Cherwell Pack.#
This Integration is part of theCloud-based IT service management solution This integration was integrated and tested with version 10.1.1 of Cherwell
Configure Cherwell in CortexParameter | Required |
URL (example: | True |
Username | True |
Password | True |
Client id | True |
Trust any certificate (not secure) | False |
Use system proxy settings | False |
First fetch timestamp (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days) | False |
CSV list of objects to fetch. The default is incident, for example: incident,problem,service) | False |
Max results to fetch (defualt is 30) | False |
Advanced Query to fetch (see integration detailed instructions) | False |
Fetch attachments (include attachements in fetch process) | False |
Fetch incidents | False |
Incident type | False |
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
cherwell-create-business-objectCreates a business object.
Base Commandcherwell-create-business-object
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
type | Business object type, for example: "Incident". . | Required |
json | Data JSON containing the relevant fields and their values, for example: {"title": "some value"}). | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Cherwell.BusinessObjects.RecordId | String | Business object record ID. |
Cherwell.BusinessObjects.PublicId | String | Business object public ID. |
Command Example!cherwell-create-business-object type=incident json={"Priority": "3", "CustomerDisplayName": "demisto admin", "Description": "This incident was created by Cherwell test playbook","Service":"Enterprise Apps","Category":"PeopleSoft","Subcategory":"Submit Incident"}
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
New Incident was created
Public Id Record Id 102384 947571cec8a5b5f03850c940c2bf6ca2bf116ffce9
cherwell-update-business-objectUpdate a business object with the specified fields.
Base Commandcherwell-update-business-object
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
type | Business object type, for example: "Incident". . | Required |
json | Data JSON containing the relevant fields and their values. | Required |
id_value | Public ID or record ID. | Required |
id_type | Type of ID. Possible values are: public_id, record_id. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Cherwell.BusinessObjects.RecordId | String | Business object record ID. |
Cherwell.BusinessObjects.PublicId | Unknown | Business object public ID. |
Command Example!cherwell-update-business-object type=incident id_type=public_id id_value=102383 json={"Priority": "1"}
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Incident 102383 was updated
Public Id Record Id 102383 94757184cce46253b3ab694ae58289b64d0cd867ce
cherwell-delete-business-objectDeletes a given business object.
Base Commandcherwell-delete-business-object
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
type | Business object type, for example: "Incident". . | Required |
id_value | Public ID or record ID. | Required |
id_type | Type of ID. Possible values are: public_id, record_id. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!cherwell-delete-business-object id_type=record_id id_value=94757184cce46253b3ab694ae58289b64d0cd867ce type=incident
Human Readable Output#
Record 94757184cce46253b3ab694ae58289b64d0cd867ce of type incident was deleted.
cherwell-get-business-objectGets a business object by an ID.
Base Commandcherwell-get-business-object
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
type | Business object type, for example: "Incident". . | Required |
id_value | Public ID or record ID. | Required |
id_type | Type of ID. Possible values are: record_id, public_id. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!cherwell-get-business-object type=incident id_type=public_id id_value=102383
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Incident: 102383
Approval Block ID Assigned Team Assigned Team ID Assigned To Assigned To ID Assigned To Manager Barcode Breach Notes CI Down End Date Time CI Down Start Date Time CI Downtime In Minutes Call Source Cart Item ID Category Cause Change ID Cloned Incident Cloned Incident ID Close Description Closed By Closed By ID Closed Date Time Closed On 1 St Call Combined KB Comments Config Item Display Name Config Item Rec ID Config Item Type Config Item Type ID Cost Created By Created By Email Created By ID Created Date Time Created During Customer Department Customer Display Name Customer Rec ID Customer Subscription Level Customer Type ID Default Team Description Description Sentiment Value Email Notifications ISMS Audits ID Impact In cident Duration In Days In cident Duration In Hours Incident ID Incident Type Incidentchild ID Incidentchild Rec ID Knowledge Article ID Last Mod By Last Mod By ID Last Mod Time Stamp Last Modified Date Time Level 2 Escalation Complete Level 2 Escalation Team Level 3 Escalation Complete Level 3 Escalation Team Linked Problem Linked SL As Linked To Problem Location Major Incident Major Incident ID Major Incident Rec ID Network Event ID Next Status Next Status One Step Next Status Text On Behalf Of Pending End Date Time Pending Previous Status Pending Reason Pending Start Date Time Picked Up Date Time Portal Affects Multiple Users Portal Affects Primary Function Portal Alt Contact Info Priority Public Id Rec ID Record Id Recurring Incident Reopened Requester Requester Department Requester Email Requester ID Review By Deadline SCT Fired SCT Rec ID SLAID SLAID For CI SLAID For Customer SLAID For Service SLA Name SLA Name For CI SLA Name For Customer SLA Name For Service SLA Resolution Warning SLA Resolve By Deadline SLA Respond By Deadline SLA Response Warning SLA Target Time ID SLA_ Key STC Time In Minutes Security Event ID Service Service Cart ID Service Catalog Template Name Service Customer Is Entitled Service Entitlements Service ID Show All Services Show Contact Information Skill ID Smart Classify Search String Specifics Type Id Stat _24 X 7 Elapsed Time Stat _ Date Time Assigned Stat _ Date Time Closed Stat _ Date Time In Progress Stat _ Date Time Re Opened Stat _ Date Time Resolved Stat _ Date Time Responded Stat _ First Call Resolution Stat _ Incident Escalated Stat _ Incident Reopened Stat _ Number Of Escalations Stat _ Number Of Touches Stat _ Response Time Stat _SLA Resolution Breached Stat _SLA Resolution Good Stat _SLA Resolution Warning Stat _SLA Response Breached Stat _SLA Response Good Stat _SLA Response Warning Status Status Desc Status ID Status Order Subcategory Subcategory ID Task Closed Count Tasks Closed Tasks In Progress Tasks On Hold Total STC Time In Minutes Total Task Time Total Tasks Urgency Wait Time Walk Up Support Location Was CI Down Withdraw 1st Level Support 9365b4e90592c81e3b7a024555a6c0094ba77e8773 0 Phone PeopleSoft False False 0 demisto admin 9365b511f78906c1fe83644c3fb33e9ec1466f7d90 7/22/2021 12:22 PM 8 to 5 Monday thru Friday Accounting demisto admin 9365da817530b0bfee892a48fb8815654c6071af03 1st Level Support This incident was created by Cherwell test playbook-
This is from the REST API-
This is from the REST API2 0.02 0.53 102383 Service Request demisto admin 9365b511f78906c1fe83644c3fb33e9ec1466f7d90 7/22/2021 12:53 PM False 2nd Level Support False 3rd Level Support 93838607346b42be7074af487d9171ea9f948b7204 , , False False In Progress ActionInfoDef ID="93d9abdb6242 Begin Work False False False 3 102383 94757184cce46253b3ab694ae58289b64d0cd867ce 94757184cce46253b3ab694ae58289b64d0cd867ce False False Accounting False 93838607346b42be7074af487d9171ea9f948b7204 93838607346b42be7074af487d9171ea9f948b7204 Platinum Platinum 7/26/2021 12:07 PM 7/26/2021 12:22 PM 7/22/2021 4:22 PM 7/22/2021 4:07 PM Platinum_Service Request 0 Enterprise Apps True Platinum, Gold, Silver, Corporate 9389f689ed2a47e91de7954ecb8f2fe733af0ecb06 False False 9454f50880a42d63b93ce142d58fbbe97de1b3d672 Submit Incident 9398862125defd58a8deea46fe88acc411a96e2b00 0 False False False 0 4 0 False False False False False False New 938729d99cb110f2a6c3e5488ead246422a7cd115f 1 Submit Incident 0 False False False 0 0 0 0 False False
cherwell-download-attachmentsDownloads imported attachements from a specified business object.
Base Commandcherwell-download-attachments
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
type | Business object type, for example: "Incident". . | Required |
id_type | Type of ID. Possible values are: public_id, record_id. | Required |
id_value | Public ID or record ID. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
File | Unknown | File result entries. |
Command Example!cherwell-download-attachments type=incident id_type=public_id id_value=102383
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
cherwell-upload-attachmentUploads an attachment to a specified business object.
Base Commandcherwell-upload-attachment
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
type | Business object type, for example: "Incident". . | Required |
id_type | Type of ID. Possible values are: record_id, public_id. | Required |
id_value | Public ID or record ID. | Required |
file_entry_id | File entry ID. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Cherwell.UploadedAttachments.AttachmentFileId | String | AttachmentFileId to use to get information about the attachment. attachment |
Cherwell.UploadedAttachments.BusinessObjectType | String | Business object type, for example: "Incident". |
Cherwell.UploadedAttachments.PublicId | String | Public ID. |
Cherwell.UploadedAttachments.RecordId | String | Record ID. |
Command Example!cherwell-upload-attachment file_entry_id=13570@f0716e08-9825-481c-8938-8e0a91a20557 type=incident id_type=public_id id_value=102383
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Attachment: 947571fbce24025d9bee3b42d99e6eb4dd887100f4, was successfully attached to incident 102383
cherwell-link-business-objectsLinks business objects that are related.
Base Commandcherwell-link-business-objects
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
parent_type | Parent business object type name. | Required |
parent_record_id | Parent business object record ID. | Required |
child_type | Child business object type name. | Required |
child_record_id | Child business object record ID. | Required |
relationship_id | Relationship ID. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!cherwell-link-business-objects parent_type=incident child_type=task relationship_id=9369187528b417b4a17aaa4646b7f7a78b3c821be9 child_record_id=94757210152427ef6ff98741a9a1c01d9fbe80545d parent_record_id=94757184cce46253b3ab694ae58289b64d0cd867ce
Human Readable Output#
Incident 94757184cce46253b3ab694ae58289b64d0cd867ce and Task 94757210152427ef6ff98741a9a1c01d9fbe80545d were linked
cherwell-unlink-business-objectsUnlinks business objects that are linked and related.
Base Commandcherwell-unlink-business-objects
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
parent_type | Parent business object type name. | Required |
parent_record_id | Parent business object record ID. | Required |
child_type | Child business object type name. | Required |
child_record_id | Child business object record ID. | Required |
relationship_id | Relationship ID. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!cherwell-unlink-business-objects parent_type=incident child_type=task relationship_id=9369187528b417b4a17aaa4646b7f7a78b3c821be9 child_record_id=94757210152427ef6ff98741a9a1c01d9fbe80545d parent_record_id=94757184cce46253b3ab694ae58289b64d0cd867ce
Human Readable Output#
Incident 94757184cce46253b3ab694ae58289b64d0cd867ce and Task 94757210152427ef6ff98741a9a1c01d9fbe80545d were unlinked
cherwell-get-attachments-infoGets information for business object attachments.
Base Commandcherwell-get-attachments-info
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
type | Business object type, for example: "Incident". . | Required |
id_type | Type of ID. Possible values are: record_id, public_id. | Required |
id_value | Public ID or record ID. | Required |
attachment_type | Type of attachment. Possible values are: linked, imported, url. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Cherwell.AttachmentsInfo.AttachmentFiledId | String | Attachment field ID. |
Cherwell.AttachmentsInfo.FileName | String | File name. |
Cherwell.AttachmentsInfo.AttachmentId | String | Attachment ID. |
Cherwell.AttachmentsInfo.BusinessObjectType | String | Business object type, for example: "Incident". |
Cherwell.AttachmentsInfo.BusinessObjectPublicId | String | Business object public ID. |
Cherwell.AttachmentsInfo.BusinessObjectRecordId | String | Business object record ID. |
Command Example!cherwell-get-attachments-info attachment_type=imported type=incident id_type=public_id id_value=102383
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Incident 102383 attachments:
Attachment Filed Id Attachment Id Business Object Public Id Business Object Type File Name 9475718f7de6f1508ca8704bd9b83d215763f567d1 9475718f7e153c3d751b5046b389eeba6df7d6d778 102383 incident 60X80.jpg
cherwell-remove-attachmentRemove the attachment from the specified business object.
Base Commandcherwell-remove-attachment
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
type | Business object type, for example: "Incident". . | Required |
id_type | Type of ID. Possible values are: record_id, public_id. | Required |
id_value | Public ID or record ID. | Required |
attachment_id | Attachment ID to reomve. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!cherwell-remove-attachment type=incident id_type=public_id id_value=102383 attachment_id=9475718f7e153c3d751b5046b389eeba6df7d6d778
Human Readable Output#
Attachment: 9475718f7e153c3d751b5046b389eeba6df7d6d778, was successfully removed from incident 102383
cherwell-query-business-objectRuns advanced queries to search in a specified business object.
Base Commandcherwell-query-business-object
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
type | Business object type, for example: "Incident". . | Required |
query | The query to run. A CSV list of filters such that each filter is of the form: ["field_name","operator","value"] and operator is one of: 'eq'=equal, 'gt'=grater-than, 'lt'=less-than, 'contains', 'startwith'. Special characters should be escaped. Example: [["CreatedDateTime":"gt":"4/10/2019 3:10:12 PM"]["Priority","eq","1"]] . NOTE: If multiple filters are received for the same field name, an 'OR' operation between the filters will be performed, if the field names are different an 'AND' operation will be performed. | Required |
max_results | Maximum number of results to pull. Default is 30. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!cherwell-query-business-object type=incident query=[["Description","eq","This incident was created by Cherwell test playbook"]]
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Query Results
Approval Block ID Assigned Team Assigned Team ID Assigned To Assigned To ID Assigned To Manager Barcode Breach Notes Business Object Id CI Down End Date Time CI Down Start Date Time CI Downtime In Minutes Call Source Cart Item ID Category Cause Change ID Cloned Incident Cloned Incident ID Close Description Closed By Closed By ID Closed Date Time Closed On 1 St Call Combined KB Comments Config Item Display Name Config Item Rec ID Config Item Type Config Item Type ID Cost Created By Created By Email Created By ID Created Date Time Created During Customer Department Customer Display Name Customer Rec ID Customer Subscription Level Customer Type ID Default Team Description Description Sentiment Value Email Notifications ISMS Audits ID Impact In cident Duration In Days In cident Duration In Hours Incident ID Incident Type Incidentchild ID Incidentchild Rec ID Knowledge Article ID Last Mod By Last Mod By ID Last Mod Time Stamp Last Modified Date Time Level 2 Escalation Complete Level 2 Escalation Team Level 3 Escalation Complete Level 3 Escalation Team Linked Problem Linked SL As Linked To Problem Location Major Incident Major Incident ID Major Incident Rec ID Network Event ID Next Status Next Status One Step Next Status Text On Behalf Of Pending End Date Time Pending Previous Status Pending Reason Pending Start Date Time Picked Up Date Time Portal Affects Multiple Users Portal Affects Primary Function Portal Alt Contact Info Priority Public Id Rec ID Record Id Recurring Incident Reopened Requester Requester Department Requester Email Requester ID Review By Deadline SCT Fired SCT Rec ID SLAID SLAID For CI SLAID For Customer SLAID For Service SLA Name SLA Name For CI SLA Name For Customer SLA Name For Service SLA Resolution Warning SLA Resolve By Deadline SLA Respond By Deadline SLA Response Warning SLA Target Time ID SLA_ Key STC Time In Minutes Security Event ID Service Service Cart ID Service Catalog Template Name Service Customer Is Entitled Service Entitlements Service ID Show All Services Show Contact Information Skill ID Smart Classify Search String Specifics Type Id Stat _24 X 7 Elapsed Time Stat _ Date Time Assigned Stat _ Date Time Closed Stat _ Date Time In Progress Stat _ Date Time Re Opened Stat _ Date Time Resolved Stat _ Date Time Responded Stat _ First Call Resolution Stat _ Incident Escalated Stat _ Incident Reopened Stat _ Number Of Escalations Stat _ Number Of Touches Stat _ Response Time Stat _SLA Resolution Breached Stat _SLA Resolution Good Stat _SLA Resolution Warning Stat _SLA Response Breached Stat _SLA Response Good Stat _SLA Response Warning Status Status Desc Status ID Status Order Subcategory Subcategory ID Task Closed Count Tasks Closed Tasks In Progress Tasks On Hold Total STC Time In Minutes Total Task Time Total Tasks Urgency Wait Time Walk Up Support Location Was CI Down Withdraw 1st Level Support 9365b4e90592c81e3b7a024555a6c0094ba77e8773 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae 0.00 Phone PeopleSoft False 0.00 demisto admin 9365b511f78906c1fe83644c3fb33e9ec1466f7d90 7/21/2021 11:00:09 AM 8 to 5 Monday thru Friday Accounting demisto admin 9365da817530b0bfee892a48fb8815654c6071af03 1st Level Support This incident was created by Cherwell test playbook 1 0.17 4.00 102379 Service Request Cherwell Admin 93546560c6334c3c105d17437c843b9557775b2e0c Byte[] Array 7/21/2021 3:00:15 PM False 2nd Level Support False 3rd Level Support 93838607346b42be7074af487d9171ea9f948b7204 , , False False In Progress ActionInfoDef ID="93d9abdb6242 Begin Work False False False 3 102379 947563943db20d178bf122451b8946535670196726 947563943db20d178bf122451b8946535670196726 False False Accounting 1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM False 93838607346b42be7074af487d9171ea9f948b7204 93838607346b42be7074af487d9171ea9f948b7204 Platinum Platinum 7/23/2021 10:45:09 AM 7/23/2021 11:00:09 AM 7/21/2021 3:00:09 PM 7/21/2021 2:45:09 PM Platinum_Service Request 0 Enterprise Apps True Platinum, Gold, Silver, Corporate 9389f689ed2a47e91de7954ecb8f2fe733af0ecb06 False False 9454f50880a42d63b93ce142d58fbbe97de1b3d672 Submit Incident 9398862125defd58a8deea46fe88acc411a96e2b00 0 False False False 0 5 0 False False False True False True New 938729d99cb110f2a6c3e5488ead246422a7cd115f 1 Submit Incident 0 False False False 0 0.00 0.00 0 False False 1st Level Support 9365b4e90592c81e3b7a024555a6c0094ba77e8773 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae 0.00 Phone PeopleSoft False 0.00 demisto admin 9365b511f78906c1fe83644c3fb33e9ec1466f7d90 7/21/2021 11:01:52 AM 8 to 5 Monday thru Friday Accounting demisto admin 9365da817530b0bfee892a48fb8815654c6071af03 1st Level Support This incident was created by Cherwell test playbook 1 0.17 4.00 102380 Service Request Cherwell Admin 93546560c6334c3c105d17437c843b9557775b2e0c Byte[] Array 7/21/2021 3:02:01 PM False 2nd Level Support False 3rd Level Support 93838607346b42be7074af487d9171ea9f948b7204 , , False False In Progress ActionInfoDef ID="93d9abdb6242 Begin Work False False False 1 102380 94756398453cbed47f9b19434e91e320b92cb47d3d 94756398453cbed47f9b19434e91e320b92cb47d3d False False Accounting 1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM False 93838607346b42be7074af487d9171ea9f948b7204 93838607346b42be7074af487d9171ea9f948b7204 Platinum Platinum 7/21/2021 2:56:52 PM 7/21/2021 3:01:52 PM 7/21/2021 11:26:52 AM 7/21/2021 11:11:52 AM Platinum_Service Request 0 Enterprise Apps True Platinum, Gold, Silver, Corporate 9389f689ed2a47e91de7954ecb8f2fe733af0ecb06 False False 9454f50880a42d63b93ce142d58fbbe97de1b3d672 Submit Incident 9398862125defd58a8deea46fe88acc411a96e2b00 0 False False False 0 11 0 True False True True False True New 938729d99cb110f2a6c3e5488ead246422a7cd115f 1 Submit Incident 0 False False False 0 0.00 0.00 0 False False 1st Level Support 9365b4e90592c81e3b7a024555a6c0094ba77e8773 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae 0.00 Phone PeopleSoft False 0.00 demisto admin 9365b511f78906c1fe83644c3fb33e9ec1466f7d90 7/21/2021 1:11:19 PM 8 to 5 Monday thru Friday Accounting demisto admin 9365da817530b0bfee892a48fb8815654c6071af03 1st Level Support This incident was created by Cherwell test playbook 1 0.79 19.00 102381 Service Request Cherwell Admin 93546560c6334c3c105d17437c843b9557775b2e0c Byte[] Array 7/22/2021 8:11:20 AM False 2nd Level Support False 3rd Level Support 93838607346b42be7074af487d9171ea9f948b7204 , , False False In Progress ActionInfoDef ID="93d9abdb6242 Begin Work False False False 3 102381 947564c7add241eb40f5ff40f5a026147a9fc0d47d 947564c7add241eb40f5ff40f5a026147a9fc0d47d False False Accounting 1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM False 93838607346b42be7074af487d9171ea9f948b7204 93838607346b42be7074af487d9171ea9f948b7204 Platinum Platinum 7/23/2021 12:56:19 PM 7/23/2021 1:11:19 PM 7/22/2021 8:11:19 AM 7/21/2021 4:56:19 PM Platinum_Service Request 0 Enterprise Apps True Platinum, Gold, Silver, Corporate 9389f689ed2a47e91de7954ecb8f2fe733af0ecb06 False False 9454f50880a42d63b93ce142d58fbbe97de1b3d672 Submit Incident 9398862125defd58a8deea46fe88acc411a96e2b00 0 False False False 0 5 0 False False False True False True New 938729d99cb110f2a6c3e5488ead246422a7cd115f 1 Submit Incident 0 False False False 0 0.00 0.00 0 False False 1st Level Support 9365b4e90592c81e3b7a024555a6c0094ba77e8773 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae 0.00 Phone PeopleSoft False 0.00 demisto admin 9365b511f78906c1fe83644c3fb33e9ec1466f7d90 7/22/2021 12:22:27 PM 8 to 5 Monday thru Friday Accounting demisto admin 9365da817530b0bfee892a48fb8815654c6071af03 1st Level Support This incident was created by Cherwell test playbook 1 0.00 0.00 102382 Service Request demisto admin 9365b511f78906c1fe83644c3fb33e9ec1466f7d90 Byte[] Array 7/22/2021 12:22:31 PM False 2nd Level Support False 3rd Level Support 93838607346b42be7074af487d9171ea9f948b7204 , , False False In Progress ActionInfoDef ID="93d9abdb6242 Begin Work False False False 3 102382 947571842387f6d7df118546e29cac13df2afafebc 947571842387f6d7df118546e29cac13df2afafebc False False Accounting 1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM False 93838607346b42be7074af487d9171ea9f948b7204 93838607346b42be7074af487d9171ea9f948b7204 Platinum Platinum 7/26/2021 12:07:27 PM 7/26/2021 12:22:27 PM 7/22/2021 4:22:27 PM 7/22/2021 4:07:27 PM Platinum_Service Request 0 Enterprise Apps True Platinum, Gold, Silver, Corporate 9389f689ed2a47e91de7954ecb8f2fe733af0ecb06 False False 9454f50880a42d63b93ce142d58fbbe97de1b3d672 Submit Incident 9398862125defd58a8deea46fe88acc411a96e2b00 0 False False False 0 1 0 False False False False False False New 938729d99cb110f2a6c3e5488ead246422a7cd115f 1 Submit Incident 0 False False False 0 0.00 0.00 0 False False 1st Level Support 9365b4e90592c81e3b7a024555a6c0094ba77e8773 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae 0.00 Phone PeopleSoft False 0.00 demisto admin 9365b511f78906c1fe83644c3fb33e9ec1466f7d90 7/22/2021 12:54:18 PM 8 to 5 Monday thru Friday Accounting demisto admin 9365da817530b0bfee892a48fb8815654c6071af03 1st Level Support This incident was created by Cherwell test playbook 1 0.00 0.00 102384 Service Request demisto admin 9365b511f78906c1fe83644c3fb33e9ec1466f7d90 Byte[] Array 7/22/2021 12:54:18 PM False 2nd Level Support False 3rd Level Support 93838607346b42be7074af487d9171ea9f948b7204 , , False False In Progress ActionInfoDef ID="93d9abdb6242 Begin Work False False False 3 102384 947571cec8a5b5f03850c940c2bf6ca2bf116ffce9 947571cec8a5b5f03850c940c2bf6ca2bf116ffce9 False False Accounting 1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM False 93838607346b42be7074af487d9171ea9f948b7204 93838607346b42be7074af487d9171ea9f948b7204 Platinum Platinum 7/26/2021 12:39:18 PM 7/26/2021 12:54:18 PM 7/22/2021 4:54:18 PM 7/22/2021 4:39:18 PM Platinum_Service Request 0 Enterprise Apps True Platinum, Gold, Silver, Corporate 9389f689ed2a47e91de7954ecb8f2fe733af0ecb06 False False 9454f50880a42d63b93ce142d58fbbe97de1b3d672 Submit Incident 9398862125defd58a8deea46fe88acc411a96e2b00 0 False False False 0 1 0 False False False False False False New 938729d99cb110f2a6c3e5488ead246422a7cd115f 1 Submit Incident 0 False False False 0 0.00 0.00 0 False False
cherwell-get-field-infoGets information for a field, by one of its properties (Name, Display Name, or id).
Base Commandcherwell-get-field-info
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
type | Business object type, for example: "Incident". . | Required |
field_property | Field property to search by (Name, DIsplay Name or Field id). | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Cherwell.FieldInfo.DisplayName | String | Field display name (as it displays in the Cherwell UI). |
Cherwell.FieldInfo.FieldId | String | Field ID. |
Cherwell.FieldInfo.Name | String | The name to use when working with business object commands. |
Command Example!cherwell-get-field-info type=incident field_property=Customer Display Name
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Field info:
Display Name Field Id Name Customer Display Name 93734aaff77b19d1fcfd1d4b4aba1b0af895f25788 CustomerDisplayName
cherwell-run-saved-searchReturns the results of a saved search.
Base Commandcherwell-run-saved-search
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
association_id | Business object association ID for the saved search. | Required |
scope | Scope name or ID for the saved search. | Required |
scope_owner | Scope owner ID for the saved search. Use "(None)" when no scope owner exists. | Required |
search_name | Name of the saved search. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example
Human Readable Output#
cherwell-get-business-object-idGet a general business object id by name
Base Commandcherwell-get-business-object-id
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
business_object_name | Business object name. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Cherwell.BusinessObjectInfo.BusinessObjectId | String | Business object ID. |
Cherwell.BusinessObjectInfo.BusinessObjectName | String | Business object name. |
Command Example!cherwell-get-business-object-id business_object_name=incident
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Business Object Info:
Business Object Id Business Object Name 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae incident
cherwell-get-business-object-summaryGet business object summary by name or ID.
Base Commandcherwell-get-business-object-summary
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
name | The name of the business object. | Optional |
id | The ID of the business object. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Cherwell.BusinessObjectSummary.supporting | Boolean | Whether the business object is a supporting business object or not. |
Cherwell.BusinessObjectSummary.major | Boolean | Whether the business object is a major business object or not. | | Boolean | Whether the business object is a group business object or not. | | String | The name of the business object. |
Cherwell.BusinessObjectSummary.stateFieldId | String | The ID of the business object state field. |
Cherwell.BusinessObjectSummary.busObId | String | The ID of the business object. |
Cherwell.BusinessObjectSummary.states | String | The valid states of the business object. |
Cherwell.BusinessObjectSummary.lookup | Boolean | Whether the object is a lookup object or not. |
Cherwell.BusinessObjectSummary.displayName | String | The display name of the business object. |
Cherwell.BusinessObjectSummary.firstRecIdField | String | The ID value of the first business object record ID (RecID) field. |
Cherwell.BusinessObjectSummary.recIdFields | String | The IDs of business object record ID (RecID) fields. |
Command Example!cherwell-get-business-object-summary name=task
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Business Object Summary:
Bus Ob Id Display Name First Rec Id Field Group Group Summaries Lookup Major Name Rec Id Fields State Field Id States Supporting 9446978f53c84aef2835904a7ab96cfc882efe030c Task 9355d5ed41677b1e9c897e4fa9b4065d34319187f0 true {'firstRecIdField': '9355d5ed41677b1e9c897e4fa9b4065d34319187f0', 'groupSummaries': [], 'recIdFields': '9355d5ed41677b1e9c897e4fa9b4065d34319187f0', 'stateFieldId': '9368f0fb7b744108a666984c21afc932562eb7dc16', 'states': 'New,In Progress,Closed,Acknowledged', 'busObId': '9355d5ed41e384ff345b014b6cb1c6e748594aea5b', 'displayName': 'Work Item', 'group': False, 'lookup': False, 'major': False, 'name': 'Work_Item', 'supporting': True} false false Task 9355d5ed41677b1e9c897e4fa9b4065d34319187f0 9368f0fb7b744108a666984c21afc932562eb7dc16 New,In Progress,Closed,Acknowledged false
cherwell-get-one-step-actions-for-business-objectGet One-Step Actions by business object ID.
Base Commandcherwell-get-one-step-actions-for-business-object
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
busobjectid | The ID of the business object. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Cherwell.OneStepActions.BusinessObjectId | String | The ID of the business object. |
Cherwell.OneStepActions.Actions | Unknown | The business object actions. |
Command Example!cherwell-get-one-step-actions-for-business-object busobjectid=6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Global one-step actions:
Name Display Name Description Id Association Stand In Key RDP to Primary CI RDP to Primary CI Launches Remote Desktop Connection (MSTSC.exe) to the selected CI. Assumes the current User has rights to use remote desktop and remote connections are configured on the target CI. 939850e292d4b54454e9d8471db023c97db04ec279 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:939850e292d4b54454e9d8471db023c97db04ec279#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Ping System Ping System Pings the Primary CI (specified on the Incident Form) using the IP Address provided in the CI details. 9379e37ed996514927afa143658d9d46c06b3f1558 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:9379e37ed996514927afa143658d9d46c06b3f1558#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Reboot Computer Reboot Computer Reboots the Primary CI (specified on the Incident Form), and then updates the Close Description field to track that the CI was rebooted. 936592312d5676ab8accd94673a45ceaa41777e31e 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:936592312d5676ab8accd94673a45ceaa41777e31e#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Clone Current Incident Clone Current Incident Clones information from the current Incident into a new Incident Record. Populates the Description, Call Source, Categorization, and Priority fields with information from the cloned record. 9389f945cc0784caad651a491db626b6baf78bb19c 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:9389f945cc0784caad651a491db626b6baf78bb19c#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Not Available Not Available Displays a popup message if the individual selected as the Incident Owner is out of the office (as defined in the UserInfo Time-off dates). 93b2c31172b273237c7311487b9c6eace6fcdef071 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93b2c31172b273237c7311487b9c6eace6fcdef071#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Call Contact Call Contact Launches Skype to contact the Customer. 9389e70ed88b73a6b1393948a0951e25993cff6c66 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:9389e70ed88b73a6b1393948a0951e25993cff6c66#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Create Change from Incident Create Change from Incident Changes the Incident Status to Pending and creates a Change Request Record from the current Incident. Prompts User to select a reason and enter a short title for the Change, and links the Change Request to the Incident. 9378b5149c22e1173219ac42a699f88b881885bc11 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:9378b5149c22e1173219ac42a699f88b881885bc11#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae New Employee Request Denied New Employee Request Denied Creates and sends an e-mail to a Customer that her request for a new employee computer is denied. Attaches the e-mail to the Incident History Record. 93d5744310efa377c99eac4cd6a029e203095cfdf6 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93d5744310efa377c99eac4cd6a029e203095cfdf6#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Create a Journal Note Entry for Incident Create a Journal Note Entry for Incident Create a new Journal - Note entry for Incident. Used primarily in iCherwell. 93dfb39503a41fb67670734ef495fd0c34216726de 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93dfb39503a41fb67670734ef495fd0c34216726de#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Crear una tarea con el tiempo dedicado Create a Task with Time Spent Creates a Task with a Status of In-Progress and prompts the user for a Title, Description and Time Spent. Used primarily in iCherwell 93dfb3fc4f3339c24f199d4eed888d50a2da3e2908 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93dfb3fc4f3339c24f199d4eed888d50a2da3e2908#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae New Employee Tasks New Employee Tasks Creates Tasks for new employee items and adds request to New Request Queue. 93b51a73bd4eabbc7d81614d06ab3de5fd9ad4756b 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93b51a73bd4eabbc7d81614d06ab3de5fd9ad4756b#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Create Standard Change from Incident Create Standard Change from Incident Creates a Change Request Record from the current Incident. 93e2938fd4d656b25516ba41b986365596101e39a5 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93e2938fd4d656b25516ba41b986365596101e39a5#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Reopen Incident Reopen Incident Changes the Incident Status from Resolved to Reopened, and clears the resolution fields that are used with the Email Monitor. Sets the Resolved Time in minutes and the Total STC Time in minutes to restart the SLA Clock. 93c28182ecc977b3dab73446549d977a008cd84ad2 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93c28182ecc977b3dab73446549d977a008cd84ad2#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Reset Password Reset Password Sets password for selected User or Customer to "ChangeMe," and sets account to active if locked out. Updates Incident Form to indicate that password was reset and changes Status to Resolved. 935467d76aacbb0fe7317345f58cc75e38c6640e38 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:935467d76aacbb0fe7317345f58cc75e38c6640e38#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Marcar tempo da tarefa contra o incidente Track Task Time Against Incident Creates a Task time tracking entry and prompts the User for time spent and task completion details. Sets the Task Close Code to Completed. 93d4ee5220e714428a9a4f4189a329409e69e48056 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93d4ee5220e714428a9a4f4189a329409e69e48056#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Set Incident Status to Resolved Set Incident Status to Resolved Sets the Incident Status to Resolved. Used for Mobile Apps. 93dcaa69fd0dee94e4f1f24cb6b86395bfb5cdbe77 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93dcaa69fd0dee94e4f1f24cb6b86395bfb5cdbe77#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Impacted CIs Button Actions Impacted CI's Button Actions Conditional expression One-Step that shows a Configuration Map 93dfe7325dd236465ec873418e97ca948f738974a0 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93dfe7325dd236465ec873418e97ca948f738974a0#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Close as Duplicate Close as Duplicate Closes an Incident Record as a duplicate of another Incident. Prompts the User to enter the number (RecID) of the Incident that it duplicates. 938737bddabf85fd0c881a4c26b93982d9411e91ef 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:938737bddabf85fd0c881a4c26b93982d9411e91ef#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Close Request Close Request 93c281891b5c3819fe72934f6da3ca31efa03f7023 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93c281891b5c3819fe72934f6da3ca31efa03f7023#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Set Incident to Priority One Set Incident to Priority One Sets the Incident Priority to 1. Used for iCherwell and Android Mobile Apps. 93dcaa73f25bd4c232c8b94ca1b29a0a63b5d4ee4b 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93dcaa73f25bd4c232c8b94ca1b29a0a63b5d4ee4b#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Nominate for KB Nominate for KB Creates a new Knowledge Article (KA) populated with the Categorization, Description and Solution/Workaround from the Incident. 9365abfe787a1bce3282c446a9ae9914204703a7fe 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:9365abfe787a1bce3282c446a9ae9914204703a7fe#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae FollowUp EMail Follow-up E-mail Creates a follow-up e-mail to send the Customer regarding a question or update about the Incident. Allows the User to edit the e-mail before clicking Send. Attaches the e-mail to the Incident History Record. 9344807867705870519cd54caf852e8600e42ed537 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:9344807867705870519cd54caf852e8600e42ed537#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae SLA Escalate if not Touched in 3 Days SLA Escalate if not Touched in 3 Days When 3 days lapse from the last modified date time, sends a reminder e-mail to the Incident Owner to follow up with the Customer. 93a606bfdcaf4fa68bf8284a7d8e195bae5e851992 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93a606bfdcaf4fa68bf8284a7d8e195bae5e851992#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Take Ownership Take Ownership Makes the current user the owner of the Incident.
Changes the Incident status from new to assigned.93d50acaac30f5fe73aef345cf923763d34f756c0c 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93d50acaac30f5fe73aef345cf923763d34f756c0c#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Escalate to Level 3 Escalate to Level 3 940794577aeb1e8265242c452eb83401abcefda781 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:940794577aeb1e8265242c452eb83401abcefda781#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Escalation Complete Escalation Complete 940794cdb072fb6649a9fc49b8b3ce3f77760c9964 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:940794cdb072fb6649a9fc49b8b3ce3f77760c9964#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Invite pour le détails de la transmission au troisième Escalation to Level 2 and 3 Creates escalation task to predefined level 2 and level 3 teams based on data in Incident Subcategory table. 93f72f43c5c4979d75c5f547e795400ef411cb8a6b 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93f72f43c5c4979d75c5f547e795400ef411cb8a6b#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Cria um problema de um incidente Create Problem from Incident Creates a Problem Record from the Incident. Adds the Problem to the Problem Management Queue. 935ecc5e96f6f2e26994e445dd8be9fef86252399e 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:935ecc5e96f6f2e26994e445dd8be9fef86252399e#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Crear incidencia Create Incident 93dbbd9b58b12daa093a9944d8a356e57cefd7d277 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93dbbd9b58b12daa093a9944d8a356e57cefd7d277#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Filtrar SCTs Filter SCTs 9411e83cb4677257b43dd24021aae88c85a3213805 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:9411e83cb4677257b43dd24021aae88c85a3213805#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Convert into Major Incident Convert into Major Incident Converts an Incident into a Major Incident 94434b2049907a382f535b4004a442ebae3c1af753 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:94434b2049907a382f535b4004a442ebae3c1af753#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Cancel Incident Cancel Incident Abandons the incident and opens the default dashboard 944414556cbeebd3bf521840bdad54264072e6e430 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:944414556cbeebd3bf521840bdad54264072e6e430#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Go to Record Go to Record Opens the current record 9445b97b516056a1278bb1483bb5c7f93e08e4635a 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:9445b97b516056a1278bb1483bb5c7f93e08e4635a#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Requester Follow Up Email Requester Follow Up Email 9450a0600c044e15f723d349958b5dec22924863e8 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:9450a0600c044e15f723d349958b5dec22924863e8#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Confirmação de resolução Resolved Confirmation Creates an e-mail to the Customer that her Incident was resolved. Allows the User to edit the e-mail before clicking Send. Attaches the e-mail to the Incident History Record. 9454250878f3b7ff56de064ca781b2787105c8e667 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:9454250878f3b7ff56de064ca781b2787105c8e667#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Recommended Assignee Recommended Assignee 9454e641d3819fbf16c6394037af3814de18670bf8 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:9454e641d3819fbf16c6394037af3814de18670bf8#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Create and Send Survey Create and Send Survey 943a2f7631f172ade8507347a5ada7b2a39daec900 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:943a2f7631f172ade8507347a5ada7b2a39daec900#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Sample Onestep Called from API Sample Onestep Called from API 947509fc528a451570e6c14223a9a8ca12b0856fc2 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:947509fc528a451570e6c14223a9a8ca12b0856fc2#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae #
Buttons one-step actions:
Name Display Name Description Id Association Stand In Key Call Contact Call Contact Launches Skype to contact the Customer. 9389e70ed88b73a6b1393948a0951e25993cff6c66 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:9389e70ed88b73a6b1393948a0951e25993cff6c66#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Cancel Incident Cancel Incident Abandons the incident and opens the default dashboard 944414556cbeebd3bf521840bdad54264072e6e430 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:944414556cbeebd3bf521840bdad54264072e6e430#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Crear una tarea con el tiempo dedicado Create a Task with Time Spent Creates a Task with a Status of In-Progress and prompts the user for a Title, Description and Time Spent. Used primarily in iCherwell 93dfb3fc4f3339c24f199d4eed888d50a2da3e2908 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93dfb3fc4f3339c24f199d4eed888d50a2da3e2908#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Create and Send Survey Create and Send Survey 943a2f7631f172ade8507347a5ada7b2a39daec900 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:943a2f7631f172ade8507347a5ada7b2a39daec900#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Create Change from Incident Create Change from Incident Changes the Incident Status to Pending and creates a Change Request Record from the current Incident. Prompts User to select a reason and enter a short title for the Change, and links the Change Request to the Incident. 9378b5149c22e1173219ac42a699f88b881885bc11 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:9378b5149c22e1173219ac42a699f88b881885bc11#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Cria um problema de um incidente Create Problem from Incident Creates a Problem Record from the Incident. Adds the Problem to the Problem Management Queue. 935ecc5e96f6f2e26994e445dd8be9fef86252399e 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:935ecc5e96f6f2e26994e445dd8be9fef86252399e#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Create Standard Change from Incident Create Standard Change from Incident Creates a Change Request Record from the current Incident. 93e2938fd4d656b25516ba41b986365596101e39a5 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93e2938fd4d656b25516ba41b986365596101e39a5#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Impacted CIs Button Actions Impacted CI's Button Actions Conditional expression One-Step that shows a Configuration Map 93dfe7325dd236465ec873418e97ca948f738974a0 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93dfe7325dd236465ec873418e97ca948f738974a0#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Nominate for KB Nominate for KB Creates a new Knowledge Article (KA) populated with the Categorization, Description and Solution/Workaround from the Incident. 9365abfe787a1bce3282c446a9ae9914204703a7fe 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:9365abfe787a1bce3282c446a9ae9914204703a7fe#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Marcar tempo da tarefa contra o incidente Track Task Time Against Incident Creates a Task time tracking entry and prompts the User for time spent and task completion details. Sets the Task Close Code to Completed. 93d4ee5220e714428a9a4f4189a329409e69e48056 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93d4ee5220e714428a9a4f4189a329409e69e48056#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae #
Config Item Tasks one-step actions:
Name Display Name Description Id Association Stand In Key Ping System Ping System Pings the Primary CI (specified on the Incident Form) using the IP Address provided in the CI details. 9379e37ed996514927afa143658d9d46c06b3f1558 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:9379e37ed996514927afa143658d9d46c06b3f1558#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae RDP to Primary CI RDP to Primary CI Launches Remote Desktop Connection (MSTSC.exe) to the selected CI. Assumes the current User has rights to use remote desktop and remote connections are configured on the target CI. 939850e292d4b54454e9d8471db023c97db04ec279 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:939850e292d4b54454e9d8471db023c97db04ec279#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Reboot Computer Reboot Computer Reboots the Primary CI (specified on the Incident Form), and then updates the Close Description field to track that the CI was rebooted. 936592312d5676ab8accd94673a45ceaa41777e31e 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:936592312d5676ab8accd94673a45ceaa41777e31e#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Reset Password Reset Password Sets password for selected User or Customer to "ChangeMe," and sets account to active if locked out. Updates Incident Form to indicate that password was reset and changes Status to Resolved. 935467d76aacbb0fe7317345f58cc75e38c6640e38 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:935467d76aacbb0fe7317345f58cc75e38c6640e38#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae #
Record Templates one-step actions:
Name Display Name Description Id Association Stand In Key Close as Duplicate Close as Duplicate Closes an Incident Record as a duplicate of another Incident. Prompts the User to enter the number (RecID) of the Incident that it duplicates. 938737bddabf85fd0c881a4c26b93982d9411e91ef 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:938737bddabf85fd0c881a4c26b93982d9411e91ef#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Crear incidencia Create Incident 93dbbd9b58b12daa093a9944d8a356e57cefd7d277 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93dbbd9b58b12daa093a9944d8a356e57cefd7d277#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae #
Service Request Models one-step actions:
Name Display Name Description Id Association Stand In Key New Employee Request Denied New Employee Request Denied Creates and sends an e-mail to a Customer that her request for a new employee computer is denied. Attaches the e-mail to the Incident History Record. 93d5744310efa377c99eac4cd6a029e203095cfdf6 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93d5744310efa377c99eac4cd6a029e203095cfdf6#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae New Employee Tasks New Employee Tasks Creates Tasks for new employee items and adds request to New Request Queue. 93b51a73bd4eabbc7d81614d06ab3de5fd9ad4756b 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93b51a73bd4eabbc7d81614d06ab3de5fd9ad4756b#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae #
Workflow Actions one-step actions:
Name Display Name Description Id Association Stand In Key Escalate to Level 3 Escalate to Level 3 940794577aeb1e8265242c452eb83401abcefda781 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:940794577aeb1e8265242c452eb83401abcefda781#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Escalation Complete Escalation Complete 940794cdb072fb6649a9fc49b8b3ce3f77760c9964 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:940794cdb072fb6649a9fc49b8b3ce3f77760c9964#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Invite pour le détails de la transmission au troisième Escalation to Level 2 and 3 Creates escalation task to predefined level 2 and level 3 teams based on data in Incident Subcategory table. 93f72f43c5c4979d75c5f547e795400ef411cb8a6b 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93f72f43c5c4979d75c5f547e795400ef411cb8a6b#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Reopen Incident Reopen Incident Changes the Incident Status from Resolved to Reopened, and clears the resolution fields that are used with the Email Monitor. Sets the Resolved Time in minutes and the Total STC Time in minutes to restart the SLA Clock. 93c28182ecc977b3dab73446549d977a008cd84ad2 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93c28182ecc977b3dab73446549d977a008cd84ad2#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae SLA Escalate if not Touched in 3 Days SLA Escalate if not Touched in 3 Days When 3 days lapse from the last modified date time, sends a reminder e-mail to the Incident Owner to follow up with the Customer. 93a606bfdcaf4fa68bf8284a7d8e195bae5e851992 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93a606bfdcaf4fa68bf8284a7d8e195bae5e851992#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae Take Ownership Take Ownership Makes the current user the owner of the Incident.
Changes the Incident status from new to assigned.93d50acaac30f5fe73aef345cf923763d34f756c0c 6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:93d50acaac30f5fe73aef345cf923763d34f756c0c#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae
cherwell-run-one-step-action-on-business-objectRun a One-Step Action using a OneStepActionRequest. This request is used to start a One-Step Action run with additional information, such as prompt values.
Base Commandcherwell-run-one-step-action-on-business-object
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
busobjectid | The ID of the business object. | Required |
busobrecid | The ID of the business object record. | Required |
oneStepAction_StandInKey | The key to find the One-Step Action to run. You can get it using the command cherwell-get-one-step-actions-for-business-object. | Required |
prompt_values | Additional information to run the action in JSON format. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Command Example!cherwell-run-one-step-action-on-business-object busobjectid=6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae busobrecid=94757184cce46253b3ab694ae58289b64d0cd867ce oneStepAction_StandInKey=DefType:OneStepDef#Scope:Global#Id:947509fc528a451570e6c14223a9a8ca12b0856fc2#Owner:6dd53665c0c24cab86870a21cf6434ae prompt_values=[{"promptDefId": "947509fe4c84176152bcaa472b929d556b47c5df6d","value": "This is from the REST API"}]
Human Readable OutputOne-Step action has been executed successfully.