AWS - Security Hub
AWS - Security Hub Pack.#
This Integration is part of the#
OverviewSecurity Hub collects security data from across AWS accounts, services, and supported third-party partner products and helps you analyze your security trends and identify the highest priority security issues.
Security Hub provides you with a comprehensive view of the security state of your AWS environment and resources. It also provides you with the compliance status of your environment based on CIS AWS Foundations compliance checks. Security Hub collects security data from AWS accounts, services, and integrated third-party products and helps you analyze security trends in your environment to identify the highest priority security issues. For more information about Security Hub, see the AWS Security Hub User Guide.
When you use operations in the Security Hub API, the requests are executed only in the AWS Region that is currently active or in the specific AWS Region that you specify in your request. Any configuration or settings change that results from the operation is applied only to that Region. To make the same change in other Regions, execute the same command for each Region to apply the change to. For example, if your Region is set to us-west-2, when you use CreateMembers to add a member account to Security Hub, the association of the member account with the master account is created only in the us-west-2 Region. Security Hub must be enabled for the member account in the same Region that the invite was sent from.
For more information regarding the AWS SecurityHub service, please visit the official documentation found here.
For detailed instructions about setting up authentication, see: AWS Integrations - Authentication.
Configure AWS - Security Hub on Cortex XSOARNavigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.
Search for AWS - Security Hub.
Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.
To ensure that fetch incidents works:
- Select the Fetches incidents radio button.
- Under Incident type, select AWS Security Hub Finding.
To ensure that mirroring works, ensure that fetch incidents works and then:
Under Mapper (incoming), select AWS Security Hub - Incoming Mapper.
Under Mapper (outgoing), select AWS Security Hub - Outgoing Mapper.
Under Incident Mirroring Direction, select the desired mirroring direction.
Parameter Description Required Role Arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) role used for EC2 instance authentication. If this is used, an access key and secret key are not required. (such as: arn:aws:iam::account-no:role/xsoar-IAM.integration-Role). False Role Session Name A descriptive name for the assumed role session. For example, xsiam-IAM.integration-Role_SESSION. False AWS Default Region The AWS Region for this instance of the integration. For example, us-west-2 False Role Session Duration The maximum length of each session in seconds. Default: 900 seconds. The integration will have the permissions assigned only when the session is initiated and for the defined duration. False Access Key The access key ID used for authentication, that was configured during IAM user configuration. If this is used, Role ARN is not required. False Secret Key The secret key used for authentication, that was configured during IAM user configuration. If this is used, Role ARN is not required. False Timeout The time in seconds till a timeout exception is reached. You can specify just the read timeout (for example 60) or also the connect timeout followed after a comma (for example 60,10). If a connect timeout is not specified, a default of 10 second will be used. False Retries The maximum number of retry attempts when connection or throttling errors are encountered. Set to 0 to disable retries. The default value is 5 and the limit is 10. Note: Increasing the number of retries will increase the execution time. False Fetch incidents False First fetch time (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days, 3 months, 1 year) False Incident type False Security Hub Incidents Severity Level Severity level of fetched incidents. Could be Informational, Low, Medium, High and Critical. For example, if you set the severity level to Medium, only findings with severity level Medium, High or Critical will be fetched. See AWS documentation about severity False Additional Incidents Filters A comma-separated list of additional incident filters in the format 'name=name1,value=value1,comparison=comparison1. False Change findings workflow to 'NOTIFIED' Notify the resource owner about the security issue. You can use this status when you are not the resource owner, and you need intervention from the resource owner in order to resolve a security issue. False Trust any certificate (not secure) False Use system proxy settings False Incident Mirroring Direction Choose the direction to mirror the incident: Incoming (from AWS - Security Hub to Cortex XSOAR), Outgoing (from Cortex XSOAR to AWS - Security Hub), or Incoming and Outgoing (from/to Cortex XSOAR and AWS - Security Hub). False Mirrored AWS - Security Hub incident closure method Define how to close the mirrored incident in Security Hub. Default value is None. False Finding Type You can set the type of the findings to be fetched: "Software and Configuration Checks", "TTPs", "Effects", "Unusual Behaviors", "Sensitive Data Identifications". For example, if you set the finding type to "TTPs", the integration will only fetch findings with the finding type that match TTPs. False Workflow Status You can set the workflow status of the findings to be fetched: "New", "Notified", "Resolved", "Suppressed". For example, if you set the workflow status to "Suppressed", the integration will only fetch findings with the workflow status of Suppressed. False Product Name You can enter a comma-separated list of product names. In order to get the product name, click Integrations in the AWS - Security Hub menu. Use only the product name (the value after the colon (:)) for this parameter. False
Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.
Known LimitationsThe following throttling limits apply to using Security Hub API operations:
- GetFindings - RateLimit of 3 requests per second, and a BurstLimit of 6 requests per second.
- UpdateFindings - RateLimit of 1 request per second, and a BurstLimit of 5 requests per second.
- All other operations - RateLimit of 10 request per second, and a BurstLimit of 30 requests per second.
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
- aws-securityhub-disable-security-hub
- aws-securityhub-batch-update-findings
- aws-securityhub-enable-security-hub
- aws-securityhub-get-findings
- aws-securityhub-get-master-account
- aws-securityhub-list-members
- aws-securityhub-update-findings (deprecated)
1. aws-securityhub-disable-security-hubDisables Security Hub in your account only in the current Region. To disable Security Hub in all Regions, you must submit one request per Region where you have enabled Security Hub. When you disable Security Hub for a master account, it doesn't disable Security Hub for any associated member accounts. When you disable Security Hub, your existing findings and insights and any Security Hub configuration settings are deleted after 90 days and can't be recovered. Any standards that were enabled are disabled, and your master and member account associations are removed. If you want to save your existing findings, you must export them before you disable Security Hub.
Base Commandaws-securityhub-disable-security-hub
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
region | The AWS Region, if not specified the default region will be used. | Optional |
roleArn | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. | Optional |
roleSessionName | An identifier for the assumed role session. | Optional |
roleSessionDuration | The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role. | Optional |
raw_json | Override arguments and send a formatted JSON file. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!aws-securityhub-disable-security-hub
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
AWS SecurityHub DisableSecurityHubNo entries.
2. aws-securityhub-batch-update-findingsUsed by Security Hub customers to update information about their investigation into a finding. Requested by master accounts or member accounts. Master accounts can update findings for their account and their member accounts. Member accounts can update findings for their account. Updates from BatchUpdateFindings do not affect the value of UpdatedAt for a finding. Master accounts can use BatchUpdateFindings to update the following finding fields and objects. Confidence Criticality Note RelatedFindings Severity Types UserDefinedFields VerificationState * Workflow Member accounts can only use BatchUpdateFindings to update the Note object.
Base Commandaws-securityhub-batch-update-findings
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
region | The AWS Region, if not specified the default region will be used. | Optional |
roleArn | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. | Optional |
roleSessionName | An identifier for the assumed role session. | Optional |
roleSessionDuration | The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role. | Optional |
raw_json | Override arguments and send a formatted JSON file. | Optional |
finding_identifiers_id | The identifier of the finding that was specified by the finding provider. Can be retrieved using the 'aws-securityhub-get-findings' command. | Required |
finding_identifiers_product_arn | The ARN generated by Security Hub that uniquely identifies a product that generates findings. This can be the ARN for a third-party product that is integrated with Security Hub, or the ARN for a custom integration. Can be retrieved using the 'aws-securityhub-get-findings' command. | Required |
note_text | The updated note text. | Optional |
note_updated_by | The principal that updated the note. | Optional |
severity_label | The severity value of the finding. The allowed values are the following. INFORMATIONAL - No issue was found. LOW - The issue does not require action on its own. MEDIUM - The issue must be addressed but not urgently. HIGH - The issue must be addressed as a priority. * CRITICAL - The issue must be remediated immediately to avoid it escalating. | Optional |
verification_state | Indicates the veracity of a finding. The available values for VerificationState are as follows. UNKNOWN - The default disposition of a security finding. TRUE_POSITIVE - The security finding is confirmed. FALSE_POSITIVE - The security finding was determined to be a false alarm. BENIGN_POSITIVE - A special case of TRUE_POSITIVE where the finding doesn't pose any threat, is expected, or both. | Optional |
types | One or more finding types in the format of namespace/category/classifier that classify a finding. Valid namespace values are as follows. Software and Configuration Checks TTPs Effects Unusual Behaviors * Sensitive Data Identifications. | Optional |
user_defined_fields | A list of name/value string pairs associated with the finding. These are custom, user-defined fields added to a finding. | Optional |
workflow_status | The status of the investigation into the finding. The allowed values are the following. NEW - The initial state of a finding, before it is reviewed. NOTIFIED - Indicates that you notified the resource owner about the security issue. Used when the initial reviewer is not the resource owner, and needs intervention from the resource owner. RESOLVED - The finding was reviewed and remediated and is now considered resolved. SUPPRESSED - The finding will not be reviewed again and will not be acted upon. | Optional |
related_findings_product_arn | The ARN of the product that generated a related finding. | Optional |
related_findings_id | The product-generated identifier for a related finding. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
AWS-SecurityHub.ProcessedFindings.Id | string | The identifier of the finding that was specified by the finding provider. |
AWS-SecurityHub.ProcessedFindings.ProductArn | string | The ARN generated by Security Hub that uniquely identifies a product that generates findings. This can be the ARN for a third-party product that is integrated with Security Hub, or the ARN for a custom integration. |
AWS-SecurityHub.ProcessedFindings | Unknown | The list of findings that were updated successfully. |
AWS-SecurityHub.UnprocessedFindings.FindingIdentifier.Id | string | The identifier of the finding that was specified by the finding provider. |
AWS-SecurityHub.UnprocessedFindings.FindingIdentifier.ProductArn | string | The ARN generated by Security Hub that uniquely identifies a product that generates findings. This can be the ARN for a third-party product that is integrated with Security Hub, or the ARN for a custom integration. |
AWS-SecurityHub.UnprocessedFindings.FindingIdentifier | string | The identifier of the finding that was not updated. |
AWS-SecurityHub.UnprocessedFindings.ErrorCode | string | The code associated with the error. |
AWS-SecurityHub.UnprocessedFindings.ErrorMessage | string | The message associated with the error. |
AWS-SecurityHub.UnprocessedFindings | Unknown | The list of findings that were not updated. |
Command Example!aws-securityhub-batch-update-findings finding_identifiers_id='arn:aws:securityhub:eu-west-1:123456789012:subscription/aws-foundational-security-best-practices/v/1.0.0/S3.1/finding/a2ee641f-aec2-4356-a1b6-656cce03be4e' finding_identifiers_product_arn='arn:aws:securityhub:eu-west-1::product/aws/securityhub' note_text=test note_updated_by=Demisto
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
AWS SecurityHub BatchUpdateFindingsProcessedFindings | UnprocessedFindings |
{'FindingIdentifier': {'Id': "'arn:aws:securityhub:eu-west-1:123456789012:subscription/aws-foundational-security-best-practices/v/1.0.0/S3.1/finding/a2ee641f-aec2-4356-a1b6-656cce03be4e'", 'ProductArn': "'arn:aws:securityhub:eu-west-1::product/aws/securityhub'"}, 'ErrorCode': 'FindingNotFound', 'ErrorMessage': 'Finding Not Found'} |
3. aws-securityhub-enable-security-hubEnables Security Hub for your account in the current Region or the Region you specify in the request. Enabling Security Hub also enables the CIS AWS Foundations standard. When you enable Security Hub, you grant to Security Hub the permissions necessary to gather findings from AWS Config, Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector, and Amazon Macie. To learn more, see Setting Up AWS Security Hub.
Base Commandaws-securityhub-enable-security-hub
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
region | The AWS Region, if not specified the default region will be used. | Optional |
roleArn | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. | Optional |
roleSessionName | An identifier for the assumed role session. | Optional |
roleSessionDuration | The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role. | Optional |
raw_json | Override arguments and send a formatted JSON file. | Optional |
tags | List of Tags separated by Key Value. For example: "key=key1,value=value1;key=key2,value=value2". | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!aws-securityhub-enable-security-hub
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
AWS SecurityHub EnableSecurityHubNo entries.
4. aws-securityhub-get-findingsReturns a list of findings that match the specified criteria.
Base Commandaws-securityhub-get-findings
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
region | The AWS Region, if not specified the default region will be used. | Optional |
roleArn | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. | Optional |
roleSessionName | An identifier for the assumed role session. | Optional |
roleSessionDuration | The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role. | Optional |
raw_json | Override arguments and send a formatted JSON file. | Optional |
product_arn_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
product_arn_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
aws_account_id_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
aws_account_id_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
id_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
id_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
generator_id_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
generator_id_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
type_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
type_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
first_observed_at_start | A start date for the date filter. | Optional |
first_observed_at_end | An end date for the date filter. | Optional |
date_range_unit | A date range unit for the date filter. | Optional |
last_observed_at_start | A start date for the date filter. | Optional |
last_observed_at_end | An end date for the date filter. | Optional |
created_at_start | A start date for the date filter. | Optional |
created_at_end | An end date for the date filter. | Optional |
updated_at_start | A start date for the date filter. | Optional |
updated_at_end | An end date for the date filter. | Optional |
date_range_unit | A date range unit for the date filter. Possible value is: DAYS. | Optional |
severity_label_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
severity_label_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
title_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
title_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
description_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
description_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
recommendation_text_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
recommendation_text_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
source_url_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
source_url_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
product_fields_key | The key of the map filter. | Optional |
product_fields_value | The value for the key in the map filter. | Optional |
product_fields_comparison | The condition to apply to a key value when querying for findings with a map filter. Possible values are: EQUALS. | Optional |
product_name_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
product_name_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
company_name_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
company_name_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
user_defined_fields_key | The key of the map filter. | Optional |
user_defined_fields_value | The value for the key in the map filter. | Optional |
user_defined_fields_comparison | The condition to apply to a key value when querying for findings with a map filter. Possible values are: EQUALS. | Optional |
malware_name_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
malware_name_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
malware_type_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
malware_type_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
malware_path_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
malware_path_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
malware_state_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
malware_state_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
network_direction_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
network_direction_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
network_protocol_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
network_protocol_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
network_source_ip_v4_cidr | A finding's CIDR value. | Optional |
network_source_ip_v6_cidr | A finding's CIDR value. | Optional |
network_source_domain_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
network_source_domain_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
network_source_mac_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
network_source_mac_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
network_destination_ip_v4_cidr | A finding's CIDR value. | Optional |
network_destination_ip_v6_cidr | A finding's CIDR value. | Optional |
network_destination_domain_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
network_destination_domain_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
process_name_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
process_name_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
process_path_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
process_path_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
process_launched_at_start | A start date for the date filter. | Optional |
process_launched_at_end | An end date for the date filter. | Optional |
process_terminated_at_start | A start date for the date filter. | Optional |
process_terminated_at_end | An end date for the date filter. | Optional |
threat_intel_indicator_type_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
threat_intel_indicator_type_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
threat_intel_indicator_value_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
threat_intel_indicator_value_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
threat_intel_indicator_category_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
threat_intel_indicator_category_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
threat_intel_indicator_last_observed_at_start | A start date for the date filter. | Optional |
threat_intel_indicator_last_observed_at_end | An end date for the date filter. | Optional |
threat_intel_indicator_source_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
threat_intel_indicator_source_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
threat_intel_indicator_source_url_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
threat_intel_indicator_source_url_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
resource_type_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
resource_type_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
resource_id_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
resource_id_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
resource_partition_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
resource_partition_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
resource_region_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
resource_region_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
resource_tags_key | The key of the map filter. | Optional |
resource_tags_value | The value for the key in the map filter. | Optional |
resource_tags_comparison | The condition to apply to a key value when querying for findings with a map filter. Possible values are: EQUALS. | Optional |
resource_aws_ec2_instance_type_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
resource_aws_ec2_instance_type_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
resource_aws_ec2_instance_image_id_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
resource_aws_ec2_instance_image_id_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
resource_aws_ec2_instance_ip_v4_addresses_cidr | A finding's CIDR value. | Optional |
resource_aws_ec2_instance_ip_v6_addresses_cidr | A finding's CIDR value. | Optional |
resource_aws_ec2_instance_key_name_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
resource_aws_ec2_instance_key_name_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
resource_aws_ec2_instance_iam_instance_profile_arn_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
resource_aws_ec2_instance_iam_instance_profile_arn_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
resource_aws_ec2_instance_vpc_id_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
resource_aws_ec2_instance_vpc_id_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
resource_aws_ec2_instance_subnet_id_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
resource_aws_ec2_instance_subnet_id_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
resource_aws_ec2_instance_launched_at_start | A start date for the date filter. | Optional |
resource_aws_ec2_instance_launched_at_end | An end date for the date filter. | Optional |
resource_aws_s3_bucket_owner_id_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
resource_aws_s3_bucket_owner_id_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
resource_aws_s3_bucket_owner_name_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
resource_aws_s3_bucket_owner_name_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
resource_aws_iam_access_key_user_name_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
resource_aws_iam_access_key_user_name_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
resource_aws_iam_access_key_status_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
resource_aws_iam_access_key_status_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
resource_aws_iam_access_key_created_at_start | A start date for the date filter. | Optional |
resource_aws_iam_access_key_created_at_end | An end date for the date filter. | Optional |
resource_container_name_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
resource_container_name_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
resource_container_image_id_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
resource_container_image_id_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
resource_container_image_name_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
resource_container_image_name_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
resource_container_launched_at_start | A start date for the date filter. | Optional |
resource_container_launched_at_end | An end date for the date filter. | Optional |
resource_details_other_key | The key of the map filter. | Optional |
resource_details_other_value | The value for the key in the map filter. | Optional |
resource_details_other_comparison | The condition to apply to a key value when querying for findings with a map filter. Possible values are: EQUALS. | Optional |
compliance_status_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
compliance_status_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
verification_state_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
verification_state_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
workflow_state_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
workflow_state_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
record_state_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
record_state_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
related_findings_product_arn_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
related_findings_product_arn_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
related_findings_id_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
related_findings_id_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
note_text_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
note_text_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
note_updated_at_start | A start date for the date filter. | Optional |
note_updated_at_end | An end date for the date filter. | Optional |
note_updated_by_value | The string filter value. | Optional |
note_updated_by_comparison | The condition to be applied to a string value when querying for findings. Possible values are: EQUALS, PREFIX. | Optional |
keyword_value | A value for the keyword. | Optional |
sort_criteria_field | The finding attribute used to sort findings. | Optional |
sort_criteria_sort_order | The order used to sort findings. Possible values are: asc, desc. | Optional |
next_token | Paginates results. On your first call to the GetFindings operation, set the value of this parameter to NULL. For subsequent calls to the operation, fill nextToken in the request with the value of nextToken from the previous response to continue listing data. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.SchemaVersion | string | The schema version that a finding is formatted for. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Id | string | The security findings provider-specific identifier for a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.ProductArn | string | The ARN generated by Security Hub that uniquely identifies a third-party company (security-findings provider) after this provider's product (solution that generates findings) is registered with Security Hub. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.GeneratorId | string | The identifier for the solution-specific component (a discrete unit of logic) that generated a finding. In various security-findings providers' solutions, this generator can be called a rule, a check, a detector, a plug-in, etc. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.AwsAccountId | string | The AWS account ID that a finding is generated in. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Types | Unknown | One or more finding types in the format of namespace/category/classifier that classify a finding. Valid namespace values are as follows. Software and Configuration Checks, TTPs, Effects, Unusual Behaviors, Sensitive Data Identifications |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.FirstObservedAt | date | An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the security-findings provider first observed the potential security issue that a finding captured. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.LastObservedAt | date | An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the security-findings provider most recently observed the potential security issue that a finding captured. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.CreatedAt | date | An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the security-findings provider created the potential security issue that a finding captured. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.UpdatedAt | date | An ISO8601-formatted timestamp that indicates when the security-findings provider last updated the finding record. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Severity.Product | number | The native severity as defined by the AWS service or integrated partner product that generated the finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Severity.Normalized | number | The normalized severity of a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Severity | Unknown | A finding's severity. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Confidence | number | A finding's confidence. Confidence is defined as the likelihood that a finding accurately identifies the behavior or issue that it was intended to identify. Confidence is scored on a 0-100 basis using a ratio scale, where 0 means zero percent confidence and 100 means 100 percent confidence. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Criticality | number | The level of importance assigned to the resources associated with the finding. A score of 0 means that the underlying resources have no criticality, and a score of 100 is reserved for the most critical resources. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Title | string | A finding's title. In this release, Title is a required property. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Description | string | A finding's description. In this release, Description is a required property. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Remediation.Recommendation.Text | string | Describes the recommended steps to take to remediate an issue identified in a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Remediation.Recommendation.Url | string | A URL to a page or site that contains information about how to remediate a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Remediation.Recommendation | Unknown | A recommendation on the steps to take to remediate the issue identified by a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Remediation | Unknown | A data type that describes the remediation options for a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.SourceUrl | string | A URL that links to a page about the current finding in the security-findings provider's solution. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.ProductFields | Unknown | A data type where security-findings providers can include additional solution-specific details that aren't part of the defined AwsSecurityFinding format. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.UserDefinedFields | Unknown | A list of name/value string pairs associated with the finding. These are custom, user-defined fields added to a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Name | string | The name of the malware that was observed. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Type | string | The type of the malware that was observed. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Path | string | The file system path of the malware that was observed. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.State | string | The state of the malware that was observed. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings | string | The findings that matched the filters specified in the request. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Network.Direction | string | The direction of network traffic associated with a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Network.Protocol | string | The protocol of network-related information about a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Network.SourceIpV4 | string | The source IPv4 address of network-related information about a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Network.SourceIpV6 | string | The source IPv6 address of network-related information about a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Network.SourcePort | number | The source port of network-related information about a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Network.SourceDomain | string | The source domain of network-related information about a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Network.SourceMac | string | The source media access control (MAC) address of network-related information about a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Network.DestinationIpV4 | string | The destination IPv4 address of network-related information about a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Network.DestinationIpV6 | string | The destination IPv6 address of network-related information about a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Network.DestinationPort | number | The destination port of network-related information about a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Network.DestinationDomain | string | The destination domain of network-related information about a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Network | string | The details of network-related information about a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Process.Name | string | The name of the process. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Process.Path | string | The path to the process executable. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Process.Pid | number | The process ID. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Process.ParentPid | number | The parent process ID. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Process.LaunchedAt | date | The date/time that the process was launched. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Process.TerminatedAt | date | The date and time when the process was terminated. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Process | Unknown | The details of process-related information about a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.ThreatIntelIndicators.Type | string | The type of a threat intel indicator. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.ThreatIntelIndicators.Value | string | The value of a threat intel indicator. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.ThreatIntelIndicators.Category | string | The category of a threat intel indicator. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.ThreatIntelIndicators.LastObservedAt | string | The date and time when the most recent instance of a threat intel indicator was observed. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.ThreatIntelIndicators.Source | string | The source of the threat intel indicator. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.ThreatIntelIndicators.SourceUrl | string | The URL to the page or site where you can get more information about the threat intel indicator. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.ThreatIntelIndicators | string | Threat intel details related to a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Type | string | The type of the resource that details are provided for. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Id | string | The canonical identifier for the given resource type. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Partition | string | The canonical AWS partition name that the Region is assigned to. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Region | string | The canonical AWS external Region name where this resource is located. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Tags | string | A list of AWS tags associated with a resource at the time the finding was processed. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsCloudFrontDistribution.DomainName | string | The domain name corresponding to the distribution. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsCloudFrontDistribution.ETag | string | The entity tag is a hash of the object. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsCloudFrontDistribution.LastModifiedTime | date | The date and time that the distribution was last modified. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsCloudFrontDistribution.Logging.Bucket | string | The Amazon S3 bucket to store the access logs in. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsCloudFrontDistribution.Logging.Enabled | string | With this field, you can enable or disable the selected distribution. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsCloudFrontDistribution.Logging.IncludeCookies | string | Specifies whether you want CloudFront to include cookies in access logs. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsCloudFrontDistribution.Logging.Prefix | string | An optional string that you want CloudFront to prefix to the access log filenames for this distribution. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsCloudFrontDistribution.Logging | string | A complex type that controls whether access logs are written for the distribution. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsCloudFrontDistribution.Origins.Items.DomainName | string | Amazon S3 origins: The DNS name of the Amazon S3 bucket from which you want CloudFront to get objects for this origin. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsCloudFrontDistribution.Origins.Items.Id | string | A unique identifier for the origin or origin group. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsCloudFrontDistribution.Origins.Items.OriginPath | string | An optional element that causes CloudFront to request your content from a directory in your Amazon S3 bucket or your custom origin. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsCloudFrontDistribution.Origins.Items | string | A complex type that contains origins or origin groups for this distribution. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsCloudFrontDistribution.Origins | string | A complex type that contains information about origins for this distribution. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsCloudFrontDistribution.Status | string | Indicates the current status of the distribution. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsCloudFrontDistribution.WebAclId | string | A unique identifier that specifies the AWS WAF web ACL, if any, to associate with this distribution. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsCloudFrontDistribution | string | Details about a CloudFront distribution. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsEc2Instance.Type | string | The instance type of the instance. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsEc2Instance.ImageId | string | The Amazon Machine Image (AMI) ID of the instance. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsEc2Instance.IpV4Addresses | string | The IPv4 addresses associated with the instance. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsEc2Instance.IpV6Addresses | string | The IPv6 addresses associated with the instance. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsEc2Instance.KeyName | string | The key name associated with the instance. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsEc2Instance.IamInstanceProfileArn | string | The IAM profile ARN of the instance. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsEc2Instance.VpcId | string | The identifier of the VPC that the instance was launched in. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsEc2Instance.SubnetId | string | The identifier of the subnet that the instance was launched in. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsEc2Instance.LaunchedAt | date | The date/time the instance was launched. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsEc2Instance | string | Details about an Amazon EC2 instance related to a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsElbv2LoadBalancer.AvailabilityZones.ZoneName | string | The name of the Availability Zone. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsElbv2LoadBalancer.AvailabilityZones.SubnetId | string | The ID of the subnet. You can specify one subnet per Availability Zone. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsElbv2LoadBalancer.AvailabilityZones | string | The Availability Zones for the load balancer. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsElbv2LoadBalancer.CanonicalHostedZoneId | string | The ID of the Amazon Route 53 hosted zone associated with the load balancer. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsElbv2LoadBalancer.CreatedTime | date | The date and time the load balancer was created. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsElbv2LoadBalancer.DNSName | string | The public DNS name of the load balancer. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsElbv2LoadBalancer.IpAddressType | string | The type of IP addresses used by the subnets for your load balancer. The possible values are ipv4 (for IPv4 addresses) and dualstack (for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses). |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsElbv2LoadBalancer.Scheme | string | The nodes of an Internet-facing load balancer have public IP addresses. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsElbv2LoadBalancer.SecurityGroups | string | The IDs of the security groups for the load balancer. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsElbv2LoadBalancer.State.Code | string | The state code. The initial state of the load balancer is provisioning. After the load balancer is fully set up and ready to route traffic, its state is active. If the load balancer could not be set up, its state is failed. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsElbv2LoadBalancer.State.Reason | string | A description of the state. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsElbv2LoadBalancer.State | string | The state of the load balancer. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsElbv2LoadBalancer.Type | string | The type of load balancer. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsElbv2LoadBalancer.VpcId | string | The ID of the VPC for the load balancer. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsElbv2LoadBalancer | string | Details about a load balancer. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsS3Bucket.OwnerId | string | The canonical user ID of the owner of the S3 bucket. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsS3Bucket.OwnerName | string | The display name of the owner of the S3 bucket. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsS3Bucket | string | Details about an Amazon S3 Bucket related to a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsIamAccessKey.UserName | string | The user associated with the IAM access key related to a finding. The UserName parameter has been replaced with the PrincipalName parameter because access keys can also be assigned to principals that are not IAM users. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsIamAccessKey.Status | string | The status of the IAM access key related to a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsIamAccessKey.CreatedAt | date | The creation date/time of the IAM access key related to a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsIamAccessKey.PrincipalId | string | The ID of the principal associated with an access key. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsIamAccessKey.PrincipalType | string | The type of principal associated with an access key. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsIamAccessKey.PrincipalName | string | The name of the principal. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsIamAccessKey | string | Details about an IAM access key related to a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsIamRole.AssumeRolePolicyDocument | string | The trust policy that grants permission to assume the role. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsIamRole.CreateDate | date | The date and time, in ISO 8601 date-time format, when the role was created. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsIamRole.RoleId | string | The stable and unique string identifying the role. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsIamRole.RoleName | string | The friendly name that identifies the role. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsIamRole.MaxSessionDuration | number | The maximum session duration (in seconds) that you want to set for the specified role. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsIamRole.Path | string | The path to the role. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsIamRole | string | Details about an IAM role. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsKmsKey.AWSAccountId | string | The twelve-digit account ID of the AWS account that owns the CMK. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsKmsKey.CreationDate | date | The date and time when the CMK was created. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsKmsKey.KeyId | string | The globally unique identifier for the CMK. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsKmsKey.KeyManager | string | The manager of the CMK. CMKs in your AWS account are either customer managed or AWS managed. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsKmsKey.KeyState | string | The state of the CMK. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsKmsKey.Origin | string | The source of the CMK's key material. When this value is AWS\_KMS, AWS KMS created the key material. When this value is EXTERNAL, the key material was imported from your existing key management infrastructure or the CMK lacks key material. When this value is AWS\_CLOUDHSM, the key material was created in the AWS CloudHSM cluster associated with a custom key store. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsKmsKey | string | Details about a KMS key. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.Code.S3Bucket | string | An Amazon S3 bucket in the same AWS Region as your function. The bucket can be in a different AWS account. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.Code.S3Key | string | The Amazon S3 key of the deployment package. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.Code.S3ObjectVersion | string | For versioned objects, the version of the deployment package object to use. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.Code.ZipFile | string | The base64-encoded contents of the deployment package. AWS SDK and AWS CLI clients handle the encoding for you. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.Code | string | An AwsLambdaFunctionCode object. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.CodeSha256 | string | The SHA256 hash of the function's deployment package. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.DeadLetterConfig.TargetArn | string | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an Amazon SQS queue or Amazon SNS topic. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.DeadLetterConfig | string | The function's dead letter queue. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.Environment.Variables | string | Environment variable key-value pairs. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.Environment.Error.ErrorCode | string | The error code. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.Environment.Error.Message | string | The error message. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.Environment.Error | string | An AwsLambdaFunctionEnvironmentError object. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.Environment | string | The function's environment variables. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.FunctionName | string | The name of the function. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.Handler | string | The function that Lambda calls to begin executing your function. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.KmsKeyArn | string | The KMS key that's used to encrypt the function's environment variables. This key is only returned if you've configured a customer managed CMK. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.LastModified | date | The date and time that the function was last updated, in ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD). |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.Layers.Arn | string | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the function layer. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.Layers.CodeSize | number | The size of the layer archive in bytes. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.Layers | string | The function's layers. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.MasterArn | string | For Lambda@Edge functions, the ARN of the master function. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.MemorySize | number | The memory that's allocated to the function. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.RevisionId | string | The latest updated revision of the function or alias. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.Role | string | The function's execution role. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.Runtime | string | The runtime environment for the Lambda function. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.Timeout | number | The amount of time that Lambda allows a function to run before stopping it. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.TracingConfig.Mode | string | The tracing mode. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.TracingConfig | string | The function's AWS X-Ray tracing configuration. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.VpcConfig.SecurityGroupIds | string | A list of VPC security groups IDs. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.VpcConfig.SubnetIds | string | A list of VPC subnet IDs. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.VpcConfig.VpcId | string | The ID of the VPC. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.VpcConfig | string | The function's networking configuration. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction.Version | string | The version of the Lambda function. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsLambdaFunction | string | Details about a Lambda function. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsSnsTopic.KmsMasterKeyId | string | The ID of an AWS-managed customer master key (CMK) for Amazon SNS or a custom CMK. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsSnsTopic.Subscription.Endpoint | string | The subscription's endpoint (format depends on the protocol). |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsSnsTopic.Subscription.Protocol | string | The subscription's protocol. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsSnsTopic.Subscription | string | Subscription is an embedded property that describes the subscription endpoints of an Amazon SNS topic. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsSnsTopic.TopicName | string | The name of the topic. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsSnsTopic.Owner | string | The subscription's owner. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsSnsTopic | string | Details about an SNS topic. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsSqsQueue.KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds | number | The length of time, in seconds, for which Amazon SQS can reuse a data key to encrypt or decrypt messages before calling AWS KMS again. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsSqsQueue.KmsMasterKeyId | string | The ID of an AWS-managed customer master key (CMK) for Amazon SQS or a custom CMK. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsSqsQueue.QueueName | string | The name of the new queue. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsSqsQueue.DeadLetterTargetArn | string | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dead-letter queue to which Amazon SQS moves messages after the value of maxReceiveCount is exceeded. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.AwsSqsQueue | string | Details about an SQS queue. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.Container.Name | string | The name of the container related to a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.Container.ImageId | string | The identifier of the image related to a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.Container.ImageName | string | The name of the image related to a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.Container.LaunchedAt | date | The date and time when the container started. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.Container | string | Details about a container resource related to a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details.Other | string | Details about a resource that doesn't have a specific type defined. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources.Details | string | Additional details about the resource related to a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Resources | string | A set of resource data types that describe the resources that the finding refers to. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Compliance.Status | string | The result of a compliance check. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Compliance | string | This data type is exclusive to findings that are generated as the result of a check run against a specific rule in a supported standard (for example, CIS AWS Foundations). Contains compliance-related finding details. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.VerificationState | string | Indicates the veracity of a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.WorkflowState | string | The workflow state of a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.RecordState | string | The record state of a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.RelatedFindings.ProductArn | string | The ARN of the product that generated a related finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.RelatedFindings.Id | string | The product-generated identifier for a related finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.RelatedFindings | string | A list of related findings. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Note.Text | string | The text of a note. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Note.UpdatedBy | string | The principal that created a note. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Note.UpdatedAt | date | The timestamp of when the note was updated. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Findings.Note | string | A user-defined note added to a finding. |
AWS-SecurityHub.NextToken | string | The token that is required for pagination. |
Command example!aws-securityhub-get-findings
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
AWS SecurityHub GetFindingsAwsAccountId | Compliance | CreatedAt | Description | FirstObservedAt | GeneratorId | Id | LastObservedAt | ProductArn | ProductFields | RecordState | Remediation | Resources | SchemaVersion | Severity | Title | Types | UpdatedAt | Workflow | WorkflowState |
123456789012 | Status: WARNING,StatusReasons: {'ReasonCode': 'CONFIG_ACCESS_DENIED', 'Description': 'Unable to describe the supporting AWS Config Rule, Please verify that you have enabled AWS Config.'} | 2020-07-05T13:14:29.111Z | Password policies are, in part, used to enforce password complexity requirements. IAM password policies can be used to ensure passwords are comprised of different character sets. It is recommended that the password policy require at least one number. | 2020-07-05T13:14:29.111Z | arn:aws:securityhub:::ruleset/cis-aws-foundations-benchmark/v/1.2.0/rule/1.8 | arn:aws:securityhub:eu-west-1:123456789012:subscription/cis-aws-foundations-benchmark/v/1.2.0/1.8/finding/d1d15683-7fbd-4b82-8eed-3af50785cdf6 | 2020-07-22T11:30:13.952Z | arn:aws:securityhub:eu-west-1::product/aws/securityhub | StandardsGuideArn: arn:aws:securityhub:::ruleset/cis-aws-foundations-benchmark/v/1.2.0,StandardsGuideSubscriptionArn: arn:aws:securityhub:eu-west-1:123456789012:subscription/cis-aws-foundations-benchmark/v/1.2.0,RuleId: 1.8,RecommendationUrl:,RelatedAWSResources:0/name: securityhub-iam-password-policy-number-check-a08618e1,RelatedAWSResources:0/type: AWS::Config::ConfigRule,StandardsControlArn: arn:aws:securityhub:eu-west-1:123456789012:control/cis-aws-foundations-benchmark/v/1.2.0/1.8,aws/securityhub/SeverityLabel: MEDIUM,aws/securityhub/ProductName: Security Hub,aws/securityhub/CompanyName: AWS,aws/securityhub/annotation: Unable to describe the supporting AWS Config Rule, Please verify that you have enabled AWS Config.,aws/securityhub/FindingId: arn:aws:securityhub:eu-west-1::product/aws/securityhub/arn:aws:securityhub:eu-west-1:123456789012:subscription/cis-aws-foundations-benchmark/v/1.2.0/1.8/finding/d1d15683-7fbd-4b82-8eed-3af50785cdf6 | ACTIVE | Recommendation: {"Text": "For directions on how to fix this issue, please consult the AWS Security Hub CIS documentation.", "Url": ""} | {'Type': 'AwsAccount', 'Id': 'AWS::::Account:123456789012', 'Partition': 'aws', 'Region': 'eu-west-1'} | 2018-10-08 | Product: 40,Label: MEDIUM,Normalized: 40,Original: MEDIUM | 1.8 Ensure IAM password policy requires at least one number | Software and Configuration Checks/Industry and Regulatory Standards/CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark | 2020-07-22T11:28:46.637Z | Status: NEW | NEW |
5. aws-securityhub-get-master-accountProvides the details for the Security Hub master account to the current member account.
Base Commandaws-securityhub-get-master-account
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
region | The AWS Region, if not specified the default region will be used. | Optional |
roleArn | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. | Optional |
roleSessionName | An identifier for the assumed role session. | Optional |
roleSessionDuration | The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role. | Optional |
raw_json | Override arguments and send a formatted JSON file. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
AWS-SecurityHub.Master.AccountId | string | The account ID of the Security Hub master account that the invitation was sent from. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Master.InvitationId | string | The ID of the invitation sent to the member account. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Master.InvitedAt | date | The timestamp of when the invitation was sent. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Master.MemberStatus | string | The current status of the association between member and master accounts. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Master | Unknown | A list of details about the Security Hub master account for the current member account. |
Command Example!aws-securityhub-get-master-account
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
AWS SecurityHub GetMasterAccountNo entries.
6. aws-securityhub-list-membersLists details about all member accounts for the current Security Hub master account.
Base Commandaws-securityhub-list-members
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
region | The AWS Region, if not specified the default region will be used. | Optional |
roleArn | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. | Optional |
roleSessionName | An identifier for the assumed role session. | Optional |
roleSessionDuration | The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role. | Optional |
raw_json | Override arguments and send a formatted JSON file. | Optional |
only_associated | Specifies which member accounts the response includes based on their relationship status with the master account. The default value is | Optional |
next_token | Paginates results. Set the value of this parameter to NULL on your first call to the ListMembers operation. For subsequent calls to the operation, fill nextToken in the request with the value of nextToken from the previous response to continue listing data. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
AWS-SecurityHub.Members.AccountId | string | The AWS account ID of the member account. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Members.Email | string | The email address of the member account. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Members.MasterId | string | The AWS account ID of the Security Hub master account associated with this member account. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Members.MemberStatus | string | The status of the relationship between the member account and its master account. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Members.InvitedAt | date | A timestamp for the date and time when the invitation was sent to the member account. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Members.UpdatedAt | date | The timestamp for the date and time when the member account was updated. |
AWS-SecurityHub.Members | Unknown | Member details returned by the operation. |
AWS-SecurityHub.NextToken | string | The token that is required for pagination. |
Command example!aws-securityhub-list-members
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
AWS SecurityHub ListMembersNo entries.
get-remote-dataGet remote data from a remote incident. This method does not update the current incident, and should be used for debugging purposes only.
Base Commandget-remote-data
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | The remote incident ID. | Required |
lastUpdate | The UTC timestamp in seconds since the last update. The incident is only updated if it was modified after the last update time. Default is 0. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
get-mapping-fieldsReturns the list of fields to map in outgoing mirroring. This command is only used for debugging purposes.
Base Commandget-mapping-fields
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Incident MirroringYou can enable incident mirroring between Cortex XSOAR incidents and AWS - Security Hub corresponding events (available from Cortex XSOAR version 6.0.0). To set up the mirroring:
Enable Fetching incidents in your instance configuration.
In the Mirroring Direction integration parameter, select in which direction the incidents should be mirrored:
Option Description None Turns off incident mirroring. Incoming Any changes in AWS - Security Hub events (mirroring incoming fields) will be reflected in Cortex XSOAR incidents. Outgoing Any changes in Cortex XSOAR incidents will be reflected in AWS - Security Hub events (outgoing mirrored fields). Incoming And Outgoing Changes in Cortex XSOAR incidents and AWS - Security Hub events will be reflected in both directions.
Newly fetched incidents will be mirrored in the chosen direction. However, this selection does not affect existing incidents. Important Note: To ensure the mirroring works as expected, mappers are required, both for incoming and outgoing, to map the expected fields in Cortex XSOAR and AWS - Security Hub.
Mirroring In NotesThe mirroring in works when the security-findings provider last updated the finding record. If a user updated an incident it won't show in the Cortex XSOAR incident.
Mirroring Out NotesThe supported fields in the mirroring out process are:
- AWS Security Hub Confidence.
- Risk Score
- Comment
- Severity
- AWS Security Hub Verification State
- AWS Security Hub Workflow Status
Important Note:Mirroring out updates do not affect the value of UpdatedAt for a finding. These updates can be overwritten by the security-findings provider.
Before updating a comment, make sure that you chose an owner to the incident in the Case Details section. Otherwise, the comment update won't work.
Note: AWS Security Hub Verification State, AWS Security Hub Workflow Status fields can contain only 1 state/status.