Check Point Harmony Email and Collaboration (HEC)
Check Point Harmony Email and Collaboration (HEC) Pack.#
This Integration is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.9.0 and later.
The Best Way to Protect Enterprise Email & Collaboration from phishing, malware, account takeover, data loss, etc. This integration was integrated and tested with version 1.1.7 of CheckPointHEC
Configure Check Point Harmony Email and Collaboration (HEC) in CortexParameter | Description | Required |
Smart API URL or Check Point Infinity API URL | The URL of the Smart API or Check Point Infinity API. | True |
Fetch incidents | Enable fetching incidents from the selected SaaS application. | False |
Incident type | Fetch incidents of the selected types. | False |
Client ID | The client ID of the Smart API or Check Point Infinity API. | True |
Client Secret | The client secret of the Smart API or Check Point Infinity API. | True |
First fetch time | The time range for the first fetch. The default is 1 hour. | False |
SaaS Application | Get incidents from the selected SaaS. | False |
State | Get incidents with only the selected states. | False |
Severity | Get incidents with only the selected severities. | False |
Threat Type | Get incidents with only the selected types. | False |
Maximum number of incidents per fetch | The maximum number of incidents to retrieve per fetch. | False |
Collect restore requests | Collect restore requests as incidents. | False |
Include denied requests | Denied restore requests will be in the results (they are not by default). | False |
Include accepted requests | Accepted restore requests will be in the results (they are not by default). | False |
Trust any certificate (not secure) | Trust server certificate. | False |
Use system proxy settings | Use system proxy settings. | False |
Incidents Fetch Interval | The interval in minutes to fetch incidents. The default is 1 minute. | False |
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
checkpointhec-get-entityRetrieve specific entity.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-entity
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
entity | Entity id to retrieve. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.internetMessageId | String | Email message id in internet. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.received | String | Datetime email was received in iso 8601 format. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.size | String | Email size. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.emailLinks | unknown | Links in email. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.attachmentCount | Number | Number of attachments in email. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.attachments | unknown | File attachments in email. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.mode | String | Internal policy rule. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.recipients | unknown | Recipient email addresses. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.subject | String | Email subject. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.fromEmail | String | Email sender. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.fromDomain | String | Domain where the email was sent from. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.fromUser | unknown | Sender user details. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.fromName | String | Sender name. | | unknown | Email main recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.toUser | unknown | User details for main recipients. | | unknown | Email carbon copy recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.ccUser | unknown | User details for carbon copy recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.bcc | unknown | Email blind carbon copy recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.bccUser | unknown | User details for blind carbon copy recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.replyToEmail | String | Email reply. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.replyToNickname | String | Email reply nickname. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isRead | Boolean | Email has been read. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isDeleted | Boolean | Email has been deleted. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isIncoming | Boolean | Email is from external organization. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isInternal | Boolean | Email is from same organization. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isOutgoing | Boolean | Email is to an external organization. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isQuarantined | Boolean | Email has been quarantined. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isQuarantineNotification | Boolean | Email is a notification of another quarantined email. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isRestored | Boolean | Email is restored from quarantine. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isRestoreRequested | Boolean | Email is a request to restore. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isRestoreDeclined | Boolean | Email is a declined restore request. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.saasSpamVerdict | String | Spam verdict. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.SpfResult | String | Sender Policy Framework check result. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.restoreRequestTime | String | Restore request datetime in iso 8601 format. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isUserExposed | Boolean | Email reached user inbox. |
checkpointhec-get-email-infoRetrieve specific email entity
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-email-info
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
entity | Email entity id. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.Email.fromEmail | String | Email sender. | | unknown | Email main recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.replyToEmail | String | Email reply. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.replyToNickname | String | Email reply nickname. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.recipients | unknown | Recipient email addresses. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.subject | String | Email subject. | | unknown | Email carbon copy recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.bcc | unknown | Email blind carbon copy recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.isRead | Boolean | Email has been read. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.received | String | Datetime email was received in iso 8601 format. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.isDeleted | Boolean | Email has been deleted. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.isIncoming | Boolean | Email is from external organization. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.isOutgoing | Boolean | Email is to an external organization. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.internetMessageId | String | Email message id in internet. |
CheckPointHEC.Email.isUserExposed | Boolean | Email reached user inbox |
checkpointhec-get-scan-infoRetrieve specific email scan with positive threats.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-scan-info
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
entity | Scanned entity id. | Required |
include_clean | Include clean scans. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.ScanResult.ap | unknown | Anti-phishing scan results. |
CheckPointHEC.ScanResult.dlp | unknown | Data Loss Prevention scan results. |
CheckPointHEC.ScanResult.clicktimeProtection | unknown | Click Time Protection scan results. |
CheckPointHEC.ScanResult.shadowIt | unknown | Shadow IT scan results. |
CheckPointHEC.ScanResult.av | unknown | Antivirus scan results. |
checkpointhec-search-emailsSearch for emails.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-search-emails
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
date_last | Emails not older than (1 day, 2 weeks, etc.). The arguments date_last and date_from with date_to are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
date_from | Start date to get emails in ISO 8601 format. The arguments date_last and date_from with date_to are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
date_to | End date to get emails in ISO 8601 format. The arguments date_last and date_from with date_to are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
saas | SaaS application to retrieve emails from. Possible values are: Microsoft Exchange, Gmail. | Optional |
direction | Email precedence. Possible values are: Internal, Incoming, Outgoing. | Optional |
subject_contains | Emails with subject containing the given value. The arguments subject_contains and subject_match are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
subject_match | Emails with subject matching the given value. The arguments subject_contains and subject_match are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
sender_contains | Emails with sender email containing the given value. The arguments sender_contains and sender_match are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
sender_match | Emails with sender email matching the given value. The arguments sender_contains and sender_match are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
domain | Emails with sender domain matching the given value. | Optional |
cp_detection | Detection by Check Point. Possible values are: Phishing, Suspected Phishing, Malware, Suspected Malware, Spam, Clean, DLP, Malicious URL Click, Malicious URL. | Optional |
ms_detection | Detection by Microsoft. Possible values are: Malware, High Confidence Phishing, Phishing, High Confidence Spam, Spam, Bulk, Clean. | Optional |
detection_op | Detection operator. Possible values are: OR, AND. | Optional |
server_ip | Sender server ip. | Optional |
recipients_contains | Emails with recipients containing the given value. The arguments recipients_contains and recipients_match are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
recipients_match | Emails with recipients matching the given value. The arguments recipients_contains and recipients_match are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
links | Emails with links in body matching the given value. | Optional |
message_id | Get specific email by id. | Optional |
cp_quarantined_state | Quarantine authored by Check Point. Possible values are: Quarantined (Any source), Not Quarantined, Quarantined by Check Point, Quarantined by CP Analyst, Quarantined by Admin. | Optional |
ms_quarantined_state | Quarantine authored by Microsoft. Possible values are: Quarantined, Not Quarantined, Not Quarantined Delivered to Inbox, Not Quarantined Delivered to Junk. | Optional |
quarantined_state_op | Quarantine state operator. Possible values are: OR, AND. | Optional |
name_contains | Emails with sender name containing the given value. The arguments name_contains and name_match are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
name_match | Emails with sender name matching the given value. The arguments name_contains and name_match are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together in the same request. | Optional |
client_ip | Sender client IP. | Optional |
attachment_md5 | Attachment MD5 checksum. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.internetMessageId | String | Email message id in internet. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.received | String | Datetime email was received in iso 8601 format. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.size | String | Email size. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.emailLinks | unknown | Links in email. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.attachmentCount | Number | Number of attachments in email. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.attachments | unknown | File attachments in email. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.mode | String | Internal policy rule. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.recipients | unknown | Recipient email addresses. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.subject | String | Email subject. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.fromEmail | String | Email sender. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.fromDomain | String | Domain where the email was sent from. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.fromUser | unknown | Sender user details. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.fromName | String | Sender name. | | unknown | Email main recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.toUser | unknown | User details for main recipients. | | unknown | Email carbon copy recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.ccUser | unknown | User details for carbon copy recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.bcc | unknown | Email blind carbon copy recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.bccUser | unknown | User details for blind carbon copy recipients. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.replyToEmail | String | Email reply. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.replyToNickname | String | Email reply nickname. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isRead | Boolean | Email has been read. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isDeleted | Boolean | Email has been deleted. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isIncoming | Boolean | Email is from external organization. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isInternal | Boolean | Email is from same organization. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isOutgoing | Boolean | Email is to an external organization. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isQuarantined | Boolean | Email has been quarantined. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isQuarantineNotification | Boolean | Email is a notification of another quarantined email. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isRestored | Boolean | Email is restored from quarantine. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isRestoreRequested | Boolean | Email is a request to restore. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isRestoreDeclined | Boolean | Email is a declined restore request. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.saasSpamVerdict | String | Spam verdict. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.SpfResult | String | Sender Policy Framework check result. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.restoreRequestTime | String | Restore request datetime in iso 8601 format. |
CheckPointHEC.Entity.isUserExposed | Boolean | Email reached user inbox. |
checkpointhec-send-actionAction for one or more emails.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-send-action
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
entity | One or multiple Email ids to apply action over. | Required |
saas | SaaS application to apply action over. Possible values are: Microsoft Exchange, Gmail. | Required |
action | Action to perform. Possible values are: quarantine, restore, decline_restore_request. | Required |
restore_decline_reason | Reason to decline restore request. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.Task.task | String | Task id of the sent action. |
checkpointhec-get-action-resultGet task info related to a sent action
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-action-result
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
farm | Customer farm. | Required |
customer | Customer portal name. | Required |
task | Task id to retrieve. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.actions | unknown | Action information for each sent entity |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.created | String | Date when action was created in iso 8601 format |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.customer | String | Customer portal name |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.failed | Number | Number of failed actions | | Number | Action task id | | String | Action name |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.owner | String | Action owner |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.progress | Number | Number of actions in progress |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.sequential | Boolean | Actions are in sequence |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.status | String | Action status |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.succeed | Number | Number of succeed actions | | Number | Total of actions |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.type | String | Action internal name |
CheckPointHEC.ActionResult.updated | String | Date when action last updated in iso 8601 format |
checkpointhec-send-notificationSend notification about user exposition for the specific entity to the list of emails
Base Commandcheckpointhec-send-notification
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
entity | Email entity id. | Required |
emails | List of emails to send notification. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.Notification.ok | Boolean | Result of the operation. |
checkpointhec-get-eventsRetrieve security events.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-events
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
start_date | Start date in ISO 8601 format. | Required |
end_date | End date in ISO 8601 format, now by default. | Optional |
saas_apps | SaaS application to retrieve events from. Possible values are: Microsoft Exchange, Gmail. | Optional |
states | Event states to be retrieved. Possible values are: New, Remediated, Detected, Exception, Dismissed. | Optional |
severities | Severity levels to be retrieved. Possible values are: Critical, High, Medium, Low, Very Low. | Optional |
threat_types | Threat types to be retrieved. Possible values are: DLP, Malware, Phishing, Anomaly, Suspicious Phishing, Suspicious Malware, Shadow IT, Alert, Spam, Malicious URL, Malicious URL Click. | Optional |
limit | Number of events to be returned. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.Event.eventId | String | Security event id. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.customerId | String | Customer portal name. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.saas | String | SaaS internal name. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.entityId | String | Email entity id related to the security event. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.state | String | Security event state. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.type | String | Security event threat type. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.confidenceIndicator | String | Security event threat type. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.eventCreated | String | Security event creation date. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.severity | String | Security event severity 1 - 5. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.description | String | Security event description. | | String | Security event data information. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.additionalData | String | Security event additional data information if available. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.availableEventActions | unknown | Actions available for the security event. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.actions | unknown | Performed actions related to the security event. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.senderAddress | String | Sender of email related to the security event. |
CheckPointHEC.Event.entityLink | String | Email link. |
checkpointhec-get-ctp-listGet Click Time Protection list.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-ctp-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
list_id | List id to retrieve. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.CTPList.listid | String | List id. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPList.listname | String | List name. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPList.listitem | String | List of items in the list. |
checkpointhec-delete-avurl-exceptionsDelete Avanan URL exceptions.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-avurl-exceptions
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: allow-url, allow-domain, block-url, block-domain. | Required |
exc_str_list | List of exception strings to delete. | Required |
entity_type | Entity type. | Optional |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-delete-avdlp-exceptionDelete Avanan URL exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-avdlp-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: hash, text_content, sender_email, recipient_email. | Required |
exc_str | Exception string. | Required |
entity_type | Entity type. | Optional |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-get-anomaly-exceptionsGet Anomaly exceptions.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-anomaly-exceptions
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | String | Anomaly exception id. |
CheckPointHEC.AnomalyException.anomaly_type | String | Anomaly type. |
CheckPointHEC.AnomalyException.insert_time | String | Anomaly exception creation time. |
CheckPointHEC.AnomalyException.update_time | String | Anomaly exception update time. |
CheckPointHEC.AnomalyException.added_by | String | Anomaly exception creator. |
CheckPointHEC.AnomalyException.event_id | String | Security event id. |
CheckPointHEC.AnomalyException.customer_domain | String | Customer domain. |
CheckPointHEC.AnomalyException.comments | String | Anomaly exception comment. |
CheckPointHEC.AnomalyException.enabled | Boolean | Anomaly exception enabled. |
CheckPointHEC.AnomalyException.exception_rule | String | Anomaly exception rule. |
CheckPointHEC.AnomalyException.expiration_date | String | Anomaly exception expiration date. |
checkpointhec-update-cp2-exceptionUpdate Anti-Malware exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-update-cp2-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: hash, macro_hash, file_type, ppat_sender_name. | Required |
exc_str | Exception string. | Required |
comment | Exception comment. | Optional |
exc_payload_condition | Exception payload condition. Possible values are: with_or_without_link, with_link, without_link. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-create-avdlp-exceptionCreate Avanan DLP exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-create-avdlp-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: hash, text_content, sender_email, recipient_email. | Required |
exc_str | Exception string. | Required |
entity_type | Entity type. | Optional |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
comment | Exception comment. | Optional |
exc_payload_condition | Exception payload condition. Possible values are: with_or_without_link, with_link, without_link. | Optional |
file_name | File name. | Optional |
created_by_email | Exception creator email. | Optional |
is_exclusive | Exclusive exception. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-delete-ctp-list-itemsDelete Click Time Protection list items.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-ctp-list-items
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
list_item_ids | List of item ids to delete. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-update-avdlp-exceptionUpdate Avanan URL exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-update-avdlp-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: hash, text_content, sender_email, recipient_email. | Required |
exc_str | Exception string. | Required |
comment | Exception comment. | Optional |
exc_payload_condition | Exception payload condition. Possible values are: with_or_without_link, with_link, without_link. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-get-ap-exceptionsGet Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam exceptions or exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-ap-exceptions
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | List name of exceptions to retrieve. Possible values are: whitelist, blacklist, spam_whitelist. | Required |
exc_id | Exception id to retrieve. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.added_by | Number | Exception added by user id. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.affected_count | String | Affected count. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.allowed_links | String | Allowed links. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.attachment_md5 | String | Email attachment MD5. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.auto_classify_as | String | Auto classify as. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.comment | String | Exception description. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.customer_domain | String | Customer name. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.edited_by | String | Exception edited by. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.email_link | String | Email link. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.email_link_matching | String | Email link field condition. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.entity_id | Number | Entity id. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.exception_type | String | Exception type. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.expiration_time | String | Exception expiration time. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.from_domain | String | From domain. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.from_domain_ends_with | String | From domain field ends with. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.from_domain_matching | String | From domain field condition. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.from_email | String | Email sender. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.from_email_matching | String | From email field condition. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.from_name_matching | String | From name field condition. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.headers | String | Email headers. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.ignoring_spf_check | Boolean | Ignore SPF check. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.insert_time | String | Exception creation time. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.max_confidence | String | Maximum confidence. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.max_confidence_spam | String | Maximum confidence for spam. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.message_headers | String | Message headers. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.nickname | String | Sender name. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.owner_email | String | Exception owner email. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.override | Boolean | Override. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.recipient | String | Email recipient. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.recipient_matching | String | Recipient field condition. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.sender_client_ip | String | Sender client IP. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.sender_ip | String | Sender IP. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.signature_key | String | Signature key. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.subject | String | Email subject. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.subject_matching | String | Subject field condition. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.update_time | String | Exception update. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiPhishingException.user_label | String | User label. |
checkpointhec-create-avurl-exceptionCreate Avanan URL exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-create-avurl-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: allow-url, allow-domain, block-url, block-domain. | Required |
exc_str | Exception string. | Required |
entity_type | Entity type. | Optional |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
comment | Exception comment. | Optional |
exc_payload_condition | Exception payload condition. Possible values are: with_or_without_link, with_link, without_link. | Optional |
file_name | File name. | Optional |
created_by_email | Exception creator email. | Optional |
is_exclusive | Exclusive exception. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-get-avdlp-exceptionsGet Avanan DLP exceptions.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-avdlp-exceptions
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | List name of exceptions to retrieve. Possible values are: hash, text_content, sender_email, recipient_email. | Required |
filter_str | Search string. | Optional |
filter_index | Search index. Possible values are: insert_time, entity_type_id, exception_str, file_name, created_by_email, comment. | Optional |
sort_dir | Sort direction. Possible values are: asc, desc. | Optional |
last_evaluated_key | Last evaluated key. | Optional |
insert_time_gte | Insert time field condition. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
limit | Number of exceptions to retrieve. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.insert_time | String | Exception insert time. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.farm_customer_exception_type | String | Farm, customer and exception type info. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.exception_str | String | Exception string, for id purposes. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.created_by_email | String | Exception email creator. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.comment | String | Exception comment. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.exception_payload | String | Exception payload information. |
checkpointhec-delete-ctp-listsDelete Click Time Protection lists.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-ctp-lists
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-create-anomaly-exceptionCreate Anomaly exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-create-anomaly-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
request_json | Anomaly exception request json. | Required |
added_by | User id exception creator. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-delete-cp2-exceptionDelete Anti-Malware exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-cp2-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: hash, macro_hash, file_type, ppat_sender_name. | Required |
exc_str | Exception string. | Required |
entity_type | Entity type. | Optional |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-delete-anomaly-exceptionsDelete Anomaly exceptions.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-anomaly-exceptions
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
rule_ids | Exceptions to delete. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-report-mis-classificationReport email mis-classification.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-report-mis-classification
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
entities | Email entity ids. | Required |
classification | New classification. Possible values are: Clean Email, Spam, Phishing, Legit Marketing Email. | Required |
confident | Confidence level. Possible values are: Not so sure, Medium Confidence, High Confidence. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-get-avdlp-exceptionGet Avanan DLP exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-avdlp-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | List name of exceptions to retrieve. Possible values are: hash, text_content, sender_email, recipient_email. | Required |
exc_str | Exception id to retrieve. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.insert_time | String | Exception insert time. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.farm_customer_exception_type | String | Farm, customer and exception type info. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.exception_str | String | Exception string, for id purposes. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.created_by_email | String | Exception email creator. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.comment | String | Exception comment. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananDLPException.exception_payload | String | Exception payload information. |
checkpointhec-delete-ctp-list-itemDelete Click Time Protection list item.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-ctp-list-item
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
item_id | Item id to delete. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-get-ctp-list-itemGet Click Time Protection list item.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-ctp-list-item
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
item_id | Item id to retrieve. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.created_at | String | List item creation time. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.created_by | String | List item creator. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.listid | String | List id. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.listitemid | String | List item id. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.listitemname | String | List item name. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.listname | String | List name. |
checkpointhec-update-avurl-exceptionUpdate Avanan URL exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-update-avurl-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: allow-url, allow-domain, block-url, block-domain. | Required |
exc_str | Exception string. | Required |
comment | Exception comment. | Optional |
exc_payload_condition | Exception payload condition. Possible values are: with_or_without_link, with_link, without_link. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-create-ctp-list-itemCreate Click Time Protection list item.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-create-ctp-list-item
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
list_id | List id. | Required |
list_item_name | List item name. | Required |
created_by | List item creator. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-delete-ap-exceptionDelete Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-ap-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: whitelist, blacklist, spam_whitelist. | Required |
exc_id | Exception id. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-delete-avurl-exceptionDelete Avanan URL exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-avurl-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: allow-url, allow-domain, block-url, block-domain. | Required |
exc_str | Exception string. | Required |
entity_type | Entity type. | Optional |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-get-cp2-exceptionGet Anti-Malware exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-cp2-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | List name of exceptions to retrieve. Possible values are: hash, macro_hash, file_type, ppat_sender_name. | Required |
exc_str | Exception id to retrieve. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.insert_time | String | Exception insert time. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.farm_customer_exception_type | String | Farm, customer and exception type info. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.exception_str | String | Exception string, for id purposes. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.created_by_email | String | Exception email creator. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.comment | String | Exception comment. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.exception_payload | String | Exception payload information. |
checkpointhec-update-ap-exceptionUpdate Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-update-ap-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: whitelist, blacklist, spam_whitelist. | Required |
exc_id | Exception id. | Required |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
attachment_md5 | Attachment MD5 checksum. | Optional |
from_email | Email sender. | Optional |
nickname | Sender name. | Optional |
recipient | Email recipient. | Optional |
sender_client_ip | Sender client IP. | Optional |
from_domain_ends_with | From domain ends with. | Optional |
sender_ip | Sender IP. | Optional |
email_link | Email link or links separated by comma. | Optional |
subject | Email subject. | Optional |
comment | Exception comment. | Optional |
action_needed | Action needed. | Optional |
ignoring_spf_check | Ignoring SPF check. | Optional |
subject_matching | Subject field condition. Possible values are: matching, contains, exact. | Optional |
email_link_matching | Email link field condition. Possible values are: matching, contains, exact. | Optional |
from_name_matching | From name field condition. Possible values are: matching, contains, exact. | Optional |
from_domain_matching | From domain field condition. Possible values are: contains, ends_with, exact. | Optional |
from_email_matching | From email field condition. Possible values are: matching, contains, exact. | Optional |
recipient_matching | Recipient field condition. Possible values are: matching, contains, exact. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-create-cp2-exceptionCreate Anti-Malware exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-create-cp2-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: hash, macro_hash, file_type, ppat_sender_name. | Required |
exc_str | Exception string. | Required |
entity_type | Entity type. | Optional |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
comment | Exception comment. | Optional |
exc_payload_condition | Exception payload condition. Possible values are: with_or_without_link, with_link, without_link. | Optional |
file_name | File name. | Optional |
created_by_email | Exception creator email. | Optional |
is_exclusive | Exclusive exception. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-delete-cp2-exceptionsDelete Anti-Malware exceptions.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-cp2-exceptions
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: hash, macro_hash, file_type, ppat_sender_name. | Required |
exc_str_list | List of exception strings to delete. | Required |
entity_type | Entity type. | Optional |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-get-ctp-listsGet Click Time Protection lists.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-ctp-lists
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.CTPList.listid | String | List id. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPList.listname | String | List name. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPList.listitem | unknown | List item in the list. |
checkpointhec-update-ctp-list-itemUpdate Click Time Protection list item.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-update-ctp-list-item
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
item_id | Item id to update. | Required |
list_id | List id. | Required |
list_item_name | List item name. | Required |
created_by | List item creator. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-create-ap-exceptionCreate Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-create-ap-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: whitelist, blacklist, spam_whitelist. | Required |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
attachment_md5 | Attachment MD5 checksum. | Optional |
from_email | Email sender. | Optional |
nickname | Sender name. | Optional |
recipient | Email recipient. | Optional |
sender_client_ip | Sender client IP. | Optional |
from_domain_ends_with | From domain ends with. | Optional |
sender_ip | Sender IP. | Optional |
email_link | Email link or links separated by comma. | Optional |
subject | Email subject. | Optional |
comment | Exception comment. | Optional |
action_needed | Action needed. | Optional |
ignoring_spf_check | Ignoring SPF check. | Optional |
subject_matching | Subject field condition. Possible values are: matching, contains, exact. | Optional |
email_link_matching | Email link field condition. Possible values are: matching, contains, exact. | Optional |
from_name_matching | From name field condition. Possible values are: matching, contains, exact. | Optional |
from_domain_matching | From domain field condition. Possible values are: contains, ends_with, exact. | Optional |
from_email_matching | From email field condition. Possible values are: matching, contains, exact. | Optional |
recipient_matching | Recipient field condition. Possible values are: matching, contains, exact. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-get-avurl-exceptionsGet Avanan URL exceptions.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-avurl-exceptions
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | List name of exceptions to retrieve. Possible values are: allow-url, allow-domain, block-url, block-domain. | Required |
filter_str | Search string. | Optional |
filter_index | Search index. Possible values are: insert_time, entity_type_id, exception_str, file_name, created_by_email, comment. | Optional |
sort_dir | Sort direction. Possible values are: asc, desc. | Optional |
last_evaluated_key | Last evaluated key. | Optional |
insert_time_gte | Insert time field condition. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
limit | Number of exceptions to retrieve. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.insert_time | String | Exception insert time. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.farm_customer_exception_type | String | Farm, customer and exception type info. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.exception_str | String | Exception string, for id purposes. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.created_by_email | String | Exception email creator. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.comment | String | Exception comment. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.exception_payload | String | Exception payload information. |
checkpointhec-get-ctp-list-itemsGet Click Time Protection list items.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-ctp-list-items
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.created_at | String | List item creation time. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.created_by | String | List item creator. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.listid | String | List id. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.listitemid | String | List item id. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.listitemname | String | List item name. |
CheckPointHEC.CTPListItem.listname | String | List name. |
checkpointhec-get-cp2-exceptionsGet Anti-Malware exceptions.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-cp2-exceptions
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | List name of exceptions to retrieve. Possible values are: hash, macro_hash, file_type, ppat_sender_name. | Required |
filter_str | Search string. | Optional |
filter_index | Search index. Possible values are: insert_time, entity_type_id, exception_str, file_name, created_by_email, comment. | Optional |
sort_dir | Sort direction. Possible values are: asc, desc. | Optional |
last_evaluated_key | Last evaluated key. | Optional |
insert_time_gte | Insert time field condition. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
limit | Number of exceptions to retrieve. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.insert_time | String | Exception insert time. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.farm_customer_exception_type | String | Farm, customer and exception type info. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.exception_str | String | Exception string, for id purposes. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.created_by_email | String | Exception email creator. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.comment | String | Exception comment. |
CheckPointHEC.AntiMalwareException.exception_payload | String | Exception payload information. |
checkpointhec-get-avurl-exceptionGet Avanan URL exception.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-get-avurl-exception
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | List name of exceptions to retrieve. Possible values are: allow-url, allow-domain, block-url, block-domain. | Required |
exc_str | Exception id to retrieve. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.insert_time | String | Exception insert time. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.farm_customer_exception_type | String | Farm, customer and exception type info. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.exception_str | String | Exception string, for id purposes. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.created_by_email | String | Exception email creator. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.comment | String | Exception comment. |
CheckPointHEC.AvananURLException.exception_payload | String | Exception payload information. |
checkpointhec-delete-avdlp-exceptionsDelete Avanan DLP exceptions.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-delete-avdlp-exceptions
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
exc_type | Exception type. Possible values are: hash, text_content, sender_email, recipient_email. | Required |
exc_str_list | List of exception strings to delete. | Required |
entity_type | Entity type. | Optional |
entity_id | Entity id. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
checkpointhec-download-emailDownload email file.
Base Commandcheckpointhec-download-email
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
entity_id | Email entity id, currently available in the incident's mirror external id. | Required |
original | Whether to download original email or with modifications. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.