Check Point Harmony Email and Collaboration (HEC)
Check Point Harmony Email and Collaboration (HEC) Pack.#
This Integration is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.9.0 and later.
The Best Way to Protect Enterprise Email & Collaboration from phishing, malware, account takeover, data loss, etc. This integration was integrated and tested with version 1.1.4 of CheckPointHEC
Configure Check Point Harmony Email and Collaboration (HEC) on Cortex XSOARNavigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.
Search for Check Point Harmony Email and Collaboration (HEC).
Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.
Parameter Description Required Smart API URL or Check Point Infinity API URL The URL of the Smart API or Check Point Infinity API. True Fetch incidents Enable fetching incidents from the selected SaaS application. False Incident type Fetch incidents of the selected types. False Client ID The client ID of the Smart API or Check Point Infinity API. True Client Secret The client secret of the Smart API or Check Point Infinity API. True First fetch time The time range for the first fetch. The default is 1 hour. False SaaS Application Get incidents from the selected SaaS False State Get incidents with only the selected states False Severity Get incidents with only the selected severities False Threat Type Get incidents with only the selected types False Maximum number of incidents per fetch The maximum number of incidents to fetch per fetch. The default is 10. False Collect restore requests Collect restore requests as incidents. False Trust any certificate (not secure) Trust server certificate. False Use system proxy settings Use system proxy settings. False Incidents Fetch Interval The interval in minutes to fetch incidents. The default is 1 minute. False Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
checkpointhec-get-entityRetrieve specific entity.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-entity
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
entity | Entity id to retrieve. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.internetMessageId | String | Email message id in internet. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.received | String | Datetime email was received in iso 8601 format. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.size | String | Email size. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.emailLinks | unknown | Links in email. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.attachmentCount | Number | Number of attachments in email. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.attachments | unknown | File attachments in email. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.mode | String | Internal policy rule. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.recipients | unknown | Recipient email addresses. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.subject | String | Email subject. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.fromEmail | String | Email sender. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.fromDomain | String | Domain where the email was sent from. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.fromUser | unknown | Sender user details. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.fromName | String | Sender name. | | unknown | Email main recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.toUser | unknown | User details for main recipients. | | unknown | Email carbon copy recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.ccUser | unknown | User details for carbon copy recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.bcc | unknown | Email blind carbon copy recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.bccUser | unknown | User details for blind carbon copy recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.replyToEmail | String | Email reply. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.replyToNickname | String | Email reply nickname. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isRead | Boolean | Email has been read. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isDeleted | Boolean | Email has been deleted. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isIncoming | Boolean | Email is from external organization. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isInternal | Boolean | Email is from same organization. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isOutgoing | Boolean | Email is to an external organization. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isQuarantined | Boolean | Email has been quarantined. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isQuarantineNotification | Boolean | Email is a notification of another quarantined email. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isRestored | Boolean | Email is restored from quarantine. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isRestoreRequested | Boolean | Email is a request to restore. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isRestoreDeclined | Boolean | Email is a declined restore request. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.saasSpamVerdict | String | Spam verdict. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.SpfResult | String | Sender Policy Framework check result. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.restoreRequestTime | String | Restore request datetime in iso 8601 format. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isUserExposed | Boolean | Email reached user inbox. |
checkpointhec-get-email-infoRetrieve specific email entity
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-email-info
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
entity | Email entity id. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.Email.fromEmail | String | Email sender. | | unknown | Email main recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.replyToEmail | String | Email reply. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.replyToNickname | String | Email reply nickname. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.recipients | unknown | Recipient email addresses. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.subject | String | Email subject. | | unknown | Email carbon copy recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.bcc | unknown | Email blind carbon copy recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.isRead | Boolean | Email has been read. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.received | String | Datetime email was received in iso 8601 format. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.isDeleted | Boolean | Email has been deleted. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.isIncoming | Boolean | Email is from external organization. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.isOutgoing | Boolean | Email is to an external organization. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.internetMessageId | String | Email message id in internet. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.isUserExposed | Boolean | Email reached user inbox |
checkpointhec-get-scan-infoRetrieve specific email scan with positive threats
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-scan-info
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
entity | Scanned entity id. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.ScanResult.ap | unknown | Anti-phishing scan results |
CheckPointHEC.ScanResult.dlp | unknown | Data Loss Prevention scan results |
CheckPointHEC.ScanResult.clicktimeProtection | unknown | Click Time Protection scan results |
CheckPointHEC.ScanResult.shadowIt | unknown | Shadow IT scan results |
CheckPointHEC.ScanResult.av | unknown | Antivirus scan results |
checkpointhec-search-emailsSearch for emails.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-search-emails
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
date_last | Emails not older than (1 day, 2 weeks, etc.). The arguments date_last and date_from with date_to are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
date_from | Start date to get emails in ISO 8601 format. The arguments date_last and date_from with date_to are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
date_to | End date to get emails in ISO 8601 format. The arguments date_last and date_from with date_to are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
saas | SaaS application to retrieve emails from. Possible values are: Microsoft Exchange, Gmail. | Optional |
direction | Email precedence. Possible values are: Internal, Incoming, Outgoing. | Optional |
subject_contains | Emails with subject containing the given value. The arguments subject_contains and subject_match are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
subject_match | Emails with subject matching the given value. The arguments subject_contains and subject_match are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
sender_contains | Emails with sender email containing the given value. The arguments sender_contains and sender_match are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
sender_match | Emails with sender email matching the given value. The arguments sender_contains and sender_match are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
domain | Emails with sender domain matching the given value. | Optional |
cp_detection | Detection by Check Point. Possible values are: Phishing, Suspected Phishing, Malware, Suspected Malware, Spam, Clean, DLP, Malicious URL Click, Malicious URL. | Optional |
ms_detection | Detection by Microsoft. Possible values are: Malware, High Confidence Phishing, Phishing, High Confidence Spam, Spam, Bulk, Clean. | Optional |
detection_op | Detection operator. Possible values are: OR, AND. | Optional |
server_ip | Sender server ip. | Optional |
recipients_contains | Emails with recipients containing the given value. The arguments recipients_contains and recipients_match are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
recipients_match | Emails with recipients matching the given value. The arguments recipients_contains and recipients_match are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
links | Emails with links in body matching the given value. | Optional |
message_id | Get specific email by id. | Optional |
cp_quarantined_state | Quarantine authored by Check Point. Possible values are: Quarantined (Any source), Not Quarantined, Quarantined by Check Point, Quarantined by CP Analyst, Quarantined by Admin. | Optional |
ms_quarantined_state | Quarantine authored by Microsoft. Possible values are: Quarantined, Not Quarantined, Not Quarantined Delivered to Inbox, Not Quarantined Delivered to Junk. | Optional |
quarantined_state_op | Quarantine state operator. Possible values are: OR, AND. | Optional |
name_contains | Emails with sender name containing the given value. The arguments name_contains and name_match are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
name_match | Emails with sender name matching the given value. The arguments name_contains and name_match are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
client_ip | Sender client IP. | Optional |
attachment_md5 | Attachment MD5 checksum. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.internetMessageId | String | Email message id in internet. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.received | String | Datetime email was received in iso 8601 format. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.size | String | Email size. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.emailLinks | unknown | Links in email. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.attachmentCount | Number | Number of attachments in email. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.attachments | unknown | File attachments in email. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.mode | String | Internal policy rule. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.recipients | unknown | Recipient email addresses. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.subject | String | Email subject. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.fromEmail | String | Email sender. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.fromDomain | String | Domain where the email was sent from. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.fromUser | unknown | Sender user details. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.fromName | String | Sender name. | | unknown | Email main recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.toUser | unknown | User details for main recipients. | | unknown | Email carbon copy recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.ccUser | unknown | User details for carbon copy recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.bcc | unknown | Email blind carbon copy recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.bccUser | unknown | User details for blind carbon copy recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.replyToEmail | String | Email reply. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.replyToNickname | String | Email reply nickname. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isRead | Boolean | Email has been read. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isDeleted | Boolean | Email has been deleted. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isIncoming | Boolean | Email is from external organization. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isInternal | Boolean | Email is from same organization. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isOutgoing | Boolean | Email is to an external organization. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isQuarantined | Boolean | Email has been quarantined. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isQuarantineNotification | Boolean | Email is a notification of another quarantined email. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isRestored | Boolean | Email is restored from quarantine. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isRestoreRequested | Boolean | Email is a request to restore. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isRestoreDeclined | Boolean | Email is a declined restore request. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.saasSpamVerdict | String | Spam verdict. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.SpfResult | String | Sender Policy Framework check result. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.restoreRequestTime | String | Restore request datetime in iso 8601 format. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isUserExposed | Boolean | Email reached user inbox. |
checkpointhec-send-actionAction for one or more emails.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-send-action
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
entity | One or multiple Email ids to apply action over. | Required |
saas | SaaS application to apply action over. Possible values are: Microsoft Exchange, Gmail. | Required |
action | Action to perform. Possible values are: quarantine, restore, decline_restore_request. | Required |
restore_decline_reason | Reason to decline restore request. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.Task.task | String | Task id of the sent action. |
checkpointhec-get-action-resultGet task info related to a sent action
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-action-result
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
farm | Customer farm. | Required |
customer | Customer portal name. | Required |
task | Task id to retrieve. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.actions | unknown | Action information for each sent entity |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.created | String | Date when action was created in iso 8601 format |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.customer | String | Customer portal name |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.failed | Number | Number of failed actions | | Number | Action task id | | String | Action name |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.owner | String | Action owner |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.progress | Number | Number of actions in progress |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.sequential | Boolean | Actions are in sequence |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.status | String | Action status |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.succeed | Number | Number of succeed actions | | Number | Total of actions |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.type | String | Action internal name |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.updated | String | Date when action last updated in iso 8601 format |
checkpointhec-send-notificationSend notification about user exposition for the specific entity to the list of emails
Base Commandcheckpointhec-send-notification
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
entity | Email entity id. | Required |
emails | List of emails to send notification. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.Notification.ok | Boolean | Result of the operation. |
checkpointhec-get-eventsRetrieve security events.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-events
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
start_date | Start date in ISO 8601 format. | Required |
end_date | End date in ISO 8601 format, now by default. | Optional |
saas_apps | SaaS application to retrieve events from. Possible values are: Microsoft Exchange, Gmail. | Optional |
states | Event states to be retrieved. Possible values are: New, Remediated, Detected, Exception, Dismissed. | Optional |
severities | Severity levels to be retrieved. Possible values are: Critical, High, Medium, Low, Very Low. | Optional |
threat_types | Threat types to be retrieved. Possible values are: DLP, Malware, Phishing, Anomaly, Suspicious Phishing, Suspicious Malware, Shadow IT, Alert, Spam, Malicious URL, Malicious URL Click. | Optional |
limit | Number of events to be returned. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.Event.eventId | String | Security event id. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.customerId | String | Customer portal name. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.saas | String | SaaS internal name. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.entityId | String | Email entity id related to the security event. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.state | String | Security event state. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.type | String | Security event threat type. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.confidenceIndicator | String | Security event threat type. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.eventCreated | String | Security event creation date. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.severity | String | Security event severity 1 - 5. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.description | String | Security event description. | | String | Security event data information. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.additionalData | String | Security event additional data information if available. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.availableEventActions | unknown | Actions available for the security event. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.actions | unknown | Performed actions related to the security event. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.senderAddress | String | Sender of email related to the security event. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.entityLink | String | Email link. |
checkpointhec-get-ctp-listGet Click Time Protection list.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-ctp-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
list_id | List id to retrieve. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.CTPList.listid | String | List id. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPList.listname | String | List name. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPList.listitem | String | List of items in the list. |
checkpointhec-delete-avurl-exceptionsDelete Avanan URL exceptions.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-avurl-exceptions
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: allow-url, allow-domain, block-url, block-domain. | Required |
exc_str_list | List of exception strings to delete. | Required |
entity_type | Entity type. | Optional |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-delete-avdlp-exceptionDelete Avanan URL exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-avdlp-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: hash, text_content, sender_email, recipient_email. | Required |
exc_str | Exception string. | Required |
entity_type | Entity type. | Optional |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-get-anomaly-exceptionsGet Anomaly exceptions.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-anomaly-exceptions
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | String | Anomaly exception id. |
CheckPointHEC.AnomalyException.anomaly_type | String | Anomaly type. |
CheckPointHEC.AnomalyException.insert_time | String | Anomaly exception creation time. |
CheckPointHEC.AnomalyException.update_time | String | Anomaly exception update time. |
CheckPointHEC.AnomalyException.added_by | String | Anomaly exception creator. |
CheckPointHEC.AnomalyException.event_id | String | Security event id. |
CheckPointHEC.AnomalyException.customer_domain | String | Customer domain. |
CheckPointHEC.AnomalyException.comments | String | Anomaly exception comment. |
CheckPointHEC.AnomalyException.enabled | Boolean | Anomaly exception enabled. |
CheckPointHEC.AnomalyException.exception_rule | String | Anomaly exception rule. |
CheckPointHEC.AnomalyException.expiration_date | String | Anomaly exception expiration date. |
checkpointhec-update-cp2-exceptionUpdate Anti-Malware exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-update-cp2-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: hash, macro_hash, file_type, ppat_sender_name. | Required |
exc_str | Exception string. | Required |
comment | Exception comment. | Optional |
exc_payload_condition | Exception payload condition. Possible values are: with_or_without_link, with_link, without_link. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-create-avdlp-exceptionCreate Avanan DLP exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-create-avdlp-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: hash, text_content, sender_email, recipient_email. | Required |
exc_str | Exception string. | Required |
entity_type | Entity type. | Optional |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
comment | Exception comment. | Optional |
exc_payload_condition | Exception payload condition. Possible values are: with_or_without_link, with_link, without_link. | Optional |
file_name | File name. | Optional |
created_by_email | Exception creator email. | Optional |
is_exclusive | Exclusive exception. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-delete-ctp-list-itemsDelete Click Time Protection list items.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-ctp-list-items
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
list_item_ids | List of item ids to delete. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-update-avdlp-exceptionUpdate Avanan URL exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-update-avdlp-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: hash, text_content, sender_email, recipient_email. | Required |
exc_str | Exception string. | Required |
comment | Exception comment. | Optional |
exc_payload_condition | Exception payload condition. Possible values are: with_or_without_link, with_link, without_link. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-get-ap-exceptionsGet Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam exceptions or exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-ap-exceptions
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | List name of exceptions to retrieve. Possible values are: whitelist, blacklist, spam_whitelist. | Required |
exc_id | Exception id to retrieve. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.added_by | Number | Exception added by user id. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.affected_count | String | Affected count. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.allowed_links | String | Allowed links. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.attachment_md5 | String | Email attachment MD5. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.auto_classify_as | String | Auto classify as. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.comment | String | Exception description. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.customer_domain | String | Customer name. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.edited_by | String | Exception edited by. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.email_link | String | Email link. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.email_link_matching | String | Email link field condition. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.entity_id | Number | Entity id. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.exception_type | String | Exception type. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.expiration_time | String | Exception expiration time. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.from_domain | String | From domain. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.from_domain_ends_with | String | From domain field ends with. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.from_domain_matching | String | From domain field condition. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.from_email | String | Email sender. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.from_email_matching | String | From email field condition. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.from_name_matching | String | From name field condition. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.headers | String | Email headers. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.ignoring_spf_check | Boolean | Ignore SPF check. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.insert_time | String | Exception creation time. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.max_confidence | String | Maximum confidence. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.max_confidence_spam | String | Maximum confidence for spam. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.message_headers | String | Message headers. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.nickname | String | Sender name. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.owner_email | String | Exception owner email. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.override | Boolean | Override. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.recipient | String | Email recipient. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.recipient_matching | String | Recipient field condition. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.sender_client_ip | String | Sender client IP. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.sender_ip | String | Sender IP. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.signature_key | String | Signature key. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.subject | String | Email subject. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.subject_matching | String | Subject field condition. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.update_time | String | Exception update. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.user_label | String | User label. |
checkpointhec-create-avurl-exceptionCreate Avanan URL exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-create-avurl-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: allow-url, allow-domain, block-url, block-domain. | Required |
exc_str | Exception string. | Required |
entity_type | Entity type. | Optional |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
comment | Exception comment. | Optional |
exc_payload_condition | Exception payload condition. Possible values are: with_or_without_link, with_link, without_link. | Optional |
file_name | File name. | Optional |
created_by_email | Exception creator email. | Optional |
is_exclusive | Exclusive exception. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-get-avdlp-exceptionsGet Avanan DLP exceptions.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-avdlp-exceptions
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | List name of exceptions to retrieve. Possible values are: hash, text_content, sender_email, recipient_email. | Required |
filter_str | Search string. | Optional |
filter_index | Search index. Possible values are: insert_time, entity_type_id, exception_str, file_name, created_by_email, comment. | Optional |
sort_dir | Sort direction. Possible values are: asc, desc. | Optional |
last_evaluated_key | Last evaluated key. | Optional |
insert_time_gte | Insert time field condition. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
limit | Number of exceptions to retrieve. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.insert_time | String | Exception insert time. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.farm_customer_exception_type | String | Farm, customer and exception type info. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.exception_str | String | Exception string, for id purposes. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.created_by_email | String | Exception email creator. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.comment | String | Exception comment. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.exception_payload | String | Exception payload information. |
checkpointhec-delete-ctp-listsDelete Click Time Protection lists.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-ctp-lists
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-create-anomaly-exceptionCreate Anomaly exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-create-anomaly-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
request_json | Anomaly exception request json. | Required |
added_by | User id exception creator. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-delete-cp2-exceptionDelete Anti-Malware exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-cp2-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: hash, macro_hash, file_type, ppat_sender_name. | Required |
exc_str | Exception string. | Required |
entity_type | Entity type. | Optional |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-delete-anomaly-exceptionsDelete Anomaly exceptions.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-anomaly-exceptions
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
rule_ids | Exceptions to delete. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-report-mis-classificationReport email mis-classification.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-report-mis-classification
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
entities | Email entity ids. | Required |
classification | New classification. Possible values are: Clean Email, Spam, Phishing, Legit Marketing Email. | Required |
confident | Confidence level. Possible values are: Not so sure, Medium Confidence, High Confidence. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-get-avdlp-exceptionGet Avanan DLP exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-avdlp-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | List name of exceptions to retrieve. Possible values are: hash, text_content, sender_email, recipient_email. | Required |
exc_str | Exception id to retrieve. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.insert_time | String | Exception insert time. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.farm_customer_exception_type | String | Farm, customer and exception type info. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.exception_str | String | Exception string, for id purposes. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.created_by_email | String | Exception email creator. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.comment | String | Exception comment. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.exception_payload | String | Exception payload information. |
checkpointhec-delete-ctp-list-itemDelete Click Time Protection list item.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-ctp-list-item
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
item_id | Item id to delete. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-get-ctp-list-itemGet Click Time Protection list item.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-ctp-list-item
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
item_id | Item id to retrieve. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.created_at | String | List item creation time. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.created_by | String | List item creator. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.listid | String | List id. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.listitemid | String | List item id. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.listitemname | String | List item name. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.listname | String | List name. |
checkpointhec-update-avurl-exceptionUpdate Avanan URL exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-update-avurl-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: allow-url, allow-domain, block-url, block-domain. | Required |
exc_str | Exception string. | Required |
comment | Exception comment. | Optional |
exc_payload_condition | Exception payload condition. Possible values are: with_or_without_link, with_link, without_link. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-create-ctp-list-itemCreate Click Time Protection list item.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-create-ctp-list-item
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
list_id | List id. | Required |
list_item_name | List item name. | Required |
created_by | List item creator. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-delete-ap-exceptionDelete Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-ap-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: whitelist, blacklist, spam_whitelist. | Required |
exc_id | Exception id. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-delete-avurl-exceptionDelete Avanan URL exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-avurl-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: allow-url, allow-domain, block-url, block-domain. | Required |
exc_str | Exception string. | Required |
entity_type | Entity type. | Optional |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-get-cp2-exceptionGet Anti-Malware exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-cp2-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | List name of exceptions to retrieve. Possible values are: hash, macro_hash, file_type, ppat_sender_name. | Required |
exc_str | Exception id to retrieve. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.insert_time | String | Exception insert time. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.farm_customer_exception_type | String | Farm, customer and exception type info. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.exception_str | String | Exception string, for id purposes. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.created_by_email | String | Exception email creator. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.comment | String | Exception comment. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.exception_payload | String | Exception payload information. |
checkpointhec-update-ap-exceptionUpdate Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-update-ap-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: whitelist, blacklist, spam_whitelist. | Required |
exc_id | Exception id. | Required |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
attachment_md5 | Attachment MD5 checksum. | Optional |
from_email | Email sender. | Optional |
nickname | Sender name. | Optional |
recipient | Email recipient. | Optional |
sender_client_ip | Sender client IP. | Optional |
from_domain_ends_with | From domain ends with. | Optional |
sender_ip | Sender IP. | Optional |
email_link | Email link or links separated by comma. | Optional |
subject | Email subject. | Optional |
comment | Exception comment. | Optional |
action_needed | Action needed. | Optional |
ignoring_spf_check | Ignoring SPF check. | Optional |
subject_matching | Subject field condition. Possible values are: matching, contains, exact. | Optional |
email_link_matching | Email link field condition. Possible values are: matching, contains, exact. | Optional |
from_name_matching | From name field condition. Possible values are: matching, contains, exact. | Optional |
from_domain_matching | From domain field condition. Possible values are: contains, ends_with, exact. | Optional |
from_email_matching | From email field condition. Possible values are: matching, contains, exact. | Optional |
recipient_matching | Recipient field condition. Possible values are: matching, contains, exact. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-create-cp2-exceptionCreate Anti-Malware exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-create-cp2-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: hash, macro_hash, file_type, ppat_sender_name. | Required |
exc_str | Exception string. | Required |
entity_type | Entity type. | Optional |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
comment | Exception comment. | Optional |
exc_payload_condition | Exception payload condition. Possible values are: with_or_without_link, with_link, without_link. | Optional |
file_name | File name. | Optional |
created_by_email | Exception creator email. | Optional |
is_exclusive | Exclusive exception. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-delete-cp2-exceptionsDelete Anti-Malware exceptions.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-cp2-exceptions
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: hash, macro_hash, file_type, ppat_sender_name. | Required |
exc_str_list | List of exception strings to delete. | Required |
entity_type | Entity type. | Optional |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-get-ctp-listsGet Click Time Protection lists.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-ctp-lists
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.CTPList.listid | String | List id. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPList.listname | String | List name. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPList.listitem | unknown | List item in the list. |
checkpointhec-update-ctp-list-itemUpdate Click Time Protection list item.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-update-ctp-list-item
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
item_id | Item id to update. | Required |
list_id | List id. | Required |
list_item_name | List item name. | Required |
created_by | List item creator. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-create-ap-exceptionCreate Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-create-ap-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: whitelist, blacklist, spam_whitelist. | Required |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
attachment_md5 | Attachment MD5 checksum. | Optional |
from_email | Email sender. | Optional |
nickname | Sender name. | Optional |
recipient | Email recipient. | Optional |
sender_client_ip | Sender client IP. | Optional |
from_domain_ends_with | From domain ends with. | Optional |
sender_ip | Sender IP. | Optional |
email_link | Email link or links separated by comma. | Optional |
subject | Email subject. | Optional |
comment | Exception comment. | Optional |
action_needed | Action needed. | Optional |
ignoring_spf_check | Ignoring SPF check. | Optional |
subject_matching | Subject field condition. Possible values are: matching, contains, exact. | Optional |
email_link_matching | Email link field condition. Possible values are: matching, contains, exact. | Optional |
from_name_matching | From name field condition. Possible values are: matching, contains, exact. | Optional |
from_domain_matching | From domain field condition. Possible values are: contains, ends_with, exact. | Optional |
from_email_matching | From email field condition. Possible values are: matching, contains, exact. | Optional |
recipient_matching | Recipient field condition. Possible values are: matching, contains, exact. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-get-avurl-exceptionsGet Avanan URL exceptions.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-avurl-exceptions
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | List name of exceptions to retrieve. Possible values are: allow-url, allow-domain, block-url, block-domain. | Required |
filter_str | Search string. | Optional |
filter_index | Search index. Possible values are: insert_time, entity_type_id, exception_str, file_name, created_by_email, comment. | Optional |
sort_dir | Sort direction. Possible values are: asc, desc. | Optional |
last_evaluated_key | Last evaluated key. | Optional |
insert_time_gte | Insert time field condition. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
limit | Number of exceptions to retrieve. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.insert_time | String | Exception insert time. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.farm_customer_exception_type | String | Farm, customer and exception type info. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.exception_str | String | Exception string, for id purposes. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.created_by_email | String | Exception email creator. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.comment | String | Exception comment. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.exception_payload | String | Exception payload information. |
checkpointhec-get-ctp-list-itemsGet Click Time Protection list items.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-ctp-list-items
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.created_at | String | List item creation time. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.created_by | String | List item creator. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.listid | String | List id. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.listitemid | String | List item id. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.listitemname | String | List item name. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.listname | String | List name. |
checkpointhec-get-cp2-exceptionsGet Anti-Malware exceptions.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-cp2-exceptions
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | List name of exceptions to retrieve. Possible values are: hash, macro_hash, file_type, ppat_sender_name. | Required |
filter_str | Search string. | Optional |
filter_index | Search index. Possible values are: insert_time, entity_type_id, exception_str, file_name, created_by_email, comment. | Optional |
sort_dir | Sort direction. Possible values are: asc, desc. | Optional |
last_evaluated_key | Last evaluated key. | Optional |
insert_time_gte | Insert time field condition. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
limit | Number of exceptions to retrieve. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.insert_time | String | Exception insert time. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.farm_customer_exception_type | String | Farm, customer and exception type info. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.exception_str | String | Exception string, for id purposes. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.created_by_email | String | Exception email creator. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.comment | String | Exception comment. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.exception_payload | String | Exception payload information. |
checkpointhec-get-avurl-exceptionGet Avanan URL exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-avurl-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | List name of exceptions to retrieve. Possible values are: allow-url, allow-domain, block-url, block-domain. | Required |
exc_str | Exception id to retrieve. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.insert_time | String | Exception insert time. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.farm_customer_exception_type | String | Farm, customer and exception type info. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.exception_str | String | Exception string, for id purposes. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.created_by_email | String | Exception email creator. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.comment | String | Exception comment. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.exception_payload | String | Exception payload information. |
checkpointhec-delete-avdlp-exceptionsDelete Avanan DLP exceptions.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-avdlp-exceptions
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: hash, text_content, sender_email, recipient_email. | Required |
exc_str_list | List of exception strings to delete. | Required |
entity_type | Entity type. | Optional |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.