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EclecticIQ Intelligence Center v3

This Integration is part of the EclecticIQ Platform Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.6.0 and later.

Threat Intelligence Platform that connects and interprets intelligence data from open sources, commercial suppliers and industry partnerships . This integration was integrated and tested with version 2.14 and 3.0 of EclecticIQ Intelligence Center v3.

Some changes have been made that might affect your existing content. If you are upgrading from a previous version of this integration, see Breaking Changes.

Configure EclecticIQ Intelligence Center v3 in Cortex#

EclecticIQ Intelligence Center URL (e.g. https://eclecticiq-platform.local)True
API user token to authenticate in EclecticIQ Intelligence CenterTrue
EclecticIQ Intelligence Center public API versionTrue
IP threshold. Minimum maliciousness confidence level to consider the IP address malicious: High, Medium, Low, Safe, UnknownFalse
URL threshold. Minimum maliciousness confidence level to consider the URL malicious: High, Medium, Low, Safe, UnknownFalse
File threshold. Minimum maliciousness confidence level to consider the file malicious: High, Medium, Low, Safe, UnknownFalse
Email threshold. Minimum maliciousness confidence level to consider the email address malicious: High, Medium, Low, Safe, UnknownFalse
Domain threshold. Minimum maliciousness confidence level to consider the domain malicious: High, Medium, Low, Safe, UnknownFalse
Group name in EclecticIQ Intelligence Center to use as entities sourceFalse
Create sightings automatically in EclecticIQ Intelligence Center when reputation check command executed.False
Fetch indicators
Indicator ReputationIndicators from this integration instance will be marked with this reputationFalse
Source ReliabilityReliability of the source providing the intelligence dataTrue
Feed Fetch IntervalFalse
Bypass exclusion listWhen selected, the exclusion list is ignored for indicators from this feed. This means that if an indicator from this feed is on the exclusion list, the indicator might still be added to the system.False
Feed IDs to fetche.g. 12,14,22False
Traffic Light Protocol ColorThe Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) designation to apply to indicators fetched from the feed
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
Use system proxy settingsFalse


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Get reputation of IP address observable.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ipIPv4 to get the reputation of.Required

Context Output#

EclecticIQ.IP.CreatedDateObservable creation time.
EclecticIQ.IP.LastUpdatedDateObservable last update time.
EclecticIQ.IP.MaliciousnessStringObservable maliciousness.
EclecticIQ.IP.ObservableStringObservable value.
EclecticIQ.IP.SourceNameStringObservable source name.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
DBotScore.ReliabilityStringHow reliable the score is (for example, "C - fairly reliable").
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
IP.AddressStringIP address.

Command example#

!ip ip=""

Context Example#

"DBotScore": {
"Indicator": "",
"Score": 0,
"Type": "ip",
"Vendor": "EclecticIQ Intelligence Center v3"
"EclecticIQ": {
"IP": {
"Created": "2023-10-09T18:00",
"LastUpdated": "2023-11-13T15:35",
"Maliciousness": "unknown",
"Observable": "",
"SourceName": "enricher_task: VirusTotal APIv3 File Hash (Contacted Infrastructure) Enricher; enricher_task: Recorded Future Enricher; group: Testing Group; "
"IP": {
"Address": ""

Human Readable Output#

EclecticIQ IP reputation -

2023-10-09T18:004661272023-11-13T15:35unknown VirusTotal APIv3 File Hash (Contacted Infrastructure) Enricher; enricher_task: Recorded Future Enricher; group: Testing Group;ipv48.8.8.8


Gets the reputation of a URL observable.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
urlURL observable to get the reputation of.Required

Context Output#

EclecticIQ.URL.CreatedDateObservable creation time.
EclecticIQ.URL.LastUpdatedDateObservable last update time.
EclecticIQ.URL.MaliciousnessStringObservable maliciousness.
EclecticIQ.URL.ObservableStringObservable value.
EclecticIQ.URL.SourceNameStringObservable source name.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
DBotScore.ReliabilityStringHow reliable the score is (for example, "C - fairly reliable").
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
URL.DataStringURL requested.

Command example#

!url url=""

Context Example#

"DBotScore": {
"Indicator": "",
"Score": 0,
"Type": "url",
"Vendor": "EclecticIQ Intelligence Center v3"
"EclecticIQ": {
"URL": {
"Created": "2023-06-02T08:14",
"LastUpdated": "2023-06-02T08:14",
"Maliciousness": "unknown",
"Observable": "",
"SourceName": "incoming_feed: Elemendar; "
"URL": {
"Data": ""

Human Readable Output#

EclecticIQ URL reputation -

2023-06-02T08:141195192023-06-02T08:14unknown Elemendar;uri


Gets the reputation of a file hash observable.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
fileFile hash observable to get the reputation of.Required

Context Output#

EclecticIQ.File.CreatedDateObservable creation time.
EclecticIQ.File.LastUpdatedDateObservable last update time.
EclecticIQ.File.MaliciousnessStringObservable maliciousness.
EclecticIQ.File.ObservableStringObservable value.
EclecticIQ.File.SourceNameStringObservable source name.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
DBotScore.ReliabilityStringHow reliable the score is (for example, "C - fairly reliable").
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
File.MD5StringBad MD5 hash.
File.SHA1StringBad SHA1 hash.
File.SHA256StringBad SHA256 hash.

Command example#

!file file=ae5f156a6f5052494a295c597389dbee

Context Example#

"DBotScore": {
"Indicator": "ae5f156a6f5052494a295c597389dbee",
"Score": 0,
"Type": "file",
"Vendor": "EclecticIQ Intelligence Center v3"
"EclecticIQ": {
"File": {
"Created": "2023-05-26T09:20",
"LastUpdated": "2023-05-26T09:20",
"Maliciousness": "unknown",
"Observable": "ae5f156a6f5052494a295c597389dbee",
"SourceName": "enricher_task: Threatcrowd API V2; "
"File": {
"Hashes": [
"type": "MD5",
"value": "ae5f156a6f5052494a295c597389dbee"
"MD5": "ae5f156a6f5052494a295c597389dbee"

Human Readable Output#

EclecticIQ File reputation - ae5f156a6f5052494a295c597389dbee#

2023-05-26T09:20132023-05-26T09:20unknown Threatcrowd API V2;hash-md5ae5f156a6f5052494a295c597389dbee


Query EIC for entity.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
observable_valueObservable value to query related entities.Optional
entity_titleText to search inside entity title.Optional
entity_typeType of entity to limit query. Possible values are: all, campaign, course-of-action, exploit-target, incident, indicator, sighting, threat-actor, ttp. Default is all.Optional

Context Output#

EclecticIQ.Entity.confidenceStringEntity confidence.
EclecticIQ.Entity.created_atDateEntity creation time.
EclecticIQ.Entity.descriptionStringEntity description.
EclecticIQ.Entity.entity_titleStringEntity title.
EclecticIQ.Entity.entity_typeStringEntity type.
EclecticIQ.Entity.impact.typeStringEntity impact type.
EclecticIQ.Entity.impact.valueStringEntity impact value.
EclecticIQ.Entity.impact.value_vocabStringEntity impact STIX vocabulary.
EclecticIQ.Entity.observables_list.maliciousnessStringRelated observable maliciousness.
EclecticIQ.Entity.observables_list.typeStringRelated observable type.
EclecticIQ.Entity.observables_list.valueStringRelated observable value.
EclecticIQ.Entity.observables_outputStringRelated observables string.
EclecticIQ.Entity.relationships_listUnknownEntity relationships list.
EclecticIQ.Entity.relationships_outputStringEntity relationships string.
EclecticIQ.Entity.source_nameStringEntity source.
EclecticIQ.Entity.tags_listUnknownEntity tags and taxonomies.


Gets the reputation of an email address observable.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
emailEmail address observable to get the reputation of.Required

Context Output#

EclecticIQ.Email.CreatedDateObservable creation time.
EclecticIQ.Email.LastUpdatedDateObservable last update time.
EclecticIQ.Email.MaliciousnessStringObservable maliciousness.
EclecticIQ.Email.ObservableStringObservable value.
EclecticIQ.Email.SourceNameStringObservable source name.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
DBotScore.ReliabilityStringHow reliable the score is (for example, "C - fairly reliable").
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.

Command example#


Context Example#

"DBotScore": {
"Indicator": "",
"Score": 0,
"Type": "email",
"Vendor": "EclecticIQ Intelligence Center v3"
"EclecticIQ": {
"Email": {
"Created": "2023-05-26T09:22",
"LastUpdated": "2023-05-26T09:22",
"Maliciousness": "unknown",
"Observable": "",
"SourceName": "enricher_task: Threatcrowd API V2; "
"Email": {
"Address": ""

Human Readable Output#

EclecticIQ Email reputation -

2023-05-26T09:2210282023-05-26T09:22unknown Threatcrowd API V2;


Gets the reputation of a domain observable.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
domainDomain observable to get the reputation of.Required

Context Output#

EclecticIQ.Domain.CreatedDateObservable creation time.
EclecticIQ.Domain.LastUpdatedDateObservable last update time.
EclecticIQ.Domain.MaliciousnessStringObservable maliciousness.
EclecticIQ.Domain.ObservableStringObservable value.
EclecticIQ.Domain.SourceNameStringObservable source name.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
DBotScore.ReliabilityStringHow reliable the score is (for example, "C - fairly reliable").
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
Domain.NameStringRequested Domain.

Command example#


Context Example#

"DBotScore": {
"Indicator": "",
"Score": 3,
"Type": "domain",
"Vendor": "EclecticIQ Intelligence Center v3"
"Domain": {
"Malicious": {
"Description": "EclecticIQ maliciousness confidence level: low",
"Vendor": "EclecticIQ Intelligence Center v3"
"Name": ""
"EclecticIQ": {
"Domain": {
"Created": "2023-05-26T09:20",
"LastUpdated": "2023-05-26T09:20",
"Maliciousness": "low",
"Observable": "",
"SourceName": ""

Human Readable Output#

EclecticIQ Domain reputation -



Create a sighting entity on EIC. Must contain at least one observable.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
observable_valueObservable value to connect to Sighting.Required
observable_typeObservable type. Possible values are: domain, email, email-subject, file, hash, hash-md5, hash-sha1, hash-sha256, hash-sha512, host, ipv4, ipv6, mutex, port, process, uri, winregistry.Required
observable_maliciousnessObservable maliciousness. Possible values are: Malicious (High confidence), Malicious (Medium confidence), Malicious (Low confidence), Safe, Unknown.Required
sighting_titleSighting title.Required
sighting_descriptionSighting description.Optional
sighting_confidenceSighting confidence. Possible values are: None, Unknown, Low, Medium, High.Required
sighting_impactSighting impact. Possible values are: None, Unknown, Low, Medium, High.Required
sighting_tagSighting tags, use comma (",") as delimeter between tags.Optional

Context Output#

EclecticIQ.Sightings.SightingDetails.ObservableMaliciousnessStringSighting related observable maliciousness.
EclecticIQ.Sightings.SightingDetails.ObservableTypeStringSighting related observable type.
EclecticIQ.Sightings.SightingDetails.ObservableValueStringSighting related observable value.
EclecticIQ.Sightings.SightingDetails.SightingTitleStringSighting title.
EclecticIQ.Sightings.SightingIdStringSighting entity ID.


Create an indicator entity on EIC. Must contain at least one observable.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
indicator_titleIndicator title.Required
indicator_descriptionIndicator description.Optional
indicator_confidenceIndicator confidence. Possible values are: None, Unknown, Low, Medium, High.Required
indicator_impactIndicator impact. Possible values are: None, Unknown, Low, Medium, High.Required
indicator_tagIndicator tags, use comma (",") as delimeter between tags.Optional
observable_valueObservable value to connect to Indicator.Required
observable_typeObservable type. Possible values are: domain, email, email-subject, file, hash, hash-md5, hash-sha1, hash-sha256, hash-sha512, host, ipv4, ipv6, mutex, port, process, uri, winregistry.Required
observable_maliciousnessObservable maliciousness. Possible values are: Malicious (High confidence), Malicious (Medium confidence), Malicious (Low confidence), Safe, Unknown.Required
observable_dictionaryAny amount observables in format: [{"value":"", "type":"ipv4", "maliciousness":"medium"}]. Observable types use as in EclecticIQ. Observable maliciousness could be: high, medium, low, safe, unknown.Optional

Context Output#

EclecticIQ.Indicators.IndicatorIdStringIndicator entity ID.
EclecticIQ.Indicators.IndicatorTitleStringIndicator entity title.
EclecticIQ.Indicators.ObservablesList.observable_classificationStringIndicator related observable classification.
EclecticIQ.Indicators.ObservablesList.observable_maliciousnessStringIndicator related observable maliciousness.
EclecticIQ.Indicators.ObservablesList.observable_typeStringIndicator related observable type.
EclecticIQ.Indicators.ObservablesList.observable_valueStringIndicator related observable value.


Query EclecticIQ Intelligence Center for entity by its ID.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
entity_idEntity ID in EclecticIQ format, for example: a86f8393-eff6-4b31-b203-f63152be5a43.Required

Context Output#

EclecticIQ.EntityById.confidenceStringEntity confidence.
EclecticIQ.EntityById.created_atDateEntity creation time.
EclecticIQ.EntityById.descriptionStringEntity description.
EclecticIQ.EntityById.entity_titleStringEntity title.
EclecticIQ.EntityById.entity_typeStringEntity type.
EclecticIQ.EntityById.impactStringEntity impact.
EclecticIQ.EntityById.observables_list.maliciousnessStringRelated observable maliciousness.
EclecticIQ.EntityById.observables_list.typeStringRelated observable type.
EclecticIQ.EntityById.observables_list.valueStringRelated observable value.
EclecticIQ.EntityById.relationships_listUnknownEntity relationships list.
EclecticIQ.EntityById.source_nameStringEntity source.
EclecticIQ.EntityById.tags_listUnknownEntity tags and taxonomies.


Make HTTP GET request to EclecticIQ Intelligence Center.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
uriEclecticIQ URI excluding Intelligence Cetner address but including API version and params if needed. e.g. /private/status.Required

Context Output#

EclecticIQ.GET.ReplyBodyUnknownGET reply body.
EclecticIQ.GET.ReplyStatusStringGET reply status code.
EclecticIQ.GET.URIStringGET reply requested URI.

Command example#

!eclecticiq-request-get uri=/api/v2/datasets

Context Example#

"EclecticIQ": {
"GET": {
"ReplyBody": {
"count": 100,
"data": [...],
"limit": 100,
"offset": 0,
"total_count": 113
"ReplyStatus": "200",
"URI": "/api/v2/datasets"

Human Readable Output#

EclecticIQ GET action to endpoint /api/v2/datasets exectued. Reply status: 200#


Make HTTP POST request to EclecticIQ Intelligence Center.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
uriEclecticIQ URI excluding Intelligence Cetner address but including API version and params if needed.Required
bodyJSON payload.Optional

Context Output#

EclecticIQ.POST.ReplyBodyStringPOST reply body.
EclecticIQ.POST.ReplyStatusStringPOST reply status code.
EclecticIQ.POST.URIStringPOST reply requested URI.

Command example#

!eclecticiq-request-post uri=/api/v2/datasets body=`{"data": {"workspaces": "1", "name": "test11112"}}

Context Example#

"EclecticIQ": {
"POST": {
"ReplyBody": {
"data": {...}
"ReplyStatus": "201",
"URI": "/api/v2/datasets"

Human Readable Output#

EclecticIQ POST action to endpoint /api/v2/datasets exectued. Reply status: 201#


Make HTTP PUT request to EclecticIQ Intelligence Center.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
uriEclecticIQ URI excluding Intelligence Cetner address but including API version and params if needed.Required
bodyJSON payload.Optional

Context Output#

EclecticIQ.PUT.ReplyBodyStringPUT reply body.
EclecticIQ.PUT.ReplyStatusStringPUT reply status code.
EclecticIQ.PUT.URIStringPUT reply requested URI.

Command example#

!eclecticiq-request-put uri=/api/v2/datasets body=`{"data": {"workspaces": "1", "name": "test11112"}}

Context Example#

"EclecticIQ": {
"PUT": {
"ReplyBody": {
"data": {...}
"ReplyStatus": "200",
"URI": "/api/v2/datasets"

Human Readable Output#

EclecticIQ PUT action to endpoint /api/v2/datasets exectued. Reply status: 200#


Make HTTP PATCH request to EclecticIQ Intelligence Center.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
uriEclecticIQ URI excluding Intelligence Cetner address but including API version and params if needed.Required
bodyJSON payload.Optional

Context Output#

EclecticIQ.PATCH.ReplyBodyStringPATCH reply body.
EclecticIQ.PATCH.ReplyStatusStringPATCH reply status code.
EclecticIQ.PATCH.URIStringPATCH reply requested URI.

Command example#

!eclecticiq-request-patch uri=/api/v2/datasets/1 body=`{"data": {"workspaces": "1", "name": "test11112"}}

Context Example#

"EclecticIQ": {
"PATCH": {
"ReplyBody": {
"data": {...}
"ReplyStatus": "200",
"URI": "/api/v2/datasets/1"

Human Readable Output#

EclecticIQ PATCH action to endpoint /api/v2/datasets/1 exectued. Reply status: 200#


Make HTTP DELETE request to EclecticIQ Intelligence Center.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
uriEclecticIQ URI excluding Intelligence Cetner address but including API version and params if needed.Required

Context Output#

EclecticIQ.DELETE.ReplyStatusStringDELETE reply status code.
EclecticIQ.DELETE.URIStringDELETE reply requested URI.


Get last block of Indicators from configured to fetch Outgoing feed.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#


Human Readable Output#

Indicators collected from first block of feed:[{'id': '11', 'created_at': '2023-06-26T15:23:19.737166+00:00', 'update_strategy': 'REPLACE', 'packaging_status': 'SUCCESS', 'name': 'splunk-test'}]#

No entries.

Breaking changes from the previous version of this integration - EclecticIQ Intelligence Center v3#

Integration rebuild with added functionality to fetch indicators from outgoing feeds and with many new commands. Integration is not compatible with EclecticIQ integration v2.