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This Integration is part of the DomainTools Feed Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 5.5.0 and later.

Real-Time Threat Intelligence Feeds provide data on the different stages of the domain lifecycle: from first-observed in the wild, to newly re-activated after a period of quiet. Newly Active Domains surfaces apex-level domains seen for the first time or after ten or more days of inactivity. Newly Observed Domains surfaces domains that we observe for the first time.

Configure FeedDomainTools in Cortex#

API UsernameAPI Username and API KeyTrue
API KeyTrue
Session IDThe session id to serve as unique identifier. On it's initial use, it will retrieve data from the past 5 days. Defaults to 'dt-cortex-feeds'.False
AfterThe start of the query window in seconds, relative to the current time, inclusive. Defaults to -3600.False
TopLimits the number of results in the response payload. Defaults to 5000.False
Feed TypeThe DomainTools feed type fo fetch. Defaults to 'ALL'.False
Fetch indicatorsFalse
Indicator ReputationIndicators from this integration instance will be marked with this reputation.False
Source ReliabilityReliability of the source providing the intelligence data.True
Feed Fetch IntervalFalse
Bypass exclusion listWhen selected, the exclusion list is ignored for indicators from this feed. This means that if an indicator from this feed is on the exclusion list, the indicator might still be added to the system.False
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
Use system proxy settingsFalse
TagsSupports CSV values.
Traffic Light Protocol ColorThe Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) designation to apply to indicators fetched from the feedFalse


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Gets indicators from the feed.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
feed_typeThe DomainTools integration feed type to fetch. Default is nod.Optional
session_idThe session id to serve as unique indentifier. On it's initial use, it will retrieve data from the past 5 days. Default is dt-cortex-feeds.Optional
domainThe top level domain to query (e.g. *.com).Optional
afterThe start of the query window in seconds, relative to the current time, inclusive. Defaults to 3600 seconds (1h). Default is -3600.Optional
beforeThe end of the query window in seconds, relative to the current time, inclusive.Optional
topLimits the number of results in the response payload. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.