Atlassian Jira Service Management
Atlassian Jira Service Management Pack.#
This Integration is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.10.0 and later.
Use this integration to manage Jira objects and attach files to Jira objects from Cortex XSOAR. This integration was integrated and tested with version 5.4.15 of AtlassianJiraServiceManagement.
Configure Atlassian Jira Service Management in CortexParameter | Required |
Server URL | True |
API Token | True |
Trust any certificate (not secure) | False |
Use system proxy settings | False |
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
jira-asset-object-schema-listList all object schemas.
Base Commandjira-asset-object-schema-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
limit | The maximum amount of schemas to retrieve. Cannot be used alongside the page and page_size arguments. | Optional |
all_results | Whether to retrieve all object schemas with no limit. Possible values are: true, false. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
JiraAsset.Schema.ID | Number | The ID of the object schema. |
JiraAsset.Schema.Name | String | The name of the object schema. |
JiraAsset.Schema.Key | String | The key of the object schema. |
JiraAsset.Schema.Status | String | The status of the object schema. |
JiraAsset.Schema.Created | Date | The date in which this object schema was created. |
JiraAsset.Schema.Updated | Date | The date in which this object schema was updated. |
JiraAsset.Schema.ObjectCount | Number | The number of objects in the schema. |
JiraAsset.Schema.ObjectTypeCount | Number | The number of different object types in the schema. |
jira-asset-object-type-listList all object types.
Base Commandjira-asset-object-type-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
schema_id | The schema from which the command will retrieve object types. Values can be received by running the jira-asset-object-schema-list command. | Required |
exclude | Object types with that name will be excluded from the results. | Optional |
limit | The maximum amount of object types to retrieve. | Optional |
all_results | Whether to retrieve all object types with no limit. Possible values are: true, false. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
JiraAsset.ObjectType.ID | Number | The ID of the object type. |
JiraAsset.ObjectType.Name | String | The name of the object type. |
JiraAsset.ObjectType.Type | Number | The type of the object type. |
JiraAsset.ObjectType.Position | Number | The position of the object type among other object types with the same level in the schema hierarchy. |
JiraAsset.ObjectType.Created | Date | The date the object type was created. |
JiraAsset.ObjectType.Updated | Date | The date the object type was last updated. |
JiraAsset.ObjectType.ObjectCount | Number | The amount of objects listed under this object type. |
JiraAsset.ObjectType.ObjectSchemaId | Number | The ID of the schema this object type is listed under. |
JiraAsset.ObjectType.Inherited | Boolean | Whether this object type inherits from a parent object type. |
JiraAsset.ObjectType.AbstractObjectType | Boolean | Is this object type abstract (can only be inherited). |
JiraAsset.ObjectType.ParentObjectTypeInherited | Boolean | Whether this object type inherits from a parent object type. |
jira-asset-object-type-attribute-listList all attributes for an object type.
Base Commandjira-asset-object-type-attribute-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
object_type_id | The object type for which the command will retrieve attributes. Values can be received by running the jira-asset-object-type-list command. | Required |
is_editable | Whether to only return attributes that can be edited. Possible values are: true, false. | Optional |
order_by_name | Whether to sort the results by the attribute name. Possible values are: true, false. | Optional |
query | Query to filter on available object type attributes. Filter attributes that start with the query. | Optional |
include_value_exist | Should the response only include attributes where attribute values exists. Possible values are: true, false. | Optional |
exclude_parent_attributes | Should the response exclude parent attributes. Possible values are: true, false. | Optional |
include_children | Should the response include child attributes. Possible values are: true, false. | Optional |
order_by_required | Should the response be ordered by the number of required attributes. Possible values are: true, false. | Optional |
limit | The maximum amount of object types to retrieve. | Optional |
all_results | Whether to retrieve all object types with no limit. Possible values are: true, false. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
JiraAsset.Attribute.ID | Number | The ID of the attribute. |
JiraAsset.Attribute.Name | String | The name of the attribute. |
JiraAsset.Attribute.Label | Boolean | Whether this attribute is used as the label for objects of that type. |
JiraAsset.Attribute.Type | String | The type of the attribute (Default, Reference, User, Project etc.). | | Number | ID for the sub-type of the default type. | | String | Name for the sub-type of the default type. |
JiraAsset.Attribute.Editable | Boolean | Whether this attribute is editable. |
JiraAsset.Attribute.System | Boolean | Whether this attribute is a system attribute or a custom one. |
JiraAsset.Attribute.Sortable | Boolean | Can the objects be sorted by that attribute. |
JiraAsset.Attribute.Summable | Boolean | Can this attribute be summarized. |
JiraAsset.Attribute.Indexed | Boolean | Is this attribute indexed. |
JiraAsset.Attribute.MinimumCardinality | Number | The minimum amount of elements this attribute should populate. |
JiraAsset.Attribute.MaximumCardinality | Number | The maximum amount of elements this attribute should populate. |
JiraAsset.Attribute.Removable | Boolean | Whether this attribute can be removed from the object. |
JiraAsset.Attribute.Hidden | Boolean | Whether this attribute is a hidden attribute. |
JiraAsset.Attribute.IncludeChildObjectTypes | Boolean | Whether this attribute includes child object types. |
JiraAsset.Attribute.UniqueAttribute | Boolean | Whether this attribute is unique to its object. |
JiraAsset.Attribute.Options | String | Options for the attributes. |
JiraAsset.Attribute.Position | Number | The position of the attribute in relation to other object attributes. |
jira-asset-object-createCreate a new object of the specified object type ID. Either attributes or attributes_json must be provided.
Base Commandjira-asset-object-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
object_type_id | The object type for which a new object will be created. | Required |
attributes | Provide this field if attributes_json is not provided. A key-value map of object attributes. The structure of the field is: { "attributeId1": [ "value1", "value2"] , "attributeId2":["value1", "value2"] }. You can run the jira-asset-object-type-attribute-list command to retrieve the list of available attributes. | Optional |
attributes_json | Provide this field if attributes is not provided. A JSON string of object attributes to be added to the new object. Take a look at for the structure of this field. You can use the jira-asset-object-type-attribute-list command to retrieve the list of available attributes. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
JiraAsset.Object.ID | Number | ID of the newly created object. |
JiraAsset.Object.Label | String | The value of the attribute that is marked as Label for this object type. |
JiraAsset.Object.ObjectKey | String | The auto-generated object key. |
JiraAsset.Object.Avatar.objectId | Number | ID of the newly created object. |
JiraAsset.Object.Created | Date | The date in which this object was created. |
JiraAsset.Object.Updated | Date | The date in which this object was last updated. |
JiraAsset.Object.HasAvatar | Boolean | Does this object have an Avatar. |
JiraAsset.Object.Timestamp | Date | Epoch version of the object's creation date. |
JiraAsset.Object.Links.self | String | The link to view this object in the Jira web app. |
JiraAsset.Object.Name | String | The name of the newly created object. |
jira-asset-object-updateUpdates an existing object of specified object type ID. Either attributes or attributes_json must be provided.
Base Commandjira-asset-object-update
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
object_id | ID of the object that will be updated. | Required |
attributes | Provide this field if attributes_json is not provided. A key-value map of object attributes. The structure of the field is: { "attributeId1": [ "value1", "value2"] , "attributeId2":["value1", "value2"] }. You can use the jira-asset-object-type-attribute-list command to retrieve the list of available attributes. | Optional |
attributes_json | Provide this field if attributes is not provided. A JSON string of object attributes to be added to the new object. Take a look at for the structure of this field. You can use the jira-asset-object-type-attribute-list command to retrieve the list of available attributes. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
jira-asset-object-deleteDeletes an existing object of the specified object ID.
Base Commandjira-asset-object-delete
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
object_id | ID of the object that will be deleted. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
jira-asset-object-getRetrieves the object with the specified object ID.
Base Commandjira-asset-object-get
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
object_id | ID of the object that will be retrieved. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
JiraAsset.Object.ID | Number | ID of the retrieved object. |
JiraAsset.Object.Label | String | The value of the attribute that is marked as Label for this object type. |
JiraAsset.Object.ObjectKey | String | The auto-generated object key. |
JiraAsset.Object.Created | Date | The date in which this object was created. |
JiraAsset.Object.Updated | Date | The date in which this object was last updated. |
JiraAsset.Object.HasAvatar | Boolean | Does this object have an Avatar. |
JiraAsset.Object.Timestamp | Date | Epoch version of the object's creation date. |
JiraAsset.Object.ExtendedInfo.openIssuesExists | Boolean | Does this object appear in any open issues. |
JiraAsset.Object.ExtendedInfo.attachmentsExists | Boolean | Does this object have any attachments. |
JiraAsset.Object.Links.self | String | The link to view this object in the Jira web app. |
JiraAsset.Object.Name | String | The name of the object. |
jira-asset-object-searchSearches for objects of the specified object type.
Base Commandjira-asset-object-search
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
ql_query | An aql query to search objects by. View for further details. | Required |
include_attributes | Whether to include the attributes structure in the response. Possible values are: true, false. | Optional |
page | Page number. | Optional |
page_size | Use this argument or limit, but not both. Size of the page. Defaults to 50. | Optional |
limit | Use this argument or a combination of page and page_size, but not both. Limit the number of entries returned by the command. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
JiraAsset.Object.ID | Number | ID of the retrieved object. |
JiraAsset.Object.Label | String | The value of the attribute that is marked as Label for this object type. |
JiraAsset.Object.ObjectKey | String | The auto-generated object key. |
JiraAsset.Object.Created | Date | The date in which this object was created. |
JiraAsset.Object.Updated | Date | The date in which this object was last updated. |
JiraAsset.Object.HasAvatar | Boolean | Does this object have an Avatar. |
JiraAsset.Object.Timestamp | Date | Epoch version of the object's creation date. | | Number | The ID of the attribute. |
JiraAsset.Object.Attributes.objectTypeAttributeId | Number | The ID of the attribute, not relative to the object type. |
JiraAsset.Object.Attributes.objectAttributeValues.value | String | The value of the specific attribute for this object. |
JiraAsset.Object.Attributes.objectAttributeValues.referencedType | Boolean | Whether this attribute is referenced by other types. |
JiraAsset.Object.Attributes.objectAttributeValues.displayValue | String | The display value for this attribute. |
JiraAsset.Object.Attributes.objectAttributeValues.searchValue | String | The search value for this attribute. |
JiraAsset.Object.Attributes.objectId | Number | The ID of the object this attribute is assigned to. |
JiraAsset.Object.Links.self | String | The link to view this object in the Jira web app. |
JiraAsset.Object.Name | String | The name of the object. |
jira-asset-attribute-json-createUtility command used to create a JSON file with all attributes of the specified object type. All that is left is to fill in the values of each attribute.
Base Commandjira-asset-attribute-json-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
object_type_id | ID of the object type that attributes JSON will be created for. You could use the jira-asset-object-type-list command to find object types. | Required |
is_editable | Whether to fetch only editable attributes. Possible values are: true, false. | Optional |
is_required | Whether to fetch only required attributes. Possible values are: true, false. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
InfoFile.Name | string | File name. |
InfoFile.EntryID | string | The entry ID of the report. |
InfoFile.Size | number | File size. |
InfoFile.Type | string | File type, e.g., "PE". |
InfoFile.Info | string | Basic information of the file. |
jira-asset-comment-createCreates a comment for the specified object.
Base Commandjira-asset-comment-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
object_id | ID of the object that the comment will be added to. You could use the jira-asset-object-search command to find objects. | Required |
comment | Body of the comment that will be created. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
JiraAsset.Comment.Created | Date | The date in which this comment was created. |
JiraAsset.Comment.Updated | Date | The date in which this object was last updated. |
JiraAsset.Comment.Id | Number | The ID of the newly created comment. |
JiraAsset.Comment.Actor.AvatarUrl | String | URL to the avatar of the author of the comment. |
JiraAsset.Comment.Actor.DisplayName | String | Display name of the author of the comment. |
JiraAsset.Comment.Actor.Name | String | Name of the author of the comment. |
JiraAsset.Comment.Actor.Key | String | Key of the author of the comment. |
JiraAsset.Comment.Actor.RenderedLink | String | A link to the author's Jira profile. |
JiraAsset.Comment.Actor.IsDeleted | Boolean | Is the author of the comment deleted. |
JiraAsset.Comment.Role | Number | The role of the author of the comment. |
JiraAsset.Comment.Comment | String | The body of the comment that was newly added. |
JiraAsset.Comment.CommentOutput | String | The body of the comment that was newly added. |
JiraAsset.Comment.ObjectId | Number | The ID of the object the new comment was added to. |
JiraAsset.Comment.CanEdit | Boolean | Whether the comment is editable. |
JiraAsset.Comment.CanDelete | Boolean | Whether the comment can be deleted. |
jira-asset-connected-ticket-listReturns a list of all connected tickets for the specified object.
Base Commandjira-asset-connected-ticket-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
object_id | ID of the object for which connected tickets will be fetched. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
JiraAsset.ConnectedTicket.Tickets.Key | String | Key for the connected ticket. |
JiraAsset.ConnectedTicket.Tickets.ID | Number | The ID of the connected ticket. |
JiraAsset.ConnectedTicket.Tickets.Reporter | String | The user who reported the connected ticket. |
JiraAsset.ConnectedTicket.Tickets.Created | Date | The date in which this connected ticket was created. |
JiraAsset.ConnectedTicket.Tickets.Updated | Date | The date in which this connected ticket was last updated. |
JiraAsset.ConnectedTicket.Tickets.Title | String | Title of the connected ticket. |
JiraAsset.ConnectedTicket.Tickets.Status.Name | String | The name of the status of the connected ticket. |
JiraAsset.ConnectedTicket.Tickets.Status.Colorname | String | The color of the connected tikcet. |
JiraAsset.ConnectedTicket.Tickets.Type.Name | String | The type of the connected ticket. |
JiraAsset.ConnectedTicket.Tickets.Type.Description | String | The description of the type of the connected ticket. |
JiraAsset.ConnectedTicket.Tickets.Type.Iconurl | String | The URL to the icon representing the type of the connected ticket. |
JiraAsset.ConnectedTicket.Tickets.Priority.Name | String | Priority of the connected ticket. |
JiraAsset.ConnectedTicket.Tickets.Priority.Iconurl | String | The URL to the icon representing the priority of the connected ticket. |
JiraAsset.ConnectedTicket.Allticketsquery | String | The query used to fetch the connected tickets. |
jira-asset-comment-listReturns a list of comments for the specified object.
Base Commandjira-asset-comment-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
object_id | ID of the object that comments will be retrieved for. You could use the jira-asset-object-search command to find objects. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
JiraAsset.Comment.Created | Date | The date in which this comment was created. |
JiraAsset.Comment.Updated | Date | The date in which this object was last updated. |
JiraAsset.Comment.ID | Number | The ID of the newly created comment. |
JiraAsset.Comment.Role | Number | The role of the author of the comment. |
JiraAsset.Comment.Comment | String | The body of the comment that was newly added. |
JiraAsset.Comment.CommentOutput | String | The body of the comment that was newly added. |
JiraAsset.Comment.ObjectId | Number | The ID of the object the new comment was added to. |
JiraAsset.Comment.CanEdit | Boolean | Whether the comment is editable. |
JiraAsset.Comment.CanDelete | unknown | Whether the comment can be deleted. |
jira-asset-attachment-addUploads a file attachment to the specified object.
Base Commandjira-asset-attachment-add
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
object_id | ID of the object that the file will be attached to. | Required |
entry_id | ID of the file to upload. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
JiraAsset.Attachment.ID | Number | ID of the attachment. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.Author | String | Author of the attachment. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.MimeType | String | The file's MIME type. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.Filename | String | The file's name. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.Filesize | String | The size of the file. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.Created | Date | The date in which this attachment was created. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.Comment | String | The comment attached to the attachment, if there is one. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.CommentOutput | String | The comment output of the attachment, if there is one. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.Url | String | URL to the attachment. |
jira-asset-attachment-listReturns a list of attachments for the specified object. You can also download the files in a zipped format.
Base Commandjira-asset-attachment-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
object_id | ID of the object that attachments will be fetched for. | Required |
download_file | Whether to download the attachments for this object in a zipped format. Possible values are: true, false. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
JiraAsset.Attachment.ID | Number | ID of the attachment. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.Author | String | Author of the attachment. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.MimeType | String | The file's MIME type. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.Filename | String | The file's name. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.Filesize | String | The size of the file. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.Created | Date | The date in which this attachment was created. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.Comment | String | The comment attached to the attachment, if there is one. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.CommentOutput | String | The comment output of the attachment, if there is one. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.Url | String | URL to the attachment. |
jira-asset-attachment-removeRemoves an attachment from a specific object.
Base Commandjira-asset-attachment-remove
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | ID of the attachment that will be deleted. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
JiraAsset.Attachment.ID | Number | ID of the attachment that was deleted. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.Author | String | Author of the attachment. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.MimeType | String | The file's MIME type. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.Filename | String | The file's name. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.Filesize | String | The size of the file. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.Created | Date | The date in which this attachment was created. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.Comment | String | The comment attached to the attachment, if there is one. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.CommentOutput | String | The comment output of the attachment, if there is one. |
JiraAsset.Attachment.Url | String | URL to the attachment. |