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Google Kubernetes Engine

This Integration is part of the Google Kubernetes Engine Pack.#

The Google Kubernetes Engine integration is used for building and managing container based applications in Google Cloud Platform (GCP), powered by the open source Kubernetes technology.

Command, argument, and output desctiptions were taken from the Google documentation.

Use Cases#

  • Mange existing GKE clusters.

  • Mange existing GKE node-pools.


  • Google Kubernetes Engine Operations Generic Polling.

Configure Google Kubernetes Engine setup#

  1. Select or create a Cloud Platform project:


    The value in the ID column (marked in green) will be used from this point on as the project id.

  2. Enable the Google Container Engine API:

    1. Under the main menu, select APIs & Services -> 'Libary':

    2. Search for Kubernetes Engine API:

    3. Click Enable:

    4. Select the project and click 'OPEN':

  3. Create a service account with correct restricted permissions:

    1. Under the main menu, select IAM & Admin -> Service Accounts:

    2. In the top bar, select CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT:

    3. In step number 2, under role, select Kubernetes Engine Admin:

    4. Under the main menu, select IAM & Admin -> Service Accounts and open the account you just created.

    5. Generate new credentials:

      1. On the Service account details page, under Keys, click ADD KEY and select Create new key:

2. Under Key type, select `JSON` and click `CREATE`. Save the credentials in a secure location. You will need the generated `credentials.json` file when you configure the instance in Cortex XSOAR:
<img src="/doc_imgs/reference/relative/integrations-google-kubernetes-engine-__-__-doc_files-service-account-create-4.png" alt="create-3" />

Configure GoogleKubernetesEngine on Cortex XSOAR#

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.
  2. Search for GoogleKubernetesEngine.
  3. Generate credentials.json file by instruction in Google documentation.
  4. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.
credentials_jsonJSON credentials - The content of the generated credentials.json file.True
default_projectDefault project id - Can be overwriten in commands execution.True
default_zoneDefault zone - Can be overwriten in commands execution.True
  1. Click Test to validate the URLs, credentials.json, and connection.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Lists all clusters owned by a project in either the specified zone or all zones.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe Google Developers Console project ID or project number.Optional
zoneThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the cluster resides, leave empty for all zones.Optional

Context Output#

GKE.Cluster.NameStringCluster name.
GKE.Cluster.MasterAuth.ClusterCaCertificateStringBase64-encoded public certificate that is the root of trust for the cluster.
GKE.Cluster.LoggingServiceStringThe logging service the cluster should use to write metrics.
GKE.Cluster.MonitoringServiceStringThe monitoring service the cluster should use to write metrics.
GKE.Cluster.NetworkStringThe name of the Google Compute Engine network to which the cluster is connected. If left unspecified, the default network will be used.
GKE.Cluster.ClusterIpv4CidrStringThe IP address range of the container pods in this cluster, in CIDR notation (e.g.
GKE.Cluster.AddonsConfig.HttpLoadBalancing.DisabledBooleanConfiguration for the http load balancing addon.
GKE.Cluster.AddonsConfig.HorizontalPodAutoscaling.DisabledBooleanConfiguration for the horizontal pod autoscaling addon.
GKE.Cluster.AddonsConfig.KubernetesDashboard.DisabledBooleanConfiguration for the kubernetes dashboard addon.
GKE.Cluster.AddonsConfig.NetworkPolicyConfig.DisabledBooleanConfiguration for the network policy config addon.
GKE.Cluster.LegacyAbac.EnabledBooleanConfiguration for the Legacy ABAC.
GKE.Cluster.SubNetworkStringThe name of the Google Compute Engine subnetwork to which the cluster is connected.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.NameStringNode pool name.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Config.MachineTypeStringNode pool machine type.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Config.DiskSizeGbNumberSize of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Config.OauthScopesStringThe set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs under the “default” service account.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Config.Metadata.disable-legacy-endpointsStringlegacy abac Status.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Config.ImageTypeStringThe desired image type for the node pool.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Config.ServiceAccountStringThe Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs. If no Service Account is specified, the “default” service account is used.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Config.DiskTypeStringType of the disk attached to each node (e.g. ‘pd-standard’ or ‘pd-ssd’) If unspecified, the default disk type is ‘pd- standard’.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Config.ShieldedInstanceConfig.EnableIntegrityMonitoringNumberDefines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.InitialNodeCountNumberThe initial node count for the pool.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Autoscaling.EnabledNumberStatus of autoscaling.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Autoscaling.MinNodeCountNumberMinimum number of nodes in the NodePool. Must be >= 1 and <= max_node_count.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Autoscaling.MaxNodeCountNumberMaximum number of nodes in the NodePool. Must be >= min_node_count. There has to enough quota to scale up the cluster.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Management.AutoRepairNumberA flag that specifies whether the node auto-repair is enabled for the node pool.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.MaxPodsConstraint.MaxPodsPerNodeStringThe constraint on the maximum number of pods that can be run simultaneously on a node in the node pool.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.PodIpv4CidrSizeNumberThe pod CIDR block size per node in this node pool.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.SelfLinkStringServer-defined URL for the resource.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.VersionStringThe version of the Kubernetes of this node.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.InstanceGroupUrlsStringThe resource URLs of the managed instance groups associated with this node pool.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.StatusStringThe status of the nodes in this pool instance.
GKE.Cluster.LocationsStringThe desired list of Google Compute Engine zones in which the cluster’s nodes should be located.
GKE.Cluster.LabelFingerprintStringThe fingerprint of the set of labels for this cluster.
GKE.Cluster.IpAllocationPolicy.UseIpAliasesNumberWhether alias IPs will be used for pod IPs in the cluster.
GKE.Cluster.IpAllocationPolicy.ClusterIpv4CidrStringThe IP address range of the container pods in this cluster, in CIDR notation (e.g.
GKE.Cluster.IpAllocationPolicy.ServicesIpv4CidrStringThe IP address range of the Kubernetes services in this cluster, in CIDR notation (e.g.
GKE.Cluster.IpAllocationPolicy.ClusterSecondaryRangeNameStringThe name of the secondary range to be used for the cluster CIDR block. The secondary range will be used for pod IP addresses.
GKE.Cluster.IpAllocationPolicy.ServicesSecondaryRangeNameStringThe name of the secondary range to be used as for the services CIDR block. The secondary range will be used for service ClusterIPs.
GKE.Cluster.IpAllocationPolicy.ClusterIpv4CidrBlockStringThe IP address range for the cluster pod IPs.
GKE.Cluster.IpAllocationPolicy.ServicesIpv4CidrBlockStringThe IP address range of the services IPs in this cluster.
GKE.Cluster.MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig.CIDRStringCIDR which allowed to access master when enabled.
GKE.Cluster.MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig.EnabledStringCIDR which allowed to access master when enabled.
GKE.Cluster.MaintenancePolicy.ResourceVersionStringA hash identifying the version of this policy.
GKE.Cluster.NetworkConfig.NetworkStringThe relative name of the Google Compute Engine.
GKE.Cluster.NetworkConfig.SubnetworkStringThe relative name of the Google Compute Engine subnetwork to which the cluster is connected.
GKE.Cluster.DefaultMaxPodsConstraint.MaxPodsPerNodeStringConstraint enforced on the max num of pods per node.
GKE.Cluster.DatabaseEncryption.StateStringConfiguration of etcd encryption.
GKE.Cluster.SelfLinkStringerver-defined URL for the resource.
GKE.Cluster.EndpointStringThe IP address of this cluster’s master endpoint.
GKE.Cluster.InitialClusterVersionStringThe initial Kubernetes version for this cluster.
GKE.Cluster.CurrentMasterVersionStringThe current software version of the master endpoint.
GKE.Cluster.CreateTimeDateThe time the cluster was created, in RFC3339 text format.
GKE.Cluster.StatusStringThe current status of this cluster.
GKE.Cluster.ServicesIpv4CidrStringThe IP address range of the Kubernetes services in this cluster, in CIDR notation (e.g.'
GKE.Cluster.LocationStringThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone or region in which the cluster resides.

Command Example#

!gcloud-clusters-list project=gcp-integrations zone=us-central1-c

Context Example#

"GKE": {
"Cluster": {
"AddonsConfig": {
"HorizontalPodAutoscaling": {
"Disabled": {}
"HttpLoadBalancing": {
"Disbaled": {}
"KubernetesDashboard": {
"Disabled": true
"NetworkPolicyConfig": {
"Disabled": null
"AuthenticatorGroupsConfig": {},
"ClusterIpv4Cidr": "xxxx",
"CreateTime": "xxxx",
"CurrentMasterVersion": "xxxx",
"DatabaseEncryption": {
"State": "DECRYPTED"
"DefaultMaxPodsConstraint": {
"MaxPodsPerNode": "110"
"Endpoint": "xxxx",
"InitialClusterVersion": "xxxx",
"IpAllocationPolicy": {
"ClusterIpv4Cidr": "xxxx",
"ClusterIpv4CidrBlock": "xxxx",
"ClusterSecondaryRangeName": "xxxx",
"ServicesIpv4Cidr": "xxxx",
"ServicesIpv4CidrBlock": "xxxx",
"ServicesSecondaryRangeName": "xxxx",
"UseIpAliases": true
"LabelFingerprint": "xxxx",
"LegacyAbac": {
"Enabled": null
"Location": "xxxx",
"Locations": [
"LoggingService": "",
"MaintenancePolicy": {
"ResourceVersion": "xxxx"
"MasterAuth": {
"ClusterCaCertificate": "xxxx"
"MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig": {
"CIDR": [],
"Enabled": null
"MonitoringService": "",
"Name": "xxxx",
"Network": "default",
"NetworkConfig": {
"Network": "xxxx",
"Subnetwork": "xxxx"
"NetworkPolicy": {},
"NodePools": [
"Autoscaling": {
"Enabled": null,
"MaxNodeCount": null,
"MinNodeCount": null
"Config": {
"DiskSizeGb": 100,
"DiskType": "xxxx",
"ImageType": "xxxx",
"MachineType": "xxxx",
"Metadata": {
"DisableLegacyEndpoints": "true"
"OauthScopes": [
"ServiceAccount": "xxxx",
"ShieldedInstanceConfig": {
"EnableIntegrityMonitoring": true
"InitialNodeCount": 3,
"InstanceGroupUrls": [
"Management": {
"AutoRepair": true
"MaxPodsConstraint": {
"MaxPodsPerNode": "110"
"Name": "default-pool",
"PodIpv4CidrSize": 24,
"SelfLink": "",
"Status": "RUNNING",
"Version": "xxxx"
"SelfLink": "",
"ServicesIpv4Cidr": "xxxx",
"Status": "RECONCILING",
"SubNetwork": "default"

Human Readable Output#

Clusters (Project=gcp-integrations, Zone=us-central1-c)#

LocationMaster IPMaster versionNameStatus


Gets the details of a specific cluster.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe Google Developers Console project ID or project number.Optional
clusterThe name of the cluster to retrieve. The name of the cluster to retrieve.Required
zoneThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the cluster resides.Optional

Context Output#

GKE.Cluster.NameStringCluster name.
GKE.Cluster.MasterAuth.ClusterCaCertificateStringBase64-encoded public certificate that is the root of trust for the cluster.
GKE.Cluster.LoggingServiceStringThe logging service the cluster should use to write metrics.
GKE.Cluster.MonitoringServiceStringThe monitoring service the cluster should use to write metrics.
GKE.Cluster.NetworkStringThe name of the Google Compute Engine network to which the cluster is connected. If left unspecified, the default network will be used.
GKE.Cluster.ClusterIpv4CidrStringThe IP address range of the container pods in this cluster, in CIDR notation (e.g.
GKE.Cluster.AddonsConfig.HttpLoadBalancing.DisabledBooleanConfiguration for the http load balancing addon.
GKE.Cluster.AddonsConfig.HorizontalPodAutoscaling.DisabledBooleanConfiguration for the horizontal pod autoscaling addon.
GKE.Cluster.AddonsConfig.KubernetesDashboard.DisabledBooleanConfiguration for the kubernetes dashboard addon.
GKE.Cluster.AddonsConfig.NetworkPolicyConfig.DisabledBooleanConfiguration for the network policy config addon.
GKE.Cluster.LegacyAbac.EnabledBooleanConfiguration for the Legacy ABAC.
GKE.Cluster.SubNetworkStringThe name of the Google Compute Engine subnetwork to which the cluster is connected.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.NameStringNode pool name.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Config.MachineTypeStringNode pool machine type.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Config.DiskSizeGbNumberSize of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Config.OauthScopesStringThe set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs under the “default” service account.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Config.Metadata.disable-legacy-endpointsStringlegacy abac Status.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Config.ImageTypeStringThe desired image type for the node pool.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Config.ServiceAccountStringThe Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs. If no Service Account is specified, the “default” service account is used.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Config.DiskTypeStringType of the disk attached to each node (e.g. ‘pd-standard’ or ‘pd-ssd’) If unspecified, the default disk type is ‘pd- standard’.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Config.ShieldedInstanceConfig.EnableIntegrityMonitoringNumberDefines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.InitialNodeCountNumberThe initial node count for the pool.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Autoscaling.EnabledNumberStatus of autoscaling.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Autoscaling.MinNodeCountNumberMinimum number of nodes in the NodePool. Must be >= 1 and <= max_node_count.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Autoscaling.MaxNodeCountNumberMaximum number of nodes in the NodePool. Must be >= min_node_count. There has to enough quota to scale up the cluster.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.Management.AutoRepairNumberA flag that specifies whether the node auto-repair is enabled for the node pool.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.MaxPodsConstraint.MaxPodsPerNodeStringThe constraint on the maximum number of pods that can be run simultaneously on a node in the node pool.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.PodIpv4CidrSizeNumberThe pod CIDR block size per node in this node pool.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.SelfLinkStringServer-defined URL for the resource.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.VersionStringThe version of the Kubernetes of this node.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.InstanceGroupUrlsStringThe resource URLs of the managed instance groups associated with this node pool.
GKE.Cluster.NodePool.StatusStringThe status of the nodes in this pool instance.
GKE.Cluster.LocationsStringThe desired list of Google Compute Engine zones in which the cluster’s nodes should be located.
GKE.Cluster.LabelFingerprintStringThe fingerprint of the set of labels for this cluster.
GKE.Cluster.IpAllocationPolicy.UseIpAliasesNumberWhether alias IPs will be used for pod IPs in the cluster.
GKE.Cluster.IpAllocationPolicy.ClusterIpv4CidrStringThe IP address range of the container pods in this cluster, in CIDR notation (e.g.
GKE.Cluster.IpAllocationPolicy.ServicesIpv4CidrStringThe IP address range of the Kubernetes services in this cluster, in CIDR notation (e.g.
GKE.Cluster.IpAllocationPolicy.ClusterSecondaryRangeNameStringThe name of the secondary range to be used for the cluster CIDR block. The secondary range will be used for pod IP addresses.
GKE.Cluster.IpAllocationPolicy.ServicesSecondaryRangeNameStringThe name of the secondary range to be used as for the services CIDR block. The secondary range will be used for service ClusterIPs.
GKE.Cluster.IpAllocationPolicy.ClusterIpv4CidrBlockStringThe IP address range for the cluster pod IPs.
GKE.Cluster.IpAllocationPolicy.ServicesIpv4CidrBlockStringThe IP address range of the services IPs in this cluster.
GKE.Cluster.MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig.CIDRStringCIDR which allowed to access master when enabled.
GKE.Cluster.MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig.EnabledStringCIDR which allowed to access master when enabled.
GKE.Cluster.MaintenancePolicy.ResourceVersionStringA hash identifying the version of this policy.
GKE.Cluster.NetworkConfig.NetworkStringThe relative name of the Google Compute Engine.
GKE.Cluster.NetworkConfig.SubnetworkStringThe relative name of the Google Compute Engine subnetwork to which the cluster is connected.
GKE.Cluster.DefaultMaxPodsConstraint.MaxPodsPerNodeStringConstraint enforced on the max num of pods per node.
GKE.Cluster.DatabaseEncryption.StateStringConfiguration of etcd encryption.
GKE.Cluster.SelfLinkStringerver-defined URL for the resource.
GKE.Cluster.EndpointStringThe IP address of this cluster’s master endpoint.
GKE.Cluster.InitialClusterVersionStringThe initial Kubernetes version for this cluster.
GKE.Cluster.CurrentMasterVersionStringThe current software version of the master endpoint.
GKE.Cluster.CreateTimeDateThe time the cluster was created, in RFC3339 text format.
GKE.Cluster.StatusStringThe current status of this cluster.
GKE.Cluster.ServicesIpv4CidrStringThe IP address range of the Kubernetes services in this cluster, in CIDR notation (e.g.'
GKE.Cluster.LocationStringThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone or region in which the cluster resides.

Command Example#

!gcloud-clusters-describe project=gcp-integrations zone=us-central1-c cluster=xsoar-integration

Context Example#

"GKE": {
"Cluster": {
"AddonsConfig": {
"HorizontalPodAutoscaling": {
"Disabled": {}
"HttpLoadBalancing": {
"Disbaled": {}
"KubernetesDashboard": {
"Disabled": true
"NetworkPolicyConfig": {
"Disabled": null
"AuthenticatorGroupsConfig": {},
"ClusterIpv4Cidr": "xxxx",
"CreateTime": "xxxx",
"CurrentMasterVersion": "xxxx",
"DatabaseEncryption": {
"State": "DECRYPTED"
"DefaultMaxPodsConstraint": {
"MaxPodsPerNode": "110"
"Endpoint": "xxxx",
"InitialClusterVersion": "xxxx",
"IpAllocationPolicy": {
"ClusterIpv4Cidr": "xxxx",
"ClusterIpv4CidrBlock": "xxxx",
"ClusterSecondaryRangeName": "xxxx",
"ServicesIpv4Cidr": "xxxx",
"ServicesIpv4CidrBlock": "xxxx",
"ServicesSecondaryRangeName": "xxxx",
"UseIpAliases": true
"LabelFingerprint": "xxxx",
"LegacyAbac": {
"Enabled": null
"Location": "xxxx",
"Locations": [
"LoggingService": "",
"MaintenancePolicy": {
"ResourceVersion": "xxxx"
"MasterAuth": {
"ClusterCaCertificate": "xxxx"
"MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig": {
"CIDR": [],
"Enabled": null
"MonitoringService": "",
"Name": "xxxx",
"Network": "default",
"NetworkConfig": {
"Network": "xxxx",
"Subnetwork": "xxxx"
"NetworkPolicy": {},
"NodePools": [
"Autoscaling": {
"Enabled": null,
"MaxNodeCount": null,
"MinNodeCount": null
"Config": {
"DiskSizeGb": 100,
"DiskType": "xxxx",
"ImageType": "xxxx",
"MachineType": "xxxx",
"Metadata": {
"DisableLegacyEndpoints": "true"
"OauthScopes": [
"ServiceAccount": "xxxx",
"ShieldedInstanceConfig": {
"EnableIntegrityMonitoring": true
"InitialNodeCount": 3,
"InstanceGroupUrls": [
"Management": {
"AutoRepair": true
"MaxPodsConstraint": {
"MaxPodsPerNode": "110"
"Name": "default-pool",
"PodIpv4CidrSize": 24,
"SelfLink": "",
"Status": "RUNNING",
"Version": "xxxx"
"SelfLink": "",
"ServicesIpv4Cidr": "xxxx",
"Status": "RECONCILING",
"SubNetwork": "default"

Human Readable Output#

Clusters (Project=gcp-integrations, Zone=us-central1-c, Cluster=xsoar-integration)#

LocationMaster IPMaster versionNameStatus


Enable basic (username/password) auth for the cluster. Enable will create user admin with generated password.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe Google Developers Console project ID or project number.Optional
clusterThe name of the cluster to retrieve.Required
zoneThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the cluster resides.Optional
basic_authSets master enabled or disabled.Required

Context Output#

GKE.Operation.NameStringThe server-assigned ID for the operation
GKE.Operation.ZoneStringThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the operation is taking place. This field is deprecated, use location instead.
GKE.Operation.OperationTypeStringOperaion type. (update, etc.)
GKE.Operation.StatusStringOperation status (Running, Finished).
GKE.Operation.SelfLinkUnknownServer-defined URL for the resource.
GKE.Operation.TargetLinkStringServer-defined URL for the target of the operation.
GKE.Operation.StartTimeDateThe time the operation started, in RFC3339 text format.

Command Example#

!gcloud-clusters-set-muster-auth project=gcp-integrations zone=us-central1-c cluster=xsoar-integration basic_auth=enable

Context Example#

"GKE": {
"Operation": {
"Name": "operation-xxxx",
"OperationType": "UPDATE_CLUSTER",
"SelfLink": "",
"StartTime": "xxxx",
"Status": "DONE",
"TargetLink": "",
"Zone": "xxxx"

Human Readable Output#

Project gcp-integrations - Zone us-central1-c - Operation operation-xxxx#



Sets the addons for a specific cluster.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe Google Developers Console project ID or project number.Optional
clusterThe name of the cluster to retrieve. The name of the cluster to retrieve.Required
zoneThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the cluster resides.Optional
http_load_balancingConfiguration for the HTTP (L7) load balancing controller addon, which makes it easy to set up HTTP load balancers for services in a cluster.Optional
kubernetes_dashboardConfiguration for the Kubernetes Dashboard.Optional
network_policyConfiguration for NetworkPolicy.
This only tracks whether the addon is enabled or not on the Master, it does not track whether network policy is enabled for the nodes.

Context Output#

GKE.Operation.NameStringThe server-assigned ID for the operation
GKE.Operation.ZoneStringThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the operation is taking place. This field is deprecated, use location instead.
GKE.Operation.OperationTypeStringOperaion type. (update, etc.)
GKE.Operation.StatusStringOperation status (Running, Finished).
GKE.Operation.SelfLinkUnknownServer-defined URL for the resource.
GKE.Operation.TargetLinkStringServer-defined URL for the target of the operation.
GKE.Operation.StartTimeDateThe time the operation started, in RFC3339 text format.

Command Example#

!gcloud-clusters-set-addons project=gcp-integrations zone=us-central1-c cluster=xsoar-integration http_load_balancing=enable kubernetes_dashboard=disable network_policy=enable

Context Example#

"GKE": {
"Operation": {
"Name": "operation-xxxx",
"OperationType": "UPDATE_CLUSTER",
"SelfLink": "",
"StartTime": "xxxx",
"Status": "DONE",
"TargetLink": "",
"Zone": "xxxx"

Human Readable Output#

Project gcp-integrations - Zone us-central1-c - Operation operation-xxxx#



Configuration for the legacy Attribute Based Access Control authorization mode.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe Google Developers Console project ID or project number.Optional
clusterThe name of the cluster to retrieve. The name of the cluster to retrieve.Required
zoneThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the cluster resides.Optional
enableWhether the ABAC authorizer is enabled for this cluster. When enabled, identities in the system, including service accounts, nodes, and controllers, will have statically granted permissions beyond those provided by the RBAC configuration or IAM.Required

Context Output#

GKE.Operation.NameStringThe server-assigned ID for the operation
GKE.Operation.ZoneStringThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the operation is taking place. This field is deprecated, use location instead.
GKE.Operation.OperationTypeStringOperaion type. (update, etc.)
GKE.Operation.StatusStringOperation status (Running, Finished).
GKE.Operation.SelfLinkUnknownServer-defined URL for the resource.
GKE.Operation.TargetLinkStringServer-defined URL for the target of the operation.
GKE.Operation.StartTimeDateThe time the operation started, in RFC3339 text format.

Command Example#

!gcloud-clusters-set-legacy-auth project=gcp-integrations zone=us-central1-c cluster=xsoar-integration enable=true

Context Example#

"GKE": {
"Operation": {
"Name": "operation-xxxx",
"OperationType": "UPDATE_CLUSTER",
"SelfLink": "",
"StartTime": "xxxx",
"Status": "DONE",
"TargetLink": "",
"Zone": "xxxx"

Human Readable Output#

Project gcp-integrations - Zone us-central1-c - Operation operation-xxxx#



Configuration options for the master authorized networks feature. Enabled master authorized networks will disallow all external traffic to access Kubernetes master through HTTPS except traffic from the given CIDR blocks, Google Compute Engine Public IPs and Google Prod IPs.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe Google Developers Console project ID or project number.Optional
clusterThe name of the cluster to retrieve. The name of the cluster to retrieve.Required
zoneThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the cluster resides.Optional
enableWhether or not master authorized networks is enabled.Required
cidrsCidrs define up to 50 external networks that could access Kubernetes master through HTTPS. Comma-seprated e.g. ","Optional

Context Output#

GKE.Operation.NameStringThe server-assigned ID for the operation
GKE.Operation.ZoneStringThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the operation is taking place. This field is deprecated, use location instead.
GKE.Operation.OperationTypeStringOperaion type. (update, etc.)
GKE.Operation.StatusStringOperation status (Running, Finished).
GKE.Operation.SelfLinkUnknownServer-defined URL for the resource.
GKE.Operation.TargetLinkStringServer-defined URL for the target of the operation.
GKE.Operation.StartTimeDateThe time the operation started, in RFC3339 text format.

Command Example#

!gcloud-clusters-set-master-authorized-network project=gcp-integrations zone=us-central1-c cluster=xsoar-integration enable=true cidrs=

Context Example#

"GKE": {
"Operation": {
"Name": "operation-xxxx",
"OperationType": "UPDATE_CLUSTER",
"SelfLink": "",
"StartTime": "xxxx",
"Status": "DONE",
"TargetLink": "",
"Zone": "xxxx"

Human Readable Output#

Project gcp-integrations - Zone us-central1-c - Operation operation-xxxx#



Enable or Disable k8s stackdriver. Important - To use this functinality the user should enable manually logging to "" manulally via the GCP console.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe Google Developers Console project ID or project number.Optional
clusterThe name of the cluster to retrieve. The name of the cluster to retrieve.Required
zoneThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the cluster resides.Required
enableWhether or not k8s stackdriver is enabled.Required

Context Output#

GKE.Operation.NameStringThe server-assigned ID for the operation
GKE.Operation.ZoneStringThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the operation is taking place. This field is deprecated, use location instead.
GKE.Operation.OperationTypeStringOperaion type. (update, etc.)
GKE.Operation.StatusStringOperation status (Running, Finished).
GKE.Operation.SelfLinkUnknownServer-defined URL for the resource.
GKE.Operation.TargetLinkStringServer-defined URL for the target of the operation.
GKE.Operation.StartTimeDateThe time the operation started, in RFC3339 text format.

Command Example#

!gcloud-clusters-set-master-authorized-network project=gcp-integrations zone=us-central1-c cluster=xsoar-integration enable=true cidrs=

Context Example#

"GKE": {
"Operation": {
"Name": "operation-xxxx",
"OperationType": "UPDATE_CLUSTER",
"SelfLink": "",
"StartTime": "xxxx",
"Status": "DONE",
"TargetLink": "",
"Zone": "xxxx"

Human Readable Output#

Project gcp-integrations - Zone us-central1-c - Operation operation-xxxx#



Enable or Disable binary auth.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe Google Developers Console project ID or project number.Optional
clusterThe name of the cluster to retrieve. The name of the cluster to retrieve.Required
zoneThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the cluster resides.Optional
enableWhether or not master binary auth is enabled.Required

Context Output#

GKE.Operation.NameStringThe server-assigned ID for the operation
GKE.Operation.ZoneStringThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the operation is taking place. This field is deprecated, use location instead.
GKE.Operation.OperationTypeStringOperaion type. (update, etc.)
GKE.Operation.StatusStringOperation status (Running, Finished).
GKE.Operation.SelfLinkUnknownServer-defined URL for the resource.
GKE.Operation.TargetLinkStringServer-defined URL for the target of the operation.
GKE.Operation.StartTimeDateThe time the operation started, in RFC3339 text format.

Command Example#

!gcloud-clusters-set-binary-auth project=gcp-integrations zone=us-central1-c cluster=xsoar-integration enable=true

Context Example#

"GKE": {
"Operation": {
"Name": "operation-xxxx",
"OperationType": "UPDATE_CLUSTER",
"SelfLink": "",
"StartTime": "xxxx",
"Status": "DONE",
"TargetLink": "",
"Zone": "xxxx"

Human Readable Output#

Project gcp-integrations - Zone us-central1-c - Operation operation-xxxx#



Enable or Disable for intra node visibility in cluster.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe Google Developers Console project ID or project number.Optional
clusterThe name of the cluster to retrieve. The name of the cluster to retrieve.Required
zoneThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the cluster resides.Optional
enableWhether or not intra node visibility is enabled.Required

Context Output#

GKE.Operation.NameStringThe server-assigned ID for the operation
GKE.Operation.ZoneStringThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the operation is taking place. This field is deprecated, use location instead.
GKE.Operation.OperationTypeStringOperaion type. (update, etc.)
GKE.Operation.StatusStringOperation status (Running, Finished).
GKE.Operation.SelfLinkUnknownServer-defined URL for the resource.
GKE.Operation.TargetLinkStringServer-defined URL for the target of the operation.
GKE.Operation.StartTimeDateThe time the operation started, in RFC3339 text format.

Command Example#

!gcloud-clusters-set-intra-node-visibility project=gcp-integrations zone=us-central1-c cluster=xsoar-integration enable=true

Context Example#

"GKE": {
"Operation": {
"Name": "operation-xxxx",
"OperationType": "UPDATE_CLUSTER",
"SelfLink": "",
"StartTime": "xxxx",
"Status": "DONE",
"TargetLink": "",
"Zone": "xxxx"

Human Readable Output#

Project gcp-integrations - Zone us-central1-c - Operation operation-xxxx#



Lists the node pools for a cluster.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe Google Developers Console project ID or project number.Optional
clusterThe name of the cluster to retrieve. The name of the cluster to retrieve.Required
zoneThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the cluster resides.Optional

Context Output#

GKE.NodePool.NameStringNode pool name.
GKE.NodePool.Config.MachineTypeStringNode pool machine type.
GKE.NodePool.Config.DiskSizeGbNumberSize of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB.
GKE.NodePool.Config.OauthScopesStringThe set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs under the “default” service account.
GKE.NodePool.Config.Metadata.disable-legacy-endpointsStringlegacy abac Status.
GKE.NodePool.Config.ImageTypeStringThe desired image type for the node pool.
GKE.NodePool.Config.ServiceAccountStringThe Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs. If no Service Account is specified, the “default” service account is used.
GKE.NodePool.Config.DiskTypeStringType of the disk attached to each node (e.g. ‘pd-standard’ or ‘pd-ssd’) If unspecified, the default disk type is ‘pd- standard’.
GKE.NodePool.Config.ShieldedInstanceConfig.EnableIntegrityMonitoringNumberDefines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
GKE.NodePool.InitialNodeCountNumberThe initial node count for the pool.
GKE.NodePool.Autoscaling.EnabledNumberStatus of autoscaling.
GKE.NodePool.Autoscaling.MinNodeCountNumberMinimum number of nodes in the NodePool. Must be >= 1 and <= max_node_count.
GKE.NodePool.Autoscaling.MaxNodeCountNumberMaximum number of nodes in the NodePool. Must be >= min_node_count. There has to enough quota to scale up the cluster.
GKE.NodePool.Management.AutoRepairNumberA flag that specifies whether the node auto-repair is enabled for the node pool.
GKE.NodePool.MaxPodsConstraint.MaxPodsPerNodeStringThe constraint on the maximum number of pods that can be run simultaneously on a node in the node pool.
GKE.NodePool.PodIpv4CidrSizeNumberThe pod CIDR block size per node in this node pool.
GKE.NodePool.SelfLinkStringServer-defined URL for the resource.
GKE.NodePool.VersionStringThe version of the Kubernetes of this node.
GKE.NodePool.InstanceGroupUrlsStringThe resource URLs of the managed instance groups associated with this node pool.
GKE.NodePool.StatusStringThe status of the nodes in this pool instance.

Command Example#

!gcloud-node-pool-list project=gcp-integrations zone=us-central1-c cluster=xsoar-integration

Context Example#

"GKE": {
"NodePool": {
"Autoscaling": {
"Enabled": null,
"MaxNodeCount": null,
"MinNodeCount": null
"Config": {
"DiskSizeGb": 100,
"DiskType": "xxxx",
"ImageType": "xxxx",
"MachineType": "xxxx",
"Metadata": {
"DisableLegacyEndpoints": "true"
"OauthScopes": [
"ServiceAccount": "default",
"ShieldedInstanceConfig": {
"EnableIntegrityMonitoring": true
"InitialNodeCount": 3,
"InstanceGroupUrls": [
"Management": {
"AutoRepair": true
"MaxPodsConstraint": {
"MaxPodsPerNode": "110"
"Name": "xxxx",
"PodIpv4CidrSize": 24,
"SelfLink": "",
"Status": "RUNNING",
"Version": "xxxx"

Human Readable Output#

Node-pools (Project=gcp-integrations, Zone=us-central1-c, Cluster=xsoar-integration)#

Disk sizeMachine TypeNameNode version


Retrieves the requested node pool.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe Google Developers Console project ID or project number.Optional
clusterThe name of the cluster to retrieve. The name of the cluster to retrieve.Required
zoneThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the cluster resides.Optional
node_poolThe name of the Google Compute Engine node pool.Required

Context Output#

GKE.NodePool.NameStringNode pool name.
GKE.NodePool.Config.MachineTypeStringNode pool machine type.
GKE.NodePool.Config.DiskSizeGbNumberSize of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB.
GKE.NodePool.Config.OauthScopesStringThe set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs under the “default” service account.
GKE.NodePool.Config.Metadata.disable-legacy-endpointsStringlegacy abac Status.
GKE.NodePool.Config.ImageTypeStringThe desired image type for the node pool.
GKE.NodePool.Config.ServiceAccountStringThe Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs. If no Service Account is specified, the “default” service account is used.
GKE.NodePool.Config.DiskTypeStringType of the disk attached to each node (e.g. ‘pd-standard’ or ‘pd-ssd’) If unspecified, the default disk type is ‘pd- standard’.
GKE.NodePool.Config.ShieldedInstanceConfig.EnableIntegrityMonitoringNumberDefines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
GKE.NodePool.InitialNodeCountNumberThe initial node count for the pool.
GKE.NodePool.Autoscaling.EnabledNumberStatus of autoscaling.
GKE.NodePool.Autoscaling.MinNodeCountNumberMinimum number of nodes in the NodePool. Must be >= 1 and <= max_node_count.
GKE.NodePool.Autoscaling.MaxNodeCountNumberMaximum number of nodes in the NodePool. Must be >= min_node_count. There has to enough quota to scale up the cluster.
GKE.NodePool.Management.AutoRepairNumberA flag that specifies whether the node auto-repair is enabled for the node pool.
GKE.NodePool.MaxPodsConstraint.MaxPodsPerNodeStringThe constraint on the maximum number of pods that can be run simultaneously on a node in the node pool.
GKE.NodePool.PodIpv4CidrSizeNumberThe pod CIDR block size per node in this node pool.
GKE.NodePool.SelfLinkStringServer-defined URL for the resource.
GKE.NodePool.VersionStringThe version of the Kubernetes of this node.
GKE.NodePool.InstanceGroupUrlsStringThe resource URLs of the managed instance groups associated with this node pool.
GKE.NodePool.StatusStringThe status of the nodes in this pool instance.

Command Example#

!gcloud-node-pool-describe project=gcp-integrations zone=us-central1-c cluster=xsoar-integration node_pool=default-pool

Context Example#

"GKE": {
"NodePool": {
"Autoscaling": {
"Enabled": null,
"MaxNodeCount": null,
"MinNodeCount": null
"Config": {
"DiskSizeGb": 100,
"DiskType": "xxxx",
"ImageType": "xxxx",
"MachineType": "xxxx",
"Metadata": {
"DisableLegacyEndpoints": "true"
"OauthScopes": [
"ServiceAccount": "default",
"ShieldedInstanceConfig": {
"EnableIntegrityMonitoring": true
"InitialNodeCount": 3,
"InstanceGroupUrls": [
"Management": {
"AutoRepair": true
"MaxPodsConstraint": {
"MaxPodsPerNode": "110"
"Name": "xxxx",
"PodIpv4CidrSize": 24,
"SelfLink": "",
"Status": "RUNNING",
"Version": "xxxx"

Human Readable Output#

Node-pools (Project=gcp-integrations, Zone=us-central1-c, Cluster=xsoar-integration, Node pool=default-pool)#

Disk sizeMachine TypeNameNode version


Sets the NodeManagement options for a node pool.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe Google Developers Console project ID or project number.Optional
clusterThe name of the cluster to retrieve. The name of the cluster to retrieve.Required
zoneThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the cluster resides.Optional
node_poolThe name of the Google Compute Engine node pool.Required
auto_repairA flag that specifies whether the node auto-repair is enabled for the node pool. If enabled, the nodes in this node pool will be monitored and, if they fail health checks too many times, an automatic repair action will be triggered.Required
auto_upgradeA flag that specifies whether node auto-upgrade is enabled for the node pool. If enabled, node auto-upgrade helps keep the nodes in your node pool up to date with the latest release version of Kubernetes.Required

Context Output#

GKE.Operation.NameStringThe server-assigned ID for the operation
GKE.Operation.ZoneStringThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the operation is taking place. This field is deprecated, use location instead.
GKE.Operation.OperationTypeStringOperaion type. (update, etc.)
GKE.Operation.StatusStringOperation status (Running, Finished).
GKE.Operation.SelfLinkUnknownServer-defined URL for the resource.
GKE.Operation.TargetLinkStringServer-defined URL for the target of the operation.
GKE.Operation.StartTimeDateThe time the operation started, in RFC3339 text format.

Command Example#

!gcloud-node-pool-set-management project=gcp-integrations zone=us-central1-c node_pool= auto_repair=false auto_upgrade=true

Context Example#

"GKE": {
"Operation": {
"Name": "operation-xxxx",
"OperationType": "UPDATE_CLUSTER",
"SelfLink": "",
"StartTime": "xxxx",
"Status": "DONE",
"TargetLink": "",
"Zone": "xxxx"

Human Readable Output#

Project gcp-integrations - Zone us-central1-c - Operation operation-xxxx#



List operations in project-zone.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe Google Developers Console project ID or project number.Optional
zoneThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the cluster resides.Optional

Context Output#

GKE.Operation.NameStringThe server-assigned ID for the operation
GKE.Operation.ZoneStringThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the operation is taking place. This field is deprecated, use location instead.
GKE.Operation.OperationTypeStringOperaion type. (update, etc.)
GKE.Operation.StatusStringOperation status (Running, Finished).
GKE.Operation.SelfLinkUnknownServer-defined URL for the resource.
GKE.Operation.TargetLinkStringServer-defined URL for the target of the operation.
GKE.Operation.StartTimeDateThe time the operation started, in RFC3339 text format.

Command Example#

!gcloud-operations-list project=gcp-integrations zone=us-central1-c

Context Example#

"GKE": {
"Operation": [
"Name": "operation-xxxx",
"OperationType": "UPDATE_CLUSTER",
"SelfLink": "",
"StartTime": "xxxx",
"Status": "DONE",
"TargetLink": "",
"Zone": "xxxx"
"Name": "operation-xxxx",
"OperationType": "UPDATE_CLUSTER",
"SelfLink": "",
"StartTime": "xxxx",
"Status": "DONE",
"TargetLink": "",
"Zone": "xxxx"

Human Readable Output#

Project gcp-integrations - Zone us-central1-c - Operations#



Retrieve operation information by name.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe Google Developers Console project ID or project number.Optional
zoneThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the cluster resides.Optional
operationThe name of the Google Compute Engine operation name.Required

Context Output#

GKE.Operation.NameStringThe server-assigned ID for the operation
GKE.Operation.ZoneStringThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the operation is taking place. This field is deprecated, use location instead.
GKE.Operation.OperationTypeStringOperaion type. (update, etc.)
GKE.Operation.StatusStringOperation status (Running, Finished).
GKE.Operation.SelfLinkUnknownServer-defined URL for the resource.
GKE.Operation.TargetLinkStringServer-defined URL for the target of the operation.
GKE.Operation.StartTimeDateThe time the operation started, in RFC3339 text format.

Command Example#

!gcloud-operations-describe project=gcp-integrations zone=us-central1-c operation=operation-1591773015046-cc1b6943

Context Example#

"GKE": {
"Operation": {
"Name": "operation-xxxx",
"OperationType": "UPDATE_CLUSTER",
"SelfLink": "",
"StartTime": "xxxx",
"Status": "DONE",
"TargetLink": "",
"Zone": "xxxx"

Human Readable Output#

Project gcp-integrations - Zone us-central1-c - Operation operation-xxxx#



Cancel operation by operation name.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
projectThe Google Developers Console project ID or project number.Optional
clusterThe name of the cluster to retrieve. The name of the cluster to retrieve.Required
zoneThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the cluster resides.Optional
operationThe name of the Google Compute Engine operation name.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!gcloud-operations-cancel project=gcp-integrations zone=xxxx operation=operation-xxxx

Human Readable Output#

Project gcp-integrations - Zone xxxx - Operation operation-xxxx canceled#

Known limitations#

  • After apply new configuration an operation in Google cloud will start, In order to apply another operation the operation must finish running, In order to handle this limitation you can use Google Kubernetes Engine Operations Generic Polling playbook.