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This Integration is part of the HCL BigFix Pack.#


Use the BigFix integration to manage patching processes.

Configure BigFix on Cortex XSOAR

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services .
  2. Search for BigFix.
  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.
    • Name : a textual name for the integration instance.
    • Server url (e.g )
    • Username
    • Trust any certificate (not secure)
    • Use system proxy
  4. Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook.
After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.

  1. Get all sites: bigfix-get-sites
  2. Get a single site: bigfix-get-site
  3. Get all patches for a site: bigfix-get-patches
  4. Get all endpoints: bigfix-get-endpoints
  5. Get the details of an endpoint: bigfix-get-endpoint
  6. Create an action to run on target computers: bigfix-deploy-patch
  7. Get a patch by fixlet ID: bigfix-get-patch
  8. Delete an action: bigfix-action-delete
  9. Get the status of an action: bigfix-action-status
  10. Stop an action: bigfix-action-stop
  11. Evaluate an expression and get the result: bigfix-query

1. Get all sites

Retrieves all the sites.

Base Command
Context Output
Path Type Description
Bigfix.Site unknown Site
Bigfix.Site.Name string Name of the site
Bigfix.Site.Description string Description of the site
Bigfix.Site.Resource string Link to the endpoint resource
Bigfix.Site.Type string Type of the site ("master", "custom", "external", "operator")
Bigfix.Site.Domain string Site domain
Bigfix.Site.GatherURL string Gather URL
Bigfix.Site.GlobalReadPermission string Whether the Global Read Permission is available
Command Example
Context Example
    "Bigfix": {
        "Site": [
                "Resource": "https://xsoar-example:20021/api/site/master/ActionSite", 
                "Description": null, 
                "GatherURL": "http://WIN-CQD6UQJIA7J:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite", 
                "GlobalReadPermission": "false", 
                "Name": "ActionSite", 
                "Type": "master", 
                "Subscription": {
                    "Mode": "All"
                "Resource": "https://xsoar-example:20021/api/site/external/BES Support", 
                "Description": null, 
                "GatherURL": "", 
                "GlobalReadPermission": "true", 
                "Name": "BES Support", 
                "Type": "external", 
                "Subscription": {
                    "Mode": "All"
                "Resource": "https://xsoar-example:20021/api/site/external/BES Inventory and License", 
                "Description": null, 
                "GatherURL": "", 
                "GlobalReadPermission": "false", 
                "Name": "BES Inventory and License", 
                "Type": "external", 
                "Subscription": {
                    "Mode": "None"
                "Resource": "https://xsoar-example:20021/api/site/external/BES Asset Discovery", 
                "Description": null, 
                "GatherURL": "", 
                "GlobalReadPermission": "false", 
                "Name": "BES Asset Discovery", 
                "Type": "external", 
                "Subscription": {
                    "Mode": "None"
                "GatherURL": "http://WIN-CQD6UQJIA7J:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite", 
                "Type": "operator", 
                "Resource": "https://xsoar-example:20021/api/site/operator/admin", 
                "Name": "admin"
Human Readable Output


2. Get a single site

Retrieves a single site by name and type.

Base Command
Argument Name Description Required
site_name Name of the site. If the site is external or operator then the site must be specified. Optional
site_type Site type ("external", "operator", "master", "custom") Required
Context Output
Path Type Description
Bigfix.Site unknown Site
Bigfix.Site.Name string Name of the site
Bigfix.Site.Description string Description of the site
Bigfix.Site.Resource string Link to the endpoint resource.
Bigfix.Site.Type string Type of the site ("master", "custom", "external", "operator")
Bigfix.Site.Domain string Site domain
Bigfix.Site.GatherURL string Gather URL
Bigfix.Site.GlobalReadPermission string Whether the Global Read Permission is available
Command Example
!bigfix-get-site site_type=master
!bigfix-get-site site_type=external site_name="BES Support"
Context Example
    "Bigfix": {
        "Site": {
            "Resource": "https://xsoar-example:20021/api/site/master/None", 
            "Description": null, 
            "GatherURL": "http://WIN-CQD6UQJIA7J:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite", 
            "GlobalReadPermission": "false", 
            "Name": "ActionSite", 
            "Type": "master", 
            "Subscription": {
                "Mode": "All"
Human Readable Output


3. Get all patches for a site

Retrieves all the patches (fixlets) of site.

Base Command
Argument Name Description Required
site_type Type of the site ("external", "operator", "master", "custom") Required
site_name Name of the site. If the site is external or operator then the site must be specified. Optional
Context Output
Path Type Description
Bigfix.Patch.ID string Patch (fixlet) ID
Bigfix.Patch.LastModified date Last modified timestamp
Bigfix.Patch.Name string Name of the patch requested
Bigfix.Patch.Resource string The link for the patch
Bigfix.Patch.Description string Description of the requested patch
Bigfix.Patch.Relevance string Relevance of the requested patch
Bigfix.Patch.Category string Category of the requested patch
Bigfix.Patch.DownloadSize string Download size
Bigfix.Patch.Source string Source where the patch originates
Bigfix.Patch.SourceID string Source ID of the requested patch
Bigfix.Patch.SourceSeverity string Source severity of the requested patch
Bigfix.Patch.SourceReleaseDate string Source release date of the requested patch
Bigfix.Patch.ActionID string Action ID of the patch requested.
Bigfix.Patch.ActionScript string Action script of the patch requested.
Command Example
!bigfix-get-patches site_type="master"
Context Example
    "Bigfix": {
        "Patch": [
                "Category": null, 
                "Resource": "https://xsoar-example:20021/api/fixlet/master/38", 
                "Description": "This is a description of foo patch", 
                "DownloadSize": null, 
                "SourceID": null, 
                "LastModified": "Fri, 15 Jun 2018 13:31:17 +0000", 
                "SourceReleaseDate": "2018-06-15", 
                "Source": "Internal", 
                "ActionID": "Action1", 
                "ActionScript": {
                    "@MIMEType": "application/x-sh", 
                    "#text": "#!/bin/sh\n# Enter your action script here\necho \"Hello World\""
                "Relevance": null, 
                "SourceSeverity": null, 
                "ID": "38", 
                "Name": "Anar Fixlet"
                "Category": null, 
                "Resource": "https://xsoar-example:20021/api/fixlet/master/39", 
                "Description": "Test Fixlet", 
                "DownloadSize": null, 
                "SourceID": null, 
                "LastModified": "Fri, 15 Jun 2018 19:37:29 +0000", 
                "SourceReleaseDate": "2018-06-15", 
                "Source": "Internal", 
                "ActionID": "Action1", 
                "ActionScript": {
                    "@MIMEType": "application/x-Fixlet-Windows-Shell", 
                    "#text": "// Enter your action script here"
                "Relevance": "true", 
                "SourceSeverity": null, 
                "ID": "39", 
                "Name": "Custom Fixlet"
Human Readable Output


4. Get all endpoints

Retrieves all endpoints (computers).

Base Command
Argument Name Description Required
get_endpoint_details Whether to get endpoint full details of each endpoint or just basic details, such as ID and last reported time. We recommend setting this to false if there are many endpoints to retrieve. Optional
Context Output
Path Type Description
Bigfix.Endpoint unknown Endpoint (computer)
Bigfix.Endpoint.ID string The IDof the endpoint (computer ID)
Bigfix.Endpoint.Resource string URL to the endpoint details
Bigfix.Endpoint.LastReportTime date Last report time of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.ActiveDirectoryPath string Active directory path of the endpoint device
Bigfix.Endpoint.AgentType string Agent Type of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.AgentVersion string Agent Version of the endpoint.
Bigfix.Endpoint.BESRelaySelectionMethod unknown Relay selection method of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.BESRelayServiceInstalled unknown Relay service installed of the endpoint.
Bigfix.Endpoint.BESRootServer string Root server of the endpoint.
Bigfix.Endpoint.BIOS string BIOS of the endpoint.
Bigfix.Endpoint.CPU string CPU of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.ClientSettings unknown Client settings of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.ComputerName string Computer name of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.ComputerType string Computer Type of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.DNSName string DNS Name of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.DeviceType string Device Type of the endpoint device
Bigfix.Endpoint.DistancetoBESRelay unknown Distance to BES Relay of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.FreeSpaceonSystemDrive unknown Free space on sytem drive of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.IPAddress string IP of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.LicenseType unknown License of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.Locked unknown Locked of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.OS string OS of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.RAM number RAM of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.Relay string Relay of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.RelayNameOfClient string Relay Name of the client
Bigfix.Endpoint.SubnetAddress string Subnet Address of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.SubscribedSites string Subscribed sites
Bigfix.Endpoint.TotalSizeofSystemDrive number Total size of system drive
Bigfix.Endpoint.UserName string User name
Command Example
Context Example
    "Bigfix": {
        "Endpoint": [
                "UserName": "Administrator", 
                "BESRootServer": "win-cqd6uqjia7j (0)", 
                "TotalSizeofSystemDrive": "101896 MB", 
                "AgentType": "Native", 
                "DNSName": "WIN-CQD6UQJIA7J", 
                "Resource": "https://xsoar-example:20021/api/computer/2696130", 
                "CPU": "2200 MHz Xeon Gold 5120", 
                "LicenseType": "Windows Server", 
                "Relay": "BES Root Server", 
                "BESRelayServiceInstalled": "Automatic", 
                "RAM": "8192 MB", 
                "BIOS": "07/28/2017", 
                "AgentVersion": "", 
                "IPAddress": "", 
                "RelayNameOfClient": "WIN-CQD6UQJIA7J", 
                "FreeSpaceonSystemDrive": "71399 MB", 
                "BESRelaySelectionMethod": "Automatic", 
                "ComputerName": "WIN-CQD6UQJIA7J", 
                "SubscribedSites": "", 
                "Locked": "No", 
                "ClientSettings": [
                    "_BESClient_LastShutdown_Reason=Service manager shutdown request", 
                    "_BESClient_UploadManager_BufferDirectory=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Client\\__BESData\\__Global\\Upload", 
                    "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_LogFilePath=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Server\\BESRelay.log", 
                    "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Server\\wwwrootbes\\", 
                    "_BESRelay_UploadManager_BufferDirectory=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Server\\UploadManagerData\\BufferDir", 
                    "_Enterprise Server_ClientRegister_RegistrationListReplicatePeriod=3600", 
                    "_Enterprise Server_ClientRegister_UDPMessagePort=52311", 
                    "_WebReports_HTTPServer_LogFilePath=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Server\\BESWebReportsServer.log", 
                    "_WebReports_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Server\\BESReportsServer\\wwwroot\\", 
                    "_WebReports_HTTPServer_SSLCertificateFilePath=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Server\\BESReportsData\\SelfWRCertificate.pem", 
                "SubnetAddress": "", 
                "DeviceType": "Server", 
                "ID": "2696130", 
                "ActiveDirectoryPath": "<none>", 
                "LastReportTime": "Mon, 29 Oct 2018 22:12:04 +0000", 
                "DistancetoBESRelay": "0", 
                "OS": "Win2016 10.0.14393.2248 (1607)", 
                "ComputerType": "Virtual"
                "UserName": "Administrator", 
                "BESRootServer": "win-cqd6uqjia7j (0)", 
                "TotalSizeofSystemDrive": "101896 MB", 
                "AgentType": "Native", 
                "DNSName": "WIN-CQD6UQJIA7J", 
                "Resource": "https://xsoar-example:20021/api/computer/3385267", 
                "CPU": "2200 MHz Xeon", 
                "LicenseType": "Windows Server", 
                "Relay": "BES Root Server", 
                "BESRelayServiceInstalled": "Manual", 
                "RAM": "8192 MB", 
                "BIOS": "04/05/2016", 
                "AgentVersion": "", 
                "IPAddress": "", 
                "RelayNameOfClient": "WIN-CQD6UQJIA7J", 
                "FreeSpaceonSystemDrive": "70978 MB", 
                "BESRelaySelectionMethod": "Manual", 
                "ComputerName": "WIN-CQD6UQJIA7J", 
                "SubscribedSites": "", 
                "Locked": "No", 
                "ClientSettings": [
                    "_BESClient_UploadManager_BufferDirectory=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Client\\__BESData\\__Global\\Upload", 
                    "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_LogFilePath=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Server\\BESRelay.log", 
                    "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Server\\wwwrootbes\\", 
                    "_BESRelay_UploadManager_BufferDirectory=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Server\\UploadManagerData\\BufferDir", 
                    "_Enterprise Server_ClientRegister_RegistrationListReplicatePeriod=3600", 
                    "_Enterprise Server_ClientRegister_UDPMessagePort=52311", 
                    "_WebReports_HTTPServer_LogFilePath=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Server\\BESWebReportsServer.log", 
                    "_WebReports_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Server\\BESReportsServer\\wwwroot\\", 
                    "_WebReports_HTTPServer_SSLCertificateFilePath=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Server\\BESReportsData\\SelfWRCertificate.pem", 
                "SubnetAddress": "", 
                "DeviceType": "Server", 
                "ID": "3385267", 
                "ActiveDirectoryPath": "<none>", 
                "LastReportTime": "Wed, 27 Jun 2018 00:16:15 +0000", 
                "DistancetoBESRelay": "0", 
                "OS": "Win2016 10.0.14393.1944 (1607)", 
                "ComputerType": "Virtual"
Human Readable Output


5. Get the details of an endpoint

Retrieves the details of an endpoint (computer).

Base Command
Argument Name Description Required
computer_id Computer ID Required
Context Output
Path Type Description
Bigfix.Endpoint unknown Endpoint (computer)
Bigfix.Endpoint.ID string The if of the endpoint (computer ID)
Bigfix.Endpoint.Resource string URL to the endpoint details
Bigfix.Endpoint.LastReportTime date Last report time of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.ActiveDirectoryPath string Active directory path of the endpoint device
Bigfix.Endpoint.AgentType string Agent Type of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.AgentVersion string Agent version of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.BESRelaySelectionMethod unknown Relay selection method of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.BESRelayServiceInstalled unknown Relay service installed of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.BESRootServer string Root server of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.BIOS string BIOS of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.CPU string CPU of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.ClientSettings unknown Client settings of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.ComputerName string Computer name of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.ComputerType string Computer type of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.DNSName string DNS name of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.DeviceType string Device type of the endpoint device
Bigfix.Endpoint.DistancetoBESRelay unknown Distance to BES Relay of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.FreeSpaceonSystemDrive unknown Free space on system drive of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.IPAddress string IP of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.LicenseType unknown License of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.Locked unknown Locked of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.OS string OS of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.RAM number RAM of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.Relay string Relay of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.RelayNameOfClient string Relay Name of the client
Bigfix.Endpoint.SubnetAddress string Subnet Address of the endpoint
Bigfix.Endpoint.SubscribedSites string Subscribed sites
Bigfix.Endpoint.TotalSizeofSystemDrive number Total size of system drive
Bigfix.Endpoint.UserName string User name
Command Example
!bigfix-get-endpoint computer_id=3385267
Context Example
    "Bigfix": {
        "Endpoint": {
            "UserName": "Administrator", 
            "BESRootServer": "win-cqd6uqjia7j (0)", 
            "TotalSizeofSystemDrive": "101896 MB", 
            "AgentType": "Native", 
            "DNSName": "WIN-CQD6UQJIA7J", 
            "Resource": "https://xsoar-example:20021/api/computer/3385267", 
            "CPU": "2200 MHz Xeon", 
            "LicenseType": "Windows Server", 
            "Relay": "BES Root Server", 
            "BESRelayServiceInstalled": "Manual", 
            "RAM": "8192 MB", 
            "BIOS": "04/05/2016", 
            "AgentVersion": "", 
            "IPAddress": "", 
            "RelayNameOfClient": "WIN-CQD6UQJIA7J", 
            "FreeSpaceonSystemDrive": "70978 MB", 
            "BESRelaySelectionMethod": "Manual", 
            "ComputerName": "WIN-CQD6UQJIA7J", 
            "SubscribedSites": "", 
            "Locked": "No", 
            "ClientSettings": [
                "_BESClient_UploadManager_BufferDirectory=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Client\\__BESData\\__Global\\Upload", 
                "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_LogFilePath=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Server\\BESRelay.log", 
                "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Server\\wwwrootbes\\", 
                "_BESRelay_UploadManager_BufferDirectory=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Server\\UploadManagerData\\BufferDir", 
                "_Enterprise Server_ClientRegister_RegistrationListReplicatePeriod=3600", 
                "_Enterprise Server_ClientRegister_UDPMessagePort=52311", 
                "_WebReports_HTTPServer_LogFilePath=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Server\\BESWebReportsServer.log", 
                "_WebReports_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Server\\BESReportsServer\\wwwroot\\", 
                "_WebReports_HTTPServer_SSLCertificateFilePath=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Server\\BESReportsData\\SelfWRCertificate.pem", 
            "SubnetAddress": "", 
            "DeviceType": "Server", 
            "ID": "3385267", 
            "ActiveDirectoryPath": "<none>", 
            "LastReportTime": "Wed, 27 Jun 2018 00:16:15 +0000", 
            "DistancetoBESRelay": "0", 
            "OS": "Win2016 10.0.14393.1944 (1607)", 
            "ComputerType": "Virtual"
Human Readable Output


6. Create an action to run on target computers

Create an action on BigFix that will run the given action from the given fixlet on target computers. The computerID parameter takes a comma-separated list of BigFix computer IDs. If no computers are specified, the action will be run on the default computers configured on BigFix. If the action should run on all computers set the computerID parameter to all.

Base Command
Argument Name Description Required
site_name Name of the site. If the site is external or operator then the site must be specified Required
computer_ids Provide IDs of computers to deploy the patch. Pass 'all' to deploy to all the computers. Required
fixlet_id The Fixlet ID. To use the action script from the original Fixlet or Task Message. Required
action_id The action ID. The specified action will run on target computers. Required
Context Output
Path Type Description
Bigfix.Action.ID number Action ID
Bigfix.Action.Name string Action name
Bigfix.Action.SiteName string Site name
Bigfix.Action.ComputerIDs unknown Computers IDs the patch was applied to
Bigfix.Action.AllComputers boolean true if patch was applied to all the computers
Bigfix.Action.Resource string Link to action in BigFix
Command Example
!bigfix-deploy-patch site_name="BES Support" computer_ids="3385267" fixlet_id="1759" action_id="Action2"
Context Example
Human Readable Output


7. Get a patch by fixlet ID

Retrieves a patch (fixlet) by ID.

Base Command
Argument Name Description Required
id Fixlet ID Required
site_type Type of the site ("external", "operator", "master", "custom" Required
site_name Name of the site. If the site is external or operator then site must be provided Optional
Context Output
Path Type Description
Bigfix.Patch.ID unknown Patch(fixlet) ID
Bigfix.Patch.Name unknown Patch name
Bigfix.Patch.Resource unknown Link (URL) to the patch
Bigfix.Patch.Description unknown Description
Bigfix.Patch.Relevance unknown Relevance of the patch requested
Bigfix.Patch.Category string Category of the patch requested
Bigfix.Patch.DownloadSize unknown Download size
Bigfix.Patch.Source unknown Source from where the patch is coming from
Bigfix.Patch.SourceID unknown Source ID of the patch requested
Bigfix.Patch.SourceSeverity unknown Source severity of the patch requested
Bigfix.Patch.SourceReleaseDate unknown Source release date of the patch requested
Bigfix.Patch.ActionID string Action ID of the patch requested
Bigfix.Patch.ActionScript string Action script of the patch requested
Command Example
!bigfix-get-patch id=38 site_type=master
Context Example
    "Bigfix": {
        "Patch": {
            "Category": null, 
            "Resource": "https://xsoar-example:20021/api/fixlet/master/38", 
            "Description": "This is a description of foo patch", 
            "DownloadSize": null, 
            "SourceID": null, 
            "SourceReleaseDate": "2018-06-15", 
            "Source": "Internal", 
            "ActionID": "Action1", 
            "ActionScript": {
                "@MIMEType": "application/x-sh", 
                "#text": "#!/bin/sh\n# Enter your action script here\necho \"Hello World\""
            "Relevance": null, 
            "SourceSeverity": null, 
            "ID": "38", 
            "Name": "Anar Fixlet"
Human Readable Output


8. Delete an action

Stops and deletes the specified action. Note: You cannot delete actions that are members of a Multiple Action Group. This note applies to HCL BigFix V9.2 and later.

Base Command
Argument Name Description Required
action_id Action ID Required
Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example
!bigfix-action-delete action_id
Human Readable Output


9. Get the status of an action

Gets the status of an action against its targets.

Base Command
Argument Name Description Required
action_id Action ID Required
Context Output
Path Type Description
Bigfix.Action.ID string Action ID
Bigfix.Action.Status string Action status (e.g., "Open", "Stopped")
Command Example
!bigfix-action-status action_id=56
Context Example
    "Bigfix": {
        "Action": {
            "Status": "Open", 
            "ID": "56"
Human Readable Output


10. Stop an action

Stops the specified action.

Base Command
Argument Name Description Required
action_id Action ID Required
Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example
!bigfix-action-stop action_id
Human Readable Output


11. Evaluate an expression and get the result

Evaluates an expression and gets the result. The request is processed through the server to WebReports.

Base Command
Argument Name Description Required
relevance Relevance query (example: names of bes computers) Required
Context Output
Path Type Description
Bigfix.QueryResults unknown The results of the query
Command Example
!bigfix-query relevance="cpus of bes computers"
!bigfix-query relevance="names of bes computers"
Context Example
    "Bigfix": {
        "QueryResults": [
            "2200 MHz Xeon Gold 5120", 
            "2200 MHz Xeon"
Human Readable Output
