vlan_override: False
      • Teaming_Policy#

        • inbound_policy: True
        • notify_switches: True
        • policy: loadbalance_srcid
        • rolling_order: False
      • Vlan_Info#


Create or remove a Distributed Switch Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
datacenter_nameThe name of the datacenter that will contain the Distributed Switch. This parameter is optional, if folder is provided. Mutually exclusive with folder parameter.Optional
switch_nameThe name of the distribute vSwitch to create or remove.Required
switch_versionThe version of the Distributed Switch to create. Can be 6.0.0, 5.5.0, 5.1.0, 5.0.0 with a vCenter running vSphere 6.0 and 6.5. Can be 6.6.0, 6.5.0, 6.0.0 with a vCenter running vSphere 6.7. The version must match the version of the ESXi hosts you want to connect. The version of the vCenter server is used if not specified. Required only if state is set to present. Possible values are: 5.0.0, 5.1.0, 5.5.0, 6.0.0, 6.5.0, 6.6.0.Optional
mtuThe switch maximum transmission unit. Required parameter for state both present and absent, before Ansible 2.6 version. Required only if state is set to present, for Ansible 2.6 and onwards. Accepts value between 1280 to 9000 (both inclusive). Default is 1500.Optional
multicast_filtering_modeThe multicast filtering mode. basic mode: multicast traffic for virtual machines is forwarded according to the destination MAC address of the multicast group. snooping mode: the Distributed Switch provides IGMP and MLD snooping according to RFC 4541. Possible values are: basic, snooping. Default is basic.Optional
uplink_quantityQuantity of uplink per ESXi host added to the Distributed Switch. The uplink quantity can be increased or decreased, but a decrease will only be successfull if the uplink isn't used by a portgroup. Required parameter for state both present and absent, before Ansible 2.6 version. Required only if state is set to present, for Ansible 2.6 and onwards.Optional
uplink_prefixThe prefix used for the naming of the uplinks. Only valid if the Distributed Switch will be created. Not used if the Distributed Switch is already present. Uplinks are created as Uplink 1, Uplink 2, etc. pp. by default. Default is Uplink .Optional
discovery_protoLink discovery protocol between Cisco and Link Layer discovery. Required parameter for state both present and absent, before Ansible 2.6 version. Required only if state is set to present, for Ansible 2.6 and onwards. cdp: Use Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP). lldp: Use Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP). disabled: Do not use a discovery protocol. Possible values are: cdp, lldp, disabled. Default is cdp.Optional
discovery_operationSelect the discovery operation. Required parameter for state both present and absent, before Ansible 2.6 version. Required only if state is set to present, for Ansible 2.6 and onwards. Possible values are: both, advertise, listen. Default is listen.Optional
contactDictionary which configures administrator contact name and description for the Distributed Switch. Valid attributes are: - name (str): Administrator name. - description (str): Description or other details.Optional
descriptionDescription of the Distributed Switch.Optional
health_checkDictionary which configures Health Check for the Distributed Switch. Valid attributes are: - vlan_mtu (bool): VLAN and MTU health check. (default: False) - teaming_failover (bool): Teaming and failover health check. (default: False) - vlan_mtu_interval (int): VLAN and MTU health check interval (minutes). (default: 0) - The default for vlan_mtu_interval is 1 in the vSphere Client if the VLAN and MTU health check is enabled. - teaming_failover_interval (int): Teaming and failover health check interval (minutes). (default: 0) - The default for teaming_failover_interval is 1 in the vSphere Client if the Teaming and failover health check is enabled. Default is {'vlan_mtu': False, 'teaming_failover': False, 'vlan_mtu_interval': 0, 'teaming_failover_interval': 0}.Optional
stateIf set to present and the Distributed Switch doesn't exists then the Distributed Switch will be created. If set to absent and the Distributed Switch exists then the Distributed Switch will be deleted. Possible values are: present, absent. Default is present.Optional
folderDestination folder, absolute path to place dvswitch in. The folder should include the datacenter. This parameter is case sensitive. This parameter is optional, if datacenter is provided. Examples: folder: /datacenter1/network folder: datacenter1/network folder: /datacenter1/network/folder1 folder: datacenter1/network/folder1 folder: /folder1/datacenter1/network folder: folder1/datacenter1/network folder: /folder1/datacenter1/network/folder2.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareDvswitch.resultstringinformation about performed operation

Command Example#

!vmware-dvswitch datacenter="DC1" switch_name="dvSwitch" version="6.0.0" mtu="9000" uplink_quantity="2" discovery_protocol="lldp" discovery_operation="both" state="present" datacenter_name="DC1"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareDvswitch": [
"changed": true,
"result": "DVS created",
"status": "CHANGED"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: True
  • result: DVS created


Manage LACP configuration on a Distributed Switch Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
switchThe name of the Distributed Switch to manage.Required
support_modeThe LACP support mode. basic: One Link Aggregation Control Protocol group in the switch (singleLag). enhanced: Multiple Link Aggregation Control Protocol groups in the switch (multipleLag). Possible values are: basic, enhanced. Default is basic.Optional
link_aggregation_groupsCan only be used if lacp_support is set to enhanced. The following parameters are required: - name (string): Name of the LAG. - uplink_number (int): Number of uplinks. Can 1 to 30. - mode (string): The negotiating state of the uplinks/ports. - choices: [ active, passive ] - load_balancing_mode (string): Load balancing algorithm. - Valid attributes are: - srcTcpUdpPort: Source TCP/UDP port number. - srcDestIpTcpUdpPortVlan: Source and destination IP, source and destination TCP/UDP port number and VLAN. - srcIpVlan: Source IP and VLAN. - srcDestTcpUdpPort: Source and destination TCP/UDP port number. - srcMac: Source MAC address. - destIp: Destination IP. - destMac: Destination MAC address. - vlan: VLAN only. - srcDestIp: Source and Destination IP. - srcIpTcpUdpPortVlan: Source IP, TCP/UDP port number and VLAN. - srcDestIpTcpUdpPort: Source and destination IP and TCP/UDP port number. - srcDestMac: Source and destination MAC address. - destIpTcpUdpPort: Destination IP and TCP/UDP port number. - srcPortId: Source Virtual Port Id. - srcIp: Source IP. - srcIpTcpUdpPort: Source IP and TCP/UDP port number. - destIpTcpUdpPortVlan: Destination IP, TCP/UDP port number and VLAN. - destTcpUdpPort: Destination TCP/UDP port number. - destIpVlan: Destination IP and VLAN. - srcDestIpVlan: Source and destination IP and VLAN. - The default load balancing mode in the vSphere Client is srcDestIpTcpUdpPortVlan. Please see examples for more information.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareDvswitchLacp.resultstringinformation about performed operation

Command Example#

!vmware-dvswitch-lacp switch="dvSwitch" support_mode="enhanced"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareDvswitchLacp": [
"changed": true,
"dvswitch": "dvSwitch",
"link_aggregation_groups": [],
"result": "support mode changed",
"status": "CHANGED",
"support_mode": "enhanced",
"support_mode_previous": "basic"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: True
  • dvswitch: dvSwitch
  • result: support mode changed
  • support_mode: enhanced
  • support_mode_previous: basic
  • Link_Aggregation_Groups#


Manage distributed switch Network IO Control Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
switchThe name of the distributed switch.Required
versionNetwork IO control version. Possible values are: version2, version3.Optional
stateEnable or disable NIOC on the distributed switch. Possible values are: present, absent. Default is present.Optional
resourcesList of dicts containing { name: Resource name is one of the following: "faultTolerance", "hbr", "iSCSI", "management", "nfs", "vdp", "virtualMachine", "vmotion", "vsan" limit: The maximum allowed usage for a traffic class belonging to this resource pool per host physical NIC. reservation: (Ignored if NIOC version is set to version2) Amount of bandwidth resource that is guaranteed available to the host infrastructure traffic class. If the utilization is less than the reservation, the extra bandwidth is used for other host infrastructure traffic class types. Reservation is not allowed to exceed the value of limit, if limit is set. Unit is Mbits/sec. shares_level: The allocation level ("low", "normal", "high", "custom"). The level is a simplified view of shares. Levels map to a pre-determined set of numeric values for shares. shares: Ignored unless shares_level is "custom". The number of shares allocated. reservation: Ignored unless version is "version3". Amount of bandwidth resource that is guaranteed available to the host infrastructure traffic class. }.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareDvswitchNioc.dvswitch_nioc_statusstringresult of the changes
VMware.VmwareDvswitchNioc.resources_changedunknownlist of resources which were changed

Command Example#

!vmware-dvswitch-nioc switch="dvSwitch" version="version3" resources="{{ [{'name': 'vmotion', 'limit': -1, 'reservation': 128, 'shares_level': 'normal'}, {'name': 'vsan', 'limit': -1, 'shares_level': 'custom', 'shares': 99, 'reservation': 256}] }}" state="present"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareDvswitchNioc": [
"changed": true,
"dvswitch_nioc_status": "Enabled NIOC with version version3",
"resources_changed": [
"status": "CHANGED"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: True
  • dvswitch_nioc_status: Enabled NIOC with version version3
  • Resources_Changed#

    • 0: vmotion
    • 1: vsan


Manage Private VLAN configuration of a Distributed Switch Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
switchThe name of the Distributed Switch.Required
primary_pvlansA list of VLAN IDs that should be configured as Primary PVLANs. If primary_pvlans isn't specified, all PVLANs will be deleted if present. Each member of the list requires primary_pvlan_id (int) set. The secondary promiscuous PVLAN will be created automatically. If secondary_pvlans isn't specified, the primary PVLANs and each secondary promiscuous PVLAN will be created. Please see examples for more information.Optional
secondary_pvlansA list of VLAN IDs that should be configured as Secondary PVLANs. primary_pvlans need to be specified to create any Secondary PVLAN. If primary_pvlans isn't specified, all PVLANs will be deleted if present. Each member of the list requires primary_pvlan_id (int), secondary_pvlan_id (int), and pvlan_type (str) to be set. The type of the secondary PVLAN can be isolated or community. The secondary promiscuous PVLAN will be created automatically. Please see examples for more information.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareDvswitchPvlans.resultstringinformation about performed operation


Manage uplink portproup configuration of a Distributed Switch Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
switchThe name of the Distributed Switch.Required
nameThe name of the uplink portgroup. The current name will be used if not specified.Optional
descriptionThe description of the uplink portgroup.Optional
advancedDictionary which configures the advanced policy settings for the uplink portgroup. Valid attributes are: - port_config_reset_at_disconnect (bool): indicates if the configuration of a port is reset automatically after disconnect. (default: true) - block_override (bool): indicates if the block policy can be changed per port. (default: true) - netflow_override (bool): indicates if the NetFlow policy can be changed per port. (default: false) - traffic_filter_override (bool): indicates if the traffic filter can be changed per port. (default: false) - vendor_config_override (bool): indicates if the vendor config can be changed per port. (default: false) - vlan_override (bool): indicates if the vlan can be changed per port. (default: false). Default is {'port_config_reset_at_disconnect': True, 'block_override': True, 'vendor_config_override': False, 'vlan_override': False, 'netflow_override': False, 'traffic_filter_override': False}.Optional
vlan_trunk_rangeThe VLAN trunk range that should be configured with the uplink portgroup. This can be a combination of multiple ranges and numbers, example: [ 2-3967, 4049-4092 ]. Default is ['0-4094'].Optional
lacpDictionary which configures the LACP settings for the uplink portgroup. The options are only used if the LACP support mode is set to 'basic'. The following parameters are required: - status (str): Indicates if LACP is enabled. (default: disabled) - mode (str): The negotiating state of the uplinks/ports. (default: passive). Default is {'status': 'disabled', 'mode': 'passive'}.Optional
netflow_enabledIndicates if NetFlow is enabled on the uplink portgroup. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
block_all_portsIndicates if all ports are blocked on the uplink portgroup. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareDvswitchUplinkPg.resultstringinformation about performed operation

Command Example#

!vmware-dvswitch-uplink-pg switch="dvSwitch" name="dvSwitch-DVUplinks" advanced="{{ {'port_config_reset_at_disconnect': True, 'block_override': True, 'vendor_config_override': False, 'vlan_override': False, 'netflow_override': False, 'traffic_filter_override': False} }}" vlan_trunk_range="0-4094" netflow_enabled="False" block_all_ports="False"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareDvswitchUplinkPg": [
"adv_block_ports": true,
"adv_netflow": false,
"adv_reset_at_disconnect": true,
"adv_traffic_filtering": false,
"adv_vendor_conf": false,
"adv_vlan": false,
"block_all_ports": false,
"changed": true,
"description": null,
"dvswitch": "dvSwitch",
"name": "dvSwitch-DVUplinks",
"name_previous": "dvSwitch-DVUplinks-23",
"netflow_enabled": false,
"result": "name changed",
"status": "CHANGED",
"vlan_trunk_range": [

Human Readable Output#


  • adv_block_ports: True
  • adv_netflow: False
  • adv_reset_at_disconnect: True
  • adv_traffic_filtering: False
  • adv_vendor_conf: False
  • adv_vlan: False
  • block_all_ports: False
  • changed: True
  • description: None
  • dvswitch: dvSwitch
  • name: dvSwitch-DVUplinks
  • name_previous: dvSwitch-DVUplinks-23
  • netflow_enabled: False
  • result: name changed
  • Vlan_Trunk_Range#

    • 0: 0-4094


Enable/Disable EVC mode on vCenter Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
datacenter_nameThe name of the datacenter the cluster belongs to that you want to enable or disable EVC mode on.Required
cluster_nameThe name of the cluster to enable or disable EVC mode on.Required
evc_modeRequired for state=present. The EVC mode to enable or disable on the cluster. (intel-broadwell, intel-nehalem, intel-merom, etc.).Required
stateAdd or remove EVC mode. Possible values are: absent, present. Default is present.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareEvcMode.resultstringinformation about performed operation

Command Example#

!vmware-evc-mode datacenter_name="DC1" cluster_name="cluster" evc_mode="intel-merom" state="present"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareEvcMode": [
"changed": false,
"msg": "EVC Mode is already set to 'intel-merom' on 'cluster'.",
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • msg: EVC Mode is already set to 'intel-merom' on 'cluster'.


Provides information about folders in a datacenter Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
datacenterName of the datacenter.Required

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareFolderInfo.folder_infostringdict about folders

Command Example#

!vmware-folder-info datacenter="DC1"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareFolderInfo": [
"changed": false,
"flat_folder_info": [
"moid": "group-v3",
"path": "/DC1/vm"
"folder_info": {
"datastoreFolders": {
"moid": "group-s5",
"path": "/DC1/datastore",
"subfolders": {
"Storage_Cluster": {
"moid": "group-p13",
"path": "/DC1/datastore/Storage_Cluster",
"subfolders": {}
"hostFolders": {
"moid": "group-h4",
"path": "/DC1/host",
"subfolders": {}
"networkFolders": {
"moid": "group-n6",
"path": "/DC1/network",
"subfolders": {}
"vmFolders": {
"moid": "group-v3",
"path": "/DC1/vm",
"subfolders": {
"Discovered virtual machine": {
"moid": "group-v9",
"path": "/DC1/vm/Discovered virtual machine",
"subfolders": {}
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • Flat_Folder_Info#

  • Group-V3#

    • moid: group-v3
    • path: /DC1/vm
  • Folder_Info#

    • Datastorefolders#

      • moid: group-s5
      • path: /DC1/datastore
      • Subfolders#

        • Storage_Cluster#
          • moid: group-p13
          • path: /DC1/datastore/Storage_Cluster
          • Subfolders#
    • Hostfolders#

      • moid: group-h4
      • path: /DC1/host
      • Subfolders#

    • Networkfolders#

      • moid: group-n6
      • path: /DC1/network
      • Subfolders#

    • Vmfolders#

      • moid: group-v3
      • path: /DC1/vm
      • Subfolders#

        • Discovered Virtual Machine#
          • moid: group-v9
          • path: /DC1/vm/Discovered virtual machine
          • Subfolders#


Manages virtual machines in vCenter Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
stateSpecify the state the virtual machine should be in. If state is set to present and virtual machine exists, ensure the virtual machine configurations conforms to task arguments. If state is set to absent and virtual machine exists, then the specified virtual machine is removed with its associated components. If state is set to one of the following poweredon, poweredoff, present, restarted, suspended and virtual machine does not exists, then virtual machine is deployed with given parameters. If state is set to poweredon and virtual machine exists with powerstate other than powered on, then the specified virtual machine is powered on. If state is set to poweredoff and virtual machine exists with powerstate other than powered off, then the specified virtual machine is powered off. If state is set to restarted and virtual machine exists, then the virtual machine is restarted. If state is set to suspended and virtual machine exists, then the virtual machine is set to suspended mode. If state is set to shutdownguest and virtual machine exists, then the virtual machine is shutdown. If state is set to rebootguest and virtual machine exists, then the virtual machine is rebooted. Possible values are: present, absent, poweredon, poweredoff, restarted, suspended, shutdownguest, rebootguest. Default is present.Optional
nameName of the virtual machine to work with. Virtual machine names in vCenter are not necessarily unique, which may be problematic, see name_match. If multiple virtual machines with same name exists, then folder is required parameter to identify uniqueness of the virtual machine. This parameter is required, if state is set to poweredon, poweredoff, present, restarted, suspended and virtual machine does not exists. This parameter is case sensitive.Required
name_matchIf multiple virtual machines matching the name, use the first or last found. Possible values are: first, last. Default is first.Optional
uuidUUID of the virtual machine to manage if known, this is VMware's unique identifier. This is required if name is not supplied. If virtual machine does not exists, then this parameter is ignored. Please note that a supplied UUID will be ignored on virtual machine creation, as VMware creates the UUID internally.Optional
use_instance_uuidWhether to use the VMware instance UUID rather than the BIOS UUID. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
templateTemplate or existing virtual machine used to create new virtual machine. If this value is not set, virtual machine is created without using a template. If the virtual machine already exists, this parameter will be ignored. This parameter is case sensitive. You can also specify template or VM UUID for identifying source. version_added 2.8. Use hw_product_uuid from vmware_guest_facts as UUID value. From version 2.8 onwards, absolute path to virtual machine or template can be used.Optional
is_templateFlag the instance as a template. This will mark the given virtual machine as template. Default is no.Optional
folderDestination folder, absolute path to find an existing guest or create the new guest. The folder should include the datacenter. ESX's datacenter is ha-datacenter. This parameter is case sensitive. This parameter is required, while deploying new virtual machine. version_added 2.5. If multiple machines are found with same name, this parameter is used to identify uniqueness of the virtual machine. version_added 2.5 Examples: folder: /ha-datacenter/vm folder: ha-datacenter/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm folder: datacenter1/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm/folder2.Optional
hardwareManage virtual machine's hardware attributes. All parameters case sensitive. Valid attributes are: - hotadd_cpu (boolean): Allow virtual CPUs to be added while the virtual machine is running. - hotremove_cpu (boolean): Allow virtual CPUs to be removed while the virtual machine is running. version_added: 2.5 - hotadd_memory (boolean): Allow memory to be added while the virtual machine is running. - memory_mb (integer): Amount of memory in MB. - nested_virt (bool): Enable nested virtualization. version_added: 2.5 - num_cpus (integer): Number of CPUs. - num_cpu_cores_per_socket (integer): Number of Cores Per Socket. num_cpus must be a multiple of num_cpu_cores_per_socket. For example to create a VM with 2 sockets of 4 cores, specify num_cpus: 8 and num_cpu_cores_per_socket: 4 - scsi (string): Valid values are buslogic, lsilogic, lsilogicsas and paravirtual (default). - memory_reservation_lock (boolean): If set true, memory resource reservation for the virtual machine will always be equal to the virtual machine's memory size. version_added: 2.5 - max_connections (integer): Maximum number of active remote display connections for the virtual machines. version_added: 2.5. - mem_limit (integer): The memory utilization of a virtual machine will not exceed this limit. Unit is MB. version_added: 2.5 - mem_reservation (integer): The amount of memory resource that is guaranteed available to the virtual machine. Unit is MB. memory_reservation is alias to this. version_added: 2.5 - cpu_limit (integer): The CPU utilization of a virtual machine will not exceed this limit. Unit is MHz. version_added: 2.5 - cpu_reservation (integer): The amount of CPU resource that is guaranteed available to the virtual machine. Unit is MHz. version_added: 2.5 - version (integer): The Virtual machine hardware versions. Default is 10 (ESXi 5.5 and onwards). Please check VMware documentation for correct virtual machine hardware version. Incorrect hardware version may lead to failure in deployment. If hardware version is already equal to the given version then no action is taken. version_added: 2.6 - boot_firmware (string): Choose which firmware should be used to boot the virtual machine. Allowed values are "bios" and "efi". version_added: 2.7 - virt_based_security (bool): Enable Virtualization Based Security feature for Windows 10. (Support from Virtual machine hardware version 14, Guest OS Windows 10 64 bit, Windows Server 2016).Optional
guest_idSet the guest ID. This parameter is case sensitive. Examples: virtual machine with RHEL7 64 bit, will be 'rhel7_64Guest' virtual machine with CentOS 64 bit, will be 'centos64Guest' virtual machine with Ubuntu 64 bit, will be 'ubuntu64Guest' This field is required when creating a virtual machine, not required when creating from the template. Valid values are referenced here:
diskA list of disks to add. This parameter is case sensitive. Shrinking disks is not supported. Removing existing disks of the virtual machine is not supported. Valid attributes are: - size_[tb,gb,mb,kb] (integer): Disk storage size in specified unit. - type (string): Valid values are: - thin thin disk - eagerzeroedthick eagerzeroedthick disk, added in version 2.5 Default: None thick disk, no eagerzero. - datastore (string): The name of datastore which will be used for the disk. If autoselect_datastore is set to True, then will select the less used datastore whose name contains this "disk.datastore" string. - filename (string): Existing disk image to be used. Filename must already exist on the datastore. Specify filename string in [datastore_name] path/to/file.vmdk format. Added in version 2.8. - autoselect_datastore (bool): select the less used datastore. "disk.datastore" and "disk.autoselect_datastore" will not be used if datastore is specified outside this disk configuration. - disk_mode (string): Type of disk mode. Added in version 2.6 - Available options are : - persistent: Changes are immediately and permanently written to the virtual disk. This is default. - independent_persistent: Same as persistent, but not affected by snapshots. - independent_nonpersistent: Changes to virtual disk are made to a redo log and discarded at power off, but not affected by snapshots.Optional
cdromA CD-ROM configuration for the virtual machine. Or a list of CD-ROMs configuration for the virtual machine. Added in version 2.9. Parameters controller_type, controller_number, unit_number, state are added for a list of CD-ROMs configuration support. Valid attributes are: - type (string): The type of CD-ROM, valid options are none, client or iso. With none the CD-ROM will be disconnected but present. - iso_path (string): The datastore path to the ISO file to use, in the form of [datastore1] path/to/file.iso. Required if type is set iso. - controller_type (string): Default value is ide. Only ide controller type for CD-ROM is supported for now, will add SATA controller type in the future. - controller_number (int): For ide controller, valid value is 0 or 1. - unit_number (int): For CD-ROM device attach to ide controller, valid value is 0 or 1. controller_number and unit_number are mandatory attributes. - state (string): Valid value is present or absent. Default is present. If set to absent, then the specified CD-ROM will be removed. For ide controller, hot-add or hot-remove CD-ROM is not supported.Optional
resource_poolUse the given resource pool for virtual machine operation. This parameter is case sensitive. Resource pool should be child of the selected host parent.Optional
wait_for_ip_addressWait until vCenter detects an IP address for the virtual machine. This requires vmware-tools (vmtoolsd) to properly work after creation. vmware-tools needs to be installed on the given virtual machine in order to work with this parameter. Default is no.Optional
wait_for_customizationWait until vCenter detects all guest customizations as successfully completed. When enabled, the VM will automatically be powered on. Default is no.Optional
state_change_timeoutIf the state is set to shutdownguest, by default the module will return immediately after sending the shutdown signal. If this argument is set to a positive integer, the module will instead wait for the virtual machine to reach the poweredoff state. The value sets a timeout in seconds for the module to wait for the state change. Default is 0.Optional
snapshot_srcName of the existing snapshot to use to create a clone of a virtual machine. This parameter is case sensitive. While creating linked clone using linked_clone parameter, this parameter is required.Optional
linked_cloneWhether to create a linked clone from the snapshot specified. If specified, then snapshot_src is required parameter. Default is no.Optional
forceIgnore warnings and complete the actions. This parameter is useful while removing virtual machine which is powered on state. This module reflects the VMware vCenter API and UI workflow, as such, in some cases the force flag will be mandatory to perform the action to ensure you are certain the action has to be taken, no matter what the consequence. This is specifically the case for removing a powered on the virtual machine when state is set to absent. Default is no.Optional
datacenterDestination datacenter for the deploy operation. This parameter is case sensitive. Default is ha-datacenter.Optional
clusterThe cluster name where the virtual machine will run. This is a required parameter, if esxi_hostname is not set. esxi_hostname and cluster are mutually exclusive parameters. This parameter is case sensitive.Optional
esxi_hostnameThe ESXi hostname where the virtual machine will run. This is a required parameter, if cluster is not set. esxi_hostname and cluster are mutually exclusive parameters. This parameter is case sensitive.Optional
annotationA note or annotation to include in the virtual machine.Optional
customvaluesDefine a list of custom values to set on virtual machine. A custom value object takes two fields key and value. Incorrect key and values will be ignored.Optional
networksA list of networks (in the order of the NICs). Removing NICs is not allowed, while reconfiguring the virtual machine. All parameters and VMware object names are case sensitive. One of the below parameters is required per entry: - name (string): Name of the portgroup or distributed virtual portgroup for this interface. When specifying distributed virtual portgroup make sure given esxi_hostname or cluster is associated with it. - vlan (integer): VLAN number for this interface. Optional parameters per entry (used for virtual hardware): - device_type (string): Virtual network device (one of e1000, e1000e, pcnet32, vmxnet2, vmxnet3 (default), sriov). - mac (string): Customize MAC address. - dvswitch_name (string): Name of the distributed vSwitch. This value is required if multiple distributed portgroups exists with the same name. version_added 2.7 - start_connected (bool): Indicates that virtual network adapter starts with associated virtual machine powers on. version_added: 2.5 Optional parameters per entry (used for OS customization): - type (string): Type of IP assignment (either dhcp or static). dhcp is default. - ip (string): Static IP address (implies type: static). - netmask (string): Static netmask required for ip. - gateway (string): Static gateway. - dns_servers (string): DNS servers for this network interface (Windows). - domain (string): Domain name for this network interface (Windows). - wake_on_lan (bool): Indicates if wake-on-LAN is enabled on this virtual network adapter. version_added: 2.5 - allow_guest_control (bool): Enables guest control over whether the connectable device is connected. version_added: 2.5.Optional
customizationParameters for OS customization when cloning from the template or the virtual machine, or apply to the existing virtual machine directly. Not all operating systems are supported for customization with respective vCenter version, please check VMware documentation for respective OS customization. For supported customization operating system matrix, (see All parameters and VMware object names are case sensitive. Linux based OSes requires Perl package to be installed for OS customizations. Common parameters (Linux/Windows): - existing_vm (bool): If set to True, do OS customization on the specified virtual machine directly. If set to False or not specified, do OS customization when cloning from the template or the virtual machine. version_added: 2.8 - dns_servers (list): List of DNS servers to configure. - dns_suffix (list): List of domain suffixes, also known as DNS search path (default: domain parameter). - domain (string): DNS domain name to use. - hostname (string): Computer hostname (default: shorted name parameter). Allowed characters are alphanumeric (uppercase and lowercase) and minus, rest of the characters are dropped as per RFC 952. Parameters related to Linux customization: - timezone (string): Timezone (See List of supported time zones for different vSphere versions in Linux/Unix systems (2145518) version_added: 2.9 - hwclockUTC (bool): Specifies whether the hardware clock is in UTC or local time. True when the hardware clock is in UTC, False when the hardware clock is in local time. version_added: 2.9 Parameters related to Windows customization: - autologon (bool): Auto logon after virtual machine customization (default: False). - autologoncount (int): Number of autologon after reboot (default: 1). - domainadmin (string): User used to join in AD domain (mandatory with joindomain). - domainadminpassword (string): Password used to join in AD domain (mandatory with joindomain). - fullname (string): Server owner name (default: Administrator). - joindomain (string): AD domain to join (Not compatible with joinworkgroup). - joinworkgroup (string): Workgroup to join (Not compatible with joindomain, default: WORKGROUP). - orgname (string): Organisation name (default: ACME). - password (string): Local administrator password. - productid (string): Product ID. - runonce (list): List of commands to run at first user logon. - timezone (int): Timezone (See
vapp_propertiesA list of vApp properties For full list of attributes and types refer to: Basic attributes are: - id (string): Property id - required. - value (string): Property value. - type (string): Value type, string type by default. - operation: remove: This attribute is required only when removing properties.Optional
customization_specUnique name identifying the requested customization specification. This parameter is case sensitive. If set, then overrides customization parameter values.Optional
datastoreSpecify datastore or datastore cluster to provision virtual machine. This parameter takes precedence over "disk.datastore" parameter. This parameter can be used to override datastore or datastore cluster setting of the virtual machine when deployed from the template. Please see example for more usage.Optional
convertSpecify convert disk type while cloning template or virtual machine. Possible values are: thin, thick, eagerzeroedthick.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareGuest.instanceunknownmetadata about the new virtual machine


Gather info about boot options for the given virtual machine Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameName of the VM to work with. This is required if uuid or moid parameter is not supplied.Optional
uuidUUID of the instance to manage if known, this is VMware's BIOS UUID by default. This is required if name or moid parameter is not supplied.Optional
moidManaged Object ID of the instance to manage if known, this is a unique identifier only within a single vCenter instance. This is required if name or uuid is not supplied.Optional
use_instance_uuidWhether to use the VMware instance UUID rather than the BIOS UUID. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
name_matchIf multiple virtual machines matching the name, use the first or last found. Possible values are: first, last. Default is first.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareGuestBootInfo.vm_boot_infounknownmetadata about boot order of virtual machine


Manage boot options for the given virtual machine Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameName of the VM to work with. This is required if uuid or moid parameter is not supplied.Optional
uuidUUID of the instance to manage if known, this is VMware's BIOS UUID by default. This is required if name or moid parameter is not supplied.Optional
moidManaged Object ID of the instance to manage if known, this is a unique identifier only within a single vCenter instance. This is required if name or uuid is not supplied.Optional
use_instance_uuidWhether to use the VMware instance UUID rather than the BIOS UUID. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
boot_orderList of the boot devices.Optional
name_matchIf multiple virtual machines matching the name, use the first or last found. Possible values are: first, last. Default is first.Optional
boot_delayDelay in milliseconds before starting the boot sequence. Default is 0.Optional
enter_bios_setupIf set to True, the virtual machine automatically enters BIOS setup the next time it boots. The virtual machine resets this flag, so that the machine boots proceeds normally. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
boot_retry_enabledIf set to True, the virtual machine that fails to boot, will try to boot again after boot_retry_delay is expired. If set to False, the virtual machine waits indefinitely for user intervention. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
boot_retry_delaySpecify the time in milliseconds between virtual machine boot failure and subsequent attempt to boot again. If set, will automatically set boot_retry_enabled to True as this parameter is required. Default is 0.Optional
boot_firmwareChoose which firmware should be used to boot the virtual machine. Possible values are: bios, efi.Optional
secure_boot_enabledChoose if EFI secure boot should be enabled. EFI secure boot can only be enabled with boot_firmware = efi. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareGuestBootManager.vm_boot_statusunknownmetadata about boot order of virtual machine


Manage custom attributes definitions for virtual machine from VMware Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
attribute_keyName of the custom attribute definition. This is required parameter, if state is set to present or absent.Optional
stateManage definition of custom attributes. If set to present and definition not present, then custom attribute definition is created. If set to present and definition is present, then no action taken. If set to absent and definition is present, then custom attribute definition is removed. If set to absent and definition is absent, then no action taken. Possible values are: present, absent. Default is present.Required

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareGuestCustomAttributeDefs.custom_attribute_defsunknownlist of all current attribute definitions

Command Example#

!vmware-guest-custom-attribute-defs state="present" attribute_key="custom_attr_def_1"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareGuestCustomAttributeDefs": [
"changed": true,
"custom_attribute_defs": [
"status": "CHANGED"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: True
  • Custom_Attribute_Defs#

    • 0: AutoDeploy.MachineIdentity
    • 1: com.vmware.vcIntegrity.customField.scheduledTask.action
    • 2: com.vmware.vcIntegrity.customField.scheduledTask.signature
    • 3:
    • 4: custom_attr_def_1


Manage custom attributes from VMware for the given virtual machine Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameName of the virtual machine to work with. This is required parameter, if uuid or moid is not supplied.Required
stateThe action to take. If set to present, then custom attribute is added or updated. If set to absent, then custom attribute is removed. Possible values are: present, absent. Default is present.Optional
uuidUUID of the virtual machine to manage if known. This is VMware's unique identifier. This is required parameter, if name or moid is not supplied.Optional
moidManaged Object ID of the instance to manage if known, this is a unique identifier only within a single vCenter instance. This is required if name or uuid is not supplied.Optional
use_instance_uuidWhether to use the VMware instance UUID rather than the BIOS UUID. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
folderAbsolute path to find an existing guest. This is required parameter, if name is supplied and multiple virtual machines with same name are found.Optional
datacenterDatacenter name where the virtual machine is located in.Required
attributesA list of name and value of custom attributes that needs to be manage. Value of custom attribute is not required and will be ignored, if state is set to absent.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareGuestCustomAttributes.custom_attributesunknownmetadata about the virtual machine attributes


Gather info about VM customization specifications Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
spec_nameName of customization specification to find.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareGuestCustomizationInfo.custom_spec_infounknownmetadata about the customization specification

Command Example#


Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareGuestCustomizationInfo": [
"changed": false,
"custom_spec_info": {},
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • Custom_Spec_Info#


Manage disks related to virtual machine in given vCenter infrastructure Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameName of the virtual machine. This is a required parameter, if parameter uuid or moid is not supplied.Optional
uuidUUID of the instance to gather facts if known, this is VMware's unique identifier. This is a required parameter, if parameter name or moid is not supplied.Optional
moidManaged Object ID of the instance to manage if known, this is a unique identifier only within a single vCenter instance. This is required if name or uuid is not supplied.Optional
folderDestination folder, absolute or relative path to find an existing guest. This is a required parameter, only if multiple VMs are found with same name. The folder should include the datacenter. ESX's datacenter is ha-datacenter Examples: folder: /ha-datacenter/vm folder: ha-datacenter/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm folder: datacenter1/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm/folder2.Optional
datacenterThe datacenter name to which virtual machine belongs to.Required
use_instance_uuidWhether to use the VMware instance UUID rather than the BIOS UUID. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
diskA list of disks to add. The virtual disk related information is provided using this list. All values and parameters are case sensitive. Valid attributes are: - size[_tb,_gb,_mb,_kb] (integer): Disk storage size in specified unit. If size specified then unit must be specified. There is no space allowed in between size number and unit. Only first occurrence in disk element will be considered, even if there are multiple size* parameters available. - type (string): Valid values are: - thin thin disk - eagerzeroedthick eagerzeroedthick disk - thick thick disk Default: thick thick disk, no eagerzero. - datastore (string): Name of datastore or datastore cluster to be used for the disk. - autoselect_datastore (bool): Select the less used datastore. Specify only if datastore is not specified. - scsi_controller (integer): SCSI controller number. Valid value range from 0 to 3. Only 4 SCSI controllers are allowed per VM. Care should be taken while specifying scsi_controller is 0 and unit_number as 0 as this disk may contain OS. - unit_number (integer): Disk Unit Number. Valid value range from 0 to 15. Only 15 disks are allowed per SCSI Controller. - scsi_type (string): Type of SCSI controller. This value is required only for the first occurrence of SCSI Controller. This value is ignored, if SCSI Controller is already present or state is absent. Valid values are buslogic, lsilogic, lsilogicsas and paravirtual. paravirtual is default value for this parameter. - state (string): State of disk. This is either "absent" or "present". If state is set to absent, disk will be removed permanently from virtual machine configuration and from VMware storage. If state is set to present, disk will be added if not present at given SCSI Controller and Unit Number. If state is set to present and disk exists with different size, disk size is increased. Reducing disk size is not allowed.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareGuestDisk.disk_statusunknownmetadata about the virtual machine's disks after managing them


Gather info about disks of given virtual machine Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameName of the virtual machine. This is required parameter, if parameter uuid or moid is not supplied.Optional
uuidUUID of the instance to gather information if known, this is VMware's unique identifier. This is required parameter, if parameter name or moid is not supplied.Optional
moidManaged Object ID of the instance to manage if known, this is a unique identifier only within a single vCenter instance. This is required if name or uuid is not supplied.Optional
use_instance_uuidWhether to use the VMware instance UUID rather than the BIOS UUID. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
folderDestination folder, absolute or relative path to find an existing guest. This is required parameter, only if multiple VMs are found with same name. The folder should include the datacenter. ESX's datacenter is ha-datacenter Examples: folder: /ha-datacenter/vm folder: ha-datacenter/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm folder: datacenter1/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm/folder2.Optional
datacenterThe datacenter name to which virtual machine belongs to.Required

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareGuestDiskInfo.guest_disk_infounknownmetadata about the virtual machine's disks

Command Example#

!vmware-guest-disk-info datacenter="DC1" name="test_vm_0001"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareGuestDiskInfo": [
"changed": false,
"guest_disk_info": {
"0": {
"backing_datastore": "datastore1",
"backing_disk_mode": "persistent",
"backing_diskmode": "persistent",
"backing_eagerlyscrub": false,
"backing_filename": "[datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001.vmdk",
"backing_thinprovisioned": true,
"backing_type": "FlatVer2",
"backing_uuid": "6000C294-3cd2-f966-9fb7-556870ae6bdf",
"backing_writethrough": false,
"capacity_in_bytes": 1073741824,
"capacity_in_kb": 1048576,
"controller_bus_number": 0,
"controller_key": 1000,
"controller_type": "paravirtual",
"key": 2000,
"label": "Hard disk 1",
"summary": "1,048,576 KB",
"unit_number": 0
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • Guest_Disk_Info#

    • 0#

      • backing_datastore: datastore1
      • backing_disk_mode: persistent
      • backing_diskmode: persistent
      • backing_eagerlyscrub: False
      • backing_filename: [datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001.vmdk
      • backing_thinprovisioned: True
      • backing_type: FlatVer2
      • backing_uuid: 6000C294-3cd2-f966-9fb7-556870ae6bdf
      • backing_writethrough: False
      • capacity_in_bytes: 1073741824
      • capacity_in_kb: 1048576
      • controller_bus_number: 0
      • controller_key: 1000
      • controller_type: paravirtual
      • key: 2000
      • label: Hard disk 1
      • summary: 1,048,576 KB
      • unit_number: 0


Find the folder path(s) for a virtual machine by name or UUID Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameName of the VM to work with. This is required if uuid parameter is not supplied.Optional
uuidUUID of the instance to manage if known, this is VMware's BIOS UUID by default. This is required if name parameter is not supplied.Optional
use_instance_uuidWhether to use the VMware instance UUID rather than the BIOS UUID. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
datacenterDestination datacenter for the find operation. Deprecated in 2.5, will be removed in 2.9 release.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareGuestFind.foldersunknownList of folders for user specified virtual machine

Command Example#

!vmware-guest-find name="test_vm_0001"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareGuestFind": [
"changed": false,
"folders": [
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • Folders#

    • 0: /DC1/vm


Gather info about a single VM Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameName of the VM to work with This is required if uuid or moid is not supplied.Optional
name_matchIf multiple VMs matching the name, use the first or last found. Possible values are: first, last. Default is first.Optional
uuidUUID of the instance to manage if known, this is VMware's unique identifier. This is required if name or moid is not supplied.Optional
use_instance_uuidWhether to use the VMware instance UUID rather than the BIOS UUID. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
moidManaged Object ID of the instance to manage if known, this is a unique identifier only within a single vCenter instance. This is required if name or uuid is not supplied.Optional
folderDestination folder, absolute or relative path to find an existing guest. This is required if name is supplied. The folder should include the datacenter. ESX's datacenter is ha-datacenter Examples: folder: /ha-datacenter/vm folder: ha-datacenter/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm folder: datacenter1/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm/folder2.Optional
datacenterDestination datacenter for the deploy operation.Required
tagsWhether to show tags or not. If set True, shows tag information. If set False, hides tags information. vSphere Automation SDK and vCloud Suite SDK is required. Default is no.Optional
schemaSpecify the output schema desired. The 'summary' output schema is the legacy output from the module The 'vsphere' output schema is the vSphere API class definition which requires pyvmomi>6.7.1. Possible values are: summary, vsphere. Default is summary.Optional
propertiesSpecify the properties to retrieve. If not specified, all properties are retrieved (deeply). Results are returned in a structure identical to the vsphere API. Example: properties: [ "config.hardware.memoryMB", "config.hardware.numCPU", "guest.disk", "overallStatus" ] Only valid when schema is vsphere.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareGuestInfo.instanceunknownmetadata about the virtual machine

Command Example#

!vmware-guest-info datacenter="DC1" name="test_vm_0001"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareGuestInfo": [
"changed": false,
"instance": {
"annotation": "",
"current_snapshot": null,
"customvalues": {},
"guest_consolidation_needed": false,
"guest_question": null,
"guest_tools_status": "guestToolsNotRunning",
"guest_tools_version": "0",
"hw_cluster": "cluster",
"hw_cores_per_socket": 1,
"hw_datastores": [
"hw_esxi_host": "esxi01",
"hw_eth0": {
"addresstype": "manual",
"ipaddresses": null,
"label": "Network adapter 1",
"macaddress": "aa:bb:dd:aa:00:14",
"macaddress_dash": "aa-bb-dd-aa-00-14",
"portgroup_key": null,
"portgroup_portkey": null,
"summary": "VM Network"
"hw_files": [
"[datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001.vmx",
"[datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001.vmsd",
"[datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001.vmdk"
"hw_folder": "/DC1/vm",
"hw_guest_full_name": null,
"hw_guest_ha_state": null,
"hw_guest_id": null,
"hw_interfaces": [
"hw_is_template": false,
"hw_memtotal_mb": 512,
"hw_name": "test_vm_0001",
"hw_power_status": "poweredOff",
"hw_processor_count": 4,
"hw_product_uuid": "42166c31-2bd1-6ac0-1ebb-a6db907f529e",
"hw_version": "vmx-13",
"instance_uuid": "5016ea58-ccce-5688-f16b-82ca0b25e513",
"ipv4": null,
"ipv6": null,
"module_hw": true,
"moid": "vm-21",
"snapshots": [],
"vimref": "vim.VirtualMachine:vm-21",
"vnc": {}
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • Instance#

    • annotation:
    • current_snapshot: None
    • guest_consolidation_needed: False
    • guest_question: None
    • guest_tools_status: guestToolsNotRunning
    • guest_tools_version: 0
    • hw_cluster: cluster
    • hw_cores_per_socket: 1
    • hw_esxi_host: esxi01
    • hw_folder: /DC1/vm
    • hw_guest_full_name: None
    • hw_guest_ha_state: None
    • hw_guest_id: None
    • hw_is_template: False
    • hw_memtotal_mb: 512
    • hw_name: test_vm_0001
    • hw_power_status: poweredOff
    • hw_processor_count: 4
    • hw_product_uuid: 42166c31-2bd1-6ac0-1ebb-a6db907f529e
    • hw_version: vmx-13
    • instance_uuid: 5016ea58-ccce-5688-f16b-82ca0b25e513
    • ipv4: None
    • ipv6: None
    • module_hw: True
    • moid: vm-21
    • vimref: vim.VirtualMachine:vm-21
    • Customvalues#

    • Hw_Datastores#

      • 0: datastore1
    • Hw_Eth0#

      • addresstype: manual
      • ipaddresses: None
      • label: Network adapter 1
      • macaddress: aa:bb:dd:aa:00:14
      • macaddress_dash: aa-bb-dd-aa-00-14
      • portgroup_key: None
      • portgroup_portkey: None
      • summary: VM Network
    • Hw_Files#

      • 0: [datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001.vmx
      • 1: [datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001.vmsd
      • 2: [datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001.vmdk
    • Hw_Interfaces#

      • 0: eth0
    • Snapshots#

    • Vnc#


Moves virtual machines in vCenter Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameName of the existing virtual machine to move. This is required if uuid or moid is not supplied.Optional
uuidUUID of the virtual machine to manage if known, this is VMware's unique identifier. This is required if name or moid is not supplied.Optional
moidManaged Object ID of the instance to manage if known, this is a unique identifier only within a single vCenter instance. This is required if name or uuid is not supplied.Optional
use_instance_uuidWhether to use the VMware instance UUID rather than the BIOS UUID. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
name_matchIf multiple virtual machines matching the name, use the first or last found. Possible values are: first, last. Default is first.Optional
dest_folderAbsolute path to move an existing guest The dest_folder should include the datacenter. ESX's datacenter is ha-datacenter. This parameter is case sensitive. Examples: dest_folder: /ha-datacenter/vm dest_folder: ha-datacenter/vm dest_folder: /datacenter1/vm dest_folder: datacenter1/vm dest_folder: /datacenter1/vm/folder1 dest_folder: datacenter1/vm/folder1 dest_folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm dest_folder: folder1/datacenter1/vm dest_folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm/folder2.Required
datacenterDestination datacenter for the move operation.Required

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareGuestMove.instanceunknownmetadata about the virtual machine

Command Example#

!vmware-guest-move datacenter="DC1" name="test_vm_0001" dest_folder="/DC1/vm"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareGuestMove": [
"changed": false,
"instance": {
"annotation": "",
"current_snapshot": null,
"customvalues": {},
"guest_consolidation_needed": false,
"guest_question": null,
"guest_tools_status": "guestToolsNotRunning",
"guest_tools_version": "0",
"hw_cluster": "cluster",
"hw_cores_per_socket": 1,
"hw_datastores": [
"hw_esxi_host": "esxi01",
"hw_eth0": {
"addresstype": "manual",
"ipaddresses": null,
"label": "Network adapter 1",
"macaddress": "aa:bb:dd:aa:00:14",
"macaddress_dash": "aa-bb-dd-aa-00-14",
"portgroup_key": null,
"portgroup_portkey": null,
"summary": "VM Network"
"hw_files": [
"[datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001.vmx",
"[datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001.vmsd",
"[datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001.vmdk"
"hw_folder": "/DC1/vm",
"hw_guest_full_name": null,
"hw_guest_ha_state": null,
"hw_guest_id": null,
"hw_interfaces": [
"hw_is_template": false,
"hw_memtotal_mb": 512,
"hw_name": "test_vm_0001",
"hw_power_status": "poweredOff",
"hw_processor_count": 4,
"hw_product_uuid": "42166c31-2bd1-6ac0-1ebb-a6db907f529e",
"hw_version": "vmx-13",
"instance_uuid": "5016ea58-ccce-5688-f16b-82ca0b25e513",
"ipv4": null,
"ipv6": null,
"module_hw": true,
"moid": "vm-21",
"snapshots": [],
"vimref": "vim.VirtualMachine:vm-21",
"vnc": {}
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • Instance#

    • annotation:
    • current_snapshot: None
    • guest_consolidation_needed: False
    • guest_question: None
    • guest_tools_status: guestToolsNotRunning
    • guest_tools_version: 0
    • hw_cluster: cluster
    • hw_cores_per_socket: 1
    • hw_esxi_host: esxi01
    • hw_folder: /DC1/vm
    • hw_guest_full_name: None
    • hw_guest_ha_state: None
    • hw_guest_id: None
    • hw_is_template: False
    • hw_memtotal_mb: 512
    • hw_name: test_vm_0001
    • hw_power_status: poweredOff
    • hw_processor_count: 4
    • hw_product_uuid: 42166c31-2bd1-6ac0-1ebb-a6db907f529e
    • hw_version: vmx-13
    • instance_uuid: 5016ea58-ccce-5688-f16b-82ca0b25e513
    • ipv4: None
    • ipv6: None
    • module_hw: True
    • moid: vm-21
    • vimref: vim.VirtualMachine:vm-21
    • Customvalues#

    • Hw_Datastores#

      • 0: datastore1
    • Hw_Eth0#

      • addresstype: manual
      • ipaddresses: None
      • label: Network adapter 1
      • macaddress: aa:bb:dd:aa:00:14
      • macaddress_dash: aa-bb-dd-aa-00-14
      • portgroup_key: None
      • portgroup_portkey: None
      • summary: VM Network
    • Hw_Files#

      • 0: [datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001.vmx
      • 1: [datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001.vmsd
      • 2: [datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001.vmdk
    • Hw_Interfaces#

      • 0: eth0
    • Snapshots#

    • Vnc#


Manage network adapters of specified virtual machine in given vCenter infrastructure Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameName of the virtual machine. This is a required parameter, if parameter uuid or moid is not supplied.Optional
uuidUUID of the instance to gather info if known, this is VMware's unique identifier. This is a required parameter, if parameter name or moid is not supplied.Optional
moidManaged Object ID of the instance to manage if known, this is a unique identifier only within a single vCenter instance. This is required if name or uuid is not supplied.Optional
folderDestination folder, absolute or relative path to find an existing guest. This is a required parameter, only if multiple VMs are found with same name. The folder should include the datacenter. ESXi server's datacenter is ha-datacenter. Examples: folder: /ha-datacenter/vm folder: ha-datacenter/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm folder: datacenter1/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm/folder2.Optional
clusterThe name of cluster where the virtual machine will run. This is a required parameter, if esxi_hostname is not set. esxi_hostname and cluster are mutually exclusive parameters.Optional
esxi_hostnameThe ESXi hostname where the virtual machine will run. This is a required parameter, if cluster is not set. esxi_hostname and cluster are mutually exclusive parameters.Optional
datacenterThe datacenter name to which virtual machine belongs to. Default is ha-datacenter.Optional
gather_network_infoIf set to True, return settings of all network adapters, other parameters are ignored. If set to False, will add, reconfigure or remove network adapters according to the parameters in networks. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
networksA list of network adapters. mac or label or device_type is required to reconfigure or remove an existing network adapter. If there are multiple network adapters with the same device_type, you should set label or mac to match one of them, or will apply changes on all network adapters with the device_type specified. mac, label, device_type is the order of precedence from greatest to least if all set. Valid attributes are: - mac (string): MAC address of the existing network adapter to be reconfigured or removed. - label (string): Label of the existing network adapter to be reconfigured or removed, e.g., "Network adapter 1". - device_type (string): Valid virtual network device types are: e1000, e1000e, pcnet32, vmxnet2, vmxnet3 (default), sriov. Used to add new network adapter, reconfigure or remove the existing network adapter with this type. If mac and label not specified or not find network adapter by mac or label will use this parameter. - name (string): Name of the portgroup or distributed virtual portgroup for this interface. When specifying distributed virtual portgroup make sure given esxi_hostname or cluster is associated with it. - vlan (integer): VLAN number for this interface. - dvswitch_name (string): Name of the distributed vSwitch. This value is required if multiple distributed portgroups exists with the same name. - state (string): State of the network adapter. If set to present, then will do reconfiguration for the specified network adapter. If set to new, then will add the specified network adapter. If set to absent, then will remove this network adapter. - manual_mac (string): Manual specified MAC address of the network adapter when creating, or reconfiguring. If not specified when creating new network adapter, mac address will be generated automatically. When reconfigure MAC address, VM should be in powered off state. - connected (bool): Indicates that virtual network adapter connects to the associated virtual machine. - start_connected (bool): Indicates that virtual network adapter starts with associated virtual machine powers on.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareGuestNetwork.network_dataunknownmetadata about the virtual machine's network adapter after managing them


Manages power states of virtual machines in vCenter Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
stateSet the state of the virtual machine. Possible values are: powered-off, powered-on, reboot-guest, restarted, shutdown-guest, suspended, present. Default is present.Optional
nameName of the virtual machine to work with. Virtual machine names in vCenter are not necessarily unique, which may be problematic, see name_match.Optional
name_matchIf multiple virtual machines matching the name, use the first or last found. Possible values are: first, last. Default is first.Optional
uuidUUID of the instance to manage if known, this is VMware's unique identifier. This is required if name or moid is not supplied.Optional
moidManaged Object ID of the instance to manage if known, this is a unique identifier only within a single vCenter instance. This is required if name or uuid is not supplied.Optional
use_instance_uuidWhether to use the VMware instance UUID rather than the BIOS UUID. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
folderDestination folder, absolute or relative path to find an existing guest. The folder should include the datacenter. ESX's datacenter is ha-datacenter Examples: folder: /ha-datacenter/vm folder: ha-datacenter/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm folder: datacenter1/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm/folder2.Optional
scheduled_atDate and time in string format at which specified task needs to be performed. The required format for date and time - 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm'. Scheduling task requires vCenter server. A standalone ESXi server does not support this option.Optional
schedule_task_nameName of schedule task. Valid only if scheduled_at is specified.Optional
schedule_task_descriptionDescription of schedule task. Valid only if scheduled_at is specified.Optional
schedule_task_enabledFlag to indicate whether the scheduled task is enabled or disabled. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is Yes.Optional
forceIgnore warnings and complete the actions. This parameter is useful while forcing virtual machine state. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
state_change_timeoutIf the state is set to shutdown-guest, by default the module will return immediately after sending the shutdown signal. If this argument is set to a positive integer, the module will instead wait for the VM to reach the poweredoff state. The value sets a timeout in seconds for the module to wait for the state change. Default is 0.Optional

Context Output#



Create a screenshot of the Virtual Machine console. Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameName of the virtual machine. This is a required parameter, if parameter uuid or moid is not supplied.Optional
uuidUUID of the instance to gather facts if known, this is VMware's unique identifier. This is a required parameter, if parameter name or moid is not supplied.Optional
moidManaged Object ID of the instance to manage if known, this is a unique identifier only within a single vCenter instance. This is required if name or uuid is not supplied.Optional
folderDestination folder, absolute or relative path to find an existing guest. This is a required parameter, only if multiple VMs are found with same name. The folder should include the datacenter. ESXi server's datacenter is ha-datacenter. Examples: folder: /ha-datacenter/vm folder: ha-datacenter/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm folder: datacenter1/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm/folder2.Optional
clusterThe name of cluster where the virtual machine is running. This is a required parameter, if esxi_hostname is not set. esxi_hostname and cluster are mutually exclusive parameters.Optional
esxi_hostnameThe ESXi hostname where the virtual machine is running. This is a required parameter, if cluster is not set. esxi_hostname and cluster are mutually exclusive parameters.Optional
datacenterThe datacenter name to which virtual machine belongs to.Optional
local_pathIf local_path is not set, the created screenshot file will be kept in the directory of the virtual machine on ESXi host. If local_path is set to a valid path on local machine, then the screenshot file will be downloaded from ESXi host to the local directory. If not download screenshot file to local machine, you can open it through the returned file URL in screenshot facts manually.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareGuestScreenshot.screenshot_infounknowndisplay the facts of captured virtual machine screenshot file


Send USB HID codes to the Virtual Machine's keyboard. Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameName of the virtual machine. This is a required parameter, if parameter uuid or moid is not supplied.Optional
uuidUUID of the instance to gather facts if known, this is VMware's unique identifier. This is a required parameter, if parameter name or moid is not supplied.Optional
moidManaged Object ID of the instance to manage if known, this is a unique identifier only within a single vCenter instance. This is required if name or uuid is not supplied.Optional
folderDestination folder, absolute or relative path to find an existing guest. This is a required parameter, only if multiple VMs are found with same name. The folder should include the datacenter. ESXi server's datacenter is ha-datacenter. Examples: folder: /ha-datacenter/vm folder: ha-datacenter/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm folder: datacenter1/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm/folder2.Optional
clusterThe name of cluster where the virtual machine is running. This is a required parameter, if esxi_hostname is not set. esxi_hostname and cluster are mutually exclusive parameters.Optional
esxi_hostnameThe ESXi hostname where the virtual machine is running. This is a required parameter, if cluster is not set. esxi_hostname and cluster are mutually exclusive parameters.Optional
datacenterThe datacenter name to which virtual machine belongs to.Optional
string_sendThe string will be sent to the virtual machine. This string can contain valid special character, alphabet and digit on the keyboard.Optional
keys_sendThe list of the keys will be sent to the virtual machine. Valid values are ENTER, ESC, BACKSPACE, TAB, SPACE, CAPSLOCK, DELETE, CTRL_ALT_DEL, CTRL_C and F1 to F12, RIGHTARROW, LEFTARROW, DOWNARROW, UPARROW. If both keys_send and string_send are specified, keys in keys_send list will be sent in front of the string_send.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareGuestSendkey.sendkey_infounknowndisplay the keys and the number of keys sent to the virtual machine


Manages virtual machines snapshots in vCenter Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
stateManage snapshot(s) attached to a specific virtual machine. If set to present and snapshot absent, then will create a new snapshot with the given name. If set to present and snapshot present, then no changes are made. If set to absent and snapshot present, then snapshot with the given name is removed. If set to absent and snapshot absent, then no changes are made. If set to revert and snapshot present, then virtual machine state is reverted to the given snapshot. If set to revert and snapshot absent, then no changes are made. If set to remove_all and snapshot(s) present, then all snapshot(s) will be removed. If set to remove_all and snapshot(s) absent, then no changes are made. Possible values are: present, absent, revert, remove_all. Default is present.Required
nameName of the virtual machine to work with. This is required parameter, if uuid or moid is not supplied.Optional
name_matchIf multiple VMs matching the name, use the first or last found. Possible values are: first, last. Default is first.Optional
uuidUUID of the instance to manage if known, this is VMware's BIOS UUID by default. This is required if name or moid parameter is not supplied.Optional
moidManaged Object ID of the instance to manage if known, this is a unique identifier only within a single vCenter instance. This is required if name or uuid is not supplied.Optional
use_instance_uuidWhether to use the VMware instance UUID rather than the BIOS UUID. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
folderDestination folder, absolute or relative path to find an existing guest. This is required parameter, if name is supplied. The folder should include the datacenter. ESX's datacenter is ha-datacenter. Examples: folder: /ha-datacenter/vm folder: ha-datacenter/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm folder: datacenter1/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm/folder2.Optional
datacenterDestination datacenter for the deploy operation.Required
snapshot_nameSets the snapshot name to manage. This param is required only if state is not remove_all.Optional
descriptionDefine an arbitrary description to attach to snapshot.Optional
quiesceIf set to true and virtual machine is powered on, it will quiesce the file system in virtual machine. Note that VMware Tools are required for this flag. If virtual machine is powered off or VMware Tools are not available, then this flag is set to false. If virtual machine does not provide capability to take quiesce snapshot, then this flag is set to false. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
memory_dumpIf set to true, memory dump of virtual machine is also included in snapshot. Note that memory snapshots take time and resources, this will take longer time to create. If virtual machine does not provide capability to take memory snapshot, then this flag is set to false. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
remove_childrenIf set to true and state is set to absent, then entire snapshot subtree is set for removal. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
new_snapshot_nameValue to rename the existing snapshot to.Optional
new_descriptionValue to change the description of an existing snapshot to.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareGuestSnapshot.snapshot_resultsunknownmetadata about the virtual machine snapshots

Command Example#

!vmware-guest-snapshot datacenter="DC1" folder="/DC1/vm/" name="test_vm_0001" state="present" snapshot_name="snap1" description="snap1_description"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareGuestSnapshot": [
"changed": true,
"snapshot_results": {
"current_snapshot": {
"creation_time": "2021-07-11T17:02:28.131433+00:00",
"description": "snap1_description",
"id": 1,
"name": "snap1",
"state": "poweredOff"
"snapshots": [
"creation_time": "2021-07-11T17:02:28.131433+00:00",
"description": "snap1_description",
"id": 1,
"name": "snap1",
"state": "poweredOff"
"status": "CHANGED"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: True
  • Snapshot_Results#

    • Current_Snapshot#

      • creation_time: 2021-07-11T17:02:28.131433+00:00
      • description: snap1_description
      • id: 1
      • name: snap1
      • state: poweredOff
    • Snapshots#

    • Snap1#

      • creation_time: 2021-07-11T17:02:28.131433+00:00
      • description: snap1_description
      • id: 1
      • name: snap1
      • state: poweredOff


Gather info about virtual machine's snapshots in vCenter Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameName of the VM to work with. This is required if uuid or moid is not supplied.Optional
uuidUUID of the instance to manage if known, this is VMware's BIOS UUID by default. This is required if name or moid parameter is not supplied. The folder is ignored, if uuid is provided.Optional
moidManaged Object ID of the instance to manage if known, this is a unique identifier only within a single vCenter instance. This is required if name or uuid is not supplied.Optional
use_instance_uuidWhether to use the VMware instance UUID rather than the BIOS UUID. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional
folderDestination folder, absolute or relative path to find an existing guest. This is required only, if multiple virtual machines with same name are found on given vCenter. The folder should include the datacenter. ESX's datacenter is ha-datacenter Examples: folder: /ha-datacenter/vm folder: ha-datacenter/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm folder: datacenter1/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm/folder2.Optional
datacenterName of the datacenter.Required

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareGuestSnapshotInfo.guest_snapshotsunknownmetadata about the snapshot information


Module to upgrade VMTools Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameName of the virtual machine to work with. This is required if uuid or moid is not supplied.Optional
name_matchIf multiple virtual machines matching the name, use the first or last found. Possible values are: first, last. Default is first.Optional
uuidUUID of the instance to manage if known, this is VMware's unique identifier. This is required if name or moid is not supplied.Optional
moidManaged Object ID of the instance to manage if known, this is a unique identifier only within a single vCenter instance. This is required if name or uuid is not supplied.Optional
folderDestination folder, absolute or relative path to find an existing guest. This is required, if name is supplied. The folder should include the datacenter. ESX's datacenter is ha-datacenter Examples: folder: /ha-datacenter/vm folder: ha-datacenter/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm folder: datacenter1/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm/folder2.Optional
datacenterDestination datacenter where the virtual machine exists.Required

Context Output#



Wait for VMware tools to become available Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameName of the VM for which to wait until the tools become available. This is required if uuid or moid is not supplied.Optional
name_matchIf multiple VMs match the name, use the first or last found. Possible values are: first, last. Default is first.Optional
folderDestination folder, absolute or relative path to find an existing guest. This is required only, if multiple VMs with same name is found. The folder should include the datacenter. ESX's datacenter is ha-datacenter. Examples: folder: /ha-datacenter/vm folder: ha-datacenter/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm folder: datacenter1/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm/folder2.Optional
uuidUUID of the VM for which to wait until the tools become available, if known. This is VMware's unique identifier. This is required, if name or moid is not supplied.Optional
moidManaged Object ID of the instance to manage if known, this is a unique identifier only within a single vCenter instance. This is required if name or uuid is not supplied.Optional
use_instance_uuidWhether to use the VMware instance UUID rather than the BIOS UUID. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is No.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareGuestToolsWait.instanceunknownmetadata about the virtual machine


Modify video card configurations of specified virtual machine in given vCenter infrastructure Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameName of the virtual machine. This is a required parameter, if parameter uuid or moid is not supplied.Optional
uuidUUID of the instance to gather facts if known, this is VMware's unique identifier. This is a required parameter, if parameter name or moid is not supplied.Optional
moidManaged Object ID of the instance to manage if known, this is a unique identifier only within a single vCenter instance. This is required if name or uuid is not supplied.Optional
folderDestination folder, absolute or relative path to find an existing guest. This is a required parameter, only if multiple VMs are found with same name. The folder should include the datacenter. ESXi server's datacenter is ha-datacenter. Examples: folder: /ha-datacenter/vm folder: ha-datacenter/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm folder: datacenter1/vm folder: /datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: datacenter1/vm/folder1 folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: folder1/datacenter1/vm folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm/folder2.Optional
datacenterThe datacenter name to which virtual machine belongs to. This parameter is case sensitive. Default is ha-datacenter.Optional
gather_video_factsIf set to True, return settings of the video card, other attributes are ignored. If set to False, will do reconfiguration and return video card settings. Default is no.Optional
use_auto_detectIf set to True, applies common video settings to the guest operating system, attributes display_number and video_memory_mb are ignored. If set to False, the number of display and the total video memory will be reconfigured using display_number and video_memory_mb.Optional
display_numberThe number of display. Valid value from 1 to 10. The maximum display number is 4 on vCenter 6.0, 6.5 web UI.Optional
video_memory_mbValid total MB of video memory range of virtual machine is from 1.172 MB to 256 MB on ESXi 6.7U1, from 1.172 MB to 128 MB on ESXi 6.7 and previous versions. For specific guest OS, supported minimum and maximum video memory are different, please be careful on setting this.Optional
enable_3DEnable 3D for guest operating systems on which VMware supports 3D.Optional
renderer_3DIf set to automatic, selects the appropriate option (software or hardware) for this virtual machine automatically. If set to software, uses normal CPU processing for 3D calculations. If set to hardware, requires graphics hardware (GPU) for faster 3D calculations. Possible values are: automatic, software, hardware.Optional
memory_3D_mbThe value of 3D Memory must be power of 2 and valid value is from 32 MB to 2048 MB.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareGuestVideo.video_statusunknownmetadata about the virtual machine's video card after managing them


Manages VNC remote display on virtual machines in vCenter Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
datacenterDestination datacenter for the deploy operation. This parameter is case sensitive. Default is ha-datacenter.Optional
stateSet the state of VNC on virtual machine. Possible values are: present, absent. Default is present.Optional
nameName of the virtual machine to work with. Virtual machine names in vCenter are not necessarily unique, which may be problematic, see name_match.Optional
name_matchIf multiple virtual machines matching the name, use the first or last found. Possible values are: first, last. Default is first.Optional
uuidUUID of the instance to manage if known, this is VMware's unique identifier. This is required, if name or moid is not supplied.Optional
moidManaged Object ID of the instance to manage if known, this is a unique identifier only within a single vCenter instance. This is required if name or uuid is not supplied.Optional
folderDestination folder, absolute or relative path to find an existing guest. The folder should include the datacenter. ESX's datacenter is ha-datacenter.Optional
vnc_ipSets an IP for VNC on virtual machine. This is required only when state is set to present and will be ignored if state is absent. Default is
vnc_portThe port that VNC listens on. Usually a number between 5900 and 7000 depending on your config. This is required only when state is set to present and will be ignored if state is absent. Default is 0.Optional
vnc_passwordSets a password for VNC on virtual machine. This is required only when state is set to present and will be ignored if state is absent.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareGuestVnc.changedbooleanIf anything changed on VM's extraConfig.
VMware.VmwareGuestVnc.failedbooleanIf changes failed.
VMware.VmwareGuestVnc.instanceunknownDictionary describing the VM, including VNC info.

Command Example#

!vmware-guest-vnc folder="/DC1/vm" name="test_vm_0001" vnc_port="5990" vnc_password="vNc5ecr3t" datacenter="DC1" state="present"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareGuestVnc": [
"changed": true,
"instance": {
"annotation": "",
"current_snapshot": {
"creation_time": "2021-07-11T17:02:28.131433+00:00",
"description": "snap1_description",
"id": 1,
"name": "snap1",
"state": "poweredOff"
"customvalues": {},
"guest_consolidation_needed": false,
"guest_question": null,
"guest_tools_status": "guestToolsNotRunning",
"guest_tools_version": "0",
"hw_cluster": "cluster",
"hw_cores_per_socket": 1,
"hw_datastores": [
"hw_esxi_host": "esxi01",
"hw_eth0": {
"addresstype": "manual",
"ipaddresses": null,
"label": "Network adapter 1",
"macaddress": "aa:bb:dd:aa:00:14",
"macaddress_dash": "aa-bb-dd-aa-00-14",
"portgroup_key": null,
"portgroup_portkey": null,
"summary": "VM Network"
"hw_files": [
"[datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001.vmx",
"[datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001-Snapshot1.vmsn",
"[datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001.vmsd",
"[datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001.vmdk",
"[datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001-000001.vmdk"
"hw_folder": "/DC1/vm",
"hw_guest_full_name": null,
"hw_guest_ha_state": null,
"hw_guest_id": null,
"hw_interfaces": [
"hw_is_template": false,
"hw_memtotal_mb": 512,
"hw_name": "test_vm_0001",
"hw_power_status": "poweredOff",
"hw_processor_count": 4,
"hw_product_uuid": "42166c31-2bd1-6ac0-1ebb-a6db907f529e",
"hw_version": "vmx-13",
"instance_uuid": "5016ea58-ccce-5688-f16b-82ca0b25e513",
"ipv4": null,
"ipv6": null,
"module_hw": true,
"moid": "vm-21",
"snapshots": [
"creation_time": "2021-07-11T17:02:28.131433+00:00",
"description": "snap1_description",
"id": 1,
"name": "snap1",
"state": "poweredOff"
"vimref": "vim.VirtualMachine:vm-21",
"vnc": {
"enabled": "TRUE",
"ip": "",
"port": "5990"
"status": "CHANGED"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: True
  • Instance#

    • annotation:
    • guest_consolidation_needed: False
    • guest_question: None
    • guest_tools_status: guestToolsNotRunning
    • guest_tools_version: 0
    • hw_cluster: cluster
    • hw_cores_per_socket: 1
    • hw_esxi_host: esxi01
    • hw_folder: /DC1/vm
    • hw_guest_full_name: None
    • hw_guest_ha_state: None
    • hw_guest_id: None
    • hw_is_template: False
    • hw_memtotal_mb: 512
    • hw_name: test_vm_0001
    • hw_power_status: poweredOff
    • hw_processor_count: 4
    • hw_product_uuid: 42166c31-2bd1-6ac0-1ebb-a6db907f529e
    • hw_version: vmx-13
    • instance_uuid: 5016ea58-ccce-5688-f16b-82ca0b25e513
    • ipv4: None
    • ipv6: None
    • module_hw: True
    • moid: vm-21
    • vimref: vim.VirtualMachine:vm-21
    • Current_Snapshot#

      • creation_time: 2021-07-11T17:02:28.131433+00:00
      • description: snap1_description
      • id: 1
      • name: snap1
      • state: poweredOff
    • Customvalues#

    • Hw_Datastores#

      • 0: datastore1
    • Hw_Eth0#

      • addresstype: manual
      • ipaddresses: None
      • label: Network adapter 1
      • macaddress: aa:bb:dd:aa:00:14
      • macaddress_dash: aa-bb-dd-aa-00-14
      • portgroup_key: None
      • portgroup_portkey: None
      • summary: VM Network
    • Hw_Files#

      • 0: [datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001.vmx
      • 1: [datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001-Snapshot1.vmsn
      • 2: [datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001.vmsd
      • 3: [datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001.vmdk
      • 4: [datastore1] test_vm_0001/test_vm_0001-000001.vmdk
    • Hw_Interfaces#

      • 0: eth0
    • Snapshots#

    • Snap1#

      • creation_time: 2021-07-11T17:02:28.131433+00:00
      • description: snap1_description
      • id: 1
      • name: snap1
      • state: poweredOff
    • Vnc#

      • enabled: TRUE
      • ip:
      • port: 5990


Add, remove, or move an ESXi host to, from, or within vCenter Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
datacenter_nameName of the datacenter to add the host. Aliases added in version 2.6.Required
cluster_nameName of the cluster to add the host. If folder is not set, then this parameter is required. Aliases added in version 2.6.Optional
folderName of the folder under which host to add. If cluster_name is not set, then this parameter is required. For example, if there is a datacenter 'dc1' under folder called 'Site1' then, this value will be '/Site1/dc1/host'. Here 'host' is an invisible folder under VMware Web Client. Another example, if there is a nested folder structure like '/myhosts/india/pune' under datacenter 'dc2', then folder value will be '/dc2/host/myhosts/india/pune'. Other Examples: - '/Site2/dc2/Asia-Cluster/host' - '/dc3/Asia-Cluster/host'.Optional
add_connectedIf set to True, then the host should be connected as soon as it is added. This parameter is ignored if state is set to a value other than present. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is Yes.Optional
esxi_hostnameESXi hostname to manage.Required
esxi_usernameESXi username. Required for adding a host. Optional for reconnect. If both esxi_username and esxi_password are used Unused for removing. No longer a required parameter from version 2.5.Optional
esxi_passwordESXi password. Required for adding a host. Optional for reconnect. Unused for removing. No longer a required parameter from version 2.5.Optional
stateIf set to present, add the host if host is absent. If set to present, update the location of the host if host already exists. If set to absent, remove the host if host is present. If set to absent, do nothing if host already does not exists. If set to add_or_reconnect, add the host if it's absent else reconnect it and update the location. If set to reconnect, then reconnect the host if it's present and update the location. Possible values are: present, absent, add_or_reconnect, reconnect. Default is present.Optional
esxi_ssl_thumbprintSpecifying the hostsystem certificate's thumbprint. Use following command to get hostsystem certificate's thumbprint - # openssl x509 -in /etc/vmware/ssl/rui.crt -fingerprint -sha1 -noout Only used if fetch_thumbprint isn't set to true.Optional
fetch_ssl_thumbprintFetch the thumbprint of the host's SSL certificate. This basically disables the host certificate verification (check if it was signed by a recognized CA). Disable this option if you want to allow only hosts with valid certificates to be added to vCenter. If this option is set to false and the certificate can't be verified, an add or reconnect will fail. Unused when esxi_ssl_thumbprint is set. Optional for reconnect, but only used if esxi_username and esxi_password are used. Unused for removing. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is Yes.Optional
force_connectionForce the connection if the host is already being managed by another vCenter server. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is Yes.Optional
reconnect_disconnectedReconnect disconnected hosts. This is only used if state is set to present and if the host already exists. Possible values are: Yes, No. Default is Yes.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareHost.resultstringmetadata about the new host system added

Command Example#

!vmware-host datacenter_name="DC1" cluster_name="cluster" esxi_hostname="esxi01" esxi_username="root" esxi_password="PASSWORD" state="present"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareHost": [
"changed": false,
"result": "Host already connected to vCenter 'vcenter' in cluster 'cluster'",
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • result: Host already connected to vCenter 'vcenter' in cluster 'cluster'


Manage the host acceptance level of an ESXi host Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
cluster_nameName of the cluster. Acceptance level of all ESXi host system in the given cluster will be managed. If esxi_hostname is not given, this parameter is required.Optional
esxi_hostnameESXi hostname. Acceptance level of this ESXi host system will be managed. If cluster_name is not given, this parameter is required.Optional
stateSet or list acceptance level of the given ESXi host. If set to list, then will return current acceptance level of given host system/s. If set to present, then will set given acceptance level. Possible values are: list, present. Default is list.Optional
acceptance_levelName of acceptance level. If set to partner, then accept only partner and VMware signed and certified VIBs. If set to vmware_certified, then accept only VIBs that are signed and certified by VMware. If set to vmware_accepted, then accept VIBs that have been accepted by VMware. If set to community, then accept all VIBs, even those that are not signed. Possible values are: community, partner, vmware_accepted, vmware_certified.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareHostAcceptance.factsunknowndict with hostname as key and dict with acceptance level facts, error as value

Command Example#

!vmware-host-acceptance cluster_name="cluster" acceptance_level="community" state="present"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareHostAcceptance": [
"changed": true,
"facts": {
"esxi01": {
"error": "NA",
"level": "community"
"status": "CHANGED"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: True
  • Facts#

    • esxi01#

      • error: NA
      • level: community


Joins an ESXi host system to an Active Directory domain or leaves it Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ad_domainAD Domain to join.Optional
ad_userUsername for AD domain join.Optional
ad_passwordPassword for AD domain join.Optional
ad_stateWhether the ESXi host is joined to an AD domain or not. Possible values are: present, absent. Default is absent.Optional
esxi_hostnameName of the host system to work with. This parameter is required if cluster_name is not specified.Optional
cluster_nameName of the cluster from which all host systems will be used. This parameter is required if esxi_hostname is not specified.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareHostActiveDirectory.resultsunknownmetadata about host system's AD domain join state


Gathers info about an ESXi host's capability information Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
cluster_nameName of the cluster from all host systems to be used for information gathering. If esxi_hostname is not given, this parameter is required.Optional
esxi_hostnameESXi hostname to gather information from. If cluster_name is not given, this parameter is required.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareHostCapabilityInfo.hosts_capability_infounknownmetadata about host's capability info

Command Example#

!vmware-host-capability-info cluster_name="cluster"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareHostCapabilityInfo": [
"changed": false,
"hosts_capability_info": {
"esxi01": {
"accel3dSupported": false,
"backgroundSnapshotsSupported": false,
"checkpointFtCompatibilityIssues": [
"checkpointFtSupported": false,
"cloneFromSnapshotSupported": true,
"cpuHwMmuSupported": true,
"cpuMemoryResourceConfigurationSupported": true,
"cryptoSupported": true,
"datastorePrincipalSupported": false,
"deltaDiskBackingsSupported": true,
"eightPlusHostVmfsSharedAccessSupported": true,
"encryptedVMotionSupported": true,
"encryptionCBRCSupported": false,
"encryptionChangeOnAddRemoveSupported": false,
"encryptionFaultToleranceSupported": false,
"encryptionHBRSupported": false,
"encryptionHotOperationSupported": false,
"encryptionMemorySaveSupported": false,
"encryptionRDMSupported": false,
"encryptionVFlashSupported": false,
"encryptionWithSnapshotsSupported": false,
"featureCapabilitiesSupported": true,
"firewallIpRulesSupported": true,
"ftCompatibilityIssues": [
"ftSupported": false,
"gatewayOnNicSupported": true,
"hbrNicSelectionSupported": true,
"highGuestMemSupported": true,
"hostAccessManagerSupported": true,
"interVMCommunicationThroughVMCISupported": false,
"ipmiSupported": true,
"iscsiSupported": true,
"latencySensitivitySupported": true,
"localSwapDatastoreSupported": true,
"loginBySSLThumbprintSupported": true,
"maintenanceModeSupported": true,
"markAsLocalSupported": true,
"markAsSsdSupported": true,
"maxHostRunningVms": 19,
"maxHostSupportedVcpus": 64,
"maxNumDisksSVMotion": 248,
"maxRegisteredVMs": 76,
"maxRunningVMs": 0,
"maxSupportedVMs": null,
"maxSupportedVcpus": null,
"maxVcpusPerFtVm": 4,
"messageBusProxySupported": true,
"multipleNetworkStackInstanceSupported": true,
"nestedHVSupported": true,
"nfs41Krb5iSupported": true,
"nfs41Supported": true,
"nfsSupported": true,
"nicTeamingSupported": true,
"oneKVolumeAPIsSupported": true,
"perVMNetworkTrafficShapingSupported": false,
"perVmSwapFiles": true,
"preAssignedPCIUnitNumbersSupported": true,
"provisioningNicSelectionSupported": true,
"rebootSupported": true,
"recordReplaySupported": false,
"recursiveResourcePoolsSupported": true,
"reliableMemoryAware": true,
"replayCompatibilityIssues": [],
"replayUnsupportedReason": "incompatibleCpu",
"restrictedSnapshotRelocateSupported": true,
"sanSupported": true,
"scaledScreenshotSupported": true,
"scheduledHardwareUpgradeSupported": true,
"screenshotSupported": true,
"servicePackageInfoSupported": true,
"shutdownSupported": true,
"smartCardAuthenticationSupported": true,
"smpFtCompatibilityIssues": [
"smpFtSupported": false,
"snapshotRelayoutSupported": true,
"standbySupported": true,
"storageIORMSupported": true,
"storagePolicySupported": true,
"storageVMotionSupported": true,
"supportedVmfsMajorVersion": [
"suspendedRelocateSupported": true,
"tpmSupported": false,
"turnDiskLocatorLedSupported": true,
"unsharedSwapVMotionSupported": true,
"upitSupported": null,
"vFlashSupported": true,
"vPMCSupported": false,
"vStorageCapable": true,
"virtualExecUsageSupported": true,
"virtualVolumeDatastoreSupported": true,
"vlanTaggingSupported": true,
"vmDirectPathGen2Supported": false,
"vmDirectPathGen2UnsupportedReason": [
"vmDirectPathGen2UnsupportedReasonExtended": null,
"vmfsDatastoreMountCapable": true,
"vmotionAcrossNetworkSupported": true,
"vmotionSupported": true,
"vmotionWithStorageVMotionSupported": true,
"vrNfcNicSelectionSupported": true,
"vsanSupported": true
"status": "SUCCESS"

Human Readable Output#


  • changed: False
  • Hosts_Capability_Info#

    • esxi01#

      • accel3dSupported: False
      • backgroundSnapshotsSupported: False
      • checkpointFtSupported: False
      • cloneFromSnapshotSupported: True
      • cpuHwMmuSupported: True
      • cpuMemoryResourceConfigurationSupported: True
      • cryptoSupported: True
      • datastorePrincipalSupported: False
      • deltaDiskBackingsSupported: True
      • eightPlusHostVmfsSharedAccessSupported: True
      • encryptedVMotionSupported: True
      • encryptionCBRCSupported: False
      • encryptionChangeOnAddRemoveSupported: False
      • encryptionFaultToleranceSupported: False
      • encryptionHBRSupported: False
      • encryptionHotOperationSupported: False
      • encryptionMemorySaveSupported: False
      • encryptionRDMSupported: False
      • encryptionVFlashSupported: False
      • encryptionWithSnapshotsSupported: False
      • featureCapabilitiesSupported: True
      • firewallIpRulesSupported: True
      • ftSupported: False
      • gatewayOnNicSupported: True
      • hbrNicSelectionSupported: True
      • highGuestMemSupported: True
      • hostAccessManagerSupported: True
      • interVMCommunicationThroughVMCISupported: False
      • ipmiSupported: True
      • iscsiSupported: True
      • latencySensitivitySupported: True
      • localSwapDatastoreSupported: True
      • loginBySSLThumbprintSupported: True
      • maintenanceModeSupported: True
      • markAsLocalSupported: True
      • markAsSsdSupported: True
      • maxHostRunningVms: 19
      • maxHostSupportedVcpus: 64
      • maxNumDisksSVMotion: 248
      • maxRegisteredVMs: 76
      • maxRunningVMs: 0
      • maxSupportedVMs: None
      • maxSupportedVcpus: None
      • maxVcpusPerFtVm: 4
      • messageBusProxySupported: True
      • multipleNetworkStackInstanceSupported: True
      • nestedHVSupported: True
      • nfs41Krb5iSupported: True
      • nfs41Supported: True
      • nfsSupported: True
      • nicTeamingSupported: True
      • oneKVolumeAPIsSupported: True
      • perVMNetworkTrafficShapingSupported: False
      • perVmSwapFiles: True
      • preAssignedPCIUnitNumbersSupported: True
      • provisioningNicSelectionSupported: True
      • rebootSupported: True
      • recordReplaySupported: False
      • recursiveResourcePoolsSupported: True
      • reliableMemoryAware: True
      • replayUnsupportedReason: incompatibleCpu
      • restrictedSnapshotRelocateSupported: True
      • sanSupported: True
      • scaledScreenshotSupported: True
      • scheduledHardwareUpgradeSupported: True
      • screenshotSupported: True
      • servicePackageInfoSupported: True
      • shutdownSupported: True
      • smartCardAuthenticationSupported: True
      • smpFtSupported: False
      • snapshotRelayoutSupported: True
      • standbySupported: True
      • storageIORMSupported: True
      • storagePolicySupported: True
      • storageVMotionSupported: True
      • suspendedRelocateSupported: True
      • tpmSupported: False
      • turnDiskLocatorLedSupported: True
      • unsharedSwapVMotionSupported: True
      • upitSupported: None
      • vFlashSupported: True
      • vPMCSupported: False
      • vStorageCapable: True
      • virtualExecUsageSupported: True
      • virtualVolumeDatastoreSupported: True
      • vlanTaggingSupported: True
      • vmDirectPathGen2Supported: False
      • vmDirectPathGen2UnsupportedReasonExtended: None
      • vmfsDatastoreMountCapable: True
      • vmotionAcrossNetworkSupported: True
      • vmotionSupported: True
      • vmotionWithStorageVMotionSupported: True
      • vrNfcNicSelectionSupported: True
      • vsanSupported: True
      • Checkpointftcompatibilityissues#

        • 0: haAgentIssue
        • 1: missingFTLoggingNic
        • 2: missingVMotionNic
      • Ftcompatibilityissues#

        • 0: haAgentIssue
        • 1: incompatibleCpu
        • 2: missingFTLoggingNic
        • 3: missingVMotionNic
      • Replaycompatibilityissues#

      • Smpftcompatibilityissues#

        • 0: haAgentIssue
        • 1: missingFTLoggingNic
        • 2: missingVMotionNic
      • Supportedvmfsmajorversion#

        • 0: 5
        • 1: 6
      • Vmdirectpathgen2Unsupportedreason#

        • 0: hostNptIncompatibleHardware


Gathers info about an ESXi host's advance configuration information Further documentation available at

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
cluster_nameName of the cluster from which the ESXi host belong to. If esxi_hostname is not given, this parameter is required.Optional
esxi_hostnameESXi hostname to gather information from. If cluster_name is not given, this parameter is required.Optional

Context Output#

VMware.VmwareHostConfigInfo.hosts_infounknowndict with hostname as key and dict with host config information

Command Example#

!vmware-host-config-info cluster_name="cluster"

Context Example#

"VMware": {
"VmwareHostConfigInfo": [
"changed": false,
"hosts_info": {
"esxi01": {
"Annotations.WelcomeMessage": "",
"BufferCache.FlushInterval": 30000,
"BufferCache.HardMaxDirty": 95,
"BufferCache.PerFileHardMaxDirty": 50,
"BufferCache.SoftMaxDirty": 15,
"CBRC.DCacheMemReserved": 400,
"CBRC.DCacheSize": 32768,
"CBRC.DigestJournalBootInterval": 10,
"CBRC.Enable": false,
"COW.COWMaxHeapSizeMB": 192,
"COW.COWMaxREPageCacheszMB": 256,
"COW.COWMinREPageCacheszMB": 0,
"COW.COWREPageCacheEviction": 1,
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.0.eax": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.0.ebx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.0.ecx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.0.edx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.1.eax": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.1.ebx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.1.ecx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.1.edx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.80000000.eax": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.80000000.ebx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.80000000.ecx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.80000000.edx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.80000001.eax": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.80000001.ebx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.80000001.ecx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.80000001.edx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.80000008.eax": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.80000008.ebx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.80000008.ecx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.80000008.edx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.8000000A.eax": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.8000000A.ebx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.8000000A.ecx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.8000000A.edx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.d.eax": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.d.ebx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.d.ecx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.mode.d.edx": "disable",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.0.eax": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.0.ebx": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.0.ecx": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.0.edx": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.1.eax": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.1.ebx": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.1.ecx": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.1.edx": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.80000000.eax": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.80000000.ebx": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.80000000.ecx": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.80000000.edx": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.80000001.eax": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.80000001.ebx": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.80000001.ecx": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.80000001.edx": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.80000008.eax": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.80000008.ebx": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.80000008.ecx": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.80000008.edx": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.8000000A.eax": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.8000000A.ebx": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.8000000A.ecx": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.8000000A.edx": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.d.eax": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.d.ebx": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.d.ecx": "",
"Config.Defaults.cpuidMask.val.d.edx": "",
"": true,
"Config.Defaults.vGPU.consolidation": false,
"Config.Etc.issue": "",
"Config.Etc.motd": "The time and date of this login have been sent to the system logs.\n\nWARNING:\n All commands run on the ESXi shell are logged and may be included in\n support bundles. Do not provide passwords directly on the command line.\n Most tools can prompt for secrets or accept them from standard input.\n\n%1b[00mVMware offers supported, powerful system administration tools. Please\nsee for details.\n\nThe ESXi Shell can be disabled by an administrative user. See the\nvSphere Security documentation for more information.\n",
"Config.GlobalSettings.guest.commands.sharedPolicyRefCount": 0,
"Config.HostAgent.level[Hbrsvc].logLevel": "",
"Config.HostAgent.level[Hostsvc].logLevel": "",
"Config.HostAgent.level[Proxysvc].logLevel": "",
"Config.HostAgent.level[Snmpsvc].logLevel": "",
"Config.HostAgent.level[Statssvc].logLevel": "",
"Config.HostAgent.level[Vcsvc].logLevel": "",
"Config.HostAgent.level[Vimsvc].logLevel": "",
"Config.HostAgent.level[Vmsvc].logLevel": "",
"Config.HostAgent.log.level": "info",
"Config.HostAgent.plugins.hostsvc.esxAdminsGroup": "ESX Admins",
"Config.HostAgent.plugins.hostsvc.esxAdminsGroupAutoAdd": true,
"Config.HostAgent.plugins.hostsvc.esxAdminsGroupUpdateInterval": 1,
"Config.HostAgent.plugins.solo.enableMob": false,
"Config.HostAgent.plugins.solo.webServer.enableWebscriptLauncher": true,
"Config.HostAgent.plugins.vimsvc.authValidateInterval": 1440,
"Config.HostAgent.plugins.vimsvc.userSearch.maxResults": 100,
"Config.HostAgent.plugins.vimsvc.userSearch.maxTimeSeconds": 20,
"Config.HostAgent.plugins.vmsvc.enforceMaxRegisteredVms": true,
"Config.HostAgent.plugins.vmsvc.productLockerWatchInterval": 300,
"Cpu.ActionLoadThreshold": 10,
"Cpu.AllowWideVsmp": 0,
"Cpu.BoundLagQuanta": 8,
"Cpu.CommRateThreshold": 500,
"Cpu.CoschedCostartThreshold": 2000,
"Cpu.CoschedCostopThreshold": 3000,
"Cpu.CoschedCrossCall": 1,
"Cpu.CoschedExclusiveAffinity": 0,
"Cpu.CoschedHandoffLLC": 1,
"Cpu.CoschedHandoffSkip": 10,
"Cpu.CoschedPollUsec": 1000,
"Cpu.CreditAgePeriod": 3000,
"Cpu.FairnessRebalancePcpus": 4,
"Cpu.HTRebalancePeriod": 5,
"Cpu.HTStolenAgeThreshold": 8,
"Cpu.HTWholeCoreThreshold": 800,
"Cpu.HostRebalancePeriod": 100,
"Cpu.L2RebalancePeriod": 10,
"Cpu.L3RebalancePeriod": 20,
"Cpu.LimitEnforcementThreshold": 200,
"Cpu.MaxSampleRateLg": 7,
"Cpu.MoveCurrentRunnerPcpus": 4,
"Cpu.NonTimerWakeupRate": 500,
"Cpu.PackageRebalancePeriod": 20,
"Cpu.PcpuMigrateIdlePcpus": 4,
"Cpu.Quantum": 200,
"Cpu.UseMwait": 2,
"Cpu.VMAdmitCheckPerVcpuMin": 1,
"Cpu.WakeupMigrateIdlePcpus": 4,
"DCUI.Access": "root",
"DataMover.HardwareAcceleratedInit": 1,
"DataMover.HardwareAcceleratedMove": 1,
"DataMover.MaxHeapSize": 64,
"Digest.AlgoType": 1,
"Digest.BlockSize": 1,
"Digest.CollisionEnabled": 0,
"Digest.JournalCoverage": 8,
"Digest.UpdateOnClose": 0,
"DirentryCache.MaxDentryPerObj": 15000,
"Disk.AllowUsbClaimedAsSSD": 0,
"Disk.ApdTokenRetryCount": 25,
"Disk.AutoremoveOnPDL": 1,
"Disk.BandwidthCap": 4294967294,
"Disk.DelayOnBusy": 400,
"Disk.DeviceReclaimTime": 300,
"Disk.DisableVSCSIPollInBH": 1,
"Disk.DiskDelayPDLHelper": 10,
"Disk.DiskMaxIOSize": 32767,
"Disk.DiskReservationThreshold": 45,
"Disk.DiskRetryPeriod": 2000,
"Disk.DumpMaxRetries": 10,
"Disk.DumpPollDelay": 1000,
"Disk.DumpPollMaxRetries": 10000,
"Disk.EnableNaviReg": 1,
"Disk.FailDiskRegistration": 0,
"Disk.FastPathRestoreInterval": 100,
"Disk.IdleCredit": 32,
"Disk.MaxLUN": 1024,
"Disk.MaxResetLatency": 2000,
"Disk.NmpMaxCmdExtension": 0,
"Disk.PathEvalTime": 300,
"Disk.PreventVMFSOverwrite": 1,
"Disk.QFullSampleSize": 0,
"Disk.QFullThreshold": 8,
"Disk.ReqCallThreshold": 8,
"Disk.ResetLatency": 1000,
"Disk.ResetMaxRetries": 0,
"Disk.ResetOverdueLogPeriod": 60,
"Disk.ResetPeriod": 30,
"Disk.ResetThreadExpires": 1800,
"Disk.ResetThreadMax": 16,
"Disk.ResetThreadMin": 1,
"Disk.RetryUnitAttention": 1,
"Disk.ReturnCCForNoSpace": 0,
"Disk.SchedCostUnit": 32768,
"Disk.SchedQCleanupInterval": 300,
"Disk.SchedQControlSeqReqs": 128,
"Disk.SchedQControlVMSwitches": 6,
"Disk.SchedQPriorityPercentage": 80,
"Disk.SchedQuantum": 8,
"Disk.SchedReservationBurst": 1,
"Disk.SchedulerWithReservation": 1,
"Disk.SectorMaxDiff": 2000,
"Disk.SharesHigh": 2000,
"Disk.SharesLow": 500,
"Disk.SharesNormal": 1000,
"Disk.SupportSparseLUN": 1,
"Disk.ThroughputCap": 4294967294,
"Disk.UseDeviceReset": 1,
"Disk.UseIOWorlds": 1,
"Disk.UseIoPool": 0,
"Disk.UseLunReset": 1,
"Disk.UseReportLUN": 1,
"Disk.VSCSICoalesceCount": 1000,
"Disk.VSCSIPollPeriod": 1000,
"Disk.VSCSIResvCmdRetryInSecs": 1,
"Disk.VSCSIWriteSameBurstSize": 4,
"FSS.FSSLightWeightProbe": 1,
"FT.AckIntervalMax": 1000000,
"FT.AckIntervalMin": 0,
"FT.BackupConnectTimeout": 8000,
"FT.BackupExtraTimeout": 100,
"FT.BadExecLatency": 800,
"FT.BindToVmknic": 0,
"FT.ChargeVMXForFlush": 1,
"FT.CheckFCPathState": 1,
"FT.CheckForProgress": 0,
"FT.CoreDumpNoProgressMS": 0,
"FT.ExecLatencyKill": 0,
"FT.ExtraLogTimeout": 10000,
"FT.FTCptConcurrentSend": 1,
"FT.FTCptDelayCheckpoint": 2,
"FT.FTCptDiffCap": 100,
"FT.FTCptDiffThreads": 6,
"FT.FTCptDisableFailover": 0,
"FT.FTCptDiskWriteTimeout": 3000,
"FT.FTCptDontDelayPkts": 0,
"FT.FTCptDontSendPages": 0,
"FT.FTCptEpochList": "5,10,20,100",
"FT.FTCptEpochSample": 1000,
"FT.FTCptEpochWait": 8000,
"FT.FTCptIORetryExtraInterval": 200,
"FT.FTCptIORetryInterval": 10,
"FT.FTCptIORetryTimes": 15,
"FT.FTCptLogTimeout": 8000,
"FT.FTCptMaxPktsDelay": 0,
"FT.FTCptMinInterval": 4,
"FT.FTCptNetDelayNoCpt": 0,
"FT.FTCptNumConnections": 2,
"FT.FTCptNumaIndex": 0,
"FT.FTCptPagePolicy": 65538,
"FT.FTCptPoweroff": 0,
"FT.FTCptRcvBufSize": 562140,
"FT.FTCptSndBufSize": 562140,
"FT.FTCptStartTimeout": 90000,
"FT.FTCptStatsInterval": 30,
"FT.FTCptThreadPolicy": 65536,
"FT.FTCptVcpuMinUsage": 40,
"FT.FTCptWaitOnSocket": 1,
"FT.FillAffinity": 1,
"FT.FillWorldlet": 1,
"FT.FlushReservationMax": 25,
"FT.FlushReservationMin": 5,
"FT.FlushSleep": 0,
"FT.FlushWorldlet": 1,
"FT.GlobalFlushWorld": 0,
"FT.GoodExecLatency": 200,
"FT.HeartbeatCount": 10,
"FT.HostTimeout": 2000,
"FT.IORetryExtraInterval": 200,
"FT.IORetryInterval": 10,
"FT.IORetryTimes": 15,
"FT.LogBufferStallSleep": 1,
"FT.LogTimeout": 8000,
"FT.LongFlushDebugMS": 500,
"FT.MaxFlushInterval": 0,
"FT.MinWriteSize": 0,
"FT.NoWaitOnSocket": 0,
"FT.PanicNoProgressMS": 0,
"FT.PrimaryConnectTimeout": 8000,
"FT.ShortFlushDebugMS": 100,
"FT.TCPNoDelayBackup": 1,
"FT.TCPNoDelayPrimary": 1,
"FT.TCPPersistTimer": 500,
"FT.TCPRcvBufSize": 131072,
"FT.TCPSndBufSize": 131072,
"FT.UseHostMonitor": 0,
"FT.Vmknic": "",
"FT.XmitSyncQueueLen": 64,
"FT.adjDownInt": 10,
"FT.adjDownPct": 10,
"FT.adjUpInt": 200,
"FT.adjUpPct": 10,
"FT.execLatExtra": 500,
"FT.maxLowerBound": 20,
"FT.slowdownPctMax": 60,
"FT.slowdownTimeMax": 600,
"HBR.ChecksumIoSize": 8,
"HBR.ChecksumMaxIo": 8,
"HBR.ChecksumPerSlice": 2,
"HBR.ChecksumRegionSize": 256,
"HBR.ChecksumUseAllocInfo": 1,
"HBR.ChecksumUseChecksumInfo": 1,
"HBR.ChecksumZoneSize": 32768,
"HBR.CopySnapDiskMaxExtentCount": 16,
"HBR.CopySnapFidHashBuckets": 256,
"HBR.DemandlogCompletedHashBuckets": 8,
"HBR.DemandlogExtentHashBuckets": 512,
"HBR.DemandlogIoTimeoutSecs": 120,
"HBR.DemandlogReadRetries": 20,
"HBR.DemandlogRetryDelayMs": 10,
"HBR.DemandlogSendHashBuckets": 8,
"HBR.DemandlogTransferIoSize": 8,
"HBR.DemandlogTransferMaxIo": 4,
"HBR.DemandlogTransferMaxNetwork": 8,
"HBR.DemandlogTransferPerSlice": 2,
"HBR.DemandlogWriteRetries": 20,
"HBR.DisableChecksumOffload": 0,
"HBR.DisconnectedEventDelayMs": 60000,
"HBR.ErrThrottleChecksumIO": 1,
"HBR.ErrThrottleDceRead": 1,
"HBR.HbrBitmapAllocTimeoutMS": 3000,
"HBR.HbrBitmapVMMaxStorageGB": 65536,
"HBR.HbrBitmapVMMinStorageGB": 500,
"HBR.HbrDemandLogIOPerVM": 64,
"HBR.HbrDisableNetCompression": 1,
"HBR.HbrLowerExtentBreakGB": 8192,
"HBR.HbrLowerExtentSizeKB": 16,
"HBR.HbrMaxExtentSizeKB": 64,
"HBR.HbrMaxGuestXferWhileDeltaMB": 1024,
"HBR.HbrMaxUnmapExtents": 10,
"HBR.HbrMaxUnmapsInFlight": 128,
"HBR.HbrMinExtentBreakGB": 2048,
"HBR.HbrMinExtentSizeKB": 8,
"HBR.HbrOptimizeFullSync": 1,
"HBR.HbrResourceHeapPerVMSizeKB": 128,
"HBR.HbrResourceHeapSizeMB": 2,
"HBR.HbrResourceHeapUtilization": 95,
"HBR.HbrResourceMaxDiskContexts": 512,
"HBR.HbrRuntimeHeapMaxBaseMB": 1,
"HBR.HbrRuntimeHeapMinBaseMB": 1,
"HBR.HbrStaticHeapMaxBaseMB": 1,
"HBR.HbrStaticHeapMinBaseMB": 1,
"HBR.HbrUpperExtentBreakGB": 32768,
"HBR.HbrUpperExtentSizeKB": 32,
"HBR.HelperQueueMaxRequests": 8192,
"HBR.HelperQueueMaxWorlds": 8,
"HBR.LocalReadIoTimeoutSecs": 120,
"HBR.MigrateFlushTimerSecs": 3,
"HBR.NetworkUseCubic": 1,
"HBR.NetworkerRecvHashBuckets": 64,
"HBR.OpportunisticBlockListSize": 4000,
"HBR.ProgressReportIntervalMs": 5000,
"HBR.PsfIoTimeoutSecs": 300,
"HBR.ReconnectFailureDelaySecs": 10,
"HBR.ReconnectMaxDelaySecs": 90,
"HBR.ResourceServerHashBuckets": 8,
"HBR.RetryMaxDelaySecs": 60,
"HBR.RetryMinDelaySecs": 1,
"HBR.SyncTransferRetrySleepSecs": 5,
"HBR.TransferDiskMaxIo": 32,
"HBR.TransferDiskMaxNetwork": 64,
"HBR.TransferDiskPerSlice": 16,
"HBR.TransferFileExtentSize": 8192,
"HBR.TransferMaxContExtents": 8,
"HBR.WireChecksum": 1,
"HBR.XferBitmapCheckIntervalSecs": 10,
"ISCSI.MaxIoSizeKB": 128,
"Irq.BestVcpuRouting": 0,
"Irq.IRQActionAffinityWeight": 5,
"Irq.IRQAvoidExclusive": 1,
"Irq.IRQBHConflictWeight": 5,
"Irq.IRQRebalancePeriod": 50,
"Irq.IRQVcpuConflictWeight": 3,
"LPage.LPageAlwaysTryForNPT": 1,
"LPage.LPageDefragEnable": 1,
"LPage.LPageMarkLowNodes": 1,
"LPage.MaxSharedPages": 512,
"LPage.MaxSwappedPagesInitVal": 10,
"LPage.freePagesThresholdForRemote": 2048,
"LSOM.blkAttrCacheSizePercent": 0,
"Mem.AllocGuestLargePage": 1,
"Mem.CtlMaxPercent": 65,
"Mem.IdleTax": 75,
"Mem.IdleTaxType": 1,
"Mem.MemDefragClientsPerDir": 2,
"Mem.MemMinFreePct": 0,
"Mem.MemZipEnable": 1,
"Mem.MemZipMaxAllocPct": 50,
"Mem.MemZipMaxPct": 10,
"Mem.SampleActivePctMin": 1,
"Mem.SampleDirtiedPctMin": 0,
"Mem.ShareForceSalting": 2,
"Mem.ShareRateMax": 1024,
"Mem.ShareScanGHz": 4,
"Mem.ShareScanTime": 60,
"Mem.VMOverheadGrowthLimit": 4294967295,
"Migrate.AutoBindVmknic": 1,
"Migrate.BindToVmknic": 3,
"Migrate.CptCacheMaxSizeMB": 544,
"Migrate.DebugChecksumMismatch": 0,
"Migrate.DetectZeroPages": 1,
"Migrate.DisableResumeDuringPageIn": 0,
"Migrate.DiskOpsChunkSize": 131072,
"Migrate.DiskOpsEnabled": 0,
"Migrate.DiskOpsMaxRetries": 20,
"Migrate.DiskOpsStreamChunks": 40,
"Migrate.Enabled": 1,
"Migrate.GetPageSysAlertThresholdMS": 10000,
"Migrate.LowBandwidthSysAlertThreshold": 0,
"Migrate.LowMemWaitSysAlertThresholdMS": 10000,
"Migrate.MigrateCpuMinPctDefault": 30,
"Migrate.MigrateCpuPctPerGb": 10,
"Migrate.MigrateCpuSharesHighPriority": 60000,
"Migrate.MigrateCpuSharesRegular": 30000,
"Migrate.MonActionWaitSysAlertThresholdMS": 2000,
"Migrate.NetExpectedLineRateMBps": 133,
"Migrate.NetLatencyModeThreshold": 4,
"Migrate.NetTimeout": 20,
"Migrate.OutstandingReadKBMax": 128,
"Migrate.PanicOnChecksumMismatch": 0,
"Migrate.PreCopyCountDelay": 10,
"Migrate.PreCopyMinProgressPerc": 130,
"Migrate.PreCopyPagesPerSend": 32,
"Migrate.PreCopySwitchoverTimeGoal": 500,
"Migrate.PreallocLPages": 1,
"Migrate.ProhibitFork": 0,
"Migrate.RcvBufSize": 562540,
"Migrate.RdpiTransitionTimeMs": 1,
"Migrate.SdpsDynamicDelaySec": 30,
"Migrate.SdpsEnabled": 2,
"Migrate.SdpsTargetRate": 500,
"Migrate.SndBufSize": 562540,
"Migrate.TSMaster": 0,
"Migrate.TcpTsoDeferTx": 0,
"Migrate.TryToUseDefaultHeap": 1,
"Migrate.VASpaceReserveCount": 128,
"Migrate.VASpaceReserveSize": 768,
"Migrate.VMotionLatencySensitivity": 1,
"Migrate.VMotionResolveSwapType": 1,
"Migrate.VMotionStreamDisable": 0,
"Migrate.VMotionStreamHelpers": 0,
"Migrate.Vmknic": "",
"Misc.APDHandlingEnable": 1,
"Misc.APDTimeout": 140,
"Misc.BHTimeout": 0,
"Misc.BhTimeBound": 2000,
"Misc.BlueScreenTimeout": 0,
"Misc.ConsolePort": "none",
"Misc.DebugBuddyEnable": 0,
"Misc.DebugLogToSerial": 0,
"Misc.DefaultHardwareVersion": "",
"Misc.DsNsMgrTimeout": 1200000,
"Misc.EnableHighDMA": 1,
"Misc.GDBPort": "none",
"Misc.GuestLibAllowHostInfo": 0,
"Misc.HeapMgrGuardPages": 1,
"Misc.HeapPanicDestroyNonEmpty": 0,
"Misc.HeartbeatInterval": 1000,
"Misc.HeartbeatPanicTimeout": 900,
"Misc.HeartbeatTimeout": 90,
"Misc.HordeEnabled": 0,
"Misc.HostAgentUpdateLevel": "3",
"Misc.IntTimeout": 0,
"Misc.IoFilterWatchdogTimeout": 120,
"Misc.LogPort": "none",
"Misc.LogTimestampUptime": 0,
"Misc.LogToFile": 1,
"Misc.LogToSerial": 1,
"Misc.LogWldPrefix": 1,
"Misc.MCEMonitorInterval": 250,
"Misc.MetadataUpdateTimeoutMsec": 30000,
"Misc.MinimalPanic": 0,
"Misc.NMILint1IntAction": 0,
"Misc.PowerButton": 1,
"Misc.PowerOffEnable": 1,
"Misc.PreferredHostName": "",
"Misc.ProcVerbose": "",
"Misc.SIOControlFlag1": 0,
"Misc.SIOControlFlag2": 0,
"Misc.SIOControlLoglevel": 0,
"Misc.SIOControlOptions": "",
"Misc.ScreenSaverDelay": 0,
"Misc.ShaperStatsEnabled": 1,
"Misc.ShellPort": "none",
"Misc.TimerMaxHardPeriod": 500000,
"Misc.TimerTolerance": 2000,
"Misc.UsbArbitratorAutoStartDisabled": 0,
"Misc.UserDuctDynBufferSize": 16384,
"Misc.UserSocketUnixMaxBufferSize": 65536,
"Misc.WatchdogBacktrace": 0,
"Misc.WorldletActivationUS": 500,
"Misc.WorldletActivationsLimit": 8,
"Misc.WorldletGreedySampleMCycles": 10,
"Misc.WorldletGreedySampleRun": 256,
"Misc.WorldletIRQPenalty": 10,
"Misc.WorldletLoadThreshold": 90,
"Misc.WorldletLoadType": "medium",
"Misc.WorldletLocalityBonus": 10,
"Misc.WorldletLoosePenalty": 30,
"Misc.WorldletMigOverheadLLC": 4,
"Misc.WorldletMigOverheadRemote": 16,
"Misc.WorldletPreemptOverhead": 30,
"Misc.WorldletRemoteActivateOverhead": 0,
"Misc.WorldletWorldOverheadLLC": 0,
"Misc.WorldletWorldOverheadRemote": 10,
"Misc.vmmDisableL1DFlush": 0,
"Misc.vsanWitnessVirtualAppliance": 0,
"NFS.ApdStartCount": 3,
"NFS.DiskFileLockUpdateFreq": 10,
"NFS.HeartbeatDelta": 5,
"NFS.HeartbeatFrequency": 12,
"NFS.HeartbeatMaxFailures": 10,
"NFS.HeartbeatTimeout": 5,
"NFS.LockRenewMaxFailureNumber": 3,
"NFS.LockUpdateTimeout": 5,
"NFS.LogNfsStat3": 0,
"NFS.MaxQueueDepth": 4294967295,
"NFS.MaxVolumes": 8,
"NFS.ReceiveBufferSize": 1024,
"NFS.SendBufferSize": 1024,
"NFS.SyncRetries": 25,
"NFS.VolumeRemountFrequency": 30,
"NFS41.EOSDelay": 30,
"NFS41.IOTaskRetry": 25,
"NFS41.MaxRead": 4294967295,
"NFS41.MaxVolumes": 8,
"NFS41.MaxWrite": 4294967295,
"NFS41.MountTimeout": 30,
"NFS41.RecvBufSize": 1024,
"NFS41.SendBufSize": 1024,
"Net.AdvertisementDuration": 60,
"Net.AllowPT": 1,
"Net.BlockGuestBPDU": 0,
"Net.CoalesceDefaultOn": 1,
"Net.CoalesceFavorNoVmmVmkTx": 1,
"Net.CoalesceFineTimeoutCPU": 2,
"Net.CoalesceFineTxTimeout": 1000,
"Net.CoalesceFlexMrq": 1,
"Net.CoalesceLowRxRate": 4,
"Net.CoalesceLowTxRate": 4,
"Net.CoalesceMatchedQs": 1,
"Net.CoalesceMrqLt": 1,
"Net.CoalesceMrqMetricAllowTxOnly": 1,
"Net.CoalesceMrqMetricRxOnly": 0,
"Net.CoalesceMrqOverallStop": 0,
"Net.CoalesceMrqRatioMetric": 1,
"Net.CoalesceMrqTriggerReCalib": 1,
"Net.CoalesceMultiRxQCalib": 1,
"Net.CoalesceNoVmmVmkTx": 1,
"Net.CoalesceParams": "",
"Net.CoalesceRBCRate": 4000,
"Net.CoalesceRxLtStopCalib": 0,
"Net.CoalesceRxQDepthCap": 40,
"Net.CoalesceScheme": "rbc",
"Net.CoalesceTimeoutType": 2,
"Net.CoalesceTxAlwaysPoll": 1,
"Net.CoalesceTxQDepthCap": 40,
"Net.CoalesceTxTimeout": 4000,
"Net.DCBEnable": 1,
"Net.DVFilterBindIpAddress": "",
"Net.DVFilterPriorityRdLockEnable": 1,
"Net.DVSLargeHeapMaxSize": 80,
"Net.DontOffloadInnerIPv6": 0,
"Net.E1000IntrCoalesce": 1,
"Net.E1000TxCopySize": 2048,
"Net.E1000TxZeroCopy": 1,
"Net.EnableDMASgCons": 1,
"Net.EnableOuterCsum": 1,
"Net.EtherswitchAllowFastPath": 0,
"Net.EtherswitchHashSize": 1,
"Net.EtherswitchHeapMax": 512,
"Net.EtherswitchNumPerPCPUDispatchData": 3,
"Net.FollowHardwareMac": 1,
"Net.GuestIPHack": 0,
"Net.GuestTxCopyBreak": 64,
"Net.IGMPQueries": 2,
"Net.IGMPQueryInterval": 125,
"Net.IGMPRouterIP": "",
"Net.IGMPV3MaxSrcIPNum": 10,
"Net.IGMPVersion": 3,
"Net.IOControlPnicOptOut": "",
"Net.LRODefBackoffPeriod": 8,
"Net.LRODefMaxLength": 65535,
"Net.LRODefThreshold": 4000,
"Net.LRODefUseRatioDenom": 3,
"Net.LRODefUseRatioNumer": 1,
"Net.LinkFlappingThreshold": 60,
"Net.LinkStatePollTimeout": 500,
"Net.MLDV2MaxSrcIPNum": 10,
"Net.MLDVersion": 2,
"Net.MaxBeaconVlans": 100,
"Net.MaxBeaconsAtOnce": 100,
"Net.MaxGlobalRxQueueCount": 100000,
"Net.MaxNetifTxQueueLen": 2000,
"Net.MaxPageInQueueLen": 75,
"Net.MaxPktRxListQueue": 3500,
"Net.MaxPortRxQueueLen": 80,
"Net.MinEtherLen": 60,
"Net.NcpLlcSap": 0,
"Net.NetBHRxStormThreshold": 320,
"Net.NetDebugRARPTimerInter": 30000,
"Net.NetDeferTxCompletion": 1,
"Net.NetDiscUpdateIntrvl": 300,
"Net.NetEnableSwCsumForLro": 1,
"Net.NetEsxfwPassOutboundGRE": 1,
"Net.NetInStressTest": 0,
"Net.NetLatencyAwareness": 1,
"Net.NetMaxRarpsPerInterval": 128,
"Net.NetNetqMaxDefQueueFilters": 4096,
"Net.NetNetqNumaIOCpuPinThreshold": 0,
"Net.NetNetqRxRebalRSSLoadThresholdPerc": 10,
"Net.NetNetqTxPackKpps": 300,
"Net.NetNetqTxUnpackKpps": 600,
"Net.NetNiocAllowOverCommit": 1,
"Net.NetPTMgrWakeupInterval": 6,
"Net.NetPktAllocTries": 5,
"Net.NetPktSlabFreePercentThreshold": 2,
"Net.NetPortFlushIterLimit": 2,
"Net.NetPortFlushPktLimit": 64,
"Net.NetPortTrackTxRace": 0,
"Net.NetRmDistMacFilter": 1,
"Net.NetRmDistSamplingRate": 0,
"Net.NetRxCopyInTx": 0,
"Net.NetSchedCoalesceTxUsecs": 33,
"Net.NetSchedDefaultResPoolSharesPct": 5,
"Net.NetSchedDefaultSchedName": "fifo",
"Net.NetSchedECNEnabled": 1,
"Net.NetSchedECNThreshold": 70,
"Net.NetSchedHClkLeafQueueDepthPkt": 500,
"Net.NetSchedHClkMQ": 0,
"Net.NetSchedHClkMaxHwQueue": 2,
"Net.NetSchedHeapMaxSizeMB": 64,
"Net.NetSchedInFlightMaxBytesDefault": 20000,
"Net.NetSchedInFlightMaxBytesInsane": 1500000,
"Net.NetSchedMaxPktSend": 256,
"Net.NetSchedQoSSchedName": "hclk",
"Net.NetSchedSpareBasedShares": 1,
"Net.NetSendRARPOnPortEnablement": 1,
"Net.NetShaperQueuePerL3L4Flow": 1,
"Net.NetSplitRxMode": 1,
"Net.NetTraceEnable": 0,
"Net.NetTuneHostMode": "default",
"Net.NetTuneInterval": 60,
"Net.NetTuneThreshold": "1n 2n 50",
"Net.NetTxDontClusterSize": 0,
"Net.NetVMTxType": 2,
"Net.NetVmxnet3TxHangTimeout": 0,
"Net.NetpollSwLRO": 1,
"Net.NoLocalCSum": 0,
"Net.NotifySwitch": 1,
"Net.PTSwitchingTimeout": 20000,
"Net.PVRDMAVmknic": "",
"Net.PortDisableTimeout": 5000,
"Net.ReversePathFwdCheck": 1,
"Net.ReversePathFwdCheckPromisc": 0,
"Net.TcpipCopySmallTx": 1,
"Net.TcpipDefLROEnabled": 1,
"Net.TcpipDefLROMaxLength": 32768,
"Net.TcpipDgramRateLimiting": 1,
"Net.TcpipEnableABC": 1,
"Net.TcpipEnableFlowtable": 1,
"Net.TcpipEnableSendScaling": 1,
"Net.TcpipHWLRONoDelayAck": 1,
"Net.TcpipHeapMax": 1024,
"Net.TcpipHeapSize": 0,
"Net.TcpipIGMPDefaultVersion": 3,
"Net.TcpipIGMPRejoinInterval": 60,
"Net.TcpipLODispatchQueueMaxLen": 128,
"Net.TcpipLRONoDelayAck": 1,
"Net.TcpipLogPackets": 0,
"Net.TcpipLogPacketsCount": 24570,
"Net.TcpipMaxNetstackInstances": 48,
"Net.TcpipNoBcopyRx": 1,
"Net.TcpipPendPktSocketFreeTimeout": 300,
"Net.TcpipRxDispatchQueueMaxLen": 2000,
"Net.TcpipRxDispatchQueues": 1,
"Net.TcpipRxDispatchQuota": 200,
"Net.TcpipRxVmknicWorldletAffinityType": 0,
"Net.TcpipTxDispatchQuota": 100,
"Net.TcpipTxqBackoffTimeoutMs": 70,
"Net.TcpipTxqMaxUsageThreshold": 80,
"Net.TeamPolicyUpDelay": 100,
"Net.TrafficFilterIpAddress": "",
"Net.TsoDumpPkt": 0,
"Net.UplinkAbortDisconnectTimeout": 5000,
"Net.UplinkKillAsyncTimeout": 10000,
"Net.UplinkTxQueuesDispEnabled": 1,
"Net.UseHwCsumForIPv6Csum": 1,
"Net.UseHwIPv6Csum": 1,
"Net.UseHwTSO": 1,
"Net.UseHwTSO6": 1,
"Net.UseLegacyProc": 0,
"Net.UseProc": 0,
"Net.VLANMTUCheckMode": 1,
"Net.VmklnxLROEnabled": 0,
"Net.VmklnxLROMaxAggr": 6,
"Net.VmknicDoLroSplit": 0,
"Net.VmknicLroSplitBnd": 12,
"Net.Vmxnet2HwLRO": 1,
"Net.Vmxnet2PinRxBuf": 0,
"Net.Vmxnet2SwLRO": 1,
"Net.Vmxnet3HwLRO": 1,
"Net.Vmxnet3PageInBound": 32,
"Net.Vmxnet3RSSHashCache": 1,
"Net.Vmxnet3RxPollBound": 256,
"Net.Vmxnet3SwLRO": 1,
"Net.Vmxnet3WinIntrHints": 1,
"Net.Vmxnet3usePNICHash": 0,
"Net.VmxnetBiDirNeedsTsoTx": 1,
"Net.VmxnetBiDirNoTsoSplit": 1,
"Net.VmxnetCopyTxRunLimit": 16,
"Net.VmxnetDoLroSplit": 1,
"Net.VmxnetDoTsoSplit": 1,
"Net.VmxnetLROBackoffPeriod": 8,
"Net.VmxnetLROMaxLength": 32000,
"Net.VmxnetLROThreshold": 4000,
"Net.VmxnetLROUseRatioDenom": 3,
"Net.VmxnetLROUseRatioNumer": 2,
"Net.VmxnetLroSplitBnd": 64,
"Net.VmxnetPromDisableLro": 1,
"Net.VmxnetSwLROSL": 1,
"Net.VmxnetTsoSplitBnd": 12,
"Net.VmxnetTsoSplitSize": 17500,
"Net.VmxnetTxCopySize": 256,
"Net.VmxnetWinCopyTxRunLimit": 65535,
"Net.VmxnetWinUDPTxFullCopy": 1,
"Net.vNicNumDeferredReset": 12,
"Net.vNicTxPollBound": 192,
"Net.vmxnetThroughputWeight": 0,
"Nmp.NmpPReservationCmdRetryTime": 1,
"Nmp.NmpSatpAluaCmdRetryTime": 10,
"Numa.CoreCapRatioPct": 90,
"Numa.CostopSkewAdjust": 1,
"Numa.FollowCoresPerSocket": 0,
"Numa.LTermFairnessInterval": 5,
"Numa.LTermMigImbalThreshold": 10,
"Numa.LargeInterleave": 1,
"Numa.LocalityWeightActionAffinity": 130,
"Numa.LocalityWeightMem": 1,
"Numa.MigImbalanceThreshold": 10,
"Numa.MigPreventLTermThresh": 0,
"Numa.MigThrashThreshold": 50,
"Numa.MigThreshold": 2,
"Numa.MonMigEnable": 1,
"Numa.PageMigEnable": 1,
"Numa.PageMigLinearRun": 95,
"Numa.PageMigRandomRun": 5,
"Numa.PageMigRateMax": 8000,
"Numa.PreferHT": 0,
"Numa.RebalanceCoresNode": 2,
"Numa.RebalanceCoresTotal": 4,
"Numa.RebalanceEnable": 1,
"Numa.RebalancePeriod": 2000,
"Numa.SwapConsiderPeriod": 15,
"Numa.SwapInterval": 3,
"Numa.SwapLoadEnable": 1,
"Numa.SwapLocalityEnable": 1,
"Numa.SwapMigrateOnly": 2,
"Power.CStateMaxLatency": 500,
"Power.CStatePredictionCoef": 110479,
"Power.CStateResidencyCoef": 5,
"Power.ChargeMemoryPct": 20,
"Power.MaxCpuLoad": 60,
"Power.MaxFreqPct": 100,
"Power.MinFreqPct": 0,
"Power.PerfBias": 17,
"Power.PerfBiasEnable": 1,
"Power.TimerHz": 100,
"Power.UseCStates": 1,
"Power.UsePStates": 1,
"RdmFilter.HbaIsShared": true,
"ScratchConfig.ConfiguredScratchLocation": "",
"ScratchConfig.CurrentScratchLocation": "/tmp/scratch",
"Scsi.ChangeQErrSetting": 1,
"Scsi.CompareLUNNumber": 1,
"Scsi.ExtendAPDCondition": 0,
"Scsi.FailVMIOonAPD": 0,
"Scsi.LogCmdErrors": 1,
"Scsi.LogCmdRCErrorsFreq": 0,
"Scsi.LogMPCmdErrors": 1,
"Scsi.LogScsiAborts": 0,
"Scsi.LunCleanupInterval": 7,
"Scsi.MaxReserveBacktrace": 0,
"Scsi.MaxReserveTime": 200,
"Scsi.MaxReserveTotalTime": 250,
"Scsi.PassthroughLocking": 1,
"Scsi.ReserveBacktrace": 0,
"Scsi.SCSIEnableDescToFixedConv": 1,
"Scsi.SCSIEnableIOLatencyMsgs": 0,
"Scsi.SCSIStrictSPCVersionChecksForPEs": 0,
"Scsi.SCSITimeout_ReabortTime": 5000,
"Scsi.SCSITimeout_ScanTime": 1000,
"Scsi.SCSIioTraceBufSizeMB": 1,
"Scsi.ScanOnDriverLoad": 1,
"Scsi.ScanSync": 0,
"Scsi.ScsiRestartStalledQueueLatency": 500,
"Scsi.ScsiVVolPESNRO": 128,
"Scsi.TimeoutTMThreadExpires": 1800,
"Scsi.TimeoutTMThreadLatency": 2000,
"Scsi.TimeoutTMThreadMax": 16,
"Scsi.TimeoutTMThreadMin": 1,
"Scsi.TimeoutTMThreadRetry": 2000,
"Scsi.TransFailLogPct": 20,
"Scsi.UseAdaptiveRetries": 1,
"Security.AccountLockFailures": 5,
"Security.AccountUnlockTime": 900,
"Security.PasswordQualityControl": "retry=3 min=disabled,disabled,disabled,7,7",
"SunRPC.MaxConnPerIP": 4,
"SunRPC.SendLowat": 25,
"SunRPC.WorldletAffinity": 2,
"SvMotion.SvMotionAvgDisksPerVM": 8,
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"Syslog.loggers.sdrsInjector.rotate": 8,
"Syslog.loggers.sdrsInjector.size": 1024,
"": 8,
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"Syslog.loggers.swapobjd.rotate": 8,
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