Exabeam Security Operations Platform
Exabeam Security Operations Platform Pack.#
This Integration is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.10.0 and later.
Exabeam Security Operations Platform offers a centralized and scalable platform for log management. This integration was integrated and tested with version v1.0 of ExabeamSecOpsPlatform.
Configure Exabeam Security Operations Platform on Cortex XSOARNavigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.
Search for Exabeam Security Operations Platform.
Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.
Parameter Required Server URL True Client ID True Client Secret True Trust any certificate (not secure) False Use system proxy settings False First fetch timestamp (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days) Maximum Incidents Per Fetch Fetch query Fetch incidents Incident type Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
exabeam-platform-event-searchGet events from Exabeam Security Operations Platform.
Base Commandexabeam-platform-event-search
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
start_time | The starting date for the search range. | Required |
end_time | The ending date for the search range. | Required |
query | Query, using Lucene syntax, filters log data for precise analysis. | Optional |
fields | Comma-separated list of fields to be returned from the search. | Optional |
group_by | Comma-separated list of fields by which to group the results. | Optional |
limit | The maximal number of results to return. Maximum value is 3000. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
ExabeamPlatform.Event.id | String | The unique identifier associated with the event. |
ExabeamPlatform.Event.rawLogIds | String | The raw log identifiers associated with the event. |
ExabeamPlatform.Event.tier | String | The tier associated with the event. |
ExabeamPlatform.Event.parsed | String | Whether the event has been parsed. |
ExabeamPlatform.Event.rawLogs | String | The raw logs associated with the event. |
Command example!exabeam-platform-event-search end_time="today" start_time="7 days ago" limit=2
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Id Is Parsed Raw Log Ids Raw Logs Tier fake false log-fic ANY rawLog Tier 4 fictive-id false rawLogId CONNECT hotmail Tier 4
exabeam-platform-table-record-listRetrieve the records for a specific context table.
Base Commandexabeam-platform-table-record-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
table_id | ID of the table. Obtain this value by running exabeam-platform-context-table-list . | Required |
limit | The number of records to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
exabeam-platform-table-record-createAdd one or more context records directly to an existing table.
Base Commandexabeam-platform-table-record-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
table_id | ID of the table. Obtain this value by running exabeam-platform-context-table-list . | Required |
attributes | A key-value map of record attributes. | Required |
operation | Options for how data should be uploaded to an existing table. Possible values are: append, replace. Default is append. | Optional |
interval_in_seconds | The interval in seconds between each poll. Default is 30. | Optional |
timeout | The timeout in seconds until polling ends. Default is 600. | Optional |
tracker_id | Specify the tracker ID from an upload request whose progress you want to track. | Optional |
hide_polling_output | Suppresses the output of polling operations to reduce clutter in logs. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
exabeam-platform-alert-searchSearch for alerts that match one or more search criteria.
Base Commandexabeam-platform-alert-search
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alert_id | Unique ID that identifies an alert. | Optional |
start_time | Timestamp to start the search. Default is 7 days ago. | Optional |
end_time | Timestamp to end the search. Default is today. | Optional |
query | Query, using Lucene syntax, filters log data for precise analysis. | Optional |
fields | List of fields to be returned from the search. | Optional |
order_by | Order results by a specified field in ASC or DESC order, such as "riskScore ASC" or "riskScore DESC". | Optional |
limit | Limit the number of results returned from the search request. Default is 50. | Optional |
all_results | If set to 'True', retrieves all available results, ignoring the limit parameter. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False. | Optional |
include_related_rules | If set to 'True', filters the context to include the "rules" array related to the cases in the results. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.alertDescriptionRt | String | The description of the alert in real-time. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.alertId | String | The unique identifier of the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.alertName | String | The name or title of the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.approxLogTime | Date | The approximate log time of the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.assignee | String | The person assigned to the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.caseCreationTimestamp | Number | The timestamp when the case was created. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.caseId | String | The unique identifier of the case associated with the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.creationBy | String | The user who created the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.creationTimestamp | Date | The timestamp when the alert was created. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.destEndpoints | Unknown | The destination endpoints involved in the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.destHosts | Unknown | The destination hosts involved in the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.destIps | Unknown | The destination IP addresses involved in the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.groupedbyKey | String | The key used for grouping the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.groupedbyValue | String | The value used for grouping the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.groupingRuleId | String | The ID of the rule used for grouping the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.hasAttachments | Boolean | Indicates if the alert has attachments. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.ingestTimestamp | Date | The timestamp when the alert was ingested into the system. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.lastModifiedBy | String | The user who last modified the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.lastModifiedTimestamp | Date | The timestamp when the alert was last modified. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.mitres.tactic | String | The MITRE tactic associated with the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.mitres.tacticKey | String | The MITRE tactic key associated with the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.mitres.technique | String | The MITRE technique associated with the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.mitres.techniqueKey | String | The MITRE technique key associated with the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.priority | String | The priority level of the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.products | String | The products involved in the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.queue | String | The queue in which the alert is placed. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.riskScore | Number | The risk score associated with the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.srcEndpoints.ip | String | The IP addresses of the source endpoints involved in the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.srcHosts | Unknown | The source hosts involved in the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.srcIps | String | The source IP addresses involved in the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.stage | String | The stage of the alert in the investigation process. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.status | String | The status of the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.subscriptionCode | String | The subscription code associated with the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.tags | Unknown | The tags associated with the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.useCases | String | The use cases related to the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.users | Unknown | The users involved in the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Alert.vendors | String | The vendors associated with the alert. |
exabeam-platform-context-table-deleteDelete a specific context table, including records and attributes.
Base Commandexabeam-platform-context-table-delete
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
table_id | Specify the ID of an existing context table. | Required |
delete_unused_custom_attributes | Delete any custom attributes in this table that are not used in another context table. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
exabeam-platform-context-table-listRetrieve metadata for all existing context tables, including source, operational status, and attribute mapping.
Base Commandexabeam-platform-table-record-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
table_id | Specify the ID of an existing context table. | Optional |
limit | Limit the number of results returned from the request. Default is 50. | Optional |
include_attributes | If set to 'True', filters the context to include the "attributes" array related to the cases in the results. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.attributeMapping | Unknown | The attribute mapping of the context table. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.attributes.displayName | String | The display name of the attribute. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.attributes.id | String | The unique identifier of the attribute. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.attributes.isKey | Boolean | Indicates if the attribute is a key attribute. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.attributes.type | String | The type of the attribute. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.contextType | String | The type of context the table represents. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.id | String | The unique identifier of the context table. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.lastUpdated | Number | The timestamp of the last update to the context table. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.name | String | The name of the context table. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.source | String | The source of the context table data. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.status | String | The status of the context table. |
ExabeamPlatform.ContextTable.totalItems | Number | The total number of items in the context table. |
exabeam-platform-case-searchSearch for cases that match one or more search criteria. For example, you can search for cases that are associated with a specific caseId and that reference specific rules.
Base Commandexabeam-platform-case-search
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
case_id | An optional case id parameter to get a specific case. | Optional |
start_time | Timestamp to start the search. Default is 7 days ago. | Optional |
end_time | Timestamp to end the search. Default is today. | Optional |
query | Query, using Lucene syntax, filters log data for precise analysis. | Optional |
fields | List of fields to be returned from the search. | Optional |
order_by | Order results by a specified field in ASC or DESC order, such as "riskScore ASC" or "riskScore DESC". | Optional |
limit | Limit the number of results returned from the search request. Default is 50. | Optional |
all_results | If set to 'True', retrieves all available results, ignoring the limit parameter. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False. | Optional |
include_related_rules | If set to 'True', filters the context to include the "rules" array related to the cases in the results. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.alertId | String | Unique identifier for the alert associated with the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.alertName | String | Name of the alert associated with the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.approxLogTime | Number | Approximate log time of the event that generated the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.assignee | String | User assigned to the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.caseCreationTimestamp | Number | Timestamp when the case was created. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.caseId | String | Unique identifier for the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.destHosts | Unknown | Destination hosts involved in the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.destIps | Unknown | Destination IP addresses involved in the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.groupedbyKey | String | Key by which the case was grouped. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.groupedbyValue | String | Value by which the case was grouped. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.hasAttachments | Boolean | Indicates if the case has attachments. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.ingestTimestamp | Unknown | Timestamp when the case was ingested. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.lastModifiedTimestamp | Unknown | Timestamp when the case was last modified. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.mitres | Unknown | MITRE tactics and techniques associated with the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.priority | String | Priority level of the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.products | String | Products involved in the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.queue | String | Queue to which the case is assigned. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.riskScore | Number | Risk score of the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.rules.approxLogTime | Number | Approximate log time of the rule that triggered the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.rules.ruleId | String | Unique identifier for the rule. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.rules.ruleName | String | Name of the rule that triggered the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.rules.ruleReason | String | Reason for the rule triggering the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.rules.ruleSeverity | String | Severity level of the rule. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.rules.ruleSource | String | Source of the rule. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.rules.ruleType | String | Type of the rule. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.srcHosts | Unknown | Source hosts involved in the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.srcIps | Unknown | Source IP addresses involved in the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.stage | String | Current stage of the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.subscriptionCode | String | Subscription code associated with the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.tags | Unknown | Tags associated with the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.useCases | Unknown | Use cases associated with the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.users | Unknown | Users involved in the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.vendors | String | Vendors involved in the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.alertCreationTimestamp | Date | Timestamp when the alert was created. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.alertDescriptionRt | String | Description of the alert. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.creationBy | String | User who created the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.creationTimestamp | Date | Timestamp when the case was created. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.destEndpoints | Unknown | Destination endpoints involved in the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.mitres.tacticKey | String | Key of the MITRE tactic associated with the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.mitres.technique | String | MITRE technique associated with the case. |
ExabeamPlatform.Case.mitres.techniqueKey | String | Key of the MITRE technique associated with the case. |