Bitbucket Pack.#
This Integration is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.5.0 and later.
Bitbucket Cloud is a Git-based code and CI/CD tool optimized for teams using Jira. This integration was integrated and tested with version 7.21.0 of Bitbucket
Configure Bitbucket on Cortex XSOARNavigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.
Search for Bitbucket.
Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.
Parameter Required Workspace True Server URL True User Name True App Password True Repository False Trust any certificate (not secure) False Use system proxy settings False Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
- Note: The test button uses the 'bitbucket-project-list' command. In order to perform it, add to the app password, Read permissions to Projects.
bitbucket-project-listIf a project_key is given, returns the requested project. Else, returns a list of the projects in the workspace.
Base Commandbitbucket-project-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
project_key | The "id" of the project. Must be uppercase. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of projects to return. The default value is 50. | Optional |
page | The specific result page to display. | Optional |
partial_response | Return a partial response if true, else return the full API response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Bitbucket.Project.type | String | The type of the object. |
Bitbucket.Project.owner.display_name | String | The project owner name. |
Bitbucket.Project.owner.links | String | Links with information about the project owner. |
Bitbucket.Project.owner.type | String | The type of the project owner. |
Bitbucket.Project.owner.uuid | String | The project owner universal unique ID. |
Bitbucket.Project.owner.account_id | String | The project owner account ID. |
Bitbucket.Project.owner.nickname | String | The project owner nickname. |
Bitbucket.Project.workspace.type | String | The type of the workspace. |
Bitbucket.Project.workspace.uuid | String | The project workspace universal unique ID. | | String | The name of the project workspace. |
Bitbucket.Project.workspace.slug | String | The slug of the project workspace. |
Bitbucket.Project.workspace.links | String | Links to information about the workspace. |
Bitbucket.Project.key | String | The project key. |
Bitbucket.Project.uuid | String | The project universal unique ID. |
Bitbucket.Project.is_private | Boolean | Whether the project is private. | | String | The project name. |
Bitbucket.Project.description | String | The project description. |
Bitbucket.Project.links | String | Links to information about the project. |
Bitbucket.Project.created_on | String | The date the project was created. |
Bitbucket.Project.updated_on | String | The date the project was updated. |
Bitbucket.Project.has_publicly_visible_repos | Boolean | Whether the project has publicly visible repositories. |
Command example!bitbucket-project-list
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
List of projects in workspace
Key Name Description IsPrivate AP Another Project description true TES testId false
bitbucket-open-branch-listReturns a list of the open branches.
Base Commandbitbucket-open-branch-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of items in the list. The default value is 50. | Optional |
page | The specific result page to display. | Optional |
partial_response | Return a partial response if true, else return the full API response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | String | The branch name. | | String | The type of the last action in the branch. | | String | The hash of the last action in the branch. | | Date | The creation date of the last action in the branch. | | String | The type of the author of the last action. | | String | The raw information about the author of the last action. | | String | The display name of the author of the last action. | | String | Links to information about the user. | | String | The user type of the user who made the last action in the branch. | | String | The unique user ID of the user who made the last action in the branch. | | String | The account ID of the user who made the last action in the branch. | | String | The nickname of the user who made the last action in the branch. | | String | The message assigned to the last action in the branch. | | String | The links associated with this command. | | String | The type of the parent who created the branch. | | String | The hash of the parent who created the branch. | | String | The links associated with the parents of the command. | | String | The repository type. | | String | The full name of the repository. | | String | Links with information about the relevant repository. | | String | The name of the repository | | String | The repository unique ID. |
Bitbucket.Branch.links | String | Links with information about the branch. |
Bitbucket.Branch.type | String | The type of the branch. |
Bitbucket.Branch.merge_strategies | String | The merge strategy of the branch. |
Bitbucket.Branch.default_merge_strategy | String | The default merge strategy in the branch. |
Command example!bitbucket-open-branch-list
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Open Branches
Name LastCommitCreatedBy LastCommitCreatedAt LastCommitHash master Some User 2022-09-18T08:00:00+00:00 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 branch Some User 2022-09-08T14:00:00+00:00 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111
bitbucket-branch-getReturns the information of the requested branch.
Base Commandbitbucket-branch-get
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name. Should be given here or in the instance arguments. | Optional |
branch_name | The name of the branch for which to retrieve the information. | Required |
partial_response | Return a partial response if true, else return the full API response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | String | The name of the branch. | | String | The last action type. | | String | The hash of the last action in the branch. | | Date | The date of the last action in the branch. | | String | The type of the author. | | String | The raw information about the author of the last action in the branch. | | String | The display name of the author of the last action in the branch. | | String | Links about the author of the last action in the branch. | | String | The user type of the author of the last action in the branch. | | String | The unique universal ID of the author of the last action in the branch. | | String | The account ID of the author of the last action in the branch. | | String | The nickname of the author of the last action in the branch. | | String | The message associated with the last action in the branch. | | String | The links of the last action in the branch. | | String | The type of the parents of the last action in the branch. | | String | The hash of the parents of the last action in the branch. | | String | The link associated with the parents of the last action in the branch. | | String | The type of the branch repository. | | String | The name of the branch repository. | | String | Links with information about the branch repository. | | String | The name of the repository. | | String | The unique ID of the repository. |
Bitbucket.Branch.links | String | Links with information about the branch. |
Bitbucket.Branch.type | String | The type of the branch. |
Bitbucket.Branch.merge_strategies | String | The merge strategy of the branch. |
Bitbucket.Branch.default_merge_strategy | String | The default merge strategy. |
Command example!bitbucket-branch-get branch_name=master
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Information about the branch: master
Name LastCommitCreatedAt LastCommitHash master Some User 2022-09-18T08:07:00+00:00
bitbucket-branch-createCreates a new branch in Bitbucket.
Base Commandbitbucket-branch-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
name | The name of the new branch. | Required |
target_branch | The name of the branch from which the new branch will be created. | Required |
partial_response | Return a partial response if true, else return the full API response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | String | The name of the new branch. | | String | The type of the last action in the target branch. | | String | The hash of the last action in the target branch. | | Date | The date of the last action in the target branch. | | String | The type of the author of the last action in the target branch. | | String | The raw information about the author of the last action in the target branch. | | String | The display name of the author of the last action in the target branch. | | String | The links with the information about the author of the last action in the target branch. | | String | The user type of the author of the last action in the target branch. | | String | The unique ID of the author of the last action in the target branch. | | String | The account ID of the author of the last action in the target branch. | | String | The nickname of the author of the last action in the target branch. | | String | The message in the last action in the target branch. | | String | The links with the information about the target branch. | | String | The type of the parent action of the last action in the target branch. | | String | The hash of the parent action of the last action in the target branch. | | String | The links associated with the parents of the command. | | String | The type of the repository of the target branch. | | String | The full name of the repository of the target branch. | | String | The links with the information about the repository of the target branch. | | String | The name of the repository of the target branch. | | String | The unique ID of the repository of the target branch. |
Bitbucket.Branch.links | String | The links with the information about the new branch. |
Bitbucket.Branch.type | String | The type of the new branch. |
Bitbucket.Branch.merge_strategies | String | The merge strategies of the new branch. |
Bitbucket.Branch.default_merge_strategy | String | The default merge strategy in the new branch. |
Command example!bitbucket-branch-create name=testing target_branch=master
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputThe branch "testing" was created successfully.
bitbucket-branch-deleteDeletes the given branch from Bitbucket.
Base Commandbitbucket-branch-delete
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
branch_name | The name of the branch to delete. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!bitbucket-branch-delete branch_name=testing
Human Readable OutputThe branch testing was deleted successfully.
bitbucket-commit-createCreates a new commit in Bitbucket.
Base Commandbitbucket-commit-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
message | Commit a message with the file. | Required |
branch | This branch will be associated with the committed file. | Required |
file_name | The name of the file to commit. | Optional |
file_content | The content of the file to commit. | Optional |
entry_id | The entry_id of the file to commit. This is the EntryId from uploading a file to the War Room. | Optional |
author_name | The name of the author of the file. | Optional |
author_email | The email of the author of the file. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!bitbucket-commit-create branch=master message="checking master" file_name="new_file.txt" file_content="some new content"
Human Readable OutputThe commit was created successfully.
bitbucket-commit-listReturns a list of the commit in accordance with the included and excluded branches.
Base Commandbitbucket-commit-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
file_path | Will limit the results to commits that affect that path. | Optional |
excluded_branches | A comma-separated list of branches to exclude from the commits that are returned. | Optional |
included_branches | A comma-separated list of branches to include in the commits that are returned. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of items in the list. The default value is 50. | Optional |
page | The specific result page to display. | Optional |
partial_response | Return a partial response if true, else return the full API response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Bitbucket.Commit.type | String | The type of the commit. |
Bitbucket.Commit.hash | String | The commit hash. | | Date | The creation date of the commit. | | String | The type of the author. | | String | The raw information about the author, including the display name and user email. | | String | The display name of the author. | | String | Links with information about the author. | | String | The user type of the author. | | String | The user unique key of the author. | | String | The user account ID of the author. | | String | The user nickname of the author. |
Bitbucket.Commit.message | String | The commit message. |
Bitbucket.Commit.summary.type | String | The type of the summary. |
Bitbucket.Commit.summary.raw | String | The raw summary of the commit. |
Bitbucket.Commit.summary.markup | String | The text styling type, such as markdown. |
Bitbucket.Commit.summary.html | String | The summary in HTML format. |
Bitbucket.Commit.links | String | Links with information about the commit. |
Bitbucket.Commit.parents.type | String | The type of the commit parents. |
Bitbucket.Commit.parents.hash | String | The hash of the commit parents. |
Bitbucket.Commit.parents.links | String | Links with information about the parents. |
Bitbucket.Commit.repository.type | String | The type of the repository. |
Bitbucket.Commit.repository.full_name | String | The full name of the repository. |
Bitbucket.Commit.repository.links.self.href | String | Links with information about the repository. | | String | The name of the repository. |
Bitbucket.Commit.repository.uuid | String | The unique ID of the repository. |
Command example!bitbucket-commit-list limit=2
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
The list of commits
Author Commit Message CreatedAt Some User 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 checking master 2022-09-18T08:56:51+00:00 Some User 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 delete the new file 2022-09-18T08:07:38+00:00
bitbucket-file-deleteDeletes the given file from Bitbucket.
Base Commandbitbucket-file-delete
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
message | Commit a message with the file. | Required |
branch | The branch of the file to delete. | Required |
file_name | The name of the file to delete. | Required |
author_name | The name of the author of the file. | Optional |
author_email | The email of the author of the file. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!bitbucket-file-delete branch=master file_name=new_file.txt message="delete the new file"
Human Readable OutputThe file was deleted successfully.
bitbucket-raw-file-getReturns the content of the given file, along with the option to download it.
Base Commandbitbucket-raw-file-get
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
file_path | The path of the needed file. | Required |
branch | The branch of the file. If a branch isn't given, by default the command will return the content of the last edited file with the same file_path. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Bitbucket.RawFile.file_path | String | The path of the file. |
Bitbucket.RawFile.file_content | String | The content of the file. |
InfoFile.Size | Number | The size of the file. |
InfoFile.Name | String | The name of the file. |
InfoFile.EntryID | String | The entry ID of the file. |
InfoFile.Info | String | File information. |
InfoFile.Type | String | The file type. |
Command example!bitbucket-raw-file-get file_path=new.txt branch=branch
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputThe content of the file "new.txt" is: Hi I am a new file.
bitbucket-issue-createCreates an issue in Bitbucket.
Required PermissionsIn order to perform this command, please create an issue tracker by clicking on the relevant repo -> Repository settings -> Issue tracker
Base Commandbitbucket-issue-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
title | The title of the new issue. | Required |
state | The state of the issues to create. Possible values are: new, open, resolved, on hold, invalid, duplicate, wontfix, closed. Default is new. | Optional |
type | The type of the issues to create. Possible values are: bug, enhancement, proposal, task. Default is bug. | Optional |
priority | The priority of the issues to create. Possible values are: trivial, minor, major, critical, blocker. Default is major. | Optional |
content | The content of the issue to create. | Optional |
assignee_id | The ID of the assignee of the issue to create. To get the assignee_id, use the !bitbucket-workspace-member-list command, and use the field AccountId. | Optional |
assignee_user_name | The user name of the assignee of the issue to create. | Optional |
partial_response | Return a partial response if true, else return the full API response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Bitbucket.Issue.type | String | The action type. | | Number | The ID of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.repository.type | String | The type of the repository. |
Bitbucket.Issue.repository.full_name | String | The full name of the repository. |
Bitbucket.Issue.repository.links | String | Links with information about the repository related to the issue. | | String | The name of the repository. |
Bitbucket.Issue.repository.uuid | String | The unique ID of the repository. |
Bitbucket.Issue.links.self.href | String | An API link to the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.title | String | The title of the issue |
Bitbucket.Issue.content.type | String | The type of the content. |
Bitbucket.Issue.content.raw | String | The content of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.content.markup | String | The type of markup (like markdown). |
Bitbucket.Issue.content.html | String | The content of the issue in HTML format. |
Bitbucket.Issue.reporter.display_name | String | The display name of the reporter of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.reporter.links | String | Links with information about the reporter. |
Bitbucket.Issue.reporter.type | String | The type of the reporter. |
Bitbucket.Issue.reporter.uuid | String | The unique ID of the reporter |
Bitbucket.Issue.reporter.account_id | String | The account ID of the reporter. |
Bitbucket.Issue.reporter.nickname | String | The nickname of the reporter. |
Bitbucket.Issue.assignee.display_name | String | The display name of the assignee to the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.assignee.links | String | Links with information about the assignee. |
Bitbucket.Issue.assignee.type | String | The type of the assignee. |
Bitbucket.Issue.assignee.uuid | String | The unique ID of the assignee. |
Bitbucket.Issue.assignee.account_id | String | The account ID of the assignee. |
Bitbucket.Issue.assignee.nickname | String | The nickname of the assignee. |
Bitbucket.Issue.created_on | String | The creation date of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.edited_on | Unknown | The edit date of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.updated_on | String | The update date of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.state | String | The state of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.kind | String | The kind of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.milestone | Unknown | The milestones in the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.component | Unknown | The different components of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.priority | String | The priority of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.version | Unknown | The version of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.votes | Number | The votes of approval of the issue. | | Unknown | The watchers of the issue. |
Command example!bitbucket-issue-create title="a new issue"
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputThe issue "a new issue" was created successfully
bitbucket-issue-listIf an issue_id is given, returns the information about it. Otherwise, returns a list of all the issues, according to the limit parameter.
Base Commandbitbucket-issue-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
issue_id | The ID of the requested issue. To get the issue_id, use the !bitbucket-issue-list command. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of items in the list. The default value is 50. | Optional |
page | The specific result page to display. | Optional |
partial_response | Return a partial response if true, else return the full API response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Bitbucket.Issue.type | String | The action type. | | Number | The ID of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.repository.type | String | The type of the repository. |
Bitbucket.Issue.repository.full_name | String | The full name of the repository. |
Bitbucket.Issue.repository.links | String | Links with information about the repository related to the issue. | | String | The name of the repository. |
Bitbucket.Issue.repository.uuid | String | The unique ID of the repository. |
Bitbucket.Issue.links | String | Links with information about the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.title | String | The title of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.content.type | String | The type of the content. |
Bitbucket.Issue.content.raw | String | The content of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.content.markup | String | The type of markup (like markdown). |
Bitbucket.Issue.content.html | String | The content of the issue in HTML format. |
Bitbucket.Issue.reporter.display_name | String | The display name of the reporter of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.reporter.links | String | Links with information about the reporter. |
Bitbucket.Issue.reporter.type | String | The type of the reporter. |
Bitbucket.Issue.reporter.uuid | String | The unique ID of the reporter |
Bitbucket.Issue.reporter.account_id | String | The account ID of the reporter. |
Bitbucket.Issue.reporter.nickname | String | The nickname of the reporter. |
Bitbucket.Issue.assignee.display_name | String | The display name of the assignee to the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.assignee.links | String | Links with information about the assignee. |
Bitbucket.Issue.assignee.type | String | The type of the assignee. |
Bitbucket.Issue.assignee.uuid | String | The unique ID of the assignee. |
Bitbucket.Issue.assignee.account_id | String | The account ID of the assignee. |
Bitbucket.Issue.assignee.nickname | String | The nickname of the assignee. |
Bitbucket.Issue.created_on | String | The creation date of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.edited_on | Unknown | The edit date of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.updated_on | String | The update date of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.state | String | The state ID of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.kind | String | The kind of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.milestone | Unknown | The milestones in the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.component | Unknown | The different components of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.priority | String | The priority of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.version | Unknown | The version of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.votes | Number | The votes of approval of the issue. | | Number | The watchers of the issue. |
Command example!bitbucket-issue-list limit=2
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Issues List
Id Title Type Priority Status Votes CreatedAt UpdatedAt 92 a new issue bug major new 0 2022-09-18T08:00:00.000000+00:00 2022-09-18T08:00:00.000000+00:00 91 a new issue bug major resolved 0 2022-09-18T08:00:00.000000+00:00 2022-09-18T08:00:00.000000+00:00
bitbucket-issue-updateUpdates an issue in Bitbucket.
Required PermissionsIn order to perform this command, please create an issue tracker by clicking on the relevant repo -> Repository settings -> Issue tracker.
Base Commandbitbucket-issue-update
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
title | The title of the new issue. | Required |
issue_id | The ID of the issue to update. To get the issue_id, use the !bitbucket-issue-list command. | Required |
state | The state of the issues to create. Possible values are: new, open, resolved, on hold, invalid, duplicate, wontfix, closed. | Optional |
type | The type of the issues to create. Possible values are: bug, enhancement, proposal, task. | Optional |
priority | The priority of the issues to create. Possible values are: trivial, minor, major, critical, blocker. | Optional |
content | The content of the issue to create. | Optional |
assignee_id | The ID of the assignee of the issue to create. To get the assignee_id, use the !bitbucket-workspace-member-list command, and use the field AccountId. | Optional |
assignee_user_name | The user name of the assignee of the issue to create. | Optional |
partial_response | Return a partial response if true, else return the full API response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Bitbucket.Issue.type | String | The action type. | | Number | The ID of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.repository.type | String | The type of the repository. |
Bitbucket.Issue.repository.full_name | String | The full name of the repository. |
Bitbucket.Issue.repository.links | String | Links with information about the repository related to the issue. | | String | The name of the repository. |
Bitbucket.Issue.repository.uuid | String | The unique ID of the repository. |
Bitbucket.Issue.links | String | Links with information about the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.title | String | The title of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.content.type | String | The type of the content. |
Bitbucket.Issue.content.raw | String | The content of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.content.markup | String | The type of markup (like markdown). |
Bitbucket.Issue.content.html | String | The content of the issue in HTML format. |
Bitbucket.Issue.reporter.display_name | String | The display name of the reporter of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.reporter.links | String | Links with information about the reporter. |
Bitbucket.Issue.reporter.type | String | The type of the reporter. |
Bitbucket.Issue.reporter.uuid | String | The unique ID of the reporter. |
Bitbucket.Issue.reporter.account_id | String | The account ID of the reporter. |
Bitbucket.Issue.reporter.nickname | String | The nickname of the reporter. |
Bitbucket.Issue.assignee.display_name | String | The display name of the assignee to the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.assignee.links | String | Links with information about the assignee. |
Bitbucket.Issue.assignee.type | String | The type of the assignee. |
Bitbucket.Issue.assignee.uuid | String | The unique ID of the assignee. |
Bitbucket.Issue.assignee.account_id | String | The account ID of the assignee. |
Bitbucket.Issue.assignee.nickname | String | The nickname of the assignee. |
Bitbucket.Issue.created_on | String | The creation date of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.edited_on | Unknown | The edit date of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.updated_on | String | The update date of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.state | String | The state ID of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.kind | String | The kind of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.milestone | Unknown | The milestones in the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.component | Unknown | The different components of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.priority | String | The priority of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.version | Unknown | The version of the issue. |
Bitbucket.Issue.votes | Number | The votes of approval of the issue. | | Number | The watchers of the issue. |
Command example!bitbucket-issue-update issue_id=91 title="a new issue" state=resolved
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputThe issue with id "91" was updated successfully
bitbucket-pull-request-createCreates a pull request in Bitbucket.
Base Commandbitbucket-pull-request-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
title | The title of the new pull request. | Required |
source_branch | The branch that contains the proposed changes. | Required |
destination_branch | The branch that will contain the changes after the merge process. | Optional |
reviewer_id | A comma-separated list of account_ids of the person to review the pull request. To get the reviewer_id, use the !bitbucket-workspace-member-list command, and use the field AccountId. | Optional |
description | A description of the pull request. | Optional |
close_source_branch | Whether the source branch should be closed after the pull request. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
partial_response | Return a partial response if true, else return the full API response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.comment_count | Number | The number of comments there are in the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.task_count | Number | The number of tasks there are in the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.type | String | The type of the request. | | Number | The pull request ID. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.title | String | The title of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.description | String | The description of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.rendered.title.type | String | The type of the title of the request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.rendered.title.raw | String | The content of the rendered title. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.rendered.title.markup | String | The text styling type, such as markdown. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.rendered.title.html | String | The HTML format of the pull request title. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.rendered.description.type | String | The type of the pull request description |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.rendered.description.raw | String | The content of the description of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.rendered.description.markup | String | The text styling type, such as markdown. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.rendered.description.html | String | HTML format of the description content. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.state | String | The status of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.merge_commit | Unknown | Whether it is a merge commit. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.close_source_branch | Boolean | Whether the branch should be closed after the merge. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.closed_by | Unknown | The user who closed the pull request. | | String | The display name of the author of the pull request. | | String | Links with information about the author of the pull request. | | String | The type of the author | | String | The unique universal ID of the author. | | String | The account ID of the author of the pull request. | | String | The nickname of the author. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reason | String | The reason to create the request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.created_on | String | The creation date of the request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.updated_on | String | The date of the last update of the pull request. | | String | The name of the destination branch. This is the branch to merge to. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.commit.type | String | The type of the commit. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.commit.hash | String | The hash of the commit. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.commit.links | String | Links with information about the commit. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.repository.type | String | The type of the repository. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.repository.full_name | String | The full name of the repository of the destination branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.repository.links | String | Links with information about the repository of the destination branch. | | String | The name of the repository. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.repository.uuid | String | The unique ID of the repository. | | String | The name of the source branch. This is the branch with the changes that will be merged. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.commit.type | String | The type of the commit in the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.commit.hash | String | The hash of the commit in the source branch |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.commit.links | String | Links with information about the commit in the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.repository.type | String | The type of the repository of the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.repository.full_name | String | The full name of the repository of the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.repository.links.self.href | String | Links with information about the repository of the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.repository.links | String | Links with information about the repository of the source branch. | | String | The name of the repository of the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.repository.uuid | String | The unique ID of the repository of the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reviewers.display_name | String | The display name of the reviewer. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reviewers.links | String | Links with information about the reviewer. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reviewers.type | String | The type of the reviewer. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reviewers.uuid | String | The unique id of the reviewer. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reviewers.account_id | String | The account id of the reviewer. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reviewers.nickname | String | The nickname of the reviewer. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.type | String | The type of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.user.display_name | String | The display name of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.user.links | String | Links with information about the user. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.user.type | String | The type of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.user.uuid | String | The unique id of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.user.account_id | String | The account id of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.user.nickname | String | The nickname of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.role | String | The role of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.approved | String | The approval status of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.state | String | The state of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.participated_on | Unknown | The date of participation. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.links | String | Links to information about the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.summary.type | String | The type of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.summary.raw | String | The description of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.summary.markup | String | The text styling type, such as markdown. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.summary.html | String | The description of the pull request in HTML format. |
Command example!bitbucket-pull-request-create source_branch=test title="pull_request"
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputThe pull request was created successfully
bitbucket-pull-request-updateUpdates a pull request in Bitbucket.
Base Commandbitbucket-pull-request-update
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
pull_request_id | The ID of the pull request to update. To get the pull_request_id, use the !bitbucket-pull-request-list command. | Required |
title | The title of the new pull request. | Optional |
source_branch | The branch that contains the proposed changes. | Optional |
destination_branch | The branch that will contain the changes after the merge process. | Optional |
reviewer_id | The ID of the account of the person to review the pull request. To get the reviewer_id, use the bitbucket-workspace-member-list command, and use the field AccountId. | Optional |
description | A description of the pull request. | Optional |
close_source_branch | Whether the source branch should be closed after the pull request. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
partial_response | Return a partial response if true, else return the full API response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.comment_count | Number | The number of comments in the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.task_count | Number | The number of tasks in the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.type | String | The type of the request. | | Number | The pull request ID. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.title | String | The title of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.description | String | The description of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.rendered.title.type | String | The type of the title of the request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.rendered.title.raw | String | The content of the rendered title. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.rendered.title.markup | String | The text styling type, such as markdown. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.rendered.title.html | String | The HTML format of the pull request title. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.rendered.description.type | String | The type of the pull request description. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.rendered.description.raw | String | The content of the description of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.rendered.description.markup | String | The text styling type, such as markdown. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.rendered.description.html | String | HTML format of the description content. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.state | String | The status of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.merge_commit | Unknown | Whether it is a merge commit. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.close_source_branch | Boolean | Whether the branch should be closed after the merge. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.closed_by | Unknown | The user who closed the pull request. | | String | The display name of the author of the pull request. | | String | Links with information about the author of the pull request. | | String | The type of the author. | | String | The unique universal ID of the author. | | String | The account ID of the author of the pull request. | | String | The nickname of the author. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reason | String | The reason to create the request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.created_on | String | The creation date of the request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.updated_on | String | The date of the last update of the pull request. | | String | The name of the destination branch. This is the branch to merge to. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.commit.type | String | The type of the commit. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.commit.hash | String | The hash of the commit. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.commit.links | String | Links with information about the commit. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.repository.type | String | The type of the repository of the destination branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.repository.full_name | String | The full name of the repository of the destination branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.repository.links | String | Links with information about the repository of the destination branch. | | String | The name of the repository of the destination branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.repository.uuid | String | The unique ID of the repository of the destination branch. | | String | The name of the source branch. That is the branch with the changes that will be merged. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.commit.type | String | The type of the commit in the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.commit.hash | String | The hash of the commit in the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.commit.links | String | Links with information about the commit in the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.repository.type | String | The type of the repository of the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.repository.full_name | String | The full name of the repository of the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.repository.links | String | Links with information about the repository of the source branch. | | String | The name of the repository of the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.repository.uuid | String | The unique ID of the repository of the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reviewers.display_name | String | The display name of the reviewer. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reviewers.links | String | Links with information about the reviewer. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reviewers.type | String | The type of the reviewer. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reviewers.uuid | String | The unique id of the reviewer. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reviewers.account_id | String | The account id of the reviewer. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reviewers.nickname | String | The nickname of the reviewer. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.type | String | The type of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.user.display_name | String | The display name of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.user.links | String | Links with information about the user. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.user.type | String | The type of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.user.uuid | String | The unique id of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.user.account_id | String | The account id of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.user.nickname | String | The nickname of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.role | String | The role of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.approved | String | The approval status of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.state | String | The state of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.participated_on | String | The date of participation. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.links | String | Links to information about the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.summary.type | String | The type of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.summary.raw | String | The description of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.summary.markup | String | The text styling type, such as markdown. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.summary.html | String | The description of the pull request in HTML format. |
Command example!bitbucket-pull-request-update pull_request_id=8 description="updating description"
Context Example#
bitbucket-pull-request-listReturns a list of the pull requests. If a state is provided than the list will contain only PRs with the wanted status. If a state is not provided, by default a list of the open pull requests will return.
Base Commandbitbucket-pull-request-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
pull_request_id | The ID of the pull request to update. To get the pull_request_id, use the !bitbucket-pull-request-list command. | Optional |
state | The state of the pull requests to see. Possible values are: OPEN, MERGED, DECLINED, SUPERSEDED, ALL. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of items in the list. The default value is 50. | Optional |
page | The specific result page to display. | Optional |
partial_response | Return a partial response if true, else return the full API response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.comment_count | Number | The number of comments in the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.task_count | Number | The number of tasks in the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.type | String | The type of the request. | | Number | The pull request ID. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.title | String | The title of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.description | String | The description of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.state | String | The status of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.merge_commit.type | String | The type of the merge commit. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.merge_commit.hash | String | The hash of the merged commit. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.merge_commit.links | String | Links with information about the merged commit. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.close_source_branch | Boolean | Whether the branch should be closed after the merge. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.closed_by.display_name | String | The display name of the user who closed the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.closed_by.links | String | Links with information about the user who closed the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.closed_by.type | String | The type of user who closed the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.closed_by.uuid | String | The unique ID of the user who closed the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.closed_by.account_id | String | The account ID of the user who closed the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.closed_by.nickname | String | The nickname of the user who closed the pull request. | | String | The display name of the author of the pull request. | | String | Links with information about the author of the pull request. | | String | The type of the author. | | String | The unique universal ID of the author. | | String | The account ID of the author of the pull request. | | String | The nickname of the author. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reason | String | The reason to create the request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.created_on | String | The creation date of the request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.updated_on | String | The date of the last update of the pull request. | | String | The name of the destination branch. That is the branch to merge to. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.commit.type | String | The type of the commit. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.commit.hash | String | The hash of the commit. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.commit.links | String | Links with information about the commit. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.repository.type | String | The type of the repository of the destination branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.repository.full_name | String | The full name of the repository of the destination branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.repository.links | String | Links with information about the repository of the destination branch. | | String | The name of the repository of the destination branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.destination.repository.uuid | String | The unique ID of the repository of the destination branch. | | String | The name of the source branch. The branch with the changes that will be merged. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.commit.type | String | The type of the commit in the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.commit.hash | String | The hash of the commit in the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.commit.links | String | Links with information about the commit in the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.repository.type | String | The type of the repository of the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.repository.full_name | String | The full name of the repository of the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.repository.links | String | Links with information about the repository of the source branch. | | String | The name of the repository of the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.source.repository.uuid | String | The unique ID of the repository of the source branch. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reviewers.display_name | String | The display name of the reviewer. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reviewers.links | String | Links with information about the reviewer. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reviewers.type | String | The type of the reviewer. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reviewers.uuid | String | The unique id of the reviewer. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reviewers.account_id | String | The account id of the reviewer. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.reviewers.nickname | String | The nickname of the reviewer. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.type | String | The type of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.user.display_name | String | The display name of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.user.links | String | Links with information about the user. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.user.type | String | The type of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.user.uuid | String | The unique id of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.user.account_id | String | The account id of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.user.nickname | String | The nickname of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.role | String | The role of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.approved | String | The approval status of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.state | String | The state of the participant. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.participants.participated_on | Unknown | The date of participation. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.links | String | Links to information about the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.summary.type | String | The type of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.summary.raw | String | The description of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.summary.markup | String | The text styling type, such as markdown. |
Bitbucket.PullRequest.summary.html | String | The description of the pull request in HTML format. |
Command example!bitbucket-pull-request-list
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
List of the pull requests
Id Title Description SourceBranch DestinationBranch State CreatedBy CreatedAt UpdatedAt 8 pull_request test master OPEN Some User 2022-09-12T09:51:55.458494+00:00 2022-09-18T08:57:20.815479+00:00 6 uuuupdate updates description branch master OPEN Some User 2022-09-08T12:23:04.303626+00:00 2022-09-15T12:44:45.785951+00:00
bitbucket-issue-comment-createCreates a comment on an issue in Bitbucket.
Base Commandbitbucket-issue-comment-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
issue_id | The ID of the issue to comment on. To get the issue_id, use the !bitbucket-issue-list command. | Required |
content | The content of the comment. | Required |
partial_response | Return a partial response if true, else return the full API response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.type | String | The action type. | | Number | The ID of the comment on the issue. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.created_on | String | The creation date of the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.updated_on | Unknown | When the comment was updated. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.content.type | String | The type of the content. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.content.raw | String | The content of the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.content.markup | String | The text styling type, such as markdown. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.content.html | String | The content of the comment in HTML format. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.user.display_name | String | The display name of the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.user.links | String | Links with information about the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.user.type | String | The type of the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.user.uuid | String | The unique ID of the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.user.account_id | String | The account ID of the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.user.nickname | String | The nickname of the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.type | String | The type of the issue. | | Number | The ID of the issue. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.repository.type | String | The type of the repository connected to the relevant issue. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.repository.full_name | String | The full name of the repository connected to the relevant issue. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.repository.links | String | Links to information about the relevant repository. | | String | The name of the relevant repository. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.repository.uuid | String | The unique ID of the relevant repository. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.links | String | Links with information about the issue. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.title | String | The title of the issue. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.links | String | Links to information about the comment. |
Command example!bitbucket-issue-comment-create content="some comment" issue_id=1
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputThe comment was created successfully
bitbucket-issue-comment-deleteDeletes a comment on an issue in Bitbucket.
Base Commandbitbucket-issue-comment-delete
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
issue_id | The ID of the issue to comment on. To get the issue_id, use the !bitbucket-issue-list command. | Required |
comment_id | The ID of the comment to delete. To get the comment_id, use the !bitbucket-issue-comment-list command. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Human Readable OutputThe comment was deleted successfully
bitbucket-issue-comment-listReturns a list of comments on a specific issue. If a comment_id is given it will return information only about the specific comment.
Base Commandbitbucket-issue-comment-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
issue_id | The ID of the issue to comment on. To get the issue_id, use the bitbucket-issue-list command. | Required |
comment_id | The ID of the comment to delete. To get the comment_id, use the !bitbucket-issue-comment-list command without any parameters. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of items in the list. The default value is 50. | Optional |
page | The specific result page to display. | Optional |
partial_response | Return a partial response if true, else return the full API response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.type | String | The action type. | | Number | The ID of comment on the issue. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.created_on | String | The creation date of the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.updated_on | Unknown | When the comment was updated. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.content.type | String | The type of the content. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.content.raw | String | The content of the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.content.markup | String | The text styling type, such as markdown. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.content.html | String | The content of the comment in HTML format. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.user.display_name | String | The display name of the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.user.links | String | Links with information about the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.user.type | String | The type of the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.user.uuid | String | The unique ID of the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.user.account_id | String | The account ID of the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.user.nickname | String | The nickname of the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.type | String | The type of the issue. | | Number | The ID of the issue. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.repository.type | String | The type of the repository connected to the relevant issue. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.repository.full_name | String | The full name of the repository connected to the relevant issue. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.repository.links | String | Links to information about the relevant repository. | | String | The name of the relevant repository. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.repository.uuid | String | The unique ID of the relevant repository. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.links | String | Links with information about the issue. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.title | String | The title of the issue. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.links | String | Links to information about the comment. |
Command example!bitbucket-issue-comment-list issue_id=1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
List of the comments on issue "1"
Id Content CreatedBy CreatedAt UpdatedAt IssueId IssueTitle 11111111 new bug Some User 2022-09-06T14:23:03.776275+00:00 1 new issue 11111111 just a comment Some User 2022-09-11T10:54:14.356238+00:00 1 new issue
bitbucket-issue-comment-updateUpdates a specific comment on a given issue.
Base Commandbitbucket-issue-comment-update
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
issue_id | The ID of the issue to comment on. To get the issue_id, use the !bitbucket-issue-list command. | Required |
comment_id | The ID of the comment to delete. To get the issue_id, use the !bitbucket-issue-comment-list command. | Required |
content | The new content of the comment. | Required |
partial_response | Return a partial response if true, else return the full API response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.type | String | The action type. | | Number | The ID of the comment on the issue. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.created_on | String | The creation date of the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.updated_on | Unknown | When the comment was updated. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.content.type | String | The type of the content. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.content.raw | String | The content of the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.content.markup | String | The text styling type, such as markdown. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.content.html | String | The content of the comment in HTML format. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.user.display_name | String | The display name of the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.user.links | String | Links with information about the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.user.type | String | The type of the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.user.uuid | String | The unique ID of the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.user.account_id | String | The account ID of the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.user.nickname | String | The nickname of the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.type | String | The type of the issue. | | Number | The ID of the issue. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.repository.type | String | The type of the repository connected to the relevant issue. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.repository.full_name | String | The full name of the repository connected to the relevant issue. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.repository.links | String | Links to information about the relevant repository. | | String | The name of the relevant repository. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.repository.uuid | String | The unique ID of the relevant repository. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.links | String | Links with information about the issue. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.issue.title | String | The title of the issue. |
Bitbucket.IssueComment.links | String | Links to information about the comment. |
Command example!bitbucket-issue-comment-update issue_id=1 comment_id=11111111 content="updating content info"
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputThe comment "11111111" on issue "1" was updated successfully
bitbucket-pull-request-comment-createCreates a new comment on a pull request.
Base Commandbitbucket-pull-request-comment-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
pull_request_id | The ID of the pull request to comment on. To get the pull request ID, use the !bitbucket-pull-request-list command. | Required |
content | The content of the comment. | Required |
partial_response | Return a partial response if true, else return the full API response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Number | The ID of the comment in the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.created_on | String | The creation date of the pull request comment. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.updated_on | String | The update date of the pull request comment. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.content.type | String | The type of the content, such as rendered. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.content.raw | String | The actual content of the comment. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.content.markup | String | The text styling type, such as markdown. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.content.html | String | The content of the comment in HTML format. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.user.display_name | String | The display name of the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.user.links | String | Links to information about the user |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.user.type | String | The type of the user. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.user.uuid | String | The unique ID of the user. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.user.account_id | String | The account ID of the user. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.user.nickname | String | The nickname of the user. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.deleted | Boolean | Whether the comment was deleted. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.type | String | The type of the action. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.links | String | Links to information about the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.pullrequest.type | String | The type of the pull request. | | Number | The ID of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.pullrequest.title | String | The title of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.pullrequest.links | String | Links to information about the pull request. |
Command example!bitbucket-pull-request-comment-create content="new comment on a pull request" pull_request_id=1
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputThe comment was created successfully
bitbucket-pull-request-comment-listReturns a list of comments of a specific pull request.
Base Commandbitbucket-pull-request-comment-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
pull_request_id | The ID of the pull request. To get the pull_request_id, use the !bitbucket-pull-request-list command. | Required |
comment_id | The ID of the comment. To get the comment_id, use the !bitbucket-pull-request-comment-list command. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of items in the list. The default value is 50. | Optional |
page | The specific result page to display. | Optional |
partial_response | Return a partial response if true, else return the full API response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Number | The ID of the comment in the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.created_on | String | The creation date of the pull request comment. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.updated_on | String | The update date of the pull request comment. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.content.type | String | The type of the content, such as rendered. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.content.raw | String | The actual content of the comment. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.content.markup | String | The text styling type, such as markdown. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.content.html | String | The content of the comment in HTML format. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.user.display_name | String | The display name of the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.user.links | String | Links to information about the user. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.user.type | String | The type of the user. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.user.uuid | String | The unique ID of the user. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.user.account_id | String | The account ID of the user. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.user.nickname | String | The nickname of the user. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.deleted | Boolean | Whether the comment was deleted. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.type | String | The type of the action. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.links | String | Links to information about the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.pullrequest.type | String | The type of the pull request. | | Number | The ID of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.pullrequest.title | String | The title of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.pullrequest.links | String | Links to information about the pull request. |
Command example!bitbucket-pull-request-comment-list pull_request_id=1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
List of the comments on pull request "1"
Id Content CreatedBy CreatedAt UpdatedAt 11111111 new comment on a pull request Some User 2022-09-18T08:57:13.848266+00:00 2022-09-18T08:57:13.848309+00:00
bitbucket-pull-request-comment-updateUpdates a specific comment in a specific pull request.
Base Commandbitbucket-pull-request-comment-update
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
pull_request_id | The ID of the pull request. To get the pull request_id use, the !bitbucket-pull-request-list command. | Required |
comment_id | The ID of the comment. To get the comment_id, use the !bitbucket-pull-request-comment-list command. | Required |
content | The ID of the comment. | Required |
partial_response | Return a partial response if true, else return the full API response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Number | The ID of the comment in the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.created_on | String | The creation date of the pull request comment. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.updated_on | String | The update date of the pull request comment. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.content.type | String | The type of the content, such as rendered. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.content.raw | String | The actual content of the comment. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.content.markup | String | The text styling type, such as markdown. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.content.html | String | The content of the comment in HTML format. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.user.display_name | String | The display name of the user who created the comment. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.user.links | String | Links to information about the user. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.user.type | String | The type of the user. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.user.uuid | String | The unique ID of the user. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.user.account_id | String | The account ID of the user. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.user.nickname | String | The nickname of the user. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.deleted | Boolean | Whether the comment was deleted. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.type | String | The type of the action. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.links | String | Links to information about the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.pullrequest.type | String | The type of the pull request. | | Number | The ID of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.pullrequest.title | String | The title of the pull request. |
Bitbucket.PullRequestComment.pullrequest.links | String | Links to information about the pull request. |
Command example!bitbucket-pull-request-comment-update comment_id=111111111 content="hi you" pull_request_id=1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
The comment was updated successfully
bitbucket-pull-request-comment-deleteDeletes a specific comment in a specific pull request.
Base Commandbitbucket-pull-request-comment-delete
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repo | The repository name or slug. | Optional |
pull_request_id | The ID of the pull request. To get the pull_request_id, use the !bitbucket-pull-request-list command. | Required |
comment_id | The ID of the comment. To get the comment_id, use the !bitbucket-pull-request-comment-list command. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!bitbucket-pull-request-comment-delete comment_id=331372169 pull_request_id=1
Human Readable OutputThe comment was deleted successfully.
bitbucket-workspace-member-listReturns a list of all the members in the workspace.
Base Commandbitbucket-workspace-member-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
limit | The maximum number of items in the list. The default value is 50. | Optional |
page | The specific result page to display. | Optional |
partial_response | Return a partial response if true, else return the full API response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Bitbucket.WorkspaceMember.type | String | The action type. |
Bitbucket.WorkspaceMember.user.display_name | String | The display name of the user. |
Bitbucket.WorkspaceMember.user.links | String | Links with information about the user. |
Bitbucket.WorkspaceMember.user.type | String | The type of the user. |
Bitbucket.WorkspaceMember.user.uuid | String | The unique ID of the user. |
Bitbucket.WorkspaceMember.user.account_id | String | The account ID of the user. |
Bitbucket.WorkspaceMember.user.nickname | String | The nickname of the user. |
Bitbucket.WorkspaceMember.workspace.type | String | The type of the workspace. |
Bitbucket.WorkspaceMember.workspace.uuid | String | The unique ID of the workspace. | | String | The name of the workspace. |
Bitbucket.WorkspaceMember.workspace.slug | String | The slug of the workspace. |
Bitbucket.WorkspaceMember.workspace.links | String | Links to information about the workspace. |
Command example!bitbucket-workspace-member-list
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
The list of all the workspace members
Name AccountId Some User 111111111111111111111111 Another User 222222222222222222222222