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This Integration is part of the Freshdesk Pack.#

Use the Freshdesk integration to manage and create Freshdesk tickets from Cortex XSOAR.

Use Cases

  1. Create a Freshdesk ticket from Cortex XSOAR
  2. Update a Freshdesk ticket from Cortex XSOAR
  3. Get information from a Freshdesk ticket

Configure Freshdesk on Cortex XSOAR

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services .
  2. Search for Freshdesk.
  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.
    • Name : a textual name for the integration instance.
    • Server URL )
    • API Token. (You must enter either the API token or your Freshdesk credentials)
    • Trust any certificate (not secure)
    • Use system proxy
    • First fetch timestamp (
    • Username
  4. Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook.
After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.

1. Create a ticket

Creates a new Freshdesk ticket.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
subject Subject of the ticket Required
description Details of the issue that you are creating a ticket for Required
priority Priority of the ticket. Each number has a corresponding value. 1 - Low, 2 - Medium, 3 - High, 4 - Urgent.
This argument accepts the priority number or string.
status Status of the ticket. Each number has a corresponding value. 2 - Open, 3 - Pending, 4 - Resolved, 5 - Closed, 6 - Waiting on Customer, 7 - Waiting on Third Party.
This argument accepts the ticket status number or string.
identifier Email address or a Twitter handle of the requesting user.
If an email address is entered and no contact exists with this email address in Freshdesk, it will be added as a new contact. If a Twitter handle is entered and no contact exists with this handle in Freshdesk, it will be added as a new contact.
responder ID or name of the group or agent to assign the ticket to.
Use the fd-list-groups command to find potential assignees.
attachments CSV list of entry IDs of files to attach to the ticket.
For example: “468@73f988d1-bda2-4adc-8e02-926f02190070,560@73f988d1-bda2-4adc-8e02-926f02190070”.
The total size of these attachments cannot exceed 15MB.
additional_fields Additional, optional ticket fields.
Format - “field=value” where field value pairs are delimited from subsequent pairs by a semicolon symbol ‘;’ and where values that are lists are delimited by commas ‘,’.
For example: “name=Jeffrey Collins;;tags=new,attention needed,billing related”

Context Output
Path Type Description
Freshdesk.Ticket.ID Number ID number of the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Priority Number Ticket priority
Freshdesk.Ticket.DueBy Date Timestamp that denotes when the ticket is due to be resolved
Freshdesk.Ticket.Subject String Ticket subject
Freshdesk.Ticket.Status Number Status of the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.RequesterID Number User ID of the requester
Freshdesk.Ticket.Tag Unknown Tags associated with the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.GroupID Number ID of the group the ticket was assigned to
Freshdesk.Ticket.Source Number The channel through which the ticket was created
Freshdesk.Ticket.CreatedAt Date Ticket creation timestamp
Freshdesk.Ticket.ResponderID Number ID of the agent the ticket was assigned to
Freshdesk.Ticket.FrDueBy Date Timestamp that denotes when the first response is due
Freshdesk.Ticket.AdditionalFields Unknown Additional fields and values that were entered using the ‘additional_fields’ arguments
Freshdesk.Ticket.Attachment.AttachmentURL String URL to download the file attached to the ticket to your local machine
Freshdesk.Ticket.Attachment.Name Unknown The name of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Attachment.ContentType String Content type of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Attachment.ID Unknown ID number for the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Attachment.Size String Size of the file attached to the ticket

Command Example
!fd-create-ticket subject="Demonstrate Ticket Creation" description="<em>Here</em> we are demonstrating the freshdesk integration ticket creation command" identifier="" priority="High" additional_fields="name=Jeffrey Collins;;tags=new,attention needed,billing related"
Context Example
    "Freshdesk.Ticket": {
        "Status": 2, 
        "DueBy": "2019-02-07T09:00:00Z", 
        "FrDueBy": "2019-02-06T10:00:00Z", 
        "Priority": 3, 
        "Source": 2, 
        "Tag": [
            "attention needed", 
            "billing related", 
        "RequesterID": 2043024010476, 
        "UpdatedAt": "2019-02-05T15:55:35Z", 
        "AdditionalFields": {
            "DescriptionHTML": "<em>Here</em> we are demonstrating the freshdesk integration ticket creation command", 
            "DescriptionText": "Here we are demonstrating the freshdesk integration ticket creation command", 
            "Email": "", 
            "Name": "Jeffrey Collins"
        "ID": 108, 
        "CreatedAt": "2019-02-05T15:55:35Z", 
        "Subject": "Demonstrate Ticket Creation"
Human Readable Output

Newly Created Ticket #108

Status DueBy FrDueBy Priority Source Tag RequesterID UpdatedAt AdditionalFields ID CreatedAt Subject
2 2019-02-07T09:00:00Z 2019-02-06T10:00:00Z 3 2 attention needed,
billing related,
2043024010476 2019-02-05T15:55:35Z DescriptionHTML: Here we are demonstrating the freshdesk integration ticket creation command
DescriptionText: Here we are demonstrating the freshdesk integration ticket creation command
Name: Jeffrey Collins
108 2019-02-05T15:55:35Z Demonstrate Ticket Creation

2. Get ticket details

Gets details of a ticket, specified by the ticket ID number.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
id ID number of the ticket to fetch Required
include_requester If set to true , the ticket requester’s ID, email address, mobile number, name, and phone number will be included in the ticket’s output. Note that this is not set by default because setting this to ‘true’ will consume an additional API credit per API call.
For more information, see the Freshdesk API documentation .
include_stats If set to true then the ticket’s closed_at, resolved_at and first_responded_at time will be included in the response. Note that this is not set by default because setting this to ‘true’ will consume an additional API credit per API call.
For more information, see the Freshdesk API documentation .

Context Output
Path Type Description
Freshdesk.Ticket.ID Number ID number of the fetched ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Priority Number Ticket priority
Freshdesk.Ticket.DueBy Date Timestamp that denotes when the ticket is due to be resolved
Freshdesk.Ticket.Subject String Ticket subject
Freshdesk.Ticket.Status Number Ticket status
Freshdesk.Ticket.RequesterID Number User ID of the requester
Freshdesk.Ticket.Tag Unknown Tags associated with the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.GroupID Number ID of the group the ticket was assigned to
Freshdesk.Ticket.Source Number The channel through which the ticket was created
Freshdesk.Ticket.CreatedAt Date Ticket creation timestamp
Freshdesk.Ticket.ResponderID Number ID of the agent the ticket was assigned to
Freshdesk.Ticket.FrDueBy Date Timestamp that denotes when the first response is due
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation Unknown Conversations associated with this ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Attachment.AttachmentURL Unknown URL to download the file attached to the ticket to your local machine
Freshdesk.Ticket.Attachment.Name Unknown The name of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Attachment.ContentType String Content type of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Attachment.ID Unknown ID number of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Attachment.Size String Size of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.UpdatedAt Date Ticket update timestamp

Command Example
!fd-get-ticket id=108 include_requester=true include_stats=true
Context Example
    "Freshdesk.Ticket": {
        "Status": 2, 
        "DueBy": "2019-02-07T09:00:00Z", 
        "FrDueBy": "2019-02-06T10:00:00Z", 
        "Priority": 3, 
        "Source": 2, 
        "Tag": [
            "attention needed", 
            "billing related", 
        "RequesterID": 2043024010476, 
        "UpdatedAt": "2019-02-05T15:55:35Z", 
        "AdditionalFields": {
            "Stats": {
                "StatusUpdatedAt": "2019-02-05T15:55:35Z"
            "IsEscalated": false, 
            "Deleted": false, 
            "Spam": false, 
            "FrEscalated": false, 
            "Requestor": {
                "Name": "Jeffrey Collins", 
                "Email": "", 
                "Id": 2043024010476
            "DescriptionHTML": "<em>Here</em> we are demonstrating the freshdesk integration ticket creation command", 
            "DescriptionText": "Here we are demonstrating the freshdesk integration ticket creation command"
        "ID": 108, 
        "CreatedAt": "2019-02-05T15:55:35Z", 
        "Subject": "Demonstrate Ticket Creation"
Human Readable Output

Viewing Ticket #108

Status DueBy FrDueBy Priority Source Tag RequesterID UpdatedAt AdditionalFields ID CreatedAt Subject
2 2019-02-07T09:00:00Z 2019-02-06T10:00:00Z 3 2 attention needed,
billing related,
2043024010476 2019-02-05T15:55:35Z DescriptionHTML: Here we are demonstrating the freshdesk integration ticket creation command
IsEscalated: false
DescriptionText: Here we are demonstrating the freshdesk integration ticket creation command
Spam: false
FrEscalated: false
108 2019-02-05T15:55:35Z Demonstrate Ticket Creation

3. Update a ticket

Updates a ticket specified by the ID.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
subject Subject of the ticket Optional
status Status of the ticket. Each number has a corresponding value.
2 is Open, 3 is Pending, 4 is Resolved, 5 is Closed, 6 is Waiting on Customer, 7 is Waiting on Third Party.
Acceptable values for this command argument are the digits 2,3,4,5,6,7, or their corresponding strings ‘Open’,‘Pending’,‘Resolved’,‘Closed’,‘Waiting on Customer’,‘Waiting on Third Party’.
priority Priority of the ticket. Each number has a corresponding value.
1 is Low, 2 is Medium, 3 is High, 4 is Urgent.
Acceptable values for this command argument are the digits 1,2,3,4, or their corresponding strings ‘Low’,‘Medium’,‘High’,‘Urgent’.
description HTML content of the ticket. Optional
id ID number of the ticket to update Required
assigned_agent Update which agent is assigned to respond to this ticket by entering either their unique agent ID, name, or email. Optional
assigned_group Update the group assigned to respond to this ticket by entering the group’s unique ID or the name of the group. Optional
additional_fields Fields not included in the default command arguments that you wish to enter the value for.
Format - “field=value” where field value pairs are delimited from subsequent pairs by a semicolon symbol ‘;’ and where values that are lists are delimited by commas ‘,’.
For example: “name=Jeffrey Collins;;tags=new,attention needed,billing related”

Context Output
Path Type Description
Freshdesk.Ticket.ID Number ID of the updated ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Priority Number Ticket priority
Freshdesk.Ticket.DueBy Date Timestamp that denotes when the ticket is due to be resolved
Freshdesk.Ticket.Subject String Ticket subject
Freshdesk.Ticket.Status Number Ticket status
Freshdesk.Ticket.RequesterID Number User ID of the requester
Freshdesk.Ticket.Tag Unknown Tags associated with the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.GroupID Number ID of the group assigned to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Source Number The channel through which the ticket was created
Freshdesk.Ticket.CreatedAt Date Ticket creation timestamp
Freshdesk.Ticket.ResponderId Number ID of the agent the ticket was assigned to
Freshdesk.Ticket.FrDueBy Date Timestamp that denotes when the first response is due
Freshdesk.Ticket.UpdatedAt Date Ticket update timestamp
Freshdesk.Ticket.AdditionalFields Unknown Additional fields and values that were updated using the ‘additional_fields’ argument
Freshdesk.Ticket.Attachment.AttachmentURL Unknown URL to download the file attached to the ticket to your local machine
Freshdesk.Ticket.Attachment.Name Unknown The name of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Attachment.ContentType String Content type of the attached file
Freshdesk.Ticket.Attachment.ID Unknown ID number for the attached file
Freshdesk.Ticket.Attachment.Size String Size of the attached file in bytes

Command Example
!fd-update-ticket id=108 priority=Medium subject="Demonstrating Ticket Updating" additional_fields="tags=almost completed,yep;attachments=2@5a0be47f-748f-4d60-8f46-81feb8f0c438"
Context Example
    "Freshdesk.Ticket": {
        "Status": 2, 
        "ResponderID": 2043022085976, 
        "DueBy": "2019-02-06T15:00:00Z", 
        "FrDueBy": "2019-02-06T14:00:00Z", 
        "Priority": 2, 
        "Source": 2, 
        "Tag": [
            "almost completed", 
        "Attachment": [
                "Name": "", 
                "Size": 76, 
                "ContentType": "application/octet-stream", 
                "ID": 2043010708407, 
                "AttachmentURL": ""
        "RequesterID": 2043024010476, 
        "UpdatedAt": "2019-02-05T15:55:37Z", 
        "AdditionalFields": {
            "DescriptionHTML": "<em>Here</em> we are demonstrating the freshdesk integration ticket creation command", 
            "DescriptionText": "Here we are demonstrating the freshdesk integration ticket creation command"
        "ID": 108, 
        "CreatedAt": "2019-02-05T15:55:35Z", 
        "Subject": "Demonstrating Ticket Updating"
Human Readable Output

Ticket #108 Updated

Status ResponderID DueBy FrDueBy Priority Source Tag Attachment RequesterID UpdatedAt AdditionalFields ID CreatedAt Subject
2 2043022085976 2019-02-06T15:00:00Z 2019-02-06T14:00:00Z 2 2 almost completed,
ID: 2043010708407, Size: 76, ContentType: application/octet-stream, Name:, AttachmentURL: 2043024010476 2019-02-05T15:55:37Z DescriptionHTML: Here we are demonstrating the freshdesk integration ticket creation command
DescriptionText: Here we are demonstrating the freshdesk integration ticket creation command
108 2019-02-05T15:55:35Z Demonstrating Ticket Updating

4. Get a list of all contacts

Returns a list of all contacts matching the specified filters. If no filters are provided then all unblocked and undeleted contacts will be returned.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
mobile mobile number to filter the contacts by Optional
phone phone number to filter contacts by Optional
state The state of contacts by which you want to filter the contacts Optional
updated_since Return contacts that have been updated after the timestamp given as this argument value. Acceptable format is ‘YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ’
For example: ‘2018-01-19T02:00:00Z’.

Context Output
Path Type Description
Freshdesk.Contact.Active Boolean Set to true if the contact has been verified
Freshdesk.Contact.Address String Address of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.CompanyID Number ID of the primary company to which this contact belongs
Freshdesk.Contact.ViewAllTickets Boolean Set to true if the contact can see all tickets that are associated with the company to which s/he belong
Freshdesk.Contact.Deleted Boolean Set to true if the contact has been deleted
Freshdesk.Contact.Description String A short description of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.Email String Primary email address of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.ID Number ID of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.JobTitle String Job Title of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.Language String Language of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.Mobile Number Mobile number of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.Name String Name of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.Phone Number Telephone number of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.Tag Unknown Tags associated with this contact
Freshdesk.Contact.TimeZone String Time zone in which the contact resides
Freshdesk.Contact.TwitterID String Twitter handle of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.UniqueExternalID String External ID of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.CreatedAt Date Contact creation stamp
Freshdesk.Contact.UpdatedAt Date Contact updated timestamp

Command Example
!fd-list-contacts updated_since=2018-01-19T02:00:00Z
Context Example
    "Freshdesk.Contact": [
            "Name": "Bob Tree", 
            "Language": "en", 
            "CompanyID": 44000302032, 
            "Mobile": "+972501231231", 
            "JobTitle": "Security Researcher", 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:51:11Z", 
            "UniqueExternalID": "12345", 
            "Email": "", 
            "Phone": "+972501231231", 
            "Address": "Rothchild 45", 
            "TimeZone": "Athens", 
            "ID": 2043022085984, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:33Z"
            "Name": "Clarice Boone", 
            "Language": "en", 
            "ID": 2043022085990, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:34Z", 
            "TimeZone": "Athens", 
            "Email": "", 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:34Z"
            "Name": "Emily Dean", 
            "Language": "en", 
            "ID": 2043022085989, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:34Z", 
            "TimeZone": "Athens", 
            "Email": "", 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:34Z"
            "Name": "Finch Hoot", 
            "Language": "en", 
            "ID": 2043022085991, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:34Z", 
            "TimeZone": "Athens", 
            "Email": "", 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:34Z"
            "Name": "James Dean", 
            "Language": "en", 
            "ID": 2043022085977, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:32Z", 
            "TimeZone": "Athens", 
            "Email": "", 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:32Z"
            "Name": "Jeffrey Collins", 
            "Language": "en", 
            "ID": 2043024010476, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-02-05T10:30:16Z", 
            "TimeZone": "Athens", 
            "Email": "", 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-02-05T10:30:16Z"
            "Name": "Joe Mathew", 
            "Language": "en", 
            "ID": 2043022085982, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:33Z", 
            "TimeZone": "Athens", 
            "Email": "", 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:33Z"
            "Name": "Johnny Appleseed", 
            "Language": "en", 
            "ID": 2043022085986, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:33Z", 
            "TimeZone": "Athens", 
            "Email": "", 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:33Z"
            "Name": "Lewis Clarke", 
            "Language": "en", 
            "ID": 2043022085987, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:33Z", 
            "TimeZone": "Athens", 
            "Email": "", 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:33Z"
            "Name": "Maria Von Trapp", 
            "Language": "en", 
            "ID": 2043022085988, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:33Z", 
            "TimeZone": "Athens", 
            "Email": "", 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:33Z"
            "Name": "Mark Colbert", 
            "Language": "en", 
            "ID": 2043022085992, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:34Z", 
            "TimeZone": "Athens", 
            "Email": "", 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:34Z"
            "Name": "Matt Rogers", 
            "Language": "en", 
            "ID": 2043022085980, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:32Z", 
            "TimeZone": "Athens", 
            "Email": "", 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:32Z"
            "Name": "Pedro Martinez", 
            "ID": 2043023084321, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-28T14:16:49Z", 
            "TimeZone": "Athens", 
            "Email": "", 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-28T14:16:49Z"
            "Name": "Phileas Fogg", 
            "Language": "en", 
            "ID": 2043022085985, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:33Z", 
            "TimeZone": "Athens", 
            "Email": "", 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:33Z"
            "Name": "Rachel Doe", 
            "Language": "en", 
            "ID": 2043022085978, 
            "Phone": "1 866 832 3090", 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:32Z", 
            "TimeZone": "Athens", 
            "Email": "", 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:32Z"
            "Name": "Sam Kart", 
            "Language": "en", 
            "ID": 2043022085983, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:33Z", 
            "TimeZone": "Athens", 
            "Email": "", 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:33Z"
            "Name": "Sam Osborne", 
            "Language": "en", 
            "ID": 2043022085995, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:47Z", 
            "TimeZone": "Athens", 
            "Email": "", 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:47Z"
Human Readable Output

Contacts Filtered by _updated_since: 2018-01-19T02:00:00Z

Name Language TwitterID UpdatedAt TimeZone ID CreatedAt
Bob Tree en 2019-01-20T09:51:11Z Athens 2043022085984 2019-01-20T09:06:33Z
Clarice Boone en 2019-01-20T09:06:34Z Athens 2043022085990 2019-01-20T09:06:34Z
Emily Dean en 2019-01-20T09:06:34Z Athens 2043022085989 2019-01-20T09:06:34Z
Finch Hoot en 2019-01-20T09:06:34Z Athens 2043022085991 2019-01-20T09:06:34Z
James Dean en 2019-01-20T09:06:32Z Athens 2043022085977 2019-01-20T09:06:32Z
Jeffrey Collins en 2019-02-05T10:30:16Z Athens 2043024010476 2019-02-05T10:30:16Z
Joe Mathew en 2019-01-20T09:06:33Z Athens 2043022085982 2019-01-20T09:06:33Z
Johnny Appleseed en 2019-01-20T09:06:33Z Athens 2043022085986 2019-01-20T09:06:33Z
Lewis Clarke en 2019-01-20T09:06:33Z Athens 2043022085987 2019-01-20T09:06:33Z
Maria Von Trapp en 2019-01-20T09:06:33Z Athens 2043022085988 2019-01-20T09:06:33Z
Mark Colbert en 2019-01-20T09:06:34Z Athens 2043022085992 2019-01-20T09:06:34Z
Matt Rogers en 2019-01-20T09:06:32Z Athens 2043022085980 2019-01-20T09:06:32Z
Pedro Martinez 2019-01-28T14:16:49Z Athens 2043023084321 2019-01-28T14:16:49Z
Phileas Fogg en 2019-01-20T09:06:33Z Athens 2043022085985 2019-01-20T09:06:33Z
Rachel Doe en 2019-01-20T09:06:32Z Athens 2043022085978 2019-01-20T09:06:32Z
Sam Kart en 2019-01-20T09:06:33Z Athens 2043022085983 2019-01-20T09:06:33Z
Sam Osborne en 2019-01-20T09:06:47Z Athens 2043022085995 2019-01-20T09:06:47Z

5. Get contact details

View a contact’s details specified by the ID number.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
id ID of the contact you wish to view the details of. To find ID numbers for your contacts try executing the fd-list-contacts command. Optional
mobile Mobile number of the contact you wish to view the details of Optional
email Email address of the contact you wish to view the details of Optional

Context Output
Path Type Description
Freshdesk.Contact.Active Boolean Set to true if the contact has been verified
Freshdesk.Contact.Address String Address of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.CompanyID Number ID of the primary company to which this contact belongs
Freshdesk.Contact.ViewAllTickets Boolean Set to true if the contact can see all tickets that are associated with the company to which s/he belong
Freshdesk.Contact.Deleted Boolean Set to true if the contact has been deleted
Freshdesk.Contact.Description String A short description of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.Email String Primary email address of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.Id Number ID of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.JobTitle String Job Title of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.Language String Language of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.Mobile Number Mobile number of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.Name String Name of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.Phone Number Telephone number of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.Tag Unknown Tags associated with this contact
Freshdesk.Contact.TimeZone String Time zone in which the contact resides
Freshdesk.Contact.TwitterID String Twitter handle of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.UniqueExternalID String External ID of the contact
Freshdesk.Contact.CreatedAt Date Contact creation timestamp
Freshdesk.Contact.UpdatedAt Date Contact updated timestamp

Command Example
!fd-get-contact id=2043022085984
Context Example
    "Freshdesk.Contact": {
        "Name": "Bob Tree", 
        "Language": "en", 
        "CompanyID": 44000302032, 
        "Mobile": "+972501231231", 
        "JobTitle": "Security Researcher", 
        "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:51:11Z", 
        "UniqueExternalID": "12345", 
        "Email": "", 
        "Phone": "+972501231231", 
        "Tag": [
        "Address": "Rothchild 45", 
        "TimeZone": "Athens", 
        "ID": 2043022085984, 
        "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:33Z"
Human Readable Output

Viewing Contact #2043022085984

Address Language CompanyID Mobile JobTitle UniqueExternalID ID Phone Tag UpdatedAt TimeZone Email CreatedAt Name
Rothchild 45 en 44000302032 +972501231231 Security Researcher 12345 2043022085984 +972501231231 security 2019-01-20T09:51:11Z Athens 2019-01-20T09:06:33Z Bob Tree

6. Get a list of all canned response folders

Returns a list of all canned response folders (only users with Admin privileges).

Base Command



There is no input for this command.

Context Output
Path Type Description
Freshdesk.CRFolder.ID Number Unique ID of the canned response folder
Freshdesk.CRFolder.Name String Name of the canned response folder
Freshdesk.CRFolder.Personal Boolean Set true if the folder can only be accessed by you
Freshdesk.CRFolder.ResponsesCount Number Number of canned responses in the folder
Freshdesk.CRFolder.CreatedAt Date Canned Response Folder’s creation timestamp
Freshdesk.CRFolder.UpdatedAt Date Canned Response Folder’s updated timestamp

Command Example
Context Example
    "Freshdesk.CRFolder": [
            "Personal": true, 
            "ResponsesCount": 1, 
            "ID": 2043000174274, 
            "Name": "Personal"
Human Readable Output

All Canned Response Folders

Personal Name ID ResponsesCount
true Personal 2043000174274 1

7. Get a list of details for all canned responses in a folder

Returns a list of details for all canned responses in a folder.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
id ID of the Folder containing the Canned Responses you wish to view the details of. To find ID numbers for your Canned Response folders try executing the fd-list-canned-response-folders command. Required

Context Output
Path Type Description
Freshdesk.CRFolder.CR.ID Number Unique ID of the canned response
Freshdesk.CRFolder.CR.Title String Title of the canned response
Freshdesk.CRFolder.CR.FolderID Number ID of the containing folder
Freshdesk.CRFolder.CR.Content String Plaintext version of the canned response content
Freshdesk.CRFolder.CR.ContentHTML String HTML version of the canned response content
Freshdesk.CRFolder.CR.Attachment.AttachmentURL String URL to download the file attached to the ticket to your local machine
Freshdesk.CRFolder.CR.Attachment.Name String The name of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.CRFolder.CR.Attachment.ContentType String Content type of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.CRFolder.CR.Attachment.ID Number ID number for the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.CRFolder.CR.Attachment.Size Number Size of the file attached to the file

Command Example
!fd-get-canned-response-folder id=2043000174274
Context Example
    "Freshdesk.CRFolder": [
            "Content": "Thank you for reaching out to us. Our team will look into your request and get back to you shortly. \n       \n       \n      You can check the status of your request and add comments here:\n       \n      {{ticket.url}}\n       \n       \n      Regards, \n      {{}}", 
            "FolderID": 2043000174274, 
            "ContentHTML": "<div dir=\"ltr\">\n      Thank you for reaching out to us. Our team will look into your request and get back to you shortly. \n      <br>\n      <br>\n      You can check the status of your request and add comments here:\n      <br>\n      {{ticket.url}}\n      <br>\n      <br>\n      Regards,<br>\n      {{}}\n    </div>\n  ", 
            "ID": 2043000056698, 
            "Title": "We\u2019ve received your request"
Human Readable Output

Details of Canned Responses in CR Folder #2043000174274

Content FolderID ContentHTML ID Title
Thank you for reaching out to us. Our team will look into your request and get back to you shortly.

You can check the status of your request and add comments here:



Thank you for reaching out to us. Our team will look into your request and get back to you shortly.

You can check the status of your request and add comments here:



2043000056698 We’ve received your request

8. Get a list of all groups

Returns a list of all groups.

Base Command



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output
Path Type Description
Freshdesk.Group.AgentID Unknown Array of agent user IDs separated by commas
Freshdesk.Group.AutoTicketAssign Boolean Set to true when automatic ticket assignment was enabled. Automatic ticket assignment is only available on certain plans
Freshdesk.Group.BusinessHourID Number Unique ID of the business hour associated with the group
Freshdesk.Group.Description String Description of the group
Freshdesk.Group.EscalateTo Number The ID of the user that an escalation email is sent to if a ticket is unassigned
Freshdesk.Group.ID Number Unique ID of the group
Freshdesk.Group.Name String Name of the group
Freshdesk.Group.UnassignedFor String The time after which an escalation email is sent if a ticket remains unassigned
Freshdesk.Group.CreatedAt Date Group creation timestamp
Freshdesk.Group.UpdatedAt Date Grup updated timestamp
Freshdesk.Group.GroupType String Group Type of the group

Command Example
Context Example
    "Freshdesk.Group": [
            "GroupType": "support_agent_group", 
            "Name": "Account managers", 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:49Z", 
            "ID": 2043000867330, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:49Z", 
            "Description": "Account managers"
            "GroupType": "support_agent_group", 
            "Name": "Billing", 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:31Z", 
            "ID": 2043000867325, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:31Z", 
            "Description": "Members of the Billing team belong to this group"
            "GroupType": "support_agent_group", 
            "Name": "Customer Support", 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:47Z", 
            "ID": 2043000867327, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:47Z", 
            "Description": "Customer Support"
            "GroupType": "support_agent_group", 
            "Name": "Development", 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:49Z", 
            "ID": 2043000867329, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:49Z", 
            "Description": "Development"
            "GroupType": "support_agent_group", 
            "Name": "Escalations", 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:31Z", 
            "ID": 2043000867326, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:31Z", 
            "Description": "Team to handle Customer escalations"
            "GroupType": "support_agent_group", 
            "Name": "Login and security", 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:47Z", 
            "ID": 2043000867328, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:47Z", 
            "Description": "Login and security"
            "GroupType": "support_agent_group", 
            "Name": "Product Management", 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:31Z", 
            "ID": 2043000867322, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:31Z", 
            "Description": "Product Management group"
            "GroupType": "support_agent_group", 
            "Name": "QA", 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:31Z", 
            "ID": 2043000867323, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:31Z", 
            "Description": "Members of the QA team belong to this group"
            "GroupType": "support_agent_group", 
            "Name": "Sales", 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:31Z", 
            "ID": 2043000867324, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:31Z", 
            "Description": "People in the Sales team are members of this group"
Human Readable Output

All Groups

GroupType Description UpdatedAt ID CreatedAt Name
support_agent_group Account managers 2019-01-20T09:06:49Z 2043000867330 2019-01-20T09:06:49Z Account managers
support_agent_group Members of the Billing team belong to this group 2019-01-20T09:06:31Z 2043000867325 2019-01-20T09:06:31Z Billing
support_agent_group Customer Support 2019-01-20T09:06:47Z 2043000867327 2019-01-20T09:06:47Z Customer Support
support_agent_group Development 2019-01-20T09:06:49Z 2043000867329 2019-01-20T09:06:49Z Development
support_agent_group Team to handle Customer escalations 2019-01-20T09:06:31Z 2043000867326 2019-01-20T09:06:31Z Escalations
support_agent_group Login and security 2019-01-20T09:06:47Z 2043000867328 2019-01-20T09:06:47Z Login and security
support_agent_group Product Management group 2019-01-20T09:06:31Z 2043000867322 2019-01-20T09:06:31Z Product Management
support_agent_group Members of the QA team belong to this group 2019-01-20T09:06:31Z 2043000867323 2019-01-20T09:06:31Z QA
support_agent_group People in the Sales team are members of this group 2019-01-20T09:06:31Z 2043000867324 2019-01-20T09:06:31Z Sales

9. Add a reply to a ticket

Adds a reply to a specified ticket.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
ticket_id ID of the ticket to add a reply to Required
body Content of the reply (in HTML format) Required
from_email The email address from which the reply is sent. By default, the global support email is used. Optional
user_id ID of the agent who is adding the reply to the ticket Optional
cc_emails CSV list of email addresses to add to the ‘cc’ field of the outgoing ticket email, e.g., "," Optional
bcc_emails CSV list of email addresses to add to the ‘bcc’ field of the outgoing ticket email, e.g., "," Optional
attachments CSV list of Entry IDs of files to attach to the reply, e.g., “468@73f988d1-bda2-4adc-8e02-926f02190070,560@73f988d1-bda2-4adc-8e02-926f02190070”. The total size of these attachments cannot exceed 15MB. Optional

Context Output
Path Type Description
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.BodyHTML String Content of the conversation (in HTML format)
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.BodyText String Content of the conversation (in plain text format)
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.ID Number ID of the conversation
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Incoming Boolean Set to true when a particular conversation should appear as being created outside of the web portal
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.ToEmail Unknown Array of email addresses of agents/users who need to be notified about this conversation
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Private Boolean Set to true if the note is private
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Source Number Denotes the type of conversation
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.SupportEmail String Email address from which the reply is sent. For notes
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.TicketID Number ID of the ticket that the conversation was added to
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.UserID Number ID of the agent/user who added the conversation
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.CreatedAt Date Conversation creation timestamp
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.UpdatedAt Date Conversation updated timestamp
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.FromEmail String The email address that the reply was sent from. By default
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Attachment.AttachmentURL String URL of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Attachment.Name String The name of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Attachment.ContentType String Content type of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Attachment.ID Number ID number of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Attachment.Size Number Size of the file attached to the ticket

Command Example
!fd-ticket-reply ticket_id=108 body="Demonstrating the Ticket Reply Command" attachments=2@5a0be47f-748f-4d60-8f46-81feb8f0c438,,
Context Example
    "Freshdesk.Ticket": {
        "Conversation": {
            "BodyText": "Demonstrating the Ticket Reply Command", 
            "UserID": 2043022085976, 
            "Attachment": [
                    "Name": "", 
                    "Size": 76, 
                    "ContentType": "application/octet-stream", 
                    "ID": 2043010708409, 
                    "AttachmentURL": ""
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-02-05T15:55:42Z", 
            "AdditionalFields": {
                "CCEmail": [
                "BodyHTML": "<div>Demonstrating the Ticket Reply Command</div>", 
                "ToEmail": [
                "TicketID": 108, 
                "FromEmail": "Demisto <>"
            "ID": 44007154227, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-02-05T15:55:42Z"
        "ID": 108
Human Readable Output

Reply to Ticket #108

BodyText UserID Attachment UpdatedAt AdditionalFields ID CreatedAt
Demonstrating the Ticket Reply Command 2043022085976 ID: 2043010708409, Size: 76, ContentType: application/octet-stream, Name:, AttachmentURL: 2019-02-05T15:55:42Z CCEmail: , ,
TicketID: 108
Demonstrating the Ticket Reply Command

FromEmail: Demisto
44007154227 2019-02-05T15:55:42Z

10. Get a list of all replies and notes for a ticket

Returns a list of all replies and notes for a specified ticket.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
ticket_id ID of the ticket that you want to list all conversations for Required

Context Output
Path Type Description
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.BodyHTML String Content of the conversation (in HTML format)
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.BodyText String Content of the conversation (in plain text format)
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.ID Number ID of the conversation
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Incoming Boolean Set to true when a particular conversation should appear as being created outside of the web portal
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.ToEmail Unknown Array of email addresses of agents/users who need to be notified about this conversation
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Private Boolean Set to true if the note is private
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Source Number Denotes the type of conversation
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.SupportEmail String Email address from which the reply is sent. For notes
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.TicketID Number ID of the ticket that the conversation was added to
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.UserID Number ID of the agent/user who added the conversation
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.CreatedAt Date Conversation creation timestamp
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.UpdatedAt Date Conversation updated timestamp
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.FromEmail String The email address that the reply was sent from. By default
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Attachment.AttachmentURL String URL of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Attachment.Name String The name of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Attachment.ContentType String Content type of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Attachment.ID Number ID number of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Attachment.Size Number Size of the file attached to the ticket

Command Example
!fd-get-ticket-conversations ticket_id=108
Context Example
    "Freshdesk.Ticket": {
        "Conversation": [
                "Category": 3, 
                "BodyText": "Demonstrating the Ticket Reply Command", 
                "UserID": 2043022085976, 
                "Attachment": [
                        "Name": "", 
                        "Size": 76, 
                        "ContentType": "application/octet-stream", 
                        "ID": 2043010708409, 
                        "AttachmentURL": ""
                "UpdatedAt": "2019-02-05T15:55:42Z", 
                "AdditionalFields": {
                    "TicketID": 108, 
                    "CCEmail": [
                    "BodyHTML": "<div>Demonstrating the Ticket Reply Command</div>", 
                    "ToEmail": [
                    "FromEmail": "Demisto <>", 
                    "SupportEmail": ""
                "ID": 44007154227, 
                "CreatedAt": "2019-02-05T15:55:42Z"
        "ID": 108
Human Readable Output

Conversations of Ticket #108

Category BodyText UserID Attachment UpdatedAt AdditionalFields ID CreatedAt
3 Demonstrating the Ticket Reply Command 2043022085976 ID: 2043010708409, Size: 76, ContentType: application/octet-stream, Name:, AttachmentURL: 2019-02-05T15:55:42Z FromEmail: Demisto
Demonstrating the Ticket Reply Command

CCEmail: , ,
TicketID: 108
44007154227 2019-02-05T15:55:42Z

11. Get a list of all agents

Returns a list of agents that match the filter criteria.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
mobile Mobile phone number to filter agents by. Enter the number without dashes or spaces between the numbers.
Numbers should be entered as they appear in your Freshdesk web portal. If the number appears in your web portal with a plus sign and country code, then that is how you should enter here, e.g., ‘+972501231231’.
phone Telephone number to filter agents by. Enter the number without dashes or spaces between the numbers.
Numbers should be entered as they appear in your Freshdesk web portal. If the number appears in your web portal with a plus sign and country code, then that is how you should enter it here, e.g., ‘+972501231231’.
state List all agents who are either ‘fulltime’ or ‘occasional’ Optional

Context Output
Path Type Description
Freshdesk.Agent.Available Boolean Set to true when the agent is in a group that has enabled “Automatic Ticket Assignment” and is accepting new tickets
Freshdesk.Agent.AvailableSince Date Timestamp that denotes when the agent became available/unavailable (depending on the value of the ‘available’ attribute)
Freshdesk.Agent.ID Number User ID of the agent
Freshdesk.Agent.Occasional Boolean Set to true when the agent is an occasional agent (true => occasional
Freshdesk.Agent.Signature String Signature of the agent (in HTML format)
Freshdesk.Agent.TicketScope Number Ticket permission of the agent
(1 - Global Access, 2 - Group Access, 3 - Restricted Access)
Freshdesk.Agent.GroupID Unknown Group IDs associated with the agent
Freshdesk.Agent.RoleID Unknown Role IDs associated with the agent
Freshdesk.Agent.CreatedAt Date Agent creation timestamp
Freshdesk.Agent.UpdatedAt Date Agent updated timestamp
Freshdesk.Agent.Contact.Active Boolean Set to true when the agent is verified
Freshdesk.Agent.Contact.Email String Email Address of the agent
Freshdesk.Agent.Contact.JobTitle String Job title of the agent
Freshdesk.Agent.Contact.Language String Language of the agent. Default language is “en”
Freshdesk.Agent.Contact.LastLoginAt Date Timestamp of the agent’s last successful login
Freshdesk.Agent.Contact.Mobile Number Mobile number of the agent
Freshdesk.Agent.Contact.Name String Name of the agent
Freshdesk.Agent.Contact.Phone Number Telephone number of the agent
Freshdesk.Agent.Contact.TimeZone String Time zone of the agent
Freshdesk.Agent.Contact.CreatedAt Date Contact creation timestamp
Freshdesk.Agent.Contact.UpdatedAt Date Contact updated timestamp
Freshdesk.Agent.Type String Type of agent

Command Example
!fd-list-agents state=fulltime
Context Example
    "Freshdesk.Agent": [
            "TicketScope": 1, 
            "Contact": {
                "Name": "Jeffrey Collins", 
                "Language": "en", 
                "LastLoginAt": "2019-01-23T09:05:34Z", 
                "Phone": "506912312", 
                "UpdatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:14:26Z", 
                "Active": true, 
                "TimeZone": "Athens", 
                "Email": "", 
                "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:31Z"
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-02-04T17:12:33Z", 
            "Type": "support_agent", 
            "ID": 2043022085976, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-20T09:06:31Z"
Human Readable Output

All Agents

TicketScope Contact UpdatedAt Type ID CreatedAt
1 Name: Jeffrey Collins
Language: en
LastLoginAt: 2019-01-23T09:05:34Z
Phone: 506912312
UpdatedAt: 2019-01-20T09:14:26Z
Active: true
TimeZone: Athens
CreatedAt: 2019-01-20T09:06:31Z
2019-02-04T17:12:33Z support_agent 2043022085976 2019-01-20T09:06:31Z

12. Create a note for a ticket

Creates a note for a specified ticket. By default, notes are private. To make a note public, set the ‘private’ argument to false.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
ticket_id ID of the ticket to make a note for Required
body Content of the note (in HTML format) Required
private Set to false if the note is public Optional
user_id ID of the agent who is adding the note.
To find agent ID numbers, run the ‘fd-list-agents’ command.
notify_emails CSV list of agent email addresses to be notify about this note, e.g., ",," Optional
incoming Set to true if a particular note should appear as being created outside of the web portal Optional
attachments CSV list of entry IDs of files to attach to the note, e.g., “468@73f988d1-bda2-4adc-8e02-926f02190070,560@73f988d1-bda2-4adc-8e02-926f02190070”. The total size of these attachments cannot exceed 15MB. Optional

Context Output
Path Type Description
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.BodyHTML String Content of the conversation (in HTML)
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.BodyText String Content of the conversation (in plain text)
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.ID Number ID of the conversation
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Incoming Boolean Set to true when a particular conversation should appear as being created outside of the web portal
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.ToEmail Unknown List of agent/user email addresses of agents/users who need to be notified about this conversation
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Private Boolean Is the conversation private
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Source Number Conversation type
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.SupportEmail String Email address the reply is sent from. For notes
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.TicketID Number ID of the ticket the conversation was added to
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.UserID Number ID of the agent/user who added the conversation
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.CreatedAt Date Conversation creation timestamp
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.UpdatedAt Date Conversation updated timestamp
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.FromEmail String The email address that the reply/note was sent from. By default
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Attachment.AttachmentURL String URL of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Attachment.Name String The name of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Attachment.ContentType String Content type of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Attachment.ID Number ID number of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation.Attachment.Size Number ize of the file attached to the ticket

Command Example
!fd-create-ticket-note ticket_id=108 body="Demonstrating the Ticket Reply Command" attachments=2@5a0be47f-748f-4d60-8f46-81feb8f0c438 incoming=true private=false
Context Example
    "Freshdesk.Ticket": {
        "Conversation": {
            "BodyText": "Demonstrating the Ticket Reply Command", 
            "Incoming": true, 
            "UserID": 2043022085976, 
            "Attachment": [
                    "Name": "", 
                    "Size": 76, 
                    "ContentType": "application/octet-stream", 
                    "ID": 2043010708410, 
                    "AttachmentURL": ""
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-02-05T15:55:45Z", 
            "AdditionalFields": {
                "BodyHTML": "<div>Demonstrating the Ticket Reply Command</div>", 
                "TicketID": 108
            "ID": 44007154233, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-02-05T15:55:45Z"
        "ID": 108
Human Readable Output

Note for Ticket #108

BodyText Incoming UserID Attachment UpdatedAt AdditionalFields ID CreatedAt
Demonstrating the Ticket Reply Command true 2043022085976 ID: 2043010708410, Size: 76, ContentType: application/octet-stream, Name:, AttachmentURL: 2019-02-05T15:55:45Z TicketID: 108
Demonstrating the Ticket Reply Command
44007154233 2019-02-05T15:55:45Z

13. Delete a ticket

Deletes a ticket, specified by ID.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
id ID of the ticket to delete Required

Context Output

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example
!fd-delete-ticket id=108
Context Example
    "Freshdesk.Ticket": {
        "AdditionalFields": {
            "Deleted": true
        "ID": 108
Human Readable Output

Soft-Deleted Ticket #108

14. Search tickets

Returns a list of all tickets that match the filter criteria. If no filters are specified, all tickets from the last 30 days are returned.
Note that this command can consume multiple API credits. This can occur if the count of tickets resulting from your query exceeds 30. In that instance this command makes additional calls to the API to retrieve additional tickets matching your query.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
filter Predefined filters for filtering tickets. The options are:
‘new_and_my_open’ - New and my open tickets.
‘watching’ - Tickets I’m watching.
‘spam’ - Tickets that have been marked as spam.
‘deleted’ - Tickets that have been soft-deleted, aka moved to Trash.
requester Filter results by the ticket requester’s email address or ID. To find your contacts’ ID numbers or email addresses, run the fd-list-contacts command. Optional
updated_since By default, tickets created within the previous 30 days are returned. For older tickets, use this filter (“2015-01-19T02:00:00Z”) Optional
order_by Field for ordering the list of tickets. The default sort order uses the ‘created_at’ field. Optional
order_type Return list results in ascending or descending order according to the order_by value, default is descending Optional
include_stats If set to ‘true’ then ticket’s closed_at, resolved_at and first_responded_at time will be included. Note that this is not set by default because setting this to ‘true’ will consume an additional 2 API credits per API call. To see more details, see the Freshdesk API documentation . Optional
include_requester If set to ‘true’ then the ticket requester’s ID, email address, mobile number, name, and phone number are included in the ticket’s output for each ticket. Note that this is not set by default because setting this to ‘true’ will consume an additional 2 API credits per API call. To see more details, see the Freshdesk API documentation . Optional
include_description If set to ‘true’ then the ticket’s description and description_text are included the tickets’ outputs. Note that this is not set by default because setting this to ‘true’ will consume an additional 2 API credits per API call. To see more details, see the Freshdesk API documentation . Optional
custom_query Filter tickets using a custom query.

Format - "(ticket_field:integer OR ticket_field:‘string’) AND ticket_field:boolean"
Example - "(type:‘Question’ OR type:‘Problem’) AND (due_by:>‘2017-10-01’ AND due_by:<‘2017-10-07’)"
For more examples, see the Freshdesk API documentation .

Note that the custom_query argument cannot be used in conjunction with this command’s other arguments.

Context Output
Path Type Description
Freshdesk.Ticket.ID Number ID number of the fetched ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Priority Number Ticket priority
Freshdesk.Ticket.DueBy Date Timestamp that denotes when the ticket is due to be resolved
Freshdesk.Ticket.Subject String Ticket subject
Freshdesk.Ticket.Status Number Ticket status
Freshdesk.Ticket.RequesterID Number User ID of the requester
Freshdesk.Ticket.Tag Unknown Tags associated with the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.GroupID Number ID of the group the ticket was assigned to
Freshdesk.Ticket.Source Number The channel through which the ticket was created
Freshdesk.Ticket.CreatedAt Date Ticket creation timestamp
Freshdesk.Ticket.ResponderID Number ID of the agent the ticket was assigned to
Freshdesk.Ticket.FrDueBy Date Timestamp that denotes when the first response is due
Freshdesk.Ticket.Conversation Unknown Conversations associated with this ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Attachment.AttachmentURL Unknown URL to download the file attached to the ticket to your local machine
Freshdesk.Ticket.Attachment.Name Unknown The name of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Attachment.ContentType String Content type of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Attachment.ID Unknown ID number of the file attached to the ticket
Freshdesk.Ticket.Attachment.Size String Size of the file attached to the ticket

Command Example
!fd-search-tickets updated_since=2019-02-05T08:30:00Z
Context Example
    "Freshdesk.Ticket": [
            "Status": 2, 
            "ResponderID": null, 
            "DueBy": "2019-02-06T13:30:16Z", 
            "FrDueBy": "2019-02-05T14:30:16Z", 
            "GroupID": null, 
            "Priority": 3, 
            "Source": 2, 
            "Tag": [
                "attention needed", 
                "billing related"
            "RequesterID": 2043024010476, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-02-05T14:32:44Z", 
            "AdditionalFields": {}, 
            "ID": 105, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-02-05T10:30:16Z", 
            "Subject": "Demonstrate Ticket Creation"
            "Status": 2, 
            "ResponderID": 2043022085976, 
            "DueBy": "2019-02-05T11:05:48Z", 
            "FrDueBy": "2019-02-05T08:05:50Z", 
            "GroupID": 2043000867326, 
            "Priority": 4, 
            "Source": 2, 
            "Tag": [], 
            "RequesterID": 2043023521956, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-02-05T13:07:54Z", 
            "AdditionalFields": {}, 
            "ID": 97, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-02-05T07:05:48Z", 
            "Subject": "Testing Ticket Update"
            "Status": 2, 
            "ResponderID": null, 
            "DueBy": "2019-02-05T10:00:00Z", 
            "FrDueBy": "2019-02-05T07:00:00Z", 
            "GroupID": 2043000867326, 
            "Priority": 4, 
            "Source": 2, 
            "Tag": [], 
            "RequesterID": 2043023521956, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-02-05T12:08:05Z", 
            "AdditionalFields": {}, 
            "ID": 96, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-02-04T21:09:31Z", 
            "Subject": "Testing Ticket Update"
            "Status": 2, 
            "ResponderID": null, 
            "DueBy": "2019-02-05T10:00:00Z", 
            "FrDueBy": "2019-02-05T07:00:00Z", 
            "GroupID": 2043000867326, 
            "Priority": 4, 
            "Source": 2, 
            "Tag": [], 
            "RequesterID": 2043023521956, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-02-05T12:08:03Z", 
            "AdditionalFields": {}, 
            "ID": 95, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-02-04T21:03:46Z", 
            "Subject": "Testing Ticket Update"
            "Status": 2, 
            "ResponderID": null, 
            "DueBy": "2019-02-07T15:00:00Z", 
            "FrDueBy": "2019-02-05T15:00:00Z", 
            "GroupID": null, 
            "Priority": 1, 
            "Source": 2, 
            "Tag": [], 
            "RequesterID": 2043023521956, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-02-05T15:00:49Z", 
            "AdditionalFields": {}, 
            "ID": 94, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-02-04T21:00:41Z", 
            "Subject": "Testing Ticket Creation"
            "Status": 2, 
            "ResponderID": null, 
            "DueBy": "2019-02-07T15:00:00Z", 
            "FrDueBy": "2019-02-05T15:00:00Z", 
            "GroupID": null, 
            "Priority": 1, 
            "Source": 2, 
            "Tag": [], 
            "RequesterID": 2043023521956, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-02-05T15:00:48Z", 
            "AdditionalFields": {}, 
            "ID": 93, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-02-04T20:19:19Z", 
            "Subject": "Testing Ticket Creation"
            "Status": 2, 
            "ResponderID": null, 
            "DueBy": "2019-02-05T13:20:08Z", 
            "FrDueBy": "2019-02-01T13:20:08Z", 
            "GroupID": null, 
            "Priority": 1, 
            "Source": 2, 
            "Tag": [], 
            "RequesterID": 2043023521956, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-02-05T13:33:04Z", 
            "AdditionalFields": {}, 
            "ID": 61, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-31T13:20:08Z", 
            "Subject": "Testing Ticket Creation"
            "Status": 2, 
            "ResponderID": null, 
            "DueBy": "2019-02-05T12:56:02Z", 
            "FrDueBy": "2019-02-01T12:56:02Z", 
            "GroupID": 2043000867326, 
            "Priority": 1, 
            "Source": 2, 
            "Tag": [], 
            "RequesterID": 2043023521956, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-02-05T15:08:34Z", 
            "AdditionalFields": {}, 
            "ID": 60, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-31T12:56:02Z", 
            "Subject": "Testing Ticket Creation"
            "Status": 2, 
            "ResponderID": null, 
            "DueBy": "2019-02-05T12:53:29Z", 
            "FrDueBy": "2019-02-01T12:53:29Z", 
            "GroupID": 2043000867326, 
            "Priority": 1, 
            "Source": 2, 
            "Tag": [], 
            "RequesterID": 2043023528657, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-02-05T15:08:33Z", 
            "AdditionalFields": {}, 
            "ID": 59, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-31T12:53:29Z", 
            "Subject": "Lets see RawJson"
            "Status": 2, 
            "ResponderID": null, 
            "DueBy": "2019-02-05T12:51:35Z", 
            "FrDueBy": "2019-02-01T12:51:35Z", 
            "GroupID": 2043000867326, 
            "Priority": 1, 
            "Source": 2, 
            "Tag": [], 
            "RequesterID": 2043023521956, 
            "UpdatedAt": "2019-02-05T15:08:33Z", 
            "AdditionalFields": {}, 
            "ID": 58, 
            "CreatedAt": "2019-01-31T12:51:35Z", 
            "Subject": "Testing Ticket Creation"
Human Readable Output

Viewing All Requested Tickets

ID Priority Status Subject DueBy FrDueBy RequesterID GroupID Source CreatedAt UpdatedAt Tag
105 3 2 Demonstrate Ticket Creation 2019-02-06T13:30:16Z 2019-02-05T14:30:16Z 2043024010476 2 2019-02-05T10:30:16Z 2019-02-05T14:32:44Z new,
attention needed,
billing related
97 4 2 Testing Ticket Update 2019-02-05T11:05:48Z 2019-02-05T08:05:50Z 2043023521956 2043000867326 2 2019-02-05T07:05:48Z 2019-02-05T13:07:54Z
96 4 2 Testing Ticket Update 2019-02-05T10:00:00Z 2019-02-05T07:00:00Z 2043023521956 2043000867326 2 2019-02-04T21:09:31Z 2019-02-05T12:08:05Z
95 4 2 Testing Ticket Update 2019-02-05T10:00:00Z 2019-02-05T07:00:00Z 2043023521956 2043000867326 2 2019-02-04T21:03:46Z 2019-02-05T12:08:03Z
94 1 2 Testing Ticket Creation 2019-02-07T15:00:00Z 2019-02-05T15:00:00Z 2043023521956 2 2019-02-04T21:00:41Z 2019-02-05T15:00:49Z
93 1 2 Testing Ticket Creation 2019-02-07T15:00:00Z 2019-02-05T15:00:00Z 2043023521956 2 2019-02-04T20:19:19Z 2019-02-05T15:00:48Z
61 1 2 Testing Ticket Creation 2019-02-05T13:20:08Z 2019-02-01T13:20:08Z 2043023521956 2 2019-01-31T13:20:08Z 2019-02-05T13:33:04Z
60 1 2 Testing Ticket Creation 2019-02-05T12:56:02Z 2019-02-01T12:56:02Z 2043023521956 2043000867326 2 2019-01-31T12:56:02Z 2019-02-05T15:08:34Z
59 1 2 Lets see RawJson 2019-02-05T12:53:29Z 2019-02-01T12:53:29Z 2043023528657 2043000867326 2 2019-01-31T12:53:29Z 2019-02-05T15:08:33Z
58 1 2 Testing Ticket Creation 2019-02-05T12:51:35Z 2019-02-01T12:51:35Z 2043023521956 2043000867326 2 2019-01-31T12:51:35Z 2019-02-05T15:08:33Z