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Azure Storage Container

This Integration is part of the Azure Storage Container Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.

Azure Storage Container#

Create and Manage Azure Storage Container services. This integration was integrated and tested with version "2020-10-02" of Azure Storage Container

Configure Azure Storage Container in Cortex#

Storage account nameTrue
Account SAS TokenFalse
Use Azure Managed IdentitiesFalse
Azure Managed Identities Client IDFalse
Shared KeyFalse
Use system proxy settingsFalse
Trust any certificate (not secure)False

## Shared Access Signatures Information (SAS)#

  • The required SAS token for this integration should be taken at the storage account level and not at container level.

Shared Access Signatures (SAS) Permissions#

In order to use the integration use-cases, please make sure your SAS token contains the following permissions:

  1. 'Blob' and 'File' service.
  2. 'Service', 'Container' and 'Object' resource types.
  3. 'Read', 'Write', 'Delete', 'List', 'Create', 'Add', 'Update' and 'Immutable storage' permissions.
  4. 'Blob versioning permissions'

Shared Key Permissions#

To set the AllowSharedKeyAccess property for an Azure Storage account, a user needs to have the permissions to create and manage storage accounts.


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


List Containers under the specified storage account.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitNumber of Containers to retrieve. Default is 50. Default is 50.Optional
prefixFilters the results to return only Containers whose names begin with the specified prefix.Optional
pagePage number. Default is 1. Default is 1.Optional

Context Output#

AzureStorageContainer.Container.nameStringContainer name.

Command Example#

!azure-storage-container-list prefix="xs"

Context Example#

"AzureStorageContainer": {
"Container": {
"name": "xsoar"

Human Readable Output#

Containers List:#

Current page size: 50 Showing page 1 out others that may exist |Name| |---| | xsoar |


Create a new Container under the specified account.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
container_nameThe name of the Container to create. Rules for naming containers can be found here:

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!azure-storage-container-create container_name="xsoar"

Human Readable Output#

Container xsoar successfully created.


Retrieve properties for the specified Container.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
container_nameThe name of the Container.Required

Context Output#

AzureStorageContainer.Container.Property.last_modifiedDateLast modified time of the container.
AzureStorageContainer.Container.Property.etagStringThe entity tag for the container.
AzureStorageContainer.Container.Property.lease_statusStringThe lease status of the container.
AzureStorageContainer.Container.Property.lease_stateStringThe lease state of the container.
AzureStorageContainer.Container.Property.has_immutability_policyStringIndicates whether the container has an immutability policy set on it.
AzureStorageContainer.Container.Property.has_legal_holdStringIndicates whether the container has a legal hold.
AzureStorageContainer.Container.nameStringContainer name.

Command Example#

!azure-storage-container-property-get container_name="xsoar"

Context Example#

"AzureStorageContainer": {
"Container": {
"Property": {
"content_length": "0",
"date": "2021-11-28T12:43:05",
"default_encryption_scope": "$account-encryption-key",
"deny_encryption_scope_override": "false",
"etag": "\"0x8D9B26C9BBF026C\"",
"has_immutability_policy": "false",
"has_legal_hold": "false",
"immutable_storage_with_versioning_enabled": "false",
"last_modified": "2021-11-28T12:42:58",
"lease_state": "available",
"lease_status": "unlocked",
"request_id": "00a9c6bf-f01e-007a-5255-e448bd000000",
"server": "Windows-Azure-Blob/1.0 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0",
"version": "2020-10-02"
"name": "xsoar"

Human Readable Output#

Container xsoar Properties:#

Last ModifiedEtagLease StatusLease StateHas Immutability PolicyHas Legal Hold


Marks the specified Container for deletion. The Container and any Blobs contained within it, will be deleted during garbage collection.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
container_nameThe name of the Container to delete.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!azure-storage-container-delete container_name="xsoar"

Human Readable Output#

Container xsoar successfully deleted.


List Blobs under the specified container.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
container_nameThe name of the Container.Required
limitNumber of blobs to retrieve. Default is 50. Default is 50.Optional
prefixFilters the results to return only blobs whose names begin with the specified prefix.Optional
pagePage number. Default is 1. Default is 1.Optional

Context Output#

AzureStorageContainer.Container.Blob.nameStringBlob name.
AzureStorageContainer.Container.nameStringContainer name.

Command Example#

!azure-storage-container-blob-list container_name="xsoar"

Context Example#

"AzureStorageContainer": {
"Container": {
"Blob": [
"name": "xsoar.txt"
"name": "xsoar"

Human Readable Output#

xsoar Container Blobs List:#

Current page size: 50 Showing page 1 out others that may exist |Name| |---| | xsoar.txt |


Create a new Blob under the specified Container.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
container_nameThe name of the Blob Container.Required
file_entry_idThe entry ID of the file to upload as a new blob. Available from XSOAR war room while the context data contains file output.Required
blob_nameThe name of the Blob to create. Default is XSOAR file name.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!azure-storage-container-blob-create container_name="xsoar" file_entry_id="16488@b5e40781-86c8-4799-8f10-ace443e93234" blob_name="xsoar.txt"

Human Readable Output#

Blob successfully created.


Update the content of an existing Blob.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
container_nameThe name of the Blob Container.Required
file_entry_idThe entry ID of the file to upload as a new blob. Available from XSOAR war room while the context data contains file output.Required
blob_nameThe name of the Blob to update.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!azure-storage-container-blob-update container_name="xsoar" file_entry_id="16488@b5e40781-86c8-4799-8f10-ace443e93234" blob_name="xsoar.txt"

Human Readable Output#

Blob xsoar.txt successfully updated.


Retrieve Blob from Container.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
container_nameThe name of the Blob Container.Required
blob_nameThe name of the Blob to retrieve.Required

Context Output#

File.SizeStringThe size of the file.
File.SHA1StringThe SHA1 hash of the file.
File.SHA256StringThe SHA256 hash of the file.
File.NameStringThe name of the file.
File.SSDeepStringThe SSDeep hash of the file.
File.EntryIDStringThe entry ID of the file.
File.InfoStringFile information.
File.TypeStringThe file type.
File.MD5UnknownThe MD5 hash of the file.
File.ExtensionStringThe file extension.

Command Example#

!azure-storage-container-blob-get container_name="xsoar" blob_name="xsoar.txt"

Context Example#

"File": {
"EntryID": "16508@b5e40781-86c8-4799-8f10-ace443e93234",
"Extension": "txt",
"Info": "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
"MD5": "950eb0708854a661313dd150a643af8b",
"Name": "xsoar.txt",
"SHA1": "2f82d9a13f948a1ced93f9da85323d45fb2eedf8",
"SHA256": "150296c0c1a1ca044fc132010b6049342c460f4a68386ab24de9b6a167e54765",
"SHA512": "6d9deaacce47943767d19c8de846c9e57692543c90b4f45c3abbe4123380bd1665dc4bd9b4d0a99d09d3a0f8c67da842826181834223362f1c75f5f9e6c358ef",
"SSDeep": "3:h8Kpl:Rpl",
"Size": 11,
"Type": "ASCII text, with no line terminators"

Human Readable Output#


Retrieve the tags of the specified Blob.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
container_nameThe name of the Blob Container.Required
blob_nameThe name of the blob.Required

Context Output#

AzureStorageContainer.Container.Blob.Tag.KeyStringTag key.
AzureStorageContainer.Container.Blob.Tag.ValueStringTag value.
AzureStorageContainer.Container.Blob.nameStringBlob name.
AzureStorageContainer.Container.nameStringContainer name.

Command Example#

!azure-storage-container-blob-tag-get container_name="xsoar" blob_name="xsoar.txt"

Context Example#

"AzureStorageContainer": {
"Container": {
"Blob": {
"Tag": [
"Key": "tag-name-1",
"Value": "tag-value-1"
"name": "xsoar.txt"
"name": "xsoar"

Human Readable Output#

Blob xsoar.txt Tags:#



Sets the tags for the specified Blob. The command replace the entire tags of the Blob and can be used to remove tags.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
container_nameThe name of the Blob Container.Required
blob_nameThe name of the blob.Required
tagsTags fields in JSON format: {"tag-name-1": "tag-value-1", "tag-name-2": "tag-value-2"}. The tags fields may contain at most 10 tags.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

``!azure-storage-container-blob-tag-set container_name="xsoar" blob_name="xsoar.txt" tags={ "tag-name-1": "tag-value-1" }````

Human Readable Output#

xsoar.txt Tags successfully updated.


Marks the specified Blob for deletion. The Blob will be deleted during garbage collection.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
container_nameThe name of the Blob Container.Required
blob_nameThe name of the Blob to delete.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!azure-storage-container-blob-delete container_name="xsoar" blob_name="xsoar.txt"

Human Readable Output#

Blob xsoar.txt successfully deleted.


Retrieve Blob properties.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
container_nameThe name of the Blob Container.Required
blob_nameThe name of the blob.Required

Context Output#

AzureStorageContainer.Container.Blob.Property.last_modifiedDateLast modified time of the blob.
AzureStorageContainer.Container.Blob.Property.etagStringThe entity tag for the blob.
AzureStorageContainer.Container.Blob.Property.lease_statusStringThe lease status of the blob.
AzureStorageContainer.Container.Blob.Property.lease_stateStringThe lease state of the blob.
AzureStorageContainer.Container.Blob.Property.blob_typeStringThe blob type.
AzureStorageContainer.Container.Blob.Property.content_lengthNumberThe size of the blob in bytes.
AzureStorageContainer.Container.Blob.Property.content_typeStringThe content type specified for the blob. If no content type was specified, the default content type is application/octet-stream.
AzureStorageContainer.Container.Blob.Property.content-md5StringThe MD5 hash of the blob content.
AzureStorageContainer.Container.Blob.Property.creation_timeDateThe date at which the blob was created.
AzureStorageContainer.Container.Blob.nameStringBlob name.

Command Example#

!azure-storage-container-blob-property-get container_name="xsoar" blob_name="xsoar.txt"

Context Example#

"AzureStorageContainer": {
"Container": {
"Blob": {
"Property": {
"accept_ranges": "bytes",
"access_tier": "Hot",
"access_tier_inferred": "true",
"blob_type": "BlockBlob",
"content_length": "11",
"content_md5": "lQ6wcIhUpmExPdFQpkOviw==",
"content_type": "application/octet-stream",
"creation_time": "2021-11-28T12:43:09",
"date": "2021-11-28T12:43:24",
"etag": "\"0x8D9B26CA6AD74B3\"",
"last_modified": "2021-11-28T12:43:17",
"lease_state": "available",
"lease_status": "unlocked",
"request_id": "8f64c941-501e-0097-4255-e403f0000000",
"server": "Windows-Azure-Blob/1.0 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0",
"server_encrypted": "true",
"version": "2020-10-02"
"name": "xsoar.txt"
"name": "xsoar"

Human Readable Output#

Blob xsoar.txt Properties:#

Creation TimeLast ModifiedContent LengthContent TypeEtag


Set Blob properties.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
container_nameThe name of the Blob Container.Required
blob_nameThe name of the blob.Required
content_typeBlob content type. Indicates the media type of the blob.Optional
content_md5Blob MD5 hash value. Can be used by the client to check for content integrity.Optional
content_encodingBlob content encoding. Used to specify the compression algorithm of the blob content.Optional
content_languageBlob content language. Describes the human languages of the blob content.Optional
content_dispositionBlob content disposition. Conveys additional information about how to process the response payload, and also can be used to attach additional metadata.Optional
cache_controlModifies the cache control string for the blob. Indicates directives for caching in both requests and responses.Optional
request_idRequest ID generated by the client and recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled.Optional
lease_idRequired if the blob has an active lease.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!azure-storage-container-blob-property-set container_name="xsoar" blob_name="xsoar.txt" content_type="text/plain"

Human Readable Output#

Blob xsoar.txt properties successfully updated.


Retrieve Blob properties.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
container_nameThe name of the Blob Container.Required
expiry_timeExpiry time for sas token(hours).Required
signed_resourcesspecifies which resources are accessible via the shared access signature. Options available c(container), b(blob), bv(blob version),bs(blob snapshot),d(directory)Required
signed_permissionsThe permissions that are associated with the shared access signature. The user is restricted to operations that are allowed by the permissions. Possible permission: r = Read, a=access, c=create, w=write. Also must follow the this order "racwdxltmeop"Example: r,c,a,w,rac, racw.Required
signed_ipspecifies a public IP address or a range of public IP addresses from which to accept requests.Required
account_keyThe account key to create the SAS token with.

Command Example#

!azure-storage-container-sas-create account_key="TestAccountKey" expiry_time="1" signed_resources="test signed_permissions="test signed_ip=""


Block public access to a container..

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
container_nameThe name of the Blob Container.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!azure-storage-container-block-public-access container_name="xsoar"

Human Readable Output#

xsoar.txt Public access to container '{container_name}' has been successfully blocked.