Cyberint Alerts
Cyberint Pack.#
This Integration is part of theCyberint provides intelligence-driven digital risk protection. This integration will help your enterprise effectively consume actionable cyber alerts to increase your security posture.
Configure Cyberint on Cortex XSOARNavigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.
Search for Cyberint.
Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.
Parameter Description Required Incident type False Cyberint Access Token Cyberint API access token. True Cyberint API URL Cyberint environment on which the services run (Example: True Fetch incidents False Create an incident per CSV record An incident will be created with the originated Alert details per CSV file record False Fetch Severity Severities to fetch. If none is chosen, all severity levels will be returned. False Fetch Status Statuses to fetch. If none is chosen, all statuses will be returned. False Fetch Environment Environments to fetch (comma separated). If empty, all available environments will be returned. False Fetch Types Types to fetch. If none is chosen, all types will be returned. False Fetch Limit Max number of alerts per fetch. Defaults to the minimum 10, max is 100. False First fetch timestamp (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days) False Trust any certificate (not secure) False Use system proxy settings False Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
cyberint-alerts-fetchList alerts according to parameters
Base Commandcyberint-alerts-fetch
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
page | Page number to return. Default is 1. Default is 1. | Optional |
page_size | Number of results in a page. Default is 10. Must be between 10 and 100. Default is 10. | Optional |
created_date_from | ISO-Formatted creation date. Get alerts created since this date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). | Optional |
created_date_to | ISO-Formatted creation date. Get alerts created before this date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). | Optional |
created_date_range | You can specify a date range to search for from the current time. (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days) instead of a start/end time. created_date_range will overwrite created_date. | Optional |
updated_date_from | ISO-Formatted creation date. Get alerts updated since this date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). | Optional |
updated_date_to | ISO-Formatted creation date. Get alerts updated before this date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). | Optional |
updated_date_range | You can specify a date range to search for from the current time. (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days) instead of a start/end time. updated_date_range will overwrite updated_date. | Optional |
modification_date_from | ISO-Formatted modification date. Get alerts modified since this date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). | Optional |
modification_date_to | ISO-Formatted modification date. Get alerts modified before this date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). | Optional |
modified_date_range | You can specify a date range to search for from the current time. (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days) instead of a start/end time. modified_date_range will overwrite modified_date. | Optional |
environments | Environment in which the alerts were created. Can be more than one. | Optional |
statuses | Status of the alert. Can be more than one. Possible values are: open, acknowledged, closed. | Optional |
severities | Severity of the alert. Can be more than one. Possible values are: low, medium, high, very_high. | Optional |
types | Type of the alert, can be more than one. Possible values are: refund_fraud, carding, coupon_fraud, money_laundering, victim_report, malicious_insider, extortion, phishing_email, phishing_kit, phishing_website, lookalike_domain, phishing_target_list, malicious_file, reconnaissance, automated_attack_tools, business_logic_bypass, target_list, official_social_media_profile, impersonation, intellectual_property_infringement, unauthorized_trading, negative_sentiment, fake_job_posting, defacement, compromised_pii, internal_information_disclosure, compromised_payment_cards, compromised_employee_credentials, compromised_customer_credentials, compromised_access_token, ransomware, exposed_web_interfaces, hijackable_subdomains, website_vulnerabilities, exposed_cloud_storage, exploitable_ports, mail_servers_in_blacklist, server_connected_to_botnet, email_security_issues, certificate_authority_issues, other. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | String | Unique ID of the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.ref_id | String | Reference ID of the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.confidence | Number | Confidence score of the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.status | String | Status of the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.severity | String | Severity of the alert | | String | User which has created the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.created_date | Date | Date in which the alert was created. |
Cyberint.Alert.category | String | Category of the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.type | String | Type of the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.source_category | String | Source category of the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.source | String | Source of the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.targeted_vectors | String | Vectors targeted by the threat. |
Cyberint.Alert.targeted_brands | String | Brands targeted by the threat. |
Cyberint.Alert.related_entities | String | Entities related to the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.impacts | String | Impacts made by the threat. |
Cyberint.Alert.acknowledged_date | Date | Date in which the alert was acknowledged. | | String | User which has acknowledged the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.publish_date | Date | Date in which the alert was published. |
Cyberint.Alert.title | String | Title of the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.url | String | URL impacted by the event. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.detection_reasons | String | Reasons why a phishing event has been detected. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.tool_name | String | Name of a tool used for an exploit if available. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.application | String | Application affected by an event. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.source | String | Source of an event if available. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.domain | String | Domain related to an event if available. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.subdomian | String | Subdomain related to an event if available. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.misconfiguration_type | String | Type of misconfiguration for a misconfigured domain. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.ip | String | IP related to an event. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.port | String | Port related to an event. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.service | String | Service related to an event. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.access_token | String | Access token exposed in an event. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.access_token_type | String | Access token exposed in an event. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.username | String | Username of an account related to an event. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.csv.username | String | Username of an account found in a report CSV. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.csv.password | String | Password of an account found in a report CSV. | | String | Email of an account related to an event. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.author_email_address | String | Email of an author related to an event. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.repository_name | String | Repository name related to an event. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.mail_server | String | Mail server related to an event. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.blacklist_repository | String | Blacklist repository name related to an event. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.screenshot | String | Screenshot related to an event. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.spf_records | String | SPF records if applicable to the event. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.dmarc_record | String | DMARC records if applicable to the event. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.storage_link | String | Storage link if applicable to the event. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.interface_type | String | Interface type if applicable to the event. |
Cyberint.Alert.alert_data.vulnerable_cname_record | String | Vulnerable CName record if applicable to the event. |
Cyberint.Alert.ioc.type | String | Type of IOC related to the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.ioc.value | String | Value of the IOC related to the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.ticket_id | String | Ticket ID of the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.threat_actor | String | Actor to the threat related to the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.modification_date | Date | Date the alert was last modified. |
Cyberint.Alert.closure_date | String | Date the alert was closed. | | String | User which has closed the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.closure_reason | String | Reason for closing the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.description | String | Description of the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.recommendation | String | Recommendation for the alert |
Cyberint.Alert.tags | String | Tags related to the alert |
Cyberint.Alert.attachments | String | Attachments related to the alert |
Command Example!cyberint-alerts-fetch page="1" page_size="100" created_date_range="7 days"
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputTotal alerts: 9 Current page: 1
CyberInt alerts:
ref_id title status severity created_date type environment ARG-3 Company Customer Credentials Exposed open high 2021-04-12T00:01:12 compromised_customer_credentials Argos Demo ARG-4 Active Phishing Website Targeting Company open very_high 2021-04-12T00:01:12 phishing_website Argos Demo ARG-8 Company Subdomain Vulnerable to Hijacking open very_high 2021-04-12T00:01:12 hijackable_subdomains Argos Demo ARG-2 Company Source Code Exposed acknowledged very_high 2021-04-08T00:01:12 internal_information_disclosure Argos Demo ARG-6 Fraudulent Refund Services Targeting Company acknowledged medium 2021-04-08T00:01:12 refund_fraud Argos Demo ARG-15 Active Phishing Website Targeting Company closed very_high 2021-04-08T00:01:12 phishing_website Argos Demo ARG-16 Fraudulent Refund Services Targeting Company closed medium 2021-04-08T00:01:12 refund_fraud Argos Demo ARG-1 Company Customer Payment Cards Offered for Sale acknowledged medium 2021-04-06T00:01:12 compromised_payment_cards Argos Demo ARG-5 Company Customer Credentials Offered for Sale acknowledged medium 2021-04-06T00:01:12 compromised_customer_credentials Argos Demo
cyberint-alerts-status-updateUpdate the status of one or more alerts.
Base Commandcyberint-alerts-status-update
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alert_ref_ids | Reference IDs for the alert(s). | Required |
status | Desired status to update for the alert(s). Possible values are: open, acknowledged, closed. | Required |
closure_reason | Reason for updating the alerts status to closed. Required when status is closed. Possible values are: resolved, irrelevant, false_positive. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Cyberint.Alert.ref_id | String | Reference ID of the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.status | String | Status of the alert. |
Cyberint.Alert.closure_reason | String | Reason for updating the alert to closed if closed. |
Command Example!cyberint-alerts-status-update alert_ref_ids="ADS10-3" status="acknowledged"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
CyberInt alerts updated information:
ref_id status ADS10-3 acknowledged
cyberint-alerts-get-attachmentGet alert attachment.
Base Commandcyberint-alerts-get-attachment
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alert_ref_id | Reference ID of the alert. | Required |
attachment_id | Attachment ID. | Required |
attachment_name | Attachment file name. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
File.Size | Number | The size of the file. |
File.SHA1 | String | The SHA1 hash of the file. |
File.SHA256 | String | The SHA256 hash of the file. |
File.Name | String | The name of the file. |
File.SSDeep | String | The SSDeep hash of the file. |
File.EntryID | String | The entry ID of the file. |
File.Info | String | File information. |
File.Type | String | The file type. |
File.MD5 | String | The MD5 hash of the file. |
File.Extension | String | The file extension. |
Command Example!cyberint-alerts-get-attachment alert_ref_id="ARG-3" attachment_id="18" attachment_name="Compromised Account As Appears On Argos.png"
Context Example#
cyberint-alerts-analysis-reportGet alert analysis report.
Base Commandcyberint-alerts-analysis-report
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alert_ref_id | Reference ID of the alert. | Required |
report_name | Analysis report file name. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
File.Size | Number | The size of the file. |
File.SHA1 | String | The SHA1 hash of the file. |
File.SHA256 | String | The SHA256 hash of the file. |
File.Name | String | The name of the file. |
File.SSDeep | String | The SSDeep hash of the file. |
File.EntryID | String | The entry ID of the file. |
File.Info | String | File information. |
File.Type | String | The file type. |
File.MD5 | String | The MD5 hash of the file. |
File.Extension | String | The file extension. |
Command Example!cyberint-alerts-analysis-report alert_ref_id="ARG-4" report_name="Expert Analysis - Active Phishing Website Targeting Company.pdf"