Darktrace ASM
DarktraceASM Pack.#
This Integration is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.6.0 and later.
Darktrace is a Cyber AI platform for threat detection and response across cloud, email, industrial, and the network. This integration was integrated and tested with version 6.0.0 of Darktrace
Configure Darktrace ASM in CortexParameter | Description | Required |
url | Server URL (e.g. https://example.net\) | True |
isFetch | Fetch incidents | False |
insecure | Trust any certificate (not secure) | False |
api_token | API Token | True |
alert_type | Incident types to fetch | False |
min_severity | Minimum Risk severity to fetch | False |
max_alerts | Maximum Risks per fetch | False |
first_fetch | First fetch time | False |
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
darktrace-asm-get-riskReturns the Risk object associated with the given Risk ID.
Base Commanddarktrace-asm-get-risk
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
risk_id | Darktrace ASM Risk ID | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.risk | dict | Darktrace Risk object. |
Darktrace.risk.asset | dict | Darktrace ASM Asset object associated with the given Risk. |
Darktrace.risk.asset.brand | string | Brand of associtated Asset. |
Darktrace.risk.asset.tags | list | List of Tags associated with Asset. |
Darktrace.risk.asset.id | string | Asset ID. |
Darktrace.risk.asset.updatedAt | timestamp | Last time Asset was updated. |
Darktrace.risk.asset.securityrating | string | Security rating of Asset. |
Darktrace.risk.asset.isMalicious | boolean | Malicious state of the Asset. |
Darktrace.risk.asset.createdAt | timestamp | Time Asset was created. |
Darktrace.risk.asset.state | string | State of Asset. |
Darktrace.risk.comments | dict | Dictionary of comments by comment ID. |
Darktrace.risk.description | string | Description of Risk. |
Darktrace.risk.endedAt | timestamp | End time of Risk. |
Darktrace.risk.evidence | string | Evidence gathered indicating the Risk. |
Darktrace.risk.id | string | Risk ID. |
Darktrace.risk.mitigatedAt | timestamp | Mitigation time of Risk. |
Darktrace.risk.proposedAction | string | Recommended action to solve Risk. |
Darktrace.risk.securityRating | string | Security rating of Risk. |
Darktrace.risk.startedAt | timestamp | Start time of Risk. |
Darktrace.risk.title | string | Name of Risk. |
Darktrace.risk.type | string | Type of Risk. |
Command Example!darktrace-asm-get-risk risk_id=Umlza1R5cGU6MTE5Nzc=
Context Example#
Human Readable Output
Field Value asset id: QXBwbGljYXRpb25UeXBlOjIyNjg0
state: Unconfirmed
brand: Darktrace
createdAt: "2022-05-27 14:18:24.264958+00:00
updatedAt: 2023-06-29 06:40:41.007652+00:00
securityrating: f
isMalicious: true
tags: EXAMPLE_TAGcomments Q29tbWVudFR5cGU6ODM=: "XSOAR Test Comment"
Q29tbWVudFR5cGU6ODN=: "XSOAR Test Comment 2"descirption The HSTS header enforces users to always visit your website through SSL, after their first visit. endedAt 2023-06-07T09:59:49.344739+00:00 evidence No HSTS header present. id Umlza1R5cGU6MTE5Nzc= mitigatedAt 2023-06-06T09:59:49.344739+00:00 proposedAction Turn on the HSTS header, read more on https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/HTTP_Strict_Transport_Security_Cheat_Sheet.html securityRating b startedAt 2022-05-27T18:38:45.439551+00:00 title HSTS header missing type SSL
darktrace-asm-get-assetReturns the Asset object associated with the given Asset ID. The output will depend on the type of Asset(IP Address, Netblock, FQDN or Application).
Base Commanddarktrace-asm-get-asset
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
asset_id | Darktrace ASM Asset ID | Required |
Context Output: All Asset typesPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.asset | dict | Darktrace ASM Asset object. |
Darktrace.asset.brand | string | Brand that the Asset is associated with. |
Darktrace.asset.comments | list | List of comments by comment ID. |
Darktrace.asset.createdAt | timestamp | Creation time of Asset. |
Darktrace.asset.discoverySources | list | List of discovery sources. |
Darktrace.asset.id | string | Asset ID. |
Darktrace.asset.isMalicious | bool | Malicious state of Asset. |
Darktrace.asset.risks | list | List of Risks associated with Asset. |
Darktrace.asset.securityrating | string | Security rating of Asset. |
Darktrace.asset.state | string | State of Asset. |
Darktrace.asset.tags | list | List of tags applied to Asset within Darktrace UI. |
Darktrace.asset.type | string | Type of Asset. |
Darktrace.asset.updatedAt | timestamp | Last time Asset was updated. |
Context Output: Application Asset typePath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.asset.fqdns | list | List of FQDNS associated with Asset. |
Darktrace.asset.ipaddresses | list | List of IPs associated with Asset. |
Darktrace.asset.protocol | string | Protocol associated with the Asset |
Darktrace.asset.screenshot | string | Screenshot of webpage associated with Asset. |
Darktrace.asset.technologies | list | List of technologies associated with Asset. |
Darktrace.asset.uri | string | URI associated with Asset. |
Context Output: IP Address Asset typePath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.asset.lat | string | Latitude of the Asset. |
Darktrace.asset.lon | string | Longitude of the Asset. |
Darktrace.asset.geoCity | string | City Asset is located. |
Darktrace.asset.geoCountry | string | Country Asset is located. |
Darktrace.asset.address | string | IP address of the Asset |
Darktrace.asset.netblock | string | Netblock of the Asset. |
Context Output: FQDN Asset typePath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.asset.name | string | Hostname associated with Asset. |
Darktrace.asset.dnsRecords | string | DNS records associated with Asset. |
Darktrace.asset.resolvesTo | list | List of IPs the Asset hostname resolves to. |
Darktrace.asset.whois | string | WhoIs information associated with Asset. |
Darktrace.asset.registeredDomain | string | Domain associated with Asset. |
Context Output: Netblock Asset typePath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.asset.netname | string | Name of the Asset. |
Darktrace.asset.ipAddresses | list | List of IP addresses associated with Asset. |
Command Example!darktrace-asm-get-asset asset_id=QXBwbGljYXRpb25UeXBlOjI2NjI4
Context Example#
Human Readable Output
Field Value brand Darktrace comments Q29tbWVudFR5cGU6OTc=: "Test comment" createdAt 2022-06-27 18:34:50.473256+00:00 discoverySources RGlzY292ZXJ5U291cmNlVHlwZTo1NDc0Ng==: Record retrieved from FQDN careers.darktrace.com
RGlzY292ZXJ5U291cmNlVHlwZTo1NDc1Nw==: Application from https://careers.darktrace.com/fqdns RnFkblR5cGU6MjY2Mjc=: careers.darktrace.com id QXBwbGljYXRpb25UeXBlOjI2NjI4 ipaddresses SVBBZGRyZXNzVHlwZToxNTU3Njc=:
SVBBZGRyZXNzVHlwZToxNTU3Njg=: false protocol HTTP risks Umlza1R5cGU6NjYzNjA=: Vulnerable software found - jquery ui/1.13.0 (highest CVE score 4.3)
Umlza1R5cGU6MTU1ODQ=: Excessive cookie lifetime (> 1 year)
Umlza1R5cGU6MzQ4MzQ=: Excessive cookie lifetime (> 1 year)screenshot https://storage.googleapis.com/asm-prod-1931-z5b5n7ow5w-copy/http_screenshot/screenshot_155822.jpg?Expires=1710617295&GoogleAccessId=asm-prod-1931-cyberweb%40dt-asm-prod.iam.gserviceaccount.com&Signature=HjT83fw4EV%2F6notDq7tQB24oAr049F4UZ8OUDJ3hiuAaD%2F3y7xFOniBLDyZNtZBMlUDDJgrG6%2BhXbuJ0Sdobhsk%2Bj6KZknqa6xao0eyv%2BT%2FQGysZSxol8YHn%2BykRBkX8Umajs%2F5KRR8GRWc46o7m%2FnW1Rdop4qUuGKPy82UUOWwbyfcI7yYOGH8nky2b0o95QyfvR4%2Fa4GeCEHL8cz8RksGh4imWICWcTDu18OlGNruI%2F0sAiivHVbzPnOnBBFwFunAIXez9THr5oItqIoTzV%2FrNdwIFHc0rRIvtvNpuUVcrQo7%2FqaDunYZSmPu0Hf6eaL7cR6ZbYbXuKchlr2eAOQ%3D%3D securityrating b state Confirmed tags MANAGED BY INTERNAL DEV technologies VGVjaG5vbG9neVR5cGU6MTU4MjY2: Amazon ALB
VGVjaG5vbG9neVR5cGU6MTU4MjY3: Amazon Web Services
VGVjaG5vbG9neVR5cGU6MTE1MjU3: Bootstraptype application updatedAt 2023-08-21 00:31:57.299904+00:00 uri https://careers.darktrace.com
darktrace-asm-mitigate-riskMitigates Risk within the Darktrace UI. Warning: Mitigating a Risk without taking action to resolve the Risk means you accept a Risk and it will no longer appear with the Darktrace UI.
Base Commanddarktrace-asm-mitigate-risk
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
risk_id | Darktrace ASM Risk ID | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.risk.success | boolean | Status of mitigation. |
Command Example!darktrace-asm-mitigate-risk risk_id=Umlza1R5cGU6MTE5Nzc=
Context Example#
Human Readable Output
Field Value success true
darktrace-asm-post-commentPost a comment to a Risk or an Asset within the Darktrace UI.
Base Commanddarktrace-asm-post-comment
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | Darktrace ASM Risk or Asset ID | Required |
comment | Text of comment to be applied | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.comment.comment.id | string | Unique ID of Comment. |
Darktrace.comment.comment.text | string | Text of Comment. |
Darktrace.comment.success | boolean | Status of post. |
Command Example!darktrace-asm-post-comment id=QXBwbGljYXRpb25UeXBlOjI2NjI4 comment="API Test Comment"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output
Field Value comment id: Q29tbWVudFR5cGU6OTg=
text: API Test Commentsuccess true
darktrace-asm-edit-commentEdit an existing comment within the Darktrace UI.
Base Commanddarktrace-asm-edit-comment
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
comment_id | ID of comment to be edited | Required |
comment | Text of comment to be applied | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.comment.comment.id | string | Unique ID of Comment. |
Darktrace.comment.comment.text | string | Text of Comment. |
Darktrace.comment.success | boolean | Status of edit. |
Command Example!darktrace-asm-edit-comment comment_id=Q29tbWVudFR5cGU6OTg= comment="API Test Comment Edited"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output
Field Value comment id: Q29tbWVudFR5cGU6OTg=
text: API Test Comment Editedsuccess true
darktrace-asm-delete-commentDelete an existing comment within the Darktrace UI.
Base Commanddarktrace-asm-delete-comment
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
comment_id | ID of comment to be deleted | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.comment.success | boolean | Status of deletion. |
Command Example!darktrace-asm-delete-comment comment_id=Q29tbWVudFR5cGU6OTg=
Context Example#
Human Readable Output
Field Value success true
darktrace-asm-create-tagCreat a new Tag within the Darktrace UI. Tags can be applied to Assets.
Base Commanddarktrace-asm-create-tag
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
tag_name | Name of Tag to create | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.tag.success | boolean | Status of creation. |
Darktrace.tag.tag.id | string | Tag ID. |
Darktrace.tag.tag.name | string | Name of Tag. |
Command Example!darktrace-asm-create-tag tag_name="API TEST"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output
Field Value success true tag id: VGFnVHlwZTo1Mg==
name: API TEST
darktrace-asm-assign-tagAssign an existing Tag to an Asset within the Darktrace UI.
Base Commanddarktrace-asm-assign-tag
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
tag_name | Name of Tag to apply to Asset | Required |
asset_id | Asset ID to apply Tag to | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.tag.success | boolean | Status of assignment. |
Darktrace.tag.asset.id | string | Asset ID. |
Darktrace.tag.asset.tags | list | List of Tags assigned to Asset. |
Command Example!darktrace-asm-assign-tag tag_name="API TEST" asset_id=SVBBZGRyZXNzVHlwZTox
Context Example#
Human Readable Output
Field Value asset id: SVBBZGRyZXNzVHlwZTox
tags: API TESTsuccess true
darktrace-asm-unassign-tagUnssign an existing Tag from an Asset within the Darktrace UI.
Base Commanddarktrace-asm-unassign-tag
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
tag_name | Name of Tag to remove from Asset | Required |
asset_id | Asset ID to remove Tag from | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Darktrace.tag.success | boolean | Status of assignment. |
Darktrace.tag.asset.id | string | Asset ID. |
Darktrace.tag.asset.tags | list | List of Tags assigned to Asset. |
Command Example!darktrace-asm-unassign-tag tag_name="API TEST" asset_id=SVBBZGRyZXNzVHlwZTox
Context Example#
Human Readable Output
Field Value asset id: SVBBZGRyZXNzVHlwZTox
tags:success true