Centrify Vault
Centrify Vault Pack.#
This Integration is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.
Leverage the Centrify Vault integration to create and manage Secrets.
Configure Centrify Vault in CortexParameter | Description | Required |
tenantUrl | Centrify Tenant URL (e.g. https://vault.example.local\) | True |
clientId | Client ID of the Centrify Vault OAuth App | True |
clientSecret | Client Secret of the Centrify Vault OAuth App | True |
appId | ID of the Centrify OAuth App | True |
scope | Scope of the Centrify OAuth App | False |
insecure | Trust any certificate (not secure) | False |
proxy | Use system proxy settings | False |
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
centrify-retrieve-secretsRetrieves the secret from centrify vault based on folder name, set name or secret name. If folder name is not provided, all the secrets in the parent folder will be fetched recursively. You can filter based on the secret name and folder separately as well as combined.
Base Commandcentrify-retrieve-secrets
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
holderType | Type of holder where the secret is located. Values can be Folder or Set. Please make sure to provide value in the "holderName" argument. Possible values are: Folder, Set. | Optional |
holderName | Name of the holder (Folder/Set) where the secret is available. Please choose "Folder" or "Set" in the "holderType" argument. Ex: XSOAR, XSOAR/SUB_FOLDER. | Optional |
secretName | Secret name which has the secret. Ex: client*, client_secret. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Centrify.Secrets.FolderName | string | Folder name of the secret |
Centrify.Secrets.SecretName | string | Secret name of the secret |
Centrify.Secrets.SecretText | string | Secret text of the secret |
Centrify.Secrets.SecretType | string | Type of the secret |
Centrify.Secrets.SecretDescription | string | Description of the secret |
Centrify.Secrets.SecretID | string | ID of the Secret retrieved |
centrify-retrieve-secret-by-secretidRetrieves the secret from centrify vault based on secret ID.
Base Commandcentrify-retrieve-secret-by-secretid
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
secretId | ID of the secret. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Centrify.Secrets.FolderName | string | Folder name of the secret |
Centrify.Secrets.SecretName | string | Secret name of the secret |
Centrify.Secrets.SecretText | string | Secret text of the secret |
Centrify.Secrets.SecretType | string | Type of the secret |
Centrify.Secrets.SecretDescription | string | Description of the secret |
Centrify.Secrets.SecretID | string | ID of the Secret retrieved |
centrify-create-secretfolderCreates a folder in Centrify Vault
Base Commandcentrify-create-secretfolder
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
folderName | Name of the folder to be created. This will be subfolder if "parentFolderName" is provided. | Required |
parentFolderName | Name of the parent folder. Please note this is case sensitive. . | Optional |
folderDescription | Description of the folder to be created. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Centrify.Folder.FolderName | string | Name of the folder created |
Centrify.Folder.FolderID | string | ID of the folder created |
Centrify.Folder.ParentFolderName | string | Name of the parent folder |
Centrify.Folder.FolderDescription | string | Description of the folder created |
centrify-create-secretCreates a secret in Centrify Vault.
Base Commandcentrify-create-secret
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
holderType | Type of holder where the secret will be created. Values can be Folder or Set. Please make sure to provide value in the "holderName" argument. Possible values are: Folder, Set. | Required |
holderName | Name of the holder (Folder/Set) where the secret needs to be created. Please choose "Folder" or "Set" in the "holderType" argument. Ex: XSOAR, XSOAR/SUB_FOLDER . | Required |
secretName | Name of the secret to be created. | Required |
secretText | Text of the secret. | Required |
secretType | Type of the secret. Possible values are: Text. | Required |
secretDescription | Description of the secret. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Centrify.Secrets.holderType | string | Type of the location where secret is created. It can be folder or set. |
Centrify.Secrets.SecretName | string | Name of the secret created |
Centrify.Secrets.SecretID | string | ID of the secret created |
Centrify.Secrets.SecretType | string | Type of the secret created |
Centrify.Secrets.FolderName | string | Name of the folder where the secret is created |
Centrify.Secrets.FolderID | string | ID of the folder where the secret is created |
Centrify.Secrets.SetName | string | Name of the set where the secret is created |
Centrify.Secrets.SetID | string | ID of the set where the secret is created |
Centrify.Secrets.SecretDescription | string | Description of the created secret |
centrify-create-setCreates a set in Centrify Vault
Base Commandcentrify-create-set
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
setName | Name of the Set to be created. | Required |
setDescription | Description of the Set to be created. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Centrify.Set.SetName | string | Name of the set created |
Centrify.Set.SetID | string | ID of the set created |
Centrify.Set.SetDescription | string | Description of the set created |
centrify-retrieve-foldersFetch details of all folders in Centrify Vault
Base Commandcentrify-retrieve-folders
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Centrify.Folder.FolderName | string | Name of the folder |
Centrify.Folder.FolderID | string | ID of the folder |
Centrify.Folder.ParentFolder | string | Name of the parent folder |
Centrify.Folder.FolderDescription | string | Description of the folder |
Centrify.Folder.FolderDirectory | string | Complete directory of the folder |
centrify-delete-folderDelete a folder from the Centrify Vault
Base Commandcentrify-delete-folder
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
folderName | Name of the folder to be deleted. Please provide parent foldername in the argument "parentFolderName" if you are deleting a subfolder. | Required |
parentFolderName | Name of the parent folder. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
centrify-delete-secretDelete Secret from the Centrify Vault. Please note: Enabling "recursiveDelete" to "Yes" will delete all secrets if there multiple secrets with same name in subfolders.
Base Commandcentrify-delete-secret
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
secretName | Name of the secret to be deleted. | Required |
folderName | Name of the folder from where the secret should be deleted. If the secret is in subfolder, then provide parent folder followed by "/" and subfolder name. Ex: XSOAR/Demisto. | Optional |
recursiveDelete | "Yes" if you want to delete all the secrets having same name in all the subfolders recursively. "No" if you want do not want to delete the secret in the subfolders. Possible values are: Yes, No. | Required |
matchPartOfSecret | "Yes" if you want to delete the secret having the provided secretname as a part of the Secret. "No" if you want to delete the secret with the exact name match. Ex: XSOAR* will delete all secrets like XSOAR_1, XSOAR_pwd, XSOAR. . Possible values are: Yes, No. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
centrify-delete-secret-by-secretidDelete Secret from the Centrify Vault based on the Secret ID provided
Base Commandcentrify-delete-secret-by-secretid
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
secretId | ID of the Secret to be deleted. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
centrify-add-secret-to-setAdds/Moves a secret to a set for the provided secretID. Use "centrify-retrieve-secrets" to fetch secret ID's.
Base Commandcentrify-add-secret-to-set
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
setName | Name of the set where the secret will be added/moved. | Required |
secretId | ID of the secret which needs to be moved to the set. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
centrify-retrieve-setsFetches the details of all sets in the Centrify Vault
Base Commandcentrify-retrieve-sets
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Centrify.Set.SetName | string | Name of the set |
Centrify.Set.SetID | string | ID of the set |
Centrify.Set.SetDescription | string | Description of the set |
centrify-delete-setDelete set from the Centrify Vault
Base Commandcentrify-delete-set
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
setName | Name of the set to be deleted. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.