GitLab (Deprecated)
DevSecOps Pack.#
This Integration is part of theDeprecated
Use GitLab v2 in GitLab Pack instead.
An integration with GitLab. This integration was integrated and tested with version v4.0 of GitLab API.
Configure GitLab Integration in CortexParameter | Description | Required |
url | Server URL (e.g. ) | True |
api_key | API Key | True |
insecure | Trust any certificate (not secure) | False |
proxy | Use system proxy settings | False |
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
gitlab-get-projectsGet a list of all visible projects across GitLab for the authenticated user. When accessed without authentication, only public projects with simple fields are returned.
Base Commandgitlab-get-projects
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
repository_storage | Limits the results to projects stored on repository_storage. Available for administrators only. | Optional |
last_activity_before | Limits the results to projects with last_activity before a specified time. | Optional |
min_access_level | Limits by the minimal access level of the current user. | Optional |
simple | Returns only limited fields for each project. This is a no operation without authentication as only simple fields are returned. | Optional |
sort | Returns projects sorted in ascending or descending order. | Optional |
membership | Limits by the projects that the current user is a member of. | Optional |
search_namespaces | Includes ancestor namespaces when matching search criteria. | Optional |
archived | Limits by archived status. | Optional |
search | Returns a list of projects that match the search criteria. | Optional |
id_before | Limits the results to projects with IDs that are less than the specified ID. | Optional |
last_activity_after | Limits the results to projects with last_activity after a specified time. | Optional |
starred | Limits by the projects starred by the current user. | Optional |
id_after | Limits the results to projects with IDs greater than the specified ID. | Optional |
owned | Limits by the projects explicitly owned by the current user. | Optional |
order_by | Returns projects ordered by id, name, path, created_at, updated_at, or last_activity_at fields. Repository_size, storage_size, and wiki_size fields are only allowed for administrators. The default is created_at. | Optional |
statistics | Includes the project statistics. | Optional |
visibility | Limits by visibility; public, internal, or private. | Optional |
with_custom_attributes | Includes the custom attributes in the response (administrators only). | Optional |
with_issues_enabled | Limits by the enabled issues feature. | Optional |
with_merge_requests_enabled | Limits by the enabled merge requests feature. | Optional |
with_programming_language | Limits by the projects that use the given programming language. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
GitLab.Projects.web_url | Unknown | Project Web URL | | Unknown | Project Name |
GitLab.Projects.path | Unknown | Project Path |
GitLab.Projects.created_at | Unknown | Project Created At |
GitLab.Projects.visibility | Unknown | Project Visiblity | | Unknown | Project ID |
Command Example!gitlab-get-projects owned=true using="Moon-Integration"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
_links allow_merge_on_skipped_pipeline approvals_before_merge archived auto_cancel_pending_pipelines auto_devops_deploy_strategy auto_devops_enabled autoclose_referenced_issues avatar_url build_coverage_regex build_timeout builds_access_level can_create_merge_request_in ci_config_path ci_default_git_depth ci_forward_deployment_enabled compliance_frameworks container_expiration_policy container_registry_enabled created_at creator_id default_branch description emails_disabled empty_repo external_authorization_classification_label forking_access_level forks_count http_url_to_repo id import_status issues_access_level issues_enabled jobs_enabled last_activity_at lfs_enabled marked_for_deletion_at marked_for_deletion_on merge_method merge_requests_access_level merge_requests_enabled mirror name name_with_namespace namespace only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds open_issues_count owner packages_enabled pages_access_level path path_with_namespace permissions printing_merge_request_link_enabled public_jobs readme_url remove_source_branch_after_merge repository_access_level request_access_enabled resolve_outdated_diff_discussions service_desk_address service_desk_enabled shared_runners_enabled shared_with_groups snippets_access_level snippets_enabled ssh_url_to_repo star_count suggestion_commit_message tag_list visibility web_url wiki_access_level wiki_enabled self:
members: false enabled continuous false true 3600 enabled true 50 true cadence: 1d
enabled: true
keep_n: 10
older_than: 90d
name_regex: null
name_regex_keep: null
next_run_at: 2020-10-21T10:49:15.236Ztrue 2020-10-20T10:49:15.219Z 5773551 master false enabled 0 21898188 finished enabled true true 2020-10-25T11:50:47.126Z true merge enabled true false moon test user / moon id: 7637905
name: test user
path: test-user
kind: user
full_path: test-user
parent_id: null
avatar_url: /uploads/-/system/user/avatar/5773551/avatar.png
web_url: false 16 id: 5773551
name: test user
username: test-user
state: active
web_url: enabled moon test-user/moon project_access: {"access_level": 40, "notification_level": 3}
group_access: nulltrue true true enabled true false true true enabled true 0 public enabled true self:
members: false enabled continuous false true 3600 enabled true 0 true cadence: 7d
enabled: true
keep_n: null
older_than: null
name_regex: null
name_regex_keep: null
next_run_at: 2020-10-24T01:50:06.530Ztrue 2020-04-10T04:25:23.777Z 5773551 master Python wrapper for OTRS (REST) API false enabled 0 18044686 finished enabled true true 2020-04-10T04:25:23.777Z true merge enabled true false PyOTRS test user / PyOTRS id: 7637905
name: test user
path: test-user
kind: user
full_path: test-user
parent_id: null
avatar_url: /uploads/-/system/user/avatar/5773551/avatar.png
web_url: false 0 id: 5773551
name: test user
username: test-user
state: active
web_url: enabled PyOTRS test-user/PyOTRS project_access: {"access_level": 40, "notification_level": 3}
group_access: nulltrue true true enabled true false true true enabled true 0 public enabled true
gitlab-projects-get-access-requestsGets a list of access requests viewable by the authenticated user.
Base Commandgitlab-projects-get-access-requests
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | The ID or URL encoded path of the project owned by the authenticated user. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Unknown | Access Request ID |
GitLab.AccessRequests.username | Unknown | Access Request User |
GitLab.AccessRequests.requested_at | Unknown | Access Request Create Time |
GitLab.AccessRequests.state | Unknown | Access Request State |
Command Example!gitlab-projects-get-access-requests id=21898188 using="Moon-Integration"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
avatar_url id name requested_at state username web_url 7475865 test user 2020-10-25T12:50:05.865Z active testuser
gitlab-projects-request-accessRequests the authenticated user access to a group or project.
Base Commandgitlab-projects-request-access
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | The ID or URL encoded path of the project owned by the authenticated user. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Unknown | Access Request ID |
GitLab.AccessRequests.username | Unknown | Access Request User |
GitLab.AccessRequests.requested_at | Unknown | Access Request Create Time |
GitLab.AccessRequests.state | Unknown | Access Request State |
Command Example!gitlab-projects-request-access id=21898188 using=Asteroid
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
avatar_url id name requested_at state username web_url 7475865 test user 2020-10-25T12:50:05.865Z active testuser
gitlab-projects-approve-accessApproves an access request for the given user.
Base Commandgitlab-projects-approve-access
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | The ID or URL encoded path of the project owned by the authenticated user. | Required |
user_id | The user ID of the access requester. | Required |
access_level | A valid access level (defaults: 30, developer access level). | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Unknown | Access Request ID |
GitLab.AccessRequests.username | Unknown | Access Request User |
GitLab.AccessRequests.requested_at | Unknown | Access Request Create Time |
GitLab.AccessRequests.state | Unknown | Access Request State |
Command Example
Human Readable Output#
gitlab-projects-deny-accessDenies an access request for the given user.
Base Commandgitlab-projects-deny-access
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | The ID or URL encoded path of the project owned by the authenticated user. | Required |
user_id | The user ID of the access requester. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Unknown | Access Request ID |
GitLab.AccessRequests.state | Unknown | Access Request State |
Command Example!gitlab-projects-deny-access id=21898188 user_id=7475865 using="Moon-Integration"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
id state 7475865 denied
gitlab-projects-get-repository-branchesGets a list of repository branches from a project, sorted by name alphabetically.
Base Commandgitlab-projects-get-repository-branches
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | The ID or URL encoded path of the project owned by the authenticated user. | Required |
search | Returns a list of branches containing the search string. You can use ^term and term$ to find branches that begin and end with term, respectively. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Unknown | Branch Name |
GitLab.Branches.web_url | Unknown | Branch Web URL | | Unknown | Branch Head Commit ID |
Command Example!gitlab-projects-get-repository-branches id=21898188 using="Moon-Integration"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
can_push commit default developers_can_merge developers_can_push merged name protected web_url true id: 3ccb453019594b9a56ae8090663af76dcac4cc0c
short_id: 3ccb4530
created_at: 2020-09-09T05:39:00.000+00:00
parent_ids: null
title: Create
message: Create
author_name: test user
authored_date: 2020-09-09T05:39:00.000+00:00
committer_name: GitHub
committed_date: 2020-09-09T05:39:00.000+00:00
web_url: false false false codeql false true id: 39eb3dc0c7e86d0b943df1be922b173068010bf5
short_id: 39eb3dc0
created_at: 2020-09-09T14:53:17.000+00:00
parent_ids: null
title: Update ReadME
message: Update ReadME
author_name: test user
authored_date: 2020-09-09T14:53:17.000+00:00
committer_name: test user
committed_date: 2020-09-09T14:53:17.000+00:00
web_url: false false false master true true id: 24ddc466d4736222407585a5d947b48b30265fe4
short_id: 24ddc466
created_at: 2020-09-09T05:40:27.000+00:00
parent_ids: null
title: Create template.yaml
message: Create template.yaml
author_name: test user
authored_date: 2020-09-09T05:40:27.000+00:00
committer_name: GitHub
committed_date: 2020-09-09T05:40:27.000+00:00
web_url: false false false prisma false true id: fb3f67b779ead6bff43c8a5002de516a2e8ca99b
short_id: fb3f67b7
created_at: 2020-09-09T05:49:46.000+00:00
parent_ids: null
title: Create template.yaml
message: Create template.yaml
author_name: test user
authored_date: 2020-09-09T05:49:46.000+00:00
committer_name: GitHub
committed_date: 2020-09-09T05:49:46.000+00:00
web_url: false false false prisma-cloud false true id: 405fc6ea44910177f48db9b2eb6839efb4211743
short_id: 405fc6ea
created_at: 2020-09-09T14:56:09.000+00:00
parent_ids: null
title: Test PR
message: Test PR
author_name: test user
authored_date: 2020-09-09T14:56:09.000+00:00
committer_name: test user
committed_date: 2020-09-09T14:56:09.000+00:00
web_url: false false false vulnerable false
gitlab-projects-create-repository-branchCreate a new branch in the repository.
Base Commandgitlab-projects-create-repository-branch
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | The ID or URL encoded path of the project owned by the authenticated user. | Required |
branch | Name of the branch. | Required |
ref | Branch name, or commit SHA to create branch from. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Unknown | Branch Name |
GitLab.Branches.web_url | Unknown | Branch Web URL | | Unknown | Branch Head Commit ID |
Command Example!gitlab-projects-create-repository-branch branch=feature1 id=21898188 ref=master using="Moon-Integration"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
can_push commit default developers_can_merge developers_can_push merged name protected web_url true id: 39eb3dc0c7e86d0b943df1be922b173068010bf5
short_id: 39eb3dc0
created_at: 2020-09-09T18:53:17.000+04:00
parent_ids: b736f064314a254c5c847f042938290167598454
title: Update ReadME
message: Update ReadME
author_name: test user
authored_date: 2020-09-09T18:53:17.000+04:00
committer_name: test user
committed_date: 2020-09-09T18:53:17.000+04:00
web_url: false false false feature1 false
gitlab-projects-delete-repository-branchDelete a branch from the repository.
Base Commandgitlab-projects-delete-repository-branch
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | The ID or URL encoded path of the project owned by the authenticated user. | Required |
branch | The name of the branch. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!gitlab-projects-delete-repository-branch branch=feature1 id=21898188 using="Moon-Integration"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
message Branch 'feature1' is deleted.
gitlab-projects-delete-repository-merged-branchesDeletes all branches that are merged into the project’s default branch.
Base Commandgitlab-projects-delete-repository-merged-branches
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | The ID or URL encoded path of the project owned by the authenticated user. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!gitlab-projects-delete-repository-merged-branches id=21898188 using="Moon-Integration"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
message 202 Accepted
gitlab-get-versionRetrieves version information for the GitLab instance, and responds 200 OK for authenticated users.
Base Commandgitlab-get-version
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
GitLab.version | String | GitLab Verion |
GitLab.revision | String | GitLab Revision |
Command Example!gitlab-get-version using="Moon-Integration"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
revision version 18e3d7de8d5 13.6.0-pre
gitlab-pipelines-schedules-listGets the details of the pipeline schedules.
Base Commandgitlab-pipelines-schedules-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
project_id | Project ID from which to retrieve pipeline schedules. | Required |
pipeline_schedule_id | ID of specific pipeline schedule from which to retrieve its details. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Number | Pipeline schedule ID. |
GitLab.PipelineSchedule.description | String | Pipeline schedule description. |
GitLab.PipelineSchedule.ref | String | Pipeline schedule reference. |
GitLab.PipelineSchedule.next_run_at | Date | Pipeline schedule next run scheduled time. | | Boolean | Whether pipeline schedule is active. |
GitLab.PipelineSchedule.created_at | Date | When pipeline schedule was created. |
GitLab.PipelineSchedule.updated_at | Date | When pipeline schedule was last updated. | | Number | ID of the last pipeline that was run by the scheduled pipeline. Relevant only the pipeline schedule ID is given. |
GitLab.PipelineSchedule.last_pipeline.sha | String | SHA of the last pipeline that was run by the scheduled pipeline. Relevant only when the pipeline schedule ID is given. |
GitLab.PipelineSchedule.last_pipeline.ref | String | Reference of the last pipeline that was run by the scheduled pipeline. Relevant only when the pipeline schedule ID is given. |
GitLab.PipelineSchedule.last_pipeline.status | String | Status of the last pipeline that was run by the scheduled pipeline. Relevant only when the pipeline schedule ID is given. |
Command Example!gitlab-pipelines-schedules-list project_id=123
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
GitLab Pipeline Schedules
active created_at description id next_run_at ref updated_at true 2021-05-23T14:00:34.105Z Run the nightly build 336 2021-06-16T00:05:00.000Z master 2021-06-15T00:05:06.617Z false 2021-05-12T11:57:47.436Z Upload 331 2021-05-24T02:05:00.000Z upload_flow 2021-05-23T08:28:39.885Z true 2021-05-12T09:42:42.788Z bucket_upload 330 2021-06-15T21:05:00.000Z master 2021-06-15T09:05:05.711Z true 2021-05-10T13:58:35.217Z Instance testing trigger 329 2021-06-16T02:05:00.000Z master 2021-06-15T02:05:03.368Z true 2021-05-09T09:52:47.379Z Nightly build 328 2021-06-16T00:05:00.000Z master 2021-06-15T00:05:06.234Z
gitlab-pipelines-listGets the details of the pipelines.
Base Commandgitlab-pipelines-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
project_id | Project ID from which to retrieve pipelines. | Required |
pipeline_id | ID of specific pipeline from which to retrieve its details. | Optional |
ref | Reference name of the pipelines, e.g., 'master'. | Optional |
status | Retrieves pipelines of which status matches the given status. Possible values are: waiting_for_resource, preparing, pending, running, success, failed, canceled, skipped, manual, and scheduled. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Number | Pipeline ID. |
GitLab.Pipeline.project_id | Number | Project ID the pipeline belongs to. |
GitLab.Pipeline.status | String | Status of the pipeline. |
GitLab.Pipeline.ref | String | Reference of the pipeline. |
GitLab.Pipeline.sha | String | SHA of the pipeline. |
GitLab.Pipeline.created_at | Date | Time when the pipeline was created. |
GitLab.Pipeline.updated_at | Date | Time when the pipeline was last updated. |
GitLab.Pipeline.started_at | Date | Time when the pipeline was started. |
GitLab.Pipeline.finished_at | Date | Time when the pipeline was finished. |
GitLab.Pipeline.duration | Number | Duration of the pipeline. |
GitLab.Pipeline.web_url | String | Web URL of the pipeline. | | String | Name of the user who triggered the pipeline. |
GitLab.Pipeline.user.username | String | Username that triggered the pipeline. | | String | ID of the user who triggered the pipeline. |
GitLab.Pipeline.user.state | String | State of the user who triggered the pipeline. |
GitLab.Pipeline.user.avatar_url | String | Avatar URL of the user who trigerred the pipeline. |
GitLab.Pipeline.user.web_url | String | Web URL of the user who triggered the pipeline. |
Command Example!gitlab-pipelines-list project_id=123 pipeline_id=1254426
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
GitLab Pipelines
created_at duration finished_at id project_id ref sha started_at status updated_at web_url 2021-06-15T00:05:09.041Z 5945 2021-06-15T01:44:17.788Z 1254426 123 master asas4kj124kjasdas5hn125hakjs5h15jh2jas5kljas5 2021-06-15T00:05:11.131Z failed 2021-06-15T01:44:17.793Z https://server_url/-/pipelines/1254426
gitlab-jobs-listGets details of jobs.
Base Commandgitlab-jobs-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
project_id | Project ID from which to retrieve jobs details. | Required |
pipeline_id | ID of the pipeline from which to retrieve its jobs. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
GitLab.Job.created_at | Date | Time the job was created. |
GitLab.Job.started_at | Date | Time the job was started. |
GitLab.Job.finished_at | Date | Time the job was finished. |
GitLab.Job.duration | Number | Duration of the job. | | Number | ID of the job. | | String | Name of the job. | | Number | Pipeline the job belongs to. |
GitLab.Job.pipeline.project_id | Number | Project ID the job belongs to. |
GitLab.Job.pipeline.ref | String | Reference of the pipeline the job belongs to. |
GitLab.Job.pipeline.sha | String | SHA of the pipeline the job belongs to. |
GitLab.Job.pipeline.status | String | Status of the pipeline the job belongs to. |
GitLab.Job.ref | String | Reference name of the job. |
GitLab.Job.stage | String | Stage of the job. |
GitLab.Job.web_url | String | Web URL of the job. |
GitLab.Job.status | String | The status of the job. |
Command Example!gitlab-jobs-list project_id=123 pipeline_id=1254426
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
GitLab Jobs
created_at duration finished_at id name pipeline ref stage started_at web_url 2021-06-15T00:05:09.139Z 4104.433651 2021-06-15T01:44:16.559Z 6054873 server_master id: 1254426
project_id: 123
sha: asas4kj124kjasdas5hn125hakjs5h15jh2jas5kljas5
ref: master
status: failed
created_at: 2021-06-15T00:05:09.041Z
updated_at: 2021-06-15T01:44:17.793Z
web_url: https://server_url/-/pipelines/1254426master run-instances 2021-06-15T00:35:52.125Z https://server_url/-/jobs/6054873 2021-06-15T00:05:09.078Z 1841.130269 2021-06-15T00:35:51.306Z 6054872 create-instances id: 1254426
project_id: 123
sha: asas4kj124kjasdas5hn125hakjs5h15jh2jas5kljas5
ref: master
status: failed
created_at: 2021-06-15T00:05:09.041Z
updated_at: 2021-06-15T01:44:17.793Z
web_url: https://server_url/-/pipelines/1254426master create-instances 2021-06-15T00:05:10.176Z https://server_url/-/jobs/6054872
gitlab-artifact-getGets an artifact from a given artifact path, corresponding to a given job ID.
Base Commandgitlab-artifact-get
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
project_id | Project ID from which to retrieve artifact. | Required |
job_id | ID of specific job from which to retrieve its artifact. | Required |
artifact_path_suffix | Suffix to the path of an artifact from which to retrieve its data. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
GitLab.Artifact.job_id | String | Job ID from which the artifact was taken. |
GitLab.Artifact.artifact_path_suffix | String | Suffix of the given artifact path. |
GitLab.Artifact.artifact_data | String | Data of the artifact requested. |
Command Example!gitlab-artifact-get project_id=123 job_id=6063195 artifact_path_suffix=artifacts/failed_tests.txt
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
artifact_data artifact_path_suffix job_id Carbon Black Response Test artifacts/failed_tests.txt 6063195
gitlab-issue-editEdit an issue
Base Commandgitlab-issue-edit
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
add_labels | The labels to add to the issue. | Optional |
remove_labels | The labels to remove from the issue. | Optional |
description | The description of the issue. | Optional |
project_id | Project ID from which to retrieve the issue. | Required |
issue_id | Issue ID. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Number | The issue ID. |
GitLab.Issue.iid | Number | The issue IID. |
GitLab.Issue.project_id | Number | The project ID of the issue. |
GitLab.Issue.title | String | The issue title. |
GitLab.Issue.description | String | The issue description. |
GitLab.Issue.state | String | The issue state. |
GitLab.Issue.created_at | Date | The time the issue was created. |
GitLab.Issue.updated_at | Date | The time the issue was updated. |
GitLab.Issue.closed_at | Date | The time the issue was closed. |
GitLab.Issue.closed_by | String | The user who closed the issue. |
GitLab.Issue.labels | String | Comma seperated values of the issue's labels. |
GitLab.Issue.merge_requests_count | Number | |
GitLab.Issue.has_tasks | Boolean | Whether the issue has tasks or not. |
GitLab.Issue.task_status | String | The status of the issue's tasks. |
Command Example!gitlab-issue-edit project_id=123 issue_id=1 add_labels=label1,label2
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Edit Issue 1_links | assignee | assignees | author | blocking_issues_count | closed_at | closed_by | confidential | created_at | description | discussion_locked | downvotes | due_date | epic | epic_iid | has_tasks | health_status | id | iid | labels | merge_requests_count | milestone | moved_to_id | project_id | references | service_desk_reply_to | state | subscribed | task_completion_status | task_status | time_stats | title | updated_at | upvotes | user_notes_count | web_url | weight |
award_emoji: notes: project: self: | avatar_url: id: 9831 name: wow state: active username: wow web_url: | {'avatar_url': '', 'id': 9831, 'name': 'wow', 'state': 'active', 'username': 'wow', 'web_url': ''} | avatar_url: id: 7127 name: wow state: active username: wow web_url: | 0 | false | 2021-07-15T16:25:57.419Z | Issue Description | 0 | true | 40572 | 1 | label1, label2 | 0 | 7959 | full: wow relative: #1 short: #1 | opened | true | completed_count: 9 count: 46 | 9 of 46 tasks completed | human_time_estimate: null human_total_time_spent: null time_estimate: 0 total_time_spent: 0 | wow | 2021-08-19T13:54:12.337Z | 0 | 3 | |
gitlab-issue-createCreate an issue
Base Commandgitlab-issue-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
labels | Comma separated values of labels to add to the issue. | Optional |
title | The issue title. | Required |
description | The issue description. | Required |
project_id | Project ID of the created issue. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Number | The issue ID. |
GitLab.Issue.iid | Number | The issue IID. |
GitLab.Issue.project_id | Number | The project ID of the issue. |
GitLab.Issue.title | String | The issue title. |
GitLab.Issue.description | String | The issue description. |
GitLab.Issue.state | String | The issue state. |
GitLab.Issue.created_at | Date | The time the issue was created. |
GitLab.Issue.updated_at | Date | The time the issue was updated. |
GitLab.Issue.closed_at | Date | The time the issue was closed. |
GitLab.Issue.closed_by | String | The user who closed the issue. |
GitLab.Issue.labels | String | Comma seperated values of the issue's labels. |
GitLab.Issue.merge_requests_count | Number | |
GitLab.Issue.has_tasks | Boolean | Whether the issue has tasks or not. |
GitLab.Issue.task_status | String | The status of the issue's tasks. |
Command Examplegitlab-issue-create labels="a,b,c" title=wow description="bla bla" project_id=123
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Create Issue_links | assignee | assignees | author | blocking_issues_count | closed_at | closed_by | confidential | created_at | description | discussion_locked | downvotes | due_date | epic | epic_iid | has_tasks | health_status | id | iid | labels | merge_requests_count | milestone | moved_to_id | project_id | references | service_desk_reply_to | state | subscribed | task_completion_status | task_status | time_stats | title | updated_at | upvotes | user_notes_count | web_url | weight |
award_emoji: notes: project: self: | avatar_url: id: 9831 name: wow state: active username: wow web_url: | {'avatar_url': '', 'id': 9831, 'name': 'wow', 'state': 'active', 'username': 'wow', 'web_url': ''} | avatar_url: id: 7127 name: wow state: active username: wow web_url: | 0 | false | 2021-07-15T16:25:57.419Z | Issue Description | 0 | true | 40572 | 1 | label1, label2 | 0 | 7959 | full: wow relative: #1 short: #1 | opened | true | completed_count: 9 count: 46 | 9 of 46 tasks completed | human_time_estimate: null human_total_time_spent: null time_estimate: 0 total_time_spent: 0 | wow | 2021-08-19T13:54:12.337Z | 0 | 3 | |
gitlab-issues-listList all issues
Base Commandgitlab-issues-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
labels | Comma seperated values of labels to search issues by. | Optional |
scope | On what scope to perform the search on. Possible values are: title, description, title,description. Default is title,description. | Optional |
search | The search clause. | Optional |
state | The state of the issue. Possible values are: opened, closed, all. Default is all. | Optional |
project_id | Project ID from which to retrieve the Merge Requests. | Required |
assignee_username | filter by assignee username. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Number | The issue ID. |
GitLab.Issue.iid | Number | The issue IID. |
GitLab.Issue.project_id | Number | The project ID of the issue. |
GitLab.Issue.title | String | The issue title. |
GitLab.Issue.description | String | The issue description. |
GitLab.Issue.state | String | The issue state. |
GitLab.Issue.created_at | Date | The time the issue was created. |
GitLab.Issue.updated_at | Date | The time the issue was updated. |
GitLab.Issue.closed_at | Date | The time the issue was closed. |
GitLab.Issue.closed_by | String | The user who closed the issue. |
GitLab.Issue.labels | String | Comma seperated values of the issue's labels. |
GitLab.Issue.merge_requests_count | Number | |
GitLab.Issue.has_tasks | Boolean | Whether the issue has tasks or not. |
GitLab.Issue.task_status | String | The status of the issue's tasks. |
Command Example!gitlab-issues-list project_id=123 state=opened search="Summary"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Issues Lists_links | assignee | assignees | author | blocking_issues_count | closed_at | closed_by | confidential | created_at | description | discussion_locked | downvotes | due_date | epic | epic_iid | has_tasks | health_status | id | iid | labels | merge_requests_count | milestone | moved_to_id | project_id | references | service_desk_reply_to | state | subscribed | task_completion_status | task_status | time_stats | title | updated_at | upvotes | user_notes_count | web_url | weight |
award_emoji: notes: project: self: | avatar_url: id: 9831 name: wow state: active username: wow web_url: | {'avatar_url': '', 'id': 9831, 'name': 'wow', 'state': 'active', 'username': 'wow', 'web_url': ''} | avatar_url: id: 7127 name: wow state: active username: wow web_url: | 0 | false | 2021-07-15T16:25:57.419Z | Issue Description | 0 | true | 40572 | 1 | 0 | 7959 | full: wow relative: #1 short: #1 | opened | true | completed_count: 9 count: 46 | 9 of 46 tasks completed | human_time_estimate: null human_total_time_spent: null time_estimate: 0 total_time_spent: 0 | wow | 2021-08-19T13:54:12.337Z | 0 | 3 | |
gitlab-merge-requests-listList all merge requests
Base Commandgitlab-merge-requests-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
target_branch | The target branch of the Merge Request. Default is master. | Optional |
state | The state of the Merge Request. Possible values are: opened, closed, locked, merged. Default is opened. | Optional |
project_id | Project ID from which to retrieve the Merge Requests. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Number | The merge request ID. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.iid | Number | The merge request IID. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.project_id | Number | The project ID of the merge request. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.title | String | The merge request title. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.description | String | The merge request description |
GitLab.MergeRequest.state | String | The merge request state. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.created_at | Date | The time the merge request was created. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.updated_at | Date | The time the merge request was updated. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.merged_at | Date | The time the merge request was merged. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.closed_by | String | The user who closed the merge request. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.closed_at | Date | The time the merge request was closed. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.target_branch | String | The merge request target branch. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.source_branch | String | The merge request source branch. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignee | String | The merge request assignee. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.sha | String | The merge request commit SHA. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.merge_commit_sha | String | The merge request merge commit SHA. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.squash_commit_sha | String | The merge request squash commit SHA. |
Command Example!gitlab-merge-requests-list target_branch=development project_id=123 state=merged
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Merge Request Lists to branch master in state openedapprovals_before_merge | assignee | assignees | author | blocking_discussions_resolved | closed_at | closed_by | created_at | description | discussion_locked | downvotes | force_remove_source_branch | has_conflicts | id | iid | labels | merge_commit_sha | merge_status | merge_when_pipeline_succeeds | merged_at | merged_by | milestone | project_id | reference | references | reviewers | sha | should_remove_source_branch | source_branch | source_project_id | squash | squash_commit_sha | state | target_branch | target_project_id | task_completion_status | time_stats | title | updated_at | upvotes | user_notes_count | web_url | work_in_progress |
avatar_url: id: 10582 name: wow state: active username: wow web_url: | true | 2021-08-16T12:16:06.143Z | 0 | false | 53852 | 18 | SHA | can_be_merged | false | 2021-08-16T19:07:14.962Z | avatar_url: id: 9164 name: wow state: active username: wow web_url: | 7959 | !18 | full: wow relative: !18 short: !18 | SHA | | 7959 | false | merged | development | 7959 | completed_count: 0 count: 0 | human_time_estimate: null human_total_time_spent: null time_estimate: 0 total_time_spent: 0 | wow | 2021-08-16T19:07:14.765Z | 0 | 0 | | false |
gitlab-merge-request-getGet a Merge Request
Base Commandgitlab-merge-request-get
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
project_id | Project ID from which to retrieve the Merge Requests. | Required |
merge_request_iid | Merge Request IID. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Number | The merge request ID. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.iid | Number | The merge request IID. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.project_id | Number | The project ID of the merge request. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.title | String | The merge request title. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.description | String | The merge request description |
GitLab.MergeRequest.state | String | The merge request state. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.created_at | Date | The time the merge request was created. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.updated_at | Date | The time the merge request was updated. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.merged_at | Date | The time the merge request was merged. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.closed_by | String | The user who closed the merge request. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.closed_at | Date | The time the merge request was closed. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.target_branch | String | The merge request target branch. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.source_branch | String | The merge request source branch. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignee | String | The merge request assignee. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.sha | String | The merge request commit SHA. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.merge_commit_sha | String | The merge request merge commit SHA. |
GitLab.MergeRequest.squash_commit_sha | String | The merge request squash commit SHA. |
Command Example!gitlab-merge-request-get project_id=123 merge_request_iid=18
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Merge Request 18approvals_before_merge | assignee | assignees | author | blocking_discussions_resolved | closed_at | closed_by | created_at | description | discussion_locked | downvotes | force_remove_source_branch | has_conflicts | id | iid | labels | merge_commit_sha | merge_status | merge_when_pipeline_succeeds | merged_at | merged_by | milestone | project_id | reference | references | reviewers | sha | should_remove_source_branch | source_branch | source_project_id | squash | squash_commit_sha | state | target_branch | target_project_id | task_completion_status | time_stats | title | updated_at | upvotes | user_notes_count | web_url | work_in_progress |
avatar_url: id: 10582 name: wow state: active username: wow web_url: | true | 2021-08-16T12:16:06.143Z | 0 | false | 53852 | 18 | SHA | can_be_merged | false | 2021-08-16T19:07:14.962Z | avatar_url: id: 9164 name: wow state: active username: wow web_url: | 7959 | !18 | full: wow relative: !18 short: !18 | SHA | | 7959 | false | merged | development | 7959 | completed_count: 0 count: 0 | human_time_estimate: null human_total_time_spent: null time_estimate: 0 total_time_spent: 0 | wow | 2021-08-16T19:07:14.765Z | 0 | 0 | | false |
gitlab-group-projects-listGet the list of projects of a given group.
Base Commandgitlab-group-projects-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
group_id | Group ID from which to retrieve the projects. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Number | The project ID. | | String | The project name. |
GitLab.Project.path_with_namespace | String | The project path with namespace. |
Command Example!gitlab-group-projects-list group_id=1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
List Group Projects_links | allow_merge_on_skipped_pipeline | analytics_access_level | approvals_before_merge | archived | auto_cancel_pending_pipelines | auto_devops_deploy_strategy | auto_devops_enabled | autoclose_referenced_issues | avatar_url | build_coverage_regex | build_timeout | builds_access_level | can_create_merge_request_in | ci_config_path | ci_default_git_depth | ci_forward_deployment_enabled | compliance_frameworks | container_expiration_policy | container_registry_enabled | container_registry_image_prefix | created_at | creator_id | default_branch | description | emails_disabled | empty_repo | external_authorization_classification_label | forking_access_level | forks_count | http_url_to_repo | id | import_status | issues_access_level | issues_enabled | issues_template | jobs_enabled | last_activity_at | lfs_enabled | marked_for_deletion_at | marked_for_deletion_on | merge_method | merge_requests_access_level | merge_requests_enabled | merge_requests_template | mirror | name | name_with_namespace | namespace | only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved | only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds | open_issues_count | operations_access_level | packages_enabled | pages_access_level | path | path_with_namespace | printing_merge_request_link_enabled | public_jobs | readme_url | remove_source_branch_after_merge | repository_access_level | request_access_enabled | requirements_enabled | resolve_outdated_diff_discussions | restrict_user_defined_variables | security_and_compliance_enabled | service_desk_address | service_desk_enabled | shared_runners_enabled | shared_with_groups | snippets_access_level | snippets_enabled | ssh_url_to_repo | star_count | suggestion_commit_message | tag_list | visibility | web_url | wiki_access_level | wiki_enabled |
self: issues: merge_requests: repo_branches: labels: events: members: | false | enabled | 0 | false | enabled | continuous | false | true | 3600 | enabled | false | wow | 50 | true | cadence: 1d enabled: false keep_n: 10 older_than: 90d name_regex: .* name_regex_keep: null next_run_at: 2021-07-16T17:53:46.012Z | false | | 2021-07-15T17:53:45.964Z | 7127 | development | false | false | enabled | 0 | | 7988 | finished | enabled | true | true | 2021-08-12T03:05:08.722Z | false | merge | enabled | true | false | wow | a / b / c / wow | id: 10665 name: wow path: wow kind: group full_path: a/b/c parent_id: 10664 avatar_url: null web_url: | true | false | 1 | enabled | false | enabled | wow | x/a/b/c/wow | true | true | | true | enabled | true | true | false | true | false | true | disabled | false | wow | 0 | public | | disabled | false |
gitlab-raw-file-getGet raw file
Base Commandgitlab-raw-file-get
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
project_id | Project ID to get the file from. | Required |
file_path | The file path. | Required |
ref | The branch to retrieve the file from. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
GitLab.File.ref | String | The branch the file's content was taken from. |
GitLab.File.path | String | The file path. |
GitLab.File.content | String | The file content. |
Command Example!gitlab-raw-file-get project_id=123 ref=master
Human Readable Output#
Raw file on branch mastercontent | path | ref |
wow | | master |