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Cisco ISE

This Integration is part of the Cisco ISE Pack.#

Use the Cisco ISE integration to get endpoint data, and to manage and update endpoints and ANC policies.

Configure Cisco ISE on Cortex XSOAR

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services .
  2. Search for Cisco ISE.
  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.
    • Name : a textual name for the integration instance.
    • Cisco ISE server URL (e.g., )
    • Server port (e.g., 9060)
    • Cisco ISE username
    • Use system proxy settings
    • Trust any certificate (not secure)
  4. Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.

  1. Get an endpoint ID: cisco-ise-get-endpoint-id
  2. Get information for an endpoint: cisco-ise-get-endpoint-details
  3. Re-authenticate an endpoint: cisco-ise-reauthenticate-endpoint
  4. Get data for all existing endpoints: cisco-ise-get-endpoints
  5. Update custom attributes of an endpoint: cisco-ise-update-endpoint-custom-attribute
  6. Update the group of an endpoint: cisco-ise-update-endpoint-group
  7. Get a collection of endpoint identity groups: cisco-ise-get-groups
  8. Get all ANC policies: cisco-ise-get-policies
  9. Get a single ANC policy: cisco-ise-get-policy
  10. Create an ANC policy: cisco-ise-create-policy
  11. Assign an ANC policy to an endpoint: cisco-ise-assign-policy
  12. Get all endpoints on block list: cisco-ise-get-blacklist-endpoints

1. Get an endpoint ID

Returns an endpoint ID, by its MAC address.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
macAddress MAC address of the endpoint (format: 11:22:33:44:55:66). Required

Context Output
Path Type Description
Endpoint.ID string Endpoint ID.
Endpoint.MACAddress string Endpoint MAC address.

Command Example
!cisco-ise-get-endpoint-id macAddress=00:0E:35:D4:D8:51
Human Readable Output

The endpoint ID is: 327b0120-4ba1-11e8-93bd-000c296ec148

2. Get information for an endpoint

Returns details for a specified endpoint.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
endpointID The ID of the endpoint for which to return details. Optional
macAddress MAC address of the endpoint (format 11:22:33:44:55:66). Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
CiscoISE.Endpoint.ID string Endpoint ID.
CiscoISE.Endpoint.Description string Endpoint description.
CiscoISE.Endpoint.MACAddress string Endpoint MAC address.
CiscoISE.Endpoint.Group string Endpoint group name
Endpoint.ID string Endpoint ID.
Endpoint.MACAddress string Endpoint MAC address.
CiscoISE.Endpoint.CustomAttributes string Endpoint custom attributes.
CiscoISE.Endpoint.StaticGroupAssignment boolean True if the endpoint has a static group assignment.
CiscoISE.Endpoint.StaticProfileAssignment boolean Whether the endpoint has a static profile assignment.
CiscoISE.Endpoint.User string Profile of the user associated with the endpoint.

Command Example

!cisco-ise-get-endpoint-details endpointID=327b0120-4ba1-11e8-93bd-000c296ec148

Context Example

    "CiscoISE.Endpoint": {
        "MACAddress": "00:0E:35:D4:D8:51", 
        "Group": "Internal Dev", 
        "ID": "327b0120-4ba1-11e8-93bd-000c296ec148", 
        "StaticProfileAssignment": false, 
        "StaticGroupAssignment": false
    "Endpoint": {
        "MACAddress": "00:0E:35:D4:D8:51", 
        "ID": "327b0120-4ba1-11e8-93bd-000c296ec148"
Human Readable Output

Endpoint details - 327b0120-4ba1-11e8-93bd-000c296ec148

Group ID MACAddress StaticGroupAssignment StaticProfileAssignment
Internal Dev 327b0120-4ba1-11e8-93bd-000c296ec148 00:0E:35:D4:D8:51 false false

3. Re-authenticate an endpoint

Re-authenticates an endpoint (Change of Authorization - CoA).

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
macAddress MAC address of the endpoint (format 11:22:33:44:55:66). Required

Context Output

Path Type Description
CiscoISE.Endpoint.MACAddress string MAC address of the endpoint.
CiscoISE.Endpoint.reauthenticateResult boolean Re-authentication result.

Command Example
!cisco-ise-reauthenticate-endpoint macAddress=00:0E:35:D4:D8:51
Human Readable Output

'Activation result was : True

4. Get data for all existing endpoints

Returns data for existing endpoints.

Base Command



There are no arguments for this command.

Context Output
Path Type Description
Endpoint.ID string Endpoint ID.
Endpoint.MACAddress string Endpoint MAC address.
CiscoISE.Endpoint.ID string Endpoint ID.
CiscoISE.Endpoint.MACAddress string Endpoint MAC address.

Command Example
Context Example
    "CiscoISE.Endpoint": [
            "MACAddress": "00:0A:35:11:A9:00", 
            "ID": "50080fc0-a07a-11e8-808e-000c295fdd32"
            "MACAddress": "00:0E:35:D4:D8:51", 
            "ID": "327b0120-4ba1-11e8-93bd-000c296ec148"
            "MACAddress": "11:22:33:AA:BB:CC", 
            "ID": "7d5e0530-133c-11e9-a5db-02420d3c5249"
    "Endpoint": [
            "MACAddress": "00:0A:35:11:A9:00", 
            "ID": "50080fc0-a07a-11e8-808e-000c295fdd32"
            "MACAddress": "00:0E:35:D4:D8:51", 
            "ID": "327b0120-4ba1-11e8-93bd-000c296ec148"
            "MACAddress": "11:22:33:AA:BB:CC", 
            "ID": "7d5e0530-133c-11e9-a5db-02420d3c5249"
Human Readable Output

Cisco ISE Endpoints

ID MACAddress
50080fc0-a07a-11e8-808e-000c295fdd32 00:0A:35:11:A9:00
327b0120-4ba1-11e8-93bd-000c296ec148 00:0E:35:D4:D8:51
7d5e0530-133c-11e9-a5db-02420d3c5249 11:22:33:AA:BB:CC

5. Update custom attributes of an endpoint

Updates the custom attributes of an endpoint.

Base Command



Argument Name Description Required
id Endpoint ID. Optional
macAddress MAC address of the endpoint (format 11:22:33:44:55:66). Optional
attributeName A CSV list of attributes, for example, "attributeName=firstAttribute,secondAttribute". Required
attributeValue A CSV list of attribute values, for example, "attributeValue=firstValue,secondValue". Required

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example
!cisco-ise-update-endpoint-custom-attribute macAddress=00:0E:35:D4:D8:51 attributeName=mytest attributeValue=test1=testing
Human Readable Output

Successfully updated endpoint 327b0120-4ba1-11e8-93bd-000c296ec148, the new custom fields are: "{test1=testing}"

6. Update the group of an endpoint

Updates the group of an endpoint.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
groupId The group ID to assign to this endpoint, e.g. 1 Optional
macAddress MAC address of the endpoint (format 11:22:33:44:55:66). Optional
id Endpoint ID of the endpoint to update. Optional
groupName Name of the group to update for the endpoint. Optional

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example
!cisco-ise-update-endpoint-group groupName=Blacklist id=7d5e0530-133c-11e9-a5db-02420d3c5249
Human Readable Output

Endpoint 7d5e0530-133c-11e9-a5db-02420d3c5249 updated successfully

7. Get a collection of endpoint identity groups

Retrieves a collection of endpoint identity groups.

Base Command



There are no arguments for this command.

Context Output
Path Type Description
CiscoISE.Group.Description String The description of the endpoint identity groups.
CiscoISE.Group.ID String The ID of the endpoint identity groups.
CiscoISE.Group.Name String The name of the endpoint identity groups.

Command Example
Context Example
    "CiscoISE.Group": [
            "Name": "Sony-Device", 
            "Description": "Identity Group for Profile: Sony-Device", 
            "ID": "38a73670-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521"
            "Name": "Cisco-Meraki-Device", 
            "Description": "Identity Group for Profile: Cisco-Meraki-Device", 
            "ID": "1e2700a0-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521"
            "Name": "Apple-iDevice", 
            "Description": "Identity Group for Profile: Apple-iDevice", 
            "ID": "0a4a50f0-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521"
            "Name": "BlackBerry", 
            "Description": "Identity Group for Profile: BlackBerry", 
            "ID": "0cc7ad00-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521"
            "Name": "Android", 
            "Description": "Identity Group for Profile: Android", 
            "ID": "ffa36b00-8bff-11e6-996c-525400b48521"
            "Name": "Axis-Device", 
            "Description": "Identity Group for Profile: Axis-Device", 
            "ID": "0c4eac70-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521"
            "Name": "Juniper-Device", 
            "Description": "Identity Group for Profile: Juniper-Device", 
            "ID": "2b07d100-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521"
            "Name": "Epson-Device", 
            "Description": "Identity Group for Profile: Epson-Device", 
            "ID": "22c6c780-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521"
            "Name": "Profiled", 
            "Description": "Profiled Identity Group", 
            "ID": "aa10ae00-8bff-11e6-996c-525400b48521"
            "Name": "Blacklist", 
            "Description": "Blacklist Identity Group", 
            "ID": "aa000c30-8bff-11e6-996c-525400b48521"
            "Name": "GuestEndpoints", 
            "Description": "Guest Endpoints Identity Group", 
            "ID": "aa178bd0-8bff-11e6-996c-525400b48521"
            "Name": "Synology-Device", 
            "Description": "Identity Group for Profile: Synology-Device", 
            "ID": "3a1b38d0-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521"
            "Name": "Vizio-Device", 
            "Description": "Identity Group for Profile: Vizio-Device", 
            "ID": "3b113190-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521"
            "Name": "Trendnet-Device", 
            "Description": "Identity Group for Profile: Trendnet-Device", 
            "ID": "3a88eec0-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521"
            "Name": "RegisteredDevices", 
            "Description": "Asset Registered Endpoints Identity Group", 
            "ID": "aa13bb40-8bff-11e6-996c-525400b48521"
            "Name": "Cisco-IP-Phone", 
            "Description": "Identity Group for Profile: Cisco-IP-Phone", 
            "ID": "14f5cac0-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521"
            "Name": "Unknown", 
            "Description": "Unknown Identity Group", 
            "ID": "aa0e8b20-8bff-11e6-996c-525400b48521"
            "Name": "Workstation", 
            "Description": "Identity Group for Profile: Workstation", 
            "ID": "3b76f840-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521"
Human Readable Output

Cisco pxGrid ISE Groups

ID Name Description
38a73670-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521 Sony-Device Identity Group for Profile: Sony-Device
1e2700a0-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521 Cisco-Meraki-Device Identity Group for Profile: Cisco-Meraki-Device
0a4a50f0-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521 Apple-iDevice Identity Group for Profile: Apple-iDevice
0cc7ad00-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521 BlackBerry Identity Group for Profile: BlackBerry
ffa36b00-8bff-11e6-996c-525400b48521 Android Identity Group for Profile: Android
0c4eac70-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521 Axis-Device Identity Group for Profile: Axis-Device
2b07d100-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521 Juniper-Device Identity Group for Profile: Juniper-Device
22c6c780-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521 Epson-Device Identity Group for Profile: Epson-Device
aa10ae00-8bff-11e6-996c-525400b48521 Profiled Profiled Identity Group
aa000c30-8bff-11e6-996c-525400b48521 Blacklist Blacklist Identity Group
aa178bd0-8bff-11e6-996c-525400b48521 GuestEndpoints Guest Endpoints Identity Group
3a1b38d0-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521 Synology-Device Identity Group for Profile: Synology-Device
3b113190-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521 Vizio-Device Identity Group for Profile: Vizio-Device
3a88eec0-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521 Trendnet-Device Identity Group for Profile: Trendnet-Device
aa13bb40-8bff-11e6-996c-525400b48521 RegisteredDevices Asset Registered Endpoints Identity Group
14f5cac0-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521 Cisco-IP-Phone Identity Group for Profile: Cisco-IP-Phone
aa0e8b20-8bff-11e6-996c-525400b48521 Unknown Unknown Identity Group
3b76f840-8c00-11e6-996c-525400b48521 Workstation Identity Group for Profile: Workstation

8. Get all ANC policies

Returns all Adaptive Network Control policies.

Base Command



There are no arguments for this command.

Context Output
Path Type Description
CiscoISE.Policy.Description String The description of the ANC policy.
CiscoISE.Policy.ID String The ID of the ANC policy.
CiscoISE.Policy.Name String The name of the ANC policy.

Command Example
Context Example
    "CiscoISE.Policy": [
            "ID": "ANCPortBounce", 
            "Name": "ANCPortBounce"
            "ID": "ANCQuarantine", 
            "Name": "ANCQuarantine"
            "ID": "ANCShutdown", 
            "Name": "ANCShutdown"
            "ID": "azoce", 
            "Name": "azoce"
            "ID": "dpkef", 
            "Name": "dpkef"
            "ID": "dvgoy", 
            "Name": "dvgoy"
            "ID": "gfibg", 
            "Name": "gfibg"
            "ID": "jzbhh", 
            "Name": "jzbhh"
            "ID": "last-test", 
            "Name": "last-test"
            "ID": "ljnba", 
            "Name": "ljnba"
            "ID": "mhxab", 
            "Name": "mhxab"
            "ID": "mxiiw", 
            "Name": "mxiiw"
            "ID": "ncxer", 
            "Name": "ncxer"
            "ID": "phzbe", 
            "Name": "phzbe"
            "ID": "pjrgp", 
            "Name": "pjrgp"
            "ID": "policy0", 
            "Name": "policy0"
            "ID": "policy09", 
            "Name": "policy09"
            "ID": "policy1", 
            "Name": "policy1"
            "ID": "policy2", 
            "Name": "policy2"
            "ID": "policy3", 
            "Name": "policy3"
Human Readable Output

CiscoISE Adaptive Network Control Policies

ID Name
ANCPortBounce ANCPortBounce
ANCQuarantine ANCQuarantine
ANCShutdown ANCShutdown
azoce azoce
dpkef dpkef
dvgoy dvgoy
gfibg gfibg
jzbhh jzbhh
last-test last-test
ljnba ljnba
mhxab mhxab
mxiiw mxiiw
ncxer ncxer
phzbe phzbe
pjrgp pjrgp
policy0 policy0
policy09 policy09
policy1 policy1
policy2 policy2
policy3 policy3

9. Get a single ANC policy

Returns a single Adaptive Network Control policy.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
policy_name The name of the ANC policy to return. Optional

Context Output

Path Type Description
CiscoISE.Policy.Action String The action of the policy. Can be "QUARANTINE", "PORTBOUNCE", or "SHUTDOWN".
CiscoISE.Policy.ID String The ID of the ANC policy.
CiscoISE.Policy.Link String The link for the ANC policy (GUI).
CiscoISE.Policy.Name String The name of the ANC policy.

Command Example
!cisco-ise-get-policy policy_name=policy3
Context Example
    "CiscoISE.Policy": [
            "Action": [
            "Name": "policy3"
Human Readable Output

CiscoISE Policy

Action Name

10. Create an ANC policy

Creates an ANC policy.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
policy_actions The actions of the policy. Can be "QUARANTINE", "PORTBOUNCE", or "SHUTDOWN". Required
policy_name The name of the new adaptive network control policy. Required

Context Output
Path Type Description
CiscoISE.Policy.Action String The actions of the ANC policy.
CiscoISE.Policy.Name String The name of the new ANC policy.

Command Example
!cisco-ise-create-policy policy_name=quarantinePolicy policy_actions=QUARANTINE
Context Example
    "CiscoISE.Policy": {
        "Action": [
        "Name": "quarantinePolicy"
Human Readable Output

The policy "quarantinePolicy" has been created successfully

11. Assign an ANC policy to an endpoint

Assigns an Adapative Network Control policy to an endpoint.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
mac_address The MAC address to which to apply the policy. Required
policy_name The name of the policy to assign to the endpoint. Required

Context Output
Path Type Description
CiscoISE.Endpoint.MACAddress String The MAC address of the endpoint.
CiscoISE.Endpoint.PolicyName String The policy name that was applied to the endpoint.

Command Example
!cisco-ise-assign-policy mac_address=50080fc0-a07a-11e8-808e-000c295fdd32 policy_name=policy3
Human Readable Output

The policy "policy3" has been applied successfully

12. Get all endpoints on block list.

Returns all blacklisted endpoints.

Base Command



There are no arguments for this command.

Context Output
Path Type Description
CiscoISE.Endpoint.ID String The endpoint ID.
CiscoISE.Endpoint.Name String The name of the endpoint.
CiscoISE.Endpoint.Description String The endpoint description.
CiscoISE.Endpoint.Link String The link for the endpoint

Command Example
Context Example
    "CiscoISE.Endpoint": [
            "GroupName": "Blacklist", 
            "ID": "327b0120-4ba1-11e8-93bd-000c296ec148", 
            "Name": "00:0E:35:D4:D8:51"
Human Readable Output

CiscoISE Blacklist Endpoints

GroupName ID Name
Blacklist 327b0120-4ba1-11e8-93bd-000c296ec148 00:0E:35:D4:D8:51
### cisco-ise-create-endpoint *** Creates a new endpoint on Cisco ISE according to the passed MAC address and custom attribute list. #### Base Command `cisco-ise-create-endpoint` #### Input | **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** | | --- | --- | --- | | mac_address | MAC address of the endpoint (format: 11:22:33:44:55:66). | Required | | attributes_map | A list of custom attributes. | Optional | #### Context Output | **Path** | **Type** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | | CiscoISE.Endpoint.MACAddress | string | MAC address of the new endpoint. | ### cisco-ise-get-nodes *** Returns data for all Cisco ISE nodes in the deployment. #### Base Command `cisco-ise-get-nodes` #### Input There are no input arguments for this command. #### Context Output | **Path** | **Type** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | | CiscoISE.NodesData | unknown | Details of all deployment ISE nodes. | ### cisco-ise-get-endpoint-id-by-name *** Returns an EndpointID using its name (Available on ISE 2.3 and later versions). #### Base Command `cisco-ise-get-endpoint-id-by-name` #### Input | **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** | | --- | --- | --- | | mac_address | MAC address of the endpoint (format: 11:22:33:44:55:66). | Required | #### Context Output | **Path** | **Type** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | | Endpoint.ID | string | Endpoint ID. | | Endpoint.MACAddress | string | Endpoint MAC address. | ### cisco-ise-remove-policy *** Removes an Adapative Network Control policy from an endpoint. #### Base Command `cisco-ise-remove-policy` #### Input | **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** | | --- | --- | --- | | mac_address | The MAC address from which to remove the policy. | Required | | policy_name | The name of the policy to remove from the endpoint. | Required | #### Context Output | **Path** | **Type** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | | CiscoISE.Endpoint.MACAddress | string | The MAC address of the endpoint. | | CiscoISE.Endpoint.PolicyName | string | The policy name that was removed from the endpoint. | ### cisco-ise-get-session-data-by-ip *** Queries an IP address and returns its session data from an active endpoint. #### Base Command `cisco-ise-get-session-data-by-ip` #### Input | **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** | | --- | --- | --- | | ip_address | IP address to query in the ISE platform. | Required | #### Context Output There is no context output for this command.