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This Integration is part of the Cloud Convert Pack.#

Use the CloudConvert integration to convert your files to the required format. This integration was integrated and tested with version v2 of CloudConvert.

Configure CloudConvert in Cortex#

apikeyAPI KeyTrue
insecureTrust any certificate (not secure)False
proxyUse system proxy settingsFalse


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Uploads a file for conversion.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
urlThe file's URL. If an entry ID is supplied, do not use this argument.Optional
entry_idThe file's War Room entry ID. If a URL is supplied, do not use this argument.Optional

Context Output#

CloudConvert.Task.idStringUnique task ID of the scanned file.
CloudConvert.Task.statusStringStatus of the current task.
CloudConvert.Task.messageStringResponse message from the API.
CloudConvert.Task.operationStringThe operation that was performed.
CloudConvert.Task.result.files.filenameStringThe name of the uploaded file.
CloudConvert.Task.result.files.sizeNumberThe size of the uploaded file.
CloudConvert.Task.result.files.urlStringThe URL of the uploaded file.
CloudConvert.Task.created_atDateTime the task was created.
CloudConvert.Task.started_atDateStart time of the task.
CloudConvert.Task.ended_atDateEnd time of the task.
CloudConvert.Task.host_nameStringName of the host used for the task.
CloudConvert.Task.storageStringStorage server used for the task.
CloudConvert.Task.linksStringAPI link for the task.

Command Example#

cloudconvert-upload entry_id=@123

Human Readable Output#


Converts an uploaded file to the required format.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
task_idID of the task that uploaded the file.Required
output_formatThe required output format for the given file.Required

Context Output#

CloudConvert.Task.idStringUnique task ID of the scanned file.
CloudConvert.Task.statusStringStatus of the current task.
CloudConvert.Task.messageStringResponse message from the API.
CloudConvert.Task.operationStringThe task that was performed.
CloudConvert.Task.result.files.filenameStringThe name of the converted file.
CloudConvert.Task.result.files.sizeNumberThe size of the converted file.
CloudConvert.Task.result.files.urlStringThe URL of the converted file.
CloudConvert.Task.created_atDateTime the task was created.
CloudConvert.Task.started_atDateStart time of the task.
CloudConvert.Task.ended_atDateEnd time of the task.
CloudConvert.Task.host_nameStringName of the host used for the task.
CloudConvert.Task.storageStringStorage server used for the task.
CloudConvert.Task.depends_on_task_idsStringThe ID of the previous task that was conducted on this file.
CloudConvert.Task.linksStringAPI link for the task.

Command Example#

cloudconvert-convert task_id=1 output_format=pdf

Human Readable Output#


Checks the status of an operation. Use the 'create_war_room_entry' argument to also create a war room entry of the file when checking on a download operation.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
task_idID of the task used to convert the file.Required
create_war_room_entryWhether to create an entry in the War Room if the task is finished. Possible values are: "True" and "False". Use this argument to be able to check on a download operation in the War Room.Optional

Context Output#

CloudConvert.Task.idStringUnique task ID of the scanned file.
CloudConvert.Task.statusStringStatus of the current task.
CloudConvert.Task.messageStringResponse message from the API.
CloudConvert.Task.operationStringThe task that was performed.
CloudConvert.Task.result.files.filenameStringThe name of the converted file.
CloudConvert.Task.result.files.sizeNumberThe size of the converted file.
CloudConvert.Task.result.files.urlStringThe URL of the converted file.
CloudConvert.Task.created_atDateThe time the task was created.
CloudConvert.Task.started_atDateStart time of the task.
CloudConvert.Task.ended_atDateEnd time of the task.
CloudConvert.Task.host_nameStringName of the host used for the task.
CloudConvert.Task.storageStringStorage server used for the task.
CloudConvert.Task.depends_on_task_idsStringThe ID of the previous task conducted on this file.
CloudConvert.Task.linksStringAPI link for the task.

Command Example#

cloudconvert-check-status task_id=1

Human Readable Output#


Downloads a converted file as a URL or a War Room entry.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
download_as'Whether to download the converted file as a URL or as a War Room entry. Possible values are: "url" and "war_room_entry". Note that if you download the file as a War Room entry, a URL of the file will also be generated.'Required
task_idID of the task that converted the file.Required

Context Output#

CloudConvert.Task.idStringUnique task ID of the scanned file.
CloudConvert.Task.statusStringStatus of the current task.
CloudConvert.Task.messageStringResponse message from the API.
CloudConvert.Task.operationStringThe operation that was performed.
CloudConvert.Task.result.files.filenameStringThe file name of the downloaded file.
CloudConvert.Task.result.files.sizeNumberThe size of the downloaded file.
CloudConvert.Task.result.files.urlStringThe URL of the downloaded file.
CloudConvert.Task.created_atDateTime the task was created.
CloudConvert.Task.started_atDateStart time of the task.
CloudConvert.Task.ended_atDateEnd time of the task.
CloudConvert.Task.host_nameStringName of the host used for the task.
CloudConvert.Task.storageStringStorage server used for the task.
CloudConvert.Task.depends_on_task_idsStringThe ID of the previous task conducted on this file.
CloudConvert.Task.linksStringAPI link for the task.

Command Example#

cloudconvert-download task_id=1 download_as=url

Human Readable Output#