Darktrace (Deprecated)
Darktrace Pack.#
This Integration is part of theDeprecated
Use DarktraceMBs, DarktraceAIA, DarktraceAdmin instead.
Darktrace is a Cyber AI platform for threat detection and response across cloud, email, industrial, and the network. This integration was integrated and tested with version 4.1.0 of Darktrace
Configure Darktrace in CortexParameter | Description | Required |
url | Server URL (e.g. https://example.net\) | True |
isFetch | Fetch incidents | False |
insecure | Trust any certificate (not secure) | False |
proxy | Use system proxy settings | False |
public_api_token | Public API Token | True |
private_api_token | Private API Token | True |
min_score | Minimum Score | True |
max_alerts | Maximum Model Breaches per Fetch | False |
first_fetch | First fetch time | False |
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
darktrace-get-breachDarktrace-get-breach returns a model breach based on its model breach id (pbid)
Base Commanddarktrace-get-breach
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
pbid | Model breach ID | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.pbid | Number | Model breach ID |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.time | Date | Model breach generated time. |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.commentCount | Number | Number of comments on the model breach |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.score | Number | Score of Darktrace model breach (0 to 1) |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.device.did | Number | Darktrace device ID of Device that breached the model |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.device.macaddress | String | MAC address of the device involved in the model breach (if applicable) |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.device.vendor | String | Vendor of the device involved in the model breach (if applicable) |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.device.ip | String | IP of the device involved in the model breach (if applicable) |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.device.hostname | String | Hostname of the device involved in the model breach (if applicable) |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.device.devicelabel | String | Device label of the device involved in the model breach (if applicable) |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.model.name | String | Darktrace model that was breached |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.model.pid | Number | Model ID of the model that was breached |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.model.uuid | String | Model UUID of the model that was breached |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.model.tags | Unknown | List of model tags for the model that was breached |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.model.priority | Number | Priority of the model that was breached (0 to 5) |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.model.description | String | Darktrace model description |
Command Example!darktrace-get-breach pbid=95
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Darktrace Model Breach 95
commentCount device model pbid score time 0 did: 823
macaddress: 0a:df:4b:52:64:7a
vendor: HP
hostname: ip-172-31-32-146
devicelabel: Kelly's Laptopname: Compromise::Watched Domain
pid: 762
uuid: 3338210a-8979-4a1b-8039-63ca8addf166
tags: [AP: C2 Comms]
priority: 5
description: A device is connecting to watched domains or IP addresses. The watch list can be edited from the main GUI menu, Intel sub-menu, under the icon Watched Domains.95 1 2020-10-08T21:11:21.000Z
darktrace-get-commentsReturns the comments on a model breach based on its model breach id (pbid)
Base Commanddarktrace-get-comments
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
pbid | Model Breach ID | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.comments | Unknown | Array of the comments on the model breach |
Command Example!darktrace-get-comments pbid=46
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Darktrace Model Breach 46 Comments
message pbid pid time username Flag for follow-up 46 210 2020-10-08T21:11:21.000Z user.one Activity has been remediated 46 210 2020-10-08T23:11:21.000Z user.two
darktrace-acknowledgeAcknowledge a model breach as specified by Model Breach ID
Base Commanddarktrace-acknowledge
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
pbid | Model Breach ID | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.acknowledged | String | Whether the model breach is acknowledged in Darktrace |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.pbid | Number | Model breach ID |
Command Example!darktrace-acknowledge pbid=111
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Model Breach 111 Acknowledged
response Successfully acknowledged.
darktrace-unacknowledgeUnacknowledges a model breach as specified by Model Breach ID
Base Commanddarktrace-unacknowledge
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
pbid | Darktrace model breach ID | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.acknowledged | String | Whether the model breach is acknowledged |
Darktrace.ModelBreach.pbid | Number | Model breach ID |
Command Example!darktrace-unacknowledge pbid=111
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Model Breach 111 Unacknowledged
response Successfully unacknowledged.
darktrace-get-breach-detailsReturns details on a modelbreach
Base Commanddarktrace-get-breach-details
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
pbid | Darktrace model breach ID | Required |
endtime | Endtime of data retrieved | Not Required |
count | The amount of lines returned | Not Required |
offset | The offset of data pulled | Not Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.ModelBreach | Dictionary | Details of the model breach |
darktrace-get-modelReturns a model given a UUID
Base Commanddarktrace-get-model
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
uuid | Darktrace model ID | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.Model | Dictionary | Details of the model |
darktrace-get-componentReturns the details of a component given a CID
Base Commanddarktrace-get-component
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
cid | Darktrace components ID | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.Component | Dictionary | Details of the component |
darktrace-list-similar-devicesReturns a list of similar devices to a device specified by Darktrace DID
Base Commanddarktrace-list-similar-devices
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
did | Darktrace Device ID | Required |
max_results | Maximum number of results to return | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.SimilarDevices.did | Number | Darktrace Device ID of the device with the similar devices. |
Darktrace.SimilarDevices.devices | Unknown | List of similar devices and their available information |
Command Example!darktrace-list-similar-devices did=1 max_results=2
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
List of similar devices to device:1:
did firstSeen hostname ip ips lastSeen macaddress score sid typelabel typename vendor 823 2020-08-07T00:06:40.000Z ip-172-31-32-146 {'ip': '', 'timems': 1600063200000, 'time': '2020-09-14 06:00:00', 'sid': 114} 2020-09-14T06:23:38.000Z 0a:df:4b:52:64:7a 99 114 Server server 3 2020-06-09T19:19:32.000Z {'ip': '', 'timems': 1599847200000, 'time': '2020-09-11 18:00:00', 'sid': 1} 2020-09-11T18:58:00.000Z 100 1 Server server
darktrace-get-external-endpoint-detailsReturns details collected by Darktrace about external IP addresses or hostnames.
Base Commanddarktrace-get-external-endpoint-details
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
endpoint_type | Type of endpoint: IP or hostname | Required |
endpoint_value | IP or hostname to look up | Required |
devices | Boolean: Include devices that have recently connected to the endpoint | Optional |
additional_info | Boolean: Return additional info about the devices | Optional |
score | Boolean: Return rarity data for this endpoint | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.ExternalEndpointDetails | Unknown | Returned information about the external endpoint |
Command Example!darktrace-get-external-endpoint-details endpoint_type=hostname endpoint_value=cats.com additional_info=true devices=true score=true
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Hostname: cats.com details
devices dgascore firsttime hostname ips locations popularity 0 2020-08-07T04:47:23.000Z cats.com 0
darktrace-get-device-connection-infoReturns the graphable data used in the "Connections Data" view for a specific device that can be accessed from the Threat Visualizer omnisearch in Darktrace. Data returned covers a 4 week period. Parameters are further documented at https://customerportal.darktrace.com/product-guides/main/api-deviceinfo-request. It is recommended to run the command to check the relevant fields in context.
Base Commanddarktrace-get-device-connection-info
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
did | Darktrace Device ID | Required |
data_type | Specify whether to return data for either connections (co), data size out (sizeout) or data size in (sizein). | Required |
external_domain | Restrict external data to a particular domain name. | Optional |
destination_did | Darktrace Device DID of destination device to restrict data to. | Optional |
show_all_graph_data | Return an entry for all time intervals in the graph data, including zero counts. (Not recommended) | Optional |
num_similar_devices | Return data for the primary device and this number of similar devices. | Optional |
full_device_details | Return the full device detail objects for all devices referenced by data in an API response. Use of this parameter will alter the JSON structure of the API response for certain calls. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.DeviceConnectionInfo | Unknown | Graphable data used in the "Connections Data" view for a specific device that can be accessed from the Threat Visualizer omnisearch in Darktrace. Data returned covers a 4 week period. Parameters are further documented at https://customerportal.darktrace.com/product-guides/main/api-deviceinfo-request. It is recommended to run the command to check the relevant fields in context. |
Command Example!darktrace-get-device-connection-info did=1 data_type=co
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Results for device id: 1
deviceInfo {'did': 1, 'similarityScore': 100, 'graphData': [{'time': 1598302800000, 'count': 390}, {'time': 1598306400000, 'count': 7}, {'time': 1598652000000, 'count': 94}, {'time': 1598990400000, 'count': 88}, {'time': 1598994000000, 'count': 25}, {'time': 1598997600000, 'count': 16}, {'time': 1599001200000, 'count': 15}, {'time': 1599004800000, 'count': 25}, {'time': 1599008400000, 'count': 13}, {'time': 1599012000000, 'count': 14}, {'time': 1599015600000, 'count': 13}, {'time': 1599019200000, 'count': 14}, {'time': 1599022800000, 'count': 18}, {'time': 1599026400000, 'count': 14}, {'time': 1599030000000, 'count': 13}, {'time': 1599033600000, 'count': 14}, {'time': 1599037200000, 'count': 13}, {'time': 1599040800000, 'count': 19}, {'time': 1599044400000, 'count': 13}, {'time': 1599048000000, 'count': 14}, {'time': 1599051600000, 'count': 624}, {'time': 1599055200000, 'count': 187}, {'time': 1599663600000, 'count': 169}, {'time': 1599667200000, 'count': 363}, {'time': 1599670800000, 'count': 329}, {'time': 1599674400000, 'count': 324}, {'time': 1599678000000, 'count': 332}, {'time': 1599681600000, 'count': 340}, {'time': 1599685200000, 'count': 334}, {'time': 1599688800000, 'count': 328}, {'time': 1599692400000, 'count': 340}, {'time': 1599696000000, 'count': 330}, {'time': 1599699600000, 'count': 332}, {'time': 1599703200000, 'count': 325}, {'time': 1599706800000, 'count': 344}, {'time': 1599710400000, 'count': 328}, {'time': 1599714000000, 'count': 338}, {'time': 1599750000000, 'count': 76}, {'time': 1599753600000, 'count': 336}, {'time': 1599757200000, 'count': 334}, {'time': 1599760800000, 'count': 334}, {'time': 1599764400000, 'count': 329}, {'time': 1599768000000, 'count': 342}, {'time': 1599771600000, 'count': 329}, {'time': 1599775200000, 'count': 336}, {'time': 1599778800000, 'count': 332}, {'time': 1599782400000, 'count': 332}, {'time': 1599786000000, 'count': 329}, {'time': 1599789600000, 'count': 328}, {'time': 1599793200000, 'count': 332}, {'time': 1599796800000, 'count': 341}, {'time': 1599800400000, 'count': 326}, {'time': 1599804000000, 'count': 330}, {'time': 1599807600000, 'count': 332}, {'time': 1599811200000, 'count': 334}, {'time': 1599814800000, 'count': 335}, {'time': 1599818400000, 'count': 333}, {'time': 1599822000000, 'count': 326}, {'time': 1599825600000, 'count': 328}, {'time': 1599829200000, 'count': 333}, {'time': 1599832800000, 'count': 335}, {'time': 1599836400000, 'count': 339}, {'time': 1599840000000, 'count': 351}, {'time': 1599843600000, 'count': 325}, {'time': 1599847200000, 'count': 329}, {'time': 1599850800000, 'count': 328}], 'info': {'totalUsed': 1589, 'totalServed': 0, 'totalDevicesAndPorts': 1589, 'devicesAndPorts': [{'deviceAndPort': {'direction': 'out', 'device': 2, 'port': 53}, 'size': 24}, {'deviceAndPort': {'direction': 'out', 'device': 0, 'port': 53}, 'size': 19}, {'deviceAndPort': {'direction': 'out', 'device': -5, 'port': 80}, 'size': 12}, {'deviceAndPort': {'direction': 'out', 'device': 0, 'port': 123}, 'size': 11}, {'deviceAndPort': {'direction': 'out', 'device': -3, 'port': '5001 - 10000'}, 'size': 10}, {'deviceAndPort': {'direction': 'out', 'device': 3, 'port': 67}, 'size': 9}, {'deviceAndPort': {'direction': 'out', 'device': 0, 'port': 443}, 'size': 4}, {'deviceAndPort': {'direction': 'out', 'device': -6, 'port': 1514}, 'size': 4}, {'deviceAndPort': {'direction': 'out', 'device': 0, 'port': 80}, 'size': 3}, {'deviceAndPort': {'direction': 'out', 'device': -4, 'port': '5001 - 10000'}, 'size': 1}, {'deviceAndPort': {'direction': 'out', 'device': -4, 'port': 3289}, 'size': 1}, {'deviceAndPort': {'direction': 'out', 'device': -4, 'port': 1124}, 'size': 1}, {'deviceAndPort': 'others', 'size': 1}], 'portsUsed': [{'port': 53, 'size': 44, 'firstTime': 1591729360000}, {'port': 80, 'size': 15, 'firstTime': 1591729360000}, {'port': '5001 - 10000', 'size': 11, 'firstTime': 1592496475000}, {'port': 123, 'size': 11, 'firstTime': 1591730311000}, {'port': 67, 'size': 9, 'firstTime': 1591730311000}, {'port': 1514, 'size': 4, 'firstTime': 1592952598000}, {'port': 443, 'size': 4, 'firstTime': 1591729361000}, {'port': 3289, 'size': 1, 'firstTime': 1592497916000}, {'port': 'others', 'size': 1}], 'portsServed': [], 'devicesUsed': [{'did': 0, 'size': 37, 'firstTime': 1591729360000}, {'did': 2, 'size': 25, 'firstTime': 1591729360000}, {'did': -5, 'size': 12, 'firstTime': 1591730027000}, {'did': -3, 'size': 10, 'firstTime': 1591729360000}, {'did': 3, 'size': 9, 'firstTime': 1591730311000}, {'did': -6, 'size': 4, 'firstTime': 1591730311000}, {'did': -4, 'size': 2, 'firstTime': 1591729360000}, {'did': 'others', 'size': 1}], 'devicesServed': []}}
darktrace-get-device-identity-infoGets device identity information based on label, tag, type, hostname, ip, mac, vendor and os. It is recommended to run the command to check the relevant fields in context.
Base Commanddarktrace-get-device-identity-info
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
max_results | Max number of devices to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
order_by | Orders the response by the specified filter. Default value is lastSeen. | Optional |
order | Sets the sort order for returned devices as ascending (asc) or descending (desc). Default is ascending. | Optional |
query | A string search. Can query all fields or take a specific field to filter. The query parameter can take a string directly to search all key/value pairs (.e.g query="value") or be limited to a certain data type (.e.g query="label:test"). Fields to filter on are: - label - tag - type - hostname - ip - mac - vendor - os | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.DeviceIdentityInfo | Unknown | Information about the device’s identity. It is recommended to run the command to check the relevant fields in context. |
Command Example!darktrace-get-device-identity-info query=osSensor
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Results for query: osSensor (1 results displayed of 1 which match the query)
devicelabel did firstSeen hostname ip ips lastSeen macaddress sid tags typelabel typename vendor Kelly's Laptop 10 2020-06-09T19:02:50.000Z ip-172-31-17-246 {'ip': '', 'timems': 1599850800000, 'time': '2020-09-11 19:00:00', 'sid': 1} 2020-09-11T18:22:30.000Z 06:39:01:c2:b0:48 1 {'tid': 54, 'expiry': 0, 'thid': 54, 'name': 'Internet Facing System', 'restricted': False, 'data': {'auto': False, 'color': 110, 'description': '', 'visibility': 'Public'}, 'isReferenced': True},
{'tid': 90, 'expiry': 0, 'thid': 90, 'name': 'SF Office', 'restricted': False, 'data': {'auto': False, 'color': 181, 'description': '', 'visibility': 'Public'}, 'isReferenced': False}Server server
darktrace-get-entity-detailsReturns a time sorted list of connections and events for a device or an entity such as a user credential.
Base Commanddarktrace-get-entity-details
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
max_results | Maximum number of items to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
offset | Starting index to return results from (for example offset=20 with max_results=50 will bring results from index 20 to index 70) | Optional |
query | Comma-separated list of values to filter by. Examples: query="did=1,count=100,eventtype=unusualconnection" query="pdid=1,from=2014-12-01T12:00:00,to=2014-12-02T12:00:00" query="msg=USER123" Possible values: - applicationprotocol - count - ddid: Identification number of a destination device modelled in the Darktrace system to restrict data to - deduplicate: Display only one equivalent connection per hour. (true/false) - destinationport: This filter can be used to filter the returned data by destination port. - did: Identification number of a device modelled in the Darktrace system. - endtime: End time of data to return in millisecond format, relative to midnight January 1st 1970 UTC. - eventtype: Specifies an type of event to return details for. (connection/unusualconnection/newconnection/notice/devicehistory/modelbreach/userdetails) - externalhostname: Specifies an hostname to return details for. - sourceport: This filter can be used to filter the returned data by source port. - starttime: Start time of data to return in millisecond format, relative to midnight January 1st 1970 UTC. - to: End time of data to return in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format - uid: Specifies a connection UID to return. (Example: CcdXo43n8B75cdYyI5) - from: Start time of data to return in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. - fulldevicedetails: Returns the full device detail objects for all devices referenced by data in an API response. - intext: This filter can be used to filter the returned data to that which interacts with external sources and destinations, or is restricted to internal. (internal/external) - msg: Specifies the value of the message field in notice events to return details for. Typically used to specify user credential strings. - odid: Identification number of a device modelled in the Darktrace system to restrict data to. Typically used with ddid and odid to specify device pairs regardless of source/destination. - pbid: ID for a model breach - port: This filter can be used to filter the returned data by source or destination port. - protocol For more info on this query visit: https://<your-Darktrace-server-url>/apihelp ('details' tab) | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.EntityDetails | Unknown | List of entities and their details. Each entity might have different keys. It is recommended to run the command once to check the relevant outputs in context. |
Command Example!darktrace-get-entity-details query=did=1,count=10 offset=5
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
action applicationprotocol ddid destination destinationDevice destinationPort direction eventType port protocol source sourceDevice sourcePort status time timems uid connection SSH 10 Kelly's Laptop id: 1
did: 1
macaddress: 06:39:01:c2:b0:48
ips: {'ip': '', 'timems': 1599850800000, 'time': '2020-09-11 19:00:00', 'sid': 1}
sid: 1
hostname: ip-172-31-17-246
time: 1591729370000
devicelabel: Kelly's Laptop
typename: server
typelabel: Server22 in connection 22 TCP longitude: 113.727
latitude: 34.772
country: China
countrycode: CN
asn: AS23650 AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone
region: Asia
ippopularity: 0
connectionippopularity: 017815 ongoing 2020-09-11 19:42:21 1599853341264 CJDfGwAT7fVxNJd01 connection SSH 10 Kelly's Laptop id: 1
did: 1
macaddress: 06:39:01:c2:b0:48
ips: {'ip': '', 'timems': 1599850800000, 'time': '2020-09-11 19:00:00', 'sid': 1}
sid: 1
hostname: ip-172-31-17-246
time: 1591729370000
devicelabel: Kelly's Laptop
typename: server
typelabel: Server22 in connection 22 TCP longitude: 113.727
latitude: 34.772
country: China
countrycode: CN
asn: AS23650 AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone
region: Asia
ippopularity: 0
connectionippopularity: 017815 2020-09-11 19:42:14 1599853334254 CJDfGwAT7fVxNJd01 connection Unknown 10 Kelly's Laptop id: 1
did: 1
macaddress: 06:39:01:c2:b0:48
ips: {'ip': '', 'timems': 1599850800000, 'time': '2020-09-11 19:00:00', 'sid': 1}
sid: 1
hostname: ip-172-31-17-246
time: 1591729370000
devicelabel: Kelly's Laptop
typename: server
typelabel: Server443 in connection 443 TCP longitude: 9.491
latitude: 51.299
country: Germany
countrycode: DE
asn: AS47447 23media GmbH
region: Europe
ippopularity: 0
connectionippopularity: 028228 failed 2020-09-11 19:41:23 1599853283240 CQ4hu824CoXul9KV01 connection Unknown 10 Kelly's Laptop id: 1
did: 1
macaddress: 06:39:01:c2:b0:48
ips: {'ip': '', 'timems': 1599850800000, 'time': '2020-09-11 19:00:00', 'sid': 1}
sid: 1
hostname: ip-172-31-17-246
time: 1591729370000
devicelabel: Kelly's Laptop
typename: server
typelabel: Server443 in connection 443 TCP longitude: 9.491
latitude: 51.299
country: Germany
countrycode: DE
asn: AS47447 23media GmbH
region: Europe
ippopularity: 0
connectionippopularity: 054518 failed 2020-09-11 19:41:03 1599853263230 CWYWpz2KmHrsjNGO01 notice Kelly's Laptop id: 1
did: 1
macaddress: 06:39:01:c2:b0:48
ips: {'ip': '', 'timems': 1599850800000, 'time': '2020-09-11 19:00:00', 'sid': 1}
sid: 1
hostname: ip-172-31-17-246
time: 1591729370000
devicelabel: Kelly's Laptop
typename: server
typelabel: Server22 in notice longitude: -98.493
latitude: 29.422
city: San Antonio
country: United States
countrycode: US
region: North America
ippopularity: 02020-09-11 19:40:48 1599853248000 CMEAtvytG16vv0X01