CTM360 CyberBlindspot
CTM360 Pack.#
This Integration is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.10.0 and later.
Take action on incidents derived from CTM360 CBS threat intelligence that is directly linked to your organization.
This integration was integrated and tested with version 1.0.0
of CTM360_CyberBlindspot.
Configure CTM360 CyberBlindspot in CortexParameter | Description | Required |
Incident Mirroring Direction | Choose the direction to mirror the incident: Incoming (from CyberBlindspot to Cortex XSOAR), Outgoing (from Cortex XSOAR to CyberBlindspot), or Incoming and Outgoing (from/to Cortex XSOAR and CyberBlindspot). | False |
Module To Use | Choose the module you want to use: Incidents, Compromised Cards, Breached Credentials, and Domain/Subdomain Infringements. | False |
First fetch (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours. Default is 7 days ) | The time the incidents should be fetched starting from. | False |
API Key | The CTM360 CyberBlindspot API Key to use for fetching data. | True |
Maximum Number of Incidents per Fetch | Default is 25. Maximum is 200. | True |
Fetch incidents | False | |
Trust any certificate (not secure) | False | |
Use system proxy settings | False | |
Incident type | False |
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
ctm360-cbs-incident-listGet the list of incidents from CBS.
Base Commandctm360-cbs-incident-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
dateFrom | Select "From" date to fetch incidents starting from it. | Optional |
dateTo | Select "To" date to fetch incidents up to it. | Optional |
maxHits | Set number of results to fetch. | Optional |
order | Set the order of the results. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CyberBlindspot.IncidentList | unknown | List of all CBS incidents. |
Command example!ctm360-cbs-incident-list dateFrom="23-10-2023 07:00" dateTo="23-10-2023 23:00" order=asc maxHits=2
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
CustomFields externalstatus name occurred rawJson severity type xsoar_mirroring cbs_status: Member Feedback
cbs_subject: 2 customer credentials compromised (5d65815)
cbs_class: Link
cbs_type: Leaked Credential
cbs_coa: Member Side Action
cbs_timestamp: 1698049692779
cbs_updated_date: 2023-10-23T08:00:00+00:00Member Feedback New leaked_credential with severity High found 2023-10-23T08:00:00+00:00 {"name": "New leaked_credential with severity High found", "occurred": "2023-10-23T08:00:00+00:00", "type": "Leaked Credential", "externalstatus": "Member Feedback", "severity": 3, "CustomFields": {"cbs_status": "Member Feedback", "cbs_subject": "2 customer credentials compromised (5d65815)", "cbs_class": "Link", "cbs_type": "Leaked Credential", "cbs_coa": "Member Side Action", "cbs_timestamp": 1698049692779, "cbs_updated_date": "2023-10-23T08:00:00+00:00"}, "xsoar_mirroring": {"mirror_direction": "Both", "mirror_id": "COMY123642991153", "mirror_instance": "CTM360_CyberBlindspot_instance_1"}} 3 Leaked Credential mirror_direction: Both
mirror_id: COMY123642991153
mirror_instance: CTM360_CyberBlindspot_instance_1cbs_status: Member Feedback
cbs_subject: 2 customer credentials compromised (a86fda8)
cbs_class: Link
cbs_type: Leaked Credential
cbs_coa: Member Side Action
cbs_timestamp: 1698051145410
cbs_updated_date: 2023-10-23T08:00:00+00:00Member Feedback New leaked_credential with severity High found 2023-10-23T08:00:00+00:00 {"name": "New leaked_credential with severity High found", "occurred": "2023-10-23T08:00:00+00:00", "type": "Leaked Credential", "externalstatus": "Member Feedback", "severity": 3, "CustomFields": {"cbs_status": "Member Feedback", "cbs_subject": "2 customer credentials compromised (a86fda8)", "cbs_class": "Link", "cbs_type": "Leaked Credential", "cbs_coa": "Member Side Action", "cbs_timestamp": 1698051145410, "cbs_updated_date": "2023-10-23T08:00:00+00:00"}, "xsoar_mirroring": {"mirror_direction": "Both", "mirror_id": "COMY123073588255", "mirror_instance": "CTM360_CyberBlindspot_instance_1"}} 3 Leaked Credential mirror_direction: Both
mirror_id: COMY123073588255
mirror_instance: CTM360_CyberBlindspot_instance_1
ctm360-cbs-incident-closeClose a CBS incident.
Base Commandctm360-cbs-incident-close
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
ticketId | "Ticket ID" of the incident to close. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!ctm360-cbs-incident-close ticketId="COMX41148897294"
Human Readable OutputIncident closed successfully
ctm360-cbs-incident-request-takedownRequest a takedown of the asset where the incident was found.
Base Commandctm360-cbs-incident-request-takedown
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
ticketId | "Ticket ID" of the incident to request takedown. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!ctm360-cbs-incident-request-takedown ticketId="COMX415993788418"
Human Readable OutputTakedown request executed successfully
get-mapping-fieldsReturns the list of fields for an incident type.
Base Commandget-mapping-fields
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
ctm360-cbs-incident-detailsFetch details of a single incident from the CyberBlindspot platform.
Base Commandctm360-cbs-incident-details
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
ticketId | "Ticket ID" of the incident to close. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.id | unknown | Unique ID for the incident record. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.brand | unknown | The organization the incident is associated with. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.coa | unknown | The course of action to take. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.class | unknown | The classification of the incident on remote server. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.status | unknown | The current status of the incident on remote server. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.severity | unknown | The severity of the incident. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.subject | unknown | Asset or title of incident. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.type | unknown | Incident type on remote server. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.remarks | unknown | Remarks about the incident. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.first_seen | unknown | The creation date of the incident. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.last_seen | unknown | The date the incident last got updated. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.created_date | unknown | The creation date of the incident (legacy). |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.updated_date | unknown | The date the incident last got updated (legacy). |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.timestamp | unknown | The timestamp of when the record was created. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.card_number | unknown | The compromised card's number. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.cvv | unknown | The compromised card's Card Verification Value (CVV). |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.expiry_month | unknown | The compromised card's expiration month. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.expiry_year | unknown | The compromised card's expiration year. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.breach_source | unknown | The source of the breached data. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.domain | unknown | The domain related to the breached data. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.email | unknown | Email found in the breached data. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.username | unknown | Username found in the breached data. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.password | unknown | Password found in the breached data. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.executive_name | unknown | Executive member's name related to the breached data. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.confirmation_time | unknown | The time of infringement confirmation. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.risks | unknown | The potential difficulties carried by the infringement. |
CyberBlindspot.RemoteIncident.incident_status | unknown | The status of the infringement incident. |
get-remote-dataGets remote data from a remote incident. This method does not update the current incident, and should be used for debugging purposes.
Base Commandget-remote-data
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | The incident ID. | Required |
lastUpdate | Retrieves entries that were created after lastUpdate. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
get-modified-remote-dataGets the list of incidents that were modified since the last update time. Note that this method is here for debugging purposes. The get-modified-remote-data command is used as part of a Mirroring feature, which is available in Cortex XSOAR from version 6.1.
Base Commandget-modified-remote-data
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
lastUpdate | A date string in local time representing the last time the incident was updated. The incident is only returned if it was modified after the last update time. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
update-remote-systemUpdates the remote system with local changes.
Base Commandupdate-remote-system
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
remoteId | Remote ID of incident to update in the remote system. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Incident MirroringYou can enable incident mirroring between Cortex XSOAR incidents and CTM360 CyberBlindspot corresponding events (available from Cortex XSOAR version 6.0.0). To set up the mirroring:
Enable Fetching incidents in your instance configuration.
In the Mirroring Direction integration parameter, select in which direction the incidents should be mirrored:
Option Description None Turns off incident mirroring. Incoming Any changes in CTM360 CyberBlindspot events (mirroring incoming fields) will be reflected in Cortex XSOAR incidents. Outgoing Any changes in Cortex XSOAR incidents will be reflected in CTM360 CyberBlindspot events (outgoing mirrored fields). Incoming And Outgoing Changes in Cortex XSOAR incidents and CTM360 CyberBlindspot events will be reflected in both directions.
Newly fetched incidents will be mirrored in the chosen direction. However, this selection does not affect existing incidents. Important Note: To ensure the mirroring works as expected, mappers are required, both for incoming and outgoing, to map the expected fields in Cortex XSOAR and CTM360 CyberBlindspot.