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This Integration is part of the GitHub Pack.#


GitHub is an internet hosting provider that uses Git for software development and version control. It offers the distributed version control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git, plus its own features. It provides access control and collaboration features such as bug tracking, feature requests, task management, continuous integration, and wikis for every project.

Use Cases#

This integration enables you to:

  • Create, close, or update a GitHub issue.
  • Get a list of all GitHub issues you have access to.
  • Create a branch in GitHub.
  • Get a list of a GitHub issue comments.
  • Create or update a GitHub pull request.
  • Search for a GitHub pull request.
  • Get a list of files for a GitHub pull request.
  • Get a list of inactive GitHub pull requests.
  • Get the contents of a file in GitHub.
  • Create a release.


To configure the GitHub integration on Cortex XSOAR you need to do the following (see below for more details):

  1. Configure access to GitHub.
  2. Configure integration parameters.

Configure Access to GitHub#

You can configure access to GitHub by either creating a personal access token or by creating a new GitHub app for Cortex XSOAR.

Create a Personal Access Token#

Personal access tokens (PATs) are an alternative to using passwords for authentication to GitHub when using the GitHub API. To generate a new token:

  1. Navigate to the upper-right corner of any page and click your profile photo.
  2. In the left sidebar, click Developer settings.
  3. In the left sidebar, click Personal access tokens and click Generate new token.
  4. Give your token a descriptive name.
  5. To give your token an expiration, select the Expiration drop-down menu, then click a default or use the calendar picker.
  6. Select the scopes, or permissions, you want to grant this token. The minimum is read-only on repo.
  7. Click Generate token and copy the token generated.

Create a new GitHub App for Cortex XSOAR#

Another authentication option is to create and register a GitHub app under your personal account or under any organization you have administrative access to.

  1. Navigate to the upper-right corner of any page and click your profile photo:
    • For a personal account owned app, go to your Account Settings.
    • For an organization owned app, click Your organizations. To the right of the organization, click Settings.
  2. In the left sidebar, click Developer settings, from the sub-menu, click GitHub Apps.
  3. Click New GitHub App.
    • In GitHub App name, type the name of your app.
    • In Homepage URL, type any URL (this field is required).
    • Deselect the Active option under the Webhook settings.
    • In Permissions, choose the permissions your app will request. For each type of permission, use the drop-down menu and click Read-only, Read & write, or No access. The minimum is read-only permissions for Pull requests, Checks, Pull requests, Security events, and Commit statuses.
    • Click Create GitHub App.
    • Click to generate a private key to install your GitHub app.
  4. Once you create a private GitHub app, you can install it on one of your org or user repositories.
    • From the GitHub Apps settings page, select your app.
    • In the left sidebar, click Install App.
    • Click Install next to the organization or user account containing the correct repository.
    • Install the app on all repositories or on selected repositories.
    • Once installed, you will see configuration options for the app on your selected account.
  5. Copy the private key generated above to a new credentials object.

Configure Integration Parameters#

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.

  2. Search for GitHub.

  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.

    Server URL, the REST API URL as describe in github REST API documentationTrue
    Fetch incidentsFalse
    Select an Issue or Pull requests to FetchFalse
    API Token, use the personal token created aboveFalse
    Credentials, use the credentials object created aboveFalse
    Username of the repository owner or the ogranization name, for example:{owner}/{repo}/issuesFalse
    The name of the requested repositoryFalse
    First fetch interval (in days)False
    Use system proxy settingsFalse
    Trust any certificate (not secure)False
    Incident typeFalse
    GitHub app integration IDFalse
    GitHub app installation IDFalse
  4. Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI as part of an automation or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Creates an issue in GitHub.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
titleThe title of the issue.Required
bodyThe contents of the issue.Optional
labelsLabels to associate with this issue.Optional
assigneesLogins for Users to assign to this issue.Optional

Context Output#

GitHub.Issue.IDNumberThe ID of the created issue.
GitHub.Issue.RepositoryStringThe repository of the created issue.
GitHub.Issue.TitleStringThe title of the created issue.
GitHub.Issue.BodyUnknownThe body of the created issue.
GitHub.Issue.StateStringThe state of the created issue.
GitHub.Issue.LabelsStringThe labels applied to the issue.
GitHub.Issue.AssigneesStringThe users assigned to this issue.
GitHub.Issue.Created_atDateThe date the issue was created.
GitHub.Issue.Updated_atDateThe date the issue was last updated.
GitHub.Issue.Closed_atDateThe date the issue was closed.
GitHub.Issue.Closed_byStringThe user who closed the issue.
GitHub.Issue.OrganizationStringThe repository owner.

Command Example#

!GitHub-create-issue title=“newbug” body=“found a new bug” lable=bug,new

Human Readable Output#




Closes an existing issue.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
IDThe number of the issue to close.Required

Context Output#

GitHub.Issue.IDNumberThe ID of the closed issue.
GitHub.Issue.RepositoryStringThe repository of the closed issue.
GitHub.Issue.TitleStringThe title of the closed issue
GitHub.Issue.BodyUnknownThe body of the closed issue.
GitHub.Issue.StateStringThe state of the closed issue.
GitHub.Issue.LabelsStringThe labels applied to the issue.
GitHub.Issue.AssigneesStringThe users assigned to the issue.
GitHub.Issue.Created_atDateThe date the issue was created.
GitHub.Issue.Updated_atDateThe date the issue was last updated.
GitHub.Issue.Closed_atDateThe date the issue was closed.
GitHub.Issue.Closed_byStringThe user who closed the issue.
GitHub.Issue.OrganizationStringThe repository owner.

Command Example#

!GitHub-close-issue ID=136

Human Readable Output#


136Git-Integrationdemistonewclosed2019-06-17T14:48:15Z2019-06-17T15:14:12Z2019-06-17T15:14:12Zroysagibug, else, new


Updates the parameters of a specified issue.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
IDThe number of the issue to update.Required
titleThe title of the issue.Optional
bodyThe contents of the issue.Optional
stateState of the issue. Either open or closed.Optional
labelsLabels to apply to this issue. Pass one or more Labels to replace the set of Labels on this Issue. Send an empty array ([]) to clear all Labels from the Issue. .Optional
assigneesLogins for Users to assign to this issue. Pass one or more user logins to replace the set of assignees on this Issue. Send an empty array ([]) to clear all assignees from the Issue.Optional

Context Output#

GitHub.Issue.IDNumberThe ID of the updated issue.
GitHub.Issue.RepositoryStringThe repository of the updated issue.
GitHub.Issue.TitleStringThe title of the updated issue.
GitHub.Issue.BodyUnknownThe body of the updated issue.
GitHub.Issue.StateStringThe state of the updated issue.
GitHub.Issue.LabelsStringThe labels applied to the issue.
GitHub.Issue.AssigneesStringThe users assigned to the issue.
GitHub.Issue.Created_atDateThe date the issue was created.
GitHub.Issue.Updated_atDateThe date the issue was last updated.
GitHub.Issue.Closed_atDateThe date the issue was closed.
GitHub.Issue.Closed_byStringThe user who closed the issue.
GitHub.Issue.OrganizationStringThe repository owner.

Command Example#

!GitHub-update-issue ID=137 title=“new_title” body=“new info” state=open

Human Readable Output#




Lists all issues that the user has access to view.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
stateThe state of the issues to return. Can be 'open', 'closed' or 'all'. Default is 'open'. Possible values are: open, closed, all. Default is open.Required
limitThe number of issues to return. Default is 50. Maximum is 200.Optional

Context Output#

GitHub.Issue.IDNumberThe ID of the issue.
GitHub.Issue.RepositoryStringThe repository of the issue.
GitHub.Issue.TitleStringThe title of the issue.
GitHub.Issue.BodyUnknownThe body of the issue.
GitHub.Issue.StateStringThe state of the issue.
GitHub.Issue.LabelsStringThe labels applied to the issue.
GitHub.Issue.AssigneesStringThe users assigned to the issue.
GitHub.Issue.Created_atDateThe date the issue was created.
GitHub.Issue.Updated_atDateThe date the issue was last updated.
GitHub.Issue.Closed_atDateThe date the issue was closed.
GitHub.Issue.Closed_byStringThe user who closed the issue.
GitHub.Issue.OrganizationStringThe repository owner.

Command Example#

!GitHub-list-all-issues state=all limit=2

Human Readable Output#


109Git-Integrationdemisto"new issue"closed"new information"2019-06-04T11:52:11Z2019-06-04T11:52:13Z2019-06-04T11:52:13Znewbug
110Git-Integrationdemisto"new issue"closed"new information"2019-06-04T11:53:19Z2019-06-04T11:53:22Z2019-06-04T11:53:22Znewbug


Searches for code in repositories that match a given query.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
queryThe query line for the search. For more information see the GitHub documentation.Required
page_numberThe page number.Optional
page_sizeThe size of the requested page. Maximum is 100.Optional
limitThe number of results to return. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

GitHub.CodeSearchResults.nameStringThe file name where the code is found.
GitHub.CodeSearchResults.pathStringThe full file path where the code is found.
GitHub.CodeSearchResults.html_urlStringThe URL to the file.
GitHub.CodeSearchResults.repository.full_nameStringThe repository name.
GitHub.CodeSearchResults.repository.html_urlStringThe URL to the repository.
GitHub.CodeSearchResults.repository.descriptionStringThe repository description.
GitHub.CodeSearchResults.repository.privateBooleanTrue if the repository is private, false if public.
GitHub.CodeSearchResults.repository.idStringThe ID of the repository.
GitHub.CodeSearchResults.repository.releases_urlStringThe URL to the releases of the repository.
GitHub.CodeSearchResults.repository.branches_urlStringThe URL to the branches of the repository.
GitHub.CodeSearchResults.repository.commits_urlStringThe URL to the commits of the repository.

Command Example#

!GitHub-search-code query="create_artifacts+repo:demisto/demisto-sdk" page_size="2" limit="5"

Context Example#

"GitHub": {
"CodeSearchResults": [
"html_url": "",
"name": ".pre-commit-config.yaml",
"path": ".pre-commit-config.yaml",
"repository": {
"branches_url": "{/branch}",
"commits_url": "{/sha}",
"desrciption": "Demisto SDK - Create Demisto Content with ease and efficiency",
"full_name": "demisto/demisto-sdk",
"html_url": "",
"id": 219291269,
"private": false,
"releases_url": "{/id}"
"html_url": "",
"name": "",
"path": "demisto_sdk/tests/integration_tests/",
"repository": {
"branches_url": "{/branch}",
"commits_url": "{/sha}",
"desrciption": "Demisto SDK - Create Demisto Content with ease and efficiency",
"full_name": "demisto/demisto-sdk",
"html_url": "",
"id": 219291269,
"private": false,
"releases_url": "{/id}"
"html_url": "",
"name": "",
"path": "demisto_sdk/commands/create_artifacts/tests/",
"repository": {
"branches_url": "{/branch}",
"commits_url": "{/sha}",
"desrciption": "Demisto SDK - Create Demisto Content with ease and efficiency",
"full_name": "demisto/demisto-sdk",
"html_url": "",
"id": 219291269,
"private": false,
"releases_url": "{/id}"
"html_url": "",
"name": "",
"path": "demisto_sdk/commands/common/content/tests/objects/pack_objects/pack_metadata/",
"repository": {
"branches_url": "{/branch}",
"commits_url": "{/sha}",
"desrciption": "Demisto SDK - Create Demisto Content with ease and efficiency",
"full_name": "demisto/demisto-sdk",
"html_url": "",
"id": 219291269,
"private": false,
"releases_url": "{/id}"

Human Readable Output#

Returned 5 out of 6 total results.#

NamePathRepository NameRepository DescriptionIs Repository Private
.pre-commit-config.yaml.pre-commit-config.yamldemisto/demisto-sdkDemisto SDK - Create Demisto Content with ease and efficiencyfalse
content_create_artifacts_integration_test.pydemisto_sdk/tests/integration_tests/content_create_artifacts_integration_test.pydemisto/demisto-sdkDemisto SDK - Create Demisto Content with ease and efficiencyfalse
content_artifacts_creator_test.pydemisto_sdk/commands/create_artifacts/tests/content_artifacts_creator_test.pydemisto/demisto-sdkDemisto SDK - Create Demisto Content with ease and efficiencyfalse
pack_metadata_test.pydemisto_sdk/commands/common/content/tests/objects/pack_objects/pack_metadata/pack_metadata_test.pydemisto/demisto-sdkDemisto SDK - Create Demisto Content with ease and efficiencyfalse
content_artifacts_creator_test.pydemisto_sdk/commands/create_artifacts/tests/content_artifacts_creator_test.pydemisto/demisto-sdkDemisto SDK - Create Demisto Content with ease and efficiencyfalse


Searches for and returns issues that match a given query.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
queryThe query line for the search. For more information see the GitHub documentation at
limitThe number of issues to return. Default is 50. Maximum is 100. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

GitHub.Issue.IDNumberThe ID of the issue.
GitHub.Issue.RepositoryStringThe repository of the issue.
GitHub.Issue.TitleStringThe title of the issue.
GitHub.Issue.BodyUnknownThe body of the issue.
GitHub.Issue.StateStringThe state of the issue.
GitHub.Issue.LabelsStringThe labels applied to the issue.
GitHub.Issue.AssigneesStringThe users assigned to the issue.
GitHub.Issue.Created_atDateThe date the issue was created.
GitHub.Issue.Updated_atDateThe date the issue was last updated.
GitHub.Issue.Closed_atDateThe date the issue was closed.
GitHub.Issue.Closed_byStringThe user who closed the issue.
GitHub.Issue.OrganizationStringThe repository owner.

Command Example#

!GitHub-search-issues query=“label:bug state:open” limit=1

Human Readable Output#


109Git-Integrationdemisto"new issue"open"new information"2019-06-04T11:52:11Z2019-06-04T11:52:13Z2019-06-04T11:52:13Zteizenmannewbug


Returns the total number of downloads for all releases for the specified repository.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

GitHub.Release.IDNumberThe ID of the release.
GitHub.Release.Download_countNumberThe download count for the release.
GitHub.Release.NameStringThe name of the release.
GitHub.Release.BodyStringThe body of the release.
GitHub.Release.Created_atDateThe date the release was created.
GitHub.Release.Published_atDateThe date the release was published.

Command Example#


Human Readable Output#


17519182anotherone5this is another release2019-05-22T15:00:51Z2019-05-22T15:06:48Z
17519007test1this is a test2019-05-22T15:00:51Z2019-05-22T15:02:16Z


Gets inactive pull requests.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
stale_timeTime of inactivity after which a PR is considered stale. Default is 3 days.Required
labelThe label used to identify PRs of interest.Optional

Context Output#

GitHub.PR.URLStringThe html URL of the PR
GitHub.PR.NumberNumberThe GitHub pull request number
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewerUnknownA list of the PR's requested reviewers

Command Example#

!GitHub-get-stale-prs stale_time="2 days"

Human Readable Output#

Stale PRs:#



Get a branch

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
branch_nameThe name of the branch to retrieve.Required

Context Output#

GitHub.Branch.NameStringThe name of the branch.
GitHub.Branch.CommitSHAStringThe SHA of the commit the branch references.
GitHub.Branch.CommitNodeIDStringThe Node ID of the commit the branch references.
GitHub.Branch.CommitAuthorIDNumberThe GitHub ID number of the author of the commit the branch references.
GitHub.Branch.CommitAuthorLoginStringThe GitHub login of the author of the commit the branch references.
GitHub.Branch.CommitParentSHAStringThe SHAs of parent commits.
GitHub.Branch.ProtectedBooleanWhether the branch is protected.

Command Example#

!GitHub-get-pull-request pull_number=1

Human Readable Output#

Branch "master"#



Create a new branch

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
branch_nameThe name for the new branch.Required
commit_shaThe SHA hash of the commit to reference. Try executing the 'GitHub-get-branch' command to find a commit SHA hash to reference.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

GitHub-create-branch branch_name=new-branch-example commit_sha=8a67a078139498f3e8e1bd2e26ffc5a2fea1b918

Human Readable Output#

Branch "new-branch-example" Created Successfully.


Retrieves a user membership status with a team.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
team_idThe ID number by which the team is identified. Try executing the 'GitHub-list-teams' command to find team IDs to reference.Required
user_nameThe login of the user whose membership you wish to check.Required

Context Output#

GitHub.Team.Member.RoleStringThe user's role on a team .
GitHub.Team.Member.StateStringThe user's state for a team.
GitHub.Team.IDNumberThe ID number of the team.
GitHub.Team.Member.LoginStringThe login of the team member.

Command Example#

!GitHub-get-team-membership team_id=3043448 user_name=example-user2

Human Readable Output#

Team Membership of example-user2#



Requests reviews from GitHub users for a given pull request.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
pull_numberThe number of the pull request you want to request review for.Required
reviewersA CSV list of GitHub users to request review from for a pull request.Required

Context Output#

GitHub.PR.NumberNumberThe number of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.LoginStringThe login of the user requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.IDNumberThe ID of the user requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the user requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.TypeStringThe type of the user requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user requested for review is a site admin.

Command Example#

!GitHub-request-review pull_number=1 reviewers=example-user1

Human Readable Output#

Requested Reviewers for #1#



Creates a comment for a given issue.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issue_numberThe number of the issue to comment on.Required
bodyThe contents of the comment.Required

Context Output#

GitHub.Comment.IssueNumberNumberThe number of the issue to which the comment belongs.
GitHub.Comment.IDNumberThe ID of the comment.
GitHub.Comment.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the comment.
GitHub.Comment.BodyStringThe body content of the comment.
GitHub.Comment.User.LoginStringThe login of the user who commented.
GitHub.Comment.User.IDNumberThe ID of the user who commented.
GitHub.Comment.User.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the user who commented.
GitHub.Comment.User.TypeStringThe type of the user who commented.
GitHub.Comment.User.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user who commented is a site admin.

Command Example#

!GitHub-create-comment issue_number=1 body="Look this comment was made using the GitHub integration"

Human Readable Output#

Created Comment#

This comment was made using the GitHub integration5327002061MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDUzMjcwMDIwNg==Login: example-user1 ID: 55035720 NodeID: MDQ6VXNlcjU1MDM1NzIw Type: User SiteAdmin: false


Lists comments on an issue.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issue_numberThe number of the issue to list comments for.Required
sinceOnly show notifications updated after the given time. This is a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.Optional

Context Output#

GitHub.Comment.IssueNumberNumberThe number of the issue to which the comment belongs.
GitHub.Comment.IDNumberThe ID of the comment.
GitHub.Comment.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the comment.
GitHub.Comment.BodyStringThe body content of the comment.
GitHub.Comment.User.LoginStringThe login of the user who commented.
GitHub.Comment.User.IDNumberThe ID of the user who commented.
GitHub.Comment.User.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the user who commented.
GitHub.Comment.User.TypeStringThe type of the user who commented.
GitHub.Comment.User.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user who commented is a site admin.

Command Example#

!GitHub-list-issue-comments issue_number=1

Human Readable Output#

Comments for Issue #1#

Thank you for your contribution. Your generosity and caring are unrivaled! Rest assured - our content wizard @example-user3 will very shortly look over your proposed changes.5302763331MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDUzMDI3NjMzMw==Login: example-user1 ID: 55035720 NodeID: MDQ6VXNlcjU1MDM1NzIw Type: User SiteAdmin: false
what about my pr eh5303136781MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDUzMDMxMzY3OA==Login: example-user4 ID: 46294017 NodeID: MDQ6VXNlcjQ2Mjk0MDE3 Type: User SiteAdmin: false
@example-user4 can we close?5307741621MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDUzMDc3NDE2Mg==Login: example-user3 ID: 30797606 NodeID: MDQ6VXNlcjMwNzk3NjA2 Type: User SiteAdmin: false
Look this comment was made using the GitHub integration5327002061MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDUzMjcwMDIwNg==Login: example-user1 ID: 55035720 NodeID: MDQ6VXNlcjU1MDM1NzIw Type: User SiteAdmin: false


Lists the pull request files.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
pull_numberThe number of the pull request.Required
organizationThe name of the organization.Optional
repositoryThe repository of the pull request.Optional

Context Output#

GitHub.PR.NumberNumberThe number of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.File.SHAStringThe SHA hash of the last commit involving the file.
GitHub.PR.File.NameStringThe name of the file.
GitHub.PR.File.StatusStringThe status of the file.
GitHub.PR.File.AdditionsNumberThe number of additions to the file.
GitHub.PR.File.DeletionsNumberThe number of deletions in the file.
GitHub.PR.File.ChangesNumberThe number of changes made in the file.

Command Example#

!GitHub-list-pr-files pull_number=1

Human Readable Output#

Pull Request Files for #1#



Lists reviews on a pull request.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
pull_numberThe number of the pull request.Required

Context Output#

GitHub.PR.NumberNumberThe number of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Review.IDNumberThe ID of the review.
GitHub.PR.Review.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the review.
GitHub.PR.Review.BodyStringThe content of the review.
GitHub.PR.Review.CommitIDStringThe ID of the commit the review is for.
GitHub.PR.Review.StateStringThe state of the review.
GitHub.PR.Review.User.LoginStringThe reviewer's user login.
GitHub.PR.Review.User.IDNumberThe reviewer's user ID.
GitHub.PR.Review.User.NodeIDStringThe reviewer's user node ID.
GitHub.PR.Review.User.TypeStringThe reviewer user type.
GitHub.PR.Review.User.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the reviewer is a site admin.

Command Example#

!GitHub-list-pr-reviews pull_number=1

Human Readable Output#

Pull Request Reviews for #1#

review commentb6cf0431e2aea2b345ea1d66d18aa72be63936a9287327154MDE3OlB1bGxSZXF1ZXN0UmV2aWV3Mjg3MzI3MTU0COMMENTEDLogin: example-user2 ID: 31018228 NodeID: MDQ6VXNlcjMxMDE4MjI4 Type: User SiteAdmin: false


Gets a commit.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
commit_shaThe SHA hash of the commit. Try executing the 'GitHub-get-branch' command to find a commit SHA hash to reference.Required

Context Output#

GitHub.Commit.SHAStringThe SHA hash of the commit.
GitHub.Commit.Author.DateStringThe commit author date.
GitHub.Commit.Author.NameStringThe name of the author.
GitHub.Commit.Author.EmailStringThe email of the author.
GitHub.Commit.Committer.DateStringThe date the committer committed.
GitHub.Commit.Committer.NameStringThe name of the committer.
GitHub.Commit.Committer.EmailStringThe email of the committer.
GitHub.Commit.MessageStringThe message associated with the commit.
GitHub.Commit.ParentUnknownList of parent SHA hashes.
GitHub.Commit.TreeSHAStringThe SHA hash of the commit's tree.
GitHub.Commit.Verification.VerifiedBooleanWhether the commit was verified.
GitHub.Commit.Verification.ReasonStringThe reason why the commit was or was not verified.
GitHub.Commit.Verification.SignatureUnknownThe commit verification signature.
GitHub.Commit.Verification.PayloadUnknownThe commit verification payload.

Command Example#

!GitHub-get-commit commit_sha=8a67a078139498f3e8e1bd2e26ffc5a2fea1b918

Human Readable Output#

Commit 8a67a07813#

Date: 2019-09-16T15:42:43Z Name: example-user1 Email: 55035720example.user1@users.noreply.github.comDate: 2019-09-16T15:42:43Z Name: GitHub Email: noreply@github.comUpdate config.yml{'SHA': 'd6bafef5a0021a6d9ab0a22e11bd0afd5801d936'}8a67a078139498f3e8e1bd2e26ffc5a2fea1b91842fdb6c89538099a141e94fabe4bbc58098f4d90Verified: true Reason: valid Signature: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- wsBcBAABCAAQBQJ****sIKrPT2jUSWyzfu5wnu oWz7+2KMdaglV****M08HXTm a9eO/ahlodARkgH/bWjulomeO+jDEgbZenlPUrBnX136QzPPqgl4uvxfquAOj1/a a89YtPAFh2X1+1q7pl5dVtZfYpo6mYJoY9dwVpDRbLoVHJRa1wnqEv4kxRHrrRL9 mGWSMHqK8I6j9zXi4niod8pQpl0k4O/2SlNh81RyeILEYb587Zs1XGuIYQEDrcAf u+FURxEHSuT4yaZ+oBwhhcIsmsWQMGkfABbwo1Fi2BMtEgZpzd/TScNg1KeSrVI= =dWrz -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Payload: tree 42fdb6c89538099a141e94fabe4bbc58098f4d90 parent d6bafef5a0021a6d9ab0a22e11bd0afd5801d936 author example-user1 1568648563 +0300 committer GitHub 1568648563 +0300 Update config.yml


Adds labels to an issue.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issue_numberThe number of the issue to add labels to.Required
labelsA CSV list of labels to add to an issue.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!GitHub-add-label issue_number=1 labels=Content

Human Readable Output#

Label "Content" Successfully Added to Issue #1


Gets a pull request.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
pull_numberThe number of the pull request to retrieve.Required
organizationThe name of the organization.Optional
repositoryThe repository of the pull request.Optional

Context Output#

GitHub.PR.IDNumberThe ID number of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.NumberNumberThe issue number of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.StateStringThe state of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.LockedBooleanWhether the pull request is locked.
GitHub.PR.TitleStringThe title of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.User.LoginStringThe login of the user who opened the pull request.
GitHub.PR.User.IDNumberThe ID of the user who opened the pull request.
GitHub.PR.User.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the user who opened the pull request.
GitHub.PR.User.TypeStringThe type of the user who opened the pull request.
GitHub.PR.User.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user who opened the pull request is a site admin.
GitHub.PR.BodyStringThe body content of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Label.IDNumberThe ID of the label.
GitHub.PR.Label.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the label.
GitHub.PR.Label.NameStringThe name of the label.
GitHub.PR.Label.DescriptionStringThe description of the label.
GitHub.PR.Label.ColorStringThe hex color value of the label.
GitHub.PR.Label.DefaultBooleanWhether the label is a default.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.IDNumberThe ID of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.NumberNumberThe number of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.StateStringThe state of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.TitleStringThe title of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.DescriptionStringThe description of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.Creator.LoginStringThe login of the milestone creator.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.Creator.IDNumberThe ID the milestone creator.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.Creator.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the milestone creator.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.Creator.TypeStringThe type of the milestone creator.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.Creator.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the milestone creator is a site admin.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.OpenIssuesNumberThe number of open issues with this milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.ClosedIssuesNumberThe number of closed issues with this milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.CreatedAtStringThe date the milestone was created.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.UpdatedAtStringThe date the milestone was updated.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.ClosedAtStringThe date the milestone was closed.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.DueOnStringThe due date for the milestone.
GitHub.PR.ActiveLockReasonStringThe reason the pull request is locked.
GitHub.PR.CreatedAtStringThe date the pull request was created.
GitHub.PR.UpdatedAtStringThe date the pull request was updated.
GitHub.PR.ClosedAtStringThe date the pull request was closed.
GitHub.PR.MergedAtStringThe date the pull request was merged.
GitHub.PR.MergeCommitSHAStringThe SHA hash of the pull request's merge commit.
GitHub.PR.Assignee.LoginStringThe login of the user assigned to the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Assignee.IDNumberThe ID of the user assigned to the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Assignee.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the user assigned to the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Assignee.TypeStringThe type of the user assigned to the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Assignee.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user assigned to the pull request is a site admin.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.LoginStringThe login of the user requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.IDNumberThe ID of the user requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the user requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.TypeStringThe type of the user requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user requested for review is a site admin.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.IDNumberThe ID of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.NameStringThe name of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.SlugStringThe slug of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.DescriptionStringThe description of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.PrivacyStringThe privacy setting of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.PermissionStringThe permissions of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.ParentUnknownThe parent of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.Head.LabelStringThe label of the branch that HEAD points to.
GitHub.PR.Head.RefStringThe reference of the branch that HEAD points to.
GitHub.PR.Head.SHAStringThe SHA hash of the commit that HEAD points to.
GitHub.PR.Head.User.LoginStringThe login of the committer of the HEAD commit of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.User.IDNumberThe ID of the committer of the HEAD commit of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.User.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the committer of the HEAD commit of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.User.TypeStringThe type of the committer of the HEAD commit of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.User.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the committer of the HEAD commit of the checked out branch is a site admin.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.IDNumberThe ID of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.NameStringThe name of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.FullNameStringThe full name of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.Owner.LoginStringThe user login of the owner of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.Owner.IDNumberThe user ID of the owner of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.Owner.NodeIDStringThe user node ID of the owner of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.Owner.TypeStringThe user type of the owner of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.Owner.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the owner of the repository of the checked out branch is a site admin.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.PrivateBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch is private.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.DescriptionStringThe description of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.ForkBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch is a fork.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.LanguageUnknownThe language of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.ForksCountNumberThe number of forks of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.StargazersCountNumberThe number of stars of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.WatchersCountNumberThe number of entities watching the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.SizeNumberThe size of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.DefaultBranchStringThe default branch of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.OpenIssuesCountNumberThe open issues of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.TopicsUnknownTopics listed for the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.HasIssuesBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has issues.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.HasProjectsBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has projects.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.HasWikiBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has a wiki.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.HasPagesBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has pages.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.HasDownloadsBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has downloads.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.ArchivedBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has been archived.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.DisabledBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has been disabled.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.PushedAtStringThe date of the latest push to the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.CreatedAtStringThe date of creation of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.UpdatedAtStringThe date the repository of the checked out branch was last updated.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.AllowRebaseMergeBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch permits rebase-style merges.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.AllowSquashMergeBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch permits squash merges.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.AllowMergeCommitBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch permits merge commits.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.SubscribersCountNumberThe number of entities subscribing to the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Base.LabelStringThe label of the base branch.
GitHub.PR.Base.RefStringThe reference of the base branch.
GitHub.PR.Base.SHAStringThe SHA hash of the base branch.
GitHub.PR.Base.User.LoginStringThe login of the committer of the commit that the base branch points to.
GitHub.PR.Base.User.IDNumberThe ID of the committer of the commit that the base branch points to.
GitHub.PR.Base.User.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the committer of the commit that the base branch points to.
GitHub.PR.Base.User.TypeStringThe user type of the committer of the commit that the base branch points to
GitHub.PR.Base.User.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the committer of the commit that the base branch points to is a site admin.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.IDNumberThe ID of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.NameStringThe name of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.FullNameStringThe full name of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.Owner.LoginStringThe user login of the owner of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.Owner.IDNumberThe user ID of the owner of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.Owner.NodeIDStringThe user node ID of the owner of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.Owner.TypeStringThe user type of the owner of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.Owner.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the owner of the repository that the base branch belongs to is a site admin.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.PrivateBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to is private.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.DescriptionStringThe description of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.ForkBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to is a fork.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.LanguageUnknownThe language of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.ForksCountNumberThe number of times that the repository that the base branch belongs to has been forked.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.StargazersCountNumberThe number of times that the repository that the base branch belongs to has been starred.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.WatchersCountNumberThe number of entities watching the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.SizeNumberThe size of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.DefaultBranchStringThe default branch of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.OpenIssuesCountNumberThe number of open issues in the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.TopicsStringTopics listed for the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.HasIssuesBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to has issues.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.HasProjectsBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to has projects.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.HasWikiBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to has a wiki.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.HasPagesBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to has pages.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.HasDownloadsBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to has downloads.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.ArchivedBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to is archived.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.DisabledBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to is disabled.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.PushedAtStringThe date that the repository that the base branch belongs to was last pushed to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.CreatedAtStringThe date of creation of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.UpdatedAtStringThe date that the repository that the base branch belongs to was last updated.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.AllowRebaseMergeBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to allows rebase-style merges.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.AllowSquashMergeBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to allows squash merges.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.AllowMergeCommitBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to allows merge commits.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.SubscribersCountNumberThe number of entities that subscribe to the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.AuthorAssociationStringThe pull request author association.
GitHub.PR.DraftBooleanWhether the pull request is a draft.
GitHub.PR.MergedBooleanWhether the pull request is merged.
GitHub.PR.MergeableBooleanWhether the pull request is mergeable.
GitHub.PR.RebaseableBooleanWhether the pull request is rebaseable.
GitHub.PR.MergeableStateStringThe mergeable state of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MergedBy.LoginStringThe login of the user who merged the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MergedBy.IDNumberThe ID of the user who merged the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MergedBy.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the user who merged the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MergedBy.TypeStringThe type of the user who merged the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MergedBy.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user who merged the pull request is a site admin.
GitHub.PR.CommentsNumberThe number of comments on the pull request.
GitHub.PR.ReviewCommentsNumberThe number of review comments on the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MaintainerCanModifyBooleanWhether the maintainer can modify the pull request.
GitHub.PR.CommitsNumberThe number of commits in the pull request.
GitHub.PR.AdditionsNumberThe number of additions in the pull request.
GitHub.PR.DeletionsNumberThe number of deletions in the pull request.
GitHub.PR.ChangedFilesNumberThe number of changed files in the pull request.

Command Example#

!GitHub-get-pull-request pull_number=1

Human Readable Output#

Pull Request #1#

4FIRST_TIME_CONTRIBUTORLabel: example-user1:master Ref: master SHA: b27ea6ac9836d2e756b44eb1d66f02d3d4299362 User: {"Login": "example-user1", "ID": 55035720, "NodeID": "MDQ6VXNlcjU1MDM1NzIw", "Type": "User", "SiteAdmin": false} Repo: {"ID": 207744685, "NodeID": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkyMDc3NDQ2ODU=", "Name": "content", "FullName": "example-user1/content", "Owner": {"Login": "example-user1", "ID": 55035720, "NodeID": "MDQ6VXNlcjU1MDM1NzIw", "Type": "User", "SiteAdmin": false}, "Private": false, "Description": "This repository contains all Demisto content and from here we share content updates", "Fork": true, "Language": "Python", "ForksCount": 0, "StargazersCount": 0, "WatchersCount": 0, "Size": 96530, "DefaultBranch": "master", "OpenIssuesCount": 10, "Topics": null, "HasIssues": false, "HasProjects": true, "HasWiki": false, "HasPages": false, "HasDownloads": true, "Archived": false, "Disabled": false, "PushedAt": "2019-09-18T14:05:43Z", "CreatedAt": "2019-09-11T06:59:20Z", "UpdatedAt": "2019-09-16T15:42:46Z", "AllowRebaseMerge": null, "AllowSquashMerge": null, "AllowMergeCommit": null, "SucscribersCount": null}## Status Ready/In Progress/In Hold(Reason for hold) ## Related Issues fixes: link to the issue ## Description A few sentences describing the overall goals of the pull request's commits. ## Screenshots Paste here any images that will help the reviewer ## Related PRs List related PRs against other branches: branch \ PR ------ \ ## Required version of Demistox.x.x ## Does it break backward compatibility?- Yes- Further details:- No ## Must have- [ ] Tests- [ ] Documentation (with link to it)- [ ] Code Review ## DependenciesMention the dependencies of the entity you changed as given from the precommit hooks in checkboxes, and tick after tested them.- [ ] Dependency 1- [ ] Dependency 2- [ ] Dependency 3 ## Additional changesDescribe additional changes done, for example adding a function to common server.1542019-09-11T07:06:26Z0Label: example-user4:patch-1 Ref: patch-1 SHA: c01238eea80e35bb76a5c51ac0c95eba4010d8e5 User: {"Login": "example-user4", "ID": 46294017, "NodeID": "MDQ6VXNlcjQ2Mjk0MDE3", "Type": "User", "SiteAdmin": false} Repo: {"ID": 205137013, "NodeID": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkyMDUxMzcwMTM=", "Name": "content", "FullName": "example-user4/content", "Owner": {"Login": "example-user4", "ID": 46294017, "NodeID": "MDQ6VXNlcjQ2Mjk0MDE3", "Type": "User", "SiteAdmin": false}, "Private": false, "Description": "This repository contains all Demisto content and from here we share content updates", "Fork": true, "Language": "Python", "ForksCount": 2, "StargazersCount": 0, "WatchersCount": 0, "Size": 95883, "DefaultBranch": "master", "OpenIssuesCount": 2, "Topics": null, "HasIssues": false, "HasProjects": true, "HasWiki": false, "HasPages": false, "HasDownloads": true, "Archived": false, "Disabled": false, "PushedAt": "2019-09-16T15:43:54Z", "CreatedAt": "2019-08-29T10:18:15Z", "UpdatedAt": "2019-08-29T10:18:18Z", "AllowRebaseMerge": null, "AllowSquashMerge": null, "AllowMergeCommit": null, "SucscribersCount": null}316303415'ID': 1563600288, 'NodeID': 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNTYzNjAwMjg4', 'Name': 'Content', 'Description': None, 'Color': None, 'Default': False},{'ID': 1549466359, 'NodeID': 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNTQ5NDY2MzU5', 'Name': 'Contribution', 'Description': None, 'Color': None, 'Default': False},{'ID': 1549411616, 'NodeID': 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNTQ5NDExNjE2', 'Name': 'bug', 'Description': None, 'Color': None, 'Default': True}falsetrue5714b1359b9d7549c89c35fe9fdc266a3db3b766trueunstablefalseMDExOlB1bGxSZXF1ZXN0MzE2MzAzNDE11true{'Login': 'example-user3', 'ID': 30797606, 'NodeID': 'MDQ6VXNlcjMwNzk3NjA2', 'Type': 'User', 'SiteAdmin': False}, {'Login': 'example-user1', 'ID': 55035720, 'NodeID': 'MDQ6VXNlcjU1MDM1NzIw', 'Type': 'User', 'SiteAdmin': False}0open2019-09-18T14:05:51ZLogin: example-user4 ID: 46294017 NodeID: MDQ6VXNlcjQ2Mjk0MDE3 Type: User SiteAdmin: false


Lists the teams for an organization. Note that this API call is only available to authenticated members of the organization.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organizationThe name of the organization.Required

Context Output#

GitHub.Team.IDNumberThe ID of the team.
GitHub.Team.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the team.
GitHub.Team.NameStringThe name of the team.
GitHub.Team.SlugStringThe slug of the team.
GitHub.Team.DescriptionStringThe description of the team.
GitHub.Team.PrivacyStringThe privacy setting of the team.
GitHub.Team.PermissionStringThe permissions of the team.
GitHub.Team.ParentUnknownThe parent of the team.

Command Example#

!GitHub-list-teams organization=demisto

Human Readable Output#

Teams for Organization "demisto"#

Our customer success team2276690customer-successMDQ6VGVhbTIyNzY2NzA=pullclosedcustomer-success
Our beloved content team3043998ContentMDQ6VGVhbTMwNDM0NDg=pullclosedcontent


Deletes a branch.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
branch_nameThe name of the branch to delete.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!GitHub-delete-branch branch_name=new-branch-example

Human Readable Output#

Branch "new-branch-example" Deleted Successfully


Lists all the review comments for a pull request.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
pull_numberThe issue number of the pull request.Required

Context Output#

GitHub.PR.NumberNumberThe issue number of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.ReviewComment.IDNumberThe ID number of the pull request review comment.
GitHub.PR.ReviewComment.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the pull request review comment.
GitHub.PR.ReviewComment.PullRequestReviewIDNumberThe ID of the pull request review.
GitHub.PR.ReviewComment.DiffHunkStringThe diff hunk the review comment applies to.
GitHub.PR.ReviewComment.PathStringThe file path of the proposed file changes the review comment applies to.
GitHub.PR.ReviewComment.PositionNumberThe position of the change the review comment applies to.
GitHub.PR.ReviewComment.OriginalPositionNumberThe original position of the change the review comment applies to.
GitHub.PR.ReviewComment.CommitIDStringThe commit ID of the proposed change.
GitHub.PR.ReviewComment.OriginalCommitIDStringThe commit ID of the commit before the proposed change.
GitHub.PR.ReviewComment.InReplyToIDNumberThe reply ID of the comment the review comment applies to.
GitHub.PR.ReviewComment.User.LoginStringThe login of the user who created the review comment.
GitHub.PR.ReviewComment.User.IDNumberThe ID of the user who created the review comment.
GitHub.PR.ReviewComment.User.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the user who created the review comment.
GitHub.PR.ReviewComment.User.TypeStringThe type of the user who created the review comment.
GitHub.PR.ReviewComment.User.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user who created the review comment is a site administrator.
GitHub.PR.ReviewComment.BodyStringThe body content of the review comment.
GitHub.PR.ReviewComment.CreatedAtStringThe time the review comment was created.
GitHub.PR.ReviewComment.UpdatedAtStringThe time the review comment was updated.
GitHub.PR.ReviewComment.AuthorAssociationStringThe association of the user who created the review comment.

Command Example#

!GitHub-list-pr-review-comments pull_number=1

Human Readable Output#

Pull Request Review Comments for #1#

COLLABORATORChange it1af17e73721dbe0c40011b82ed4bb1a7dbe3ce292021-04-08T11:00:21Z@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "url": "some url" } ], - "another key": [ + "fixed key": [609573611df35047fffd38a65b8fe6963579254e8b09db25e1234567890==df35047fffd38a65b8fe6963579254e8b09db25e5file.json56312569172021-04-08T11:00:28ZLogin: teizenman ID: 50326704 NodeID: MDQ6VXNlcjUwMzI2NzA0 Type: User SiteAdmin: false


Updates a pull request in a repository.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
titleThe new title of the pull request.Optional
bodyThe new body content of the pull request.Optional
stateThe new state of the pull request. Possible values are: open, closed.Optional
baseThe name of the branch to pull your changes from. It must be an existing branch in the current repository. You cannot update the base branch in a pull request to point to another repository.Optional
maintainer_can_modifyIndicates whether maintainers can modify the pull request.Optional
pull_numberThe issue number of the pull request to modify.Required

Context Output#

GitHub.PR.IDNumberThe ID number of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.NumberNumberThe issue number of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.StateStringThe state of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.LockedBooleanWhether the pull request is locked.
GitHub.PR.TitleStringThe title of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.User.LoginStringThe login of the user who opened the pull request.
GitHub.PR.User.IDNumberThe ID of the user who opened the pull request.
GitHub.PR.User.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the user who opened the pull request.
GitHub.PR.User.TypeStringThe type of the user who opened the pull request.
GitHub.PR.User.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user who opened the pull request is a site administrator.
GitHub.PR.BodyStringThe body content of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Label.IDNumberThe ID of the label.
GitHub.PR.Label.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the label.
GitHub.PR.Label.NameStringThe name of the label.
GitHub.PR.Label.DescriptionStringThe description of the label.
GitHub.PR.Label.ColorStringThe hex color value of the label.
GitHub.PR.Label.DefaultBooleanWhether the label is a default.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.IDNumberThe ID of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.NumberNumberThe number of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.StateStringThe state of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.TitleStringThe title of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.DescriptionStringThe description of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.Creator.LoginStringThe login of the milestone creator.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.Creator.IDNumberThe ID the milestone creator.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.Creator.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the milestone creator.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.Creator.TypeStringThe type of the milestone creator.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.Creator.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the milestone creator is a site administrator.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.OpenIssuesNumberThe number of open issues with this milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.ClosedIssuesNumberThe number of closed issues with this milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.CreatedAtStringThe date the milestone was created.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.UpdatedAtStringThe date the milestone was updated.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.ClosedAtStringThe date the milestone was closed.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.DueOnStringThe due date for the milestone.
GitHub.PR.ActiveLockReasonStringThe reason the pull request is locked.
GitHub.PR.CreatedAtStringThe date the pull request was created.
GitHub.PR.UpdatedAtStringThe date the pull request was updated.
GitHub.PR.ClosedAtStringThe date the pull request was closed.
GitHub.PR.MergedAtStringThe date the pull request was merged.
GitHub.PR.MergeCommitSHAStringThe SHA hash of the pull request's merge commit.
GitHub.PR.Assignee.LoginStringThe login of the user assigned to the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Assignee.IDNumberThe ID of the user assigned to the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Assignee.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the user assigned to the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Assignee.TypeStringThe type of the user assigned to the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Assignee.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user assigned to the pull request is a site administrator.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.LoginStringThe login of the user requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.IDNumberThe ID of the user requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the user requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.TypeStringThe type of the user requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user requested for review is a site administrator.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.IDNumberThe ID of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.NameStringThe name of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.SlugStringThe slug of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.DescriptionStringThe description of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.PrivacyStringThe privacy setting of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.PermissionStringThe permissions of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.ParentUnknownThe parent of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.Head.LabelStringThe label of the branch the HEAD points to.
GitHub.PR.Head.RefStringThe reference of the branch the HEAD points to.
GitHub.PR.Head.SHAStringThe SHA hash of the commit the HEAD points to.
GitHub.PR.Head.User.LoginStringThe committer login of the HEAD commit of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.User.IDNumberThe committer ID of the HEAD commit of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.User.NodeIDStringThe Node committer ID of the HEAD commit of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.User.TypeStringThe committer type of the HEAD commit of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.User.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the committer of the HEAD commit of the checked out branch is a site administrator.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.IDNumberThe ID of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.NameStringThe name of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.FullNameStringThe full name of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.Owner.LoginStringThe user login of the owner of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.Owner.IDNumberThe user ID of the owner of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.Owner.NodeIDStringThe user node ID of the owner of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.Owner.TypeStringThe user type of the owner of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.Owner.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the owner of the repository of the checked out branch is a site administrator.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.PrivateBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch is private.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.DescriptionStringThe description of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.ForkBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch is a fork.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.LanguageUnknownThe language of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.ForksCountNumberThe number of forks of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.StargazersCountNumberThe number of stars of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.WatchersCountNumberThe number of entities watching the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.SizeNumberThe size of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.DefaultBranchStringThe default branch of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.OpenIssuesCountNumberThe open issues of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.TopicsUnknownTopics listed for the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.HasIssuesBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has issues.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.HasProjectsBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has projects.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.HasWikiBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has a wiki.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.HasPagesBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has pages.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.HasDownloadsBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has downloads.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.ArchivedBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has been archived.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.DisabledBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has been disabled.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.PushedAtStringThe date of the latest push to the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.CreatedAtStringThe date of creation of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.UpdatedAtStringThe date the repository of the checked out branch was last updated.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.AllowRebaseMergeBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch permits rebase-style merges.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.AllowSquashMergeBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch permits squash merges.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.AllowMergeCommitBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch permits merge commits.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.SubscribersCountNumberThe number of entities subscribing to the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Base.LabelStringThe label of the base branch.
GitHub.PR.Base.RefStringThe reference of the base branch.
GitHub.PR.Base.SHAStringThe SHA hash of the base branch.
GitHub.PR.Base.User.LoginStringThe committer login of the commit the base branch points to.
GitHub.PR.Base.User.IDNumberThe ID of the committer of the commit the base branch points to.
GitHub.PR.Base.User.NodeIDStringThe committer Node ID of the commit the base branch points to.
GitHub.PR.Base.User.TypeStringThe user committer type of the commit the base branch points to.
GitHub.PR.Base.User.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the committer of the commit the base branch points to is a site administrator.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.IDNumberThe ID of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.NameStringThe name of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.FullNameStringThe full name of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.Owner.LoginStringThe user login of the owner of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.Owner.IDNumberThe user ID of the owner of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.Owner.NodeIDStringThe user node ID of the owner of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.Owner.TypeStringThe user type of the owner of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.Owner.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the owner of the repository the base branch belongs to is a site administrator.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.PrivateBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to is private.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.DescriptionStringThe description of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.ForkBooleanWhether the repository the base branch to belongs to is a fork.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.LanguageUnknownThe language of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.ForksCountNumberThe number of times the repository the base branch belongs to has been forked.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.StargazersCountNumberThe number of times the repository the base branch belongs to has been starred.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.WatchersCountNumberThe number of entities watching the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.SizeNumberThe size of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.DefaultBranchStringThe default branch of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.OpenIssuesCountNumberThe number of open issues in the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.TopicsStringTopics listed for the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.HasIssuesBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to has issues.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.HasProjectsBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to has projects.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.HasWikiBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to has a wiki.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.HasPagesBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to has pages.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.HasDownloadsBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to has downloads.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.ArchivedBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to is archived.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.DisabledBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to is disabled.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.PushedAtStringThe date the repository the base branch belongs to was last pushed.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.CreatedAtStringThe date of creation of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.UpdatedAtStringThe date the repository the base branch belongs to was last updated.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.AllowRebaseMergeBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to allows rebase-style merges.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.AllowSquashMergeBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to allows squash merges.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.AllowMergeCommitBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to allows merge commits.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.SubscribersCountNumberThe number of entities to subscribe to the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.AuthorAssociationStringThe pull request author association.
GitHub.PR.DraftBooleanWhether the pull request is a draft.
GitHub.PR.MergedBooleanWhether the pull request is merged.
GitHub.PR.MergeableBooleanWhether the pull request is mergeable.
GitHub.PR.RebaseableBooleanWhether the pull request is rebaseable.
GitHub.PR.MergeableStateStringThe mergeable state of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MergedBy.LoginStringThe login of the user who merged the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MergedBy.IDNumberThe ID of the user who merged the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MergedBy.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the user who merged the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MergedBy.TypeStringThe type of the user who merged the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MergedBy.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user who merged the pull request is a site administrator.
GitHub.PR.CommentsNumberThe number of comments on the pull request.
GitHub.PR.ReviewCommentsNumberThe number of review comments on the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MaintainerCanModifyBooleanWhether the maintainer can modify the pull request.
GitHub.PR.CommitsNumberThe number of commits in the pull request.
GitHub.PR.AdditionsNumberThe number of additions in the pull request.
GitHub.PR.DeletionsNumberThe number of deletions in the pull request.
GitHub.PR.ChangedFilesNumberThe number of changed files in the pull request.

Command Example#

!GitHub-update-pull-request pull_number=1 body=Changing

Human Readable Output#

Updated Pull Request #15#

1COLLABORATORLabel: demisto:master Ref: master SHA: 56b289d4b1402b1492dd0cc681325b1f0ae47505 User: {"Login": "demisto", "ID": 11011767, "NodeID": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjExMDExNzY3", "Type": "Organization", "SiteAdmin": false} Repo: {"ID": 315109290, "NodeID": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkzMTUxMDkyOTA=", "Name": "content-internal-dist", "FullName": "demisto/content-internal-dist", "Owner": {"Login": "demisto", "ID": 11011767, "NodeID": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjExMDExNzY3", "Type": "Organization", "SiteAdmin": false}, "Private": true, "Description": null, "Fork": false, "Language": "Python", "ForksCount": 0, "StargazersCount": 0, "WatchersCount": 0, "Size": 226, "DefaultBranch": "master", "OpenIssuesCount": 1, "Topics": null, "HasIssues": true, "HasProjects": true, "HasWiki": true, "HasPages": false, "HasDownloads": true, "Archived": false, "Disabled": false, "PushedAt": "2021-04-08T10:59:28Z", "CreatedAt": "2020-11-22T18:51:37Z", "UpdatedAt": "2021-04-07T08:58:02Z", "AllowRebaseMerge": null, "AllowSquashMerge": null, "AllowMergeCommit": null, "SucscribersCount": null}Changing1012021-04-08T10:59:27Z1falseLabel: demisto:teizenman-gh-test Ref: teizenman-gh-test SHA: 87429cec185dfd82be0f2e6d98b0f5d2d0bb91b0 User: {"Login": "demisto", "ID": 11011767, "NodeID": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjExMDExNzY3", "Type": "Organization", "SiteAdmin": false} Repo: {"ID": 315109290, "NodeID": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkzMTUxMDkyOTA=", "Name": "content-internal-dist", "FullName": "demisto/content-internal-dist", "Owner": {"Login": "demisto", "ID": 11011767, "NodeID": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjExMDExNzY3", "Type": "Organization", "SiteAdmin": false}, "Private": true, "Description": null, "Fork": false, "Language": "Python", "ForksCount": 0, "StargazersCount": 0, "WatchersCount": 0, "Size": 226, "DefaultBranch": "master", "OpenIssuesCount": 1, "Topics": null, "HasIssues": true, "HasProjects": true, "HasWiki": true, "HasPages": false, "HasDownloads": true, "Archived": false, "Disabled": false, "PushedAt": "2021-04-08T10:59:28Z", "CreatedAt": "2020-11-22T18:51:37Z", "UpdatedAt": "2021-04-07T08:58:02Z", "AllowRebaseMerge": null, "AllowSquashMerge": null, "AllowMergeCommit": null, "SucscribersCount": null}611450655falsefalse1af17e73721dbe0c40011b82ed4bb1a7dbe3ce29trueblockedfalse1af17e73721dbe0c40011b82ed4bb1a715true1open2021-04-08T11:08:14ZLogin: teizenman ID: 50326704 NodeID: MDQ6VXNlcjUwMzI2NzA0 Type: User SiteAdmin: false


Returns a merged pull request. If the pull request has been merged, the API returns 'Status: 204 No Content'. If the pull request has not been merged, the API returns 'Status: 404 Not Found'

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
pull_numberThe issue number of the pull request to check.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!GitHub-is-pr-merged pull_number=1

Human Readable Output#

Pull Request #1 was Merged


Creates a new pull request.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
titleThe title of the pull request.Required
headThe name of the branch where the changes are made.Required
baseThe name of the branch you want the changes pulled into, which must be an existing branch on the current repository.Required
bodyThe contents of the pull request.Optional
maintainer_can_modifyIndicates whether maintainers can modify the pull request.Optional
draftIndicates whether the pull request is a draft. For more information, see

Context Output#

GitHub.PR.IDNumberThe ID number of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.NumberNumberThe issue number of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.StateStringThe state of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.LockedBooleanWhether the pull request is locked.
GitHub.PR.TitleStringThe title of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.User.LoginStringThe login of the user who opened the pull request.
GitHub.PR.User.IDNumberThe ID of the user who opened the pull request.
GitHub.PR.User.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the user who opened the pull request.
GitHub.PR.User.TypeStringThe user type who opened the pull request.
GitHub.PR.User.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user who opened the pull request is a site administrator.
GitHub.PR.BodyStringThe body content of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Label.IDNumberThe ID of the label.
GitHub.PR.Label.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the label.
GitHub.PR.Label.NameStringThe name of the label.
GitHub.PR.Label.DescriptionStringThe description of the label.
GitHub.PR.Label.ColorStringThe hex color value of the label.
GitHub.PR.Label.DefaultBooleanWhether the label is a default.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.IDNumberThe ID of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.NumberNumberThe number of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.StateStringThe state of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.TitleStringThe title of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.DescriptionStringThe description of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.Creator.LoginStringThe login of the milestone creator.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.Creator.IDNumberThe ID the milestone creator.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.Creator.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the milestone creator.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.Creator.TypeStringThe type of the milestone creator.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.Creator.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the milestone creator is a site administrator.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.OpenIssuesNumberThe number of open issues with this milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.ClosedIssuesNumberThe number of closed issues with this milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.CreatedAtStringThe date the milestone was created.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.UpdatedAtStringThe date the milestone was updated.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.ClosedAtStringThe date the milestone was closed.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.DueOnStringThe due date for the milestone.
GitHub.PR.ActiveLockReasonStringThe reason the pull request is locked.
GitHub.PR.CreatedAtStringThe date the pull request was created.
GitHub.PR.UpdatedAtStringThe date the pull request was updated.
GitHub.PR.ClosedAtStringThe date the pull request was closed.
GitHub.PR.MergedAtStringThe date the pull request was merged.
GitHub.PR.MergeCommitSHAStringThe SHA hash of the pull request's merge commit.
GitHub.PR.Assignee.LoginStringThe login of the user assigned to the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Assignee.IDNumberThe ID of the user assigned to the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Assignee.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the user assigned to the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Assignee.TypeStringThe type of the user assigned to the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Assignee.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user assigned to the pull request is a site administrator.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.LoginStringThe login of the user requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.IDNumberThe ID of the user requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the user requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.TypeStringThe type of the user requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user requested for review is a site administrator.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.IDNumberThe ID of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.NameStringThe name of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.SlugStringThe slug of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.DescriptionStringThe description of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.PrivacyStringThe privacy setting of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.PermissionStringThe permissions of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.ParentUnknownThe parent of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.Head.LabelStringThe label of the branch the HEAD points to.
GitHub.PR.Head.RefStringThe reference of the branch the HEAD points to.
GitHub.PR.Head.SHAStringThe SHA hash of the commit the HEAD points to.
GitHub.PR.Head.User.LoginStringThe committer login of the HEAD commit of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.User.IDNumberThe committer ID of the HEAD commit of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.User.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the committer of the HEAD commit of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.User.TypeStringThe committer type of the HEAD commit of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.User.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the committer of the HEAD commit of the checked out branch is a site administrator.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.IDNumberThe ID of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.NameStringThe name of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.FullNameStringThe full name of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.Owner.LoginStringThe user login of the owner of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.Owner.IDNumberThe user ID of the owner of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.Owner.NodeIDStringThe user Node ID of the owner of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.Owner.TypeStringThe user type of the owner of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.Owner.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the owner of the repository of the checked out branch is a site administrator.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.PrivateBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch is private.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.DescriptionStringThe description of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.ForkBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch is a fork.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.LanguageUnknownThe language of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.ForksCountNumberThe number of forks of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.StargazersCountNumberThe number of stars of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.WatchersCountNumberThe number of entities watching the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.SizeNumberThe size of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.DefaultBranchStringThe default branch of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.OpenIssuesCountNumberThe open issues of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.TopicsUnknownTopics listed for the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.HasIssuesBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has issues.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.HasProjectsBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has projects.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.HasWikiBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has a wiki.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.HasPagesBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has pages.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.HasDownloadsBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has downloads.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.ArchivedBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has been archived.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.DisabledBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has been disabled.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.PushedAtStringThe date of the latest push to the repository of the checked out.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.CreatedAtStringThe date of creation of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.UpdatedAtStringThe date the repository of the checked out branch was last updated.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.AllowRebaseMergeBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch permits rebase-style merges.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.AllowSquashMergeBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch permits squash merges.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.AllowMergeCommitBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch permits merge commits.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.SubscribersCountNumberThe number of entities subscribing to the repository of the checked out.
GitHub.PR.Base.LabelStringThe label of the base branch.
GitHub.PR.Base.RefStringThe reference of the base branch.
GitHub.PR.Base.SHAStringThe SHA hash of the base branch.
GitHub.PR.Base.User.LoginStringThe committer login of the commit the base branch points to.
GitHub.PR.Base.User.IDNumberThe ID of the committer of the commit the base branch points to.
GitHub.PR.Base.User.NodeIDStringThe committer Node ID of the commit the base branch points to.
GitHub.PR.Base.User.TypeStringThe user type of the committer the commit base branch points to.
GitHub.PR.Base.User.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the committer of the commit the base branch points to is a site administrator.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.IDNumberThe ID of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.NameStringThe name of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.FullNameStringThe full name of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.Owner.LoginStringThe user login of the owner of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.Owner.IDNumberThe user ID of the owner of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.Owner.NodeIDStringThe user node ID of the owner of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.Owner.TypeStringThe user type of the owner of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.Owner.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the owner of the repository the base branch belongs to is a site administrator.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.PrivateBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to is private.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.DescriptionStringThe description of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.ForkBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to is a fork.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.LanguageUnknownThe language of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.ForksCountNumberThe number of times the repository the base branch belongs to has been forked.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.StargazersCountNumberThe number of times the repository the base branch belongs to has been starred.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.WatchersCountNumberThe number of entities watching the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.SizeNumberThe size of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.DefaultBranchStringThe default branch of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.OpenIssuesCountNumberThe number of open issues in the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.TopicsStringTopics listed for the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.HasIssuesBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to has issues.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.HasProjectsBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to has projects.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.HasWikiBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to has a wiki.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.HasPagesBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to has pages.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.HasDownloadsBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to has downloads.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.ArchivedBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to is archived.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.DisabledBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to is disabled.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.PushedAtStringThe date the repository the base branch belongs to was last pushed.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.CreatedAtStringThe date of creation of the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.UpdatedAtStringThe date the repository the base branch belongs to was last updated.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.AllowRebaseMergeBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to allows rebase-style merges.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.AllowSquashMergeBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to allows squash merges.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.AllowMergeCommitBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to allows merge commits.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.SubscribersCountNumberThe number of entities that subscribe to the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.AuthorAssociationStringThe pull request author association.
GitHub.PR.DraftBooleanWhether the pull request is a draft.
GitHub.PR.MergedBooleanWhether the pull request is merged.
GitHub.PR.MergeableBooleanWhether the pull request is mergeable.
GitHub.PR.RebaseableBooleanWhether the pull request is rebaseable.
GitHub.PR.MergeableStateStringThe mergeable state of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MergedBy.LoginStringThe login of the user who merged the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MergedBy.IDNumberThe ID of the user who merged the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MergedBy.NodeIDStringThe Node ID of the user who merged the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MergedBy.TypeStringThe user type who merged the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MergedBy.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user who merged the pull request is a site administrator.
GitHub.PR.CommentsNumberThe number of comments on the pull request.
GitHub.PR.ReviewCommentsNumberThe number of review comments on the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MaintainerCanModifyBooleanWhether the maintainer can modify the pull request.
GitHub.PR.CommitsNumberThe number of commits in the pull request.
GitHub.PR.AdditionsNumberThe number of additions in the pull request.
GitHub.PR.DeletionsNumberThe number of deletions in the pull request.
GitHub.PR.ChangedFilesNumberThe number of changed files in the pull request.

Command Example#

!GitHub-create-pull-request base=master head=branch-test title=Testing

Human Readable Output#

Created Pull Request #16#

1COLLABORATORLabel: demisto:master Ref: master SHA: 1af17e73721dbe0c40011b82ed4bb1a7dbe3ce29 User: {"Login": "demisto", "ID": XXXXX, "NodeID": "1af17e73721dbe0c40011b82ed4bb1a7", "Type": "Organization", "SiteAdmin": false} Repo: {"ID": 12345, "NodeID": "1af17e73721dbe0c40011b82ed4bb1a=", "Name": "repo", "FullName": "owner/repo", "Owner": {"Login": "login", "ID": 1234, "NodeID": "1af17e73721dbe0c40011b82ed4bb1a7", "Type": "Organization", "SiteAdmin": false}, "Private": true, "Description": null, "Fork": false, "Language": "Python", "ForksCount": 0, "StargazersCount": 0, "WatchersCount": 0, "Size": 229, "DefaultBranch": "master", "OpenIssuesCount": 1, "Topics": null, "HasIssues": true, "HasProjects": true, "HasWiki": true, "HasPages": false, "HasDownloads": true, "Archived": false, "Disabled": false, "PushedAt": "2021-04-08T10:59:28Z", "CreatedAt": "2020-11-22T18:51:37Z", "UpdatedAt": "2021-04-07T08:58:02Z", "AllowRebaseMerge": null, "AllowSquashMerge": null, "AllowMergeCommit": null, "SucscribersCount": null}1012021-04-08T13:13:31Z1trueLabel: demisto:branch-test Ref: branch-test SHA: 1af17e73721dbe0c40011b82ed4bb1a7dbe3ce29 User: {"Login": "login", "ID": 12345, "NodeID": "1af17e73721dbe0c40011b82ed4bb1a7", "Type": "Organization", "SiteAdmin": false} Repo: {"ID": 12345, "NodeID": "1af17e73721dbe0c40011b82ed4bb1a=", "Name": "repo", "FullName": "owner/repo", "Owner": {"Login": "login", "ID": 12345, "NodeID": "1af17e73721dbe0c40011b82ed4bb1a7", "Type": "Organization", "SiteAdmin": false}, "Private": true, "Description": null, "Fork": false, "Language": "Python", "ForksCount": 0, "StargazersCount": 0, "WatchersCount": 0, "Size": 229, "DefaultBranch": "master", "OpenIssuesCount": 1, "Topics": null, "HasIssues": true, "HasProjects": true, "HasWiki": true, "HasPages": false, "HasDownloads": true, "Archived": false, "Disabled": false, "PushedAt": "2021-04-08T10:59:28Z", "CreatedAt": "2020-11-22T18:51:37Z", "UpdatedAt": "2021-04-07T08:58:02Z", "AllowRebaseMerge": null, "AllowSquashMerge": null, "AllowMergeCommit": null, "SucscribersCount": null}611546693falsefalsedraftfalse1af17e73721dbe0c40011b82ed4bb1a7160open2021-04-08T13:13:31ZLogin: teizenman ID: 1234 NodeID: 1af17e73721dbe0c4001 Type: User SiteAdmin: false


Gets the usage details of GitHub action workflows of private repositories by repository owner.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ownerThe repository owner.Required

Context Output#

GitHub.ActionsUsage.RepositoryNameStringThe name of the private repository.
GitHub.ActionsUsage.WorkflowIDNumberThe workflow ID of the GitHub action.
GitHub.ActionsUsage.WorkflowNameStringThe display name of the GitHub action workflow.
GitHub.ActionsUsage.WorkflowUsageUnknownThe GitHub action workflow usage on different OS.

Command Example#

!Github-get-github-actions-usage owner=user

Human Readable Output#

Github Actions Usage#

Git-Repo12345An ActionUBUNTU: {"total_ms": 12345}


Gets a check run details

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ownerOrganization or Owner.Required
repositoryGit Repository Name.Required
run_idCheck Run ID.Optional
commit_idHead Commit ID.Optional

Context Output#

GitHub.CheckRuns.CheckRunConclusionStringCheck Run Conculsion
GitHub.CheckRuns.CheckRunAppNameStringCheck Run App Name
GitHub.CheckRuns.CheckExternalIDStringCheck Run External ID
GitHub.CheckRuns.CheckRunNameStringCheck Run Name
GitHub.CheckRuns.CheckRunStatusStringCheck Run Status
GitHub.CheckRuns.CheckRunIDStringCheck Run ID


Gets the content of a file from GitHub.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
file_pathThe path of the file.Required
branch_nameThe branch name to get the file from.Optional
media_typeThe media type in which the file contents will be fetched. Possible values are: "raw" and "html". Default value is "raw".Optional
create_file_from_contentWhether to create a file entry in the War Room with the file contents. Default value is "false".Optional
organizationThe name of the organization.Optional
repositoryThe name of the repository.Optional

Context Output#

GitHub.FileContent.PathStringThe path of the file.
GitHub.FileContent.ContentNumberThe content of the file.
GitHub.FileContent.MediaTypeStringThe media type in which the file was fetched.
GitHub.FileContent.BranchUnknownThe branch from which the file was fetched.

Command Example#

!GitHub-get-file-content file_path=file.json branch_name=branch-test

Human Readable Output#

File file.json successfully fetched.#

branch-testThis is the content of the filerawfile.json


Gets a list of files from the given path in the repository.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
pathThe path in the branch to get the files from.Optional
organizationThe name of the organization.Optional
repositoryThe name of the repository.Optional

Context Output#

GitHub.File.NameStringThe name of the file.
GitHub.File.TypeStringWhether the item is file or directory.
GitHub.File.SizeNumberThe size of the file in bytes.
GitHub.File.PathStringThe file path inside the repository.
GitHub.File.DownloadUrlStringThe link to download the file content.
GitHub.File.SHAStringThe SHA of the file.

Command Example#

!Github-list-files path=Index

Human Readable Output#

Files in path: Index#



List team members.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organizationThe name of the organization.Required
team_slugThe name of the team under the organization.Required
maximum_usersThe maximum number of users to return.Optional

Context Output#

GitHub.TeamMember.IDStringThe ID of the team member.
GitHub.TeamMember.LoginStringThe login name of the team member.
GitHub.TeamMember.TeamStringThe user's team.

Command Example#

!GitHub-list-team-members organization=demisto team_slug=content maximum_users=20

Context Example#
"GitHub.GitHub": [
"ID": 1234567,
"Login": "user1",
"Team": "content",

Human Readable Output#

Team Member of team content in organization XSOAR#



Get pull requests corresponding to the given branch name.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
branch_nameThe branch name from which to retrieve pull requests.Required
organizationThe name of the organization.Optional
repositoryThe repository for the pull request. Defaults to the repository parameter if not provided.Optional

Context Output#

GitHub.PR.IDNumberThe ID number of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.NumberNumberThe issue number of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.StateStringThe state of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.LockedBooleanWhether the pull request is locked.
GitHub.PR.User.LoginStringThe login of the user who opened the pull request.
GitHub.PR.User.IDNumberThe ID of the user who opened the pull request.
GitHub.PR.User.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the user who opened the pull request.
GitHub.PR.User.TypeStringThe type of the user who opened the pull request.
GitHub.PR.User.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user who opened the pull request is a site admin.
GitHub.PR.BodyStringThe body content of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Label.IDNumberThe ID of the label.
GitHub.PR.Label.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the label.
GitHub.PR.Label.NameStringThe name of the label.
GitHub.PR.Label.DescriptionStringThe description of the label.
GitHub.PR.Label.ColorStringThe hex color value of the label.
GitHub.PR.Label.DefaultBooleanWhether the label is a default.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.IDNumberThe ID of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.NumberNumberThe number of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.StateStringThe state of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.TitleStringThe title of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.DescriptionStringThe description of the milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.Creator.LoginStringThe login of the milestone creator.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.Creator.IDNumberThe ID the milestone creator.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.Creator.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the milestone creator.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.Creator.TypeStringThe type of the milestone creator.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.Creator.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the milestone creator is a site admin.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.OpenIssuesNumberThe number of open issues with this milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.ClosedIssuesNumberThe number of closed issues with this milestone.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.CreatedAtStringThe date the milestone was created.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.UpdatedAtStringThe date the milestone was updated.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.ClosedAtStringThe date the milestone was closed.
GitHub.PR.Milestone.DueOnStringThe due date for the milestone.
GitHub.PR.ActiveLockReasonStringThe reason the pull request is locked.
GitHub.PR.CreatedAtStringThe date the pull request was created.
GitHub.PR.UpdatedAtStringThe date the pull request was updated.
GitHub.PR.ClosedAtStringThe date the pull request was closed.
GitHub.PR.MergedAtStringThe date the pull request was merged.
GitHub.PR.MergeCommitSHAStringThe SHA hash of the pull request's merge commit.
GitHub.PR.Assignee.LoginStringThe login of the user assigned to the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Assignee.IDNumberThe ID of the user assigned to the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Assignee.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the user assigned to the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Assignee.TypeStringThe type of the user assigned to the pull request.
GitHub.PR.Assignee.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user assigned to the pull request is a site admin.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.LoginStringThe login of the user requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.IDNumberThe ID of the user requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the user requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.TypeStringThe type of the user requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedReviewer.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user requested for review is a site admin.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.IDNumberThe ID of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.NameStringThe name of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.SlugStringThe slug of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.DescriptionStringThe description of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.PrivacyStringThe privacy setting of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.PermissionStringThe permissions of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.RequestedTeam.ParentUnknownThe parent of the team requested for review.
GitHub.PR.Head.LabelStringThe label of the branch the HEAD points to.
GitHub.PR.Head.RefStringThe reference of the branch the HEAD points to.
GitHub.PR.Head.SHAStringThe SHA hash of the commit the HEAD points to.
GitHub.PR.Head.User.LoginStringThe login of the committer of the HEAD commit of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.User.IDNumberThe ID of the committer of the HEAD commit of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.User.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the committer of the HEAD commit of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.User.TypeStringThe type of the committer of the HEAD commit of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.User.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the committer of the HEAD commit of the checked out branch is a site admin.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.IDNumberThe ID of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.NameStringThe name of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.FullNameStringThe full name of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.Owner.LoginStringThe user login of the owner of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.Owner.IDNumberThe user ID of the owner of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.Owner.NodeIDStringThe user node ID of the owner of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.Owner.TypeStringThe user type of the owner of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.Owner.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the owner of the repository of the checked out branch is a site admin.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.PrivateBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch is private.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.DescriptionStringThe description of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.ForkBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch is a fork.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.LanguageUnknownThe language of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.ForksCountNumberThe number of forks of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.StargazersCountNumberThe number of stars of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.WatchersCountNumberThe number of entities watching the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.SizeNumberThe size of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.DefaultBranchStringThe default branch of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.OpenIssuesCountNumberThe open issues of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.TopicsUnknownThe topics listed for the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.HasIssuesBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has issues.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.HasProjectsBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has projects.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.HasWikiBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has a wiki.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.HasPagesBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has pages.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.HasDownloadsBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has downloads.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.ArchivedBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has been archived.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.DisabledBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch has been disabled.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.PushedAtStringThe date of the latest push to the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.CreatedAtStringThe date of creation of the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.UpdatedAtStringThe date the repository of the checked out branch was last updated.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.AllowRebaseMergeBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch permits rebase-style merges.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.AllowSquashMergeBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch permits squash merges.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.AllowMergeCommitBooleanWhether the repository of the checked out branch permits merge commits.
GitHub.PR.Head.Repo.SubscribersCountNumberThe number of entities subscribing to the repository of the checked out branch.
GitHub.PR.Base.LabelStringThe label of the base branch.
GitHub.PR.Base.RefStringThe reference of the base branch.
GitHub.PR.Base.SHAStringThe SHA hash of the base branch.
GitHub.PR.Base.User.LoginStringThe login of the committer of the commit that the base branch points to.
GitHub.PR.Base.User.IDNumberThe ID of the committer of the commit that the base branch points to.
GitHub.PR.Base.User.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the committer of the commit that the base branch points to.
GitHub.PR.Base.User.TypeStringThe user type of the committer of the commit that the base branch points to.
GitHub.PR.Base.User.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the committer of the commit that the base branch points to is a site admin.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.IDNumberThe ID of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.NameStringThe name of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.FullNameStringThe full name of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.Owner.LoginStringThe user login of the owner of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.Owner.IDNumberThe user ID of the owner of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.Owner.NodeIDStringThe user node ID of the owner of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.Owner.TypeStringThe user type of the owner of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.Owner.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the owner of the repository that the base branch belongs to is a site admin.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.PrivateBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to is private.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.DescriptionStringThe description of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.ForkBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to is a fork.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.LanguageUnknownThe language of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.ForksCountNumberThe number of times the repository that the base branch belongs to has been forked.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.StargazersCountNumberThe number of times the repository that the base branch belongs to has been starred.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.WatchersCountNumberThe number of entities watching the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.SizeNumberThe size of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.DefaultBranchStringThe default branch of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.OpenIssuesCountNumberThe number of open issues in the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.TopicsStringTopics listed for the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.HasIssuesBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to has issues.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.HasProjectsBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to has projects.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.HasWikiBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to has a wiki.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.HasPagesBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to has pages.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.HasDownloadsBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to has downloads.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.ArchivedBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to is archived.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.DisabledBooleanWhether the repository that the base branch belongs to is disabled.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.PushedAtStringThe date the repository the base branch belongs to was last pushed to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.CreatedAtStringThe date of creation of the repository that the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.UpdatedAtStringThe date the repository the base branch belongs to was last updated.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.AllowRebaseMergeBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to allows rebase-style merges.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.AllowSquashMergeBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to allows squash merges.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.AllowMergeCommitBooleanWhether the repository the base branch belongs to allows merge commits.
GitHub.PR.Base.Repo.SubscribersCountNumberThe number of entities that subscribe to the repository the base branch belongs to.
GitHub.PR.AuthorAssociationStringThe pull request author association.
GitHub.PR.DraftBooleanWhether the pull request is a draft.
GitHub.PR.MergedBooleanWhether the pull request is merged.
GitHub.PR.MergeableBooleanWhether the pull request is mergeable.
GitHub.PR.RebaseableBooleanWhether the pull request is rebaseable.
GitHub.PR.MergeableStateStringThe mergeable state of the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MergedBy.LoginStringThe login of the user who merged the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MergedBy.IDNumberThe ID of the user who merged the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MergedBy.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the user who merged the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MergedBy.TypeStringThe type of the user who merged the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MergedBy.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user who merged the pull request is a site admin.
GitHub.PR.CommentsNumberThe number of comments on the pull request.
GitHub.PR.ReviewCommentsNumberThe number of review comments on the pull request.
GitHub.PR.MaintainerCanModifyBooleanWhether the maintainer can modify the pull request.
GitHub.PR.CommitsNumberThe number of commits in the pull request.
GitHub.PR.AdditionsNumberThe number of additions in the pull request.
GitHub.PR.DeletionsNumberThe number of deletions in the pull request.
GitHub.PR.ChangedFilesNumberThe number of changed files in the pull request.

Command Example#

!GitHub-list-branch-pull-requests branch_name=Update-Docker-Image

Context Example#

"GitHub": {
"PR": {
"ActiveLockReason": null,
"Additions": null,
"AuthorAssociation": "MEMBER",
"Base": {
"Label": "demisto:master",
"Ref": "master",
"Repo": {
"AllowMergeCommit": null,
"AllowRebaseMerge": null,
"AllowSquashMerge": null,
"Archived": false,
"CreatedAt": "2016-06-06T12:17:02Z",
"DefaultBranch": "master",
"Description": "Demisto is now Cortex XSOAR. Automate and orchestrate your Security Operations with Cortex XSOAR's ever-growing Content Repository. Pull Requests are always welcome and highly appreciated! ",
"Disabled": false,
"Fork": false,
"ForksCount": 678,
"FullName": "demisto/content",
"HasDownloads": true,
"HasIssues": false,
"HasPages": false,
"HasProjects": true,
"HasWiki": false,
"ID": 60525392,
"Language": "Python",
"Name": "content",
"NodeID": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnk2MDUyNTM5Mg==",
"OpenIssuesCount": 181,
"Owner": {
"ID": 11011767,
"Login": "demisto",
"NodeID": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjExMDExNzY3",
"SiteAdmin": false,
"Type": "Organization"
"Private": false,
"PushedAt": "2021-05-06T11:49:07Z",
"Size": 371861,
"StargazersCount": 635,
"SucscribersCount": null,
"Topics": null,
"UpdatedAt": "2021-05-06T11:41:27Z",
"WatchersCount": 635
"SHA": "9adf770fb981ec8bc9d6e87669be75da23176693",
"User": {
"ID": 11011767,
"Login": "demisto",
"NodeID": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjExMDExNzY3",
"SiteAdmin": false,
"Type": "Organization"
"Body": "Updated Docker Images For Integrations",
"ChangedFiles": null,
"ClosedAt": null,
"Comments": null,
"Commits": null,
"CreatedAt": "2021-05-03T14:29:25Z",
"Deletions": null,
"Draft": false,
"Head": {
"Label": "demisto:Update-Docker-Image",
"Ref": "Update-Docker-Image",
"Repo": {
"AllowMergeCommit": null,
"AllowRebaseMerge": null,
"AllowSquashMerge": null,
"Archived": false,
"CreatedAt": "2016-06-06T12:17:02Z",
"DefaultBranch": "master",
"Description": "Demisto is now Cortex XSOAR. Automate and orchestrate your Security Operations with Cortex XSOAR's ever-growing Content Repository. Pull Requests are always welcome and highly appreciated! ",
"Disabled": false,
"Fork": false,
"ForksCount": 678,
"FullName": "demisto/content",
"HasDownloads": true,
"HasIssues": false,
"HasPages": false,
"HasProjects": true,
"HasWiki": false,
"ID": 60525392,
"Language": "Python",
"Name": "content",
"NodeID": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnk2MDUyNTM5Mg==",
"OpenIssuesCount": 181,
"Owner": {
"ID": 11011767,
"Login": "demisto",
"NodeID": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjExMDExNzY3",
"SiteAdmin": false,
"Type": "Organization"
"Private": false,
"PushedAt": "2021-05-06T11:49:07Z",
"Size": 371861,
"StargazersCount": 635,
"SucscribersCount": null,
"Topics": null,
"UpdatedAt": "2021-05-06T11:41:27Z",
"WatchersCount": 635
"SHA": "baee6e30aaa0f52e676987c1968ffd3ce11d7e57",
"User": {
"ID": 11011767,
"Login": "demisto",
"NodeID": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjExMDExNzY3",
"SiteAdmin": false,
"Type": "Organization"
"ID": 629143674,
"Label": [
"Color": null,
"Default": false,
"Description": "",
"ID": 1523790036,
"Name": "docs-approved",
"NodeID": "MDU6TGFiZWwxNTIzNzkwMDM2"
"Locked": false,
"MaintainerCanModify": null,
"MergeCommitSHA": "5854633d909c5672ba6ccf118c4dae68eb4e38c0",
"Mergeable": null,
"MergeableState": null,
"Merged": null,
"MergedAt": null,
"NodeID": "MDExOlB1bGxSZXF1ZXN0NjI5MTQzNjc0",
"Number": 12510,
"Rebaseable": null,
"ReviewComments": null,
"State": "open",
"UpdatedAt": "2021-05-03T14:48:58Z",
"User": {
"ID": 55035720,
"Login": "content-bot",
"NodeID": "MDQ6VXNlcjU1MDM1NzIw",
"SiteAdmin": false,
"Type": "User"

Human Readable Output#

Pull Request For Branch #Update-Docker-Image#

MEMBERLabel: demisto:master
Ref: master
SHA: 9adf770fb981ec8bc9d6e87669be75da23176693
User: {"Login": "demisto", "ID": 11011767, "NodeID": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjExMDExNzY3", "Type": "Organization", "SiteAdmin": false}
Repo: {"ID": 60525392, "NodeID": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnk2MDUyNTM5Mg==", "Name": "content", "FullName": "demisto/content", "Owner": {"Login": "demisto", "ID": 11011767, "NodeID": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjExMDExNzY3", "Type": "Organization", "SiteAdmin": false}, "Private": false, "Description": "Demisto is now Cortex XSOAR. Automate and orchestrate your Security Operations with Cortex XSOAR's ever-growing Content Repository. Pull Requests are always welcome and highly appreciated! ", "Fork": false, "Language": "Python", "ForksCount": 678, "StargazersCount": 635, "WatchersCount": 635, "Size": 371861, "DefaultBranch": "master", "OpenIssuesCount": 181, "Topics": null, "HasIssues": false, "HasProjects": true, "HasWiki": false, "HasPages": false, "HasDownloads": true, "Archived": false, "Disabled": false, "PushedAt": "2021-05-06T11:49:07Z", "CreatedAt": "2016-06-06T12:17:02Z", "UpdatedAt": "2021-05-06T11:41:27Z", "AllowRebaseMerge": null, "AllowSquashMerge": null, "AllowMergeCommit": null, "SucscribersCount": null}
Updated Docker Images For Integrations2021-05-03T14:29:25ZfalseLabel: demisto:Update-Docker-Image
Ref: Update-Docker-Image
SHA: baee6e30aaa0f52e676987c1968ffd3ce11d7e57
User: {"Login": "demisto", "ID": 11011767, "NodeID": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjExMDExNzY3", "Type": "Organization", "SiteAdmin": false}
Repo: {"ID": 60525392, "NodeID": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnk2MDUyNTM5Mg==", "Name": "content", "FullName": "demisto/content", "Owner": {"Login": "demisto", "ID": 11011767, "NodeID": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjExMDExNzY3", "Type": "Organization", "SiteAdmin": false}, "Private": false, "Description": "Demisto is now Cortex XSOAR. Automate and orchestrate your Security Operations with Cortex XSOAR's ever-growing Content Repository. Pull Requests are always welcome and highly appreciated! ", "Fork": false, "Language": "Python", "ForksCount": 678, "StargazersCount": 635, "WatchersCount": 635, "Size": 371861, "DefaultBranch": "master", "OpenIssuesCount": 181, "Topics": null, "HasIssues": false, "HasProjects": true, "HasWiki": false, "HasPages": false, "HasDownloads": true, "Archived": false, "Disabled": false, "PushedAt": "2021-05-06T11:49:07Z", "CreatedAt": "2016-06-06T12:17:02Z", "UpdatedAt": "2021-05-06T11:41:27Z", "AllowRebaseMerge": null, "AllowSquashMerge": null, "AllowMergeCommit": null, "SucscribersCount": null}
629143674{'ID': 1523790036, 'NodeID': 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNTIzNzkwMDM2', 'Name': 'docs-approved', 'Description': '', 'Color': None, 'Default': False}false5854633d909c5672ba6ccf118c4dae68eb4e38c0MDExOlB1bGxSZXF1ZXN0NjI5MTQzNjc012510open2021-05-03T14:48:58ZLogin: content-bot
ID: 55035720
Type: User
SiteAdmin: false


Commits a given file.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
commit_messageCommit message.Required
path_to_fileThe path to the file in the GitHub repo (including file name and file ending).Required
entry_idThe entry ID for the file to commit. Either "entry_id" or "file_text" must be provided.Optional
file_textThe plain text for the file to commit. Either "entry_id" or "file_text" must be provided.Optional
branch_nameThe branch name.Required
file_shaThe blob SHA of the file being replaced. Use the GitHub-list-files command to get the SHA value of the file. Required if you are updating a file.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!Github-commit-file commit_message="test commit" path_to_file="" branch_name=branch-for-pr file_sha=hjashd878ad file_text=Test

Human Readable Output#

The file committed successfully. Link to the commit:


Creates a release.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameThe name of the release.Optional
tag_nameThe name of the release tag.Required
bodyText describing the contents of the tag.Optional
refThe target branch/commit SHA from where to create the release.Optional
draftSet to true to create a draft (unpublished) release, set to false to create a published one. Default is True.Optional

Context Output#

GitHub.Release.draftBooleanWhether the release is a draft.
GitHub.Release.html_urlStringThe release URL.
GitHub.Release.idNumberThe ID of the release.
GitHub.Release.urlStringGitHub API URL link to the release.

Command Example#

!GitHub-create-release tag_name=1.0.0 body=`First release` draft=True name=1.0.0

Context Example#
"GitHub.Release": [
"draft": true,
"html_url": "",
"id": 4785254,
"url": ""

Human Readable Output#

Release 1.0.0 created successfully for repo sdk:


Returns events corresponding to the given issue.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issue_numberThe issue number to retrieve events for.Required

Context Output#

GitHub.IssueEvent.idNumberEvent ID.
GitHub.IssueEvent.node_idStringEvent node ID.
GitHub.IssueEvent.urlStringEvent URL. actor login username. actor ID. actor node ID. actor avatar URL. actor gravatar ID. actor URL. actor HTML URL. actor followers URL. actor following URL. actor gists URL. actor starred URL. actor subscriptions URL. actor organizations URL. actor repos URL. actor events URL. actor received events URL. actor type. whether the event actor is the site admin.
GitHub.IssueEvent.eventStringIssue event type, for example labeled, closed.
GitHub.IssueEvent.commit_idUnknownEvent commit ID.
GitHub.IssueEvent.commit_urlUnknownEvent commit URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.created_atDateEvent created time.
GitHub.IssueEvent.label.nameStringEvent label name.
GitHub.IssueEvent.label.colorStringEvent label color.
GitHub.IssueEvent.performed_via_github_appUnknownIndicates whether event was performed via a GitHub application.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assignee.loginStringAssignee login username.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assignee.idNumberAssignee ID.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assignee.node_idStringAssignee node ID.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assignee.avatar_urlStringAssignee avatar URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assignee.gravatar_idStringAssignee gravatar ID.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assignee.urlStringAssignee URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assignee.html_urlStringAssignee HTML URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assignee.followers_urlStringAssignee followers URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assignee.following_urlStringAssignee following URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assignee.gists_urlStringAssignee gists URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assignee.starred_urlStringAssignee starred URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assignee.subscriptions_urlStringAssignee subscriptions URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assignee.organizations_urlStringAssignee organizations URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assignee.repos_urlStringAssignee repos URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assignee.events_urlStringAssignee events URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assignee.received_events_urlStringAssignee received events URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assignee.typeStringAssignee type.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assignee.site_adminBooleanIndicates whether the assignee is a site admin.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assigner.loginStringAssigner login username.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assigner.idNumberAssigner ID.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assigner.node_idStringAssigner node ID.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assigner.avatar_urlStringAssigner avatar URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assigner.gravatar_idStringAssigner gravatar ID.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assigner.urlStringAssigner URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assigner.html_urlStringAssigner HTML URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assigner.followers_urlStringAssigner followers URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assigner.following_urlStringAssigner following URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assigner.gists_urlStringAssigner gists URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assigner.starred_urlStringAssigner starred URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assigner.subscriptions_urlStringAssigner subscriptions URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assigner.organizations_urlStringAssigner organizations URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assigner.repos_urlStringAssigner repos URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assigner.events_urlStringAssigner events URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assigner.received_events_urlStringAssigner received events URL.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assigner.typeStringAssigner type.
GitHub.IssueEvent.assigner.site_adminBooleanIndicates whether the assignee is a site admin.

Command Example#

!Github-list-issue-events issue_number=1079

Context Example#

"GitHub": {
"IssueEvent": [
"actor": {
"avatar_url": "",
"events_url": "{/privacy}",
"followers_url": "",
"following_url": "{/other_user}",
"gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
"gravatar_id": "",
"html_url": "",
"id": 70005542,
"login": "tomneeman151293",
"node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjcwMDA1NTQy",
"organizations_url": "",
"received_events_url": "",
"repos_url": "",
"site_admin": false,
"starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
"subscriptions_url": "",
"type": "User",
"url": ""
"commit_id": null,
"commit_url": null,
"created_at": "2021-01-28T13:00:26Z",
"event": "labeled",
"id": 4260960414,
"label": {
"color": "d73a4a",
"name": "bug"
"node_id": "MDEyOkxhYmVsZWRFdmVudDQyNjA5NjA0MTQ=",
"performed_via_github_app": null,
"url": ""
"actor": {
"avatar_url": "",
"events_url": "{/privacy}",
"followers_url": "",
"following_url": "{/other_user}",
"gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
"gravatar_id": "",
"html_url": "",
"id": 70005542,
"login": "tomneeman151293",
"node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjcwMDA1NTQy",
"organizations_url": "",
"received_events_url": "",
"repos_url": "",
"site_admin": false,
"starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
"subscriptions_url": "",
"type": "User",
"url": ""
"commit_id": null,
"commit_url": null,
"created_at": "2021-01-28T15:20:27Z",
"event": "closed",
"id": 4261648354,
"node_id": "MDExOkNsb3NlZEV2ZW50NDI2MTY0ODM1NA==",
"performed_via_github_app": null,
"url": ""

Human Readable Output#

GitHub Issue Events For Issue 1079#

login: tomneeman151293
id: 70005542
node_id: MDQ6VXNlcjcwMDA1NTQy
type: User
site_admin: false
2021-01-28T13:00:26Zlabeled4260960414name: bug
color: d73a4a
login: tomneeman151293
id: 70005542
node_id: MDQ6VXNlcjcwMDA1NTQy
type: User
site_admin: false


Lists all project boards a user can see.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
project_filterOnly list projects with the specified numbers (IDs).Optional
limitThe number of projects to return. Default is 20. Maximum is 100.Optional

Context Output#

GitHub.Project.NameStringThe name of the project board.
GitHub.Project.IDNumberThe ID of the project board.
GitHub.Project.NumberNumberThe project board number.
GitHub.Project.Columns.NameStringThe column Name.
GitHub.Project.Columns.ColumnIDNumberThe ID of the column.
GitHub.Project.Columns.Cards.CardIDNumberThe ID of the card.
GitHub.Project.Columns.Cards.ContentNumberNumberThe content number of this card, usually this is the issue number.
GitHub.Project.IssuesListList of all issue numbers that are in this project board.

Command Example#

!GitHub-list-all-projects project_filter="1,2"

Context Example#

"GitHub": {
"Project": {
"XSOAR Data": {
"Number": 23,
"ID": 2,
"Columns": {
"In progress": {
"Cards": [
"CardID": 55555,
"ContentNumber": 33883
"CardID": 66666,
"ContentNumber": 34852
"Name": "In progress",
"ColumnID": 13241511
"Done": {
"Cards": [
"CardID": 61858005,
"ContentNumber": 37480
"CardID": 60428728,
"ContentNumber": 36608
"Name": "Done",
"ColumnID": 13437971
"Issues": [
"Name": "XSOAR Data"


Moves an issue in the project board to a different column.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
column_idThe destination column ID.Required
card_idThe card ID to move.Required
positionThe position of the card in the new column.Optional

Command Example#

!GitHub-move-issue-to-project-board card_id=1111 column_id=1234 position="top"


Adds an Issue as a card in column of a spesific project.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
column_idColumn unique id .Required
issue_unique_idIssue unique ID.Required
content_typeContent type of the project card. Default is Issue.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Gets the data of the a given path.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
relative_pathRelative path to retrieve its data.Required
branch_nameThe branch name from which to get the file data. Default is master.Optional
organizationThe name of the organization containing the file.Optional
repositoryThe repository of the file.Optional

Context Output#

GitHub.PathData.nameStringPath name.
GitHub.PathData.pathStringRelative path for the given repository.
GitHub.PathData.shaStringPath SHA.
GitHub.PathData.sizeNumberPath size in bytes. Will be 0 if path to a dir was given.
GitHub.PathData.urlStringPath URL.
GitHub.PathData.html_urlStringPath HTML URL.
GitHub.PathData.git_urlStringPath Git URL.
GitHub.PathData.download_urlStringPath download URL. If a directory path was given will be empty.
GitHub.PathData.typeStringPath data, for example file, dir.
GitHub.PathData.contentStringContent of the path if a file path was given.
GitHub.PathData.encodingStringEncoding method if path to a file was given.
GitHub.PathData.entries.nameStringIf a dir was given in file_path, name of the dir entry.
GitHub.PathData.entries.pathStringIf a dir was given in file_path, path of the dir entry.
GitHub.PathData.entries.shaStringIf a dir was given in file_path, SHA of the dir entry.
GitHub.PathData.entries.sizeNumberIf a dir was given in file_path, size of the dir entry. Will be 0 if entry is also a dir.
GitHub.PathData.entries.urlStringIf a dir was given in file_path, URL of the dir entry.
GitHub.PathData.entries.html_urlStringIf a dir was given in file_path, HTML URL of the dir entry.
GitHub.PathData.entries.git_urlStringIf a dir was given in file_path, Git URL of the dir entry.
GitHub.PathData.entries.download_urlStringIf a dir was given in file_path, download URL of the dir entry. Will be empty if entry is also a dir.
GitHub.PathData.entries.typeStringIf a dir was given in file_path, type of the dir entry.

Command Example#

!GitHub-get-path-data organization=demisto repository=content relative_path=Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse

Context Example#

"GitHub": {
"PathData": {
"download_url": null,
"entries": [
"download_url": "",
"git_url": "",
"html_url": "",
"name": "",
"path": "Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse/",
"sha": "23b55cb33aadaa6753e3df1e1d90d3cdc951c745",
"size": 14395,
"type": "file",
"url": ""
"download_url": "",
"git_url": "",
"html_url": "",
"name": "BitcoinAbuse.yml",
"path": "Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse/BitcoinAbuse.yml",
"sha": "17bbcfd9270570727c2e0f48591fcb9a98a0711e",
"size": 3929,
"type": "file",
"url": ""
"download_url": "",
"git_url": "",
"html_url": "",
"name": "",
"path": "Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse/",
"sha": "7d969d68833e2424ba8411c93fb8110face60414",
"size": 1305,
"type": "file",
"url": ""
"download_url": "",
"git_url": "",
"html_url": "",
"name": "BitcoinAbuse_image.png",
"path": "Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse/BitcoinAbuse_image.png",
"sha": "52bef504f8dc4b58ddc6f200cdd135bcdfe9719a",
"size": 3212,
"type": "file",
"url": ""
"download_url": "",
"git_url": "",
"html_url": "",
"name": "",
"path": "Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse/",
"sha": "dc2c4106cc3589461c7470a5c26e6e8927192d7f",
"size": 7150,
"type": "file",
"url": ""
"download_url": "",
"git_url": "",
"html_url": "",
"name": "Pipfile",
"path": "Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse/Pipfile",
"sha": "3523d3b6b93bd611859c23e1f63a774d78a0363a",
"size": 257,
"type": "file",
"url": ""
"download_url": "",
"git_url": "",
"html_url": "",
"name": "Pipfile.lock",
"path": "Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse/Pipfile.lock",
"sha": "6bdb9313414e337e128df3715f17d372f5691608",
"size": 15993,
"type": "file",
"url": ""
"download_url": "",
"git_url": "",
"html_url": "",
"name": "",
"path": "Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse/",
"sha": "fba823cddcc3637b2989598b7ae08731002f8feb",
"size": 7188,
"type": "file",
"url": ""
"download_url": null,
"git_url": "",
"html_url": "",
"name": "test_data",
"path": "Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse/test_data",
"sha": "ed2025b734667dfde3b405f8a131b785e9d8fc9d",
"size": 0,
"type": "dir",
"url": ""
"git_url": "",
"html_url": "",
"name": "BitcoinAbuse",
"path": "Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse",
"sha": "1a0c49c84e7bcd02af5587082b6ed48634a20402",
"size": 0,
"type": "dir",
"url": ""

Human Readable Output#

File Data For File Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse#

{'name': '', 'path': 'Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse/', 'sha': '23b55cb33aadaa6753e3df1e1d90d3cdc951c745', 'size': 14395, 'url': '', 'html_url': '', 'git_url': '', 'download_url': '', 'type': 'file'},
{'name': 'BitcoinAbuse.yml', 'path': 'Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse/BitcoinAbuse.yml', 'sha': '17bbcfd9270570727c2e0f48591fcb9a98a0711e', 'size': 3929, 'url': '', 'html_url': '', 'git_url': '', 'download_url': '', 'type': 'file'},
{'name': '', 'path': 'Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse/', 'sha': '7d969d68833e2424ba8411c93fb8110face60414', 'size': 1305, 'url': '', 'html_url': '', 'git_url': '', 'download_url': '', 'type': 'file'},
{'name': 'BitcoinAbuse_image.png', 'path': 'Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse/BitcoinAbuse_image.png', 'sha': '52bef504f8dc4b58ddc6f200cdd135bcdfe9719a', 'size': 3212, 'url': '', 'html_url': '', 'git_url': '', 'download_url': '', 'type': 'file'},
{'name': '', 'path': 'Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse/', 'sha': 'dc2c4106cc3589461c7470a5c26e6e8927192d7f', 'size': 7150, 'url': '', 'html_url': '', 'git_url': '', 'download_url': '', 'type': 'file'},
{'name': 'Pipfile', 'path': 'Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse/Pipfile', 'sha': '3523d3b6b93bd611859c23e1f63a774d78a0363a', 'size': 257, 'url': '', 'html_url': '', 'git_url': '', 'download_url': '', 'type': 'file'},
{'name': 'Pipfile.lock', 'path': 'Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse/Pipfile.lock', 'sha': '6bdb9313414e337e128df3715f17d372f5691608', 'size': 15993, 'url': '', 'html_url': '', 'git_url': '', 'download_url': '', 'type': 'file'},
{'name': '', 'path': 'Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse/', 'sha': 'fba823cddcc3637b2989598b7ae08731002f8feb', 'size': 7188, 'url': '', 'html_url': '', 'git_url': '', 'download_url': '', 'type': 'file'},
{'name': 'test_data', 'path': 'Packs/BitcoinAbuse/Integrations/BitcoinAbuse/test_data', 'sha': 'ed2025b734667dfde3b405f8a131b785e9d8fc9d', 'size': 0, 'url': '', 'html_url': '', 'git_url': '', 'download_url': None, 'type': 'dir'}


Gets release data from a given repository and organization.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
pageThe page number to retrieve releases from. If limit argument is not given, defaults to 1.Optional
page_sizeThe size of the page. If the limit argument is not specified, defaults to 50.Optional
limitThe maximum number of releases to retrieve data for. Will get results of the first pages. Cannot be given with page_size or page arguments.Optional
organizationThe name of the organization containing the repository. Defaults to the organization instance parameter if not given.Optional
repositoryThe repository containing the releases. Defaults to repository instance parameter if not given.Optional

Context Output#

GitHub.Release.urlStringThe release URL.
GitHub.Release.assets_urlStringThe release assets URL.
GitHub.Release.upload_urlStringThe upload URL.
GitHub.Release.html_urlStringThe HTML URL.
GitHub.Release.idNumberThe release ID. release author login username. release author user ID. release author node ID. release author avatar URL. release author gravatar ID. release author URL. release author HTML URL. release author followers URL. release author following URL. release author gists URL. release author starred URL. release author subscriptions URL. release author organizations URL. release author repos URL. release author events URL. release author received events URL. release author type, for example "User". the release author is the site admin.
GitHub.Release.node_idStringThe release Node ID.
GitHub.Release.tag_nameStringThe release tag name.
GitHub.Release.target_commitishStringThe release target commit.
GitHub.Release.nameStringThe release name.
GitHub.Release.draftBooleanWhether the release is a draft.
GitHub.Release.prereleaseBooleanWhether the release is a pre release.
GitHub.Release.created_atDateThe date the release was created.
GitHub.Release.published_atDateThe date the release was published.
GitHub.Release.tarball_urlStringThe release tar URL download.
GitHub.Release.zipball_urlStringThe release zip URL download.
GitHub.Release.bodyStringThe release body.

Command Example#

!GitHub-releases-list limit=1

Context Example#

"GitHub": {
"Release": {
"assets": [],
"assets_url": "",
"author": {
"avatar_url": "",
"events_url": "{/privacy}",
"followers_url": "",
"following_url": "{/other_user}",
"gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
"gravatar_id": "",
"html_url": "",
"id": 55035720,
"login": "content-bot",
"node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjU1MDM1NzIw",
"organizations_url": "",
"received_events_url": "",
"repos_url": "",
"site_admin": false,
"starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
"subscriptions_url": "",
"type": "User",
"url": ""
"body": "test",
"created_at": "2021-08-23T07:54:37Z",
"draft": true,
"html_url": "",
"id": 48262112,
"name": "1.0.0",
"node_id": "MDc6UmVsZWFzZTQ4MjYyMTEy",
"prerelease": false,
"published_at": null,
"tag_name": "1.0.0",
"tarball_url": null,
"target_commitish": "master",
"upload_url": "{?name,label}",
"url": "",
"zipball_url": null

Human Readable Output#

Releases Data Of hello-world#

assets_urlauthorbodycreated_atdrafthtml_urlidnamenode_idprereleasetag_nametarget_commitishupload_urlurl content-bot
id: 55035720
node_id: MDQ6VXNlcjU1MDM1NzIw
type: User
site_admin: false


Update an already existing comment.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issue_numberThe number of the issue to comment on.Required
comment_idthe comment id to update.Required
bodyThe contents of the comment.Required

Context Output#

GitHub.Comment.IssueNumberNumberThe number of the issue to which the comment belongs.
GitHub.Comment.IDNumberThe ID of the comment.
GitHub.Comment.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the comment.
GitHub.Comment.BodyStringThe body content of the comment.
GitHub.Comment.User.LoginStringThe login of the user who commented.
GitHub.Comment.User.IDNumberThe ID of the user who commented.
GitHub.Comment.User.NodeIDStringThe node ID of the user who commented.
GitHub.Comment.User.TypeStringThe type of the user who commented.
GitHub.Comment.User.SiteAdminBooleanWhether the user who commented is a site admin.


Deletes a comment.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
comment_idThe id of comment to delete.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Adds up to 10 assignees to an issue. Users already assigned to an issue are not replaced.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
assigneeUsers to assign, can be a list of usersRequired
pull_request_numberThe number of PR/Issue to assign users toRequired

Context Output#

GitHub.Assignees.assigneesStringassignees to the issue
GitHub.Assignees.assignees.loginStringGists URL for user
GitHub.Assignees.assignees.gists_urlStringassignees to the issue
GitHub.Assignees.assignees.following_urlStringFollowing URL for user
GitHub.Assignees.assignees.followers_urlStringFollowers URL for user
GitHub.Assignees.assignees.subscriptions_urlStringSubscriptions URL for user
GitHub.Assignees.assignees.received_events_urlStringReceived events URL for user
GitHub.Assignees.assignees.events_urlStringEvents URL for user
GitHub.Assignees.assignees.avatar_urlStringAvatar URL for user
GitHub.Assignees.assignees.urlStringURL for user for user
GitHub.Assignees.assignees.starred_urlStringStarred URL for user
GitHub.Assignees.assignees.organizations_urlStringOrganizations URL for user
GitHub.Assignees.assignees.repos_urlStringRepos URL for user
GitHub.Assignees.assignees.gravatar_idStringGravatar_id for user
GitHub.Assignees.assignees.site_adminStringIs user site admin
GitHub.Assignees.assignees.node_idStringNode ID for user
GitHub.Assignees.assignees.typeStringType of user
GitHub.Assignees.assignees.idStringUser ID
GitHub.Assignees.assignees.html_urlStringHTML URL for user


Triggers a GitHub workflow on a given repository and workflow.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ownerThe GitHub owner (organization or username) of the repository.Optional
repositoryThe GitHub repository name.Optional
branchThe branch to trigger the workflow on.Optional
workflowThe name of your workflow file.Required
inputsThe inputs for the workflow.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Cancels a GitHub workflow.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ownerThe GitHub owner (organization or username) of the repository.Optional
repositoryThe GitHub repository name.Optional
workflow_idThe ID of the workflow to cancel.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Returns a list of GitHub workflows on a given repository.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ownerThe GitHub owner (organization or username) of the repository.Optional
repositoryThe GitHub repository name.Optional
workflowThe name of your workflow file.Required
limitThe number of workflows to return. Default is 100.Optional

Context Output#

GitHub.Workflow.idNumberThe GitHub workflow ID (per run).
GitHub.Workflow.nameStringThe GitHub workflow name.
GitHub.Workflow.head_branchStringThe branch on which the workflow ran.
GitHub.Workflow.head_shaStringThe commit SHA on which the workflow ran.
GitHub.Workflow.pathStringThe GitHub workflow name path.
GitHub.Workflow.display_titleStringThe GitHub workflow title.
GitHub.Workflow.run_numberNumberThe GitHub workflow run number.
GitHub.Workflow.eventStringThe GitHub workflow trigger type (scheduled, dispatch).
GitHub.Workflow.statusStringThe GitHub workflow status (in_progress, completed).
GitHub.Workflow.conclusionStringThe GitHub workflow conclusion (cancelled, success).
GitHub.Workflow.workflow_idStringThe GitHub workflow ID (per workflow).
GitHub.Workflow.urlStringThe GitHub workflow API URL.
GitHub.Workflow.html_urlStringThe GitHub workflow HTML URL.
GitHub.Workflow.created_atDateDatetime the GitHub workflow was created at.
GitHub.Workflow.updated_atDateDatetime the GitHub workflow was updated at.

Command example#

!GitHub-list-workflows workflow=nightly.yml limit=1

Context Example#

"GitHub": {
"Workflow": {
"conclusion": null,
"created_at": "2023-07-04T08:36:31Z",
"display_title": "Private repo nightly build",
"event": "workflow_dispatch",
"head_branch": "master",
"head_sha": "123456abcdef",
"html_url": "",
"id": 123456,
"name": "Private repo nightly build",
"path": ".github/workflows/nightly.yml",
"run_number": 1178,
"status": "in_progress",
"updated_at": "2023-07-04T08:36:41Z",
"url": "",
"workflow_id": 1212121

Human Readable Output#

GitHub workflows#

2023-07-04T08:36:31ZPrivate repo nightly buildworkflow_dispatchmaster123456abcdef repo nightly build.github/workflows/nightly.yml1178in_progress2023-07-04T08:36:41Z