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Cisco ESA

This Integration is part of the Cisco Email Security Appliance (IronPort) Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.5.0 and later.

The Cisco Email Security Appliance is an email security gateway product. It is designed to detect and block a wide variety of email-born threats, such as malware, spam and phishing attempts. This integration was integrated and tested with version 14.0 of Cisco Email Security Appliance.

Configure Cisco ESA in Cortex#

Server URLBase URL, e.g.,
Maximum incidents per fetchDefault is 50. Maximum is 100.False
First fetch timestampTimestamp in ISO format or number time unit,
e.g., 2022-01-01T00:00:00000Z, 12 hours, 7 days, 3 months, now.
Filter byThe message field by which to fetch results.False
Filter operatorThe message field operator by which to fetch results.False
Filter valueThe message filter value by which to fetch results.False
Recipient filter operatorThe message recipient filter operator by which to fetch results.False
Recipient filter valueThe message recipient filter value by which to fetch results.False
Time to live for the JWT connection token (in minutes).False
Use system proxy settingsFalse
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
Incident typeFalse
Fetch incidentsFalse


If you encounter multiple recurring errors similar to the following message:

Authorization Error: make sure username and password are set correctly.

By default, the integration assumes your JWT session tokens have a time to live of 30 minutes. If the time to live is shorter, it can lead to the authorization error above. To resolve this error, reduce the value for the Time to live for JWT session token parameter. By default, this value is 30 minutes and should only be reduced if these errors occur.


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Search messages in the spam quarantine.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
start_dateStart date in ISO format or <number> <time unit>,
e.g., 2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, 12 hours, 7 days, 3 months, now.
end_dateEnd date in ISO format or <number> <time unit>,
e.g., 2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, 12 hours, 7 days, 3 months, now.
filter_byThe message field by which to filter the results. Possible values are: from_address, to_address, subject.Optional
filter_operatorFilter operator by which to filter the results. Possible values are: contains, is, begins_with, ends_with, does_not_contain.Optional
filter_valueThe value to search for. This is a user defined value. D.g.,
recipient_filter_operatorRecipient operator filter by which to filter the results. Possible values are: contains, is, begins_with, ends_with, does_not_contain.Optional
recipient_filter_valueRecipient filter by which to filter the results.Optional
order_byThe attribute by which to order the data in the response. Possible values are: from_address, date, subject, size.Optional
order_dirResults order direction. Possible values are: asc, desc.Optional
pagePage number of paginated results.
Minimum value: 1.
page_sizeNumber of results per page. Maximum value 100.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to retrieve. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoESA.SpamQuarantineMessage.envelopeRecipientStringRecipient email address.
CiscoESA.SpamQuarantineMessage.toAddressStringRecipient email address.
CiscoESA.SpamQuarantineMessage.subjectStringEmail subject.
CiscoESA.SpamQuarantineMessage.dateStringEmail due date.
CiscoESA.SpamQuarantineMessage.fromAddressStringSender email address.
CiscoESA.SpamQuarantineMessage.sizeStringemail size.
CiscoESA.SpamQuarantineMessage.midNumberMessage ID.

Command example#

!cisco-esa-spam-quarantine-message-search start_date=2weeks end_date=now page=3 page_size=2

Context Example#

"CiscoESA": {
"SpamQuarantineMessage": [
"date": "13 Oct 2022 11:56 (GMT +00:00)",
"envelopeRecipient": [
"fromAddress": [
"Test Test <>"
"mid": 1573,
"size": "10.20K",
"subject": "hello 1",
"toAddress": [
" <>"
"date": "13 Oct 2022 11:54 (GMT +00:00)",
"envelopeRecipient": [
"fromAddress": [
"Test Test <>"
"mid": 1571,
"size": "10.20K",
"subject": "test 2",
"toAddress": [
" <>"

Human Readable Output#

Spam Quarantine Messages List#

Showing page 3. Current page size: 2. |Mid|Date|From Address|To Address|Subject|Size| |---|---|---|---|---|---| | 1573 | 13 Oct 2022 11:56 (GMT +00:00) | Test Test | "" | hello 1 | 10.20K | | 1571 | 13 Oct 2022 11:54 (GMT +00:00) | Test Test | "" | test 2 | 10.20K |


Get spam quarantine message details.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
message_idMessage ID.Required

Context Output#

CiscoESA.SpamQuarantineMessage.envelopeRecipientStringMessage recipient.
CiscoESA.SpamQuarantineMessage.toAddressStringMessage recipient.
CiscoESA.SpamQuarantineMessage.messageBodyStringMessage body.
CiscoESA.SpamQuarantineMessage.dateStringMessage date.
CiscoESA.SpamQuarantineMessage.fromAddressStringMessage sender.
CiscoESA.SpamQuarantineMessage.subjectStringMessage subject.
CiscoESA.SpamQuarantineMessage.midNumberMessage ID.

Command example#

!cisco-esa-spam-quarantine-message-get message_id=1572

Context Example#

"CiscoESA": {
"SpamQuarantineMessage": {
"attachments": [],
"date": "13 Oct 2022 11:56 (GMT +00:00)",
"envelopeRecipient": [
"fromAddress": [
"Test Test <>"
"messageBody": "X-MGA-submission: MDFwkBZw0xxrJATK37WrEGRJETolGcH/Ec0fhopBiCRuw7z3sB/lgKvnfUMzauVhijIde5pya7OR9Xn3ykXf7DGOX2PG4OSu//hcfzlboDzNMfYKbQ2c3Zs+883VYMeiUtz+xN/UCnIv9OHLDgJQ93IexI75JnATjKoedFoZpy80/g==<br />\nIronPort-HdrOrdr: A9a23:3J6AuqN81clqn8BcTyb155DYdb4zR+YMi2TDiHoddfUFSKalfp\r\n 6V98jzjSWE7gr5K0tQ4OxoWZPwNk80kKQY3WB/B8bHYOCLggqVxeJZnP3fKl/bakrDH4dmvM\r\n 8OHZSWY+eAbmSS+PyKhTVQZOxQouVvnprJuc7ui1NWCS16YaBp6Al0TiyBFFdteQVADZ0lUL\r\n KB+8tuvVObCDwqR/X+IkNAc/nIptXNmp6jSwUBHQQb5A6Hii7twKLmEiKfwgwVX1p0sPwfGC\r\n n+4kbED5eYwr2GIyznpiDuBlNt6ZXcI+54dYGxYw4uW3TRY0iTFcRcsva5zUgISamUmS0XeZ\r\n /30l4d1o1ImgnsV3Dwrh331wb61jEyr3fk1F+DmHPm5df0XTQgFqN69PBkmzbimjodVetHod\r\n F29nPcs4ASAQLLnSz76dSNXxZ2llCsqX5nleIIlXRQXYYXdbcU9OUkjTdoOYZFGDi/5JEsEe\r\n FoAs2Z7PFKcUmCZ3ScumV02tSjUnk6Ax/72<br />\nX-SLBL-Result: BLOCK-LISTED<br />\nX-IronPort-MailFlowPolicy: $ACCEPTED<br />\nX-IronPort-SenderGroup: ACCEPTLIST<br />\nX-IronPort-Listener: MailFlow<br />\nX-IronPort-Reputation: 3.5<br />\nX-IronPort-MID: 1572<br />\nX-IronPort-RemoteIP:<br />\nIronPort-SDR:\r\n\tboundary=_000_AS4P192MB1694AF23A0D358D3FE1B6B71AB259AS4P192MB1694EURP_<br />\nMIME-Version: 1.0<br />\nX-OriginatorOrg:<br />\nX-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal<br />\nX-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: test.test.COM<br />\nX-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 26a48316-d039-47af-e556-08daad11e929<br />\nX-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-originalarrivaltime: 13 Oct 2022 11:56:06.4076\r\n (UTC)<br />\nX-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-fromentityheader: Hosted<br />\nX-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-id: ed363dfd-16fd-4038-8e58-9237411a84e5<br />\nX-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-mailboxtype: HOSTED<br />\nX-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-userprincipalname: CkxCbZ1GZcqcuiVMCbo/AlVFa3/u8MxVWLuGIDg099YXDpyeHTh+tTrYpdMa/AWXF41GXNn/phrOWU4SsBEH6A==<br />\nX-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: DB8P192MB0598<br /><br />\n\r<br/>\n",
"mid": 1572,
"subject": "hello",
"toAddress": [
" <>"

Human Readable Output#

Spam Quarantine Message#

Found spam quarantine message with ID: 1572 |Mid|From Address|To Address|Date|Subject| |---|---|---|---|---| | 1572 | Test Test | "" | 13 Oct 2022 11:56 (GMT +00:00) | hello |


Release quarantine emails.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
message_idsA comma-separated list of message IDs.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!cisco-esa-spam-quarantine-message-release message_ids=1573

Human Readable Output#

Quarantined message 1573 successfully released.


Delete quarantine emails.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
message_idsA comma-separated list of message IDs to delete.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!cisco-esa-spam-quarantine-message-delete message_ids=1574

Human Readable Output#

Quarantined message 1574 successfully deleted.


Get spam quarantine blocklist/safelist entry.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
entry_typeList entry type. Possible values are: blocklist, safelist.Required
pagePage number of paginated results.
Minimum value: 1.
page_sizeNumber of results per page. Maximum value 100.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to retrieve. Default is 50.Optional
order_byThe attribute by which to order the data in the response. Possible values are: recipient, sender.Optional
order_dirResults order direction. Possible values are: asc, desc.Optional
view_byView results by. Possible values are: recipient, sender. Default is recipient.Optional
searchSearch for recipients or senders in blocklist/safelist with 'contains' operator.
This is only supported for the argument view_by=recipient.

Context Output#

CiscoESA.ListEntry.Blocklist.senderListStringSender list.
CiscoESA.ListEntry.Blocklist.recipientAddressStringRecipient address.
CiscoESA.ListEntry.Blocklist.recipientListStringRecipient list.
CiscoESA.ListEntry.Blocklist.senderAddressStringSender address.
CiscoESA.ListEntry.Safelist.senderListStringSender list.
CiscoESA.ListEntry.Safelist.recipientAddressStringRecipient address.
CiscoESA.ListEntry.Safelist.recipientListStringRecipient list.
CiscoESA.ListEntry.Safelist.senderAddressStringSender address.

Command example#

!cisco-esa-list-entry-get entry_type=safelist page=2 page_size=3 view_by=recipient order_by=recipient order_dir=desc

Context Example#

"CiscoESA": {
"ListEntry": {
"Safelist": [
"recipientAddress": "",
"senderList": [
"recipientAddress": "",
"senderList": [
"recipientAddress": "",
"senderList": [

Human Readable Output#

Safelist Entries#

Showing page 2. Current page size: 3. |Recipient Address|Sender List| |---|---| | | | | | | | | |


Add spam quarantine blocklist/safelist entry.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
entry_typeList entry type. Possible values are: blocklist, safelist.Required
view_byAdd list entry by recipient/sender.
When view_by = recipient, recipient_addresses and sender_list are mandatory.
When view_by = sender, sender_addresses and recipient_list are mandatory. Possible values are: recipient, sender. Default is recipient.
recipient_addressesA comma-separated list of recipient addresses to add.Optional
sender_listA comma-separated list of senders to add.Optional
sender_addressesA comma-separated list of sender addresses to add.Optional
recipient_listA comma-separated list of recipients to add.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!cisco-esa-list-entry-add entry_type=blocklist view_by=recipient,

Human Readable Output#

Successfully added, senders to recipients in blocklist.


Append spam quarantine blocklist/safelist entry.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
entry_typeList entry type. Possible values are: blocklist, safelist.Required
view_byAppend list entry by recipient/sender.
When view_by = recipient, recipient_addresses and sender_list are mandatory.
When view_by = sender, sender_addresses and recipient_list are mandatory. Possible values are: recipient, sender. Default is recipient.
recipient_listA comma-separated list of recipients to append.Optional
sender_listA comma-separated list of senders to append.Optional
recipient_addressesA comma-separated list of recipient addresses to append.Optional
sender_addressesA comma-separated list of sender addresses to append.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!cisco-esa-list-entry-append entry_type=blocklist

Human Readable Output#

Successfully appended senders to recipients in blocklist.


Edit spam quarantine blocklist/safelist entry. Using this command will override the existing value.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
entry_typeList entry type. Possible values are: blocklist, safelist.Required
view_byEdit list entry by recipient/sender.
When view_by = recipient, recipient_addresses and sender_list are mandatory.
When view_by = sender, sender_addresses and recipient_list are mandatory. Possible values are: recipient, sender. Default is recipient.
recipient_listA comma-separated list of recipients to edit.Optional
sender_listA comma-separated list of senders to edit.Optional
recipient_addressesA comma-separated list of recipient addresses to edit.Optional
sender_addressesA comma-separated list of sender addresses to edit.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!cisco-esa-list-entry-edit entry_type=blocklist view_by=recipient,

Human Readable Output#

Successfully edited recipients' senders to, in blocklist.


Delete spam quarantine blocklist/safelist entry.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
entry_typeList entry type. Possible values are: blocklist, safelist.Required
view_byDelete list entry by recipient/sender.
When view_by = recipient, recipient_list is mandatory.
When view_by = sender, sender_list is mandatory. Possible values are: recipient, sender. Default is recipient.
recipient_listList of recipient/sender addresses to delete.Optional
sender_listList of recipient/sender addresses to delete.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!cisco-esa-list-entry-delete entry_type=blocklist view_by=recipient

Human Readable Output#

Successfully deleted recipients from blocklist.


Search tracking messages.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
start_dateStart date in ISO format or <number> <time unit>,
e.g., 2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, 12 hours, 7 days, 3 months, now.
end_dateEnd date in ISO format or <number> <time unit>,
e.g., 2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, 12 hours, 7 days, 3 months, now.
pagePage number of paginated results.
Minimum value: 1.
page_sizeNumber of results per page. Maximum value 100.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to retrieve. Default is 50.Optional
sender_filter_operatorSender filter operator. Possible values are: contains, is, begins_with.Optional
sender_filter_valueSender filter value.Optional
recipient_filter_operatorRecipient filter operator. Possible values are: contains, is, begins_with.Optional
recipient_filter_valueRecipient filter value.Optional
subject_filter_operatorSubject filter operator. Possible values are: contains, is, begins_with.Optional
subject_filter_valueSubject filter value.Optional
attachment_name_operatorAttachment name operator. Possible values are: contains, is, begins_with.Optional
attachment_name_valueAttachment name value.Optional
file_sha_256SHA256 must be 64 characters long and can contain only "0-9" and "a-f" characters.
e.g. e0d123e5f316bef78bfdf5a008837577e0d123e5f316bef78bfdf5a008837577.
custom_queryCustom query for cisco ESA's advanced filters.
Syntax: <key>=<value>;<key>=<value>;<key>=<value>
e.g., graymail=True;message_delivered=True.

Context Output#

CiscoESA.Message.hostNameStringEmail gateway hostname.
CiscoESA.Message.friendly_fromStringFriendly formatted sender email address.
CiscoESA.Message.isCompleteDataStringWhether the entire data was pulled.
CiscoESA.Message.messageStatusStringMessage delivery status.
CiscoESA.Message.recipientMapStringRecipients list.
CiscoESA.Message.senderIpStringSender IP address.
CiscoESA.Message.mailPolicyStringMatched mail policy.
CiscoESA.Message.senderGroupStringMatched sender group.
CiscoESA.Message.subjectStringSubject of email message.
CiscoESA.Message.midNumberMessage ID.
CiscoESA.Message.senderDomainStringDomain of email message sender.
CiscoESA.Message.finalSubjectStringExtended email subject.
CiscoESA.Message.directionStringMessage direction, incoming or outgoing.
CiscoESA.Message.icidNumberAn Injection Connection ID (ICID). A numerical identifier for an individual SMTP connection to the system.
CiscoESA.Message.replyToStringEmail message reply to.
CiscoESA.Message.timestampStringTime of the email message.
CiscoESA.Message.messageIDStringExtended message ID.
CiscoESA.Message.verdictChartStringVerdict visual chart ID.
CiscoESA.Message.recipientStringRecipients email addresses list.
CiscoESA.Message.senderStringSender email address.
CiscoESA.Message.serialNumberStringCisco ESA email gateway serial number.
CiscoESA.Message.allIcidNumberICIDs list.
CiscoESA.Message.sbrsStringSender Base Reputation Scores.

Command example#

!cisco-esa-message-search start_date=1month end_date=now page=3 page_size=2 subject_filter_operator=contains subject_filter_value=test

Context Example#

"CiscoESA": {
"Message": [
"allIcid": [
"direction": "incoming",
"finalSubject": {
"1438": "test"
"friendly_from": [
"hostName": "",
"icid": 29969,
"isCompleteData": "N/A",
"mailPolicy": [
"messageID": {
"1438": "<test@test.test.COM>"
"messageStatus": {
"1438": "Quarantined by Anti-Spam/Graymail"
"mid": [
"morDetails": {},
"recipient": [
"recipientMap": {
"1438": [
"replyTo": "N/A",
"sbrs": "3.5",
"sender": "",
"senderDomain": "",
"senderGroup": "ACCEPTLIST",
"senderIp": "",
"serialNumber": "test-test",
"subject": "test",
"timestamp": "2022-10-03T11:54:28Z",
"unique_message_id": "1438",
"verdictChart": {
"1438": "16140210"
"allIcid": [
"direction": "incoming",
"finalSubject": {
"758": "test123"
"friendly_from": [
"hostName": "",
"icid": 19653,
"isCompleteData": "N/A",
"mailPolicy": [
"messageID": {
"758": "<test@test.test.COM>"
"messageStatus": {
"758": "Quarantined by Anti-Spam/Graymail"
"mid": [
"morDetails": {},
"recipient": [
"recipientMap": {
"758": [
"replyTo": "N/A",
"sbrs": "3.5",
"sender": "",
"senderDomain": "",
"senderGroup": "ACCEPTLIST",
"senderIp": "",
"serialNumber": "test-test",
"subject": "test123",
"timestamp": "2022-09-20T15:03:40Z",
"unique_message_id": "758",
"verdictChart": {
"758": "16130210"

Human Readable Output#

Messages List#

Showing page 3. Current page size: 2. |Mid|All Icid|Serial Number|Sender|Recipient|Subject|Message Status|Timestamp|Sender Ip|Sbrs| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | 1438 | 29969 | test-test | | | test | 1438: Quarantined by Anti-Spam/Graymail | 2022-10-03T11:54:28Z | | 3.5 | | 758 | 19653 | test-test | | | test123 | 758: Quarantined by Anti-Spam/Graymail | 2022-09-20T15:03:40Z | | 3.5 |


Get message details.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
serial_numberEmail gateway serial number.Required
message_idsMessage ID list.Required
injection_connection_idInjection connection ID.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoESA.Message.sdrAgeStringSender domain reputation age.
CiscoESA.Message.attachmentsStringMessage attachments.
CiscoESA.Message.hostNameStringEmail gateway hostname.
CiscoESA.Message.isCompleteDataBooleanWhether the entire data was pulled.
CiscoESA.Message.messageStatusStringMessage delivery status.
CiscoESA.Message.mailPolicyStringMatched mail policy.
CiscoESA.Message.senderGroupStringMatched sender group.
CiscoESA.Message.subjectStringSubject of email message.
CiscoESA.Message.showSummaryTimeBoxBooleanWhether to display the summary timebox.
CiscoESA.Message.sdrCategoryStringSender domain reputation category.
CiscoESA.Message.midNumberMessage ID.
CiscoESA.Message.sendingHostSummary.reverseDnsHostnameStringSending host reverse DNS hostname.
CiscoESA.Message.sendingHostSummary.ipAddressStringSending host IP address.
CiscoESA.Message.sendingHostSummary.sbrsScoreStringSending host sender base reputation scores.
CiscoESA.Message.directionStringMessage direction, incoming or outgoing.
CiscoESA.Message.smtpAuthIdStringSMTP authorization ID.
CiscoESA.Message.midHeaderStringMessage ID header.
CiscoESA.Message.timestampStringEmail message time.
CiscoESA.Message.showDLPBooleanWhether the DLP report is available.
CiscoESA.Message.messageSizeStringEmail message size.
CiscoESA.Message.sdrReputationStringSender domain reputation.
CiscoESA.Message.showURLBooleanWhether the URL report is available.
CiscoESA.Message.recipientStringMessage recipient email address.
CiscoESA.Message.senderStringMessage sender email address.
CiscoESA.Message.showAMPBooleanWhether the AMP report is available.
CiscoESA.Message.summary.timestampStringEvent summary time.
CiscoESA.Message.summary.descriptionStringEvent summary description
CiscoESA.Message.summary.lastEventBooleanWhether this is the last summary event.
CiscoESA.Message.allIcidNumberICIDs list.
CiscoESA.Message.headerFromStringEmail message header from.

Command example#

!cisco-esa-message-details-get serial_number=test-test message_ids=1576 injection_connection_id=36859

Context Example#

"CiscoESA": {
"Message": {
"allIcid": [
"ampTgCategories": [],
"attachments": [],
"direction": "incoming",
"headerFrom": "",
"hostName": "(Name unresolved, SN:test-test)",
"isCompleteData": false,
"mailPolicy": [
"messageSize": "9.17 (KB)",
"messageStatus": "Quarantined by Anti-Spam/Graymail",
"mid": [
"midHeader": "<>",
"recipient": [
"sdrAge": "30 days (or greater)",
"sdrCategory": "N/A",
"sdrReputation": "Neutral",
"sdrThreatLevels": "3",
"sender": "",
"senderGroup": "ACCEPTLIST",
"sendingHostSummary": {
"ipAddress": "",
"reverseDnsHostname": " (verified)",
"sbrsScore": "3.5"
"showAMP": false,
"showDLP": false,
"showSummaryTimeBox": true,
"showURL": false,
"smtpAuthId": "",
"subject": "hello 4",
"summary": [
"description": "Incoming connection (ICID 36859) has sender_group: ACCEPTLIST, sender_ip: and sbrs: 3.5",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:22Z"
"description": "Protocol SMTP interface Data 1 (IP on incoming connection (ICID 36859) from sender IP Reverse DNS host verified yes.",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:22Z"
"description": "(ICID 36859) ACCEPT sender group ACCEPTLIST match sbrs[0.0:10.0] SBRS 3.5 country Ireland",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:22Z"
"description": "Incoming connection (ICID 36859) successfully accepted TLS protocol TLSv1.2 cipher test-test-test.",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 Sender Domain:",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Start message 1576 on incoming connection (ICID 36859).",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 enqueued on incoming connection (ICID 36859) from",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 direction: incoming",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 Domains for which SDR is requested: reverse DNS host:, helo:, env-from:, header_from: Not Present, reply_to: Not Present",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 Consolidated Sender Threat Level: Neutral, Threat Category: N/A, Suspected Domain(s) : N/A (other reasons for verdict). Sender Maturity: 30 days (or greater) for domain:",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 on incoming connection (ICID 36859) added recipient (",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 SPF: mailfrom identity Pass",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 DKIM: pass signature verified ( s=selector2-test-test-com",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576: DMARC Verification skipped (No record found for the sending domain).",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 contains message ID header '<>'.",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 original subject on injection: hello 4",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 Domains for which SDR is requested: reverse DNS host:, helo:, env-from:, header_from:, reply_to: Not Present",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 Consolidated Sender Threat Level: Neutral, Threat Category: N/A, Suspected Domain(s) : N/A (other reasons for verdict). Sender Maturity: 30 days (or greater) for domain:",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 (9389 bytes) from ready.",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 has sender_group: ACCEPTLIST, sender_ip: and sbrs: 3.5",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 matched per-recipient policy DEFAULT for inbound mail policies.",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 scanned by Anti-Spam engine: SLBL. Interim verdict: Positive",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 scanned by Anti-Spam engine: SLBL. Final verdict: Positive",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Incoming connection (ICID 36859) lost.",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 scanned by Anti-Virus engine McAfee. Interim verdict: CLEAN",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 scanned by Anti-Virus engine Sophos. Interim verdict: CLEAN",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 scanned by Anti-Virus engine. Final verdict: Negative ",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 scanned by Advanced Malware Protection engine. Final verdict: SKIPPED(no attachment in message)",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z"
"description": "Message 1576 scanned by Outbreak Filters. Verdict: Negative",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:24Z"
"description": "Message 1576 queued for delivery.",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:24Z"
"description": "Remote procedure call connection (RCID 1) started for message 1576 to local Spam Quarantine.",
"lastEvent": false,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:27Z"
"description": "Message 1576 quarantined in Spam Quarantine.",
"lastEvent": true,
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:27Z"
"timestamp": "2022-10-13T11:56:23Z",
"unique_message_id": "1576"

Human Readable Output#

Message Details#

Found message with ID 1576. |Mid|All Icid|Subject|Sender|Recipient|Timestamp|Message Size|Sending Host Summary|Message Status|Direction|Mail Policy|Sender Group|Show AMP|Show DLP|Show URL| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | 1576 | 36859 | hello 4 | | | 2022-10-13T11:56:23Z | 9.17 (KB) | reverseDnsHostname: (verified)
sbrsScore: 3.5 | Quarantined by Anti-Spam/Graymail | incoming | DEFAULT | ACCEPTLIST | false | false | false |

Message Summary#

DescriptionTimestampLast Event
Incoming connection (ICID 36859) has sender_group: ACCEPTLIST, sender_ip: and sbrs: 3.52022-10-13T11:56:22Zfalse
Protocol SMTP interface Data 1 (IP on incoming connection (ICID 36859) from sender IP Reverse DNS host verified yes.2022-10-13T11:56:22Zfalse
(ICID 36859) ACCEPT sender group ACCEPTLIST match sbrs[0.0:10.0] SBRS 3.5 country Ireland2022-10-13T11:56:22Zfalse
Incoming connection (ICID 36859) successfully accepted TLS protocol TLSv1.2 cipher test-test-test.2022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Message 1576 Sender Domain: test.com2022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Start message 1576 on incoming connection (ICID 36859).2022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Message 1576 enqueued on incoming connection (ICID 36859) from
Message 1576 direction: incoming2022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Message 1576 Domains for which SDR is requested: reverse DNS host:, helo:, env-from:, header_from: Not Present, reply_to: Not Present2022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Message 1576 Consolidated Sender Threat Level: Neutral, Threat Category: N/A, Suspected Domain(s) : N/A (other reasons for verdict). Sender Maturity: 30 days (or greater) for domain: test.com2022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Message 1576 on incoming connection (ICID 36859) added recipient (
Message 1576 SPF: mailfrom identity Pass2022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Message 1576 DKIM: pass signature verified ( s=selector2-test-test-com
Message 1576: DMARC Verification skipped (No record found for the sending domain).2022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Message 1576 contains message ID header ''.2022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Message 1576 original subject on injection: hello 42022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Message 1576 Domains for which SDR is requested: reverse DNS host:, helo:, env-from:, header_from:, reply_to: Not Present2022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Message 1576 Consolidated Sender Threat Level: Neutral, Threat Category: N/A, Suspected Domain(s) : N/A (other reasons for verdict). Sender Maturity: 30 days (or greater) for domain: test.com2022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Message 1576 (9389 bytes) from ready.2022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Message 1576 has sender_group: ACCEPTLIST, sender_ip: and sbrs: 3.52022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Message 1576 matched per-recipient policy DEFAULT for inbound mail policies.2022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Message 1576 scanned by Anti-Spam engine: SLBL. Interim verdict: Positive2022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Message 1576 scanned by Anti-Spam engine: SLBL. Final verdict: Positive2022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Incoming connection (ICID 36859) lost.2022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Message 1576 scanned by Anti-Virus engine McAfee. Interim verdict: CLEAN2022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Message 1576 scanned by Anti-Virus engine Sophos. Interim verdict: CLEAN2022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Message 1576 scanned by Anti-Virus engine. Final verdict: Negative2022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Message 1576 scanned by Advanced Malware Protection engine. Final verdict: SKIPPED(no attachment in message)2022-10-13T11:56:23Zfalse
Message 1576 scanned by Outbreak Filters. Verdict: Negative2022-10-13T11:56:24Zfalse
Message 1576 queued for delivery.2022-10-13T11:56:24Zfalse
Remote procedure call connection (RCID 1) started for message 1576 to local Spam Quarantine.2022-10-13T11:56:27Zfalse
Message 1576 quarantined in Spam Quarantine.2022-10-13T11:56:27Ztrue


Get message AMP summary details.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
serial_numberEmail gateway serial number.Required
message_idsMessage ID list.Required

Context Output#

CiscoESA.AMPDetail.sdrAgeStringSender domain reputation age.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.attachmentsStringMessage attachments.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.hostNameStringEmail gateway hostname.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.directionStringMessage direction, incoming or outgoing.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.messageStatusStringMessage delivery status.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.senderGroupStringMatched sender group.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.subjectStringEmail message subject.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.sdrCategoryStringSender domain reputation category.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.midNumberMessage ID.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.ampDetails.timestampStringAMP event summary details timestamp.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.ampDetails.descriptionStringAMP event summary details description.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.ampDetails.lastEventBooleanAMP event summary details last event.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.smtpAuthIdStringSMTP authorization ID.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.midHeaderStringMessage ID header.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.timestampStringEmail message time.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.messageSizeStringEmail message size.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.sdrThreatLevelsStringSender domain reputation threat levels.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.sdrReputationStringSender domain reputation.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.recipientStringMessage recipient email address.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.senderStringMessage sender email address.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.showAMPDetailsBooleanWhether to show AMP details.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.allIcidNumberICIDs list.
CiscoESA.AMPDetail.headerFromStringEmail header from.

Command example#

!cisco-esa-message-amp-details-get message_ids=741,742,743 serial_number=test-test

Context Example#

"CiscoESA": {
"AMPDetail": {
"allIcid": [
"ampDetails": [
"description": "File reputation query initiating. File Name = bear.jpg, MID = 741, File Size = 325663 bytes, File Type = image/jpeg",
"timestamp": "2022-09-20T13:31:18Z"
"description": "Response received for file reputation query from Cache. File Name = bear.jpg, MID = 741, Disposition = FILE UNKNOWN, Malware = None, Analysis Score = 0, sha256 = 23a9113530549916cd5b410edee79cb5a0fc01233eb9051f9c882a2e7c3fbfbe, upload_action = Recommended to send the file for analysis, verdict_source = AMP, Suspected Malware Categories = None",
"timestamp": "2022-09-20T13:31:18Z"
"description": "File not uploaded for analysis. MID = 741 File SHA256[23a9113530549916cd5b410edee79cb5a0fc01233eb9051f9c882a2e7c3fbfbe] file mime[image/jpeg] Reason: The file type is not configured for analysis",
"lastEvent": true,
"timestamp": "2022-09-20T13:31:18Z"
"ampTgCategories": [],
"attachments": [
"direction": "incoming",
"headerFrom": "",
"hostName": "(Name unresolved, SN:test-test)",
"messageSize": "439.26 (KB)",
"messageStatus": "Quarantined by Multiple Engines",
"mid": [
"midHeader": "<>",
"recipient": [
"sdrAge": "30 days (or greater)",
"sdrCategory": "N/A",
"sdrReputation": "Neutral",
"sdrThreatLevels": "3",
"sender": "",
"senderGroup": "ACCEPTLIST",
"sendingHostSummary": {},
"showAMPDetails": true,
"smtpAuthId": "",
"subject": "Fwd: test",
"timestamp": "2022-09-20T13:31:15Z"

Human Readable Output#

Message AMP Report Details#

Found AMP details for message ID 741, 742, 743. |Mid|All Icid|Subject|Sender|Recipient|Attachments|Timestamp|Message Size|Message Status|Direction|Sender Group| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | 741,
743 | 19599 | Fwd: test | | | bear.jpg | 2022-09-20T13:31:15Z | 439.26 (KB) | Quarantined by Multiple Engines | incoming | ACCEPTLIST |

Message AMP Report Details Summary#

File reputation query initiating. File Name = bear.jpg, MID = 741, File Size = 325663 bytes, File Type = image/jpeg2022-09-20T13:31:18Z
Response received for file reputation query from Cache. File Name = bear.jpg, MID = 741, Disposition = FILE UNKNOWN, Malware = None, Analysis Score = 0, sha256 = 23a9113530549916cd5b410edee79cb5a0fc01233eb9051f9c882a2e7c3fbfbe, upload_action = Recommended to send the file for analysis, verdict_source = AMP, Suspected Malware Categories = None2022-09-20T13:31:18Z
File not uploaded for analysis. MID = 741 File SHA256[23a9113530549916cd5b410edee79cb5a0fc01233eb9051f9c882a2e7c3fbfbe] file mime[image/jpeg] Reason: The file type is not configured for analysis2022-09-20T13:31:18Z


Get message DLP summary details.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
serial_numberEmail gateway serial number.Required
message_idsMessage ID list.Required

Context Output#

CiscoESA.DLPDetail.directionStringMessage direction, incoming or outgoing.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.smtpAuthIdStringSMTP authorization ID.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.sdrAgeStringSender domain reputation age.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.senderStringMessage sender email address.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.midHeaderStringMessage ID header.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.timestampStringEmail message time.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.sdrCategoryStringSender domain reputation category.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.hostNameStringEmail gateway hostname.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.midNumberMessage ID.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.attachmentsStringMessage attachments.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.messageSizeStringEmail message size.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.dlpDetails.violationSeverityStringDLP details violation severity.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.dlpDetails.dlpMatchedContent.messagePartMatch.classifierStringDLP matched content classifier.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.dlpDetails.dlpMatchedContent.messagePartMatch.classifierMatchStringDLP matched content classifier match.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.dlpDetails.dlpMatchedContent.messagePartStringDLP matched content message part.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.dlpDetails.midStringDLP message ID.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.dlpDetails.riskFactorNumberDLP risk factor.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.dlpDetails.dlpPolicyStringDLP policy.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.sdrThreatLevelsStringSender domain reputation threat levels.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.sdrReputationStringSender domain reputation.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.messageStatusStringMessage delivery status.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.allIcidNumberICIDs list.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.senderGroupStringMatched sender group.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.recipientStringMessage recipient email address.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.subjectStringEmail message subject.
CiscoESA.DLPDetail.headerFromStringEmail header from.

Command example#

!cisco-esa-message-dlp-details-get message_ids=1131 serial_number=test-test

Context Example#

"CiscoESA": {
"DLPDetail": {
"allIcid": [
"ampTgCategories": [],
"attachments": [],
"direction": "outgoing",
"dlpDetails": {
"dlpMatchedContent": [
"messagePart": "Message",
"messagePartMatch": [
"classifier": "Proper Names (US)",
"classifierMatch": [
"Tim Lowe",
"Albert Iorio",
"Adriane Morrison",
"Lisa Garrison",
"Charles Jackson",
"Danny Reyes",
"Christopher Diaz",
"Marjorie Green",
"Mark Hall",
"Stacey Peacock",
"Robert Aragon",
"Thomas Conley"
"classifier": "Personal Information (US)",
"classifierMatch": [
"Test Test <>\nSubject: DLP\n\nFirst and Last Name SSN Credit Card Number\nVisa MC AMEX\nRobert Aragon 489-36-8350 4929-3813-3266-4295\nAshley Borden 514-14-8905 5370-4638-8881-3020\nThomas Conley 690-05-5315 4916-4811-5814-8111\nSusan Davis 421-37-1396 4916-4034-9269-8783\nChristopher Diaz 458-02-6124 5299-1561-5689-1938\nRick Edwards 612-20-6832 5293-8502-0071-3058\nVictor Faulkner 300-62-3266 5548-0246-6336-5664\nLisa Garrison 660-03-8360 4539-5385-7425-5825\nMarjorie Green 213-46-8915 4916-9766-5240-6147\nMark Hall 449-48-3135 4556-0072-1294-7415\nJames Heard 559-81-1301 4532-4220-6922-9909\nAlbert Iorio 322-84-2281 4916-6734-7572-5015\nCharles Jackson 646-44-9061 5218-0144-2703-9266\nTeresa Kaminski 465-73-5022 5399-0706-4128-0178\nTim Lowe 044-34-6954 5144-8691-2776-1108\nMonte Mceachern 477-36-0282 5527-1247-5046-7780\nAdriane Morrison 421-90-3440 4539-0031-3703-0728\nJerome Munsch 524-02-7657 5180-3807-3679-8221\nAgnes Nelson 205-52-0027 5413-4428-0145-0036\nLynette Oyola 587-03-2682 4532-9929-3036-9308\nStacey Peacock 687-05-8365 5495-8602-4508-6804\nJulie Renfro 751-01-2327"
"dlpPolicy": "US HIPAA and HITECH (Low Threshold)",
"mid": "1131",
"riskFactor": 72,
"violationSeverity": "HIGH"
"headerFrom": "",
"hostName": "(Name unresolved, SN:test-test)",
"messageSize": "29.67 (KB)",
"messageStatus": "Delivered",
"mid": [
"midHeader": "<>",
"recipient": [
"sender": "",
"senderGroup": "RELAY_O365",
"sendingHostSummary": {},
"showDLPDetails": true,
"smtpAuthId": "",
"subject": "Fw: DLP",
"timestamp": "2022-09-21T08:42:32Z"

Human Readable Output#

Message DLP Report Details#

Found DLP details for message ID 1131. |Mid|All Icid|Subject|Sender|Recipient|Timestamp|Message Size|Message Status|Direction|Sender Group| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | 1131 | 20460 | Fw: DLP | | | 2022-09-21T08:42:32Z | 29.67 (KB) | Delivered | outgoing | RELAY_O365 |

Message DLP Report Details Summary#

MidViolation SeverityRisk FactorDlp Policy
1131HIGH72US HIPAA and HITECH (Low Threshold)


Get message URL summary details.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
serial_numberEmail gateway serial number.Required
message_idsMessage ID list.Required

Context Output#

CiscoESA.URLDetail.sdrAgeStringSender domain reputation age.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.attachmentsStringMessage attachments.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.showURLDetailsBooleanWhether to show URL event details.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.urlDetails.timestampStringURL event details timestamp.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.urlDetails.descriptionStringURL event details description.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.hostNameStringEmail gateway hostname.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.directionStringMessage direction, incoming or outgoing.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.messageStatusStringMessage delivery status.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.senderGroupStringMatched sender group.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.subjectStringEmail message subject.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.sdrCategoryStringSender domain reputation category.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.midNumberMessage ID.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.smtpAuthIdStringSMTP authorization ID.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.midHeaderStringMessage ID header.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.timestampStringEmail message time.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.messageSizeStringEmail message size.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.sdrThreatLevelsStringSender domain reputation threat levels.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.sdrReputationStringSender domain reputation.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.recipientStringMessage recipient email address.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.senderStringMessage sender email address.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.allIcidNumberICIDs list.
CiscoESA.URLDetail.headerFromStringEmail header from.

Command example#

!cisco-esa-message-url-details-get message_ids=737,738,739 serial_number=test-test

Context Example#

"CiscoESA": {
"URLDetail": {
"allIcid": [
"ampTgCategories": [],
"attachments": [
"direction": "incoming",
"headerFrom": "",
"hostName": "(Name unresolved, SN:test-test)",
"messageSize": "439.25 (KB)",
"messageStatus": "Quarantined by Multiple Engines",
"mid": [
"midHeader": "<>",
"recipient": [
"sdrAge": "30 days (or greater)",
"sdrCategory": "N/A",
"sdrReputation": "Neutral",
"sdrThreatLevels": "3",
"sender": "",
"senderGroup": "ACCEPTLIST",
"sendingHostSummary": {},
"showURLDetails": true,
"smtpAuthId": "",
"subject": "Fwd: test",
"timestamp": "2022-09-20T13:31:08Z",
"urlDetails": [
"description": "Message 737 URL:, URL reputation: -6.8, Condition: URL Reputation Rule.",
"timestamp": "2022-09-20T13:31:12Z"
"description": "Message 737 URL:, URL reputation: -6.6, Condition: URL Reputation Rule.",
"timestamp": "2022-09-20T13:31:12Z"
"description": "Message 737 URL:, URL reputation: -6.8, Condition: URL Reputation Rule.",
"timestamp": "2022-09-20T13:31:12Z"
"description": "Message 737 rewritten URL u''.",
"timestamp": "2022-09-20T13:31:12Z"
"description": "Message 737 rewritten URL u''.",
"timestamp": "2022-09-20T13:31:12Z"
"description": "Message 737 rewritten URL u''.",
"timestamp": "2022-09-20T13:31:12Z"
"description": "Message 737 rewritten URL u''.",
"timestamp": "2022-09-20T13:31:12Z"

Human Readable Output#

Message URL Report Details#

Found URL details for message ID 737, 738, 739. |Mid|All Icid|Subject|Sender|Recipient|Attachments|Timestamp|Message Size|Message Status|Direction|Sender Group| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | 737,
739 | 19598 | Fwd: test | | | bear.jpg | 2022-09-20T13:31:08Z | 439.25 (KB) | Quarantined by Multiple Engines | incoming | ACCEPTLIST |

Message URL Report Details Summary#

Message 737 URL:, URL reputation: -6.8, Condition: URL Reputation Rule.2022-09-20T13:31:12Z
Message 737 URL:, URL reputation: -6.6, Condition: URL Reputation Rule.2022-09-20T13:31:12Z
Message 737 URL:, URL reputation: -6.8, Condition: URL Reputation Rule.2022-09-20T13:31:12Z
Message 737 rewritten URL u''.2022-09-20T13:31:12Z
Message 737 rewritten URL u''.2022-09-20T13:31:12Z
Message 737 rewritten URL u''.2022-09-20T13:31:12Z
Message 737 rewritten URL u''.2022-09-20T13:31:12Z


Get statistics reports. Note that each report type is compatible with different arguments. Refer to Addendum for Cisco Secure Email Gateway ("Secure Email Reporting" sheet in the file), to view the dedicated arguments for each report type.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
report_typeReport Type. Possible values are: mail_incoming_traffic_summary, reporting_system, mail_vof_threat_summary, mail_vof_specific_threat_summary, mail_amp_threat_summary. Default is mail_incoming_traffic_summary.Optional
custom_report_typeCustom report type.
Specify this argument to get a report that does not exist in the report_type argument.
start_dateStart date in ISO format or <number> <time unit>,
e.g., 2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, 12 hours, 7 days, 3 months, now.
end_dateEnd date in ISO format or <number> <time unit>,
e.g., 2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, 12 hours, 7 days, 3 months, now.
order_byThe attribute by which to order the data in the response. For example, orderBy=total_clean_recipients.Optional
order_dirThe report sort order direction. Possible values are: asc, desc.Optional
topThe number of records with the highest values to return.Optional
filter_valueThe filter value to search for.Optional
filter_byThe filter field to use. Filter the data to be retrieved according to the filter property and value.Optional
filter_operatorThe filter operator. Filter the response data based on the value specified. Possible values are: begins_with, is.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoESA.Report.typeStringReport type.
CiscoESA.Report.resultSetNumberReport results summary.

Command example#

!cisco-esa-report-get start_date=2weeks end_date=now report_type=mail_incoming_traffic_summary

Context Example#

"CiscoESA": {
"Report": {
"resultSet": [
"failed_dkim": 0
"total_graymail_recipients": 5
"detected_spam": 19
"malicious_url": 3
"total_spoofed_emails": 1
"verif_decrypt_success": 0
"detected_virus": 0
"threat_content_filter": 4
"blocked_invalid_recipient": 12
"blocked_sdr": 0
"marketing_mail": 4
"ims_spam_increment_over_case": 0
"total_mailbox_auto_remediated_recipients": 0
"detected_spam_certain": 15
"detected_spam_suspect": 4
"blocked_dmarc": 1
"total_threat_recipients": 1383
"total_recipients": 1567
"verif_decrypt_fail": 0
"detected_amp": 0
"bulk_mail": 1
"social_mail": 0
"total_clean_recipients": 179
"detected_virus_per_msg": 0
"failed_spf": 0
"blocked_reputation": 1345
"type": "mail_incoming_traffic_summary",
"uuid": "6535f7b3-0d35-411b-ab76-42e27ea661ce"

Human Readable Output#

Report type: mail_incoming_traffic_summary#

Report UUID: 6535f7b3-0d35-411b-ab76-42e27ea661ce |Blocked Dmarc|Blocked Invalid Recipient|Blocked Reputation|Blocked Sdr|Bulk Mail|Detected Amp|Detected Spam|Detected Spam Certain|Detected Spam Suspect|Detected Virus|Detected Virus Per Msg|Failed Dkim|Failed Spf|Ims Spam Increment Over Case|Malicious Url|Marketing Mail|Social Mail|Threat Content Filter|Total Clean Recipients|Total Graymail Recipients|Total Mailbox Auto Remediated Recipients|Total Recipients|Total Spoofed Emails|Total Threat Recipients|Verif Decrypt Fail|Verif Decrypt Success| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | 1 | 12 | 1345 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 19 | 15 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 4 | 0 | 4 | 179 | 5 | 0 | 1567 | 1 | 1383 | 0 | 0 |


Add a new dictionary.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
modeThe cluster mode of the email gateway determines its configuration. If the cluster mode is set to 'group', specify a group_name. If the cluster mode is set to 'machine', specify a host_name. Possible values are: cluster, group, machine. Default is cluster.Optional
host_nameRequired when cluster mode is 'machine'.Optional
group_nameRequired when cluster mode is 'group'.Optional
dictionary_nameThe name of the dictionary for which to get information. This argument is optional.Optional
whole_wordsIndicates if the words need to be matched completely. Possible values are: True, False. Default value is True.Required
wordsA list of terms to add to a dictionary. The term can have a weight of (0-10) associated with it. If no weight is given, the default weight is taken as "1".
A smart identifier can have an additional parameter - "prefix" associated with it. If no value is mentioned, no prefix is taken as default.
Example: ['*credit',2,'prefix'],['*aba'],['À term 1'].
ignore_case_sensitiveIndicates if the term that needs to be matched is case-sensitive. Possible values are: True, False. Default value is False.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!cisco-esa-dictionary-add dictionary_name=testing1 ignore_case_sensitive=False whole_words=False mode=cluster words=['*credit',2,'prefix'],['test2']

!cisco-esa-dictionary-add dictionary_name=testing2 words=['*credit',2,'prefix'],['test2']

Human Readable Output#

test_dictionary was added successfully.


Edit a dictionary.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
modeThe cluster mode of the email gateway determines its configuration. If the cluster mode is set to 'group', specify a group_name. If the cluster mode is set to 'machine', specify a host_name. Possible values are: cluster, group, machine. Default is cluster.Optional
host_nameRequired when cluster mode is 'machine'.Optional
group_nameRequired when cluster mode is 'group'.Optional
dictionary_nameThe name of the dictionary for which to get information. This argument is optional.Optional
updated_nameSpecifies a new name for the dictionary to modify.Optional
whole_wordsIndicates if the words need to be matched completely. Possible values are: True, False. Default value is True.Optional
wordsA list of terms to add to a dictionary. The term can have a weight of (0-10) associated with it. If no weight is given, the default weight is taken as "1".
A smart identifier can have an additional parameter - "prefix" associated with it. If no value is mentioned, no prefix is taken as default.
Example: ['*credit',2,'prefix'],['*aba'],['À term 1'].
ignore_case_sensitiveIndicates if the term that needs to be matched is case-sensitive. Possible values are: True, False. Default value is False.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!cisco-esa-dictionary-edit dictionary_name=testing1 words=['*credit',6,'prefix'],['test2']

Human Readable Output#

test_dictionary has been successfully updated.


Retrieve information of all dictionaries or a specific configured dictionary and their list of words.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
modeThe cluster mode of the email gateway determines its configuration. If the cluster mode is set to 'group', please a group_name. If the cluster mode is set to 'machine', specify a host_name. Possible values are: cluster, group, machine. Default is cluster.Optional
host_nameRequired when cluster mode is 'machine'.Optional
group_nameRequired when cluster mode is 'group'.Optional
dictionary_nameThe name of the dictionary for which to get information. This argument is optional.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoESA.Dictionary.nameStringThe name of the dictionary.
CiscoESA.Dictionary.encodingStringThe encoding format used for the dictionary.
CiscoESA.Dictionary.ignorecaseNumberIndicates whether the dictionary ignores case sensitivity (1 for true, 0 for false).
CiscoESA.Dictionary.wordsListThe words in the dictionary.
CiscoESA.Dictionary.words_count.term_countNumberThe count of individual terms in the dictionary.
CiscoESA.Dictionary.words_count.smart_identifier_countNumberThe count of smart identifiers in the dictionary (special terms with additional metadata).
CiscoESA.Dictionary.wholewordsNumberIndicates whether the dictionary considers whole words only (1 for true, 0 for false).

Command example#

!cisco-esa-dictionary-list mode=cluster dictionary_name=test

Human Readable Output#

Information for Dictionary: testing#

NameWordsIgnore CaseWhole WordsWords CountSmart Identifier CountEncoding
testing['test6', 1], ['testing7', 1], ['noy', 1]11term_count: 40utf-8


Delete existing words from a specific dictionary.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
modeThe cluster mode of the email gateway determines its configuration. If the cluster mode is set to 'group', specify a group_name. If the cluster mode is set to 'machine', specify a host_name. Possible values are: cluster, group, machine. Default is cluster.Optional
host_nameRequired when cluster mode is 'machine'.Optional
group_nameRequired when cluster mode is 'group'.Optional
dictionary_nameThe name of the dictionary for which to get information. This argument is optional.Optional
wordsA list of terms that need to be deleted.
Example: *credit,aba,term.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!cisco-esa-dictionary-words-delete dictionary_name=testing mode=cluster words=*credit

!cisco-esa-dictionary-words-delete dictionary_name=testing words=test1,test2

Human Readable Output#

Words deleted successfully from test_dictionary.


Add words to a specific dictionary.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
modeThe cluster mode of the email gateway determines its configuration. If the cluster mode is set to 'group', specify a group_name. If the cluster mode is set to 'machine', specify a host_name. Possible values are: cluster, group, machine. Default is cluster.Optional
host_nameRequired when cluster mode is 'machine'.Optional
group_nameRequired when cluster mode is 'group'.Optional
dictionary_nameThe name of the dictionary for which to get information. This argument is optional.Optional
wordsA list of terms to add to a dictionary. The term can have a weight of (0-10) associated with it. If no weight is given, the default weight is taken as "1".
A smart identifier can have an additional parameter - "prefix" associated with it. If no value is mentioned, no prefix is taken as default.
Example: ['*credit',2,'prefix'],['*aba'],['À term 1'].

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!cisco-esa-dictionary-words-add dictionary_name=testing words=['*ssn',2,'prefix'],['test3']

!cisco-esa-dictionary-words-add dictionary_name=testing1 mode=cluster words=['test1'],['testing2']

Human Readable Output#

Added successfully to test_dictionary.


Delete a dictionary.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
modeThe cluster mode of the email gateway determines its configuration. If the cluster mode is set to 'group', specify a group_name. If the cluster mode is set to 'machine', specify a host_name. Possible values are: cluster, group, machine. Default is cluster.Optional
host_nameRequired when cluster mode is 'machine'.Optional
group_nameRequired when cluster mode is 'group'.Optional
dictionary_nameThe name of the dictionary for which to get information. This argument is optional.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!cisco-esa-dictionary-delete dictionary_name=test mode=cluster

Human Readable Output#

test_dictionary deleted successfully.