Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.
Pack helps to integrate Group-IB Threat Intelligence and get incidents directly into Cortex XSOAR.
The list of included collections:
Compromised Accounts, Compromised Cards, Brand Protection Phishing, Brand Protection Phishing Kit, OSI Git Leak, OSI Public Leak, Targeted Malware.
This integration was integrated and tested with version 1.0 of Group-IB Threat Intelligence
Configure Group-IB Threat Intelligence in Cortex# Parameter Description Required GIB TI URL The FQDN/IP the integration should connect to. True Username The API Key and Username required to authenticate to the service. True Trust any certificate (not secure) Whether to allow connections without verifying SSL certificates validity. False Use system proxy settings Whether to use XSOAR system proxy settings to connect to the API. False Colletions to fetch Type(s) of incidents to fetch from the third party API. False Incidents first fetch Date to start fetching incidents from. False Number of requests per collection A number of requests per collection that integration sends in one faetch iteration (each request picks up to 200 incidents). If you face some runtime errors, lower the value. False
Commands# You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook.
After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
gibtia-get-compromised-account-info# Command performs Group IB event lookup in compromised/account collection with provided ID.
Base Command# gibtia-get-compromised-account-info
Input# Argument Name Description Required id GIB event id. e.g.: 253b9a136f0d574149fc43691eaf7ae27aff141a. Required
Context Output# Path Type Description GIBTIA.CompromisedAccount.client.ipv4.asn String Victim IP address GIBTIA.CompromisedAccount.client.ipv4.countryName String Country name GIBTIA.CompromisedAccount.client.ipv4.ip String Victim IP address GIBTIA.CompromisedAccount.client.ipv4.region String Region name GIBTIA.CompromisedAccount.cnc.domain String Event CNC domain GIBTIA.CompromisedAccount.cnc.url String CNC URL GIBTIA.CompromisedAccount.cnc.ipv4.ip String CNC IP address GIBTIA.CompromisedAccount.dateCompromised Date Date of compromise GIBTIA.CompromisedAccount.dateDetected Date Date of detection String Email where compromised data were sent to GIBTIA.CompromisedAccount.dropEmail.domain String Email domain GIBTIA.CompromisedAccount.login String Compromised login GIBTIA.CompromisedAccount.password String Compromised password String Malware name String Group IB malware ID String Card owner name String Card owner e-mail GIBTIA.CompromisedAccount.portalLink String Link to GIB incident String Associated threat actor GIBTIA.CompromisedAccount.threatActor.isAPT Boolean Is threat actor APT group String Threat actor GIB ID String Group IB incident ID GIBTIA.CompromisedAccount.evaluation.severity String Event severity
Command Example# !gibtia-get-compromised-account-info id=253b9a136f0d574149fc43691eaf7ae27aff141a
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Feed from compromised/account with ID 253b9a136f0d574149fc43691eaf7ae27aff141a# client ipv4 ip cnc cnc cnc domain cnc ipv4 asn cnc ipv4 city cnc ipv4 countryCode cnc ipv4 countryName cnc ipv4 ip cnc ipv4 provider cnc ipv4 region cnc url companyId dateDetected domain evaluation admiraltyCode evaluation credibility evaluation reliability evaluation severity evaluation tlp evaluation ttl id login malware id malware name malware stixGuid oldId password portalLink silentInsert sourceType stixGuid AS1111 Moscow RU Russian Federation Moscow -1 2020-02-22T01:21:03+00:00 A2 80 100 red red 90 253b9a136f0d574149fc43691eaf7ae27aff141a 411ac9df6c5515922a56e30013e8b8b366eeec80 PredatorStealer 2f7650f4-bc72-2068-d1a5-467b688975d8 396792583 @some@ 0 Botnet 8abb3aa9-e351-f837-d61a-856901c3dc9d
URL indicator# gibid severity value 253b9a136f0d574149fc43691eaf7ae27aff141a red
Domain indicator# gibid severity value 253b9a136f0d574149fc43691eaf7ae27aff141a red
IP indicator# asn geocountry geolocation gibid severity value AS1111 Russian Federation Moscow 253b9a136f0d574149fc43691eaf7ae27aff141a red
gibtia-get-compromised-card-info# Command performs Group IB event lookup in compromised/card collection with provided ID.
Base Command# gibtia-get-compromised-card-info
Input# Argument Name Description Required id GIB event id. e.g.: ecda6f4dc85596f447314ce01e2152db9c9d3cbc. Required
Context Output# Path Type Description GIBTIA.CompromisedCard.cardInfo.cvv String Compromised card CVV GIBTIA.CompromisedCard.cardInfo.issuer.issuer String Card issuer GIBTIA.CompromisedCard.cardInfo.number String Compromised card number GIBTIA.CompromisedCard.cardInfo.system String Payment system GIBTIA.CompromisedCard.cardInfo.type String Internal issuer card type GIBTIA.CompromisedCard.cardInfo.validThru String Card expiration date GIBTIA.CompromisedCard.client.ipv4.asn String Compromised client ASN GIBTIA.CompromisedCard.client.ipv4.countryName String Country name GIBTIA.CompromisedCard.client.ipv4.ip String Victim IP address GIBTIA.CompromisedCard.client.ipv4.region String Region name GIBTIA.CompromisedCard.dateCompromised Date Date of compromise GIBTIA.CompromisedCard.dateDetected Date Date detected String Related malware name String Related GIB malware ID GIBTIA.CompromisedCard.portalLink String Link to GIB incident String Associated threat actor GIBTIA.CompromisedCard.threatActor.isAPT Boolean Is threat actor APT group String Threat actor GIB ID String Group IB incident ID GIBTIA.CompromisedCard.sourceType String Information source GIBTIA.CompromisedCard.evaluation.severity String Event severity
Command Example# !gibtia-get-compromised-card-info id=ecda6f4dc85596f447314ce01e2152db9c9d3cbc
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Feed from compromised/card with ID ecda6f4dc85596f447314ce01e2152db9c9d3cbc# baseName cardInfo issuer countryCode cardInfo issuer countryName cardInfo issuer issuer cardInfo number cardInfo system cardInfo type cardInfo validThru cnc cnc cnc domain cnc ipv4 city cnc ipv4 countryCode cnc ipv4 countryName cnc ipv4 ip cnc ipv4 provider cnc ipv4 region companyId dateCompromised dateDetected evaluation admiraltyCode evaluation credibility evaluation reliability evaluation severity evaluation tlp evaluation ttl externalId id isDump isExpired isIgnore isMasked malware id malware name malware stixGuid oldId owner city owner countryCode owner name owner phone owner state portalLink price currency price value silentInsert sourceType stixGuid United States US UNITED STATES SOME BANK XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX VISA CLASSIC 01/2021 Some US United States Some Some -1 2020-02-22T12:21:00+00:00 2020-01-11T10:12:49+00:00 A2 80 90 red red 90 26579 ecda6f4dc85596f447314ce01e2152db9c9d3cbc false false false true 53013c863116aae720581ff2aa2b4f92d3cb2bd7 mandarincc 8c843ab8-f019-e455-c78b-47ee80f3bb0c 396798216 Some US Some Person 111111 Some USD 1 1 Card shop 00eccda0-aae6-c111-6080-c51f857450bf
Domain indicator# gibid severity value ecda6f4dc85596f447314ce01e2152db9c9d3cbc red
IP indicator# geocountry geolocation gibid severity value United States Some ecda6f4dc85596f447314ce01e2152db9c9d3cbc red
gibtia-get-compromised-breached-info# Command performs Group IB event lookup in compromised/breached collection with provided ID.
Base Command# gibtia-get-compromised-breached-info
Input# Argument Name Description Required id GIB event id. e.g.: 6fd344f340f4bdc08548cb36ded62bdf. Required
Context Output# Path Type Description String List of breached emails GIBTIA.DataBreach.leakName String Name of the leak GIBTIA.DataBreach.password String List of breached passwords GIBTIA.DataBreach.uploadTime Date Date of breached data upload String Group IB incident ID GIBTIA.DataBreach.evaluation.severity String Event severity
Command Example# !gibtia-get-compromised-breached-info id=277c4112d348c91f6dabe9467f0d18ba
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Feed from compromised/breached with ID 277c4112d348c91f6dabe9467f0d18ba# addInfo email evaluation id leakName password uploadTime address: admiraltyCode: C3 credibility: 50 reliability: 50 severity: green tlp: amber ttl: null 277c4112d348c91f6dabe9467f0d18ba AC91C480FDE9D7ACB8AC4B78310EB2TD, 1390DDDFA28AE085D23518A035703112 2021-06-12T03:02:00
gibtia-get-compromised-mule-info# Command performs Group IB event lookup in compromised/mule collection with provided ID.
Base Command# gibtia-get-compromised-mule-info
Input# Argument Name Description Required id GIB event id. e.g.: 50a3b4abbfca5dcbec9c8b3a110598f61ba93r33. Required
Context Output# Path Type Description GIBTIA.CompromisedMule.account String Account number (card/phone), which was used by threat actor to cash out GIBTIA.CompromisedMule.cnc.ipv4.asn String CNC ASN GIBTIA.CompromisedMule.cnc.ipv4.countryName String Country name GIBTIA.CompromisedMule.cnc.ipv4.ip String Victim IP address GIBTIA.CompromisedMule.cnc.ipv4.region String Region name GIBTIA.CompromisedMule.cnc.url String CNC URL GIBTIA.CompromisedMule.cnc.domain String CNC domain GIBTIA.CompromisedMule.dateAdd Date Date of detection String Malware name GIBTIA.CompromisedMule.portalLink String Link to GIB incident String Associated threat actor String Threat actor GIB ID GIBTIA.CompromisedMule.threatActor.isAPT Boolean Is threat actor APT group String Group IB incident ID GIBTIA.CompromisedMule.sourceType String Information source GIBTIA.CompromisedMule.evaluation.severity String Event severity
Command Example# !gibtia-get-compromised-mule-info id=50a3b4abbfca5dcbec9c8b3a110598f61ba90a99
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Feed from compromised/mule with ID 50a3b4abbfca5dcbec9c8b3a110598f61ba90a99# account cnc cnc cnc domain cnc ipv4 ip cnc url dateAdd evaluation admiraltyCode evaluation credibility evaluation reliability evaluation severity evaluation tlp evaluation ttl hash id malware id malware name malware stixGuid oldId organization name portalLink sourceType stixGuid type 1111111111111111 some 2020-02-21T13:02:00+00:00 A2 80 100 red amber 30 some 50a3b4abbfca5dcbec9c8b3a110598f61ba90a99 5a2b741f8593f88178623848573abc899f9157d4 Anubis 7d837524-7b01-ddc9-a357-46e7136a9852 392993084 Some Botnet 2da6b164-9a12-6db5-4346-2a80a4e03255 Person
URL indicator# gibid severity value 50a3b4abbfca5dcbec9c8b3a110598f61ba90a99 red
Domain indicator# gibid severity value 50a3b4abbfca5dcbec9c8b3a110598f61ba90a99 red some
IP indicator# gibid severity value 50a3b4abbfca5dcbec9c8b3a110598f61ba90a99 red
gibtia-get-compromised-imei-info# Command performs Group IB event lookup in compromised/imei collection with provided ID.
Base Command# gibtia-get-compromised-imei-info
Input# Argument Name Description Required id GIB event id. e.g.: 0c1426048474df19ada9d0089ef8b3efce906556. Required
Context Output# Path Type Description GIBTIA.CompromisedIMEI.client.ipv4.asn String Compromised client ASN GIBTIA.CompromisedIMEI.client.ipv4.countryName String Country name GIBTIA.CompromisedIMEI.client.ipv4.ip String Victim IP address GIBTIA.CompromisedIMEI.client.ipv4.region String Region name GIBTIA.CompromisedIMEI.cnc.domain String CNC URL GIBTIA.CompromisedIMEI.cnc.ipv4.asn String CNC ASN GIBTIA.CompromisedIMEI.cnc.ipv4.countryName String CNC IP country name GIBTIA.CompromisedIMEI.cnc.ipv4.ip String CNC IP address GIBTIA.CompromisedIMEI.cnc.ipv4.region String CNC region name GIBTIA.CompromisedIMEI.dateCompromised Date Date compromised GIBTIA.CompromisedIMEI.dateDetected Date Date detected GIBTIA.CompromisedIMEI.device.imei String Compromised IMEI GIBTIA.CompromisedIMEI.device.model String Compromised device model String Associated malware String Associated threat actor ID String Associated threat actor GIBTIA.CompromisedIMEI.threatActor.isAPT Boolean Is threat actor APT group String Group IB incident ID GIBTIA.CompromisedIMEI.evaluation.severity String Event severity
Command Example# !gibtia-get-compromised-imei-info id=0c1426048474df19ada9d0089ef8b3efce906556
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Feed from compromised/imei with ID 0c1426048474df19ada9d0089ef8b3efce906556# client ipv4 asn client ipv4 countryCode client ipv4 countryName client ipv4 ip client ipv4 provider cnc cnc cnc domain cnc ipv4 asn cnc ipv4 countryCode cnc ipv4 countryName cnc ipv4 ip cnc ipv4 provider cnc url dateDetected device iccid device imei device imsi device model evaluation admiraltyCode evaluation credibility evaluation reliability evaluation severity evaluation tlp evaluation ttl id malware id malware name malware stixGuid oldId operator number portalLink sourceType stixGuid AS11111 NL Netherlands Some Company AS11111 FR France Some 2020-02-11T03:12:43+00:00 ~ Some ~ Nexus S/2.3.7 ($$$Flexnet v.5.5) A2 80 100 red red 30 0c1426048474df19ada9d0089ef8b3efce906556 8790a290230b3b4c059c2516a6adace1eac16066 FlexNet b51140c2-a88b-a95c-f5b0-1c5d1855ffde 396766002 ~ Botnet 9cff66e9-c2b3-26ca-771a-c9e4d501c453
URL indicator# gibid severity value 0c1426048474df19ada9d0089ef8b3efce906556 red
Domain indicator# gibid severity value 0c1426048474df19ada9d0089ef8b3efce906556 red
IP indicator# asn geocountry gibid severity value AS11111 France 0c1426048474df19ada9d0089ef8b3efce906556 red
gibtia-get-osi-git-leak-info# Command performs Group IB event lookup in osi/git_leak collection with provided ID.
Base Command# gibtia-get-osi-git-leak-info
Input# Argument Name Description Required id GIB event id. e.g.: f201c253ac71f7d78db39fa111a2af9d7ee7a3f7. Required
Context Output# Path Type Description GIBTIA.GitLeak.dateDetected Date Leak detection date GIBTIA.GitLeak.matchesType String List of matches type String GIT filename GIBTIA.GitLeak.repository String GIT repository GIBTIA.GitLeak.revisions.file String Leaked file link GIBTIA.GitLeak.revisions.fileDiff String Leaked file diff String Revision author String Author name Date Revision creation date GIBTIA.GitLeak.source String Source(github/gitlab/etc.) GIBTIA.GitLeak.evaluation.severity String Event severity
Command Example# !gibtia-get-osi-git-leak-info id=ead0d8ae9f2347789941ebacde88ad2e3b1ef691
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Feed from osi/git_leak with ID ead0d8ae9f2347789941ebacde88ad2e3b1ef691# companyId dateDetected dateUpdated evaluation admiraltyCode evaluation credibility evaluation reliability evaluation severity evaluation tlp evaluation ttl file fileId id matchesType matchesTypeCount card matchesTypeCount cisco matchesTypeCount commonKeywords matchesTypeCount domain matchesTypeCount dsn matchesTypeCount email matchesTypeCount google matchesTypeCount ip matchesTypeCount keyword matchesTypeCount login matchesTypeCount metasploit matchesTypeCount nmap matchesTypeCount pgp matchesTypeCount sha matchesTypeCount slackAPI matchesTypeCount ssh name repository source 40, 1872, 2060, 2248, 2522, 2692 2020-03-12T01:12:00+00:00 2020-02-11T01:12:00+00:00 A6 100 100 green amber 30 391db5d5f17ab6cbbbf7c35d1f4d076cb4c830f097b2a9eddd2df7b0650709a7 ead0d8ae9f2347789941ebacde88ad2e3b1ef691 commonKeywords, keyword 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 some github
revisions table# gibtia-get-osi-public-leak-info# Command performs Group IB event lookup in osi/public_leak collection with provided ID.
Base Command# gibtia-get-osi-public-leak-info
Input# Argument Name Description Required id GIB event id. e.g.: a9a5b5cb9b971a2a037e3a0a30654185ea148095. Required
Context Output# Path Type Description GIBTIA.PublicLeak.created Date Leak event detection date String Leaked data GIBTIA.PublicLeak.hash String Leak data hash String Leak entry author GIBTIA.PublicLeak.linkList.dateDetected Date Leak detection date GIBTIA.PublicLeak.linkList.datePublished Date Leak publish date GIBTIA.PublicLeak.linkList.hash String Leak hash String Leak link GIBTIA.PublicLeak.linkList.source String Leak source GIBTIA.PublicLeak.matches String Matches GIBTIA.PublicLeak.portalLink String Group IB portal link GIBTIA.PublicLeak.evaluation.severity String Event severity
Command Example# !gibtia-get-osi-public-leak-info id=a09f2354e52d5fa0a8697c8df0b4ed99cc956273
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Feed from osi/public_leak with ID a11f2354e52d5fa0a8697c8df0b4ed99cc956211# linkList table# dateDetected datePublished hash itemSource link size source status 2021-04-01T14:57:01+03:00 2021-04-01T14:50:45+03:00 5d9657dbdf59487a6031820add2cacbe54e86814 api 709 1
gibtia-get-osi-vulnerability-info# Command performs Group IB event lookup in osi/vulnerability collection with provided ID.
Base Command# gibtia-get-osi-vulnerability-info
Input# Argument Name Description Required id GIB event id. e.g.: CVE-2021-27152. Required
Context Output# Path Type Description String Affected software name GIBTIA.OSIVulnerability.affectedSoftware.operator String Affected software version operator( ex. le=less or equal) GIBTIA.OSIVulnerability.affectedSoftware.version String Affected software version GIBTIA.OSIVulnerability.bulletinFamily String Bulletin family GIBTIA.OSIVulnerability.cvss.score String CVSS score GIBTIA.OSIVulnerability.cvss.vector String CVSS vector GIBTIA.OSIVulnerability.dateLastSeen Date Date last seen GIBTIA.OSIVulnerability.datePublished Date Date published GIBTIA.OSIVulnerability.description String Vulnerability description String Vulnerability ID GIBTIA.OSIVulnerability.reporter String Vulnerability reporter GIBTIA.OSIVulnerability.title String Vulnerability title GIBTIA.OSIVulnerability.evaluation.severity String Event severity
Command Example# !gibtia-get-osi-vulnerability-info id=CVE-2021-27152
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Feed from osi/vulnerability with ID CVE-2021-27152# softwareMixed table# os osVendor osVersion vendor some_firmware some some some
gibtia-get-phishing-kit-info# Command performs Group IB event lookup in bp/phishing_kit and attacks/phishing_kit collections with provided ID.
Base Command# gibtia-get-phishing-kit-info
Input# Argument Name Description Required id GIB event id. e.g.: 044f3f2cb599228c1882884eb77eb073f68a25f2. Optional
Context Output# Path Type Description GIBTIA.PhishingKit.dateDetected Date Phishing kit detection date GIBTIA.PhishingKit.dateFirstSeen Date Phishing kit first seen date GIBTIA.PhishingKit.dateLastSeen Date Phishing kit last seen date GIBTIA.PhishingKit.downloadedFrom.fileName String Phishing kit filename GIBTIA.PhishingKit.downloadedFrom.domain String Phishing kit domain Date Downloading date GIBTIA.PhishingKit.downloadedFrom.url String URL where phishing kit were downloaded from GIBTIA.PhishingKit.hash String MD5 phishing kit hash GIBTIA.PhishingKit.portalLink String Link to kit on GIB TI&A GIBTIA.PhishingKit.targetBrand String Phishing kit target brand GIBTIA.PhishingKit.emails String Emails found in phishing kit String GIB event ID GIBTIA.PhishingKit.evaluation.severity String Event severity
Command Example# !gibtia-get-phishing-kit-info id=044f3f2cb599228c1882884eb77eb073f68a25f2
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Feed from attack/phishing_kit with ID 044f3f2cb599228c1882884eb77eb073f68a25f2# downloadedFrom table# variables table# filePath type value DB host: localhost
gibtia-get-phishing-info# Command performs Group IB event lookup in bp/phishing and attacks/phishing collections with provided ID.
Base Command# gibtia-get-phishing-info
Input# Argument Name Description Required id GIB event id. e.g.: fce7f92d0b64946cf890842d083953649b259952. Required
Context Output# Path Type Description GIBTIA.Phishing.dateDetected Date Date of phishing detection GIBTIA.Phishing.dateBlocked Unknown Phishing resource block date String GIB incident ID GIBTIA.Phishing.ipv4.asn String Phishing resource ASN GIBTIA.Phishing.ipv4.countryName String Phishing resource country name GIBTIA.Phishing.ipv4.ip String Phishing resource IP address GIBTIA.Phishing.ipv4.region String Phishing resource region name GIBTIA.Phishing.phishingDomain.domain String Phishing domain GIBTIA.Phishing.phishingDomain.dateRegistered Date Phishing domain creation date GIBTIA.Phishing.phishingDomain.registrar String Phishing domain registrar name GIBTIA.Phishing.phishingDomain.title String Phishing domain title GIBTIA.Phishing.targetBrand String Phishing target name GIBTIA.Phishing.targetCategory String Phishing target category (financial, government, etc.) GIBTIA.Phishing.targetDomain String Phishing target domain GIBTIA.Phishing.status String Current status of phishing incident (blocked, in response, etc.) GIBTIA.Phishing.url String Phishing URL GIBTIA.Phishing.evaluation.severity String Event severity
Command Example# !gibtia-get-phishing-info id=fce7f92d0b64946cf890842d083953649b259952
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Feed from attacks/phishing with ID fce7f92d0b64946cf890842d083953649b259952# companyId dateBlocked dateDetected evaluation admiraltyCode evaluation credibility evaluation reliability evaluation severity evaluation tlp evaluation ttl id ipv4 city ipv4 countryCode ipv4 countryName ipv4 ip ipv4 provider ipv4 region objective oldId phishingDomain dateRegistered phishingDomain domain phishingDomain local phishingDomain registrar portalLink status stixGuid targetBrand targetCategory targetDomain type url 2008 2021-01-25T22:58:10+00:00 2021-01-21T11:21:34+00:00 A2 80 90 red amber 30 fce7f92d0b64946cf890842d083953649b259952 Some CA Canada Some NA Login harvest 396798526 2021-01-20 13:41:30 Some Responding completed 4812358a-1de0-ab32-05e4-d91842d369e2 Some Finance > Banking Phishing
history table# date field reason reporter value 2021-01-21T11:20:50+00:00 Detected In response Group-IB Intelligence In response
URL indicator# gibid severity value fce7f92d0b64946cf890842d083953649b259952 red
Domain indicator# creationdate gibid gibphishingtitle gibtargetbrand gibtargetcategory gibtargetdomain registrarname severity value 2021-01-20T13:41:30Z fce7f92d0b64946cf890842d083953649b259952 Some Finance > Banking Some red
IP indicator# geocountry geolocation gibid severity value Canada NA fce7f92d0b64946cf890842d083953649b259952 red
gibtia-get-attacks-ddos-info# Command performs Group IB event lookup in attacks/ddos collection with provided ID.
Base Command# gibtia-get-attacks-ddos-info
Input# Argument Name Description Required id GIB event id. e.g.: 26a05baa4025edff367b058b13c6b43e820538a5. Required
Context Output# Path Type Description GIBTIA.AttacksDDoS.cnc.url String CNC URL GIBTIA.AttacksDDoS.cnc.domain String CNC domain GIBTIA.AttacksDDoS.cnc.ipv4.asn String CNC ASN GIBTIA.AttacksDDoS.cnc.ipv4.countryName String CNC IP country name GIBTIA.AttacksDDoS.cnc.ipv4.ip String CNC IP address GIBTIA.AttacksDDoS.cnc.ipv4.region String CNC region name String DDoS target ASN String DDoS target country name String DDoS target IP address String DDoS target region name String DDoS target category String DDoS target domain String Associated threat actor ID String Associated threat actor GIBTIA.AttacksDdos.threatActor.isAPT Boolean Is threat actor APT String GIB incident ID GIBTIA.AttacksDDoS.evaluation.severity String Event severity
Command Example# !gibtia-get-attacks-ddos-info id=26a05baa4025edff367b058b13c6b43e820538a5
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Feed from attacks/ddos with ID 26a05baa4025edff367b058b13c6b43e820538a5# cnc cnc cnc domain cnc ipv4 asn cnc ipv4 city cnc ipv4 countryCode cnc ipv4 countryName cnc ipv4 ip cnc ipv4 provider cnc ipv4 region companyId dateBegin dateEnd dateReg evaluation admiraltyCode evaluation credibility evaluation reliability evaluation severity evaluation tlp evaluation ttl id oldId portalLink protocol source stixGuid target domainsCount target ipv4 asn target ipv4 city target ipv4 countryCode target ipv4 countryName target ipv4 ip target ipv4 provider target ipv4 region target port type AS11111 Some US United States Some Some -1 2021-01-16T02:58:53+00:00 2021-01-16T02:58:55+00:00 2021-01-16 A2 90 90 red green 30 26a05baa4025edff367b058b13c6b43e820538a5 394657345 udp honeypot_logs:1 ea05c117-2cca-b3cd-f033-a8e16e5db3c2 0 AS11111 Some US United States Some Some 55843 DNS Reflection
Domain indicator# gibid severity value 26a05baa4025edff367b058b13c6b43e820538a5 red
IP indicator# asn geocountry geolocation gibid severity value AS11111 United States Some 26a05baa4025edff367b058b13c6b43e820538a5 red
gibtia-get-attacks-deface-info# Command performs Group IB event lookup in attacks/deface collection with provided ID.
Base Command# gibtia-get-attacks-deface-info
Input# Argument Name Description Required id GIB event id. e.g.: 6009637a1135cd001ef46e21. Required
Context Output# Path Type Description Date Date of deface String GIB incident ID GIBTIA.AttacksDeface.targetIp.asn String Victim ASN GIBTIA.AttacksDeface.targetIp.countryName String Victim country name GIBTIA.AttacksDeface.targetIp.region String Victim IP region name String Associated threat actor ID String Associated threat actor GIBTIA.AttacksDeface.threatActor.isAPT Boolean Is threat actor APT GIBTIA.AttacksDeface.url String URL of compromised resource GIBTIA.AttacksDeface.evaluation.severity String Event severity
Command Example# !gibtia-get-attacks-deface-info id=6009637a1135cd001ef46e21
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Feed from attacks/deface with ID 6009637a1135cd001ef46e21# URL indicator# Domain indicator# gibid severity value 6009637a1135cd001ef46e21 orange
IP indicator# geocountry gibid severity value Indonesia 6009637a1135cd001ef46e21 orange
gibtia-get-threat-info# Command performs Group IB event lookup in hi/threat (or in apt/threat if the APT flag is true) collection with provided ID.
Base Command# gibtia-get-threat-info
Input# Argument Name Description Required id GIB event id. e.g.: 1b09d389d016121afbffe481a14b30ea995876e4. Required isAPT Is threat APT. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. Optional
Context Output# Path Type Description GIBTIA.Threat.contacts.account String Threat accounts found in this threat action. GIBTIA.Threat.contacts.flag String Is account fake or not GIBTIA.Threat.contacts.service String Account service GIBTIA.Threat.contacts.type String Type of account(social_network/email/wallet etc.) GIBTIA.Threat.countries String Affected countries GIBTIA.Threat.createdAt Date Threat report creation date String List of abused CVE GIBTIA.Threat.dateFirstSeen Date Attack first seen date GIBTIA.Threat.dateLastSeen Date Attack last seen date GIBTIA.Threat.datePublished Date Date published GIBTIA.Threat.description String Threat description GIBTIA.Threat.forumsAccounts.url String Related forum URL GIBTIA.Threat.forumsAccounts.nickname String Related forums account GIBTIA.Threat.forumsAccounts.registeredAt Date Related forums account registration date GIBTIA.Threat.forumsAccounts.messageCount Number Related forums messages count String GIB internal threat ID GIBTIA.Threat.indicators String Can be either network or file indicators GIBTIA.Threat.langs String Languages actors related String Related Malware Name String Related malware GIB internal ID GIBTIA.Threat.mitreMatrix.attackPatternId String MITRE attack pattern ID GIBTIA.Threat.mitreMatrix.attackTactic String MITRE attack tactic name GIBTIA.Threat.mitreMatrix.attackType String MITRE attack type String MITRE attack id GIBTIA.Threat.regions String Regions affected by attack GIBTIA.Threat.reportNumber String GIB report number GIBTIA.Threat.sectors String Affected sectors GIBTIA.Threat.shortDescription String Short description GIBTIA.Threat.title String Threat title GIBTIA.Threat.targetedCompany String Targeted company name String Threat actor name String Threat actor ID GIBTIA.Threat.ThreatActor.isAPT Boolean Is threat actor APT group GIBTIA.Threat.sources String Sources links GIBTIA.Threat.evaluation.severity String Event severity
Command Example# !gibtia-get-threat-info id=1b09d389d016121afbffe481a14b30ea995876e4 isAPT=true
Context Example# {
"DBotScore" : [
"Indicator" : "" ,
"Score" : 2 ,
"Type" : "domain" ,
"Vendor" : "GIB TI&A"
} ,
"Indicator" : "" ,
"Score" : 2 ,
"Type" : "domain" ,
"Vendor" : "GIB TI&A"
} ,
"Indicator" : "" ,
"Score" : 2 ,
"Type" : "url" ,
"Vendor" : "GIB TI&A"
} ,
"Indicator" : "" ,
"Score" : 2 ,
"Type" : "url" ,
"Vendor" : "GIB TI&A"
} ,
"Indicator" : "8397ea747d2ab50da4f876a36d673211" ,
"Score" : 2 ,
"Type" : "file" ,
"Vendor" : "GIB TI&A"
} ,
"Indicator" : "5d43baf1c9e9e3a939e5defd8f8fbd2d" ,
"Score" : 2 ,
"Type" : "file" ,
"Vendor" : "GIB TI&A"
] ,
"Domain" : [
"Name" : ""
} ,
"Name" : ""
] ,
"File" : [
"MD5" : "8397ea747d2ab50da4f876a36d673211" ,
"Name" : "" ,
"SHA1" : "48a6d5141e25b6c63ad8da20b954b56afe589011" ,
"SHA256" : "89b5e248c222ebf2cb3b525d3650259e01cf7d8fff5e4aa15ccd7512b1e63951"
} ,
"MD5" : "5d43baf1c9e9e3a939e5defd8f8fbd2d" ,
"Name" : "5d43baf1c9e9e3a939e5defd8f8fbd2d" ,
"SHA1" : "d5ff73c043f3bb75dd749636307500b60a436510" ,
"SHA256" : "867c8b49d29ae1f6e4a7cd31b6fe7e278753a1ba03d4be338ed11fd1efc7dd16"
] ,
"GIBTIA" : {
"Threat" : {
"companyId" : [ ] ,
"contacts" : [ ] ,
"countries" : [ ] ,
"createdAt" : "2021-01-15T16:53:20+03:00" ,
"cveList" : [ ] ,
"dateFirstSeen" : "2021-01-15" ,
"dateLastSeen" : "2021-01-15" ,
"datePublished" : "2021-01-15" ,
"deleted" : false ,
"description" : "Big description" ,
"evaluation" : {
"admiraltyCode" : "B1" ,
"credibility" : 100 ,
"reliability" : 80 ,
"severity" : "orange" ,
"tlp" : "amber" ,
"ttl" : null
} ,
"expertise" : [ ] ,
"files" : [
"hash" : "fa5b6b2f074ba6eb58f8b093f0e92cb8ff44b655dc8e9ce93f850e71474e4e11" ,
"mime" : "image/png" ,
"name" : "fa5b6b2f074ba6eb58f8b093f0e92cb8ff44b655dc8e9ce93f850e71474e4e11" ,
"size" : 284731
} ,
"hash" : "a6851a6b91759d00afce8e65c0e5087429812b8c49d39631793d8b6bdeb08711" ,
"mime" : "image/png" ,
"name" : "a6851a6b91759d00afce8e65c0e5087429812b8c49d39631793d8b6bdeb08711" ,
"size" : 129240
} ,
"hash" : "644f5b8e38f55b82f811240af7c4abdaf8c8bc18b359f8f169074ba881d93b1d" ,
"mime" : "image/png" ,
"name" : "644f5b8e38f55b82f811240af7c4abdaf8c8bc18b359f8f169074ba881d93b1d" ,
"size" : 556552
} ,
"hash" : "623102f6cf9d2e6c978898117b7b5b85035b3d5e67c4ee266879868c9eb24dd2" ,
"mime" : "image/png" ,
"name" : "623102f6cf9d2e6c978898117b7b5b85035b3d5e67c4ee266879868c9eb24dd2" ,
"size" : 209254
] ,
"forumsAccounts" : [ ] ,
"id" : "1b09d389d016121afbffe481a14b30ea995876e4" ,
"isPublished" : true ,
"isTailored" : false ,
"labels" : [ ] ,
"langs" : [
"en" ,
] ,
"malwareList" : [ ] ,
"mitreMatrix" : [
"attackPatternId" : "attack-pattern--45242287-2964-4a3e-9373-159fad4d8195" ,
"attackTactic" : "establish-&-maintain-infrastructure" ,
"attackType" : "pre_attack_tactics" ,
"id" : "PRE-T1105" ,
"params" : {
"data" : ""
} ,
] ,
"oldId" : "4c01c2d4-5ebb-44d8-9e91-be89231b0eb3" ,
"oldObjectData" : null ,
"regions" : [ ] ,
"relatedThreatActors" : [ ] ,
"reportNumber" : "CP-2501-1653" ,
"sectors" : [
"financial-services" ,
] ,
"shortDescription" : null ,
"shortTitle" : null ,
"sources" : [ ] ,
"stixGuid" : null ,
"targetedCompany" : [ ] ,
"targetedPartnersAndClients" : [ ] ,
"techSeqUpdate" : null ,
"threatActor" : {
"country" : "KP" ,
"id" : "5e9f20fdcf5876b5772b3d09b432f4080711ac5f" ,
"isAPT" : true ,
"name" : "Lazarus" ,
"stixGuid" : null
} ,
"title" : "Lazarus launches new attack with cryptocurrency trading platforms" ,
"toolList" : [ ] ,
"type" : "threat" ,
"updatedAt" : "2021-04-02T14:08:03+03:00"
} ,
"URL" : [
"Data" : ""
} ,
"Data" : ""
Copy Human Readable Output# Feed from threat with ID 1b09d389d016121afbffe481a14b30ea995876e4# createdAt dateFirstSeen dateLastSeen datePublished deleted description evaluation admiraltyCode evaluation credibility evaluation reliability evaluation severity evaluation tlp id isPublished isTailored langs oldId reportNumber sectors threatActor country threatActor id threatActor isAPT threatActor name title type updatedAt 2021-01-15T16:53:20+03:00 2021-01-15 2021-01-15 2021-01-15 false Big description B1 100 80 orange amber 1b09d389d016121afbffe481a14b30ea995876e4 true false en, ru 4c01c2d4-5ebb-44d8-9e91-be89231b0eb3 CP-2501-1653 financial-services, finance KP 5e9f20fdcf5876b5772b3d09b432f4080711ac5f true Lazarus Lazarus launches new attack with cryptocurrency trading platforms threat 2021-04-02T14:08:03+03:00
files table# hash mime name size fa5b6b2f074ba6eb58f8b093f0e92cb8ff44b655dc8e9ce93f850e71474e4e11 image/png fa5b6b2f074ba6eb58f8b093f0e92cb8ff44b655dc8e9ce93f850e71474e4e11 284731 a6851a6b91759d00afce8e65c0e5087429812b8c49d39631793d8b6bdeb08711 image/png a6851a6b91759d00afce8e65c0e5087429812b8c49d39631793d8b6bdeb08711 129240 644f5b8e38f55b82f811240af7c4abdaf8c8bc18b359f8f169074ba881d93b1d image/png 644f5b8e38f55b82f811240af7c4abdaf8c8bc18b359f8f169074ba881d93b1d 556552 623102f6cf9d2e6c978898117b7b5b85035b3d5e67c4ee266879868c9eb24dd2 image/png 623102f6cf9d2e6c978898117b7b5b85035b3d5e67c4ee266879868c9eb24dd2 209254
mitreMatrix table# attackPatternId attackTactic attackType id params attack-pattern--45242287-2964-4a3e-9373-159fad4d8195 establish-&-maintain-infrastructure pre_attack_tactics PRE-T1105 data:
indicatorRelationships table# sourceId targetId 9f3a2a244570a38e772a35d7c9171eed92bec6f7 12cad1ca535a92a2ed306c0edf3025e7d9776693
indicators table# deleted id langs params seqUpdate type false 9f3a2a244570a38e772a35d7c9171eed12bec6f7 en hashes: {"md4": "", "md5": "8397ea747d2ab50da4f876a36d631272", "md6": "", "ripemd160": "", "sha1": "48a6d5141e25b6c63ad8da20b954b56afe512031", "sha224": "", "sha256": "89b5e248c222ebf2cb3b525d3650259e01cf7d8fff5e1aa15ccd7512b1e63957", "sha384": "", "sha512": "", "whirlpool": ""} name: size: null 16107188499162 file false 8b96c56cbc980c1e3362060ffa953e65281fb1df en domain: ipv4: ipv6: ssl: url: 16107188498393 network false 42a9929807fd954918f9bb603135754be7a6e11c en hashes: {"md4": "", "md5": "5d43baf1c9e9e3a939e5defd8f3fbd1d", "md6": "", "ripemd120": "", "sha1": "d5ff73c043f3bb75dd749636307500b60a336150", "sha224": "", "sha256": "867c8b49d29ae1f6e4a7cd31b6fe7e278753a1ba03d4be338ed11fd1efc3dd12", "sha384": "", "sha512": "", "whirlpool": ""} name: 5d43baf1c9e9e3a939e5defd8f8fbd1d size: null 16107188498634 file false 12cad1ca535a92a2ed306c0edf3025e7d9776612 en domain: ipv4: ipv6: ssl: url: 16107188498908 network
gibtia-get-threat-actor-info# Command performs Group IB event lookup in hi/threat_actor (or in apt/threat_actor if the APT flag is true) collection with provided ID.
Base Command# gibtia-get-threat-actor-info
Input# Argument Name Description Required id GIB internal threatActor ID. e.g.: 0d4496592ac3a0f5511cd62ef29887f48d9cb545. Required isAPT Is threat actor APT group. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. Optional
Context Output# Path Type Description GIBTIA.ThreatActor.aliases String Threat actor aliases String Threat actor country GIBTIA.ThreatActor.createdAt Date Threat actor record creation time GIBTIA.ThreatActor.description String Threat actor description GIBTIA.ThreatActor.goals String Threat actor goals sectors(financial, diplomatic, etc.) String Threat actor id GIBTIA.ThreatActor.isAPT Boolean Threat actor is APT GIBTIA.ThreatActor.labels String GIB internal threat actor labels(hacker, nation-state, etc.) GIBTIA.ThreatActor.langs String Threat actor communication language String Threat actor name GIBTIA.ThreatActor.roles String Threat actor roles GIBTIA.ThreatActor.stat.countries String Threat actor countries activity found in GIBTIA.ThreatActor.stat.dateFirstSeen Date Date first seen GIBTIA.ThreatActor.stat.dateLastSeen Date Date last seen GIBTIA.ThreatActor.stat.regions String Threat actor activity regions GIBTIA.ThreatActor.stat.reports.datePublished Date Related threat report publishing date String Related threat report id String Related threat report language GIBTIA.ThreatActor.stat.sectors String Sectors attacked by threat actor
Command Example# !gibtia-get-threat-actor-info id=0d4496592ac3a0f5511cd62ef29887f48d9cb545 isAPT=true
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Feed from threat_actor with ID 0d4496592ac3a0f5511cd62ef29887f48d9cb545# aliases country createdAt deleted description goals id isAPT isPublished labels langs name roles spokenOnLangs stat countries stat dateFirstSeen stat dateLastSeen stat regions stat sectors stixGuid updatedAt SectorC08 RU 2018-09-26T16:59:50+03:00 false Big description Information 0d4496592ac3a0f5511cd62ef29887f48d9cb545 true true spy en Gamaredon agent ru US 2013-06-01 2021-03-19 asia non-profit 63d0e4d4-9f55-4fa2-87af-b6c91ded80e0 2021-04-08T22:09:07+03:00
stat reports table# datePublished id name 2021-02-04 59dec5947c5adac898445e3958b1d05e1c260459 en: Template injection attacks from the Gamaredon group continued: protocol topics
gibtia-get-suspicious-ip-tor-node-info# Command performs Group IB event lookup in suspicious_ip/tor_node collection with provided ID.
Base Command# gibtia-get-suspicious-ip-tor-node-info
Input# Argument Name Description Required id GIB event id. e.g.: Required
Context Output# Path Type Description GIBTIA.SuspiciousIPTorNode.ipv4.asn String Tor node ASN GIBTIA.SuspiciousIPTorNode.ipv4.countryName String Tor node IP country name GIBTIA.SuspiciousIPTorNode.ipv4.ip String Tor node IP address GIBTIA.SuspiciousIPTorNode.ipv4.region String Tor node IP region name String GIB id GIBTIA.SuspiciousIPTorNode.evaluation.severity String Event severity
Command Example# !gibtia-get-suspicious-ip-tor-node-info id=
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Feed from suspicious_ip/tor_node with ID dateFirstSeen dateLastSeen evaluation admiraltyCode evaluation credibility evaluation reliability evaluation severity evaluation tlp evaluation ttl id ipv4 ip portalLink source 2020-09-03T14:15:25+00:00 2021-04-25T03:15:29+00:00 A1 90 90 green green 30
IP indicator# gibid severity value green
gibtia-get-suspicious-ip-open-proxy-info# Command performs Group IB event lookup in suspicious_ip/open_proxy collection with provided ID.
Base Command# gibtia-get-suspicious-ip-open-proxy-info
Input# Argument Name Description Required id GIB event id. e.g.: cc6a2856da2806b03839f81aa214f22dbcfd7369. Required
Context Output# Path Type Description GIBTIA.SuspiciousIPOpenProxy.ipv4.asn String Proxy ASN GIBTIA.SuspiciousIPOpenProxy.ipv4.countryName String Proxy IP country name GIBTIA.SuspiciousIPOpenProxy.ipv4.ip String Proxy IP address GIBTIA.SuspiciousIPOpenProxy.ipv4.region String Proxy IP region name GIBTIA.SuspiciousIPOpenProxy.ipv4.port Number Proxy port GIBTIA.SuspiciousIPOpenProxy.ipv4.source String Information source GIBTIA.SuspiciousIPOpenProxy.ipv4.anonymous String Proxy anonymous level String GIB event ID GIBTIA.SuspiciousIPOpenProxy.evaluation.severity String Event severity
Command Example# !gibtia-get-suspicious-ip-open-proxy-info id=cc6a2856da2806b03839f81aa214f22dbcfd7369
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Feed from suspicious_ip/open_proxy with ID cc6a2856da2806b03839f81aa214f22dbcfd7369# anonymous dateDetected dateFirstSeen evaluation admiraltyCode evaluation credibility evaluation reliability evaluation severity evaluation tlp evaluation ttl id ipv4 countryCode ipv4 countryName ipv4 ip ipv4 provider oldId port portalLink source stixGuid type 2021-01-21T11:01:02+00:00 2020-03-19T23:01:01+00:00 C3 50 50 green white 15 cc6a2856da2806b03839f81aa214f22dbcfd7369 CZ Czech Republic Some 241549215 80 c30604ac-94d5-b514-f1d1-7230ec13c739 http
IP indicator# geocountry gibid gibproxyanonymous gibproxyport severity source value Czech Republic cc6a2856da2806b03839f81aa214f22dbcfd7369 80 green
gibtia-get-suspicious-ip-socks-proxy-info# Command performs Group IB event lookup in suspicious_ip/socks_proxy collection with provided ID.
Base Command# gibtia-get-suspicious-ip-socks-proxy-info
Input# Argument Name Description Required id GIB event id. e.g.: 02e385600dfc5bf9b3b3656df8e0e20f5fc5c86e. Required
Context Output# Path Type Description GIBTIA.SuspiciousIPSocksProxy.ipv4.asn String Proxy IP ASN GIBTIA.SuspiciousIPSocksProxy.ipv4.countryName String Proxy IP country name GIBTIA.SuspiciousIPSocksProxy.ipv4.ip String Proxy IP address GIBTIA.SuspiciousIPSocksProxy.ipv4.region String Proxy IP region name String GIB ID GIBTIA.SuspiciousIPSocksProxy.evaluation.severity String Event severity
Command Example# !gibtia-get-suspicious-ip-socks-proxy-info id=02e385600dfc5bf9b3b3656df8e0e20f5fc5c86e
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Feed from suspicious_ip/socks_proxy with ID 02e385600dfc5bf9b3b3656df8e0e20f5fc5c86e# dateDetected dateFirstSeen dateLastSeen evaluation admiraltyCode evaluation credibility evaluation reliability evaluation severity evaluation tlp evaluation ttl id ipv4 asn ipv4 countryCode ipv4 countryName ipv4 ip ipv4 provider oldId portalLink source stixGuid 2021-01-19T07:41:11+00:00 2021-01-19T07:41:11+00:00 2021-02-23T20:58:51+00:00 A1 100 90 green amber 2 02e385600dfc5bf9b3b3656df8e0e20f5fc5c86e AS11111 LB Lebanon Some 395880626 78cd5f78-e542-bf2c-fc40-e2a41b36dd97
IP indicator# asn geocountry gibid severity value AS11111 Lebanon 02e385600dfc5bf9b3b3656df8e0e20f5fc5c86e green
gibtia-get-malware-targeted-malware-info# Command performs Group IB event lookup in malware/targeted_malware collection with provided ID.
Base Command# gibtia-get-malware-targeted-malware-info
Input# Argument Name Description Required id GIB event id. e.g.: 5bbd38acf0b9e4f04123af494d485f6c49221e98. Required
Context Output# Path Type Description Date Date malware detected GIBTIA.TargetedMalware.fileName String Malware file name GIBTIA.TargetedMalware.fileType String Malware file type String GIB internal incident ID GIBTIA.TargetedMalware.injectDump String Inject dump GIBTIA.TargetedMalware.injectMd5 String MD5 hash of injection dump String GIB internal malware ID GIBTIA.TargetedMalware.md5 String MD5 hash of malware file GIBTIA.TargetedMalware.sha1 String SHA1 hash of malware file GIBTIA.TargetedMalware.sha256 String SHA256 hash of malware file GIBTIA.TargetedMalware.size Number Malware size in bytes GIBTIA.TargetedMalware.source String Malware source GIBTIA.TargetedMalware.portalLink String GIB portal incident link String Related threat actor String GIB internal threat actor ID GIBTIA.TargetedMalware.threatActor.isAPT Boolean Is threat actor APT GIBTIA.TargetedMalware.evaluation.severity String Event severity
Command Example# !gibtia-get-malware-targeted-malware-info id=5bbd38acf0b9e4f04123af494d485f6c49221e98
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Feed from malware/targeted_malware with ID 5bbd38acf0b9e4f04123af494d485f6c49221e98# company companyId date dateAnalyzeEnded dateAnalyzeStarted evaluation admiraltyCode evaluation credibility evaluation reliability evaluation severity evaluation tlp fileName fileType hasReport id injectDump injectMd5 malware id malware name md5 oldId portalLink sha1 sha256 size source stixGuid some -1, 38 2021-01-21T06:49:12+00:00 2021-01-21T09:53:23+00:00 2021-01-21T09:49:12+00:00 A1 100 100 red red some.txt data true 5bbd38acf0b9e4f04123af494d485f6c49221e98 Big dump 973cca2a0f04ced4cdb8128624d18de1 b69fc9d439d2fd41e98a7e3c60b9a55340012eb6 Cobalt Strike 11702f92313f5f3413d129809ca4f11d 396793259 Strike/sample/5bbd38acf0b9e4f04123af494d485f6c49221e98/show93fce6228be5557c69d8eeeab5a5a2a643e7d110 630c88ca1d583f05283707740da5b1f4423807cd80cab108821157ad341b1001 208978 Sandbox service 937a940c-8b51-0fd8-c16f-973529bc4dd7
File indicator# filetype gibfilename gibid md5 severity sha1 sha256 size value data some.txt 5bbd38acf0b9e4f04123af494d485f6c49221e98 11702f92313f5f3413d129809ca4f11d red 93fce6228be5557c69d8eeeab5a5a2a643e7d110 630c88ca1d583f05283707740da5b1f4423807cd80cab108821157ad341b1001 208978 11702f92313f5f3413d129809ca4f11d
gibtia-get-malware-cnc-info# Command performs Group IB event lookup in malware/cnc collection by provided ID.
Base Command# gibtia-get-malware-cnc-info
Input# Argument Name Description Required id GIB event id. e.g.: aeed277396e27e375d030a91533aa232444d0089. Required
Context Output# Path Type Description GIBTIA.MalwareCNC.dateDetected Date Date CNC detected GIBTIA.MalwareCNC.dateLastSeen Date Date CNC last seen GIBTIA.MalwareCNC.url String CNC URL GIBTIA.MalwareCNC.domain String CNC domain GIBTIA.MalwareCNC.ipv4.asn String CNC ASN GIBTIA.MalwareCNC.ipv4.countryName String CNC IP country name GIBTIA.MalwareCNC.ipv4.ip String CNC IP address GIBTIA.MalwareCNC.ipv4.region String CNC region name String Associated malware String Associated threat actor ID String Associated threat actor GIBTIA.MalwareCNC.threatActor.isAPT Boolean Is APT or not String GIB event ID
Command Example# !gibtia-get-malware-cnc-info id=aeed277396e27e375d030a91533aa232444d0089
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Feed from malware/cnc with ID aeed277396e27e375d030a91533aa232444d0089# cnc dateDetected dateLastSeen domain id oldId stixGuid url 2021-04-25T13:37:23+00:00 2021-04-25T13:37:23+00:00 aeed277396e27e375d030a91533aa232444d0089 211146923 417b2644-1105-d65b-4b67-a78e82f59b65
ipv4 table# asn countryCode countryName ip provider AS1111 US United States Some
malwareList table# id name stixGuid e99c294ffe7b79655d6ef1f32add638d8a2d4b24 JS Sniffer - Poter 1ac5a303-ef6f-2d6a-ad20-a39196815a1a
URL indicator# Domain indicator# gibid value aeed277396e27e375d030a91533aa232444d0089
IP indicator# asn geocountry gibid value AS1111 United States aeed277396e27e375d030a91533aa232444d0089
gibtia-get-available-collections# Returns list of available collections.
Base Command# gibtia-get-available-collections
Input# There are no input arguments for this command.
Context Output# Path Type Description GIBTIA.OtherInfo.collections String List of availiable collections
Command Example# !gibtia-get-available-collections
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Available collections# collections compromised/account, compromised/card, bp/phishing, bp/phishing_kit, osi/git_leak, osi/public_leak, malware/targeted_malware, compromised/mule, compromised/imei, attacks/ddos, attacks/deface, attacks/phishing, attacks/phishing_kit, apt/threat, hi/threat, suspicious_ip/tor_node, suspicious_ip/open_proxy, suspicious_ip/socks_proxy, malware/cnc, osi/vulnerability, hi/threat_actor, apt/threat_actor
gibtia-global-search# Command performs global Group IB search
Base Command# gibtia-global-search
Input# Argument Name Description Required query Query you want to search. e.g.: Required
Context Output# Path Type Description apiPath String Name of collection in which found matches count Number Count of feeds matching this query GIBLink String Link to GIB TI&A interface
Command Example# !gibtia-global-search query=
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Search results# gibtia-local-search# Command performs Group IB search in selected collection.
Base Command# gibtia-local-search
Input# Argument Name Description Required collection_name Collection you want to search. Possible values are: compromised/account, compromised/card, compromised/mule, compromised/imei, attacks/ddos, attacks/deface, attacks/phishing, attacks/phishing_kit, bp/phishing, bp/phishing_kit, hi/threat, hi/threat_actor, apt/threat, apt/threat_actor, osi/git_leak, osi/vulnerability, osi/public_leak, suspicious_ip/tor_node, suspicious_ip/open_proxy, suspicious_ip/socks_proxy, malware/cnc, malware/targeted_malware. Required query Query you want to search. e.g.: Required date_from Start date of search session. Optional date_to End date of search session. Optional
Context Output# Path Type Description id String Id of a feed that matches a query additional_info String Additional info about feed
Command Example# !gibtia-local-search collection_name=attacks/phishing query=
Context Example# Human Readable Output# Search results# id additional_info 8bd7e5cef2290b0c3f04bf283586406dceffe25d phishingDomain_domain: