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Cisco Meraki v2

This Integration is part of the Cisco Meraki Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.10.0 and later.

Cisco Meraki is a cloud-managed IT company that simplifies networking, security, communications, and endpoint management. Its platform offers centralized management for devices, networks, and security through an intuitive web interface. Key functionalities include managing organizations, networks, devices, and their licenses, as well as monitoring device statuses and client activities. This integration was integrated and tested with version MR 30.7 and MX 18.211.2 of Cisco Meraki v2.

Some changes have been made that might affect your existing content. If you are upgrading from a previous version of this integration, see Breaking Changes.

Configure Cisco Meraki v2 on Cortex XSOAR#

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.

  2. Search for Cisco Meraki v2.

  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.

    Base URLThe API base URL.True
    API KeyAn API key can be generated through 'My Profile' in 'API access'.True
    Trust any certificate (not secure)False
    Use system proxy settingsFalse
    Organization IDA default ID to be used in all commands that require an organization.False
    Network IDA default ID to be used in all commands that require a network.False
  4. Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


List the organizations that the user has privileges on.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_idID of a specific organization to retrieve.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return. Default is 50.Optional
page_sizeThe maximum number of records to return per page. To receive additional pages after the first call, use next_token. Acceptable range is 3 - 9000. Default is 50.Optional
next_tokenInsert 'OrganizationLinkTokens.Next' value received from a previous pagination command's context to further paginate through records.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.OrganizationLinkTokens.PrevStringPagination token used to retrieve the previous batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.OrganizationLinkTokens.NextStringPagination token used to retrieve the next batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.OrganizationLinkTokens.FirstStringPagination token used to retrieve the first batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.OrganizationLinkTokens.LastStringPagination token used to retrieve the last batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.Organization.idStringOrganization ID.
CiscoMeraki.Organization.nameStringOrganization name.
CiscoMeraki.Organization.urlStringOrganization URL.
CiscoMeraki.Organization.api.enabledBooleanEnable API access. region name. of location where organization data is hosted.
CiscoMeraki.Organization.licensing.modelStringOrganization licensing model. Can be 'co-term', 'per-device', or 'subscription'. of management data. Details may be named 'MSP ID', 'customer number', 'IP restriction mode for API', or 'IP restriction mode for dashboard', if the organization admin has configured any. of management data.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"Organization": [
"api": {
"enabled": true
"cloud": {
"region": {
"host": {
"name": "Europe"
"name": "Europe"
"id": "1565046",
"licensing": {
"model": "co-term"
"management": {
"details": [
"name": "customer number",
"value": "29392676"
"name": "Qmasters",
"url": ""
"api": {
"enabled": true
"cloud": {
"region": {
"host": {
"name": "Europe"
"name": "Europe"
"id": "0000000003807418",
"licensing": {
"model": "co-term"
"management": {
"details": [
"name": "customer number",
"value": "29392676"
"name": "lior test org",
"url": ""

Human Readable Output#


IDNameURLCloud Region NameCloud Region Host Name
0000000003807418lior test org


List the networks that the user has privileges on in an organization.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
network_idID of a specific network to retrieve.Optional
organization_idID of the organization to retrieve from. Use meraki-organization-list to fetch all organization IDs. This overrides the organization ID instance parameter.Optional
config_template_idID of a configuration template. Will return all networks bound to that template.Optional
is_bound_to_config_templateWhether to filter configuration template bound networks. If config_template_id is set, this cannot be false. Possible values are: false, true.Optional
tagsComma-separated list of tags to filter networks by. The filtering is case-sensitive. If tags are included, 'tags_filter_type' should also be included.Optional
tags_filter_typeIndicate whether to return networks that contain ANY or ALL of the included tags. If no type is included, 'withAnyTags' will be selected. Possible values are: withAnyTags, withAllTags.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return. Default is 50.Optional
page_sizeThe maximum number of records to return per page. To receive additional pages after the first call, use next_token. Acceptable range is 3 - 100000. Default is 50.Optional
next_tokenInsert 'NetworkLinkTokens' value received from a previous pagination command's context to further paginate through records.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.NetworkLinkTokensStringPagination token used to retrieve the next batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.Network.enrollmentStringStringEnrollment string for the network.
CiscoMeraki.Network.idStringNetwork ID.
CiscoMeraki.Network.nameStringNetwork name.
CiscoMeraki.Network.notesStringNotes for the network.
CiscoMeraki.Network.organizationIdStringOrganization ID.
CiscoMeraki.Network.timeZoneStringTimezone of the network.
CiscoMeraki.Network.urlStringURL to the network dashboard UI.
CiscoMeraki.Network.isBoundToConfigTemplateBooleanIf the network is bound to a configuration template.
CiscoMeraki.Network.productTypesStringList of the product types that the network supports.
CiscoMeraki.Network.tagsStringNetwork tags.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"Network": [
"enrollmentString": null,
"id": "L_0000",
"isBoundToConfigTemplate": false,
"name": "QMDEV",
"notes": "",
"organizationId": "1565046",
"productTypes": [
"tags": [],
"timeZone": "Israel",
"url": ""
"enrollmentString": null,
"id": "L_0000000003808704",
"isBoundToConfigTemplate": false,
"name": "Main Office",
"notes": "Additional description of the network",
"organizationId": "1565046",
"productTypes": [
"tags": [
"timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"url": ""

Human Readable Output#


IDNameOrganization IDURL
L_0000000003808704Main Office1565046


List the license states overview of an organization.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_idID of the organization to retrieve from. Use meraki-organization-list to fetch all organization IDs. This overrides the organization ID instance parameter.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.organizationIdStringThe organization the license state belongs to.
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.licenseCountNumberTotal number of licenses (per-device licensing only).
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.expirationDateStringLicense expiration date (co-termination licensing only).
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.statusStringLicense status (co-termination licensing only).
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.licensedDeviceCountsNumberLicense counts (co-termination licensing only). number of active licenses.
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.states.expired.countNumberThe number of expired licenses.
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.states.expiring.countNumberThe number of expiring licenses.
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.states.expiring.critical.expiringCountNumberThe number of licenses that will expire in this window.
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.states.expiring.critical.thresholdInDaysNumberThe number of days from now denoting the critical threshold for an expiring license.
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.states.expiring.warning.expiringCountNumberThe number of licenses that will expire in this window.
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.states.expiring.warning.thresholdInDaysNumberThe number of days from now denoting the warning threshold for an expiring license.
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.states.recentlyQueued.countNumberThe number of recently queued licenses.
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.states.unused.countNumberThe number of unused licenses.
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.states.unused.soonestActivation.toActivateCountNumberThe number of licenses that will activate on this date.
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.states.unused.soonestActivation.activationDateDateThe soonest license activation date.
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.states.unusedActive.countNumberThe number of unused, active licenses.
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.states.unusedActive.oldestActivation.activeCountNumberThe number of licenses that activated on this date.
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.states.unusedActive.oldestActivation.activationDateDateThe oldest license activation date.
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.systemsManager.counts.activeSeatsNumberThe number of systems manager seats in use.
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.systemsManager.counts.orgwideEnrolledDevicesNumberThe total number of enrolled systems manager devices.
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.systemsManager.counts.totalSeatsNumberThe total number of systems manager seats.
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.systemsManager.counts.unassignedSeatsNumberThe number of unused systems manager seats.
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.licenseTypes.licenseTypeStringLicense type.
CiscoMeraki.LicenseState.licenseTypes.counts.unassignedNumberThe number of unassigned licenses.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"LicenseState": {
"expirationDate": "Jul 4, 2025 UTC",
"licensedDeviceCounts": {
"wireless": 1
"organizationId": "1565046",
"status": "License Required"

Human Readable Output#

License State(s)#

Expiration DateStatus
Jul 4, 2025 UTCLicense Required


List the device inventories for an organization.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_idID of the organization to retrieve from. Use meraki-organization-list to fetch all organization IDs. This overrides the organization ID instance parameter.Optional
serialSerial number of a specific device to retrieve. Use meraki-device-list or meraki-organization-device-search to fetch serial numbers.Optional
used_stateFilter results by used or unused inventory. Possible values are: used, unused.Optional
searchSearch for devices in inventory based on serial number, MAC address, or model.Optional
macsComma-separated list of MAC addresses to search for in inventory.Optional
network_idsComma-separated list of network IDs to search for in inventory. Use explicit 'null' value to get available devices only. Use meraki-network-list to fetch all network IDs.Optional
serialsComma-separated list of serial numbers to search for in inventory. Use meraki-device-list or meraki-organization-device-search to fetch serial numbers.Optional
modelsComma-separated list of models to search for in inventory.Optional
order_numbersComma-separated list of order numbers to search for in inventory.Optional
tagsComma-separated list of tags to filter networks by. The filtering is case-sensitive. If tags are included, 'tags_filter_type' should also be included.Optional
tags_filter_typeIndicate whether to return networks that contain ANY or ALL of the included tags. If no type is included, 'withAnyTags' will be selected. Possible values are: withAnyTags, withAllTags.Optional
product_typesComma-separated list of product types to search for in inventory. Possible values are: appliance, camera, cellularGateway, sensor, switch, systemsManager, wireless.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return. Default is 50.Optional
page_sizeThe maximum number of records to return per page. To receive additional pages after the first call, use next_token. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 50.Optional
next_tokenInsert 'InventoryLinkTokens' value received from a previous pagination command's context to further paginate through records.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.InventoryLinkTokens.PrevStringPagination token used to retrieve the previous batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.InventoryLinkTokens.NextStringPagination token used to retrieve the next batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.InventoryLinkTokens.FirstStringPagination token used to retrieve the first batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.InventoryLinkTokens.LastStringPagination token used to retrieve the last batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.Inventory.claimedAtDateClaimed time of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Inventory.countryCodeStringCountry/region code from device, network, or store order.
CiscoMeraki.Inventory.licenseExpirationDateDateLicense expiration date of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Inventory.macStringMAC address of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Inventory.modelStringModel type of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Inventory.nameStringName of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Inventory.networkIdStringNetwork ID of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Inventory.orderNumberStringOrder number of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Inventory.productTypeStringProduct type of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Inventory.serialStringSerial number of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Inventory.tagsStringDevice tags.
CiscoMeraki.Inventory.details.nameStringAdditional property name.
CiscoMeraki.Inventory.details.valueStringAdditional property value.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"Inventory": {
"claimedAt": "2024-07-08T14:00:47.679658Z",
"countryCode": "IL",
"details": [],
"mac": "00:00:00:00:00:00",
"model": "MR28",
"name": "ACCESS POINT",
"networkId": "L_0000",
"orderNumber": "5S5479008",
"productType": "wireless",
"serial": "0000-0000-0000",
"tags": [

Human Readable Output#

Inventory Device(s)#

SerialNameNetwork IDMACModelClaimed AtProduct Type
0000-0000-0000ACCESS POINTL_000000:00:00:00:00:00MR282024-07-08T14:00:47.679658Zwireless


Claim devices into a network. (Note: For recently claimed devices, it may take a few minutes for API requests against that device to succeed). This operation can be used up to ten times within a single five minute window.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
network_idID of the network to claim the devices into. Use meraki-network-list to fetch all network IDs. This overrides the network ID instance parameter.Optional
serialsComma-separated list of serial numbers of the devices to claim. Use meraki-device-list or meraki-organization-device-search to fetch serial numbers.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!meraki-device-claim serials=0000-0000-0000

Human Readable Output#

The device(s) were successfully claimed into the network 'L_0000':#

  • 0000-0000-0000


Search for devices in an organization.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_idID of the organization to retrieve from. Use meraki-organization-list to fetch all organization IDs. This overrides the organization ID instance parameter.Optional
configuration_updated_afterFilter results by whether the devices configuration has been updated after the given timestamp. Accepted formats: datetime any substring of yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ, epoch 1720617001, relative 1 day 2h 3 minute.Optional
network_idsComma-separated list of network IDs to retrieve from. Use meraki-network-list to fetch all network IDs.Optional
product_typesComma-separated list of product types to search for in inventory. Possible values are: appliance, camera, cellularGateway, sensor, switch, systemsManager, wireless.Optional
tagsComma-separated list of tags to filter networks by. The filtering is case-sensitive. If tags are included, 'tags_filter_type' should also be included.Optional
tags_filter_typeIndicate whether to return networks that contain ANY or ALL of the included tags. If no type is included, 'withAnyTags' will be selected. Possible values are: withAnyTags, withAllTags.Optional
nameFilter devices by name. All returned devices will have a name that contains the search term or is an exact match.Optional
macFilter devices by MAC address. All returned devices will have a MAC address that contains the search term or is an exact match.Optional
serialFilter devices by serial number. All returned devices will have a serial number that contains the search term or is an exact match.Optional
modelFilter devices by model. All returned devices will have a model that contains the search term or is an exact match.Optional
macsComma-separated list of MAC addresses to search. All returned devices will have a MAC address that is an exact match.Optional
serialsComma-separated list of serial numbers to search. All returned devices will have a serial number that is an exact match.Optional
sensor_metricsComma-separated list of metrics that they provide. Only applies to sensor devices.Optional
sensor_alert_profile_idsComma-separated list of alert profiles that are bound to them. Only applies to sensor devices.Optional
modelsComma-separated list of models to search. All returned devices will have a model that is an exact match.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return. Default is 50.Optional
page_sizeThe maximum number of records to return per page. To receive additional pages after the first call, use next_token. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 50.Optional
next_tokenInsert 'DeviceLinkTokens' value received from a previous pagination command's context to further paginate through records.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.DeviceLinkTokens.PrevStringPagination token used to retrieve the previous batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceLinkTokens.NextStringPagination token used to retrieve the next batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceLinkTokens.FirstStringPagination token used to retrieve the first batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceLinkTokens.LastStringPagination token used to retrieve the last batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.Device.addressStringPhysical address of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.firmwareStringFirmware version of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.floorPlanIdStringThe floor plan to associate to this device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.imeiStringIMEI of the device, if applicable.
CiscoMeraki.Device.lanIpStringLAN IP address of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.macStringMAC address of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.modelStringModel of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.nameStringName of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.networkIdStringID of the network the device belongs to.
CiscoMeraki.Device.notesStringNotes for the device, limited to 255 characters.
CiscoMeraki.Device.productTypeStringProduct type of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.serialStringSerial number of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.latNumberLatitude of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.lngNumberLongitude of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.tagsStringList of tags assigned to the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.configurationUpdatedAtDateThe last time the device's configuration has been updated.
CiscoMeraki.Device.beaconIdParams.majorNumberThe major number to be used in the beacon identifier.
CiscoMeraki.Device.beaconIdParams.minorNumberThe minor number to be used in the beacon identifier.
CiscoMeraki.Device.beaconIdParams.uuidStringThe UUID to be used in the beacon identifier.
CiscoMeraki.Device.details.nameStringAdditional property name.
CiscoMeraki.Device.details.valueStringAdditional property value.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"Device": {
"address": "Tel Aviv",
"configurationUpdatedAt": "2024-07-18T14:13:33Z",
"details": [],
"firmware": "wireless-30-7",
"lanIp": "",
"lat": 32.0853,
"lng": 34.78177,
"mac": "00:00:00:00:00:00",
"model": "MR28",
"name": "ACCESS POINT",
"networkId": "L_0000",
"notes": "chchch",
"productType": "wireless",
"serial": "0000-0000-0000",
"tags": [
"url": ""

Human Readable Output#


SerialNameNetwork IDAddressModelFirmwareLan IP
0000-0000-0000ACCESS POINTL_0000Tel AvivMR28wireless-30-


List the devices in an network or fetch a specific device with a serial number. Input must contain 1 parameter.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
network_idID of a specific network to retrieve from. Use meraki-network-list to fetch all network IDs. This overrides the network ID instance parameter.Optional
serialSerial number of a specific device to retrieve.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return. Default is 50.Optional
all_resultsWhether to retrieve all the results by overriding the default limit. Possible values are: false, true.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.Device.addressStringPhysical address of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.firmwareStringFirmware version of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.floorPlanIdStringThe floor plan to associate to this device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.lanIpStringLAN IP address of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.macStringMAC address of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.modelStringModel of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.nameStringName of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.networkIdStringID of the network the device belongs to.
CiscoMeraki.Device.notesStringNotes for the device, limited to 255 characters.
CiscoMeraki.Device.serialStringSerial number of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.latNumberLatitude of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.lngNumberLongitude of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.tagsStringList of tags assigned to the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.beaconIdParams.majorNumberThe major number to be used in the beacon identifier.
CiscoMeraki.Device.beaconIdParams.minorNumberThe minor number to be used in the beacon identifier.
CiscoMeraki.Device.beaconIdParams.uuidStringThe UUID to be used in the beacon identifier.
CiscoMeraki.Device.details.nameStringAdditional property name.
CiscoMeraki.Device.details.valueStringAdditional property value.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"Device": {
"address": "Tel Aviv",
"details": [],
"firmware": "wireless-30-7",
"floorPlanId": null,
"lanIp": "",
"lat": 32.0853,
"lng": 34.78177,
"mac": "00:00:00:00:00:00",
"model": "MR28",
"name": "ACCESS POINT",
"networkId": "L_0000",
"notes": "chchch",
"serial": "0000-0000-0000",
"tags": [
"url": ""

Human Readable Output#


SerialNameNetwork IDAddressModelFirmwareLan IP
0000-0000-0000ACCESS POINTL_0000Tel AvivMR28wireless-30-


Update the attributes of a device.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
serialSerial number of the device to update. Use meraki-device-list or meraki-organization-device-search to fetch serial numbers.Required
addressThe address of a device.Optional
floor_plan_idThe floor plan to associate to this device. Use explicit 'null' value to disassociate the device from the floor plan.Optional
nameThe name of a device.Optional
notesThe notes for the device. Limited to 255 characters.Optional
switch_profile_idThe ID of a switch template to bind to the device (for available switch templates, see the 'Switch Templates' endpoint). Use explicit 'null' value to unbind the switch device from the current profile. For a device to be bindable to a switch template, it must (1) be a switch, and (2) belong to a network that is bound to a configuration template.Optional
move_map_markerWhether to set the latitude and longitude of a device based on the new address. Only applies when lat and lng are not specified. Possible values are: false, true.Optional
latThe latitude of a device.Optional
lngThe longitude of a device.Optional
tagsComma-separated list of tags for the device.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.Device.addressStringPhysical address of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.firmwareStringFirmware version of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.floorPlanIdStringThe floor plan to associate to this device. Use explicit 'null' value to disassociate the device from the floor plan.
CiscoMeraki.Device.imeiStringIMEI of the device, if applicable.
CiscoMeraki.Device.lanIpStringLAN IP address of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.macStringMAC address of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.modelStringModel of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.nameStringName of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.networkIdStringID of the network the device belongs to.
CiscoMeraki.Device.notesStringNotes for the device, limited to 255 characters.
CiscoMeraki.Device.productTypeStringProduct type of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.serialStringSerial number of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.latNumberLatitude of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.lngNumberLongitude of the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.tagsStringList of tags assigned to the device.
CiscoMeraki.Device.beaconIdParams.majorNumberThe major number to be used in the beacon identifier.
CiscoMeraki.Device.beaconIdParams.minorNumberThe minor number to be used in the beacon identifier.
CiscoMeraki.Device.beaconIdParams.uuidStringThe UUID to be used in the beacon identifier.
CiscoMeraki.Device.details.nameStringAdditional property name.
CiscoMeraki.Device.details.valueStringAdditional property value.

Command example#

!meraki-device-update serial=0000-0000-0000 tags="aaa,bbb"

Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"Device": {
"address": "Tel Aviv",
"details": [],
"firmware": "wireless-30-7",
"floorPlanId": null,
"lanIp": "",
"lat": 32.0853,
"lng": 34.78177,
"mac": "00:00:00:00:00:00",
"model": "MR28",
"name": "ACCESS POINT",
"networkId": "L_0000",
"notes": "chchch",
"serial": "0000-0000-0000",
"tags": [
"url": ""

Human Readable Output#

The device '0000-0000-0000' was successfully updated.#

SerialNameNetwork IDAddressModelFirmwareLan IP
0000-0000-0000ACCESS POINTL_0000Tel AvivMR28wireless-30-


Remove a single device from a network.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
network_idID of the network to remove the device from. Use meraki-network-list to fetch all network IDs. This overrides the network ID instance parameter.Optional
serialSerial number of the device to remove. Use meraki-device-list or meraki-organization-device-search to fetch serial numbers.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!meraki-device-remove serial=0000-0000-0000

Human Readable Output#

The device with the serial number: '0000-0000-0000' was successfully removed from the network 'L_0000'.#


List the status of every Meraki device in the organization.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_idID of the organization to retrieve from. Use meraki-organization-list to fetch all organization IDs. This overrides the organization ID instance parameter.Optional
network_idsComma-separated list of network IDs to search for. Use meraki-network-list to fetch all network IDs.Optional
serialsComma-separated list of serial numbers to search for. Use meraki-device-list or meraki-organization-device-search to fetch serial numbers.Optional
statusesComma-separated list of statuses to search for. Possible values are: online, alerting, offline, dormant.Optional
product_typesComma-separated list of product types to search for. Possible values are: appliance, camera, cellularGateway, sensor, switch, systemsManager, wireless.Optional
modelsComma-separated list of models to search for.Optional
tagsComma-separated list of tags to filter networks by. The filtering is case-sensitive. If tags are included, 'tags_filter_type' should also be included.Optional
tags_filter_typeIndicate whether to return networks that contain ANY or ALL of the included tags. If no type is included, 'withAnyTags' will be selected. Possible values are: withAnyTags, withAllTags.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return. Default is 50.Optional
page_sizeThe maximum number of records to return per page. To receive additional pages after the first call, use next_token. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 50.Optional
next_tokenInsert 'DeviceStatusLinkTokens' value received from a previous pagination command's context to further paginate through records.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatusLinkTokens.PrevStringPagination token used to retrieve the previous batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatusLinkTokens.NextStringPagination token used to retrieve the next batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatusLinkTokens.FirstStringPagination token used to retrieve the first batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatusLinkTokens.LastStringPagination token used to retrieve the last batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatus.gatewayStringIP gateway.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatus.ipTypeStringIP type.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatus.lanIpStringLAN IP address.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatus.lastReportedAtDateDevice last reported location.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatus.macStringMAC address.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatus.nameStringDevice name.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatus.networkIdStringNetwork ID.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatus.primaryDnsStringPrimary DNS.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatus.productTypeStringProduct type.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatus.publicIpStringPublic IP address.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatus.secondaryDnsStringSecondary DNS.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatus.serialStringDevice serial number.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatus.statusStringDevice status.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatus.tagsStringList of tags assigned to the device.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatus.components.powerSupplies.slotNumberSlot the power supply is in.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatus.components.powerSupplies.modelStringModel of the power supply.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatus.components.powerSupplies.serialStringSerial number of the power supply.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatus.components.powerSupplies.statusStringStatus of the power supply.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatus.components.powerSupplies.poe.maximumNumberMaximum PoE this power supply can provide when connected to the current switch model.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceStatus.components.powerSupplies.poe.unitStringUnit of the PoE maximum.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"DeviceStatus": {
"gateway": "",
"ipType": "dhcp",
"lanIp": "",
"lastReportedAt": "2024-07-18T13:54:26.364000Z",
"mac": "00:00:00:00:00:00",
"model": "MR28",
"name": "ACCESS POINT",
"networkId": "L_0000",
"primaryDns": "",
"productType": "wireless",
"publicIp": "",
"secondaryDns": null,
"serial": "0000-0000-0000",
"status": "offline",
"tags": [

Human Readable Output#

Device Status(es)#

SerialNameNetwork IDStatusModelIP TypeGatewayPublic IPLan IPLast Reported At
0000-0000-0000ACCESS POINTL_0000offlineMR28dhcp0.


List the uplink status of every Meraki MX, MG and Z series devices in the organization.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_idID of the organization to retrieve from. Use meraki-organization-list to fetch all organization IDs. This overrides the organization ID instance parameter.Optional
network_idsComma-separated list of network IDs to search for. Use meraki-network-list to fetch all network IDs.Optional
serialsComma-separated list of serial numbers to search for. Use meraki-device-list or meraki-organization-device-search to fetch serial numbers.Optional
iccidsComma-separated list of ICCIDs to search for.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return. Default is 50.Optional
page_sizeThe maximum number of records to return per page. To receive additional pages after the first call, use next_token. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 50.Optional
next_tokenInsert 'UplinkStatusLinkTokens' value received from a previous pagination command's context to further paginate through records.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatusLinkTokens.PrevStringPagination token used to retrieve the previous batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatusLinkTokens.NextStringPagination token used to retrieve the next batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatusLinkTokens.FirstStringPagination token used to retrieve the first batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatusLinkTokens.LastStringPagination token used to retrieve the last batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.lastReportedAtDateLast reported time for the device.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.modelStringThe uplink model.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.networkIdStringNetwork identifier.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.serialStringThe uplink serial number.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.highAvailability.roleStringThe High Availability role of the device on the network. For devices that do not support HA, this will be 'primary'.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.highAvailability.enabledBooleanIndicates whether High Availability is enabled for the device. For devices that do not support HA, this will be 'false'.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.uplinks.apnStringAccess Point Name.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.uplinks.connectionTypeStringConnection type.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.uplinks.dns1StringPrimary DNS IP.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.uplinks.dns2StringSecondary DNS IP.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.uplinks.gatewayStringGateway IP.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.uplinks.iccidStringIntegrated Circuit Card Identification number.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.uplinks.interfaceStringUplink interface enum = [cellular, wan1, wan2, wan3].
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.uplinks.ipStringUplink IP address.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.uplinks.ipAssignedByStringThe way in which the IP address is assigned.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.uplinks.primaryDnsStringPrimary DNS IP address.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.uplinks.providerStringNetwork provider.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.uplinks.publicIpStringPublic IP address.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.uplinks.secondaryDnsStringSecondary DNS IP address.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.uplinks.signalTypeStringSignal type.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.uplinks.statusStringUplink status enum = [active, connecting, failed, not connected, ready].
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.uplinks.signalStat.rsrpStringReference Signal Received Power.
CiscoMeraki.UplinkStatus.uplinks.signalStat.rsrqStringReference Signal Received Quality.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"UplinkStatus": {
"highAvailability": {
"enabled": true,
"role": "primary"
"lastReportedAt": "2018-02-11T00:00:00Z",
"model": "MX68C",
"networkId": "N_24329156",
"serial": "0000-0000-0000",
"uplinks": [
"apn": "internet",
"connectionType": "4g",
"dns1": "",
"dns2": "",
"gateway": "",
"iccid": "123456789",
"interface": "wan1",
"ip": "",
"ipAssignedBy": "static",
"primaryDns": "",
"provider": "at&t",
"publicIp": "",
"secondaryDns": "",
"signalStat": {
"rsrp": "-120",
"rsrq": "-13"
"signalType": "4G",
"status": "active"

Human Readable Output#

Uplink Status(es)#

SerialNetwork IDModelLast Reported AtUplink ICCIDUplink InterfaceUplink IPUplink Public IPUplink Signal TypeUplink Status


Return the client details in an organization.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_idID of the organization to retrieve from. Use meraki-organization-list to fetch all organization IDs. This overrides the organization ID instance parameter.Optional
macThe MAC address of the client.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return. Default is 5.Optional
page_sizeThe maximum number of records to return per page. To receive additional pages after the first call, use next_token. Acceptable range is 3 - 5. Default is 5.Optional
next_tokenInsert 'ClientLinkTokens' value received from a previous pagination command's context to further paginate through records.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.ClientLinkTokens.PrevStringPagination token used to retrieve the previous batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.ClientLinkTokens.NextStringPagination token used to retrieve the next batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.ClientLinkTokens.FirstStringPagination token used to retrieve the first batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.ClientLinkTokens.LastStringPagination token used to retrieve the last batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.Client.clientIdStringThe ID of the client.
CiscoMeraki.Client.macStringThe MAC address of the client.
CiscoMeraki.Client.manufacturerStringManufacturer of the client.
CiscoMeraki.Client.records.firstSeenNumberTimestamp client was first seen in the network.
CiscoMeraki.Client.records.lastSeenNumberTimestamp client was last seen in the network.
CiscoMeraki.Client.records.descriptionStringShort description of the client.
CiscoMeraki.Client.records.ipStringThe IP address of the client.
CiscoMeraki.Client.records.ip6StringThe IPv6 address of the client.
CiscoMeraki.Client.records.osStringThe operating system of the client.
CiscoMeraki.Client.records.recentDeviceMacStringThe MAC address of the node that the device was last connected to.
CiscoMeraki.Client.records.ssidStringThe name of the SSID that the client is connected to.
CiscoMeraki.Client.records.statusStringThe connection status of the client enum = [Offline, Online].
CiscoMeraki.Client.records.switchportStringThe switch port the client is connected to.
CiscoMeraki.Client.records.userStringThe username of the user of the client.
CiscoMeraki.Client.records.vlanStringThe name of the VLAN that the client is connected to.
CiscoMeraki.Client.records.wirelessCapabilitiesStringWireless capabilities of the client.
CiscoMeraki.Client.records.smInstalledBooleanWhether the system manager for the client is installed.
CiscoMeraki.Client.records.cdpStringThe Cisco discover protocol settings for the client.
CiscoMeraki.Client.records.lldpStringThe link layer discover protocol settings for the client. network enrollment string. network identifier. network name. notes for the network. organization identifier. network's timezone. network URL. the network is bound to a configuration template. product types of the network. network tags.
CiscoMeraki.Client.records.clientVpnConnections.connectedAtNumberThe time the client last connected to the VPN.
CiscoMeraki.Client.records.clientVpnConnections.disconnectedAtNumberThe time the client last disconnected from the VPN.
CiscoMeraki.Client.records.clientVpnConnections.remoteIpStringThe IP address of the VPN the client last connected to.

Command example#

!meraki-organization-client-list mac=00:00:00:00:00:00

Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"Client": {
"clientId": "0000000",
"mac": "00:00:00:00:00:00",
"manufacturer": "Hon Hai/Foxconn",
"records": [
"cdp": null,
"clientVpnConnections": null,
"description": "DESKTOP-000000",
"firstSeen": 1720703981,
"ip": "",
"ip6": "",
"lastSeen": 1720703981,
"lldp": null,
"network": {
"enrollmentString": null,
"id": "N_0000000003823457",
"isBoundToConfigTemplate": false,
"name": "TLV",
"notes": null,
"organizationId": "1565046",
"productTypes": [
"tags": [],
"timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"url": ""
"os": null,
"recentDeviceMac": null,
"smInstalled": false,
"ssid": "TLV WiFi",
"status": "Offline",
"switchport": null,
"user": null,
"vlan": "",
"wirelessCapabilities": "802.11ac - 2.4 and 5 GHz"
"cdp": null,
"clientVpnConnections": null,
"description": "Lior pc",
"firstSeen": 1720509642,
"ip": "",
"ip6": "",
"lastSeen": 1721310714,
"lldp": null,
"network": {
"enrollmentString": null,
"id": "L_0000",
"isBoundToConfigTemplate": false,
"name": "QMDEV",
"notes": null,
"organizationId": "1565046",
"productTypes": [
"tags": [],
"timeZone": "Israel",
"url": ""
"os": null,
"recentDeviceMac": "00:00:00:00:00:00",
"smInstalled": false,
"ssid": "QMDEV-temp WiFi",
"status": "Offline",
"switchport": null,
"user": null,
"vlan": "",
"wirelessCapabilities": "802.11ac - 2.4 and 5 GHz"

Human Readable Output#

Client 0000000 MAC 00:00:00:00:00:00 Record(s)#

DescriptionIPStatusNetwork IDNetwork Name
Lior pc0.0.0.0OfflineL_0000QMDEV
DESKTOP-0000000.0.0.0OfflineL_0000000003808704Main Office


List the clients that have used this network in the time span. The data is updated at most once every five minutes.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
network_idID of the network to retrieve from. Use meraki-network-list to fetch all network IDs. This overrides the network ID instance parameter.Optional
client_idID of a specific client to retrieve. Clients can be identified by a client key or either the MAC or IP address depending on whether the network uses Track-by-IP.Optional
t0The time span in days for which the information will be fetched. The maximum lookback period is 31 days from today. Accepted formats: datetime any substring of yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ, epoch 1720617001, relative 1 day 2h 3 minute.Optional
time_spanThe time span number in seconds for which the information will be fetched. If specifying time span, do not specify parameter t0. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 31 days (2678400 seconds). The default is 1 day.Optional
statusesComma-separated list of statuses. Possible values are: online, offline.Optional
ipFilters clients based on a partial or full match for the IP address field.Optional
ip6Filters clients based on a partial or full match for the IPv6 address field.Optional
ip6_localFilters clients based on a partial or full match for the local IPv6 address field.Optional
macFilters clients based on a partial or full match for the MAC address field.Optional
osFilters clients based on a partial or full match for the operating system field.Optional
psk_groupFilters clients based on partial or full match for the IPSK name field.Optional
descriptionFilters clients based on a partial or full match for the description field.Optional
vlanFilters clients based on the full match for the VLAN field.Optional
named_vlanFilters clients based on the partial or full match for the named VLAN field.Optional
recent_device_connectionsComma-separated list of recent connection types. Possible values are: Wired, Wireless.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return. Default is 50.Optional
page_sizeThe maximum number of records to return per page. To receive additional pages after the first call, use next_token. Acceptable range is 3 - 5000. Default is 50.Optional
next_tokenInsert 'NetworkClientLinkTokens' value received from a previous pagination command's context to further paginate through records.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.NetworkClientLinkTokens.PrevStringPagination token used to retrieve the previous batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClientLinkTokens.NextStringPagination token used to retrieve the next batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClientLinkTokens.FirstStringPagination token used to retrieve the first batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClientLinkTokens.LastStringPagination token used to retrieve the last batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.firstSeenNumberTimestamp client was first seen in the network.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.lastSeenNumberTimestamp client was last seen in the network.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.adaptivePolicyGroupStringThe adaptive policy group of the client.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.descriptionStringShort description of the client.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.deviceTypePredictionStringPrediction of the client's device type.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.groupPolicy8021xString802.1x group policy of the client.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.idStringThe ID of the client.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.ipStringThe IP address of the client.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.ip6StringThe IPv6 address of the client.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.ip6LocalStringLocal IPv6 address of the client.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.macStringThe MAC address of the client.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.manufacturerStringManufacturer of the client.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.namedVlanStringNamed VLAN of the client.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.notesStringNotes on the client.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.osStringThe operating system of the client.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.pskGroupStringIPSK name of the client.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.recentDeviceConnectionStringClient's most recent connection type enum = [Wired, Wireless].
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.recentDeviceMacStringThe MAC address of the node that the device was last connected to.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.recentDeviceNameStringThe name of the node the device was last connected to.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.recentDeviceSerialStringThe serial number of the node the device was last connected to.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.ssidStringThe name of the SSID that the client is connected to.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.statusStringThe connection status of the client enum = [Offline, Online].
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.switchportStringThe switch port that the client is connected to.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.userStringThe username of the user of the client.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.vlanStringThe name of the VLAN that the client is connected to.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.wirelessCapabilitiesStringWireless capabilities of the client.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.smInstalledBooleanWhether the service manager for the client is installed.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.cdpStringThe Cisco discover protocol settings for the client.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.lldpStringThe link layer discover protocol settings for the client.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.usage.recvNumberUsage received by the client.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.usage.sentNumberUsage sent by the client.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.clientVpnConnections.connectedAtNumberThe time the client last connected to the VPN.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.clientVpnConnections.disconnectedAtNumberThe time the client last disconnected from the VPN.
CiscoMeraki.NetworkClient.clientVpnConnections.remoteIpStringThe IP address of the VPN the client last connected to.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"NetworkClient": {
"adaptivePolicyGroup": null,
"description": "Lior pc",
"deviceTypePrediction": null,
"firstSeen": "2024-07-09T07:20:42Z",
"groupPolicy8021x": null,
"id": "0000000",
"ip": "",
"ip6": null,
"ip6Local": "0000:0:0:0:0000:0000:0000:0000",
"lastSeen": "2024-07-18T13:51:54Z",
"mac": "00:00:00:00:00:00",
"manufacturer": "Hon Hai/Foxconn",
"namedVlan": null,
"notes": "client note ",
"os": null,
"pskGroup": null,
"recentDeviceConnection": "Wireless",
"recentDeviceMac": "00:00:00:00:00:00",
"recentDeviceName": "ACCESS POINT",
"recentDeviceSerial": "0000-0000-0000",
"smInstalled": false,
"ssid": "QMDEV-temp WiFi",
"status": "Offline",
"switchport": null,
"usage": {
"recv": 394111,
"sent": 7479,
"total": 401590
"user": null,
"vlan": "",
"wirelessCapabilities": "802.11ac - 2.4 and 5 GHz"

Human Readable Output#

Network Monitor Client(s)#

IDDescriptionIPRecent Device NameSSIDStatusUsage ReceivedUsage Sent
0000000Lior pc0.0.0.0ACCESS POINTQMDEV-temp WiFiOffline3941117479


List the clients of a device, up to a maximum of a month ago. The usage of each client is returned in kilobytes. If the device is a switch, the switchport is returned; otherwise the switchport field is null.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
serialSerial number of the device to retrieve from. Use meraki-device-list or meraki-organization-device-search to fetch serial numbers.Required
t0The time span in days for which the information will be fetched. The maximum lookback period is 31 days from today. Accepted formats: datetime any substring of yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ, epoch 1720617001, relative 1 day 2h 3 minute.Optional
time_spanThe time span number in seconds for which the information will be fetched. If specifying time span, do not specify parameter t0. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 31 days (2678400 seconds). The default is 1 day.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return. Default is 50.Optional
all_resultsWhether to retrieve all the results by overriding the default limit. Possible values are: false, true.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.DeviceClient.adaptivePolicyGroupStringA description of the adaptive policy group.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceClient.descriptionStringShort description of the client.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceClient.dhcpHostnameStringThe client's DHCP hostname.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceClient.idStringThe ID of the client.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceClient.ipStringThe IP address of the client.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceClient.macStringThe MAC address of the client.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceClient.mdnsNameStringThe client's MDNS name.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceClient.namedVlanStringThe owner-assigned name of the VLAN the client is connected to.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceClient.switchportStringThe name of the switchport with clients on it, if the device is a switch.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceClient.userStringThe client user's name.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceClient.vlanStringThe client-assigned name of the VLAN the client is connected to.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceClient.usage.recvNumberUsage received by the client.
CiscoMeraki.DeviceClient.usage.sentNumberUsage sent by the client.

Command example#

!meraki-device-client-list serial=0000-0000-0000

Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"DeviceClient": {
"adaptivePolicyGroup": null,
"description": "Lior pc",
"dhcpHostname": "DESKTOP-000000",
"id": "0000000",
"ip": "",
"mac": "00:00:00:00:00:00",
"mdnsName": "DESKTOP-000000.local",
"namedVlan": "",
"switchport": null,
"usage": {
"recv": 7572.45118874967,
"sent": 394326.99434949923
"user": null,
"vlan": 0

Human Readable Output#

Device Monitored Client(s)#

IDDescriptionIPMACMDNS NameUsage ReceivedUsage Sent
0000000Lior pc0.0.0.000:00:00:00:00:00DESKTOP-000000.local7572.45118874967394326.99434949923


List the MX SSIDs in a network.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
network_idID of the network to retrieve from. Use meraki-network-list to fetch all network IDs. This overrides the network ID instance parameter.Optional
numberNumber of a specific SSID to retrieve.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return. Default is 50.Optional
all_resultsWhether to retrieve all the results by overriding the default limit. Possible values are: false, true.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.SSID.Appliance.defaultVlanIdNumberThe VLAN ID of the VLAN associated to this SSID.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Appliance.numberNumberThe number of the SSID.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Appliance.authModeStringThe association control method for the SSID.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Appliance.encryptionModeStringThe PSK encryption mode for the SSID.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Appliance.nameStringThe name of the SSID.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Appliance.wpaEncryptionModeStringWPA encryption mode for the SSID.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Appliance.enabledBooleanWhether the SSID is enabled.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Appliance.visibleBooleanWhether the MX should advertise or hide this SSID.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Appliance.radiusServers.portNumberThe UDP port your RADIUS servers listens on for Access-requests.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Appliance.radiusServers.hostStringThe IP address of your RADIUS server.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"SSID": {
"Appliance": {
"authMode": "8021x-radius",
"defaultVlanId": 1,
"enabled": true,
"encryptionMode": "wpa",
"name": "My SSID",
"number": 1,
"radiusServers": [
"host": "",
"port": 1000
"visible": true,
"wpaEncryptionMode": "WPA2 only"

Human Readable Output#


NumberNameDefault VLAN IDSSID EnabledVisible
1My SSID1truetrue


List the MR SSIDs in a network.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
network_idID of the network to retrieve from. Use meraki-network-list to fetch all network IDs. This overrides the network ID instance parameter.Optional
numberNumber of a specific SSID to retrieve.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return. Default is 50.Optional
all_resultsWhether to retrieve all the results by overriding the default limit. Possible values are: false, true.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.minBitrateNumberThe minimum bitrate in Mbps of this SSID in the default indoor RF profile.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.numberNumberUnique identifier of the SSID.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.perClientBandwidthLimitDownNumberThe download bandwidth limit in Kbps. (0 represents no limit.).
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.perClientBandwidthLimitUpNumberThe upload bandwidth limit in Kbps. (0 represents no limit.).
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.perSsidBandwidthLimitDownNumberThe total download bandwidth limit in Kbps (0 represents no limit).
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.perSsidBandwidthLimitUpNumberThe total upload bandwidth limit in Kbps (0 represents no limit).
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.adminSplashUrlStringURL for the admin splash page.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.authModeStringThe association control method for the SSID enum = [8021x-google, 8021x-localradius, 8021x-meraki, 8021x-nac, 8021x-radius, ipsk-with-nac, ipsk-with-radius, ipsk-without-radius, open, open-enhanced, open-with-nac, open-with-radius, psk].
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.bandSelectionStringThe client-serving radio frequencies of this SSID in the default indoor RF profile enum = [5 GHz band only, Dual band operation, Dual band operation with Band Steering].
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.encryptionModeStringThe PSK encryption mode for the SSID enum = [wep, wpa].
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.ipAssignmentModeStringThe client IP assignment mode enum = [Bridge mode, Ethernet over GRE, Layer 3 roaming, Layer 3 roaming with a concentrator, NAT mode, VPN].
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.nameStringThe name of the SSID.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.radiusAttributeForGroupPoliciesStringRADIUS attribute used to look up group policies enum = [Airespace-ACL-Name, Aruba-User-Role, Filter-Id, Reply-Message].
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.radiusFailoverPolicyStringPolicy which determines how authentication requests should be handled in the event that all of the configured RADIUS servers are unreachable enum = [Allow access, Deny access].
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.radiusLoadBalancingPolicyStringPolicy which determines which RADIUS server will be contacted first in an authentication attempt, and the ordering of any necessary retry attempts enum = [Round robin, Strict priority order].
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.splashPageStringThe type of splash page for the SSID enum = [Billing, Cisco ISE, Click-through splash page, Facebook Wi-Fi, Google Apps domain, Google OAuth, None, Password-protected with Active Directory, Password-protected with LDAP, Password-protected with Meraki RADIUS, Password-protected with custom RADIUS, SMS authentication, Sponsored guest, Systems Manager Sentry].
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.splashTimeoutDateSplash page timeout.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.wpaEncryptionModeStringThe types of WPA encryption enum = [WPA1 and WPA2, WPA1 only, WPA2 only, WPA3 192-bit Security, WPA3 Transition Mode, WPA3 only].
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.availableOnAllApsBooleanWhether all APs broadcast the SSID or if it's restricted to APs matching any availability tags.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.enabledBooleanWhether the SSID is enabled.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.localAuthBooleanExtended local auth flag for Enterprise NAC.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.mandatoryDhcpEnabledBooleanWhether clients connecting to this SSID must use the IP address assigned by the DHCP server.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.radiusAccountingEnabledBooleanWhether or not RADIUS accounting is enabled.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.radiusEnabledBooleanWhether RADIUS authentication is enabled.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.ssidAdminAccessibleBooleanSSID Administrator access status.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.visibleBooleanWhether the SSID is advertised.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.walledGardenEnabledBooleanWhether to allow users to access a configurable list of IP ranges prior to sign-on.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.availabilityTagsStringList of tags for this SSID. If availableOnAllAps is false, then the SSID is only broadcast by APs with tags matching any of the tags in this list.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.walledGardenRangesStringDomain names and IP address ranges available in Walled Garden mode.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.radiusAccountingServers.openRoamingCertificateIdNumberThe ID of the Openroaming Certificate attached to radius server.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.radiusAccountingServers.portNumberPort on the RADIUS server that is listening for accounting messages.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.radiusAccountingServers.caCertificateStringCertificate used for authorization for the RADSEC Server.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.radiusAccountingServers.hostStringIP address (or FQDN) to which the APs will send RADIUS accounting messages.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.radiusServers.openRoamingCertificateIdNumberThe ID of the Openroaming Certificate attached to radius server.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.radiusServers.portNumberUDP port the RADIUS server listens on for Access-requests.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.radiusServers.caCertificateStringCertificate used for authorization for the RADSEC Server.
CiscoMeraki.SSID.Wireless.radiusServers.hostStringIP address (or FQDN) of your RADIUS server.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"SSID": {
"Wireless": [
"adultContentFilteringEnabled": false,
"authMode": "open",
"availabilityTags": [],
"availableOnAllAps": true,
"bandSelection": "Dual band operation",
"dnsRewrite": {
"dnsCustomNameservers": [],
"enabled": false
"enabled": true,
"ipAssignmentMode": "NAT mode",
"mandatoryDhcpEnabled": false,
"minBitrate": 11,
"name": "QMDEV-temp WiFi",
"number": 0,
"perClientBandwidthLimitDown": 0,
"perClientBandwidthLimitUp": 0,
"perSsidBandwidthLimitDown": 0,
"perSsidBandwidthLimitUp": 0,
"speedBurst": {
"enabled": false
"splashPage": "None",
"ssidAdminAccessible": false,
"visible": true
"adultContentFilteringEnabled": false,
"authMode": "open",
"availabilityTags": [],
"availableOnAllAps": true,
"bandSelection": "Dual band operation",
"dnsRewrite": {
"dnsCustomNameservers": [],
"enabled": false
"enabled": false,
"ipAssignmentMode": "NAT mode",
"mandatoryDhcpEnabled": false,
"minBitrate": 11,
"name": "Unconfigured SSID 2",
"number": 1,
"perClientBandwidthLimitDown": 0,
"perClientBandwidthLimitUp": 0,
"perSsidBandwidthLimitDown": 0,
"perSsidBandwidthLimitUp": 0,
"speedBurst": {
"enabled": false
"splashPage": "None",
"ssidAdminAccessible": false,
"visible": true

Human Readable Output#


NumberNameIP Assignment ModeEnableVisible
0QMDEV-temp WiFiNAT modetruetrue
1Unconfigured SSID 2NAT modefalsetrue
2Unconfigured SSID 3NAT modefalsetrue
3Unconfigured SSID 4NAT modefalsetrue
4Unconfigured SSID 5NAT modefalsetrue
5Unconfigured SSID 6NAT modefalsetrue
6Unconfigured SSID 7NAT modefalsetrue
7Unconfigured SSID 8NAT modefalsetrue
8Unconfigured SSID 9NAT modefalsetrue
9Unconfigured SSID 10NAT modefalsetrue
10Unconfigured SSID 11NAT modefalsetrue
11Unconfigured SSID 12NAT modefalsetrue
12Unconfigured SSID 13NAT modefalsetrue
13Unconfigured SSID 14NAT modefalsetrue
14Unconfigured SSID 15NAT modefalsetrue


List the L3 firewall rules for an MX network.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
network_idID of the network to retrieve from. Use meraki-network-list to fetch all network IDs. This overrides the network ID instance parameter.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.L3FirewallRule.networkIdStringID of the network.
CiscoMeraki.L3FirewallRule.rules.commentStringComment for the rule.
CiscoMeraki.L3FirewallRule.rules.policyStringPolicy for the rule.
CiscoMeraki.L3FirewallRule.rules.protocolStringProtocol for the rule.
CiscoMeraki.L3FirewallRule.rules.destPortStringDestination port for the rule.
CiscoMeraki.L3FirewallRule.rules.destCidrStringDestination CIDR for the rule.
CiscoMeraki.L3FirewallRule.rules.srcPortStringSource port for the rule.
CiscoMeraki.L3FirewallRule.rules.srcCidrStringSource CIDR for the rule.
CiscoMeraki.L3FirewallRule.rules.syslogEnabledBooleanWhether syslog is enabled.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"L3FirewallRule": {
"networkId": "L_0000",
"rules": [
"comment": "helloworld1",
"destCidr": "Any",
"destPort": "Any",
"ipVer": "ipv4",
"policy": "allow",
"protocol": "any"
"comment": "Wireless clients accessing LAN",
"destCidr": "Local LAN",
"destPort": "Any",
"ipVer": "ipv4",
"policy": "deny",
"protocol": "Any"
"comment": "Default rule",
"destCidr": "Any",
"destPort": "Any",
"ipVer": "ipv4",
"policy": "allow",
"protocol": "Any"

Human Readable Output#

L3 Firewall Rule(s)#

CommentPolicyProtocolDestination PortDestination CIDR
Wireless clients accessing LANdenyAnyAnyLocal LAN
Default ruleallowAnyAnyAny


Update the L3 firewall rules of an MX network.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
network_idID of the network to update from. Use meraki-network-list to fetch all network IDs. This overrides the network ID instance parameter.Optional
overrideWhether to override the current rules. If false, will append to the current rules. Possible values are: false, true. Default is true.Optional
syslog_default_ruleLog the special default rule, enable only if you've configured a syslog server. Possible values are: false, true.Optional
entry_idAn entry ID of a JSON file to pass only rules. The format of a rule can be seen in the following link: Example: [{"comment": "Hello World!", "policy": "allow", "protocol": "tcp", "destPort": "443", "destCidr": "", "srcPort": "Any", "srcCidr": "Any", "syslogEnabled": false}].Optional
commentDescription of the rule.Optional
dest_cidrComma-separated list of destination IP address(es) (in IP or CIDR notation), fully-qualified domain names (FQDN) or 'any'.Optional
dest_portComma-separated list of destination port(s) (integer in the range 1-65535), or 'any'.Optional
src_cidrComma-separated list of source IP address(es) (in IP or CIDR notation), or 'any' (note: FQDN not supported for source addresses).Optional
src_portComma-separated list of source port(s) (integer in the range 1-65535), or 'any'.Optional
protocolType of protocol for each rule. Possible values are: tcp, udp, icmp, icmp6, any.Optional
policyWhether to allow or deny traffic specified by this rule. Possible values are: allow, deny.Optional
syslog_enabledWhether to log this rule to syslog. Only applicable if a syslog has been configured. Possible values are: false, true.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.L3FirewallRule.networkIdStringID of the network.
CiscoMeraki.L3FirewallRule.rules.commentStringComment for the rule.
CiscoMeraki.L3FirewallRule.rules.policyStringPolicy for the rule.
CiscoMeraki.L3FirewallRule.rules.protocolStringProtocol for the rule.
CiscoMeraki.L3FirewallRule.rules.destPortStringDestination port for the rule.
CiscoMeraki.L3FirewallRule.rules.destCidrStringDestination CIDR for the rule.
CiscoMeraki.L3FirewallRule.rules.srcPortStringSource port for the rule.
CiscoMeraki.L3FirewallRule.rules.srcCidrStringSource CIDR for the rule.
CiscoMeraki.L3FirewallRule.rules.syslogEnabledBooleanWhether syslog is enabled.

Command example#

!meraki-network-l3firewall-rule-update dest_cidr=any policy=allow protocol=any src_cidr="" comment=helloworld1

Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"L3FirewallRule": {
"networkId": "L_0000",
"rules": [
"comment": "helloworld1",
"destCidr": "Any",
"destPort": "Any",
"ipVer": "ipv4",
"policy": "allow",
"protocol": "any"
"comment": "Wireless clients accessing LAN",
"destCidr": "Local LAN",
"destPort": "Any",
"ipVer": "ipv4",
"policy": "deny",
"protocol": "Any"
"comment": "Default rule",
"destCidr": "Any",
"destPort": "Any",
"ipVer": "ipv4",
"policy": "allow",
"protocol": "Any"

Human Readable Output#

The L3 firewall rules for the network 'L_0000' were successfully updated.#

CommentPolicyProtocolDestination PortDestination CIDR
Wireless clients accessing LANdenyAnyAnyLocal LAN
Default ruleallowAnyAnyAny


Delete the L3 firewall rules from an MX network.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
network_idID of the network to delete all the L3Firewall rules for. Use meraki-network-list to fetch all network IDs. This overrides the network ID instance parameter.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


List the MX L7 firewall rules for an MX network.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
network_idID of the network to retrieve from. Use meraki-network-list to fetch all network IDs. This overrides the network ID instance parameter.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.L7FirewallRule.networkIdStringID of the network.
CiscoMeraki.L7FirewallRule.rules.policyStringPolicy for the rule.
CiscoMeraki.L7FirewallRule.rules.typeStringType of the rule.
CiscoMeraki.L7FirewallRule.rules.valueStringValue for the chosen type.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"L7FirewallRule": {
"networkId": "L_0000",
"rules": [
"policy": "deny",
"type": "port",
"value": "43"

Human Readable Output#

L7 Firewall Rule(s)#



Update the MX L7 firewall rules for an MX network.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
network_idID of the network to update from. Use meraki-network-list to fetch all network IDs. This overrides the network ID instance parameter.Optional
overrideWhether to override the current rules. If false, will append to the current rules. Possible values are: false, true. Default is true.Optional
entry_idAn entry ID of a JSON file to pass only rules. The format of a rule can be seen in the following link: Example: [{"policy": "deny", "type": "host", "value": ""}].Optional
valueA value of what needs to get blocked. Format of the value varies depending on the type of the firewall rule selected.Optional
typeThe type of the L7 firewall rule. Possible values are: application, applicationCategory, host, port, ipRange.Optional
policyThe traffic specified by this rule. Possible values are: deny.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.L7FirewallRule.networkIdStringID of the network.
CiscoMeraki.L7FirewallRule.rules.policyStringPolicy for the rule.
CiscoMeraki.L7FirewallRule.rules.typeStringType of the rule.
CiscoMeraki.L7FirewallRule.rules.valueStringValue for the chosen type.

Command example#

!meraki-network-l7firewall-rule-update policy=deny type=port value=43

Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"L7FirewallRule": {
"networkId": "L_0000",
"rules": [
"policy": "deny",
"type": "port",
"value": "43"

Human Readable Output#

The L7 firewall rules for the network 'L_0000' were successfully updated.#



Delete the L7 firewall rules from an MX network.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
network_idID of the network to delete all the L7Firewall rules for. Use meraki-network-list to fetch all network IDs. This overrides the network ID instance parameter.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#


Human Readable Output#

The L7 firewall rules of the network 'L_0000' were successfully deleted.#


List adaptive policy ACLs in a organization.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_idID of the organization to retrieve from. Use meraki-organization-list to fetch all organization IDs. This overrides the organization ID instance parameter.Optional
acl_idID of a specific ACL to retrieve.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return. Default is 50.Optional
all_resultsWhether to retrieve all the results by overriding the default limit. Possible values are: false, true.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicyACL.aclIdStringID of the adaptive policy ACL.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicyACL.createdAtDateWhen the adaptive policy ACL was created.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicyACL.descriptionStringDescription of the adaptive policy ACL.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicyACL.ipVersionStringIP version of adaptive policy ACL.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicyACL.nameStringName of the adaptive policy ACL.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicyACL.updatedAtDateWhen the adaptive policy ACL was last updated.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicyACL.rules.dstPortStringDestination port.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicyACL.rules.policyStringAllow or deny traffic specified by this rule.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicyACL.rules.protocolStringThe type of protocol.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicyACL.rules.srcPortStringSource port.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"AdaptivePolicyACL": [
"aclId": "0000000003806821",
"createdAt": "2024-07-09T12:32:26Z",
"description": "Blocks sensitive web traffic",
"ipVersion": "ipv6",
"name": "Block sensitive web traffic",
"rules": [
"dstPort": "22-30",
"policy": "deny",
"protocol": "tcp",
"srcPort": "1,33"
"updatedAt": "2024-07-09T12:32:26Z"
"aclId": "0000000003806822",
"createdAt": "2024-07-09T12:32:36Z",
"description": "Blocks sensitive web traffic",
"ipVersion": "ipv6",
"name": "Block sensitive web traffic1",
"rules": [
"dstPort": "22-30",
"policy": "deny",
"protocol": "tcp",
"srcPort": "1,33"
"updatedAt": "2024-07-09T12:32:36Z"
"aclId": "0000000003806823",
"createdAt": "2024-07-09T12:32:40Z",
"description": "Blocks sensitive web traffic",
"ipVersion": "ipv6",
"name": "Block sensitive web traffic2",
"rules": [
"dstPort": "22-30",
"policy": "deny",
"protocol": "tcp",
"srcPort": "1,33"
"updatedAt": "2024-07-09T12:32:40Z"

Human Readable Output#

Adaptive Policy ACL(s)#

ACL IDNameDescriptionCreated AtRules PolicyRules ProtocolRules Destination PortRules Source Port
0000000003806821Block sensitive web trafficBlocks sensitive web traffic2024-07-09T12:32:26Zdenytcp22-301,33
0000000003806822Block sensitive web traffic1Blocks sensitive web traffic2024-07-09T12:32:36Zdenytcp22-301,33
0000000003806823Block sensitive web traffic2Blocks sensitive web traffic2024-07-09T12:32:40Zdenytcp22-301,33
0000000003806824Block sensitive web traffic3Blocks sensitive web traffic2024-07-09T12:32:43Zdenytcp22-301,33
0000000003806825Block sensitive web traffic4Blocks sensitive web traffic2024-07-09T12:32:47Zdenytcp22-301,33


List adaptive policies in an organization. An adaptive policy is a dynamic security framework that allows automated policy enforcement across networks based on user and device identity.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_idID of the organization to retrieve from. Use meraki-organization-list to fetch all organization IDs. This overrides the organization ID instance parameter.Optional
adaptive_policy_idID of a specific adaptive policy to retrieve.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return. Default is 50.Optional
all_resultsWhether to retrieve all the results by overriding the default limit. Possible values are: false, true.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicy.adaptivePolicyIdStringThe ID for the adaptive policy.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicy.createdAtDateThe created at timestamp for the adaptive policy.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicy.lastEntryRuleStringThe rule to apply if there is no matching ACL. enum = [allow, default, deny].
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicy.updatedAtDateThe updated at timestamp for the adaptive policy.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicy.destinationGroup.sgtNumberThe security group tag for the destination group.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicy.destinationGroup.idStringThe ID for the destination group.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicy.destinationGroup.nameStringThe name for the destination group.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicy.sourceGroup.sgtNumberThe security group tag for the source group.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicy.sourceGroup.idStringThe ID for the source group.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicy.sourceGroup.nameStringThe name for the source group.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicy.acls.idStringThe ID for the access control list.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicy.acls.nameStringThe name for the access control list.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"AdaptivePolicy": [
"acls": [],
"adaptivePolicyId": "0000000003806834",
"createdAt": "2024-07-09T15:48:49Z",
"destinationGroup": {
"id": "0000000003809147",
"name": "blah",
"sgt": 6
"lastEntryRule": "allow",
"sourceGroup": {
"id": "0000000003808988",
"name": "Infrastructure",
"sgt": 2
"updatedAt": "2024-07-09T15:48:49Z"
"acls": [],
"adaptivePolicyId": "0000000003806835",
"createdAt": "2024-07-09T15:49:00Z",
"destinationGroup": {
"id": "0000000003809149",
"name": "blah12",
"sgt": 123
"lastEntryRule": "deny",
"sourceGroup": {
"id": "0000000003809148",
"name": "blah1",
"sgt": 7
"updatedAt": "2024-07-09T15:49:00Z"

Human Readable Output#

Adaptive Policy(ies)#

Adaptive Policy IDDestination Group IDDestination Group NameSource Group IDSource Group Name


List adaptive policy groups in a organization.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_idID of the organization to retrieve from. Use meraki-organization-list to fetch all organization IDs. This overrides the organization ID instance parameter.Optional
adaptive_policy_group_idID of a specific adaptive policy group to retrieve.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return. Default is 50.Optional
all_resultsWhether to retrieve all the results by overriding the default limit. Possible values are: false, true.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicyGroup.sgtNumberThe security group tag for the adaptive policy group.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicyGroup.createdAtDateCreated at timestamp for the adaptive policy group.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicyGroup.descriptionStringThe description for the adaptive policy group.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicyGroup.groupIdStringThe ID of the adaptive policy group.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicyGroup.nameStringThe name of the adaptive policy group.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicyGroup.updatedAtDateUpdated at timestamp for the adaptive policy group.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicyGroup.isDefaultGroupBooleanWhether the adaptive policy group is the default group.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicyGroup.requiredIpMappingsStringList of required IP mappings for the adaptive policy group.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicyGroup.policyObjects.idStringThe ID of the policy object.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicyGroup.policyObjects.nameStringThe name of the policy object.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"AdaptivePolicyGroup": [
"createdAt": "2024-06-02T11:28:44Z",
"description": "Created by Meraki, the Unknown group applies when a policy is specified for unsuccessful group classification",
"groupId": "0000000003808987",
"isDefaultGroup": true,
"name": "Unknown",
"policyObjects": [],
"requiredIpMappings": [],
"sgt": 0,
"updatedAt": "2024-06-02T11:28:44Z"
"createdAt": "2024-06-02T11:28:44Z",
"description": "Created by Meraki, the Infrastructure group is used by Meraki devices for internal and dashboard communication",
"groupId": "0000000003808988",
"isDefaultGroup": true,
"name": "Infrastructure",
"policyObjects": [],
"requiredIpMappings": [
"sgt": 2,
"updatedAt": "2024-06-02T11:28:44Z"
"createdAt": "2024-07-09T15:48:12Z",
"description": "asdas",
"groupId": "0000000003809147",
"isDefaultGroup": false,
"name": "blah",
"policyObjects": [],
"requiredIpMappings": [],
"sgt": 6,
"updatedAt": "2024-07-09T15:48:12Z"
"createdAt": "2024-07-09T15:48:26Z",
"description": "asdas",
"groupId": "0000000003809148",
"isDefaultGroup": false,
"name": "blah1",
"policyObjects": [],
"requiredIpMappings": [],
"sgt": 7,
"updatedAt": "2024-07-09T15:48:26Z"
"createdAt": "2024-07-09T15:48:33Z",
"description": "asdas",
"groupId": "0000000003809149",
"isDefaultGroup": false,
"name": "blah12",
"policyObjects": [],
"requiredIpMappings": [],
"sgt": 123,
"updatedAt": "2024-07-09T15:48:33Z"

Human Readable Output#

Adaptive Policy Group(s)#

Group IDNameDescriptionSecurity Group Tag
0000000003808987UnknownCreated by Meraki, the Unknown group applies when a policy is specified for unsuccessful group classification0
0000000003808988InfrastructureCreated by Meraki, the Infrastructure group is used by Meraki devices for internal and dashboard communication2


Returns global adaptive policy settings in an organization.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_idID of the organization to retrieve from. Use meraki-organization-list to fetch all organization IDs. This overrides the organization ID instance parameter.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicySettings.organizationIdStringID of the organization that the settings belong to.
CiscoMeraki.AdaptivePolicySettings.enabledNetworksStringList of network IDs with adaptive policy enabled.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"AdaptivePolicySettings": {
"enabledNetworks": [],
"organizationId": "1565046"

Human Readable Output#

Adaptive Policy Settings#

No entries.


List the branding policies of an organization. This allows MSPs to view and monitor certain aspects of Dashboard for their users and customers.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_idID of the organization to retrieve from. Use meraki-organization-list to fetch all organization IDs. This overrides the organization ID instance parameter.Optional
branding_policy_idID of a specific branding policy to retrieve.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return. Default is 50.Optional
all_resultsWhether to retrieve all the results by overriding the default limit. Possible values are: false, true.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.nameStringName of the Dashboard branding policy.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.enabledBooleanBoolean indicating whether this policy is enabled.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.adminSettings.appliesToStringWhich kinds of admins this policy applies to. Can be one of 'All organization admins', 'All enterprise admins', 'All network admins', 'All admins of networks...', 'All admins of networks tagged...', 'Specific admins...', 'All admins' or 'All SAML admins'.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.adminSettings.valuesStringIf 'appliesTo' is set to one of 'Specific admins...', 'All admins of networks...' or 'All admins of networks tagged...', then you must specify this 'values' property to provide the set of entities to apply the branding policy to. For 'Specific admins...', specify an array of admin IDs. For 'All admins of networks...', specify an array of network IDs and/or configuration template IDs. For 'All admins of networks tagged...', specify an array of tag names.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.customLogo.enabledBooleanWhether there is a custom logo enabled.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.customLogo.image.preview.expiresAtDateTimestamp of the preview image.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.customLogo.image.preview.urlStringURL of the preview image.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.helpSettings.apiDocsSubtabStringThe 'Help -> API docs' subtab where a detailed description of the Dashboard API is listed. Can be one of 'default or inherit', 'hide' or 'show'.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.helpSettings.casesSubtabStringThe 'Help -> Cases' Dashboard subtab on which Cisco Meraki support cases for this organization can be managed. Can be one of 'default or inherit', 'hide' or 'show'.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.helpSettings.ciscoMerakiProductDocumentationStringThe 'Product Manuals' section of the 'Help -> Get Help' subtab. Can be one of 'default or inherit', 'hide', 'show', or a replacement custom HTML string.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.helpSettings.communitySubtabStringThe 'Help -> Community' subtab which provides a link to Meraki Community. Can be one of 'default or inherit', 'hide' or 'show'.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.helpSettings.dataProtectionRequestsSubtabStringThe 'Help -> Data protection requests' Dashboard subtab on which requests to delete, restrict, or export end-user data can be audited. Can be one of 'default or inherit', 'hide' or 'show'.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.helpSettings.firewallInfoSubtabStringThe 'Help -> Firewall info' subtab where necessary upstream firewall rules for communication to the Cisco Meraki cloud are listed. Can be one of 'default or inherit', 'hide' or 'show'.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.helpSettings.getHelpSubtabStringThe 'Help -> Get Help' subtab on which Cisco Meraki KB, Product Manuals, and Support/Case Information are displayed. Note that if this subtab is hidden, branding customizations for the KB on 'Get help', Cisco Meraki product documentation, and support contact info will not be visible. Can be one of 'default or inherit', 'hide' or 'show'.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.helpSettings.getHelpSubtabKnowledgeBaseSearchStringThe KB search box which appears on the Help page. Can be one of 'default or inherit', 'hide', 'show', or a replacement custom HTML string.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.helpSettings.hardwareReplacementsSubtabStringThe 'Help -> Replacement info' subtab where important information regarding device replacements is detailed. Can be one of 'default or inherit', 'hide' or 'show'.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.helpSettings.helpTabStringThe Help tab, under which all support information resides. If this tab is hidden, no other 'Help' branding customizations will be visible. Can be one of 'default or inherit', 'hide' or 'show'.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.helpSettings.helpWidgetStringThe 'Help Widget' is a support widget which provides access to live chat, documentation links, Sales contact info, and other contact avenues to reach Meraki Support. Can be one of 'default or inherit', 'hide' or 'show'.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.helpSettings.newFeaturesSubtabStringThe 'Help -> New features' subtab where new Dashboard features are detailed. Can be one of 'default or inherit', 'hide' or 'show'.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.helpSettings.smForumsStringThe 'SM Forums' subtab which links to community-based support for Cisco Meraki Systems Manager. Only configurable for organizations that contain Systems Manager networks. Can be one of 'default or inherit', 'hide' or 'show'.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.helpSettings.supportContactInfoStringThe 'Contact Meraki Support' section of the 'Help -> Get Help' subtab. Can be one of 'default or inherit', 'hide', 'show', or a replacement custom HTML string.
CiscoMeraki.BrandingPolicy.helpSettings.universalSearchKnowledgeBaseSearchStringThe universal search box always visible on Dashboard will, by default, present results from the Meraki KB. This configures whether these Meraki KB results should be returned. Can be one of 'default or inherit', 'hide' or 'show'.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"BrandingPolicy": {
"adminSettings": {
"appliesTo": "All admins of networks...",
"values": [
"customLogo": {
"enabled": true,
"image": {
"preview": {
"expiresAt": "2022-04-06T06:19:27-07:00",
"url": ""
"enabled": true,
"helpSettings": {
"apiDocsSubtab": "default or inherit",
"casesSubtab": "hide",
"ciscoMerakiProductDocumentation": "show",
"communitySubtab": "show",
"dataProtectionRequestsSubtab": "default or inherit",
"firewallInfoSubtab": "hide",
"getHelpSubtab": "default or inherit",
"getHelpSubtabKnowledgeBaseSearch": "<h1>Some custom HTML content</h1>",
"hardwareReplacementsSubtab": "hide",
"helpTab": "show",
"helpWidget": "hide",
"newFeaturesSubtab": "show",
"smForums": "hide",
"supportContactInfo": "show",
"universalSearchKnowledgeBaseSearch": "hide"
"name": "My Branding Policy"

Human Readable Output#

Branding Policy(ies)#

NameEnabledAdmin Settings Values
My Branding PolicytrueN_1234,


List the group policies in a network.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
network_idID of the network to retrieve from. Use meraki-network-list to fetch all network IDs. This overrides the network ID instance parameter.Optional
group_policy_idID of a specific group policy to retrieve.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return. Default is 50.Optional
all_resultsWhether to retrieve all the results by overriding the default limit. Possible values are: false, true.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.groupPolicyIdStringThe ID of the group policy.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.nameStringThe name of the group policy.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.splashAuthSettingsStringWhether clients bound to your policy will bypass splash authorization or behave according to the network's rules. Can be one of 'network default' or 'bypass'. Only available if your network has a wireless configuration.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.bandwidth.settingsStringHow bandwidth limits are enforced. Can be 'network default', 'ignore' or 'custom'.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.bandwidth.bandwidthLimits.limitDownNumberThe maximum download limit (integer, in Kbps). null indicates no limit.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.bandwidth.bandwidthLimits.limitUpNumberThe maximum upload limit (integer, in Kbps). null indicates no limit.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.bonjourForwarding.settingsStringHow Bonjour rules are applied. Can be 'network default', 'ignore' or 'custom'.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.bonjourForwarding.rules.descriptionStringA description for your Bonjour forwarding rule.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.bonjourForwarding.rules.vlanIdStringThe ID of the service VLAN.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.bonjourForwarding.rules.servicesStringA list of Bonjour services. At least one service must be specified. Available services are 'All Services', 'AirPlay', 'AFP', 'BitTorrent', 'FTP', 'iChat', 'iTunes', 'Printers', 'Samba', 'Scanners' and 'SSH'.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.contentFiltering.allowedUrlPatterns.settingsStringHow URL patterns are applied. Can be 'network default', 'append' or 'override'.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.contentFiltering.allowedUrlPatterns.patternsStringA list of URL patterns that are allowed.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.contentFiltering.blockedUrlCategories.settingsStringHow URL categories are applied. Can be 'network default', 'append' or 'override'.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.contentFiltering.blockedUrlCategories.categoriesStringA list of URL categories to block.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.contentFiltering.blockedUrlPatterns.settingsStringHow URL patterns are applied. Can be 'network default', 'append' or 'override'.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.contentFiltering.blockedUrlPatterns.patternsStringA list of URL patterns that are blocked.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.firewallAndTrafficShaping.settingsStringHow firewall and traffic shaping rules are enforced. Can be 'network default', 'ignore' or 'custom'.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.firewallAndTrafficShaping.l3FirewallRules.commentStringDescription of the rule.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.firewallAndTrafficShaping.l3FirewallRules.destCidrStringDestination IP address (in IP or CIDR notation), a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN, if your network supports it) or 'any'.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.firewallAndTrafficShaping.l3FirewallRules.destPortStringDestination port (integer in the range 1-65535), a port range (e.g., 8080-9090), or 'any'.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.firewallAndTrafficShaping.l3FirewallRules.policyStringAllow or deny traffic specified by this rule.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.firewallAndTrafficShaping.l3FirewallRules.protocolStringThe type of protocol (must be 'tcp', 'udp', 'icmp', 'icmp6' or 'any').
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.firewallAndTrafficShaping.l7FirewallRules.policyStringThe policy applied to matching traffic. Must be 'deny'.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.firewallAndTrafficShaping.l7FirewallRules.typeStringType of the L7 Rule. Must be 'application', 'applicationCategory', 'host', 'port' or 'ipRange'.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.firewallAndTrafficShaping.l7FirewallRules.valueStringThe 'value' of what you want to block. If 'type' is 'host', 'port' or 'ipRange', 'value' must be a string matching either a hostname (e.g., a port (e.g., 8080), or an IP range (e.g., If 'type' is 'application' or 'applicationCategory', then 'value' must be an object with an ID for the application.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.firewallAndTrafficShaping.trafficShapingRules.dscpTagValueNumberThe DSCP tag applied by your rule. null means 'Do not change DSCP tag'.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.firewallAndTrafficShaping.trafficShapingRules.pcpTagValueNumberThe PCP tag applied by your rule. Can be 0 (lowest priority) through 7 (highest priority). null means 'Do not set PCP tag'.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.firewallAndTrafficShaping.trafficShapingRules.priorityStringA string, indicating the priority level for packets bound to your rule. Can be 'low', 'normal' or 'high'.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.firewallAndTrafficShaping.trafficShapingRules.perClientBandwidthLimits.settingsStringHow bandwidth limits are applied by your rule. Can be one of 'network default', 'ignore' or 'custom'.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.firewallAndTrafficShaping.trafficShapingRules.perClientBandwidthLimits.bandwidthLimits.limitDownNumberThe maximum download limit (integer, in Kbps).
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.firewallAndTrafficShaping.trafficShapingRules.perClientBandwidthLimits.bandwidthLimits.limitUpNumberThe maximum upload limit (integer, in Kbps).
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.firewallAndTrafficShaping.trafficShapingRules.definitions.typeStringThe type of definition. Can be one of 'application', 'applicationCategory', 'host', 'port', 'ipRange' or 'localNet'.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.firewallAndTrafficShaping.trafficShapingRules.definitions.valueStringIf "type" is 'host', 'port', 'ipRange' or 'localNet', then "value" must be a string, matching either a hostname (e.g., ""), a port (e.g., 8080), or an IP range ("", "", or ""). 'localNet' also supports CIDR notation, excluding custom ports.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.enabledBooleanWhether scheduling is enabled (true) or disabled (false). Defaults to false. If true, the schedule objects for each day of the week (monday - sunday) are parsed.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.friday.fromDateThe time, from '00:00' to '24:00'. Must be less than the time specified in 'to'. Defaults to '00:00'. Only 30 minute increments are allowed.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.friday.toDateThe time, from '00:00' to '24:00'. Must be greater than the time specified in 'from'. Defaults to '24:00'. Only 30 minute increments are allowed.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.friday.activeBooleanWhether the schedule is active (true) or inactive (false) during the time specified between 'from' and 'to'. Defaults to true.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.monday.fromDateThe time, from '00:00' to '24:00'. Must be less than the time specified in 'to'. Defaults to '00:00'. Only 30 minute increments are allowed.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.monday.toDateThe time, from '00:00' to '24:00'. Must be greater than the time specified in 'from'. Defaults to '24:00'. Only 30 minute increments are allowed.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.monday.activeBooleanWhether the schedule is active (true) or inactive (false) during the time specified between 'from' and 'to'. Defaults to true.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.saturday.fromDateThe time, from '00:00' to '24:00'. Must be less than the time specified in 'to'. Defaults to '00:00'. Only 30 minute increments are allowed.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.saturday.toDateThe time, from '00:00' to '24:00'. Must be greater than the time specified in 'from'. Defaults to '24:00'. Only 30 minute increments are allowed.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.saturday.activeBooleanWhether the schedule is active (true) or inactive (false) during the time specified between 'from' and 'to'. Defaults to true.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.sunday.fromDateThe time, from '00:00' to '24:00'. Must be less than the time specified in 'to'. Defaults to '00:00'. Only 30 minute increments are allowed.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.sunday.toDateThe time, from '00:00' to '24:00'. Must be greater than the time specified in 'from'. Defaults to '24:00'. Only 30 minute increments are allowed.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.sunday.activeBooleanWhether the schedule is active (true) or inactive (false) during the time specified between 'from' and 'to'. Defaults to true.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.thursday.fromDateThe time, from '00:00' to '24:00'. Must be less than the time specified in 'to'. Defaults to '00:00'. Only 30 minute increments are allowed.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.thursday.toDateThe time, from '00:00' to '24:00'. Must be greater than the time specified in 'from'. Defaults to '24:00'. Only 30 minute increments are allowed.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.thursday.activeBooleanWhether the schedule is active (true) or inactive (false) during the time specified between 'from' and 'to'. Defaults to true.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.tuesday.fromDateThe time, from '00:00' to '24:00'. Must be less than the time specified in 'to'. Defaults to '00:00'. Only 30 minute increments are allowed.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.tuesday.toDateThe time, from '00:00' to '24:00'. Must be greater than the time specified in 'from'. Defaults to '24:00'. Only 30 minute increments are allowed.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.tuesday.activeBooleanWhether the schedule is active (true) or inactive (false) during the time specified between 'from' and 'to'. Defaults to true.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.wednesday.fromDateThe time, from '00:00' to '24:00'. Must be less than the time specified in 'to'. Defaults to '00:00'. Only 30 minute increments are allowed.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.wednesday.toDateThe time, from '00:00' to '24:00'. Must be greater than the time specified in 'from'. Defaults to '24:00'. Only 30 minute increments are allowed.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.scheduling.wednesday.activeBooleanWhether the schedule is active (true) or inactive (false) during the time specified between 'from' and 'to'. Defaults to true.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.vlanTagging.settingsStringHow VLAN tagging is applied. Can be 'network default', 'ignore' or 'custom'.
CiscoMeraki.GroupPolicy.vlanTagging.vlanIdStringThe ID of the VLAN you want to tag. This only applies if 'settings' is set to 'custom'.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"GroupPolicy": [
"bandwidth": {
"bandwidthLimits": {
"limitDown": null,
"limitUp": null
"settings": "network default"
"bonjourForwarding": {
"rules": [],
"settings": "network default"
"firewallAndTrafficShaping": {
"l3FirewallRules": [],
"l7FirewallRules": [],
"settings": "network default",
"trafficShapingRules": []
"groupPolicyId": "101",
"name": "3",
"scheduling": {
"enabled": false,
"friday": {
"active": true,
"from": "00:00",
"to": "24:00"
"monday": {
"active": true,
"from": "00:00",
"to": "24:00"
"saturday": {
"active": true,
"from": "00:00",
"to": "24:00"
"sunday": {
"active": true,
"from": "00:00",
"to": "24:00"
"thursday": {
"active": true,
"from": "00:00",
"to": "24:00"
"tuesday": {
"active": true,
"from": "00:00",
"to": "24:00"
"wednesday": {
"active": true,
"from": "00:00",
"to": "24:00"
"splashAuthSettings": "network default",
"vlanTagging": {
"settings": "network default"
"bandwidth": {
"bandwidthLimits": {
"limitDown": null,
"limitUp": null
"settings": "network default"
"bonjourForwarding": {
"rules": [],
"settings": "network default"
"firewallAndTrafficShaping": {
"l3FirewallRules": [],
"l7FirewallRules": [],
"settings": "network default",
"trafficShapingRules": []
"groupPolicyId": "100",
"name": "New group",
"scheduling": {
"enabled": true,
"friday": {
"active": true,
"from": "00:00",
"to": "24:00"
"monday": {
"active": true,
"from": "00:00",
"to": "24:00"
"saturday": {
"active": true,
"from": "00:00",
"to": "24:00"
"sunday": {
"active": true,
"from": "00:00",
"to": "24:00"
"thursday": {
"active": true,
"from": "00:00",
"to": "24:00"
"tuesday": {
"active": true,
"from": "00:00",
"to": "24:00"
"wednesday": {
"active": true,
"from": "00:00",
"to": "24:00"
"splashAuthSettings": "network default",
"vlanTagging": {
"settings": "network default"

Human Readable Output#

Group Policy(ies)#

Group Policy IDGroup Policy NameGroup Splash Auth Settings
1013network default
100New groupnetwork default


List all policies owned by each client.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
network_idID of the network to retrieve from. Use meraki-network-list to fetch all network IDs. This overrides the network ID instance parameter.Optional
t0The time span in days for which the information will be fetched. The maximum lookback period is 31 days from today. Accepted formats: datetime any substring of yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ, epoch 1720617001, relative 1 day 2h 3 minute.Optional
time_spanThe time span number in seconds for which the information will be fetched. If specifying time span, do not specify parameter t0. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 31 days (2678400 seconds). The default is 1 day.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return. Default is 50.Optional
page_sizeThe maximum number of records to return per page. To receive additional pages after the first call, use next_token. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 50.Optional
next_tokenInsert 'ClientPolicyLinkTokens' value received from a previous pagination command's context to further paginate through records.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.ClientPolicyLinkTokens.PrevStringPagination token used to retrieve the previous batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.ClientPolicyLinkTokens.NextStringPagination token used to retrieve the next batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.ClientPolicyLinkTokens.FirstStringPagination token used to retrieve the first batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.ClientPolicyLinkTokens.LastStringPagination token used to retrieve the last batch of records by inserting the value into 'next_token'.
CiscoMeraki.ClientPolicy.clientIdStringID of client.
CiscoMeraki.ClientPolicy.nameStringName of client.
CiscoMeraki.ClientPolicy.macStringMAC of client.
CiscoMeraki.ClientPolicy.assigned.groupPolicyIdStringID of policy.
CiscoMeraki.ClientPolicy.assigned.nameStringName of policy.
CiscoMeraki.ClientPolicy.assigned.typeStringType of policy.
CiscoMeraki.ClientPolicy.assigned.ssid.ssidNumberNumberSSID number.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"ClientPolicy": {
"assigned": [],
"clientId": "0000000",
"mac": "00:00:00:00:00:00",
"name": "Lior pc"

Human Readable Output#

Client's Policies#

Client IDName
0000000Lior pc


List VLAN profiles for a network.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
network_idID of the network to retrieve from. Use meraki-network-list to fetch all network IDs. This overrides the network ID instance parameter.Optional
inameIname of a specific VLAN profile to retrieve.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return. Default is 50.Optional
all_resultsWhether to retrieve all the results by overriding the default limit. Possible values are: false, true.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.VlanProfile.inameStringIname of the VLAN profile.
CiscoMeraki.VlanProfile.nameStringName of the profile, string length must be from 1 to 255 characters.
CiscoMeraki.VlanProfile.isDefaultBooleanThe default VLAN Profile for any device that does not have a profile explicitly assigned.
CiscoMeraki.VlanProfile.vlanGroups.nameStringName of the VLAN, string length must be from 1 to 32 characters.
CiscoMeraki.VlanProfile.vlanGroups.vlanIdsStringComma-separated VLAN IDs or ID ranges.
CiscoMeraki.VlanProfile.vlanNames.nameStringName of the VLAN, string length must be from 1 to 32 characters.
CiscoMeraki.VlanProfile.vlanNames.vlanIdStringVLAN ID.
CiscoMeraki.VlanProfile.vlanNames.adaptivePolicyGroup.idStringAdaptive Policy Group ID.
CiscoMeraki.VlanProfile.vlanNames.adaptivePolicyGroup.nameStringAdaptive Policy Group name.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"VlanProfile": {
"iname": "Default",
"isDefault": true,
"name": "Default Profile",
"vlanGroups": [],
"vlanNames": [
"name": "default",
"vlanId": "1"

Human Readable Output#

VLAN Profile(s)#

INameNameIs DefaultVLAN Names
DefaultDefault Profiletruedefault


List the VLANs for an MX network.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
network_idID of the network to retrieve from. Use meraki-network-list to fetch all network IDs. This overrides the network ID instance parameter.Optional
vlan_idID of a specific VLAN profile to retrieve.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to return. Default is 50.Optional
all_resultsWhether to retrieve all the results by overriding the default limit. Possible values are: false, true.Optional

Context Output#

CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.maskNumberMask used for the subnet of all bound to the template networks. Applicable only for template network.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.applianceIpStringThe local IP address of the appliance on the VLAN.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.cidrStringCIDR of the pool of subnets. Applicable only for template network. Each network bound to the template will automatically pick a subnet from this pool to build its own VLAN.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.dhcpBootFilenameStringDHCP boot option for boot filename.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.dhcpBootNextServerStringDHCP boot option to direct boot clients to the server to load the boot file from.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.dhcpHandlingStringThe appliance's handling of DHCP requests on this VLAN. One of 'Run a DHCP server', 'Relay DHCP to another server' or 'Do not respond to DHCP requests'.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.dhcpLeaseTimeStringThe term of DHCP leases if the appliance is running a DHCP server on this VLAN. One of '30 minutes', '1 hour', '4 hours', '12 hours', '1 day' or '1 week'.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.dnsNameserversStringThe DNS nameservers used for DHCP responses, either "upstream_dns", "google_dns", "opendns", or a newline separated string of IP addresses or domain names.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.groupPolicyIdStringThe ID of the desired group policy to apply to the VLAN.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.idStringThe VLAN ID of the VLAN.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.interfaceIdStringThe interface ID of the VLAN.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.nameStringThe name of the VLAN.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.subnetStringThe subnet of the VLAN.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.templateVlanTypeStringType of subnetting of the VLAN. Applicable only for template network.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.vpnNatSubnetStringThe translated VPN subnet if VPN and VPN subnet translation are enabled on the VLAN.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.dhcpBootOptionsEnabledBooleanUse DHCP boot options specified in other properties.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.fixedIpAssignmentsStringThe DHCP fixed IP assignments on the VLAN. This should be an object that contains mappings from MAC addresses to objects that themselves each contain "ip" and "name" string fields. See the sample request/response for more details.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.dhcpRelayServerIpsStringThe IP addresses of the DHCP servers that DHCP requests should be relayed to.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.ipv6.enabledBooleanWhether to enable IPv6 on VLAN.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.ipv6.prefixAssignments.staticApplianceIp6StringManual configuration of the IPv6 Appliance IP.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.ipv6.prefixAssignments.staticPrefixStringManual configuration of a /64 prefix on the VLAN.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.ipv6.prefixAssignments.autonomousBooleanWhether to auto assign a /64 prefix from the origin to the VLAN.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.ipv6.prefixAssignments.origin.typeStringType of the origin enum = [independent, internet].
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.ipv6.prefixAssignments.origin.interfacesStringInterfaces associated with the prefix.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.mandatoryDhcp.enabledBooleanWhether to enable mandatory DHCP on VLAN.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.dhcpOptions.codeStringThe code for the DHCP option. This should be an integer between 2 and 254.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.dhcpOptions.typeStringThe type for the DHCP option. One of 'text', 'ip', 'hex' or 'integer'.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.dhcpOptions.valueStringThe value for the DHCP option.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.reservedIpRanges.commentStringA text comment for the reserved range.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.reservedIpRanges.endStringThe last IP address in the reserved range.
CiscoMeraki.ApplianceVlan.reservedIpRanges.startStringThe first IP address in the reserved range.

Command example#


Context Example#

"CiscoMeraki": {
"ApplianceVlan": {
"applianceIp": "",
"cidr": "",
"dhcpBootFilename": "sample.file",
"dhcpBootNextServer": "",
"dhcpBootOptionsEnabled": false,
"dhcpHandling": "Run a DHCP server",
"dhcpLeaseTime": "1 day",
"dhcpOptions": [
"code": "5",
"type": "text",
"value": "five"
"dhcpRelayServerIps": [
"dnsNameservers": "google_dns",
"fixedIpAssignments": {
"00:00:00:00:00:00": {
"ip": "",
"name": "My favorite IP"
"groupPolicyId": "101",
"id": "1234",
"interfaceId": "1284392014819",
"ipv6": {
"enabled": true,
"prefixAssignments": [
"autonomous": false,
"origin": {
"interfaces": [
"type": "internet"
"staticApplianceIp6": "0000:000:0000:00::0",
"staticPrefix": "0000:000:0000:00::/64"
"mandatoryDhcp": {
"enabled": true
"mask": 28,
"name": "My VLAN",
"reservedIpRanges": [
"comment": "A reserved IP range",
"end": "",
"start": ""
"subnet": "",
"templateVlanType": "same",
"vpnNatSubnet": ""

Human Readable Output#


IDNameGroup Policy IDInterface IDAppliance IPMaskCIDRSubnet
1234My VLAN10112843920148190.0.0.0280.0.0.0/

Breaking changes from the previous version of this integration - Cisco Meraki v2#

The following sections list the changes in this version.


The following commands were removed in this version:

  • meraki-fetch-organizations - this command was replaced by meraki-organization-list.
  • meraki-get-organization-license-state - this command was replaced by meraki-organization-license-state-list.
  • meraki-fetch-organization-inventory - this command was replaced by meraki-organization-inventory-list.
  • meraki-fetch-networks - this command was replaced by meraki-network-list.
  • meraki-fetch-devices - this command was replaced by meraki-device-list.
  • meraki-fetch-device-uplink - this command was replaced by meraki-organization-uplink-status-list.
  • meraki-fetch-ssids - this command was replaced by meraki-network-appliance-ssid-list.
  • meraki-fetch-clients - this command was replaced by meraki-device-client-list.
  • meraki-fetch-firewall-rules - this command was replaced by meraki-network-l3firewall-rule-list.
  • meraki-remove-device - this command was replaced by meraki-device-remove.
  • meraki-get-device - this command was replaced by meraki-device-list.
  • meraki-update-device - this command was replaced by meraki-device-update.
  • meraki-claim-device - this command was replaced by meraki-device-claim.
  • meraki-update-firewall-rules - this command was replaced by *meraki-network-l3firewall-rule-update**.