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Cylance Protect v2

This Integration is part of the Cylance Protect Pack.#


Use the Cylance Protect v2 integration to manage endpoints, streamline remediation, and response from Cortex XSOAR.

This integration was integrated and tested with version 2.0.5 rev6 of Cylance Protect and Optics.


Before you integrate Cylance Protect on Cortex XSOAR, you need to obtain a Cylance token.

  1. In Cylance, navigate to Settings > Integrations .
  2. Click Add Application .
  3. Enter an Application Name, and select the necessary privileges.
  4. Click Save .
  5. Record the Application ID and Application Secret for later use. You will not be able to access these later.
  6. Locate the Tenant ID at the top right side of the Integrations page and record it for later use.

Configure the Cylance Protect v2 Integration on Cortex XSOAR

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services .
  2. Search for Cylance Protect v2.
  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.
    • Name : A textual name for the integration instance.
    • Server URL : URL of Cylance server.
    • Application ID
    • Application Secret
    • Tenant API Key
    • Use system proxy settings
    • File Threshold : Default is -59
    • Fetch Incidents
    • Trust any certificate (not secure)
  4. Click Test to validate the URLs and connection.

Understanding the Cylance Score

The Cylance score ranges from -100 to 100, and is translated as follows.

Score translation

Score Range Color Severity Level
-100 to -60 Red Malicious
-59 to 0 Red Supsicious
1-100 Green Good

Use Cases

  • Retrieve and update threats and devices.
  • Produce threat data report of indicators.
  • Retrieve and create policies and zones.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.

  1. List console device resources for a tenant: cylance-protect-get-devices
  2. Get a console device resource for a tenant: cylance-protect-get-device
  3. Update a device: cylance-protect-update-device
  4. Get information for device threats: cylance-protect-get-device-threats
  5. Get information for console policy resources: cylance-protect-get-policies
  6. Create a zone: cylance-protect-create-zone
  7. Get information for multiple zones: cylance-protect-get-zones
  8. Get information for a single zone: cylance-protect-get-zone
  9. Update a zone: cylance-protect-update-zone
  10. Get information for a threat: cylance-protect-get-threat
  11. Get information for a threat device: cylance-protect-get-threat-devices
  12. Generate a report for indicators: cylance-protect-get-indicators-report
  13. Get information for threats: cylance-protect-get-threats
  14. Update device threats: cylance-protect-update-device-threats
  15. Get a list for hashes: cylance-protect-get-list
  16. Download a threat: cylance-protect-download-threat
  17. Add a hash to a list: cylance-protect-add-hash-to-list
  18. Delete a hash from a list: cylance-protect-delete-hash-from-lists
  19. Get details of a policy: cylance-protect-get-policy-details
  20. Delete devices: cylance-protect-delete-devices
  21. Create a new Instaquery: cylance-optics-create-instaquery
  22. Get Instaquery result: cylance-optics-get-instaquery-result
  23. List current Instaquery: cylance-optics-list-instaquery

1. List console device resources for a tenant

Returns a list of console device resources that belong to a tenant. The list is sorted by registration created date, with the most recent at the top of the list.

Base Command


Input Parameter Description
pageNumber Page number, default is 1
pageSize Specifies if the command polls for the result of the analysis, default is 100, maximum is 200

Context Output
Path Description
CylanceProtect.Device.AgentVersion CylancePROTECT Agent version installed on the device
CylanceProtect.Device.DateFirstRegistered Date and time (in UTC) when the device record was created
CylanceProtect.Device.ID Device’s unique identifier
Endpoint.IPAddress List of IP addresses for the device
Endpoint.MACAddress List of MAC addresses for the device
Endpoint.Hostname Device name
CylanceProtect.Device.Policy.ID Device policy ID
CylanceProtect.Device.State Machine state
CylanceProtect.Device.Policy.Name Device policy name
CylanceProtect.Device.Hostname Device name
CylanceProtect.Device.MACAddress List of MAC addresses for the device
CylanceProtect.Device.IPAddress List of IP addresses for the device

Command Example

!cylance-protect-get-devices pageNumber=2 pageSize=75

Raw Output

2. Get a console device resource for a tenant

Returns a single device resource that belongs to a tenant.

Base Command


Input Parameter Description
id Device ID

Context Output
Path Description
CylanceProtect.Device.AgentVersion CylancePROTECT Agent version installed on the device
CylanceProtect.Device.DateFirstRegistered Date and time (in UTC) when the device record was created
CylanceProtect.Device.BackgroundDetection If true , the agent is running
CylanceProtect.Device.DateLastModified Date and time (in UTC) when the device record was last modified
CylanceProtect.Device.DateOffline Date and time (in UTC) when the device last communicated with the console
CylanceProtect.Device.Hostname Hostname for the device
CylanceProtect.Device.ID Unique identifier for the device
CylanceProtect.Device.IPAddress List of IP addresses for the device
CylanceProtect.Device.MACAddress List of MAC addresses for the device
CylanceProtect.Device.IsSafe If true , there are no outstanding threats
CylanceProtect.Device.UpdateAvailable If true , there is available update for the device
CylanceProtect.Device.State Machine state
Endpoint.Hostname Device hostname
Endpoint.MACAddress List of MAC addresses for the device
Endpoint.IPAddress List of IP addresses for the device
Endpoint.OSVersion Device OS version
CylanceProtect.Device.OSVersion Device OS version
CylanceProtect.Device.Name Device name

Command Example

!cylance-protect-get-devices pageNumber=2 pageSize=75

Raw Output

3. Update a device

Updates a specified device.

Base Command


Input Parameter Description
id Device ID
name Device name
policyId Policy ID
addZones Zones IDs to add
removeZones Zones IDs to remove

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example

!cylance-protect-update-device id=652bbfa9-cf74-4e24-90f7-d01b16429701

Raw Output

4. Get information for device threats

Returns information about threats to devices, including classification, threat score, and more.

Base Command


Input Parameter Description
id Device ID
pageNumber Page number, default is 1
pageSize Specifies if the command polls for the result of the analysis, default is 100, maximum is 200

Context Output
Path Description
File.Classification Cylance threat classification assigned to the threat
File.CylanceScore Cylance score assigned to the threat
File.DateFound Date and time (in UTC) when the threat was found on the device
File.FilePath File path where the threat was found on the device
File.FileStatus Current status of the file on the device.
  • 0 = Default
  • 1 = Quarantined
  • 2 = Whitelisted
  • 3 = Suspicious
  • 4 = FileRemoved
  • 5 = Corrupt
File.Name Threat name
File.Sha256 SHA-256 has for the threat
File.SubClassification Cylance threat sub-classification assigned to the threat
DBotScore.Indicator Tested indicator
DBotScore.Type Indicator type
DBotScore.Vendor Vendor used to calculate the score
DbotScore.Score Actual score

Command Example

!cylance-protect-get-device-threats id=6033f7a1-e66c-4aef-9c7d-ed454457d071 pageNumber=2 pageSize=75

Raw Output

5. Get information for console policy resources

Returns information for console policy resources.

Base Command


Input Parameter Description
pageNumber Page number, default is 1
pageItems Number of items on a page, default is 100

Context Output
Path Description
CylanceProtect.Policies.DateAdded Date and time (in UTC) when the Console policy resource was first created
CylanceProtect.Policies.DateModified Date and time (in UTC) when the Console policy resource was last modified
CylanceProtect.Policies.DeviceCount Number of devices assigned to this policy
CylanceProtect.Policies.Id Unique ID for the policy resource
CylanceProtect.Policies.Name Policy name
CylanceProtect.Policies.ZoneCount Number of zones assigned to this policy

Command Example

!cylance-protect-get-policies id=6033f7a1-e66c-4aef-9c7d-ed454457d071 pageNumber=2 pageSize=75

Raw Output

6. Create a zone

Creates a zone with a policy ID and criticality level.

Base Command


Input Parameter Description
name Zone name
policy_id Unique ID for the policy assigned to the zone
criticality Criticality value of the zone

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example

!cylance-protect-create-zone name=TestingZone3 criticality=High

Raw Output

7. Get information for multiple zones

Returns information for multiple zones.

Base Command


Input Parameter Description
pageNumber Page number to request
pageItems Number of zone records to retrieve for each page

Context Output
Path Description

Zone value.

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
CylanceProtect.Zones.DateCreated Date and time (in UTC) when the zone was created
CylanceProtect.Zones.DateModified Date and time (in UTC) when the zone was last modified
CylanceProtect.Zones.Id Zone unique ID
CylanceProtect.Zones.Name Zone name
CylanceProtect.Zones.PolicyId Unique ID of the policy assigned to the zone
CylanceProtect.Zones.UpdateType Update type for the zone
CylanceProtect.Zones.ZoneRuleId Unique ID for the zone rule created for the zone

Command Example

!cylance-protect-get-zones pageNumber=2 pageItems=10

Raw Output

8. Get information for a single zone

Returns information for a single zone.

Base Command


Input Parameter Description
id Zone ID

Context Output
Path Description

Zone value.

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
CylanceProtect.Zones.DateCreated Date and time (in UTC) when the zone was created
CylanceProtect.Zones.DateModified Date and time (in UTC) when the zone was last modified
CylanceProtect.Zones.Id Zone unique ID
CylanceProtect.Zones.Name Zone name
CylanceProtect.Zones.PolicyId Unique ID of the policy assigned to the zone
CylanceProtect.Zones.UpdateType Update type for the zone
CylanceProtect.Zones.ZoneRuleId Unique ID for the zone rule created for the zone

Command Example

!cylance-protect-get-zone id=f15b2f79-c100-4146-b056-a8005c13b2de

Raw Output

9. Update a zone

Updates a specified zone.

Base Command


Input Parameter Description
id Zone ID
name Zone name
policyId Unique ID for the policy assigned to the Zone
criticality Criticality value of the zone

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example

!cylance-protect-update-zone id=f15b2f79-c100-4146-b056-a8005c13b2de

Raw Output

10. Get information for a threat

Returns information for a threat.

Base Command


Input Parameter Description
sha256 SHA-256 hash of the threat
theshold Threat threshold

Context Output
Path Description
File.AutoRun Indicates if the file is set to automatically run on system startup
File.AvIndustry The score provided by the Anti-Virus industry
File.CertIssuer ID for the certificate issuer
File.CertPublisher ID for the certificate publisher
File.CertTimestamp Date and time (in UTC) when the file was signed using the certificate
File.Classification Threat classification for the threat
File.CylanceScore Cylance Score assigned to the threat
File.DetectedBy Name of the Cylance module that detected the threat
File.FileSize Size of the file
File.GlobalQuarantine Identifies if the threat is on the Global Quarantine list
File.Md5 MD5 hash for the threat
File.Name Threat name
File.Running Identifies if the threat is executing, or another executable loaded or called it
File.Safelisted Identifies if the threat is on the Safe List
File.Sha256 SHA-256 hash for the threat
File.Signed Identifies the file as signed or not signed
File.SubClassification The threat sub-classification for the threat
File.UniqueToCylance The threat was identified by Cylance but not by other anti-virus sources
DBotScore.Indicator The tested indicator
DBotScore.Type Indicator type
DBotScore.Vendor Vendor used to calculate the score
DBotScore.Score The actual score

Command Example

!cylance-protect-get-threat sha256=ED01EBFBC9EB5BBEA545AF4D01BF5F1071661840480439C6E5BABE8E080E41AA

Raw Output
   "detected_by":"File Watcher",

11. Get information for a threat device

Returns information for a threat device.

Base Command


Input Parameter Description
sha256 SHA-256 hash of the threat

Context Output
Path Description
CylanceProtect.Threat.Devices.ID Device ID
CylanceProtect.Threat.Devices.DateFound Date and time (in UTC) when the threat was found on the device
CylanceProtect.Threat.Devices.AgentVersion Agent version installed on the device

Current quarantine status of the file on the device.

  • 0 = Default
  • 1 = Quarantined
  • 2 = Whitelisted
  • 3 = Suspicious
  • 4 = FileRemoved
  • 5 = Corrupt
Endpoint.IPAddress List of IP addresses for the device
Endpoint.MACAddress List of MAC addresses for the device
Endpoint.Hostname Device name for the device
CylanceProtect.Threat.Devices.PolicyID Unique identifier of the policy assigned to the device, or null if no policy is assigned

Device state.

  • Online
  • Offline
File.SHA256 SHA-256 hash of the threat
File.Path Path where the file was found on the device
CylanceProtect.Threat.Devices.Hostname Device name for the device
CylanceProtect.Threat.Devices.IPAddress List of IP addresses for the device
CylanceProtect.Threat.Devices.MACAddress List of MAC addresses for the device

Command Example

!cylance-protect-get-threat-devices sha256=ED01EBFBC9EB5BBEA545AF4D01BF5F1071661840480439C6E5BABE8E080E41AA

Raw Output

12. Generate a report for indicators

Generates a report for indicators.

Base Command


Input Parameter Description
token Threat data report token

Context Output

There is not context output for this command.

Command Example

cylance-protect-get-indicators-report token=As3424$%

Raw Output

There is no raw output for this command.

13. Get information for threats

Returns information for threats.

Base Command


Input Parameter Description
page_size Number of device records to retrieve for each page
page Page number to request
threshold Threat threshold

Context Output
Path Description
File.Classification Threat classification for the threat
File.SubClassification Threat sub-classification for the threat
File.Sha256 SHA-256 hash for the threat
File.Safelisted Identifies if the threat is on the Safe List
File.Name Threat name
File.LastFound Date and time (in UTC) when the file was last found
File.CylanceScore The Cylance Score assigned to the threat
File.GlobalQuarantine Identifies if the threat is on the Global Quarantine list
File.UniqueToCylance The threat was identified by Cylance but not by other anti-virus sources
File.FileSize File size
File.Md5 MD5 hash for the threat
DBotScore.Indicator The tested indicator
DBotScore.Type Indicator type
DBotScore.Vendor Vendor used to calculate the score
DBotScore.Score The actual score

Command Example

!cylance-protect-get-threats page_size=4

Raw Output

14. Update device threats

Updates multiple device threats.

Base Command


Input Parameter Description
threat_id SHA-256 of the convicted threat
event Requested status update for the convicted threat
device_id ID of the device to update

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example

!cylance-protect-update-device-threats threat_id=ED01EBFBC9EB5BBEA545AF4D01BF5F1071661840480439C6E5BABE8E080E41AA

Raw Output

15. Get a list for hashes

Returns a list for hashes.

Base Command


Input Parameter Description

Type of list to retrieve hashes for.

  • 0 = GlobalQuarantine
  • 1 = GlobalSafe
page_size Number of device records to retrieve for each page
page Page number to request
threshold Threat threshold

Context Output
Path Description
File.Added Timestamp when the file was added to the list
File.AddedBy Tenant user ID who added the file to the list
File.AvIndustry The score provided by the Anti-Virus industry
File.Category The category for the list specified (for the Global Safe list only)
File.Classification Threat classification assigned by Cylance
File.CylanceScore The Cylance score assigned to the threat
File.ListType list type that the threat belongs to
File.Md5 MD5 of the threat
File.Sha256 SHA-256 of the threat
File.Name Threat name
DBotScore.Indicator The tested indicator
DBotScore.Type Indicator type
DBotScore.Vendor Vendor used to calculate the score
DBotScore.Score The actual score

Command Example

!cylance-protect-get-list listTypeId=0 page_size=4

Raw Output
   "reason":"Malicious File Found",

16. Download a threat

Downloads a threat attached to a specific SHA-256 hash.

Base Command
Argument Name Description Required
sha256 The SHA-256 hash for the file you want to download Required
threshold File threshold to determine reputation Optional
unzip Check to return the file unzipped to the War Room Optional
Context Output
Path Type Description
File.SHA256 string SHA-256 of the file
File.Name string File name
File.Size number File size
File.Safelisted boolean Safelisted
File.Timestamp string Timestamp
File.Md5 string MD5
DBotScore.Indicator string The Indicator
DBotScore.Score number The DBot score
DBotScore.Type string The Indicator type
DBotScore.Vendor string The DBot score vendor
File.Malicious.Vendor string For malicious files, the vendor that made the decision
File.Malicious.Description string For malicious files, the reason that the vendor made the decision
Command Example
!cylance-protect-download-threat sha256="0f427b33b824110427b2ba7be20740b45ea4da41bc1416dd55771edfb0c18f09" unzip="yes"
Context Example
  "Indicator": "AutoitLocker.exe",
  "Score": 3,
  "Type": "file",
  "Vendor": "Cylance Protect"
  "DownloadURL":       " Signature=98kI7a19I2q%2BeE7Ef1un4BjSolQ%3D&Expires=1541875473&AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIAD6JC2YTYVBFRFA",
  "MD5": "2FC103D0D52466B63D44444CE12A5901",
  "Malicious": {
  "Description": "Score determined by get threat command",
  "Vendor": "Cylance Protect"
  "Name": "AutoitLocker.exe",
  "SHA256": "0F427B33B824110427B2BA7BE20740B45EA4DA41BC1416DD55771EDFB0C18F09",
  "Safelisted": false,
  "Size": 405345,
  "Timestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
Human Readable Output

screen shot 2018-11-10 at 20 56 40

17. Add a hash to a list

Adds an identified threat to either the Global Quarantine list or the Global Safe list for a particular Tenant.

Base Command
Argument Name Description Required
sha256 SHA-256 hash to add to the Global Safe list Required
listType The list type the threat belongs to (GlobalQuarantine or GlobalSafe) Required
reason The reason why the file was added to the list Optional
category This field is required only if the list_type value is Global Safe. The value can be one ofthe following:• Admin Tool• Commercial Software• Drivers• Internal Application• Operating System• Security Software• None Optional
Context Output
Path Type Description
File.SHA256 string The SHA-256 hash for the threat
File.Cylance.ListType string The list type the threat belongs to (GlobalQuarantine or GlobalSafe)
File.Cylance.Category string This field is required only if the list_type value is Global Safe. The value can be one of the following: • Admin Tool • Commercial Software • Drivers • Internal Application • Operating System • Security Software • None
Command Example
!cylance-protect-add-hash-to-list sha256="9ACD45F5F3F2C7629E51FE3123D31296EF763F6ABC1F895CDD1BF1AFB9A7453B" listType="GlobalQuarantine"
Human Readable Output

screen shot 2018-11-10 at 20 58 58

18. Remove a threat from a list

Removes an identified threat from either the Global Quarantine list or the Global Safe list for a particular Tenant.

Base Command
Argument Name Description Required
sha256 The SHA-256 hash for the threat True
listType The list type the threat belongs to (GlobalQuarantine or GlobalSafe) True
Context Output
Path Type Description
File.SHA256 string SHA-256 of the file
File.Cylance.ListType string The list type the threat belongs to (GlobalQuarantine or GlobalSafe)
Command Example
!cylance-protect-delete-hash-from-lists sha256="9ACD45F5F3F2C7629E51FE3123D31296EF763F6ABC1F895CDD1BF1AFB9A7453B" listType="GlobalQuarantine"
Human Readable Output

screen shot 2018-11-10 at 21 01 23

19. Get details for a policy

Gets details for a single policy.

Base Command
Argument Name Description Required
policyID The Tenant policy ID to the service endpoint. True
Context Output
Path Type Description
Cylance.Policy.ID string Policy ID
Cylance.Policy.Name string Policy name
Cylance.Policy.Timestamp string The date and time the policy was created, in UTC.

20. Delete devices

Deletes one or more devices from an organization.

Base Command
Argument Name Description Required
deviceIds The unique identifiers for the devices to delete. The maximum number of Device IDs per request is 20. Required
batch_size The number of devices to delete per request (batch) Optional
Context Output
Path Type Description
Cylance.Device.Id string The unique identifier of the deletion request
Cylance.Device.Name string Device name
Cylance.Device.Deleted string Checks if the device was deleted (boolean)
Command Example
!cylance-protect-get-policy-details policyID="7bcb0817-e9c9-444d-96e2-be9b59f429cb"
Context Example
  "Policy": {
  "ID": "7bcb0817-e9c9-444d-96e2-be9b59f429cb",
  "Name": "Test_Policy",
  "Timestamp": "2018-03-05T12:29:03.000000+00:00"
Human Readable Output

screen shot 2018-11-10 at 21 02 56

### cylance-protect-get-device-by-hostname *** Allows a caller to request a specific device resource belonging to a Tenant by hostname #### Base Command `cylance-protect-get-device-by-hostname` #### Input | **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** | | --- | --- | --- | | hostname | The hostname (DNS name). | Required | #### Context Output | **Path** | **Type** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | | CylanceProtect.Device.AgentVersion | String | The CylancePROTECT Agent version installed on the device. | | CylanceProtect.Device.IPAddress | Unknown | The list of IP addresses for the device. | | CylanceProtect.Device.MACAddress | Unknown | The list of MAC addresses for the device. | | CylanceProtect.Device.Hostname | string | The hostname for the device. | | CylanceProtect.Device.OSVersion | string | Device OS version. | | CylanceProtect.Device.UpdateAvailable | boolean | If true, there is available update for the device. | | CylanceProtect.Device.BackgroundDetection | boolean | If true, the Agent is currently running. | | CylanceProtect.Device.DateFirstRegistered | date | The date and time \(in UTC\) when the device record was created. | | CylanceProtect.Device.DateLastModified | date | The date and time \(in UTC\) when the device record was last modified. | | CylanceProtect.Device.DateOffline | date | The date and time \(in UTC\) when the device last communicated with the Console. | | CylanceProtect.Device.IsSafe | boolean | If true, there are no outstanding threats. | | CylanceProtect.Device.LastLoggedInUser | string | Last logged in user. | | CylanceProtect.Device.State | string | Machine state. | | CylanceProtect.Device.ID | string | The unique identifier for the device. | | CylanceProtect.Device.Name | string | Device name. | | CylanceProtect.Device.UpdateType | string | Device update type. | | CylanceProtect.Device.Policy.ID | string | Device policy ID. | | CylanceProtect.Device.Policy.Name | string | Device policy name. | | Endpoint.Hostname | string | Device hostname. | | Endpoint.MACAddress | Unknown | The list of MAC addresses for the device. | | Endpoint.IPAddress | Unknown | The list of IP addresses for the device. | | Endpoint.OSVersion | string | Device OS version. | #### Command Example ```!cylance-protect-get-device-by-hostname hostname=WIN-5HMOGIEG6M5``` #### Context Example ```json { "CylanceProtect": { "Device": { "AgentVersion": "1.2.1418", "BackgroundDetection": false, "DateFirstRegistered": "2017-12-29T04:07:56", "DateLastModified": null, "DateOffline": "2020-02-07T02:25:34.151", "Hostname": "WIN-5HMOGIEG6M5", "ID": "b4eceeb0-8699-4d42-b853-155513042d6e", "IPAddress": [ "" ], "IsSafe": true, "LastLoggedInUser": "", "MACAdress": [ "02-76-91-6B-0A-BB" ], "Name": "WIN-5HMOGIEG6M5", "OSVersion": "Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard", "Policy": { "ID": "32e4aacd-7698-4ef0-93e8-3e6f1f5c6857", "Name": "Default" }, "State": "Offline", "UpdateAvailable": false } }, "Endpoint": { "Hostname": "WIN-5HMOGIEG6M5", "IPAddress": [ "" ], "MACAdress": [ "02-76-91-6B-0A-BB" ], "OSVersion": "Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard" } } ``` #### Human Readable Output >### Cylance Protect Device WIN-5HMOGIEG6M5 >|AgentVersion|BackgroundDetection|DateFirstRegistered|DateOffline|DlcmStatus|HostName|Id|IpAddresses|IsSafe|MacAddresses|Name|OsKernelVersion|OsVersion|Policy|Products|State|UpdateAvailable| >|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| >| 1.2.1418 | false | 2017-12-29T04:07:56 | 2020-02-07T02:25:34.151 | Unknown | WIN-5HMOGIEG6M5 | b4eceeb0-8699-4d42-b853-155513042d6e | | true | 02-76-91-6B-0A-BB | WIN-5HMOGIEG6M5 | 6.3.0 | Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard | Default | {u'status': u'Offline', u'version': u'1.2.1418', u'name': u'protect'} | Offline | false |

21. Create a new Instaquery

### cylance-optics-create-instaquery *** Create a cylance InstaQuery #### Base Command `cylance-optics-create-instaquery` #### Input | **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** | | --- | --- | --- | | name | InstaQuery name. | Required | | description | InstaQuery description. | Required | | artifact | InstaQuery artifact, select from the list. Possible values are: File, Process, NetworkConnection, RegistryKey. | Required | | match_value_type | InstaQuery value type to match, select from the list. Possible values are: File.Path, File.Md5, File.Sha2, File.Owner, File.CreationDateTime, Process.Name, Process.Commandline, Process.PrimaryImagePath, Process.PrimaryImageMd5, Process.StartDateTime, NetworkConnection.DestAddr, NetworkConnection.DestPort, RegistryKey.ProcessName, RegistryKey.ProcessPrimaryImagePath, RegistryKey.ValueName, RegistryKey.FilePath, RegistryKey.FileMd5, RegistryKey.IsPersistencePoint. | Required | | match_values | Value to search in InstaQuery. | Required | | zone | Zone of the object. | Required | | match_type | Match type fuzzy or exact. Possible values are: Fuzzy, Exact. | Required | #### Context Output | **Path** | **Type** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | | | string | The unique identifier of the created InstaQuery. | | InstaQuery.New.created_at | date | The Date and Time that the InstaQuery was created. | | InstaQuery.New.progress | string | The progress of the InstaQuery. | #### Command Example ``` !cylance-optics-create-instaquery name="Test Insta continue" description="Test only" artifact="File" match_value_type="File.Path" match_values="exe" zone="6608ca0e-88c6-4647-b276-271cc5ea4295" match_type="Fuzzy" ``` #### Human Readable Output | Result | | |-------------------|----------------------------------| | case_sensitive | false | | artifact | File | | created_at | 2022-05-05T05:52:36Z | | description | Test only | | id | 9E2CCDA5A93918C588E6865ED6FEEA70 | | match_type | Fuzzy | | match_value_type | Path | | match_values | exe | | name | Test Insta continue | | progress | | | results_available | false | | zones | 6608CA0E88C64647B276271CC5EA4295 |

22. Get Instaquery result

### cylance-optics-get-instaquery-result *** Get a cylance InstaQuery search result #### Base Command `cylance-optics-get-instaquery-result` #### Input | **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** | | --- | --- | --- | | query_id | InstaQuery ID. | Required | #### Context Output | **Path** | **Type** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | | InstaQuery.Results.result | string | The InstaQuery results. | #### Command Example ``` !cylance-optics-get-instaquery-result query_id=9E2CCDA5A93918C588E6865ED6FEEA70 ``` #### Human Readable Output | | Result | |--------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | id | 9E2CCDA5A93918C588E6865ED6FEEA70 | | result | false | | status | {u'@timestamp': 1651729959.177779, u'HostName': u'windows-server-', u'DeviceId': u' 65DB26864E364409B50DDC23291A3511 ', u'@version': u'1', u'CorrelationId': u' 9E2CCDA5A93918C588E6865ED6FEEA70 ', u'Result': u'{"FirstObservedTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "LastObservedTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "Uid": "dHrtLYQzbt9oJPxO8HaeyA==", "Type": "File", "Properties": {"Path": "c:\\program files\\cylance\\optics\\ cyoptics.exe ", "CreationDateTime": "2021-03-29T22:34:14.000Z", "Md5": " A081D3268531485BF95DC1A15A5BC6B0 ", "Sha256": " 256809AABD3AB57949003B9AFCB556A9973222CDE81929982DAE7D306648E462 ", "Owner": "NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM", "SuspectedFileType": "Executable/PE", "FileSignature": "", "Size": "594104", "OwnerUid": "P3p6fdq3FlMsld6Rz95EOA=="}}'} |

23. List current Instaqueries

### cylance-optics-list-instaquery *** Get a list of InstaQuery #### Base Command `cylance-optics-list-instaquery` #### Input | **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** | | --- | --- | --- | | page | number of page to collect. | Optional | | page_size | number of items per page to collect. | Required | #### Context Output | **Path** | **Type** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | | InstaQuery.List | string | The list of InstaQuery | #### Command Example ``` !cylance-optics-list-instaquery page_size="10" ``` #### Human Readable Output | | Result | |-----------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | page_items | {u'match_type': u'Fuzzy', u'name': u'Test Insta continue', u'created_at': u'2022-05-05T05:52:36Z', u'artifact': u'File', u'case_sensitive': False, u'zones': [u'6608CA0E88C64647B276271CC5EA4295'], u'progress': {u'queried': 0, u'responded': 0}, u'match_value_type': u'Path', u'results_available': True, u'match_values': [u'exe'], u'id': u'9E2CCDA5A93918C588E6865ED6FEEA70', u'description': u'Test only'} | | page_number | 1 | | page_size | 10 | | total_number_of_items | 8 | | total_pages | 1 |