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Google Cloud Storage

This Integration is part of the Google Cloud Storage Pack.#

Use the Google Cloud Storage integration to manage files, buckets, bucket objects, and bucket policies.

This integration was integrated and tested with API version v1 of Google Cloud Storage.

Detailed Description

Create a Service Account:

  1. Go to the Google documentation and follow the procedure in the Creating a Service Account section. After you create a service account, a Service Account Private Key file is downloaded. You will need this file in step 3.
  2. Grant the Storage Admin permission to the Service Account to enable the Service Account to perform all Google Storage API commands.
  3. In Cortex XSOAR, configure an instance of the Google Cloud Storage integration. For the Service Account Private Key parameter, copy the JSON contents of the file you downloaded in step 1.

Configure Google Cloud Storage on Cortex XSOAR

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services .
  2. Search for Google Cloud Storage.
  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.
    • Name : a textual name for the integration instance.
    • Service Account Private Key file contents (JSON)
    • Optional: Use system proxy settings
    • Optional: Trust any certificate (not secure)
  1. Click Test to validate the new instance.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.

  1. Retrieves the list of buckets: gcs-list-buckets
  2. Retrieves bucket information: gcs-get-bucket
  3. Creates a new bucket: gcs-create-bucket
  4. Deletes a bucket: gcs-delete-bucket
  5. Retrieves the list of objects in a bucket: gcs-list-bucket-objects
  6. Retrieves object data into a file: gcs-download-file
  7. Uploads a file (object) into a bucket: gcs-upload-file
  8. Retrieves the Access Control List of a bucket: gcs-list-bucket-policy
  9. Adds a new entity to a bucket's Access Control List: gcs-create-bucket-policy
  10. Updates an existing entity in a bucket's Access Control List: gcs-put-bucket-policy
  11. Removes an entity from a bucket's Access Control List: gcs-delete-bucket-policy
  12. Retrieves the Access Control List of an object: gcs-list-bucket-object-policy
  13. Adds a new entity to an object's Access Control List: gcs-create-bucket-object-policy
  14. Updates an existing entity in an object's Access Control List: gcs-put-bucket-object-policy
  15. Removes an entity from an object's Access Control List: gcs-delete-bucket-object-policy

1. Retrieve the list of buckets

Retrieve the list of buckets.

Base Command


Context Output
Path Type Description
GCS.Bucket.Name String Bucket name (also ID).
GCS.Bucket.TimeCreated Date Bucket creation time.
GCS.Bucket.TimeUpdated Date Last time bucket was modified.
GCS.Bucket.OwnerID String Bucket owner ID.

Command Example
Human Readable Output

Buckets in project my-project

Name Time Created Time Updated Owner ID
my-bucket 2019-08-25T11:14:46 2019-08-25T11:14:49
another-bucket 2019-09-01T15:31:45 2019-09-01T17:52:23

2. Retrieve bucket information

Retrieves bucket information.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
bucket_name Name of the bucket to retrieve. Required

Context Output
Path Type Description
GCS.Bucket.Name String Bucket name (also ID).
GCS.Bucket.TimeCreated Date Bucket creation time.
GCS.Bucket.TimeUpdated Date Last time bucket was modified.
GCS.Bucket.OwnerID String Bucket owner ID.

Command Example
gcs-get-bucket bucket_name=my-bucket
Human Readable Output

Bucket my-bucket

Name Time Created Time Updated Owner ID
my-bucket 2019-08-25T11:14:46 2019-08-25T11:14:49

3. Create a new bucket

Creates a new bucket.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
bucket_name Name of the bucket to create. Required
bucket_acl Access Control List for the bucket. Optional
default_object_acl Default Access Control List for the object. Optional
location The location of the bucket, The default value is US. Optional
uniform_bucket_level_access Whether the bucket is configured to allow only IAM, The default value is false. Optional

Command Example
gcs-create-bucket bucket_name=my-bucket bucket_acl=publicRead default_object_acl=authenticatedRead
Human Readable Output

Bucket my-bucket was created successfully.

4. Delete a bucket

Deletes a bucket.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
bucket_name Name of the bucket to delete. Required
force Forces the bucket to delete (if not empty). Required

Command Example
gcs-delete-bucket bucket_name=my-bucket force=true
Human Readable Output

Bucket my-bucket was deleted successfully.

5. Retrieve a list of objects in a bucket

Retrieves the list of objects in a bucket.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
bucket_name Name of the bucket in which to list objects. Required
prefix Specify to limit blobs within a "folder" i.e., "folder-1/" if blob is "folder-1/file.txt". Optional
delimiter Use a delimiter if you want to limit results within a specific "folder" and without any nested blobs i.e., "/". Optional

Context Output
Path Type Description
GCS.BucketObject.Name String Object name.
GCS.BucketObject.Bucket String Name of the bucket containing the object.
GCS.BucketObject.ContentType String Content-Type of the object data.
GCS.BucketObject.TimeCreated Date Object creation time.
GCS.BucketObject.TimeUpdated Date Last time object was modified.
GCS.BucketObject.TimeDeleted Date Object deletion time (available if the object is archived).
GCS.BucketObject.Size Number Object size in bytes.
GCS.BucketObject.MD5 String MD5 hash of the data in Base64.
GCS.BucketObject.OwnerID String Object owner ID.
GCS.BucketObject.CRC32c String CRC32c checksum (as described in RFC 4960, Appendix B ), encoded using Base64 in big-endian byte order.
GCS.BucketObject.EncryptionAlgorithm String The encryption algorithm.
GCS.BucketObject.EncryptionKeySHA256 String SHA256 hash value of the encryption key.

Command Example
gcs-list-bucket-objects bucket_name=my-bucket prefix=some/path/ delimiter=/
Human Readable Output

Objects in bucket my-bucket

Name Bucket Content Type Time Created Time Updated Time Deleted Size MD5 Owner ID CRC32c Encryption Algorithm Encryption Key SHA256
/some/path/file1.txt my-bucket text/plain 2019-08-25T11:15:48 2019-08-25T11:15:48 29 TMPFaqwyxk3L8lVD+4GKXA== 0B/wfQ==
/some/path/file2.txt my-bucket text/plain 2019-09-01T14:08:15 2019-09-01T14:08:15 29 Ao3wKBgCODPKqSnqx2GGAc== xL/6R5==

6. Retrieve object data into a file

Retrieves object data into a file.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
bucket_name Name of the bucket in which the object resides. Required
object_name Name of the object to download. Required
saved_file_name Name of the file in which the object is downloaded (if not specified, the name is derived from the object name, but this may fail if the object contains invalid filename characters). Optional

Command Example
gcs-download-file bucket_name=my-bucket object_name=/some/path/file1.txt
Human Readable Output

Link to the retrieved file.

7. Upload a file (object) into a bucket

Uploads a file (object) into a bucket.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
entry_id ID of a context entry containing the file to upload. Required
bucket_name Name of the bucket in which to upload the object. Required
object_name Name of the uploaded object within the bucket. Required
object_acl Access Control List for the uploaded object. Optional

Command Example
gcs-upload-file entry_id=889@a7c34bf4-a552-49b2-83b6-e95590596286 bucket_name=my-bucket object_name=/some/path/my_file.txt object_acl=bucketOwnerRead
Human Readable Output

File some_source_file.txt was successfully uploaded to bucket my-bucket as /some/path/my_file.txt

8. Retrieve the Access Control List of a bucket

Retrieves the Access Control List of a bucket.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
bucket_name Name of the bucket for the Access Control List. Required

Context Output
Path Type Description
GCS.BucketPolicy.Bucket String Name of the bucket holding the Access Control List.
GCS.BucketPolicy.Entity String The entity holding the permission.
GCS.BucketPolicy.Email String Email address associated with the entity (if any).
GCS.BucketPolicy.Role String The access permission for the entity.
GCS.BucketPolicy.Team String Project team associated with the entity (if any).

Command Example
gcs-list-bucket-policy bucket_name=my-bucket
Human Readable Output

ACL policy for bucket my-bucket

Bucket Entity Email Role Team
my-bucket project-owners-12345 OWNER owners
my-bucket WRITER writers
my-bucket allUsers WRITER

9. Add a new entity to a bucket's Access Control List

Adds a new entity to a bucket's Access Control List. Note: use the gcs-put-bucket-policy command to update an existing entry.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
bucket_name Name of the bucket in which to modify the Access Control List. Required
entity Entity to add into the Access Control List. Common entity formats are:
* user-<userId or email>
* group-<groupId or email>
* allUsers
* allAuthenticatedUsers
For more options and details, see this reference
role The access permission for the entity. Required

Command Example
gcs-create-bucket-policy bucket_name=my-bucket role=Writer
Human Readable Output

Added entity to ACL of bucket my-bucket with role Writer

10. Updates an existing entity in a bucket's Access Control List

Updates an existing entity in a bucket's Access Control List. Note: use the gcs-create-bucket-policy command to create a new entry.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
bucket_name Name of the bucket in which to modify the Access Control List. Required
entity The entity to update in the Access Control List.
Common entity formats are:
* user-<userId or email>
* group-<groupId or email>
* allUsers
* allAuthenticatedUsers
For more options and details, see this reference
role The access permissions for the entity. Required

Command Example
gcs-put-bucket-policy bucket_name=my-bucket role=Reader
Human Readable Output

Updated ACL entity in bucket my-bucket to role Reader

11. Removes an entity from a bucket's Access Control List

Removes an entity from a bucket's Access Control List.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
bucket_name Name of the bucket in which to modify the Access Control List. Required
entity Entity to remove from the Access Control List. Common entity formats are:
* user-<userId or email>
* group-<groupId or email>
* allUsers
* allAuthenticatedUsers
For more options and details, see this reference

Command Example
gcs-delete-bucket-policy bucket_name=my-bucket
Human Readable Output

Removed entity from ACL of bucket my-bucket

12. Retrieves the Access Control List of an object

Retrieves the Access Control List of an object.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
bucket_name Name of the bucket in which the object resides. Required
object_name Name of the object in which to list access controls. Required

Context Output
Path Type Description
GCS.BucketObjectPolicy.Bucket String Name of the bucket in which the object resides.
GCS.BucketObjectPolicy.Object String Name of the object holding the Access Control List.
GCS.BucketObjectPolicy.Entity String The entity holding the permission.
GCS.BucketObjectPolicy.Email String Email address associated with the entity (if any).
GCS.BucketObjectPolicy.Role String The access permission for the entity.
GCS.BucketObjectPolicy.Team String Project team associated with the entity (if any).

Command Example
gcs-list-bucket-object-policy bucket_name=my-bucket object_name=/some/path/my_file.txt
Human Readable Output

ACL policy for object foo/bar/moshe.txt

Bucket Object Entity Email Role Team
my-bucket /some/path/my_file.txt allAuthenticatedUsers READER
my-bucket /some/path/my_file.txt OWNER owners

13. Adds a new entity to an object's Access Control List

Adds a new entity to an object's Access Control List. Note: use the gcs-put-bucket-object-policy command to update an existing entry.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
bucket_name Name of the bucket in which the object resides. Required
object_name Name of the object in which to modify the Access control List. Required
entity Entity to add into the Access Control List. Common entity formats are:
* user-<userId or email>
* group-<groupId or email>
* allUsers
* allAuthenticatedUsers
For more options and details, see this reference
role The access permission for the entity. Required

Command Example
gcs-create-bucket-object-policy bucket_name=my-bucket object_name=/some/path/my_file.txt entity=allUsers role=Reader
Human Readable Output

Added entity allUsers to ACL of object /some/path/my_file.txt with role Reader

14. Update an existing entity in an object's Access Control List

Updates an existing entity in an object's Access Control List. Note: use gcs-create-bucket-object-policy command to create a new entry.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
bucket_name Name of the bucket in which the object resides. Required
object_name Name of the object in which to modify access controls. Required
entity The entity to update in the Access Control List. Common entity formats are:
* user-<userId or email>
* group-<groupId or email>
* allUsers
* allAuthenticatedUsers
For more options and details, see this reference
role The access permissions for the entity. Required

Command Example
gcs-put-bucket-object-policy bucket_name=my-bucket object_name=/some/path/my_file.txt entity=allUsers role=Owner
Human Readable Output

Updated ACL entity allUsers in object /some/path/my_file.txt to role Owner

15. Remove an entity from an object's Access Control List

Removes an entity from an object's Access Control List.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
bucket_name Name of the bucket in which the object resides. Required
object_name Name of the object in which to modify access controls. Required
entity Entity to remove from the Access Control List.
Common entity formats are:
* user-<userId or email>
* group-<groupId or email>
* allUsers
* allAuthenticatedUsers
For more options and details, see this reference

Command Example
gcs-delete-bucket-object-policy bucket_name=my-bucket object_name=/some/path/my_file.txt entity=allUsers
Human Readable Output

Removed entity allUsers from ACL of object /some/path/my_file.txt

16. Copy an object from one bucket to another

Copies an object from one bucket to another.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
source_bucket_name Name of the Bucket to copy the object from. If not specified, operation will be performed on the default bucket parameter. Optional
destination_bucket_name Name of the Bucket to copy the object to Required
source_object_name Name of the object to copy Required
destination_object_name Name of the object in the destination bucket. If not specified, operation will be performed with the source_object_name parameter. Optional

Command Example
gcs-copy-file source_bucket_name="my-bucket" destination_bucket_name="another-bucket" source_object_name="/some/path/my_file.txt"
Human Readable Output

File was successfully copied to bucket "another-bucket" as /some/path/my_file.txt