Exabeam Security Operations Platform
Exabeam Security Operations Platform Pack.#
This Integration is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.10.0 and later.
Exabeam Security Operations Platform offers a centralized and scalable platform for log management. This integration was integrated and tested with version v1.0 of ExabeamSecOpsPlatform.
Configure Exabeam Security Operations Platform in CortexParameter | Required |
Server URL | True |
Client ID | True |
Client Secret | True |
Trust any certificate (not secure) | False |
Use system proxy settings | False |
First fetch timestamp (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days) | |
Maximum Incidents Per Fetch | |
Fetch query | |
Fetch incidents | |
Incident type |
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
exabeam-platform-event-searchGet events from Exabeam Security Operations Platform.
Base Commandexabeam-platform-event-search
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
start_time | The starting date for the search range. | Required |
end_time | The ending date for the search range. | Required |
query | Query, using Lucene syntax, filters log data for precise analysis, without escaping and with values unquoted. e.g., query="product: Correlation Rule AND rule_severity: High". | Optional |
fields | Comma-separated list of fields to be returned from the search. | Optional |
group_by | Comma-separated list of fields by which to group the results. | Optional |
limit | The maximal number of results to return. Maximum value is 3000. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
ExabeamPlatform.Event.id | String | The unique identifier associated with the event. |
ExabeamPlatform.Event.rawLogIds | String | The raw log identifiers associated with the event. |
ExabeamPlatform.Event.tier | String | The tier associated with the event. |
ExabeamPlatform.Event.parsed | String | Whether the event has been parsed. |
ExabeamPlatform.Event.rawLogs | String | The raw logs associated with the event. |
Command example!exabeam-platform-event-search end_time="today" start_time="7 days ago" limit=2 query="product: Correlation Rule AND rule_severity: High"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Id Is Parsed Raw Log Ids Raw Logs Tier fake false log-fic ANY rawLog Tier 4 fictive-id false rawLogId CONNECT hotmail Tier 4
exabeam-platform-table-record-listRetrieve the records for a specific context table.
Base Commandexabeam-platform-table-record-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
table_id | ID of the table. Obtain this value by running exabeam-platform-context-table-list . | Required |
limit | The number of records to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
exabeam-platform-table-record-createAdd one or more context records directly to an existing table.
Base Commandexabeam-platform-table-record-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
table_id | ID of the table. Obtain this value by running exabeam-platform-context-table-list . | Required |
attributes | A key-value map of record attributes. | Required |
operation | Options for how data should be uploaded to an existing table. Possible values are: append, replace. Default is append. | Optional |
interval_in_seconds | The interval in seconds between each poll. Default is 30. | Optional |
timeout | The timeout in seconds until polling ends. Default is 600. | Optional |
tracker_id | Specify the tracker ID from an upload request whose progress you want to track. | Optional |
hide_polling_output | Suppresses the output of polling operations to reduce clutter in logs. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
exabeam-platform-alert-searchSearch for alerts that match one or more search criteria.
Base Commandexabeam-platform-alert-search
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alert_id | Unique ID that identifies an alert. | Optional |
start_time | Timestamp to start the search. Default is 7 days ago. | Optional |
end_time | Timestamp to end the search. Default is today. | Optional |
query | Query, using Lucene syntax, filters log data for precise analysis. | Optional |
fields | List of fields to be returned from the search. | Optional |
order_by | Order results by a specified field in ASC or DESC order, such as "riskScore ASC" or "riskScore DESC". | Optional |
limit | Limit the number of results returned from the search request. Default is 50. | Optional |
all_results | If set to 'True', retrieves all available results, ignoring the limit parameter. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False. | Optional |
include_related_rules | If set to 'True', filters the context to include the "rules" array related to the cases in the results. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.alertDescriptionRt | String | The description of the alert in real-time. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.alertId | String | The unique identifier of the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.alertName | String | The name or title of the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.approxLogTime | Date | The approximate log time of the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.assignee | String | The person assigned to the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.caseCreationTimestamp | Number | The timestamp when the case was created. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.caseId | String | The unique identifier of the case associated with the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.creationBy | String | The user who created the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.creationTimestamp | Date | The timestamp when the alert was created. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.destEndpoints | Unknown | The destination endpoints involved in the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.destHosts | Unknown | The destination hosts involved in the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.destIps | Unknown | The destination IP addresses involved in the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.groupedbyKey | String | The key used for grouping the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.groupedbyValue | String | The value used for grouping the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.groupingRuleId | String | The ID of the rule used for grouping the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.hasAttachments | Boolean | Indicates if the alert has attachments. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.ingestTimestamp | Date | The timestamp when the alert was ingested into the system. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.lastModifiedBy | String | The user who last modified the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.lastModifiedTimestamp | Date | The timestamp when the alert was last modified. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.mitres.tactic | String | The MITRE tactic associated with the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.mitres.tacticKey | String | The MITRE tactic key associated with the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.mitres.technique | String | The MITRE technique associated with the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.mitres.techniqueKey | String | The MITRE technique key associated with the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.priority | String | The priority level of the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.products | String | The products involved in the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.queue | String | The queue in which the alert is placed. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.riskScore | Number | The risk score associated with the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.srcEndpoints.ip | String | The IP addresses of the source endpoints involved in the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.srcHosts | Unknown | The source hosts involved in the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.srcIps | String | The source IP addresses involved in the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.stage | String | The stage of the alert in the investigation process. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.status | String | The status of the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.subscriptionCode | String | The subscription code associated with the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.tags | Unknown | The tags associated with the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.useCases | String | The use cases related to the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.users | Unknown | The users involved in the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.vendors | String | The vendors associated with the alert. |
exabeam-platform-context-table-deleteDelete a specific context table, including records and attributes.
Base Commandexabeam-platform-context-table-delete
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
table_id | Specify the ID of an existing context table. | Required |
delete_unused_custom_attributes | Delete any custom attributes in this table that are not used in another context table. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
exabeam-platform-context-table-listRetrieve metadata for all existing context tables, including source, operational status, and attribute mapping.
Base Commandexabeam-platform-table-record-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
table_id | Specify the ID of an existing context table. | Optional |
limit | Limit the number of results returned from the request. Default is 50. | Optional |
include_attributes | If set to 'True', filters the context to include the "attributes" array related to the cases in the results. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.attributeMapping | Unknown | The attribute mapping of the context table. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.attributes.displayName | String | The display name of the attribute. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.attributes.id | String | The unique identifier of the attribute. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.attributes.isKey | Boolean | Indicates if the attribute is a key attribute. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.attributes.type | String | The type of the attribute. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.contextType | String | The type of context the table represents. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.id | String | The unique identifier of the context table. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.lastUpdated | Number | The timestamp of the last update to the context table. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.name | String | The name of the context table. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.source | String | The source of the context table data. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.status | String | The status of the context table. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.totalItems | Number | The total number of items in the context table. |
exabeam-platform-case-searchSearch for cases that match one or more search criteria. For example, you can search for cases that are associated with a specific caseId and that reference specific rules.
Base Commandexabeam-platform-case-search
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
case_id | An optional case id parameter to get a specific case. | Optional |
start_time | Timestamp to start the search. Default is 7 days ago. | Optional |
end_time | Timestamp to end the search. Default is today. | Optional |
query | Query, using Lucene syntax, filters log data for precise analysis. | Optional |
fields | List of fields to be returned from the search. | Optional |
order_by | Order results by a specified field in ASC or DESC order, such as "riskScore ASC" or "riskScore DESC". | Optional |
limit | Limit the number of results returned from the search request. Default is 50. | Optional |
all_results | If set to 'True', retrieves all available results, ignoring the limit parameter. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False. | Optional |
include_related_rules | If set to 'True', filters the context to include the "rules" array related to the cases in the results. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.alertId | String | Unique identifier for the alert associated with the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.alertName | String | Name of the alert associated with the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.approxLogTime | Number | Approximate log time of the event that generated the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.assignee | String | User assigned to the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.caseCreationTimestamp | Number | Timestamp when the case was created. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.caseId | String | Unique identifier for the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.destHosts | Unknown | Destination hosts involved in the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.destIps | Unknown | Destination IP addresses involved in the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.groupedbyKey | String | Key by which the case was grouped. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.groupedbyValue | String | Value by which the case was grouped. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.hasAttachments | Boolean | Indicates if the case has attachments. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.ingestTimestamp | Unknown | Timestamp when the case was ingested. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.lastModifiedTimestamp | Unknown | Timestamp when the case was last modified. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.mitres | Unknown | MITRE tactics and techniques associated with the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.priority | String | Priority level of the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.products | String | Products involved in the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.queue | String | Queue to which the case is assigned. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.riskScore | Number | Risk score of the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.rules.approxLogTime | Number | Approximate log time of the rule that triggered the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.rules.ruleId | String | Unique identifier for the rule. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.rules.ruleName | String | Name of the rule that triggered the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.rules.ruleReason | String | Reason for the rule triggering the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.rules.ruleSeverity | String | Severity level of the rule. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.rules.ruleSource | String | Source of the rule. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.rules.ruleType | String | Type of the rule. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.srcHosts | Unknown | Source hosts involved in the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.srcIps | Unknown | Source IP addresses involved in the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.stage | String | Current stage of the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.subscriptionCode | String | Subscription code associated with the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.tags | Unknown | Tags associated with the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.useCases | Unknown | Use cases associated with the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.users | Unknown | Users involved in the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.vendors | String | Vendors involved in the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.alertCreationTimestamp | Date | Timestamp when the alert was created. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.alertDescriptionRt | String | Description of the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.creationBy | String | User who created the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.creationTimestamp | Date | Timestamp when the case was created. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.destEndpoints | Unknown | Destination endpoints involved in the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.mitres.tacticKey | String | Key of the MITRE tactic associated with the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.mitres.technique | String | MITRE technique associated with the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.mitres.techniqueKey | String | Key of the MITRE technique associated with the case. |