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Azure Firewall

This Integration is part of the Azure Firewall Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.1.0 and later.

Azure Firewall is a cloud-native and intelligent network firewall security service that provides breed threat protection for cloud workloads running in Azure. It's a fully stateful, firewall as a service, with built-in high availability and unrestricted cloud scalability. This integration was integrated and tested with version 2021-03-01 of Azure Firewall.

Configure Azure Firewall in Cortex#

Resource Group Name.True
Client ID.True
Subscription ID.True
Tenant ID.False
Client Secret.False
Certificate ThumbprintUsed for certificate authentication. As appears in the "Certificates & secrets" page of the app.False
Private KeyUsed for certificate authentication. The private key of the registered certificate.False
Use Azure Managed IdentitiesRelevant only if the integration is running on Azure VM. If selected, authenticates based on the value provided for the Azure Managed Identities Client ID field. If no value is provided for the Azure Managed Identities Client ID field, authenticates based on the System Assigned Managed Identity. For additional information, see the Help tab.False
Azure Managed Identities Client IDThe Managed Identities client ID for authentication - relevant only if the integration is running on Azure VM.False
Use system proxy settingsFalse
Trust any certificate (not secure)False


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Tests the connectivity to Azure.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Run this command to start the authorization process and follow the instructions in the command results.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Run this command to complete the authorization process. Should be used after running the azure-firewall-auth-start command.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Run this command if for some reason you need to rerun the authentication process.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


List Azure firewalls in the specified resource group or subscription.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
resourceThe resource that contains the firewalls to list. Possible values are: resource_group, subscription. Default is resource_group.Required
limitThe maximum number of results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe page number of the results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 1.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

AzureFirewall.Firewall.idStringFirewall resource ID.
AzureFirewall.Firewall.nameStringFirewall resource name.
AzureFirewall.Firewall.locationStringFirewall resource location.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-list resource=resource_group limit=1 page=1

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"Firewall": {
"etag": "W/\"b4fb1688-7055-40e7-8a5e-d17d81b902ed\"",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/test-ip",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "test-ip",
"properties": {
"additionalProperties": {},
"applicationRuleCollections": [],
"ipConfigurations": [
"etag": "W/\"b4fb1688-7055-40e7-8a5e-d17d81b902ed\"",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/test-ip/azureFirewallIpConfigurations/test-ip",
"name": "test-ip",
"properties": {
"privateIPAddress": "",
"privateIPAllocationMethod": "Dynamic",
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"publicIPAddress": {
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/test-ip"
"subnet": {
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/test-v-n/subnets/AzureFirewallSubnet"
"type": "Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/azureFirewallIpConfigurations"
"natRuleCollections": [],
"networkRuleCollections": [],
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"sku": {
"name": "AZFW_VNet",
"tier": "Standard"
"threatIntelMode": "Alert"
"tags": {},
"type": "Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls"

Human Readable Output#

Firewall List:#

Current page size: 1 Showing page 1 out others that may exist.

NameIdLocationSubnetThreat Intel ModePrivate Ip AddressProvisioning State


Retrieve Azure firewall information.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
firewall_namesComma-separated list of firewall names to retrieve.Required
pollingIndicates if the command was scheduled. Possible values are: True, False. Default is True.Optional
intervalIndicates how long to wait between command executions (in seconds) when the 'polling' argument is true. Minimum value is 10 seconds. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence times out. Default is 60.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

AzureFirewall.Firewall.idStringFirewall resource ID.
AzureFirewall.Firewall.nameStringFirewall resource name.
AzureFirewall.Firewall.locationStringFirewall resource location.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-get firewall_names=test-ip interval=10 timeout=600

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"Firewall": {
"etag": "W/\"b4fb1688-7055-40e7-8a5e-d17d81b902ed\"",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/test-ip",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "test-ip",
"properties": {
"additionalProperties": {},
"applicationRuleCollections": [],
"ipConfigurations": [
"etag": "W/\"b4fb1688-7055-40e7-8a5e-d17d81b902ed\"",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/test-ip/azureFirewallIpConfigurations/test-ip",
"name": "test-ip",
"properties": {
"privateIPAddress": "",
"privateIPAllocationMethod": "Dynamic",
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"publicIPAddress": {
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/test-ip"
"subnet": {
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/test-v-n/subnets/AzureFirewallSubnet"
"type": "Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/azureFirewallIpConfigurations"
"natRuleCollections": [],
"networkRuleCollections": [],
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"sku": {
"name": "AZFW_VNet",
"tier": "Standard"
"threatIntelMode": "Alert"
"tags": {},
"type": "Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls"

Human Readable Output#

Firewall test-ip information:#

NameIdLocationSubnetThreat Intel ModePrivate Ip AddressProvisioning State


List the collection rules in the firewall or policy. One of the arguments 'firewall_name' or 'policy' must be provided.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
firewall_nameThe name of the Azure firewall that contains the collections.Optional
policyThe name of the Azure policy that contains the collections.Optional
rule_typeThe names of the rule collection type to retrieve. Possible values are: application_rule, network_rule, nat_rule.Required
limitThe maximum number of results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe page number of the results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 1.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

AzureFirewall.RuleCollection.nameStringRule collection unique name.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-rule-collection-list policy=xsoar-policy rule_type=network_rule limit=1 page=1

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"RuleCollection": {
"etag": "e09cf677-e019-43f0-98a6-eeee540a74ae",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/xsoar-policy/ruleCollectionGroups/playbook-collection",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "playbook-collection",
"properties": {
"priority": 201,
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"ruleCollections": [
"action": {
"type": "Deny"
"name": "playbook-collection",
"priority": 201,
"ruleCollectionType": "FirewallPolicyFilterRuleCollection",
"rules": [
"description": "test-playbook-collection",
"destinationAddresses": [
"destinationFqdns": [],
"destinationIpGroups": [],
"destinationPorts": [
"ipProtocols": [
"name": "playbook-rule",
"ruleType": "NetworkRule",
"sourceAddresses": [
"sourceIpGroups": []
"type": "Microsoft.Network/FirewallPolicies/RuleCollectionGroups"

Human Readable Output#

xsoar-policy Rule Collections List:#

Current page size: 1 Showing page 1 out others that may exist.



List rules in the firewall or in the policy. One of the arguments 'firewall_name' or 'policy' must be provided.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
firewall_nameThe name of the Azure firewall that contains the rules.Optional
policyThe name of the Azure policy that contains the rules.Optional
rule_typeThe names of the rule types to retrieve. Required when the "firewall_name" argument is provided. Possible values are: application_rule, network_rule, nat_rule.Optional
collection_nameThe name of the rule collection that contains the rules.Required
limitThe maximum number of results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe page number of the results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 1.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

AzureFirewall.Rule.nameStringRule name.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-rule-list policy=xsoar-policy collection_name=playbook-collection rule_type=network_rule limit=1 page=1

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"Rule": {
"description": "test-playbook-collection",
"destinationAddresses": [
"destinationFqdns": [],
"destinationIpGroups": [],
"destinationPorts": [
"ipProtocols": [
"name": "playbook-rule",
"ruleType": "NetworkRule",
"sourceAddresses": [
"sourceIpGroups": []

Human Readable Output#

Policy xsoar-policy network_rule Rules List:#

Current page size: 1 Showing page 1 out others that may exist.



Retrieve rule information. One of the arguments 'firewall_name' or 'policy' must be provided.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
firewall_nameThe name of the firewall that contains the rule.Optional
policyThe name of the Azure policy that contains the rules.Optional
rule_typeThe name of the rule type collection that contains the rule. Required when the "firewall_name" argument is provided. Possible values are: application_rule, network_rule, nat_rule.Optional
collection_nameThe name of the rule collection that contains the rule.Required
rule_nameThe name of the rule to retrieve.Required
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

AzureFirewall.Rule.nameStringRule name.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-rule-get policy=xsoar-policy collection_name=playbook-collection rule_name=new-playbook-rule

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"Rule": {
"description": "test-playbook-collection",
"destinationAddresses": [
"destinationFqdns": [],
"destinationIpGroups": [],
"destinationPorts": [
"ipProtocols": [
"name": "new-playbook-rule",
"ruleType": "NetworkRule",
"sourceAddresses": [
"sourceIpGroups": []

Human Readable Output#

Rule new-playbook-rule Information:#



Create a firewall policy. This command only creates the policy resource. In order to attach the policy to a firewall, run the 'azure-firewall-policy-attach' command.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
policy_nameThe name of the Azure policy to create.Required
threat_intelligence_modeThe operation mode for threat intelligence. Possible values are: Alert, Deny, Turned-off. Default is Turned-off.Required
ipsComma-separated list of IP addresses for the threat intelligence whitelist.Optional
domainsComma-separated list of fully qualified domain names for the threat intelligence whitelist. For example : *, .Optional
locationPolicy resource region location. Possible values are: northcentralus, eastus, northeurope, westeurope, eastasia, southeastasia, eastus2, centralus, southcentralus, westus, japaneast, japanwest, australiaeast, australiasoutheast, brazilsouth, centralindia, southindia, westindia, canadacentral, canadaeast, uksouth, ukwest, westcentralus, westus2, koreacentral, francecentral, australiacentral, uaenorth, southafricanorth, switzerlandnorth, germanywestcentral, norwayeast, westus3, jioindiawest.Required
tierTier of an Azure policy. Possible values are: Standard, Premium. Default is Standard.Required
base_policy_idThe ID of the parent firewall policy from which rules are inherited.Optional
enable_proxyWhether to enable the DNS proxy on firewalls attached to the firewall policy. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False.Optional
dns_serversComma-separated list of custom DNS servers.Optional
intervalIndicates how long to wait between command executions (in seconds) when the 'polling' argument is true. Minimum value is 10 seconds. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence times out. Default is 60.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

AzureFirewall.Policy.idStringPolicy resource ID.
AzureFirewall.Policy.nameStringPolicy resource name.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-policy-create policy_name=xsoar-policy threat_intelligence_mode=Alert location=eastus tier=Standard interval=10 timeout=600

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"Policy": {
"etag": "b5074926-9b59-4ab8-ba44-7fb39a2879a3",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/xsoar-policy",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "xsoar-policy",
"properties": {
"childPolicies": [],
"dnsSettings": {
"servers": []
"firewalls": [],
"provisioningState": "Updating",
"ruleCollectionGroups": [],
"sku": {
"tier": "Standard"
"threatIntelMode": "Alert"
"type": "Microsoft.Network/FirewallPolicies"

Human Readable Output#

Successfully Created Policy "xsoar-policy"#

NameIdTierLocationFirewallsBase PolicyChild PoliciesProvisioning State


Update the policy resource. The command will update the provided arguments.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
policy_nameThe name of the Azure policy to update.Required
threat_intelligence_modeThe operation mode for threat intelligence. Possible values are: Alert, Deny, Turned-off.Optional
ipsComma-separated list of IP addresses for the threat intelligence whitelist.Optional
domainsComma-separated list of fully qualified domain names for the threat intelligence whitelist. For example : *, .Optional
base_policy_idThe ID of the parent firewall policy from which rules are inherited.Optional
enable_proxyWhether to enable the DNS Proxy on Firewalls attached to the Firewall Policy. Possible values are: True, False.Optional
dns_serversComma-separated list of custom DNS servers.Optional
intervalIndicates how long to wait between command executions (in seconds) when the 'polling' argument is true. Minimum value is 10 seconds. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence times out. Default is 60.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

AzureFirewall.Policy.idStringPolicy resource ID.
AzureFirewall.Policy.nameStringPolicy resource name.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-policy-update policy_name=xsoar-policy threat_intelligence_mode=Deny interval=10 timeout=600

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"Policy": {
"etag": "15f105aa-3059-4e9b-97e9-3b85a839ecf3",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/xsoar-policy",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "xsoar-policy",
"properties": {
"childPolicies": [],
"dnsSettings": {
"servers": []
"firewalls": [],
"provisioningState": "Updating",
"ruleCollectionGroups": [],
"sku": {
"tier": "Standard"
"threatIntelMode": "Deny"
"type": "Microsoft.Network/FirewallPolicies"

Human Readable Output#

Successfully Updated Policy "xsoar-policy"#

NameIdTierLocationFirewallsBase PolicyChild PoliciesProvisioning State


Retrieve policy information.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
policy_namesComma-separated list of policy names to retrieve.Required
pollingIndicates if the command was scheduled. Possible values are: True, False. Default is True.Optional
intervalIndicates how long to wait between command executions (in seconds) when the 'polling' argument is true. Minimum value is 10 seconds. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence times out. Default is 60.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

AzureFirewall.Policy.idStringPolicy resource ID.
AzureFirewall.Policy.nameStringPolicy resource name.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-policy-get policy_names=xsoar-policy interval=10 timeout=600

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"Policy": {
"etag": "b5074926-9b59-4ab8-ba44-7fb39a2879a3",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/xsoar-policy",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "xsoar-policy",
"properties": {
"childPolicies": [],
"dnsSettings": {
"servers": []
"firewalls": [],
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"ruleCollectionGroups": [],
"sku": {
"tier": "Standard"
"threatIntelMode": "Alert"
"type": "Microsoft.Network/FirewallPolicies"

Human Readable Output#

Policy xsoar-policy information:#

NameIdTierLocationFirewallsBase PolicyChild PoliciesProvisioning State


Delete policy resource.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
policy_namesComma-separated list of policy names to delete.Required
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


List the policy in the resource group or subscription.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
resourceThe resource that contains the policies to list. Possible values are: resource_group, subscription. Default is resource_group.Required
limitThe maximum number of results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe page number of the results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 1.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

AzureFirewall.Policy.idStringPolicy resource ID.
AzureFirewall.Policy.nameStringPolicy resource name.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-policy-list resource=resource_group limit=1 page=1

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"Policy": {
"etag": "b5074926-9b59-4ab8-ba44-7fb39a2879a3",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/xsoar-policy",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "xsoar-policy",
"properties": {
"childPolicies": [],
"dnsSettings": {
"servers": []
"firewalls": [],
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"ruleCollectionGroups": [],
"sku": {
"tier": "Standard"
"threatIntelMode": "Alert"
"type": "Microsoft.Network/FirewallPolicies"

Human Readable Output#

Policy List:#

Current page size: 1 Showing page 1 out others that may exist.

NameIdTierLocationFirewallsBase PolicyChild PoliciesProvisioning State


Attach a policy to a firewall. The policy and firewall have to belong to the same tier.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
firewall_namesComma-separated list of firewall names to which the policy will be attached.Required
policy_idThe ID of the policy to attach.Required
intervalIndicates how long to wait between command executions (in seconds) when the 'polling' argument is true. Minimum value is 10 seconds. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence times out. Default is 60.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

AzureFirewall.Firewall.idStringFirewall resource ID.
AzureFirewall.Firewall.nameStringFirewall resource name.
AzureFirewall.Firewall.locationStringFirewall resource location.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-policy-attach firewall_names=test-ip policy_id=/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/xsoar-policy interval=10 timeout=600

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"Firewall": {
"etag": "W/\"03a287f1-5106-426c-b181-166258b1fc6a\"",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/test-ip",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "test-ip",
"properties": {
"additionalProperties": {},
"applicationRuleCollections": [],
"firewallPolicy": {
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/xsoar-policy"
"ipConfigurations": [
"etag": "W/\"03a287f1-5106-426c-b181-166258b1fc6a\"",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/test-ip/azureFirewallIpConfigurations/test-ip",
"name": "test-ip",
"properties": {
"privateIPAddress": "",
"privateIPAllocationMethod": "Dynamic",
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"publicIPAddress": {
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/test-ip"
"subnet": {
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/test-v-n/subnets/AzureFirewallSubnet"
"type": "Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/azureFirewallIpConfigurations"
"natRuleCollections": [],
"networkRuleCollections": [],
"provisioningState": "Updating",
"sku": {
"name": "AZFW_VNet",
"tier": "Standard"
"threatIntelMode": "Alert"
"tags": {},
"type": "Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls"

Human Readable Output#

Successfully Updated Firewall "test-ip"#

NameIdLocationSubnetThreat Intel ModePrivate Ip AddressProvisioning State


Remove a policy from the firewall. This command will detach the policy and firewall, but will not delete the policy.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
firewall_namesComma-separated list of firewall names from which the policy will be removed.Required
intervalIndicates how long to wait between command executions (in seconds) when the 'polling' argument is true. Minimum value is 10 seconds. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence times out. Default is 60.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

AzureFirewall.Firewall.idStringFirewall resource ID.
AzureFirewall.Firewall.nameStringFirewall resource name.
AzureFirewall.Firewall.locationStringFirewall resource location.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-policy-detach firewall_names=test-ip interval=10 timeout=600

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"Firewall": {
"etag": "W/\"f4e53250-f431-437b-a86f-7aa6a34d4616\"",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/test-ip",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "test-ip",
"properties": {
"additionalProperties": {},
"applicationRuleCollections": [],
"ipConfigurations": [
"etag": "W/\"f4e53250-f431-437b-a86f-7aa6a34d4616\"",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/test-ip/azureFirewallIpConfigurations/test-ip",
"name": "test-ip",
"properties": {
"privateIPAddress": "",
"privateIPAllocationMethod": "Dynamic",
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"publicIPAddress": {
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/test-ip"
"subnet": {
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/test-v-n/subnets/AzureFirewallSubnet"
"type": "Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/azureFirewallIpConfigurations"
"natRuleCollections": [],
"networkRuleCollections": [],
"provisioningState": "Updating",
"sku": {
"name": "AZFW_VNet",
"tier": "Standard"
"threatIntelMode": "Alert"
"tags": {},
"type": "Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls"

Human Readable Output#

Successfully Updated Firewall "test-ip"#

NameIdLocationSubnetThreat Intel ModePrivate Ip AddressProvisioning State


Create a network rule collection in a firewall or policy. The command will return firewall or policy rule collection resource information. One of the arguments 'firewall_name' or 'policy' must be provided.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
firewall_nameThe name of the firewall that contains the collection.Optional
policyThe name of the policy that contains the collection.Optional
collection_nameThe name of the network rule collection to create.Required
collection_priorityThe priority of the network rule collection resource. Minimum value is 100, maximum value is 65000.Required
actionThe action type of a rule collection. Possible values are: Allow, Deny.Required
rule_nameThe name of the network rule to create.Required
descriptionThe description of the created rule.Required
protocolsComma-separated list of protocols for the created rule. Possible values are: TCP, UDP, ICMP, Any.Required
source_typeRule source type. Possible values are: ip_address, ip_group.Required
source_ipsComma-separated list of source IP addresses for the created rule. Must be provided when the 'source_type' argument is assigned to 'ip_address'.Optional
source_ip_group_idsComma-separated list of source IP group IDs for the created rule. Must be provided when the 'source_type' argument is assigned to 'ip_group'.Optional
destination_typeRule destination type. Possible values are: ip_address, ip_group, service_tag, fqdn.Required
destinationsComma-separated list of destinations for the created rule. Must be consistent with the provided 'destination_type' argument. Supports IP addresses, service tag names, IP group IDs and FQDN addresses.Required
destination_portsComma-separated list of destination ports.Required
intervalIndicates how long to wait between command executions (in seconds) when the 'polling' argument is true. Minimum value is 10 seconds. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence times out. Default is 60.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-network-rule-collection-create policy=xsoar-policy collection_name=playbook-collection collection_priority=105 action=Allow rule_name=playbook-rule description=test-playbook-collection protocols=UDP,TCP source_type=ip_address source_ips=, destination_type=ip_address destinations=, destination_ports=8080 interval=10 timeout=600

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"Policy": {
"etag": "23384541-d2ae-4922-95ed-9c70ffbe336e",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/xsoar-policy",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "xsoar-policy",
"properties": {
"childPolicies": [],
"dnsSettings": {
"servers": []
"firewalls": [],
"provisioningState": "Updating",
"ruleCollectionGroups": [
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/xsoar-policy/ruleCollectionGroups/playbook-collection"
"sku": {
"tier": "Standard"
"threatIntelMode": "Deny"
"type": "Microsoft.Network/FirewallPolicies"

Human Readable Output#

Successfully Updated Policy "xsoar-policy"#

NameIdTierLocationFirewallsBase PolicyChild PoliciesProvisioning State


Delete a network rule collection from the firewall or policy. One of the arguments 'firewall_name' or 'policy' must be provided.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
firewall_nameThe name of the firewall that contains the collection.Optional
policyThe name of the policy the contains the collection.Optional
collection_nameThe name of the network rule collection to delete.Required
intervalIndicates how long to wait between command executions (in seconds) when the 'polling' argument is true. Minimum value is 10 seconds. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence times out. Default is 60.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-network-rule-collection-delete policy=xsoar-policy collection_name=playbook-collection interval=10 timeout=600

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"Policy": {
"etag": "5984cc1d-8e84-4385-adbe-e1d9293d7e97",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/xsoar-policy",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "xsoar-policy",
"properties": {
"childPolicies": [],
"dnsSettings": {
"servers": []
"firewalls": [],
"provisioningState": "Updating",
"ruleCollectionGroups": [
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/xsoar-policy/ruleCollectionGroups/playbook-collection"
"sku": {
"tier": "Standard"
"threatIntelMode": "Deny"
"type": "Microsoft.Network/FirewallPolicies"

Human Readable Output#

Successfully Updated Policy "xsoar-policy"#

NameIdTierLocationFirewallsBase PolicyChild PoliciesProvisioning State


Create a network rule in the firewall or policy rule collection. One of the arguments 'firewall_name' or 'policy' must be provided.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
firewall_nameThe name of the firewall that contains the collection.Optional
policyThe name of the policy that contains the collection.Optional
collection_nameThe name of the network rule collection that contains the rule.Required
rule_nameThe name of the network rule to create.Required
descriptionThe description of the created rule.Required
protocolsComma-separated list of protocols for the created rule. Possible values are: TCP, UDP, ICMP, Any.Required
source_typeRule source type. Possible values are: ip_address, ip_group.Required
source_ipsComma-separated list of source IP addresses for the created rule. Must be provided when the 'source_type' argument is assigned to 'ip_address'.Optional
source_ip_group_idsComma-separated list of source IP group IDs for the created rule. Must be provided when the 'source_type' argument is assigned to 'ip_group'.Optional
destination_typeRule destination type. Possible values are: ip_address, ip_group, service_tag, fqdn.Required
destinationsComma-separated list of destinations for the created rule. Must be consistent with the provided 'destination_type' argument. Supports IP addresses, service tag names, IP group IDs and FQDN addresses.Required
destination_portsComma-separated list of destination ports.Required
intervalIndicates how long to wait between command executions (in seconds) when the 'polling' argument is true. Minimum value is 10 seconds. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence times out. Default is 60.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-network-rule-create policy=xsoar-policy collection_name=playbook-collection rule_name=new-playbook-rule description=test-playbook-collection protocols=UDP,TCP source_type=ip_address source_ips=, destination_type=ip_address destinations=, destination_ports=8080 interval=10 timeout=600

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"Policy": {
"etag": "e1950ec2-3ab1-43aa-9d84-a3c4053c2f52",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/xsoar-policy",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "xsoar-policy",
"properties": {
"childPolicies": [],
"dnsSettings": {
"servers": []
"firewalls": [],
"provisioningState": "Updating",
"ruleCollectionGroups": [
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/xsoar-policy/ruleCollectionGroups/playbook-collection"
"sku": {
"tier": "Standard"
"threatIntelMode": "Deny"
"type": "Microsoft.Network/FirewallPolicies"

Human Readable Output#

Successfully Updated Policy "xsoar-policy"#

NameIdTierLocationFirewallsBase PolicyChild PoliciesProvisioning State


Update the network rule in the firewall. The provided arguments will replace the existing rule configuration. One of the arguments 'firewall_name' or 'policy' must be provided. The command will not replace the rule source or destination types.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
firewall_nameThe name of the firewall that contains the collection.Optional
policyThe name of the policy that contains the collection.Optional
collection_nameThe name of the network rule collection to update.Required
rule_nameThe name of the network rule to update.Required
descriptionThe new description of the rule.Optional
protocolsComma-separated list of protocols for the rule. Possible values are: TCP, UDP, ICMP, Any.Optional
source_typeRule source type. Possible values are: ip_address, ip_group.Optional
source_ipsComma-separated list of source IP addresses for the created rule. Must be provided when the 'source_type' argument is assigned to 'ip_address'.Optional
source_ip_group_idsComma-separated list of source IP group IDs for the created rule. Must be provided when the 'source_type' argument is assigned to 'ip_group'.Optional
destination_typeRule destination type. Must be provided when the 'destinations' argument is provided. Possible values are: ip_address, ip_group, service_tag, fqdn.Optional
destinationsComma-separated list of destinations for the created rule. Must be consistent with the provided 'destination_type' argument. Supports IP addresses, service tag names, IP group IDs and FQDN addresses.Optional
destination_portsComma-separated list of destination ports.Optional
intervalIndicates how long to wait between command executions (in seconds) when the 'polling' argument is true. Minimum value is 10 seconds. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence times out. Default is 60.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-network-rule-update policy=xsoar-policy collection_name=playbook-collection rule_name=new-playbook-rule protocols=UDP interval=10 timeout=600

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"Policy": {
"etag": "9e0bdc8a-99e9-4337-8778-2ec85d29d445",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/xsoar-policy",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "xsoar-policy",
"properties": {
"childPolicies": [],
"dnsSettings": {
"servers": []
"firewalls": [],
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"ruleCollectionGroups": [
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/xsoar-policy/ruleCollectionGroups/playbook-collection"
"sku": {
"tier": "Standard"
"threatIntelMode": "Deny"
"type": "Microsoft.Network/FirewallPolicies"

Human Readable Output#

Successfully Updated Policy "xsoar-policy"#

NameIdTierLocationFirewallsBase PolicyChild PoliciesProvisioning State


Delete a network rule from the collection. One of the arguments 'firewall_name' or 'policy' must be provided.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
firewall_nameThe name of the firewall that contains the collection.Optional
policyThe name of the policy that contains the collection.Optional
collection_nameThe name of the network rule collection to update.Required
rule_namesComma-separated list of network rule names to delete from the collection.Required
intervalIndicates how long to wait between command executions (in seconds) when the 'polling' argument is true. Minimum value is 10 seconds. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence times out. Default is 60.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-network-rule-delete policy=xsoar-policy collection_name=playbook-collection rule_names=new-playbook-rule interval=10 timeout=600

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"Policy": {
"etag": "6b9e5bf4-3e11-4705-84c6-d5c14e45f13c",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/xsoar-policy",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "xsoar-policy",
"properties": {
"childPolicies": [],
"dnsSettings": {
"servers": []
"firewalls": [],
"provisioningState": "Updating",
"ruleCollectionGroups": [
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/xsoar-policy/ruleCollectionGroups/playbook-collection"
"sku": {
"tier": "Standard"
"threatIntelMode": "Deny"
"type": "Microsoft.Network/FirewallPolicies"

Human Readable Output#

Successfully Updated Policy "xsoar-policy"#

NameIdTierLocationFirewallsBase PolicyChild PoliciesProvisioning State


Update a network rule collection in a firewall or policy. The command will update the provided arguments. One of the arguments 'firewall_name' or 'policy' must be provided. The command will return firewall or policy rule collection resource information.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
firewall_nameThe name of the firewall that contains the collection.Optional
policyThe name of the policy that contains the collection.Optional
collection_nameThe name of the network rule collection to update.Required
priorityThe priority of the network rule collection resource. Minimum value is 100, maximum value us 65000.Optional
actionThe action type of a rule collection. Possible values are: Allow, Deny.Optional
intervalIndicates how long to wait between command executions (in seconds) when the 'polling' argument is true. Minimum value is 10 seconds. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence times out. Default is 60.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-network-rule-collection-update policy=xsoar-policy collection_name=playbook-collection priority=201 action=Deny interval=10 timeout=600

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"Policy": {
"etag": "a4caa2e4-cc96-460b-9202-4914f74ce5e9",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/xsoar-policy",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "xsoar-policy",
"properties": {
"childPolicies": [],
"dnsSettings": {
"servers": []
"firewalls": [],
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"ruleCollectionGroups": [
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/xsoar-policy/ruleCollectionGroups/playbook-collection"
"sku": {
"tier": "Standard"
"threatIntelMode": "Deny"
"type": "Microsoft.Network/FirewallPolicies"

Human Readable Output#

Successfully Updated Policy "xsoar-policy"#

NameIdTierLocationFirewallsBase PolicyChild PoliciesProvisioning State


Retrieve service tags information.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
locationThe location that will be used as a reference for a version (not as a filter based on location, the command will retrieve the list of service tags with prefix details across all regions but limited to the cloud that your subscription belongs to). Possible values are: northcentralus, eastus, northeurope, westeurope, eastasia, southeastasia, eastus2, centralus, southcentralus, westus, japaneast, japanwest, australiaeast, australiasoutheast, brazilsouth, centralindia, southindia, westindia, canadacentral, canadaeast, uksouth, ukwest, westcentralus, westus2, koreacentral, francecentral, australiacentral, uaenorth, southafricanorth, switzerlandnorth, germanywestcentral, norwayeast, westus3, jioindiawest.Required
limitThe maximum number of results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe page number of the results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 1.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-service-tag-list location=eastus limit=1 page=3

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"ServiceTag": {
"id": "ApiManagement.AustraliaCentral",
"name": "ApiManagement.AustraliaCentral",
"properties": {
"addressPrefixes": [
"changeNumber": "2",
"networkFeatures": [
"region": "australiacentral",
"state": "GA",
"systemService": "AzureApiManagement"
"serviceTagChangeNumber": "86"

Human Readable Output#

Service Tag List:#

Current page size: 1 Showing page 3 out others that may exist.



Create an IP group.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ip_group_nameThe name of the IP group resource to create.Required
ipsComma-separated list of IP addresses or IP address prefixes in the IP group resource.Optional
locationThe location of the IP group resource. Possible values are: northcentralus, eastus, northeurope, westeurope, eastasia, southeastasia, eastus2, centralus, southcentralus, westus, japaneast, japanwest, australiaeast, australiasoutheast, brazilsouth, centralindia, southindia, westindia, canadacentral, canadaeast, uksouth, ukwest, westcentralus, westus2, koreacentral, francecentral, australiacentral, uaenorth, southafricanorth, switzerlandnorth, germanywestcentral, norwayeast, westus3, jioindiawest.Required
intervalIndicates how long to wait between command executions (in seconds) when the 'polling' argument is true. Minimum value is 10 seconds. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence times out. Default is 60.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

AzureFirewall.IPGroup.idStringIP group resource ID.
AzureFirewall.IPGroup.nameStringIP group resource name. of IP addresses or IP address prefixes in the IP groups resource.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-ip-group-create ip_group_name=xsoar-ip-group ips= location=eastus interval=10 timeout=600

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"IPGroup": {
"etag": "8ea22ba3-4023-4c7f-a887-34f5f349d7c6",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/ipGroups/xsoar-ip-group",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "xsoar-ip-group",
"properties": {
"firewallPolicies": [],
"firewalls": [],
"ipAddresses": [
"provisioningState": "Updating"
"type": "Microsoft.Network/IpGroups"

Human Readable Output#

Successfully Created IP Group "xsoar-ip-group"#

NameIdIp AddressesFirewallsFirewall PoliciesProvisioning State


Update an IP group. Add or remove IP addresses from the group.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ip_group_nameThe name of the IP group resource to update.Required
ips_to_addComma-separated list of IP addresses or IP address prefixes to add to the IP group resource.Optional
ips_to_removeComma-separated list of IP addresses or IP address prefixes to remove from the IP group resource.Optional
intervalIndicates how long to wait between command executions (in seconds) when the 'polling' argument is true. Minimum value is 10 seconds. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence times out. Default is 60.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

AzureFirewall.IPGroup.idStringIP group resource ID.
AzureFirewall.IPGroup.nameStringIP group resource name. of IP addresses or IP address prefixes in the IP groups resource.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-ip-group-update ip_group_name=xsoar-ip-group ips_to_add=, ips_to_remove=,1.1.1 interval=10 timeout=600

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"IPGroup": {
"etag": "8f0e7d5d-6dfd-429c-ad07-e670f57e4dab",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/ipGroups/xsoar-ip-group",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "xsoar-ip-group",
"properties": {
"firewallPolicies": [],
"firewalls": [],
"ipAddresses": [
"provisioningState": "Updating"
"type": "Microsoft.Network/IpGroups"

Human Readable Output#

xsoar-ip-group IP Group Information:#

NameIdIp AddressesFirewallsFirewall PoliciesProvisioning State


List IP groups in a resource group or subscription.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
resourceThe resource that contains the IP groups to list. Possible values are: resource_group, subscription. Default is resource_group.Required
limitThe maximum number of results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe page number of the results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 1.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

AzureFirewall.IPGroup.idStringIP group resource ID.
AzureFirewall.IPGroup.nameStringIP group resource name. of IP addresses or IP address prefixes in the IP groups resource.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-ip-group-list resource=resource_group limit=1 page=1

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"IPGroup": {
"etag": "4c626477-c875-4392-9d7c-02464d2a82d9",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/ipGroups/xsoar-ip-group",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "xsoar-ip-group",
"properties": {
"firewallPolicies": [],
"firewalls": [],
"ipAddresses": [
"provisioningState": "Succeeded"
"type": "Microsoft.Network/IpGroups"

Human Readable Output#

IP Group List:#

Current page size: 1 Showing page 1 out others that may exist.

NameIdIp AddressesFirewallsFirewall PoliciesProvisioning State


Retrieve IP group information.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ip_group_namesComma-separated list of IP group names resource to retrieve.Required
pollingIndicates if the command was scheduled. Possible values are: True, False. Default is True.Optional
intervalIndicates how long to wait between command executions (in seconds) when the 'polling' argument is true. Minimum value is 10 seconds. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence times out. Default is 60.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

AzureFirewall.IPGroup.idStringIP group resource ID.
AzureFirewall.IPGroup.nameStringIP group resource name. of IP addresses or IP address prefixes in the IP groups resource.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-ip-group-get ip_group_names=xsoar-ip-group interval=10 timeout=600

Context Example#

"AzureFirewall": {
"IPGroup": {
"etag": "4c626477-c875-4392-9d7c-02464d2a82d9",
"id": "/subscriptions/xsoar-subscription/resourceGroups/xsoar-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/ipGroups/xsoar-ip-group",
"location": "eastus",
"name": "xsoar-ip-group",
"properties": {
"firewallPolicies": [],
"firewalls": [],
"ipAddresses": [
"provisioningState": "Succeeded"
"type": "Microsoft.Network/IpGroups"
"IP": {
"Address": ""

Human Readable Output#

xsoar-ip-group IP Group Information:#

NameIdIp AddressesFirewallsFirewall PoliciesProvisioning State


Delete an IP group resource.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ip_group_namesComma-separated list of IP group names resource to delete.Required
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Resource Group Name'.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!azure-firewall-ip-group-delete ip_group_names=xsoar-ip-group

Human Readable Output#

IP Group xsoar-ip-group deleted successfully.


List all subscriptions for a tenant.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

AzureFirewall.Subscription.authorizationSourceStringThe authorization source of the request.
AzureFirewall.Subscription.displayNameStringThe subscription display name.
AzureFirewall.Subscription.idStringThe fully qualified ID for the subscription. For example, /subscriptions/8d65815f-a5b6-402f-9298-045155da7d74.
AzureFirewall.Subscription.managedByTenantsUnknownAn array containing the tenants managing the subscription.
AzureFirewall.Subscription.stateUnknownThe subscription state. Possible values are Enabled, Warned, PastDue, Disabled, and Deleted.
AzureFirewall.Subscription.subscriptionIdStringThe subscription ID.
AzureFirewall.Subscription.subscriptionPoliciesUnknownThe subscription policies.
AzureFirewall.Subscription.tagsObjectThe tags attached to the subscription.
AzureFirewall.Subscription.tenantIdStringThe subscription tenant ID.


List all resource groups for a subscription.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
subscription_idThe subscription ID. Note: This argument will override the instance parameter ‘Default Subscription ID'.Optional
limitLimit on the number of resource groups to return. Default is 50.Optional
tagA single tag in the form of '{"Tag Name":"Tag Value"}' to filter the list by.Optional

Context Output#

AzureFirewall.ResourceGroup.idStringThe ID of the resource group.
AzureFirewall.ResourceGroup.locationStringThe location of the resource group.
AzureFirewall.ResourceGroup.managedByStringThe ID of the resource that manages this resource group.
AzureFirewall.ResourceGroup.nameStringThe name of the resource group. provisioning state.
AzureFirewall.ResourceGroup.tagsObjectThe tags attached to the resource group.
AzureFirewall.ResourceGroup.typeStringThe type of the resource group.