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This Integration is part of the Gamma Pack.#

Gamma Enterprise DLP provides 1-click automatic discovery and remediation of data loss instances across enterprise sanctioned SaaS applications (cloud and on-prem) such as: Slack, Github, GSuite (Gmail, GDrive), Atlassian Suite (Jira, Confluence), Microsoft Office 365 (Outlook, Teams, OneDrive), ServiceNow, ZenDesk and many more.

Configure Gamma.AI Enterprise DLP on Cortex XSOAR#

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.
  2. Search for Gamma.
  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.
api_keyGamma Discovery API KeyTrue
urlURL of the Gamma APITrue
first_fetchThe violation ID (offset) to begin fetching from. The value must be a number equal to or greater than 1. If empty, the fetch will default to the first violation that exists. You can retrieve a list of violation IDs by running the gamma-get-violation-list command.False
max_fetchMax results to returnFalse
insecureTrust any certificate (not secure)False
proxyUse system proxy settingsFalse

Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Fetch DLP violations found across SaaS applications monitored by Gamma

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
minimum_violationViolation ID to begin pulling from. Defaults to the earliest existing violation for your account.Required
limitDefault is "10".Required

Context Output#

GammaViolation.violation_idIntegerViolation ID
GammaViolation.file_labels_mapArrayFile in reference to the DLP violation
GammaViolation.violation_statusStringone of 'OPEN', 'RESOLVED', 'IGNORED'
GammaViolation.violation_categoryStringCategory of the violation e.g. PII, Secrets, GDPR/CCPA, etc.
GammaViolation.violation_event_timestampIntegerTimestamp of violation in epoch milliseconds
GammaViolation.text_labelsArrayData classification labels
GammaViolation.userJSON Objecta JSON field containing optional information (based on what the app allows us to access) like email address, name, atlassian account id, AD id, github login, etc. All these fields are nullable.
GammaViolation.dashboard_urlStringGamma dashboard URL
GammaViolation.app_nameStringName of the application

Command Example#

!gamma-get-violation-list minimum_violation=998 limit=1

Context Example#

"response": [
"violation_id": 999,
"file_labels_map": {
"svc-prod-account.json": [
"violation_status": "OPEN",
"violation_category": "secrets",
"violation_event_timestamp": 1569550580,
"text_labels": [],
"user": {
"name": null,
"atlassian_account_id": null,
"email_address": "",
"active_directory_user_id": null,
"atlassian_server_user_key": null,
"slack_user_id": "USER9Aa2",
"github_handle": "markzuck"
"dashboard_url": "",
"app_name": "slack"


Fetches a single DLP violation. This command is the same as gamma-get-violation-list except that this command only returns the DLP violation details of the given violation id.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
violationViolation idRequired

Context Output#

GammaViolation.violation_idIntegerViolation ID
GammaViolation.file_labels_mapArrayFile in reference to the DLP violation
GammaViolation.violation_statusStringone of 'OPEN', 'RESOLVED', 'IGNORED'
GammaViolation.violation_categoryStringCategory of the violation e.g. PII, Secrets, GDPR/CCPA, etc.
GammaViolation.violation_event_timestampIntegerTimestamp of violation in epoch milliseconds
GammaViolation.text_labelsArrayData classification labels
GammaViolation.userJSON Objecta JSON field containing optional information (based on what the app allows us to access) like email address, name, atlassian account id, AD id, github login, etc. All these fields are nullable.
GammaViolation.dashboard_urlStringGamma dashboard URL
GammaViolation.app_nameStringName of the application

Command Example#

!gamma-get-violation violation=998

Context Example#

"response": [
"violation_id": 999,
"file_labels_map": {
"svc-prod-account.json": [
"violation_status": "OPEN",
"violation_category": "secrets",
"violation_event_timestamp": 1569550580,
"text_labels": [],
"user": {
"name": null,
"atlassian_account_id": null,
"email_address": "",
"active_directory_user_id": null,
"atlassian_server_user_key": null,
"slack_user_id": "USER9Aa2",
"github_handle": "markzuck"
"dashboard_url": "",
"app_name": "slack"


Updates a DLP violation status in Gamma

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
violationViolation idRequired
statusStatus of violationRequired
notesNotes for violationOptional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command