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This Integration is part of the AzureDevOps Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.

Azure DevOps#

Manage Git repositories in Azure DevOps Services. Integration capabilities include retrieving, creating, and updating pull requests. Run pipelines and retrieve git information.

Configure AzureDevOps in Cortex#

Client IDApp Registration Client IDTrue
OrganizationOrganization nameTrue
Maximum incidents for one fetch.Default is 50. Maximum is 200.False
Pull-request project nameThe name of the project which the pull requests belongs to. A project name can be obtained by running the 'azure-devops-project-list' command. This argument is mandatory for Fetch functionality.False
Pull-request repository nameThe name of the repository pull request's target branch. A repository name can be obtained by running the 'azure-devops-repository-list' command. This argument is mandatory for Fetch functionality.False
Incident typeFalse
Fetch incidentsFalse
First fetch timestamp (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days)False
Outgoing mirroringFalse
Use system proxy settingsFalse
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
Authentication TypeType of authentication - could be Authorization Code Flow (recommended), Device Code Flow or Client Credentials Flow.False
Tenant IDFor user-auth mode or client credentials.False
Client SecretFor user-auth mode or client credentials.False
Application redirect URIFor user-auth mode or client credentials.False
Authorization codefor user-auth mode - received from the authorization step. see Detailed Instructions (?) sectionFalse

In order to connect to the Azure DevOps using the Self-Deployed Azure App, use one of the following methods:

  • Authorization Code Flow (Recommended).
  • Device Code Flow.
  • Client Credentials Flow.

Self-Deployed Azure App#

  1. To use a self-configured Azure application, you need to add a new Azure App Registration in the Azure Portal. To add the registration, refer to the following Microsoft article steps 1-8.

  2. Add the following permissions to your registered app:

    • Azure DevOps/user_impersonation
    • Microsoft Graph/User.Read To add a permission: a. Navigate to Azure Portal > Home > App registrations. b. Search for your app under 'all applications'. c. Click API permissions > Add permission. d. Search for the specific Microsoft API and select the specific permission of type Delegated. e. Click Grant admin consent**.
  3. In your registered app - Get the Application (client) ID. a. In the Azure Portal, navigate to App registrations > your registered application > Overview. b. Copy and save the Application (client) ID.

  4. In the Client ID parameter, enter your registered app Application (client) ID.

  5. In the Organization parameter, enter the Azure DevOps organization name. More information about creating an organization or project can be found here:

    Create an organization

    Create a project

To the Azure DevOps Account, use one of the following flows-

Authorization Code Flow(Recommended).#

For a Authorization Code configuration:

  1. To use a self-configured Azure application, you need to add a new Azure App Registration in the Azure Portal. To add the registration, refer to the following Microsoft article steps 1-8.
  2. In the Authentication Type field, select the Authorization Code option.
  3. In the Application ID field, enter your Client/Application ID.
  4. In the Client Secret field, enter your Client Secret.
  5. In the Tenant ID field, enter your Tenant ID .
  6. In the Application redirect URI field, enter your Application redirect URI.
  7. Save the instance.
  8. Run the !azure-devops-generate-login-url command in the War Room and follow the instruction.
  9. Run the !azure-devops-auth-test command - a 'Success' message should be printed to the War Room.

Device Code Flow#

To use the device authorization grant flow.

  1. In the Application ID field, enter your Client/Application ID.
  2. Run the !azure-devops-auth-start command.
  3. Follow the instructions that appear.
  4. Run the !azure-devops-auth-complete command.

Client Credentials Flow#

Assign Azure roles using the Azure portal Microsoft article Note: In the Select members section, assign the application you created earlier. To configure a Microsoft integration that uses this authorization flow with a self-deployed Azure application:

  1. In the Authentication Type field, select the Client Credentials option.
  2. In the Application ID field, enter your Client/Application ID.
  3. In the Tenant ID field, enter your Tenant ID .
  4. In the Client Secret field, enter your Client Secret.
  5. Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection
  6. Save the instance.

Testing authentication and connectivity#

If you are using Device Code Flow or Authorization Code Flow, for testing your authentication and connectivity to the Azure DevOps service run the !azure-devops-auth-test command.

If you are using Client Credentials Flow, click Test when you are configuring the instance.


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Tests the connectivity to Azure.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#


Human Readable Output#



Generate the login url used for Authorization code flow.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#


Human Readable Output#

Authorization instructions#

  1. Click on the login URL to sign in and grant Cortex XSOAR permissions for your Azure Service Management. You will be automatically redirected to a link with the following structure: REDIRECT_URI?code=AUTH_CODE&session_state=SESSION_STATE
  2. Copy the AUTH_CODE (without the “code=” prefix, and the session_state parameter) and paste it in your instance configuration under the Authorization code parameter.


Run this command to start the authorization process and follow the instructions in the command results.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#


Human Readable Output#

Authorization instructions#

  1. To sign in, use a web browser to open the page and enter the code *XXXX** to authenticate.
  2. Run the !azure-devops-auth-complete command in the War Room.


Run this command to complete the authorization process. Should be used after running the azure-devops-auth-start command.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#


Human Readable Output#

Authorization completed successfully.


Run this command if for some reason you need to rerun the authentication process.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#


Human Readable Output#

Authorization was reset successfully. Run !azure-devops-auth-start to start the authentication process.


Get mapping fields from remote incident. Please note that this method will not update the current incident. It's here for debugging purposes.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

Human Readable Output#


Run a pipeline. A DevOps pipeline is a set of automated processes and tools that allows both developers and operations professionals to work cohesively to build and deploy code to a production environment.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe name of the project.Required
pipeline_idThe ID of the pipeline.Required
branch_nameThe name of the repository branch which runs the pipeline.Required
pollingUse Cortex XSOAR built-in polling to retrieve the result when it's ready. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False.Optional
intervalIndicates how long to wait between command execution (in seconds) when 'polling' argument is true. Minimum value is 10 seconds. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence timeouts. Default is 60.Optional
run_idThe ID of the pipeline run to retrieve when polling argument is 'True'. Intended for use by the Polling process and does not need to be provided by the user.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.projectStringThe name of the project.
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.pipeline.idNumberThe ID of the pipeline.
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.pipeline.nameStringThe pipeline repository name.
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.stateStringThe run state.
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.createdDateDateThe run creation date, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.run_idNumberThe ID of the run.
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.nameStringThe name of the run.
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.resultStringThe result of the pipeline running. If the run is in progress, the default value is 'unknown'.

Command Example#

!azure-devops-pipeline-run project="xsoar" pipeline_id="1" branch_name="main"

Context Example#

"AzureDevOps": {
"PipelineRun": {
"_links": {
"pipeline": {
"href": ""
"pipeline.web": {
"href": ""
"self": {
"href": ""
"web": {
"href": ""
"createdDate": "2021-11-30T08:57:03.110121+00:00",
"name": "20211130.1",
"pipeline": {
"folder": "\\",
"id": 1,
"name": "xsoar",
"revision": 1,
"url": ""
"project": "xsoar",
"resources": {
"repositories": {
"self": {
"refName": "refs/heads/main",
"repository": {
"id": "XXXX",
"type": "azureReposGit"
"version": "2eca089fab76f1f32051d188653ea7d279b90a4b"
"result": "unknown",
"run_id": 1154,
"state": "inProgress",
"url": ""

Human Readable Output#

Pipeline Run Information:#

Pipeline IdRun StateCreation DateRun IdResult


Add a user, assign the user a license and extensions, and make the user a member of a project group in an account.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
user_emailThe email address of the user to add to the organization.Required
account_license_typeThe type of account license. More information can be found here: Possible values are: express, stakeholder, advanced, earlyAdopter, professional.Required
group_typeThe project group type. More information can be found here: Possible values are: projectReader, projectContributor, projectAdministrator, projectStakeholder.Required
project_idThe ID of the project.Required

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.User.idStringThe ID of the user.

Command Example#

!azure-devops-user-add user_email="" account_license_type="express" group_type="projectContributor" project_id="xsoar-project"

Context Example#

"AzureDevOps": {
"User": {
"accessLevel": {
"accountLicenseType": "express",
"assignmentSource": "unknown",
"licenseDisplayName": "Basic",
"licensingSource": "account",
"msdnLicenseType": "none",
"status": "pending",
"statusMessage": ""
"dateCreated": "2021-11-29T09:05:26.9223894Z",
"extensions": [],
"groupAssignments": [],
"id": "XXXX",
"lastAccessedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"projectEntitlements": [],
"user": {
"_links": {
"avatar": {
"href": ""
"membershipState": {
"href": ""
"memberships": {
"href": ""
"self": {
"href": ""
"storageKey": {
"href": ""
"descriptor": "aad.NWYyZWMzNTctMjgzMS03M2I4LTk1NWYtMmRkZGM2OWVmMzg3",
"directoryAlias": "User 1",
"displayName": "XSOAR User 2",
"domain": "XXXX",
"mailAddress": "",
"metaType": "member",
"origin": "aad",
"originId": "2c7514ff-41d0-4eb0-ac82-35b8671de094",
"principalName": "",
"subjectKind": "user",
"url": ""

Human Readable Output#

User Information:#

IdAccount License TypeLast Accessed Date


Remove the user from all project memberships.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
user_idThe ID of the user to be removed from the organization. A user ID can be obtained by running the 'azure-devops-user-list' command.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!azure-devops-user-remove user_id="XXXX"

Human Readable Output#

User XXXX was successfully removed from the organization.


Create a new pull request.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe name or ID of the project.Required
repository_idThe repository ID of the pull request's target branch. A repository ID can be obtained by running the 'azure-devops-repository-list' command.Required
source_branchThe name of the source branch of the pull request.Required
target_branchThe name of the target branch of the pull request.Required
titleThe title of the pull request.Required
descriptionThe description of the pull request.Required
reviewers_idsComma-separated list of the pull request reviewers IDs. A reviewer ID can be obtained by running the 'azure-devops-user-list' command.Required

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.PullRequest.repository.project.nameStringThe name of the project.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.repository.idStringThe ID of the repository.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.repository.nameStringThe name of the repository.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.repository.urlStringThe URL of the repository.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.repository.sizeNumberThe size of the repository.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.pullRequestIdNumberThe ID of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.statusStringThe status of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.createdBy.displayNameStringThe display name of the pull request creator.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.createdBy.idStringThe ID of the pull request creator.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.createdBy.uniqueNameStringThe unique name of the pull request creator.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.creationDateDateThe creation date of the pull request, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.titleStringThe title of the pull request
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.descriptionStringThe description of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.sourceRefNameStringThe source branch of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.targetRefNameStringThe target branch of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.mergeStatusStringThe current status of the pull request merge.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.isDraftBooleanWhether the pull request is a draft / WIP.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.lastMergeSourceCommit.commitIdStringThe ID of the commit at the head of the source branch at the time of the last pull request merge.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.lastMergeSourceCommit.urlStringThe REST URL for this resource.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.lastMergeTargetCommit.commitIdStringThe ID of the commit at the head of the target branch at the time of the last pull request merge.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.lastMergeTargetCommit.urlStringThe REST URL for this resource.

Command Example#

!azure-devops-pull-request-create project="xsoar" repository_id="XXXX" source_branch="test-test" target_branch="main" title="Test xsoar" description="Demo pr" reviewers_ids="XXXX"

Context Example#

"AzureDevOps": {
"PullRequest": {
"_links": {
"createdBy": {
"href": ""
"iterations": {
"href": ""
"repository": {
"href": ""
"self": {
"href": ""
"sourceBranch": {
"href": ""
"sourceCommit": {
"href": ""
"statuses": {
"href": ""
"targetBranch": {
"href": ""
"targetCommit": {
"href": ""
"workItems": {
"href": ""
"artifactId": "vstfs:///Git/PullRequestId/xsoar-project%2fXXXX%2f70",
"codeReviewId": 70,
"createdBy": {
"_links": {
"avatar": {
"href": ""
"descriptor": "aad.ZWFlMjk2ZGYtMzYwOS03YWY3LWFkNzMtYzNlYmRhZDM3ZmQ5",
"displayName": "XSOAR User 1",
"id": "XXXX",
"imageUrl": "",
"uniqueName": "",
"url": ""
"creationDate": "2021-11-30T08:56:55.531709+00:00",
"description": "Demo pr",
"isDraft": false,
"labels": [],
"lastMergeSourceCommit": {
"commitId": "b21e2330a6ae2f920b8f5ae9b74e069230b27087",
"url": ""
"lastMergeTargetCommit": {
"commitId": "2eca089fab76f1f32051d188653ea7d279b90a4b",
"url": ""
"mergeId": "a950a614-1a14-4412-90ad-e6f7417e26c6",
"mergeStatus": "queued",
"pullRequestId": 70,
"repository": {
"id": "XXXX",
"isDisabled": false,
"name": "xsoar",
"project": {
"id": "xsoar-project",
"lastUpdateTime": "2021-10-13T15:46:18.017Z",
"name": "xsoar",
"revision": 11,
"state": "wellFormed",
"url": "",
"visibility": "private"
"remoteUrl": "",
"size": 12366,
"sshUrl": "",
"url": "",
"webUrl": ""
"reviewers": [
"_links": {
"avatar": {
"href": ""
"displayName": "XSOAR User 1",
"hasDeclined": false,
"id": "XXXX",
"imageUrl": "",
"isFlagged": false,
"reviewerUrl": "",
"uniqueName": "",
"url": "",
"vote": 0
"sourceRefName": "refs/heads/test-test",
"status": "active",
"supportsIterations": true,
"targetRefName": "refs/heads/main",
"title": "Test xsoar",
"url": ""

Human Readable Output#

Pull Request Information:#

TitleDescriptionCreated ByPull Request IdRepository NameRepository IdProject NameProject IdCreation Date
Test xsoarDemo prXSOAR User 170xsoarXXXXxsoarxsoar-project2021-11-30T08:56:55


Update a pull request. At least one of the following arguments must be provided: title, description, or status.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe name or ID of the project.Required
repository_idThe repository ID of the pull request's target branch. A repository ID can be obtained by running the 'azure-devops-repository-list' command.Required
pull_request_idThe ID of the pull request to update.Required
titleThe updated pull-request title.Optional
descriptionThe updated pull-request description.Optional
statusThe updated pull-request status. Possible values are: abandoned, completed, active.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.PullRequest.repository.project.nameStringThe name of the project.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.repository.idStringThe ID of the repository.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.repository.nameStringThe name of the repository.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.repository.urlStringThe URL of the repository.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.repository.sizeNumberThe size of the repository.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.pullRequestIdNumberThe ID of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.statusStringThe status of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.createdBy.displayNameStringThe display name of the pull request creator.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.createdBy.idStringThe ID of the pull request creator.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.createdBy.uniqueNameStringThe unique name of the pull request creator.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.creationDateDateThe creation date of the pull request, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.titleStringThe title of the pull request
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.descriptionStringThe description of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.sourceRefNameStringThe source branch of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.targetRefNameStringThe target branch of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.mergeStatusStringThe current status of the pull request merge.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.isDraftBooleanWhether the pull request is a draft / WIP.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.lastMergeSourceCommit.commitIdStringThe ID of the commit at the head of the source branch at the time of the last pull request merge.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.lastMergeSourceCommit.urlStringThe REST URL for this resource.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.lastMergeTargetCommit.commitIdStringThe ID of the commit at the head of the target branch at the time of the last pull request merge.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.lastMergeTargetCommit.urlStringThe REST URL for this resource.

Command Example#

!azure-devops-pull-request-update project="xsoar" repository_id="XXXX" pull_request_id="70" title="New title"

Context Example#

"AzureDevOps": {
"PullRequest": {
"_links": {
"createdBy": {
"href": ""
"iterations": {
"href": ""
"repository": {
"href": ""
"self": {
"href": ""
"sourceBranch": {
"href": ""
"sourceCommit": {
"href": ""
"statuses": {
"href": ""
"targetBranch": {
"href": ""
"targetCommit": {
"href": ""
"workItems": {
"href": ""
"artifactId": "vstfs:///Git/PullRequestId/xsoar-project%2fXXXX%2f70",
"codeReviewId": 70,
"createdBy": {
"_links": {
"avatar": {
"href": ""
"descriptor": "aad.ZWFlMjk2ZGYtMzYwOS03YWY3LWFkNzMtYzNlYmRhZDM3ZmQ5",
"displayName": "XSOAR User 1",
"id": "XXXX",
"imageUrl": "",
"uniqueName": "",
"url": ""
"creationDate": "2021-11-30T08:56:55.531709+00:00",
"description": "Demo pr",
"isDraft": false,
"lastMergeCommit": {
"author": {
"date": "2021-11-30T08:56:55Z",
"email": "",
"name": "XSOAR User 1"
"comment": "Merge pull request 70 from test-test into main",
"commitId": "333b2ec34ca6b330901af84a2483c87effb49c23",
"committer": {
"date": "2021-11-30T08:56:55Z",
"email": "",
"name": "XSOAR User 1"
"url": ""
"lastMergeSourceCommit": {
"commitId": "b21e2330a6ae2f920b8f5ae9b74e069230b27087",
"url": ""
"lastMergeTargetCommit": {
"commitId": "2eca089fab76f1f32051d188653ea7d279b90a4b",
"url": ""
"mergeId": "a950a614-1a14-4412-90ad-e6f7417e26c6",
"mergeStatus": "succeeded",
"pullRequestId": 70,
"repository": {
"id": "XXXX",
"isDisabled": false,
"name": "xsoar",
"project": {
"id": "xsoar-project",
"lastUpdateTime": "2021-10-13T15:46:18.017Z",
"name": "xsoar",
"revision": 11,
"state": "wellFormed",
"url": "",
"visibility": "private"
"remoteUrl": "",
"size": 12366,
"sshUrl": "",
"url": "",
"webUrl": ""
"reviewers": [
"_links": {
"avatar": {
"href": ""
"displayName": "XSOAR User 1",
"hasDeclined": false,
"id": "XXXX",
"imageUrl": "",
"isFlagged": false,
"reviewerUrl": "",
"uniqueName": "",
"url": "",
"vote": 0
"sourceRefName": "refs/heads/test-test",
"status": "active",
"supportsIterations": true,
"targetRefName": "refs/heads/main",
"title": "New title",
"url": ""

Human Readable Output#

Pull Request Information:#

TitleDescriptionCreated ByPull Request IdRepository NameRepository IdProject NameProject IdCreation Date
New titleDemo prXSOAR User 170xsoarXXXXxsoarxsoar-project2021-11-30T08:56:55


Retrieve pull requests in repository.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe name or ID of the project which the pull requests belongs to.Required
repositoryThe name of the repository pull request's target branch.Required
pageThe page number of the results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 1.Optional
limitThe number of results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.PullRequest.repository.project.nameStringThe name of the project.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.repository.idStringThe ID of the repository.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.repository.nameStringThe name of the repository.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.repository.urlStringThe URL of the repository.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.pullRequestIdNumberThe ID of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.statusStringThe status of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.createdBy.displayNameStringThe display name of the pull request creator.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.createdBy.idStringThe ID of the pull request creator.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.createdBy.uniqueNameStringThe unique name of the pull request creator.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.creationDateDateThe creation date of the pull request, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.titleStringThe title of the pull request
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.descriptionStringThe description of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.sourceRefNameStringThe source branch of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.targetRefNameStringThe target branch of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.mergeStatusStringThe current status of the pull request merge.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.isDraftBooleanWhether the pull request is a draft / WIP.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.lastMergeSourceCommit.commitIdStringThe ID of the commit at the head of the source branch at the time of the last pull request merge.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.lastMergeSourceCommit.urlStringThe REST URL for this resource.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.lastMergeTargetCommit.commitIdStringThe ID of the commit at the head of the target branch at the time of the last pull request merge.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.lastMergeTargetCommit.urlStringThe REST URL for this resource.

Command Example#

!azure-devops-pull-request-list project="xsoar" repository="xsoar" page="1" limit="2"

Context Example#

"AzureDevOps": {
"PullRequest": [
"codeReviewId": 70,
"createdBy": {
"_links": {
"avatar": {
"href": ""
"descriptor": "aad.ZWFlMjk2ZGYtMzYwOS03YWY3LWFkNzMtYzNlYmRhZDM3ZmQ5",
"displayName": "XSOAR User 1",
"id": "XXXX",
"imageUrl": "",
"uniqueName": "",
"url": ""
"creationDate": "2021-11-30T08:56:55.531709+00:00",
"description": "Demo pr",
"isDraft": false,
"lastMergeCommit": {
"commitId": "333b2ec34ca6b330901af84a2483c87effb49c23",
"url": ""
"lastMergeSourceCommit": {
"commitId": "b21e2330a6ae2f920b8f5ae9b74e069230b27087",
"url": ""
"lastMergeTargetCommit": {
"commitId": "2eca089fab76f1f32051d188653ea7d279b90a4b",
"url": ""
"mergeId": "a950a614-1a14-4412-90ad-e6f7417e26c6",
"mergeStatus": "succeeded",
"pullRequestId": 70,
"repository": {
"id": "XXXX",
"name": "xsoar",
"project": {
"id": "xsoar-project",
"lastUpdateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"name": "xsoar",
"state": "unchanged",
"visibility": "unchanged"
"url": ""
"reviewers": [
"_links": {
"avatar": {
"href": ""
"displayName": "XSOAR User 1",
"hasDeclined": false,
"id": "XXXX",
"imageUrl": "",
"isFlagged": false,
"reviewerUrl": "",
"uniqueName": "",
"url": "",
"vote": 0
"sourceRefName": "refs/heads/test-test",
"status": "active",
"supportsIterations": true,
"targetRefName": "refs/heads/main",
"title": "Test xsoar",
"url": ""
"codeReviewId": 65,
"createdBy": {
"_links": {
"avatar": {
"href": ""
"descriptor": "aad.ZWFlMjk2ZGYtMzYwOS03YWY3LWFkNzMtYzNlYmRhZDM3ZmQ5",
"displayName": "XSOAR User 1",
"id": "XXXX",
"imageUrl": "",
"uniqueName": "",
"url": ""
"creationDate": "2021-11-28T16:08:09.172985+00:00",
"description": "Demo pr",
"isDraft": false,
"lastMergeCommit": {
"commitId": "62d2b76a5479406cdfba377f041fed7bb621ccf7",
"url": ""
"lastMergeSourceCommit": {
"commitId": "738ab51bc619423969314de9bb93373bfb6ae101",
"url": ""
"lastMergeTargetCommit": {
"commitId": "2eca089fab76f1f32051d188653ea7d279b90a4b",
"url": ""
"mergeId": "46bd552a-8a93-45bb-82ae-4c108020ca15",
"mergeStatus": "succeeded",
"pullRequestId": 65,
"repository": {
"id": "XXXX",
"name": "xsoar",
"project": {
"id": "xsoar-project",
"lastUpdateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"name": "xsoar",
"state": "unchanged",
"visibility": "unchanged"
"url": ""
"reviewers": [
"_links": {
"avatar": {
"href": ""
"displayName": "XSOAR User 1",
"hasDeclined": false,
"id": "XXXX",
"imageUrl": "",
"isFlagged": false,
"reviewerUrl": "",
"uniqueName": "",
"url": "",
"vote": 0
"sourceRefName": "refs/heads/xsoar-test",
"status": "active",
"supportsIterations": true,
"targetRefName": "refs/heads/main",
"title": "Test xsoar",
"url": ""

Human Readable Output#

Pull Request List:#

Current page size: 2 Showing page 1 out others that may exist. |Title|Description|Created By|Pull Request Id|Repository Name|Repository Id|Project Name|Project Id|Creation Date| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | Test xsoar | Demo pr | XSOAR User 1 | 70 | xsoar | XXXX | xsoar | xsoar-project | 2021-11-30T08:56:55 | | Test xsoar | Demo pr | XSOAR User 1 | 65 | xsoar | XXXX | xsoar | xsoar-project | 2021-11-28T16:08:09 |


Retrieve all projects in the organization that the authenticated user has access to.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
pageThe page number of the results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 1.Optional
limitThe number of results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.Project.nameStringThe name of the project.
AzureDevOps.Project.stateStringThe state of the project.
AzureDevOps.Project.revisionNumberThe revision number of the project.
AzureDevOps.Project.visibilityStringIndicates whom the project is visible to.
AzureDevOps.Project.lastUpdateTimeDateThe project last update time, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.Project.idStringThe ID of the Project.

Command Example#

!azure-devops-project-list page="1" limit="50"

Context Example#

"AzureDevOps": {
"Project": [
"id": "xsoar-project",
"lastUpdateTime": "2021-10-13T15:46:18.017000+00:00",
"name": "xsoar",
"revision": 11,
"state": "wellFormed",
"url": "",
"visibility": "private"

Human Readable Output#

Project List:#

Current page size: 50 Showing page 1 out others that may exist. |Name|Id|State|Revision|Visibility|Last Update Time| |---|---|---|---|---|---| | xsoar | xsoar-project | wellFormed | 11 | private | 2021-10-13T15:46:18.017000+00:00 |


Retrieve git repositories in the organization project.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe name or ID of the project to which the repositories belong to.Required
limitThe number of results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe page number of the results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 1.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.Project.nameStringThe name of the project.
AzureDevOps.Repository.idStringThe ID of the repository.
AzureDevOps.Repository.nameStringThe name of the repository.
AzureDevOps.Repository.webUrlStringThe web URL of the repository.
AzureDevOps.Repository.sizeNumberThe size of the repository (in bytes).

Command Example#

!azure-devops-repository-list project="xsoar" limit="1" page="1"

Context Example#

"AzureDevOps": {
"Repository": {
"id": "xsoar-repository",
"isDisabled": false,
"name": "test2803",
"project": {
"id": "xsoar-project",
"lastUpdateTime": "2021-10-13T15:46:18.017Z",
"name": "xsoar",
"revision": 11,
"state": "wellFormed",
"url": "",
"visibility": "private"
"remoteUrl": "",
"size": 0,
"sshUrl": "",
"url": "",
"webUrl": ""

Human Readable Output#

Repositories List:#

Current page size: 1 Showing page 1 out others that may exist. |Id|Name|Web Url|Size ( Bytes )| |---|---|---|---| | xsoar-repository | test2803 | | 0 |


Query users that were added to organization projects.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
queryUsers or organization query prefix. For example, if you want to retrieve information about the user 'Tom', you can enter the value of this argument as 'Tom'.Required
pageThe page number of the results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 1.Optional
limitThe number of results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.User.entityTypeStringThe type of the entity.
AzureDevOps.User.localIdStringThe ID of the identity.
AzureDevOps.User.signInAddressStringThe email address of the user.

Command Example#

!azure-devops-user-list query="ofek"

Context Example#

"AzureDevOps": {
"User": [
"active": true,
"department": null,
"description": null,
"displayName": "XSOAR User 2",
"entityId": "vss.ds.v1.aad.user.2c7514ff41d04eb0ac8235b8671de094",
"entityType": "User",
"guest": false,
"isMru": false,
"jobTitle": null,
"localDirectory": "vsd",
"localId": "XXXX",
"mail": "",
"mailNickname": "User 1",
"originDirectory": "aad",
"originId": "2c7514ff-41d0-4eb0-ac82-35b8671de094",
"physicalDeliveryOfficeName": null,
"samAccountName": "",
"scopeName": "Palo Alto Networks",
"signInAddress": "",
"subjectDescriptor": "aad.NWYyZWMzNTctMjgzMS03M2I4LTk1NWYtMmRkZGM2OWVmMzg3",
"surname": "User 1",
"telephoneNumber": null

Human Readable Output#

Users List:#

Current page size: 50 Showing page 1 out others that may exist. |Email|Entity Type|Id| |---|---|---| | | User | XXXX | | | User | XXXX |


Retrieve pull-request.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe name or ID of the project.Required
repository_idThe repository ID of the pull request's target branch. A repository ID can be obtained by running the 'azure-devops-repository-list' command.Required
pull_request_idThe ID of the pull request to retrieve.Required

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.PullRequest.repository.project.nameStringThe name of the project.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.repository.idStringThe ID of the repository.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.repository.nameStringThe name of the repository.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.repository.urlStringThe URL of the repository.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.repository.sizeNumberThe size of the repository.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.pullRequestIdNumberThe ID of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.statusStringThe status of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.createdBy.displayNameStringThe display name of the pull request creator.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.createdBy.idStringThe ID of the pull request creator.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.createdBy.uniqueNameStringThe unique name of the pull request creator.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.creationDateDateThe creation date of the pull request, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.titleStringThe title of the pull request
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.descriptionStringThe description of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.sourceRefNameStringThe source branch of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.targetRefNameStringThe target branch of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.mergeStatusStringThe current status of the pull request merge.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.isDraftBooleanWhether the pull request is a draft / WIP.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.lastMergeSourceCommit.commitIdStringThe ID of the commit at the head of the source branch at the time of the last pull request merge.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.lastMergeSourceCommit.urlStringThe REST URL for the merge source commit.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.lastMergeTargetCommit.commitIdStringThe ID of the commit at the head of the target branch at the time of the last pull request merge.
AzureDevOps.PullRequest.lastMergeTargetCommit.urlStringThe REST URL for the merge target commit.

Command Example#

!azure-devops-pull-request-get project="xsoar" repository_id="XXXX" pull_request_id="70"

Context Example#

"AzureDevOps": {
"PullRequest": {
"_links": {
"createdBy": {
"href": ""
"iterations": {
"href": ""
"repository": {
"href": ""
"self": {
"href": ""
"sourceBranch": {
"href": ""
"sourceCommit": {
"href": ""
"statuses": {
"href": ""
"targetBranch": {
"href": ""
"targetCommit": {
"href": ""
"workItems": {
"href": ""
"artifactId": "vstfs:///Git/PullRequestId/xsoar-project%2fXXXX%2f70",
"codeReviewId": 70,
"createdBy": {
"_links": {
"avatar": {
"href": ""
"descriptor": "aad.ZWFlMjk2ZGYtMzYwOS03YWY3LWFkNzMtYzNlYmRhZDM3ZmQ5",
"displayName": "XSOAR User 1",
"id": "XXXX",
"imageUrl": "",
"uniqueName": "",
"url": ""
"creationDate": "2021-11-30T08:56:55.531709+00:00",
"description": "Demo pr",
"isDraft": false,
"lastMergeCommit": {
"author": {
"date": "2021-11-30T08:56:55Z",
"email": "",
"name": "XSOAR User 1"
"comment": "Merge pull request 70 from test-test into main",
"commitId": "333b2ec34ca6b330901af84a2483c87effb49c23",
"committer": {
"date": "2021-11-30T08:56:55Z",
"email": "",
"name": "XSOAR User 1"
"url": ""
"lastMergeSourceCommit": {
"commitId": "b21e2330a6ae2f920b8f5ae9b74e069230b27087",
"url": ""
"lastMergeTargetCommit": {
"commitId": "2eca089fab76f1f32051d188653ea7d279b90a4b",
"url": ""
"mergeId": "a950a614-1a14-4412-90ad-e6f7417e26c6",
"mergeStatus": "succeeded",
"pullRequestId": 70,
"repository": {
"id": "XXXX",
"isDisabled": false,
"name": "xsoar",
"project": {
"id": "xsoar-project",
"lastUpdateTime": "2021-10-13T15:46:18.017Z",
"name": "xsoar",
"revision": 11,
"state": "wellFormed",
"url": "",
"visibility": "private"
"remoteUrl": "",
"size": 12366,
"sshUrl": "",
"url": "",
"webUrl": ""
"reviewers": [
"_links": {
"avatar": {
"href": ""
"displayName": "XSOAR User 1",
"hasDeclined": false,
"id": "XXXX",
"imageUrl": "",
"isFlagged": false,
"reviewerUrl": "",
"uniqueName": "",
"url": "",
"vote": 0
"sourceRefName": "refs/heads/test-test",
"status": "active",
"supportsIterations": true,
"targetRefName": "refs/heads/main",
"title": "Test xsoar",
"url": ""

Human Readable Output#

Pull Request Information:#

TitleDescriptionCreated ByPull Request IdRepository NameRepository IdProject NameProject IdCreation Date
Test xsoarDemo prXSOAR User 170xsoarXXXXxsoarxsoar-project2021-11-30T08:56:55


Retrieve information for a pipeline run.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe name of the project.Required
pipeline_idThe ID of the pipeline to retrieve.Required
run_idThe ID of the pipeline run to retrieve.Required
scheduledIndicates if the command was scheduled. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False.Optional
intervalIndicates how long to wait between command execution (in seconds) when 'polling' argument is true. Minimum value is 10 seconds. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence timeouts. Default is 60.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.projectStringThe name of the project.
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.pipeline.idNumberThe ID of the pipeline.
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.pipeline.nameStringPipeline repository name.
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.stateStringThe run state.
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.createdDateDateThe run creation date, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.run_idNumberThe ID of the run.
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.nameStringThe name of the run.
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.resultStringThe result of the pipeline running. If the run is in progress, the default value is 'unknown'.

Command Example#

!azure-devops-pipeline-run-get project="xsoar" pipeline_id="1" run_id="114"

Context Example#

"AzureDevOps": {
"PipelineRun": {
"_links": {
"pipeline": {
"href": ""
"pipeline.web": {
"href": ""
"self": {
"href": ""
"web": {
"href": ""
"createdDate": "2021-11-07T08:09:03.592213+00:00",
"finishedDate": "2021-11-07T08:09:28.3447367Z",
"name": "20211107.1",
"pipeline": {
"folder": "\\",
"id": 1,
"name": "xsoar",
"revision": 1,
"url": ""
"project": "xsoar",
"resources": {
"repositories": {
"self": {
"refName": "refs/heads/main",
"repository": {
"id": "XXXX",
"type": "azureReposGit"
"version": "2eca089fab76f1f32051d188653ea7d279b90a4b"
"result": "failed",
"run_id": 114,
"state": "completed",
"url": ""

Human Readable Output#

Pipeline Run Information:#

Pipeline IdRun StateCreation DateRun IdResult


Retrieve pipeline runs list. The command retrieves up to the top 10000 runs for a particular pipeline.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe name of the organization project.Required
pageThe page number of the results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 1.Optional
limitThe number of results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 50.Optional
pipeline_idThe ID of the pipeline which the runs belongs to.Required

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.projectStringThe name of the project.
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.pipeline.idNumberThe ID of the pipeline.
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.pipeline.nameStringPipeline repository name
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.stateStringThe run state.
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.createdDateDateThe run creation date, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.run_idNumberThe ID of the run.
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.nameStringThe name of the run.
AzureDevOps.PipelineRun.resultStringThe result of the pipeline running. If the run is in progress, the default value is 'unknown'.

Command Example#

!azure-devops-pipeline-run-list project="xsoar" page="1" limit="1" pipeline_id="1"

Context Example#

"AzureDevOps": {
"PipelineRun": {
"_links": {
"pipeline": {
"href": ""
"pipeline.web": {
"href": ""
"self": {
"href": ""
"web": {
"href": ""
"createdDate": "2021-11-30T08:57:03.110121+00:00",
"name": "20211130.1",
"pipeline": {
"folder": "\\",
"id": 1,
"name": "xsoar",
"revision": 1,
"url": ""
"project": "xsoar",
"result": "unknown",
"run_id": 1154,
"state": "inProgress",
"url": ""

Human Readable Output#

Pipeline runs List:#

Current page size: 1 Showing page 1 out others that may exist. |Pipeline Id|Run State|Creation Date|Run Id|Result| |---|---|---|---|---| | 1 | inProgress | 2021-11-30T08:57:03.110121+00:00 | 1154 | unknown |


Retrieve project pipelines list.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe name of the organization project.Required
pageThe page number of the results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 1.Optional
limitThe number of results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.Pipeline.projectStringThe name of the project.
AzureDevOps.Pipeline.idNumberThe ID of the pipeline.
AzureDevOps.Pipeline.revisionNumberPipeline revision number.
AzureDevOps.Pipeline.nameStringPipeline name.
AzureDevOps.Pipeline.folderStringPipeline folder.

Command Example#

!azure-devops-pipeline-list project="xsoar" page="1" limit="1"

Context Example#

"AzureDevOps": {
"Pipeline": {
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"web": {
"href": ""
"folder": "\\",
"id": 2,
"name": "xsoar (1)",
"project": "xsoar",
"revision": 1,
"url": ""

Human Readable Output#

Pipelines List:#

Current page size: 1 Showing page 1 out others that may exist. |Id|Name|Revision|Folder| |---|---|---|---| | 2 | xsoar (1) | 1 | \ |


Retrieve repository branches list.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe name of the organization project.Required
repositoryThe name of the project repository.Required
pageThe page number of the results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 1.Optional
limitThe number of results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.Branch.projectStringThe name of the project.
AzureDevOps.Branch.repositoryStringThe name of the repository.
AzureDevOps.Branch.nameStringThe name of the branch.

Command Example#

!azure-devops-branch-list project="xsoar" repository="xsoar" page="1" limit="1"

Context Example#

"AzureDevOps": {
"Branch": {
"creator": {
"_links": {
"avatar": {
"href": ""
"descriptor": "aad.ZWFlMjk2ZGYtMzYwOS03YWY3LWFkNzMtYzNlYmRhZDM3ZmQ5",
"displayName": "XSOAR User 1",
"id": "XXXX",
"imageUrl": "",
"uniqueName": "",
"url": ""
"name": "refs/heads/main",
"objectId": "2eca089fab76f1f32051d188653ea7d279b90a4b",
"project": "xsoar",
"repository": "xsoar",
"url": ""

Human Readable Output#

Branches List:#

Current page size: 1 Showing page 1 out others that may exist. |Name| |---| | refs/heads/main |


Retrieve the reviewers for a pull request.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_nameThe name of the Azure DevOps organization. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
project_nameProject ID or project name. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
repository_idThe repository ID. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
pull_request_idID of the pull request. By using the azure-devops-pull-request-list command, you can obtain the ID.Required

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer.reviewerUrlStringURL to retrieve information about this identity.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer.voteNumberVote on a pull request, 10 - approved, 5 - approved with suggestions, 0 - no vote, -5 - waiting for author, -10 - rejected.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer.hasDeclinedBooleanWhether the pull request has been declined.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer.isRequiredBooleanIndicates if this is a required reviewer for this pull request. Branches can have policies that require particular reviewers are required for pull requests.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer.isFlaggedBooleanA way to mark some special Pull Requests we are dealing with to distinguish them from other Pull Requests.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer.displayNameStringThis is the non-unique display name of the graph subject. To change this field, you must alter its value in the source provider.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer.urlStringREST URL for this resource.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer._links.avatar.hrefStringThis field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject. These links may be invoked to obtain additional relationships or more detailed information about this graph subject.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer.idStringPull-request reviewers IDs.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer.uniqueNameStringThe reviewers user name.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer.imageUrlStringLink to the reviewers user image.


Add a reviewer to a pull request.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_nameThe name of the Azure DevOps organization. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
repository_idThe repository ID. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
project_nameProject ID or project name. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
reviewer_user_idID of the reviewer. By using the azure-devops-user-list command, you can obtain the user ID.Required
is_requiredIndicates if this is a required reviewer for this pull request. Branches can have policies that require particular reviewers are required for pull requests. Possible values are: True, False.Optional
pull_request_idID of the pull request.Required

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer.reviewerUrlStringURL to retrieve information about this identity.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer.voteNumberVote on a pull request, 10 - approved, 5 - approved with suggestions, 0 - no vote, -5 - waiting for author, -10 - rejected.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer.hasDeclinedBooleanWhether the pull request has been declined.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer.isFlaggedBooleanA way to mark some special Pull Requests we are dealing with to distinguish them from other Pull Requests.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer._links.avatar.hrefStringThis field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject. These links may be invoked to obtain additional relationships or more detailed information about this graph subject.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer.idStringPull-request reviewers IDs.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer.displayNameStringThis is the non-unique display name of the graph subject. To change this field, you must alter its value in the source provider.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer.uniqueNameStringThe reviewers user name.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer.urlStringREST URL for this resource.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestReviewer.imageUrlStringLink to the reviewers user image.


Get the commits for the specified pull request.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_nameThe name of the Azure DevOps organization. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
project_nameProject ID or project name. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
repository_idThe repository ID. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
pull_request_idID of the pull request. By using the azure-devops-pull-request-list command, you can obtain the ID.Required
limitThe number of results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.Commit.commitIdStringID (SHA-1) of the commit. of the commit author. address of the commit author. of the commit operation.
AzureDevOps.Commit.committer.nameStringName of the commit committer.
AzureDevOps.Commit.committer.emailStringEmail address of the commit committer.
AzureDevOps.Commit.committer.dateDateDate of the commit operation.
AzureDevOps.Commit.commentStringComment or message of the commit.
AzureDevOps.Commit.urlStringREST URL for this resource.


Retrieve git commits for a project.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_nameThe name of the Azure DevOps organization. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
project_nameProject ID or project name. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
repository_idThe repository ID. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
limitThe number of results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe page number of the results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 1.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.Commit.commitIdStringID (SHA-1) of the commit. of the commit author. address of the commit author. of the commit operation.
AzureDevOps.Commit.committer.nameStringName of the commit committer.
AzureDevOps.Commit.committer.emailStringEmail address of the commit committer.
AzureDevOps.Commit.committer.dateDateDate of the commit operation.
AzureDevOps.Commit.commentStringComment or message of the commit.
AzureDevOps.Commit.changeCountsNumberCounts of the types of changes (edits, deletes, etc.) included with the commit.
AzureDevOps.Commit.urlStringREST URL for this resource.
AzureDevOps.Commit.remoteUrlStringRemote URL path to the commit.


Retrieve a particular commit.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_nameThe name of the Azure DevOps organization. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
project_nameProject ID or project name. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
repository_idThe repository ID. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
commit_idThe id of the commit.Required

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.Commit.treeIdStringTree ID of the commit.
AzureDevOps.Commit.commitIdStringID (SHA-1) of the commit. of the commit author. address of the commit author. of the commit operation. to the author user image.
AzureDevOps.Commit.committer.nameStringName of the commit committer.
AzureDevOps.Commit.committer.emailStringEmail address of the commit committer.
AzureDevOps.Commit.committer.dateDateDate of the commit operation.
AzureDevOps.Commit.committer.imageUrlStringLink to the committer user image.
AzureDevOps.Commit.commentStringComment or message of the commit.
AzureDevOps.Commit.parentsStringAn enumeration of the parent commit IDs for this commit.
AzureDevOps.Commit.urlStringREST URL for this resource.
AzureDevOps.Commit.remoteUrlStringRemote URL path to the commit.
AzureDevOps.Commit._links.self.hrefStringA collection of related REST reference links.
AzureDevOps.Commit._links.repository.hrefStringLink to the repository where the commit is.
AzureDevOps.Commit._links.web.hrefStringLink to the commit.
AzureDevOps.Commit._links.changes.hrefStringLink to the commit changes.
AzureDevOps.Commit.push.pushedBy.displayNameStringDisplay name of the user who pushed the commit.
AzureDevOps.Commit.push.pushedBy.urlStringIdentity Reference.
AzureDevOps.Commit.push.pushedBy._links.avatar.hrefStringUrl for the user's avatar.
AzureDevOps.Commit.push.pushedBy.idStringID of the user who pushed the commit.
AzureDevOps.Commit.push.pushedBy.uniqueNameStringDomain and principal name.
AzureDevOps.Commit.push.pushedBy.imageUrlStringIdentity Image.
AzureDevOps.Commit.push.pushedBy.descriptorStringThe descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.
AzureDevOps.Commit.push.pushIdNumberUnique ID of the push operation.
AzureDevOps.Commit.push.dateDateDate of the push operation.


Returns a single work item.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_nameThe name of the Azure DevOps organization. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
project_nameProject ID or project name. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
item_idThe work item id.Required

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.WorkItem.idNumberThe work item ID.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.revNumberRevision number of the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.AreaPathStringThe work item AreaPath. Area paths allow you to group work items by team, product, or feature area.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.TeamProjectStringThe work item TeamProject. A group of project members focused on specific products, services, or feature areas.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.IterationPathStringThe work item IterationPath. Iteration paths allow you to group work into sprints, milestones, or other event-specific or time-related period.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.WorkItemTypeStringThe work item type. Epic, Feature, User Story and Task/Bug.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.StateStringWorkflow states define how a work item progresses from its creation to closure. The four main states that are defined for the User Story describe a user story's progression. The workflow states are New, Active, Resolved, and Closed.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ReasonStringThis field requires a state to determine what values are allowed.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.AssignedTo.displayNameStringDisplay name of user assigned to the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.AssignedTo.urlStringThe work item url.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.AssignedTo._links.avatar.hrefStringThis field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject. These links may be invoked to obtain additional relationships or more detailed information about this graph subject.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.AssignedTo.idStringID of user assigned to the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.AssignedTo.uniqueNameStringThe unique name of user assigned to the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.AssignedTo.imageUrlStringLink to the user (assigned to the work item) image.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.AssignedTo.descriptorStringThe descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedDateDateThe run creation date, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy.displayNameStringDisplay name of user created the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy.urlStringThe work item url.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy._links.avatar.hrefStringThis field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject. These links may be invoked to obtain additional relationships or more detailed information about this graph subject.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy.idStringID of user created the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy.uniqueNameStringThe unique name of user created the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy.imageUrlStringLink to the user (created the work item) image.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy.descriptorStringThe descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedDateDateThe run changing date, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy.displayNameStringDisplay name of user changed the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy.urlStringThe work item url.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy._links.avatar.hrefStringThis field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject. These links may be invoked to obtain additional relationships or more detailed information about this graph subject.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy.idStringID of user changed the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy.uniqueNameStringThe unique name of user changed the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy.imageUrlStringLink to the user (changed the work item) image.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy.descriptorStringThe descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CommentCountNumberCount of the work item comments.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.TitleStringThe work item title.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateChangeDateDateThe state changing date, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedDateDateThe activated date, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedBy.displayNameStringDisplay name of user activated the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedBy.urlStringThe work item url.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedBy._links.avatar.hrefStringThis field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject. These links may be invoked to obtain additional relationships or more detailed information about this graph subject.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedBy.idStringID of user activated the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedBy.uniqueNameStringThe unique name of user activated the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedBy.imageUrlStringLink to the user (activated the work item) image.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedBy.descriptorStringThe descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.PriorityNumberThis field specifies which work the team should do first.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.DescriptionStringThe work item description.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.TagsStringTags related to the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.self.hrefStringA collection of related REST reference links.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.workItemUpdates.hrefStringLink to the work item updates.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.workItemRevisions.hrefStringLink to the work item revisions.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.workItemComments.hrefStringLink to the work item comments.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.html.hrefStringLink to the work item html.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.workItemType.hrefStringLink to the work item type.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.fields.hrefStringLink to the work item fields.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.urlStringLink to the work item.


Creates a single work item.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_nameThe name of the Azure DevOps organization. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
project_nameProject ID or project name. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
typeThe work item type of the work item to create. Possible values are: Task, Epic, Issue.Required
titleThe work item title of the work item to create.Required
iteration_pathThe path for the operation.Optional
descriptionDescribes the work item.Optional
prioritySpecifies which work the team should do first. Possible values are: 1, 2, 3, 4.Optional
tagTag related to the work item.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.WorkItem.idNumberThe work item ID.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.revNumberRevision number of the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.AreaPathStringThe work item AreaPath. Area paths allow you to group work items by team, product, or feature area.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.TeamProjectStringThe work item TeamProject. A group of project members focused on specific products, services, or feature areas.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.IterationPathStringThe work item IterationPath. Iteration paths allow you to group work into sprints, milestones, or other event-specific or time-related period.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.WorkItemTypeStringThe work item type. Epic, Feature, User Story and Task/Bug.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.StateStringWorkflow states define how a work item progresses from its creation to closure. The four main states that are defined for the User Story describe a user story's progression. The workflow states are New, Active, Resolved, and Closed.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ReasonStringThis field requires a state to determine what values are allowed.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedDateDateThe run creation date, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy.displayNameStringDisplay name of user created the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy.urlStringThe work item url.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy._links.avatar.hrefStringThis field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject. These links may be invoked to obtain additional relationships or more detailed information about this graph subject.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy.idStringID of user created the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy.uniqueNameStringThe unique name of user created the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy.imageUrlStringLink to the user (created the work item) image.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy.descriptorStringThe descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedDateDateThe run changing date, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy.displayNameStringDisplay name of user changed the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy.urlStringThe work item url.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy._links.avatar.hrefStringThis field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject. These links may be invoked to obtain additional relationships or more detailed information about this graph subject.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy.idStringID of user changed the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy.uniqueNameStringThe unique name of user changed the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy.imageUrlStringLink to the user (changed the work item) image.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy.descriptorStringThe descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CommentCountNumberCount of the work item comments.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.TitleStringThe work item title.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateChangeDateDateThe state changing date, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.PriorityNumberThis field specifies which work the team should do first.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.DescriptionStringThe work item description.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.TagsStringTags related to the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.self.hrefStringA collection of related REST reference links.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.workItemUpdates.hrefStringLink to the work item updates.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.workItemRevisions.hrefStringLink to the work item revisions.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.workItemComments.hrefStringLink to the work item comments.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.html.hrefStringLink to the work item html.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.workItemType.hrefStringLink to the work item type.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.fields.hrefStringLink to the work item fields.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.urlStringLink to the work item.


Updates a single work item.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_nameThe name of the Azure DevOps organization. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
project_nameProject ID or project name. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
repository_idThe repository ID. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
item_idThe work item id to update.Required
titleA new title for the work item.Optional
assignee_display_nameDisplay name of user assigned to the work item. This argument can be obtained by running the 'azure-devops-user-list' command.Optional
stateA new state for the work item. Possible values are: To Do, Doing, Done.Optional
iteration_patha new path for the operation.Optional
descriptionA new description for the work item.Optional
priorityA new priority for the work item. Possible values are: 1, 2, 3, 4.Optional
tagA new priority for the work item.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.WorkItem.idNumberThe work item ID.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.revNumberRevision number of the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.AreaPathStringThe work item AreaPath. Area paths allow you to group work items by team, product, or feature area.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.TeamProjectStringThe work item TeamProject. A group of project members focused on specific products, services, or feature areas.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.IterationPathStringThe work item IterationPath. Iteration paths allow you to group work into sprints, milestones, or other event-specific or time-related period.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.WorkItemTypeStringThe work item type. Epic, Feature, User Story and Task/Bug.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.StateStringWorkflow states define how a work item progresses from its creation to closure. The four main states that are defined for the User Story describe a user story's progression. The workflow states are New, Active, Resolved, and Closed.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ReasonStringThis field requires a state to determine what values are allowed.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.AssignedTo.displayNameStringDisplay name of user assigned to the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.AssignedTo.urlStringThe work item url.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.AssignedTo._links.avatar.hrefStringThis field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject. These links may be invoked to obtain additional relationships or more detailed information about this graph subject.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.AssignedTo.idStringID of user assigned to the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.AssignedTo.uniqueNameStringThe unique name of user assigned to the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.AssignedTo.imageUrlStringLink to the user (assigned to the work item) image.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.AssignedTo.descriptorStringThe descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedDateDateThe run creation date, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy.displayNameStringDisplay name of user created the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy.urlStringThe work item url.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy._links.avatar.hrefStringThis field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject. These links may be invoked to obtain additional relationships or more detailed information about this graph subject.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy.idStringID of user created the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy.uniqueNameStringThe unique name of user created the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy.imageUrlStringLink to the user (created the work item) image.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CreatedBy.descriptorStringThe descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedDateDateThe run changing date, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy.displayNameStringDisplay name of user changed the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy.urlStringThe work item url.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy._links.avatar.hrefStringThis field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject. These links may be invoked to obtain additional relationships or more detailed information about this graph subject.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy.idStringID of user changed the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy.uniqueNameStringThe unique name of user changed the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy.imageUrlStringLink to the user (changed the work item) image.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.ChangedBy.descriptorStringThe descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.CommentCountNumberCount of the work item comments.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.TitleStringThe work item title.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateChangeDateDateThe state changing date, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedDateDateThe activated date, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedBy.displayNameStringDisplay name of user activated the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedBy.urlStringThe work item url.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedBy._links.avatar.hrefStringThis field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject. These links may be invoked to obtain additional relationships or more detailed information about this graph subject.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedBy.idStringID of user activated the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedBy.uniqueNameStringThe unique name of user activated the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedBy.imageUrlStringLink to the user (activated the work item) image.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedBy.descriptorStringThe descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.Microsoft.VSTS.Common.PriorityNumberThis field specifies which work the team should do first.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.DescriptionStringThe work item description.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.fields.System.TagsStringTags related to the work item.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.self.hrefStringA collection of related REST reference links.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.workItemUpdates.hrefStringLink to the work item updates.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.workItemRevisions.hrefStringLink to the work item revisions.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.workItemComments.hrefStringLink to the work item comments.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.html.hrefStringLink to the work item html.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.workItemType.hrefStringLink to the work item type.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem._links.fields.hrefStringLink to the work item fields.
AzureDevOps.WorkItem.urlStringLink to the work item.


Add a file to the repository.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_nameThe name of the Azure DevOps organization. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
project_nameProject ID or project name. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
repository_idThe repository ID. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
branch_nameThe branch name. This argument can be obtained by running the 'azure-devops-branch-list' command.Required
branch_idThe branch ID. This argument can be obtained by running the 'azure-devops-branch-list' command.Required
commit_commentComment or message of the commit.Required
file_pathThe file path.Optional
file_contentThe file content.Optional
entry_idThere is an option to the user to provide an entry_id. In that case we will take the file_content and the file_path from the given id.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.File.commits.treeIdStringTree ID of the commit.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.commitIdStringID (SHA-1) of the commit. of the commit author. address of the commit author. of the commit operation.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.committer.nameStringName of the commit committer.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.committer.emailStringEmail address of the commit committer.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.committer.dateDateDate of the commit operation.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.commentStringComment or message of the commit.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.parentsStringAn enumeration of the parent commit IDs for this commit.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.urlStringREST URL for this resource.
AzureDevOps.File.refUpdates.repositoryIdStringThe ID of the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.refUpdates.nameStringThe branch name.
AzureDevOps.File.refUpdates.oldObjectIdStringThe last commit ID.
AzureDevOps.File.refUpdates.newObjectIdStringThe new commit ID.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.idStringThe ID of the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.nameStringThe name of the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.urlStringThe URL of the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.idStringThe ID of the Project.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.nameStringThe name of the project.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.descriptionStringThe description of the project.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.urlStringThe URL of the project.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.stateStringThe state of the project.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.revisionNumberThe revision number of the project.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.visibilityStringIndicates whom the project is visible to.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.lastUpdateTimeDateThe project last update time, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.File.repository.sizeNumberThe size of the repository (in bytes).
AzureDevOps.File.repository.remoteUrlStringRemote URL path to the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.sshUrlStringThe ssh URL of the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.webUrlStringThe web URL of the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.isDisabledBooleanIf the repository is disabled or not.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.isInMaintenanceBooleanIf the repository is in maintenance or not.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy.displayNameStringDisplay name of the user who pushed the commit / file.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy.urlStringIdentity Reference.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy._links.avatar.hrefStringUrl for the user's avatar.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy.idStringID of the user who pushed the commit / file.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy.uniqueNameStringDomain and principal name.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy.imageUrlStringIdentity Image.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy.descriptorStringThe descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.
AzureDevOps.File.pushIdNumberUnique ID of the push operation.
AzureDevOps.File.dateDateDate of the operation.
AzureDevOps.File.urlStringLink to the commit.
AzureDevOps.File._links.self.hrefStringA collection of related REST reference links.
AzureDevOps.File._links.repository.hrefStringLink to the repository where the commit is.
AzureDevOps.File._links.commits.hrefStringLink to the commits.
AzureDevOps.File._links.pusher.hrefStringLink to the commit pusher.
AzureDevOps.File._links.refs.hrefStringLink to the branch.


Update a file in the repository.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_nameThe name of the Azure DevOps organization. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
project_nameProject ID or project name. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
repository_idThe repository ID. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
branch_nameThe branch name. This argument can be obtained by running the 'azure-devops-branch-list' command.Required
branch_idThe branch ID. This argument can be obtained by running the 'azure-devops-branch-list' command.Required
commit_commentComment or message of the commit.Required
file_pathThe file path.Optional
file_contentThe file content.Optional
entry_idThere is an option to the user to provide an entry_id. In that case we will take the file_content and the file_path from the given id.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.File.commits.treeIdStringTree ID of the commit.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.commitIdStringID (SHA-1) of the commit. of the commit author. address of the commit author. of the commit operation.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.committer.nameStringName of the commit committer.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.committer.emailStringEmail address of the commit committer.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.committer.dateDateDate of the commit operation.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.commentStringComment or message of the commit.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.parentsStringAn enumeration of the parent commit IDs for this commit.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.urlStringREST URL for this resource.
AzureDevOps.File.refUpdates.repositoryIdStringThe ID of the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.refUpdates.nameStringThe branch name.
AzureDevOps.File.refUpdates.oldObjectIdStringThe last commit ID.
AzureDevOps.File.refUpdates.newObjectIdStringThe new commit ID.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.idStringThe ID of the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.nameStringThe name of the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.urlStringThe URL of the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.idStringThe ID of the Project.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.nameStringThe name of the project.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.descriptionStringThe description of the project.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.urlStringThe URL of the project.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.stateStringThe state of the project.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.revisionNumberThe revision number of the project.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.visibilityStringIndicates whom the project is visible to.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.lastUpdateTimeDateThe project last update time, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.File.repository.sizeNumberThe size of the repository (in bytes).
AzureDevOps.File.repository.remoteUrlStringRemote URL path to the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.sshUrlStringThe ssh URL of the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.webUrlStringThe web URL of the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.isDisabledBooleanIf the repository is disabled or not.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.isInMaintenanceBooleanIf the repository is in maintenance or not.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy.displayNameStringDisplay name of the user who pushed the commit / file.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy.urlStringIdentity Reference.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy._links.avatar.hrefStringUrl for the user's avatar.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy.idStringID of the user who pushed the commit / file.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy.uniqueNameStringDomain and principal name.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy.imageUrlStringIdentity Image.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy.descriptorStringThe descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.
AzureDevOps.File.pushIdNumberUnique ID of the push operation.
AzureDevOps.File.dateDateDate of the operation.
AzureDevOps.File.urlStringLink to the commit.
AzureDevOps.File._links.self.hrefStringA collection of related REST reference links.
AzureDevOps.File._links.repository.hrefStringLink to the repository where the commit is.
AzureDevOps.File._links.commits.hrefStringLink to the commits.
AzureDevOps.File._links.pusher.hrefStringLink to the commit pusher.
AzureDevOps.File._links.refs.hrefStringLink to the branch.


Update a file in the repository.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_nameThe name of the Azure DevOps organization. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
project_nameProject ID or project name. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
repository_idThe repository ID. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
branch_nameThe branch name. This argument can be obtained by running the 'azure-devops-branch-list' command.Required
branch_idThe branch ID. This argument can be obtained by running the 'azure-devops-branch-list' command.Required
commit_commentComment or message of the commit.Required
file_pathThe file path.Optional
entry_idThere is an option to the user to provide an entry_id. In that case we will take the file_content and the file_path from the given id.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.File.commits.treeIdStringTree ID of the commit.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.commitIdStringID (SHA-1) of the commit. of the commit author. address of the commit author. of the commit operation.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.committer.nameStringName of the commit committer.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.committer.emailStringEmail address of the commit committer.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.committer.dateDateDate of the commit operation.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.commentStringComment or message of the commit.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.parentsStringAn enumeration of the parent commit IDs for this commit.
AzureDevOps.File.commits.urlStringREST URL for this resource.
AzureDevOps.File.refUpdates.repositoryIdStringThe ID of the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.refUpdates.nameStringThe branch name.
AzureDevOps.File.refUpdates.oldObjectIdStringThe last commit ID.
AzureDevOps.File.refUpdates.newObjectIdStringThe new commit ID.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.idStringThe ID of the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.nameStringThe name of the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.urlStringThe URL of the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.idStringThe ID of the Project.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.nameStringThe name of the project.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.descriptionStringThe description of the project.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.urlStringThe URL of the project.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.stateStringThe state of the project.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.revisionNumberThe revision number of the project.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.visibilityStringIndicates whom the project is visible to.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.project.lastUpdateTimeDateThe project last update time, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.File.repository.sizeNumberThe size of the repository (in bytes).
AzureDevOps.File.repository.remoteUrlStringRemote URL path to the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.sshUrlStringThe ssh URL of the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.webUrlStringThe web URL of the repository.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.isDisabledBooleanIf the repository is disabled or not.
AzureDevOps.File.repository.isInMaintenanceBooleanIf the repository is in maintenance or not.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy.displayNameStringDisplay name of the user who pushed the commit / file.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy.urlStringIdentity Reference.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy._links.avatar.hrefStringUrl for the user's avatar.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy.idStringID of the user who pushed the commit / file.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy.uniqueNameStringDomain and principal name.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy.imageUrlStringIdentity Image.
AzureDevOps.File.pushedBy.descriptorStringThe descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.
AzureDevOps.File.pushIdNumberUnique ID of the push operation.
AzureDevOps.File.dateDateDate of the operation.
AzureDevOps.File.urlStringLink to the commit.
AzureDevOps.File._links.self.hrefStringA collection of related REST reference links.
AzureDevOps.File._links.repository.hrefStringLink to the repository where the commit is.
AzureDevOps.File._links.commits.hrefStringLink to the commits.
AzureDevOps.File._links.pusher.hrefStringLink to the commit pusher.
AzureDevOps.File._links.refs.hrefStringLink to the branch.


Retrieve repository files (items) list.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_nameThe name of the Azure DevOps organization. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
project_nameProject ID or project name. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
repository_idThe repository ID. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
branch_nameThe branch name. This argument can be obtained by running the 'azure-devops-branch-list' command.Required
recursion_levelThe recursion level of this request. The default is None, no recursion. Possible values are: None, OneLevel, Full. Default is None.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.File.objectIdStringThe file object ID.
AzureDevOps.File.gitObjectTypeStringThe file git object type.
AzureDevOps.File.commitIdStringID (SHA-1) of the file commit.
AzureDevOps.File.pathStringThe file's path.
AzureDevOps.File.isFolderBooleanIf the item is folder or not.
AzureDevOps.File.contentMetadata.fileNameStringThe file name.
AzureDevOps.File.urlStringURL link to the item.


Getting the content file.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_nameThe name of the Azure DevOps organization. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
project_nameProject ID or project name. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
repository_idThe repository ID. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
branch_nameThe branch name. This argument can be obtained by running the 'azure-devops-branch-list' command.Required
file_nameThe file name.Required
formatThe file format (json or zip). Default is json. Possible values are: json, zip. Default is json.Optional
include_contentInclude item content. Default is True. Possible values are: True, False. Default is True.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.File.objectIdStringThe file object ID.
AzureDevOps.File.gitObjectTypeStringThe file git object type.
AzureDevOps.File.commitIdStringID (SHA-1) of the file commit.
AzureDevOps.File.pathStringThe file's path.
AzureDevOps.File.contentStringThe file content.


Create a branch.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_nameThe name of the Azure DevOps organization. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
project_nameProject ID or project name. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
repository_idThe repository ID. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
branch_nameThe branch name. This argument can be obtained by running the 'azure-devops-branch-list' command.Required
commit_commentComment or message of the commit.Required
file_pathThe file path.Optional
file_contentThe file content.Optional
entry_idThere is an option to the user to provide an entry_id. In that case we will take the file_content and the file_path from the given id.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.Branch.commits.treeIdStringTree ID of the commit.
AzureDevOps.Branch.commits.commitIdStringID (SHA-1) of the commit. of the commit author. address of the commit author. of the commit operation.
AzureDevOps.Branch.commits.committer.nameStringName of the commit committer.
AzureDevOps.Branch.commits.committer.emailStringEmail address of the commit committer.
AzureDevOps.Branch.commits.committer.dateDateDate of the commit operation.
AzureDevOps.Branch.commits.commentStringComment or message of the commit.
AzureDevOps.Branch.commits.parentsUnknownAn enumeration of the parent commit IDs for this commit.
AzureDevOps.Branch.commits.urlStringREST URL for this resource.
AzureDevOps.Branch.refUpdates.repositoryIdStringThe ID of the repository.
AzureDevOps.Branch.refUpdates.nameStringThe branch name.
AzureDevOps.Branch.refUpdates.oldObjectIdStringThe last commit ID.
AzureDevOps.Branch.refUpdates.newObjectIdStringThe new commit ID.
AzureDevOps.Branch.repository.idStringThe ID of the repository.
AzureDevOps.Branch.repository.nameStringThe name of the repository.
AzureDevOps.Branch.repository.urlStringThe URL of the repository.
AzureDevOps.Branch.repository.project.idStringThe ID of the Project.
AzureDevOps.Branch.repository.project.nameStringThe name of the project.
AzureDevOps.Branch.repository.project.descriptionStringThe description of the project.
AzureDevOps.Branch.repository.project.urlStringThe URL of the project.
AzureDevOps.Branch.repository.project.stateStringThe state of the project.
AzureDevOps.Branch.repository.project.revisionNumberThe revision number of the project.
AzureDevOps.Branch.repository.project.visibilityStringIndicates whom the project is visible to.
AzureDevOps.Branch.repository.project.lastUpdateTimeDateThe project last update time, using ISO 8601 format in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2022 would be: "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z".
AzureDevOps.Branch.repository.sizeNumberThe size of the repository (in bytes).
AzureDevOps.Branch.repository.remoteUrlStringRemote URL path to the repository.
AzureDevOps.Branch.repository.sshUrlStringThe ssh URL of the repository.
AzureDevOps.Branch.repository.webUrlStringThe web URL of the repository.
AzureDevOps.Branch.repository.isDisabledBooleanIf the repository is disabled or not.
AzureDevOps.Branch.repository.isInMaintenanceBooleanIf the repository is in maintenance or not.
AzureDevOps.Branch.pushedBy.displayNameStringDisplay name of the user who pushed the commit / file.
AzureDevOps.Branch.pushedBy.urlStringIdentity Reference.
AzureDevOps.Branch.pushedBy._links.avatar.hrefStringUrl for the user's avatar.
AzureDevOps.Branch.pushedBy.idStringID of the user who pushed the commit / file.
AzureDevOps.Branch.pushedBy.uniqueNameStringDomain and principal name.
AzureDevOps.Branch.pushedBy.imageUrlStringIdentity Image.
AzureDevOps.Branch.pushedBy.descriptorStringThe descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.
AzureDevOps.Branch.pushIdNumberUnique ID of the push operation.
AzureDevOps.Branch.dateDateDate of the operation.
AzureDevOps.Branch.urlStringLink to the commit.
AzureDevOps.Branch._links.self.hrefStringA collection of related REST reference links.
AzureDevOps.Branch._links.repository.hrefStringLink to the repository where the commit is.
AzureDevOps.Branch._links.commits.hrefStringLink to the commits.
AzureDevOps.Branch._links.pusher.hrefStringLink to the commit pusher.
AzureDevOps.Branch._links.refs.hrefStringLink to the branch.


Create a thread in a pull request.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_nameThe name of the Azure DevOps organization. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
project_nameProject ID or project name. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
repository_idThe repository ID. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
pull_request_idThe ID of the pull request to update.Required
comment_textThe comment content.Required

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.pullRequestThreadContextUnknownExtended context information unique to pull requests.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.idNumberThe ID of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.publishedDateDateThe date the thread was published.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.lastUpdatedDateDateLast update date.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.idNumberThe ID of the comments.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.parentCommentIdNumberAn enumeration of the parent commit IDs for this commit. display name of the comments creator. to retrieve information about this identity. field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject. These links may be invoked to obtain additional relationships or more detailed information about this graph subject. ID of the thread author. unique name of the thread author. to the thread author user image. descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.contentStringThe comments content.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.publishedDateDateThe date the comments were published.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.lastUpdatedDateDateLast update date.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.lastContentUpdatedDateDateThe date the comment's content was last updated.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.commentTypeStringThe comment type at the time of creation.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments._links.self.hrefStringA collection of related REST reference links.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments._links.repository.hrefStringLink to the repository where the comments are.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments._links.threads.hrefStringLink to the threads.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments._links.pullRequests.hrefStringLink to the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.statusStringThe status of the pull request thread.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.threadContextUnknownExtended context information unique to pull requests.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.propertiesUnknownProperties associated with the thread as a collection of key-value pairs.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.identitiesUnknownSet of identities related to this thread.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.isDeletedBooleanSpecify if the thread is deleted which happens when all comments are deleted.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread._links.self.hrefStringLink to the thread.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread._links.repository.hrefStringLink to the repository.


Update a thread in a pull request.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_nameThe name of the Azure DevOps organization. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
project_nameProject ID or project name. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
repository_idThe repository ID. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
pull_request_idThe ID of the pull request to update.Required
thread_idThe ID of the thread to update.Required
comment_textThe comment content.Required

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.pullRequestThreadContextUnknownExtended context information unique to pull requests.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.idNumberThe ID of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.publishedDateDateThe date the thread was published.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.lastUpdatedDateDateLast update date.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.idNumberThe ID of the comments.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.parentCommentIdNumberAn enumeration of the parent commit IDs for this commit. display name of the comments creator. to retrieve information about this identity. field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject. These links may be invoked to obtain additional relationships or more detailed information about this graph subject. ID of the thread author. unique name of the thread author. to the thread author user image. descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.contentStringThe comments content.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.publishedDateDateThe date the comments were published.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.lastUpdatedDateDateLast update date.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.lastContentUpdatedDateDateThe date the comment's content was last updated.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.commentTypeStringThe comment type at the time of creation.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments._links.self.hrefStringA collection of related REST reference links.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments._links.repository.hrefStringLink to the repository where the comments are.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments._links.threads.hrefStringLink to the threads.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments._links.pullRequests.hrefStringLink to the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.statusStringThe status of the pull request thread.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.threadContextUnknownExtended context information unique to pull requests.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.propertiesUnknownProperties associated with the thread as a collection of key-value pairs.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.identitiesUnknownSet of identities related to this thread.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.isDeletedBooleanSpecify if the thread is deleted which happens when all comments are deleted.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread._links.self.hrefStringLink to the thread.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread._links.repository.hrefStringLink to the repository.


Retrieve all threads in a pull request.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_nameThe name of the Azure DevOps organization. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
project_nameProject ID or project name. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
repository_idThe repository ID. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
pull_request_idThe ID of the pull request to update.Required

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.pullRequestThreadContextUnknownExtended context information unique to pull requests.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.idNumberThe ID of the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.publishedDateDateThe date the thread was published.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.lastUpdatedDateDateLast update date.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.idNumberThe ID of the comments.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.parentCommentIdNumberAn enumeration of the parent commit IDs for this commit. display name of the comments creator. to retrieve information about this identity. field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject. These links may be invoked to obtain additional relationships or more detailed information about this graph subject. ID of the thread author. unique name of the thread author. to the thread author user image. descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.contentStringThe comments content.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.publishedDateDateThe date the comments were published.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.lastUpdatedDateDateLast update date.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.lastContentUpdatedDateDateThe date the comment's content was last updated.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.commentTypeStringThe comment type at the time of creation.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments.usersLikedUnknownA list of the users who have liked this comment.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments._links.self.hrefStringA collection of related REST reference links.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments._links.repository.hrefStringLink to the repository where the comments are.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments._links.threads.hrefStringLink to the threads.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.comments._links.pullRequests.hrefStringLink to the pull request.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.threadContextUnknownExtended context information unique to pull requests.$typeStringThe type of the code review thread.$valueStringThe content in the code review thread.$typeStringA number (Int32).$valueNumberNumber of code reviewers updated the pull request.$typeStringA number (Int32).$valueNumberNumber of code reviewers changed the pull request.$typeStringA number (Int32).$valueNumberNumber of code reviewers declined the pull request.$typeStringA number (Int32).$valueNumberNumber of code reviewers are removed.$typeStringA number (Int32).$valueStringNumber of code reviewers added identity.$typeStringA number (Int32).$valueStringNumber of code reviewers updated by identity.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.identities.1.displayNameStringThe display name of the pull request thread creator.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.identities.1.urlStringLink to the the pull request thread creator.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.identities.1._links.avatar.hrefStringThis field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject. These links may be invoked to obtain additional relationships or more detailed information about this graph subject.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.identities.1.idStringThe ID of the pull request thread creator.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.identities.1.uniqueNameStringThe user name of the pull request thread creator.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.identities.1.imageUrlStringLink to the pull request thread creator user image.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.identities.1.descriptorStringThe descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.isDeletedBooleanSpecify if the thread is deleted which happens when all comments are deleted.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread._links.self.hrefStringLink to the thread.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread._links.repository.hrefStringLink to the repository.$typeStringA number (Int32).$valueStringNumber of code reviewers were changed to required.$typeStringA number (Int32).$valueStringNumber of code reviewers changed the identity.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.statusStringThe status of the comment thread.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.propertiesUnknownProperties associated with the thread as a collection of key-value pairs.
AzureDevOps.PullRequestThread.identitiesUnknownSet of identities related to this thread.$typeStringA number (Int32).$valueNumberSupports markdown number.$typeStringA number (Int32).$valueStringThe unique ID of the Team Foundation.


Get a list of teams.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_nameThe name of the Azure DevOps organization. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
project_nameProject ID or project name. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.Team.idStringTeam (Identity) Guid. A Team Foundation ID.
AzureDevOps.Team.nameStringTeam name.
AzureDevOps.Team.urlStringTeam REST API Url.
AzureDevOps.Team.descriptionStringTeam description.
AzureDevOps.Team.identityUrlStringIdentity REST API Url to this team.
AzureDevOps.Team.projectNameStringThe project name.
AzureDevOps.Team.projectIdStringThe project ID.


Get a list of members for a specific team.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_nameThe name of the Azure DevOps organization. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
project_nameProject ID or project name. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
team_idThe name or ID (GUID) of the team .Required
pageThe page number of the results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 1.Optional
limitThe number of results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDevOps.TeamMember.isTeamAdminBooleanif the member is the team admin.
AzureDevOps.TeamMember.identity.displayNameStringThe display name of the team member.
AzureDevOps.TeamMember.identity.urlStringURL to retrieve information about this member.
AzureDevOps.TeamMember.identity._links.avatar.hrefStringThis field contains zero or more interesting links about the graph subject. These links may be invoked to obtain additional relationships or more detailed information about this graph subject.
AzureDevOps.TeamMember.identity.idStringID of the team member.
AzureDevOps.TeamMember.identity.uniqueNameStringThe unique name of team member.
AzureDevOps.TeamMember.identity.imageUrlStringLink to the team member image.
AzureDevOps.TeamMember.identity.descriptorStringThe descriptor is the primary way to reference the graph subject while the system is running. This field will uniquely identify the same graph subject across both Accounts and Organizations.


Get a single blob.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_nameThe name of the Azure DevOps organization. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
project_nameProject ID or project name. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
repository_idThe repository ID. Default value will be config param, user can supply a different value.Optional
file_object_idThe ID of the blob object. This ID can be obtained by running the 'azure-devops-file-list' command.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Incident Mirroring#

You can enable incident mirroring between Cortex XSOAR incidents and AzureDevOps corresponding events (available from Cortex XSOAR version 6.0.0). To set up the mirroring:

  1. Enable Fetching incidents in your instance configuration.

Newly fetched incidents will be mirrored in the chosen direction. However, this selection does not affect existing incidents. Important Note: To ensure the mirroring works as expected, mappers are required, both for incoming and outgoing, to map the expected fields in Cortex XSOAR and AzureDevOps.