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Cyberint Alerts

This Integration is part of the Cyberint Pack.#

Cyberint provides intelligence-driven digital risk protection. This integration will help your enterprise effectively consume actionable cyber alerts to increase your security posture.

Configure Cyberint on Cortex XSOAR#

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.

  2. Search for Cyberint.

  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.

    Incident typeFalse
    Cyberint Access TokenCyberint API access token.True
    Cyberint API URLCyberint environment on which the services run (Example:
    Fetch incidentsFalse
    Create an incident per CSV recordAn incident will be created with the originated Alert details per CSV file recordFalse
    Fetch SeveritySeverities to fetch. If none is chosen, all severity levels will be returned.False
    Fetch StatusStatuses to fetch. If none is chosen, all statuses will be returned.False
    Fetch EnvironmentEnvironments to fetch (comma separated). If empty, all available environments will be returned.False
    Fetch TypesTypes to fetch. If none is chosen, all types will be returned.False
    Fetch LimitMax number of alerts per fetch. Defaults to the minimum 10, max is 100.False
    First fetch timestamp (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days)False
    Trust any certificate (not secure)False
    Use system proxy settingsFalse
  4. Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


List alerts according to parameters

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
pagePage number to return. Default is 1. Default is 1.Optional
page_sizeNumber of results in a page. Default is 10. Must be between 10 and 100. Default is 10.Optional
created_date_fromISO-Formatted creation date. Get alerts created since this date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ).Optional
created_date_toISO-Formatted creation date. Get alerts created before this date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ).Optional
created_date_rangeYou can specify a date range to search for from the current time. (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days) instead of a start/end time. created_date_range will overwrite created_date.Optional
updated_date_fromISO-Formatted creation date. Get alerts updated since this date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ).Optional
updated_date_toISO-Formatted creation date. Get alerts updated before this date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ).Optional
updated_date_rangeYou can specify a date range to search for from the current time. (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days) instead of a start/end time. updated_date_range will overwrite updated_date.Optional
modification_date_fromISO-Formatted modification date. Get alerts modified since this date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ).Optional
modification_date_toISO-Formatted modification date. Get alerts modified before this date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ).Optional
modified_date_rangeYou can specify a date range to search for from the current time. (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days) instead of a start/end time. modified_date_range will overwrite modified_date.Optional
environmentsEnvironment in which the alerts were created. Can be more than one.Optional
statusesStatus of the alert. Can be more than one. Possible values are: open, acknowledged, closed.Optional
severitiesSeverity of the alert. Can be more than one. Possible values are: low, medium, high, very_high.Optional
typesType of the alert, can be more than one. Possible values are: refund_fraud, carding, coupon_fraud, money_laundering, victim_report, malicious_insider, extortion, phishing_email, phishing_kit, phishing_website, lookalike_domain, phishing_target_list, malicious_file, reconnaissance, automated_attack_tools, business_logic_bypass, target_list, official_social_media_profile, impersonation, intellectual_property_infringement, unauthorized_trading, negative_sentiment, fake_job_posting, defacement, compromised_pii, internal_information_disclosure, compromised_payment_cards, compromised_employee_credentials, compromised_customer_credentials, compromised_access_token, ransomware, exposed_web_interfaces, hijackable_subdomains, website_vulnerabilities, exposed_cloud_storage, exploitable_ports, mail_servers_in_blacklist, server_connected_to_botnet, email_security_issues, certificate_authority_issues, other.Optional

Context Output#

Cyberint.Alert.idStringUnique ID of the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.ref_idStringReference ID of the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.confidenceNumberConfidence score of the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.statusStringStatus of the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.severityStringSeverity of the alert
Cyberint.Alert.created_by.emailStringUser which has created the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.created_dateDateDate in which the alert was created.
Cyberint.Alert.categoryStringCategory of the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.typeStringType of the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.source_categoryStringSource category of the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.sourceStringSource of the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.targeted_vectorsStringVectors targeted by the threat.
Cyberint.Alert.targeted_brandsStringBrands targeted by the threat.
Cyberint.Alert.related_entitiesStringEntities related to the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.impactsStringImpacts made by the threat.
Cyberint.Alert.acknowledged_dateDateDate in which the alert was acknowledged.
Cyberint.Alert.acknowledged_by.emailStringUser which has acknowledged the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.publish_dateDateDate in which the alert was published.
Cyberint.Alert.titleStringTitle of the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.urlStringURL impacted by the event.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.detection_reasonsStringReasons why a phishing event has been detected.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.tool_nameStringName of a tool used for an exploit if available.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.applicationStringApplication affected by an event.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.sourceStringSource of an event if available.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.domainStringDomain related to an event if available.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.subdomianStringSubdomain related to an event if available.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.misconfiguration_typeStringType of misconfiguration for a misconfigured domain.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.ipStringIP related to an event.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.portStringPort related to an event.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.serviceStringService related to an event.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.access_tokenStringAccess token exposed in an event.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.access_token_typeStringAccess token exposed in an event.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.usernameStringUsername of an account related to an event.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.csv.usernameStringUsername of an account found in a report CSV.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.csv.passwordStringPassword of an account found in a report CSV.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.emailStringEmail of an account related to an event.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.author_email_addressStringEmail of an author related to an event.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.repository_nameStringRepository name related to an event.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.mail_serverStringMail server related to an event.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.blacklist_repositoryStringBlacklist repository name related to an event.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.screenshotStringScreenshot related to an event.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.spf_recordsStringSPF records if applicable to the event.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.dmarc_recordStringDMARC records if applicable to the event.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.storage_linkStringStorage link if applicable to the event.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.interface_typeStringInterface type if applicable to the event.
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.vulnerable_cname_recordStringVulnerable CName record if applicable to the event.
Cyberint.Alert.ioc.typeStringType of IOC related to the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.ioc.valueStringValue of the IOC related to the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.ticket_idStringTicket ID of the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.threat_actorStringActor to the threat related to the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.modification_dateDateDate the alert was last modified.
Cyberint.Alert.closure_dateStringDate the alert was closed.
Cyberint.Alert.closed_by.emailStringUser which has closed the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.closure_reasonStringReason for closing the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.descriptionStringDescription of the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.recommendationStringRecommendation for the alert
Cyberint.Alert.tagsStringTags related to the alert
Cyberint.Alert.attachmentsStringAttachments related to the alert

Command Example#

!cyberint-alerts-fetch page="1" page_size="100" created_date_range="7 days"

Context Example#

"Cyberint": {
"Alert": [
"acknowledged_by": null,
"acknowledged_date": null,
"alert_data": {
"csv": [
"password": "Carroza1947",
"username": "cabuneta47"
"hashed_attachment_content_csv": "e0857ec24c39125644e1db0c3d04de110b75ff3e34824a9a890fff47f2d9f461",
"total_credentials": 1
"analysis_report": null,
"attachments": [
"id": 18,
"mimetype": "image/png",
"name": "Compromised Account As Appears On Argos.png"
"category": "data",
"closed_by": null,
"closure_date": null,
"closure_reason": null,
"confidence": 100,
"created_by": {
"email": ""
"created_date": "2021-04-12T00:01:12",
"csv_data": {
"csv_id": 1981,
"name": "Company Customer Credentials Exposed.csv"
"description": "Cyberint detected breached credentials of several Chase customers, which were uploaded to an anti-virus repository. The credentials seem to have been obtained through malware, sending user inputs to the operator, and the various credentials were logged in the uploaded .txt files. As such, the file contains users\u2019 credentials not only for but for other websites as well. \nBreached customers credentials may be used by Threat Actors to carry out fraudulent transactions on their behalf, exposing Chase to both financial impact and legal claims.\n\n\n\n",
"environment": "Argos Demo",
"impacts": [
"iocs": [],
"modification_date": "2021-04-12T00:01:12",
"publish_date": "2020-11-23T17:44:42",
"recommendation": "1. Cyberint recommends enforcing password reset on the compromised accounts. \n2. In addition, CyberInt advises Chase to investigate internally whether any of the accounts have been involved in fraudulent transactions, at least up to the time of detection. In case the accounts were involved in any fraudulent activity, it is recommended to identify and extract relevant IOC\u2019s where possible and monitor them within the bank's systems.\n3. To reduce the chance of customer account takeovers by TAs, Cyberint recommends Chase implement MFA and CAPTCHA mechanisms. The former will help set another obstacle for a TA trying to abuse the account, and the latter can help blocking credentials-stuffing tools.",
"ref_id": "ARG-3",
"related_entities": [],
"severity": "high",
"source": "argos.1",
"source_category": "antivirus_repository",
"status": "open",
"tags": [],
"targeted_brands": [
"targeted_vectors": [
"threat_actor": "",
"ticket_id": null,
"title": "Company Customer Credentials Exposed",
"type": "compromised_customer_credentials"
"acknowledged_by": null,
"acknowledged_date": null,
"alert_data": {
"a_record": "",
"detection_reasons": [
"has_ssl_certificate": false,
"ip_reputation": "malicious",
"mx_records": null,
"nameservers": null,
"registrant_email": null,
"registrant_name": null,
"registrar": "NameSilo, LLC",
"requests_user_details": true,
"screenshot": {
"id": 166,
"mimetype": "image/png",
"name": "Argos Screenshot of the Phishing Website.png"
"site_status": "not_active",
"url": "",
"url_reputation": "malicious",
"whois_created_date": null,
"whois_record": null
"analysis_report": {
"id": 104,
"mimetype": "application/pdf",
"name": "Expert Analysis - Active Phishing Website Targeting Company.pdf"
"attachments": [
"id": 21,
"mimetype": "image/png",
"name": "Forensic Canvas Investigation of"
"category": "phishing",
"closed_by": null,
"closure_date": null,
"closure_reason": null,
"confidence": 100,
"created_by": {
"email": ""
"created_date": "2021-04-12T00:01:12",
"description": "Cyberint detected an active phishing website impersonating Barclays login page while abusing the brand\u2019s name, logo and photos.\nThe website contains login, registration and checkout forms, where unsuspecting victims could be lured to fill in their PII, credentials and payment details.\nPhishing websites such as the above are often used by attackers to obtain users' credentials and PII. This information can be utilized to take over customers' accounts, causing customer churn and damage to the brand's reputation.",
"environment": "Argos Demo",
"impacts": [
"iocs": [
"type": "domain",
"value": ""
"type": "ip",
"value": ""
"type": "url",
"value": ""
"modification_date": "2021-04-12T00:01:12",
"publish_date": "2020-09-02T00:06:49",
"recommendation": "CyberInt recommends reporting the website to Google Safe Browsing, so that upon attempting to browse to the phishing website, a warning would be triggered on the victim's browser, informing them of the danger and suggesting they don't enter.\nBarclays is also advised to take down the site; upon request, Cyberint can carry out both the report and the take down request on behalf of Barclays.",
"ref_id": "ARG-4",
"related_entities": [],
"severity": "very_high",
"source": "",
"source_category": "online_protection",
"status": "open",
"tags": [
"Phishing Kit",
"targeted_brands": [],
"targeted_vectors": [
"threat_actor": "",
"ticket_id": null,
"title": "Active Phishing Website Targeting Company",
"type": "phishing_website"
"acknowledged_by": null,
"acknowledged_date": null,
"alert_data": {
"service": "Azure",
"subdomain": "",
"vulnerable_cname_record": ""
"analysis_report": null,
"attachments": [],
"category": "vulnerabilities",
"closed_by": null,
"closure_date": null,
"closure_reason": null,
"confidence": 100,
"created_by": {
"email": ""
"created_date": "2021-04-12T00:01:12",
"description": "CyberInt discovered a misconfiguration on an HSBC subdomain which exposes it to takeover.\nCurrently, the domain names refer to the CNAME records listed above. However, those CNAME records are no longer owned by Target, and they may have expired. This situation allows others to obtain the record, and practically get access to the HSBC subdomain.\n\nTaking over HSBC subdomains could be used to conduct complex phishing attack on the organization's employees and customers, as well potentially hijack sessions of logged-in users in any service using the vulnerable domains.",
"environment": "Argos Demo",
"impacts": [
"iocs": [],
"modification_date": "2021-04-12T00:01:12",
"publish_date": "2020-11-24T20:28:00",
"recommendation": "CyberInt advises HSBC to choose either of the following courses of action:\n1. Update the CNAME record of the subdomains so that they no longer redirect traffic to the vulnerable subdomains.\n2. Re-purchase the record and thus avoid contradiction between the CNAME record and the Fastly interface.",
"ref_id": "ARG-8",
"related_entities": [],
"severity": "very_high",
"source": "",
"source_category": "my_digital_presence",
"status": "open",
"tags": [],
"targeted_brands": [
"targeted_vectors": [
"threat_actor": "",
"ticket_id": null,
"title": "Company Subdomain Vulnerable to Hijacking",
"type": "hijackable_subdomains"
"acknowledged_by": {
"email": ""
"acknowledged_date": "2021-04-09T15:47:12",
"alert_data": {
"author_email_address": null,
"code_leak_sample": "# Working credentials, no need to replace\nawesome_sauce:\n login: 'test-api'\n password: 'c271ee995dd79671dc19f3ba4bb435e26bee68b0e831b7e9e4ae858c1584e0a33bc93b8d9ca3cedc'\n\n# Working credentials, no need to replace\nbalanced:\n login: 'e1c5ad38d1c711e1b36c026ba7e239a9'",
"exposed_code_link": ""
"analysis_report": null,
"attachments": [
"id": 15,
"mimetype": "image/png",
"name": "Argos Intel Item Containing Exposed Information.png"
"category": "data",
"closed_by": null,
"closure_date": null,
"closure_reason": null,
"confidence": 90,
"created_by": {
"email": ""
"created_date": "2021-04-08T00:01:12",
"description": "CyberInt detected exposed credentials and RSA private key of a developer working with a Barclays API, which were published on a Github repository.\nThese credentials can allow an attacker to gain access to sensitive internal information of Barclays.\n",
"environment": "Argos Demo",
"impacts": [
"iocs": [],
"modification_date": "2021-04-08T00:01:12",
"publish_date": "2017-01-08T05:21:51",
"recommendation": "CyberInt recommends Barclays validate the authenticity of the credentials and key and in case they are relevant, reset them immediately.\nUpon request, CyberInt can take down the code on behalf of Barclays.",
"ref_id": "ARG-2",
"related_entities": [],
"severity": "very_high",
"source": "",
"source_category": "code_repository",
"status": "acknowledged",
"tags": [],
"targeted_brands": [
"targeted_vectors": [],
"threat_actor": "Bibek Pandey",
"ticket_id": null,
"title": "Company Source Code Exposed",
"type": "internal_information_disclosure"
"acknowledged_by": {
"email": ""
"acknowledged_date": "2021-04-09T15:47:12",
"alert_data": {
"tool_name": null
"analysis_report": {
"id": 106,
"mimetype": "application/pdf",
"name": "Expert Analysis - Fraudulent Refund Services Targeting Company.pdf"
"attachments": [],
"category": "fraud",
"closed_by": null,
"closure_date": null,
"closure_reason": null,
"confidence": 100,
"created_by": {
"email": ""
"created_date": "2021-04-08T00:01:12",
"description": "Argos detected a thread published in a fraudsters' forum, concerning fraudulent refund services against various US retailers, including Nike and Costco. \nThe thread contains vouches from dozens of satisfied customers, who used the TA's refunding service.\n\nRefund fraud refers to the process of abusing a company\u2019s refund policy using social engineering techniques to receive a partial or complete refund on an order. Threat actors who offer this service are usually paid 7-20% of the order\u2019s value, and usually require a minimum of $15 per order to start the process. Given the commonness of the service, refund fraud may result in significant financial loss to organizations.",
"environment": "Argos Demo",
"impacts": [
"iocs": [],
"modification_date": "2021-04-08T00:01:12",
"publish_date": "2020-11-16T09:09:44",
"recommendation": "CyberInt advises Costco to search their systems for refunds accepted in recent months, and try to cross-reference similarities and IOCs between the transactions. Such investigation can help identify potentially fraudulent patterns.\nAdditionally, as part of a full engagement, CyberInt can further investigate the TA in order to gain more information about their methods.",
"ref_id": "ARG-6",
"related_entities": [],
"severity": "medium",
"source": "",
"source_category": "forum",
"status": "acknowledged",
"tags": [
"targeted_brands": [
"targeted_vectors": [
"threat_actor": "BigBoi",
"ticket_id": null,
"title": "Fraudulent Refund Services Targeting Company",
"type": "refund_fraud"
"acknowledged_by": {
"email": ""
"acknowledged_date": "2021-04-09T05:47:12",
"alert_data": {
"detection_reasons": [
"has_ssl_certificate": null,
"ip_reputation": null,
"requests_user_details": true,
"site_status": null,
"url": "",
"url_reputation": "malicious",
"whois_created_date": null
"analysis_report": null,
"attachments": [],
"category": "phishing",
"closed_by": {
"email": ""
"closure_date": "2021-04-11T10:19:12",
"closure_reason": "resolved",
"confidence": 100,
"created_by": {
"email": ""
"created_date": "2021-04-08T00:01:12",
"description": "CyberInt detected an active phishing website impersonating Barclays login page while abusing the brand\u2019s name, logo and photos.\nThe website contains login, registration and checkout forms, where unsuspecting victims could be lured to fill in their PII, credentials and payment details.\nPhishing websites such as the above are often used by attackers to obtain users' credentials and PII. This information can be utilized to take over customers' accounts, causing customer churn and damage to the brand's reputation.",
"environment": "Argos Demo",
"impacts": [
"iocs": [],
"modification_date": "2021-04-08T00:01:12",
"publish_date": "2020-11-29T05:00:38",
"recommendation": "CyberInt recommends Barclays take down the site; upon request, CyberInt can submit the take down request on behalf of the bank.",
"ref_id": "ARG-15",
"related_entities": [],
"severity": "very_high",
"source": "",
"source_category": "online_protection",
"status": "closed",
"tags": [],
"targeted_brands": [
"targeted_vectors": [
"threat_actor": "",
"ticket_id": null,
"title": "Active Phishing Website Targeting Company",
"type": "phishing_website"
"acknowledged_by": {
"email": ""
"acknowledged_date": "2021-04-09T05:47:12",
"alert_data": {
"tool_name": null
"analysis_report": null,
"attachments": [],
"category": "fraud",
"closed_by": {
"email": ""
"closure_date": "2021-04-11T10:19:12",
"closure_reason": "resolved",
"confidence": 100,
"created_by": {
"email": ""
"created_date": "2021-04-08T00:01:12",
"description": "Argos detected a thread published in a fraudsters' forum, concerning fraudulent refund services against various US retailers, including Apple, Sam's Club and more.\nThe thread contains vouches from dozens of satisfied customers, who used the TA's refunding service.\n\nRefund fraud refers to the process of abusing a company\u2019s refund policy using social engineering techniques to receive a partial or complete refund on an order. Threat actors who offer this service are usually paid 7-20% of the order\u2019s value, and usually require a minimum of $15 per order to start the process. Given the commonness of the service, refund fraud may result in significant financial loss to organizations.",
"environment": "Argos Demo",
"impacts": [
"iocs": [],
"modification_date": "2021-04-08T00:01:12",
"publish_date": "2020-11-29T20:42:29",
"recommendation": "CyberInt advises Apple to search their systems for refunds accepted in recent months, and try to cross-reference similarities and IOCs between the transactions. Such investigation can help identify potentially fraudulent patterns.\nAdditionally, as part of a full engagement, CyberInt can further investigate the TA in order to gain more information about their methods.",
"ref_id": "ARG-16",
"related_entities": [],
"severity": "medium",
"source": "",
"source_category": "forum",
"status": "closed",
"tags": [],
"targeted_brands": [
"targeted_vectors": [
"threat_actor": "Felix_dsp",
"ticket_id": null,
"title": "Fraudulent Refund Services Targeting Company",
"type": "refund_fraud"
"acknowledged_by": {
"email": ""
"acknowledged_date": "2021-04-09T00:01:12",
"alert_data": {
"tool_name": null
"analysis_report": null,
"attachments": [
"id": 14,
"mimetype": "image/png",
"name": "Company Customer Payment Cards Offered for Sale.png"
"category": "data",
"closed_by": null,
"closure_date": null,
"closure_reason": null,
"confidence": 100,
"created_by": {
"email": ""
"created_date": "2021-04-06T00:01:12",
"description": "Cyberint detected payment cards belonging to customers being offered for sale online for 18$. The cards' information, published by a threat actors named Dolly, includes the BIN number of the card, expiration date and CVV digits as well as some PII of the card owner.\nCompromised payment card details, especially when combined with exposed PII, can be purchased and abused by threat actors for illegitimate and fraudulent activities. Those, in turn, will result in chargeback costs for the bank and potential customer churn.",
"environment": "Argos Demo",
"impacts": [
"iocs": [],
"modification_date": "2021-04-06T00:01:12",
"publish_date": "2020-08-17T00:00:00",
"recommendation": "Cyberint recommends Joe purchase one of the payment cards in order to then verify validity. Upon confirmation, Cyberint recommends cancelling the payment cards in order to prevent their abuse, and informing the card holders of the cancellation.\nCyberint can make the test purchase on behalf of the bank.",
"ref_id": "ARG-1",
"related_entities": [],
"severity": "medium",
"source": "bestvalid.onion",
"source_category": "darknet",
"status": "acknowledged",
"tags": [],
"targeted_brands": [],
"targeted_vectors": [],
"threat_actor": "Dolly",
"ticket_id": null,
"title": "Company Customer Payment Cards Offered for Sale",
"type": "compromised_payment_cards"
"acknowledged_by": {
"email": ""
"acknowledged_date": "2021-04-09T00:01:12",
"alert_data": {
"tool_name": null
"analysis_report": null,
"attachments": [
"id": 186,
"mimetype": "image/png",
"name": "AAX's post with full link.png"
"category": "data",
"closed_by": null,
"closure_date": null,
"closure_reason": null,
"confidence": 100,
"created_by": {
"email": ""
"created_date": "2021-04-06T00:01:12",
"description": "Cyberint identified 40 accounts of Gucci customers being offered for sale in a hacking forum. It is unclear where the threat actors had obtained the accounts, but the thread been commented on by 20 interested buyers.\nThose are later abused by the buyers for account takeovers, to make fraudulent purchases on the victims\u2019 behalf. Account takeovers result in financial loss to the organization and may cause customer churn.",
"environment": "Argos Demo",
"impacts": [
"iocs": [],
"modification_date": "2021-04-06T00:01:12",
"publish_date": "2020-10-15T11:31:43",
"recommendation": "Cyberint can contact the threat actor on behalf of Gucci, using an Avatar, in order to lure them into sharing how they had obtained the accounts. If relevant, Cyberint recommends Gucci consider purchasing a sample of the compromised accounts, to verify their validity and whether the rest of the batch could be worth purchasing as well.",
"ref_id": "ARG-5",
"related_entities": [],
"severity": "medium",
"source": "",
"source_category": "forum",
"status": "acknowledged",
"tags": [],
"targeted_brands": [
"targeted_vectors": [
"threat_actor": "aax",
"ticket_id": null,
"title": "Company Customer Credentials Offered for Sale",
"type": "compromised_customer_credentials"

Human Readable Output#

Total alerts: 9 Current page: 1

CyberInt alerts:#

ARG-3Company Customer Credentials Exposedopenhigh2021-04-12T00:01:12compromised_customer_credentialsArgos Demo
ARG-4Active Phishing Website Targeting Companyopenvery_high2021-04-12T00:01:12phishing_websiteArgos Demo
ARG-8Company Subdomain Vulnerable to Hijackingopenvery_high2021-04-12T00:01:12hijackable_subdomainsArgos Demo
ARG-2Company Source Code Exposedacknowledgedvery_high2021-04-08T00:01:12internal_information_disclosureArgos Demo
ARG-6Fraudulent Refund Services Targeting Companyacknowledgedmedium2021-04-08T00:01:12refund_fraudArgos Demo
ARG-15Active Phishing Website Targeting Companyclosedvery_high2021-04-08T00:01:12phishing_websiteArgos Demo
ARG-16Fraudulent Refund Services Targeting Companyclosedmedium2021-04-08T00:01:12refund_fraudArgos Demo
ARG-1Company Customer Payment Cards Offered for Saleacknowledgedmedium2021-04-06T00:01:12compromised_payment_cardsArgos Demo
ARG-5Company Customer Credentials Offered for Saleacknowledgedmedium2021-04-06T00:01:12compromised_customer_credentialsArgos Demo


Update the status of one or more alerts.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
alert_ref_idsReference IDs for the alert(s).Required
statusDesired status to update for the alert(s). Possible values are: open, acknowledged, closed.Required
closure_reasonReason for updating the alerts status to closed. Required when status is closed. Possible values are: resolved, irrelevant, false_positive.Optional

Context Output#

Cyberint.Alert.ref_idStringReference ID of the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.statusStringStatus of the alert.
Cyberint.Alert.closure_reasonStringReason for updating the alert to closed if closed.

Command Example#

!cyberint-alerts-status-update alert_ref_ids="ADS10-3" status="acknowledged"

Context Example#

"Cyberint": {
"Alert": {
"closure_reason": null,
"ref_id": "ADS10-3",
"status": "acknowledged"

Human Readable Output#

CyberInt alerts updated information:#



Get alert attachment.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
alert_ref_idReference ID of the alert.Required
attachment_idAttachment ID.Required
attachment_nameAttachment file name.Required

Context Output#

File.SizeNumberThe size of the file.
File.SHA1StringThe SHA1 hash of the file.
File.SHA256StringThe SHA256 hash of the file.
File.NameStringThe name of the file.
File.SSDeepStringThe SSDeep hash of the file.
File.EntryIDStringThe entry ID of the file.
File.InfoStringFile information.
File.TypeStringThe file type.
File.MD5StringThe MD5 hash of the file.
File.ExtensionStringThe file extension.

Command Example#

!cyberint-alerts-get-attachment alert_ref_id="ARG-3" attachment_id="18" attachment_name="Compromised Account As Appears On Argos.png"

Context Example#

"File": {
"EntryID": "1071@01674117-479d-4af5-89d6-cbf4584ae0e8",
"Extension": "png",
"Info": "image/png",
"MD5": "1bcab0883881e84802d859baea3810f5",
"Name": "Compromised Account As Appears On Argos.png",
"SHA1": "a232483be0ff6f912a2367e96c399dc311c8cfb1",
"SHA256": "635d7c00bb5f11f13b2fd2cab1b352c45f758467b7a00fed13e2d4669c83f35d",
"SHA512": "72128496b305dbd9e2e916bb92feea6314cfc9990da0ffbdf6364c8676ea5b681ab01c9f5ee97b9e5ec22999bf5795ed3424517ffbf6f0ad8455a4c2cce5e60c",
"SSDeep": "768:FYCj7zNaryIJPjoLRRQeD6hFvqvWOu5sUzdVL9EfNj0Aof:FpnNKyMPjoLzQE+DHVhoNj1of",
"Size": 35665,
"Type": "PNG image data, 711 x 531, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced"


Get alert analysis report.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
alert_ref_idReference ID of the alert.Required
report_nameAnalysis report file name.Required

Context Output#

File.SizeNumberThe size of the file.
File.SHA1StringThe SHA1 hash of the file.
File.SHA256StringThe SHA256 hash of the file.
File.NameStringThe name of the file.
File.SSDeepStringThe SSDeep hash of the file.
File.EntryIDStringThe entry ID of the file.
File.InfoStringFile information.
File.TypeStringThe file type.
File.MD5StringThe MD5 hash of the file.
File.ExtensionStringThe file extension.

Command Example#

!cyberint-alerts-analysis-report alert_ref_id="ARG-4" report_name="Expert Analysis - Active Phishing Website Targeting Company.pdf"

Context Example#

"File": {
"EntryID": "1075@01674117-479d-4af5-89d6-cbf4584ae0e8",
"Extension": "pdf",
"Info": "application/pdf",
"MD5": "6786164b6cfb00c54622b2f974dc53f4",
"Name": "Expert Analysis - Active Phishing Website Targeting Company.pdf",
"SHA1": "e7a6ceca8a216ba81527d423cf50d0dbf01bce5f",
"SHA256": "1890ad48da918d3f416a14b2fd22c1ca144cc5b47da4835c32e1341e0e2e880a",
"SHA512": "8228a78cc0a0411436b6086801654fdf2bff9a25bdf3bdbdec16692bd2fe6b4edf99012af68559900f6680456e1aaa84179c38df192adc866595298ebbc4b767",
"SSDeep": "6144:mMI1j8kEaLJviZ1dK80NyPUqZq/32pSjQNu1KwDaacfurJgT2vJWIp+YGh:mMIaa1UTLYVYuS2vJ3p+Lh",
"Size": 279550,
"Type": "PDF document, version 1.3"