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This Integration is part of the Bonusly Pack.#

Overview# is an employee recognition platform which enterprises use to for employee recognition. We're building tools to help people feel a sense of purpose and progress at work. The platform which also has an API enables employees to recognize each other by providing a point based bonus system. helps your employees feel connected, engaged, and aligned is mission critical right now. Bonusly makes employee recognition easy and fun, fostering community and creating company-wide alignment. It also provides employees with positive feedback in the work that they are doing.

Use Cases

-Automate a when an employee completes an incident within the SLA time period. -Allow for command line recognitions -Commands for bonuses like create, retrieve, update, delete

Configure Bonusly in Cortex#

urlServer URL (e.g. )True
api_keyAPI KeyTrue
incidentTypeIncident typeFalse
insecureTrust any certificate (not secure)False
proxyUse system proxy settingsFalse
application_nameEnter the name of the specific bonusly application if required.False
limitLimit the number of bonuses to fetch (Default 20)False
user_emailFilter to receive only bonuses that match either a giver or receiver with this email. (
hashtagFilter based on a hashtag like %23teamworkFalse
fetch_timeStart fetching from X days ago (defaults to 1 day)False
isFetchFetch incidentsFalse


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Get a list of bonuses based on a filter

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitNumber of bonuses to retrieve (min: 1, max: 100) Default: 20.Optional
start-timeExample: 2015-10-28T21:26:50ZOptional
end-timeExample: 2015-10-28T21:26:50ZOptional
giver-emailFilter by email address of the person giving the bonuslyOptional
receiver-emailFilter by email address of the person receiving the bonuslyOptional
user-emailFilter to retrieve bonuses that have either giver or reciever with this emailOptional
hashtagFilter to get a list of bonusers by a hashtag Example: %23teamworkOptional
include-childrenIncludes any children responses to the bonuslyOptional
show-private-bonusesIf Admin API key you can list private bonusesOptional

Context Output#

Bonusly.Bonus.idStringID of the bonusly bonus and can be used to gather further information on the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.created_atDateDate created IE: 2015-10-28T21:26:50Z
Bonusly.Bonus.reasonStringDescription of bonus given like For signing up for the world's favorite employee recognition solution! #problem-solving
Bonusly.Bonus.reason_htmlStringHTML representation of the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.amountNumberNumber amount of the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.amount_with_currencyStringAmount with the points of the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.valueStringA hash tag like #problem-solving
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.idStringID of the person giving the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.short_nameStringPersons short name who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.display_nameStringDisplay name for who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.usernameStringUsername for who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.emailStringEmail of the person who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.pathStringURL path for who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.full_pic_urlStringFull picture URL for who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.profile_pic_urlStringProfile Picture of the person who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.first_nameStringFirst name for the giver of the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.last_nameStringLast name for the giver of the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.last_active_atUnknownLast time giver was active when available
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.external_unique_idStringUnique ID for the giver externally
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.budget_boostNumberWhether there is a boost given for the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.user_modeStringMode of the giver user
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.countryStringCountry of where the giver resides
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.time_zoneStringTimezone for the giver America/Los_Angeles
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.custom_property_nameStringAny custom properties given
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.can_giveNumberWhether the giver can give
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.earning_balanceNumberBalance earning available
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.earning_balance_with_currencyStringEarning balance with currency
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.lifetime_earningsNumberLifetime earnings of giver overall
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.lifetime_earnings_with_currencyStringLifetime earnings of giver with currency
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.can_receiveNumberWether giver can receive or not
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.giving_balanceNumberNumber of balance available to give
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.giving_balance_with_currencyStringCurrency or points of giver balance
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.statusStringStatus like archived
Bonusly.Bonus.child_countNumberCound of the child add on bonuses
Bonusly.Bonus.viaStringWhere the bonus came from like web etc
Bonusly.Bonus.family_amountNumberAmount family has

Command Example#

!bonusly-list-bonuses limit="20"

Context Example#

"Bonusly": {
"Bonus": [
"id": "24abcdef1234567890abcdef",
"created_at": "2015-10-28T21:26:50Z",
"reason": "For signing up for the world's favorite employee recognition solution! #problem-solving",
"reason_html": "For signing up for the world&#39;s favorite employee-recognition solution! <a class=\"hashtag\" href=\"\">#problem-solving</a>",
"amount": 50,
"amount_with_currency": "50 points",
"value": "#problem-solving",
"giver": {
"id": "24abcdef1234567890abcdef",
"short_name": "Bill",
"display_name": "Bill",
"username": "blumbergh",
"email": "",
"path": "/company/users/56313d971ba23978780000c6",
"full_pic_url": "",
"profile_pic_url": "",
"first_name": "Bill",
"last_name": "Lumbergh",
"last_active_at": null,
"external_unique_id": "foo",
"budget_boost": 0,
"user_mode": "normal",
"country": "US",
"time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"*custom_property_name*": "*custom_property_value*",
"can_give": true,
"earning_balance": 80,
"earning_balance_with_currency": "80 points",
"lifetime_earnings": 80,
"lifetime_earnings_with_currency": "80 points",
"can_receive": true,
"giving_balance": 42,
"giving_balance_with_currency": "42 points",
"status": "archived"
"receiver": null,
"child_count": 42,
"child_bonuses": [
"via": "web",
"family_amount": 42

Human Readable Output#

Latest Updates From



Creates a bonusly bonus

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
giver-emailThe email address of the person giving the bonus like myemail@email.comRequired
+10 @george and @john for #execution with that customer #collaboration with the team, and #integrity on the known vulnerabilities to the application.

+10 @francesco because he is fast and detailed
parent-bonus-idAllows you to associate to a parent bonus based on what you have created before. Example: 24abcdef1234567890abcdefOptional

Context Output#

Bonusly.Bonus.idStringID of the bonusly bonus and can be used to gather further information on the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.created_atDateDate created IE: 2015-10-28T21:26:50Z
Bonusly.Bonus.reasonStringDescription of bonus given like For signing up for the world's favorite employee recognition solution! #problem-solving
Bonusly.Bonus.reason_htmlStringHTML representation of the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.amountNumberNumber amount of the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.amount_with_currencyStringAmount with the points of the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.valueStringA hash tag like #problem-solving
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.idStringID of the person giving the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.short_nameStringPersons short name who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.display_nameStringDisplay name for who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.usernameStringUsername for who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.emailStringEmail of the person who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.pathStringURL path for who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.full_pic_urlStringFull picture URL for who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.profile_pic_urlStringProfile Picture of the person who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.first_nameStringFirst name for the giver of the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.last_nameStringLast name for the giver of the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.last_active_atUnknownLast time giver was active when available
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.external_unique_idStringUnique ID for the giver externally
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.budget_boostNumberWhether there is a boost given for the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.user_modeStringMode of the giver user
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.countryStringCountry of where the giver resides
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.time_zoneStringTimezone for the giver America/Los_Angeles
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.custom_property_nameStringAny custom properties given
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.can_giveNumberWhether the giver can give
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.earning_balanceNumberBalance earning available
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.earning_balance_with_currencyStringEarning balance with currency
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.lifetime_earningsNumberLifetime earnings of giver overall
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.lifetime_earnings_with_currencyStringLifetime earnings of giver with currency
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.can_receiveNumberWether giver can receive or not
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.giving_balanceNumberNumber of balance available to give
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.giving_balance_with_currencyStringCurrency or points of giver balance
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.statusStringStatus like archived
Bonusly.Bonus.child_countNumberCound of the child add on bonuses
Bonusly.Bonus.viaStringWhere the bonus came from like web etc
Bonusly.Bonus.family_amountNumberAmount family has

Command Example#

bonusly-get-bonus id="5ec263bb0e519c009a1ec0db"

Human Readable Output#


Get a bonusly based on an ID

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idId of bonus that you want to fetchRequired

Context Output#

Bonusly.Bonus.idStringID of the bonusly bonus and can be used to gather further information on the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.created_atDateDate created IE: 2015-10-28T21:26:50Z
Bonusly.Bonus.reasonStringDescription of bonus given like For signing up for the world's favorite employee recognition solution! #problem-solving
Bonusly.Bonus.reason_htmlStringHTML representation of the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.amountNumberNumber amount of the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.amount_with_currencyStringAmount with the points of the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.valueStringA hash tag like #problem-solving
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.idStringID of the person giving the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.short_nameStringPersons short name who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.display_nameStringDisplay name for who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.usernameStringUsername for who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.emailStringEmail of the person who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.pathStringURL path for who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.full_pic_urlStringFull picture URL for who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.profile_pic_urlStringProfile Picture of the person who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.first_nameStringFirst name for the giver of the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.last_nameStringLast name for the giver of the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.last_active_atUnknownLast time giver was active when available
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.external_unique_idStringUnique ID for the giver externally
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.budget_boostNumberWhether there is a boost given for the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.user_modeStringMode of the giver user
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.countryStringCountry of where the giver resides
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.time_zoneStringTimezone for the giver America/Los_Angeles
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.custom_property_nameStringAny custom properties given
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.can_giveNumberWhether the giver can give
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.earning_balanceNumberBalance earning available
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.earning_balance_with_currencyStringEarning balance with currency
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.lifetime_earningsNumberLifetime earnings of giver overall
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.lifetime_earnings_with_currencyStringLifetime earnings of giver with currency
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.can_receiveNumberWether giver can receive or not
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.giving_balanceNumberNumber of balance available to give
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.giving_balance_with_currencyStringCurrency or points of giver balance
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.statusStringStatus like archived
Bonusly.Bonus.child_countNumberCound of the child add on bonuses
Bonusly.Bonus.viaStringWhere the bonus came from like web etc
Bonusly.Bonus.family_amountNumberAmount family has

Command Example#

!bonusly-get-bonus id="24abcdef1234567890abcdef"

Context Example#

"Bonusly": {
"Bonus": {
"id": "24abcdef1234567890abcdef",
"created_at": "2015-10-28T21:26:50Z",
"reason": "For signing up for the world's favorite employee recognition solution! #problem-solving",
"reason_html": "For signing up for the world&#39;s favorite employee recognition solution! <a class=\"hashtag\" href=\"\">#problem-solving</a>",
"amount": 50,
"amount_with_currency": "50 points",
"value": "#problem-solving",
"giver": {
"id": "24abcdef1234567890abcdef",
"short_name": "Bill",
"display_name": "Bill",
"username": "blumbergh",
"email": "",
"path": "/company/users/56313d971ba23978780000c6",
"full_pic_url": "",
"profile_pic_url": "",
"first_name": "Bill",
"last_name": "Lumbergh",
"last_active_at": null,
"external_unique_id": "foo",
"budget_boost": 0,
"user_mode": "normal",
"country": "US",
"time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"*custom_property_name*": "*custom_property_value*",
"can_give": true,
"earning_balance": 80,
"earning_balance_with_currency": "80 points",
"lifetime_earnings": 80,
"lifetime_earnings_with_currency": "80 points",
"can_receive": true,
"giving_balance": 42,
"giving_balance_with_currency": "42 points",
"status": "archived"
"receiver": null,
"child_count": 42,
"child_bonuses": [
"via": "web",
"family_amount": 42

Human Readable Output#

Latest Updates From



Update a bonus to bonusly

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idId to updateRequired
reasonExample +10 @francesco @bumblebee for #integrity #collaboration #executionRequired

Context Output#

Bonusly.Bonus.idStringID of the bonusly bonus and can be used to gather further information on the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.created_atDateDate created IE: 2015-10-28T21:26:50Z
Bonusly.Bonus.reasonStringDescription of bonus given like For signing up for the world's favorite employee recognition solution! #problem-solving
Bonusly.Bonus.reason_htmlStringHTML representation of the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.amountNumberNumber amount of the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.amount_with_currencyStringAmount with the points of the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.valueStringA hash tag like #problem-solving
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.idStringID of the person giving the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.short_nameStringPersons short name who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.display_nameStringDisplay name for who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.usernameStringUsername for who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.emailStringEmail of the person who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.pathStringURL path for who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.full_pic_urlStringFull picture URL for who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.profile_pic_urlStringProfile Picture of the person who gave the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.first_nameStringFirst name for the giver of the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.last_nameStringLast name for the giver of the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.last_active_atUnknownLast time giver was active when available
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.external_unique_idStringUnique ID for the giver externally
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.budget_boostNumberWhether there is a boost given for the bonus
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.user_modeStringMode of the giver user
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.countryStringCountry of where the giver resides
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.time_zoneStringTimezone for the giver America/Los_Angeles
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.custom_property_nameStringAny custom properties given
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.can_giveNumberWhether the giver can give
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.earning_balanceNumberBalance earning available
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.earning_balance_with_currencyStringEarning balance with currency
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.lifetime_earningsNumberLifetime earnings of giver overall
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.lifetime_earnings_with_currencyStringLifetime earnings of giver with currency
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.can_receiveNumberWether giver can receive or not
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.giving_balanceNumberNumber of balance available to give
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.giving_balance_with_currencyStringCurrency or points of giver balance
Bonusly.Bonus.giver.statusStringStatus like archived
Bonusly.Bonus.child_countNumberCound of the child add on bonuses
Bonusly.Bonus.viaStringWhere the bonus came from like web etc
Bonusly.Bonus.family_amountNumberAmount family has

Command Example#

!bonusly-update-bonus id="5ec279591160850099b1ae3c" reason="Removing old archive"

Human Readable Output#


Context Example#

"Bonusly": {
"Bonus": {
"id": "24abcdef1234567890abcdef",
"created_at": "2015-10-28T21:26:50Z",
"reason": "For signing up for the world's favorite employee recognition solution! #problem-solving",
"reason_html": "For signing up for the world&#39;s favorite employee recognition solution! <a class=\"hashtag\" href=\"\">#problem-solving</a>",
"amount": 50,
"amount_with_currency": "50 points",
"value": "#problem-solving",
"giver": {
"id": "24abcdef1234567890abcdef",
"short_name": "Bill",
"display_name": "Bill",
"username": "blumbergh",
"email": "",
"path": "/company/users/56313d971ba23978780000c6",
"full_pic_url": "",
"profile_pic_url": "",
"first_name": "Bill",
"last_name": "Lumbergh",
"last_active_at": null,
"external_unique_id": "foo",
"budget_boost": 0,
"user_mode": "normal",
"country": "US",
"time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"*custom_property_name*": "*custom_property_value*",
"can_give": true,
"earning_balance": 80,
"earning_balance_with_currency": "80 points",
"lifetime_earnings": 80,
"lifetime_earnings_with_currency": "80 points",
"can_receive": true,
"giving_balance": 42,
"giving_balance_with_currency": "42 points",
"status": "archived"
"receiver": null,
"child_count": 42,
"child_bonuses": [
"via": "web",
"family_amount": 42


Delete a bonus based on an ID like 24abcdef1234567890abcdef

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idDelete a bonus based on an ID like 24abcdef1234567890abcdefRequired

Context Output#

Bonusly.Bonus.messageUnknownMessage of result if deleted successfully

Command Example#

!bonusly-delete-bonus id="5ec279591160850099b1ae3c"

Human Readable Output#

Latest Updates From No entries.

Context Example#

"Bonusly": {
"Bonus": {
"message": "No entries"


Bonusly# is an employee recognition platform which enterprises use to for employee recognition. We're building tools to help people feel a sense of purpose and progress at work. The platform which also has an API enables employees to recognize each other by providing a point based bonus system. helps your employees feel connected, engaged, and aligned is mission critical right now. Bonusly makes employee recognition easy and fun, fostering community and creating company-wide alignment. It also provides employees with positive feedback in the work that they are doing.