HPE Aruba ClearPass
HPE Aruba Clearpass Pack.#
This Integration is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.
Aruba ClearPass Policy Manager provides role and device-based network access control for employees, contractors, and guests across any multi-vendor wired, wireless, and VPN infrastructure. This integration was integrated and tested with version 6.9 of HPE Aruba ClearPass.
Configure HPE Aruba ClearPass in CortexParameter | Description | Required |
Your server URL (e.g., https://example.net) | True | |
Client ID | HPE Aruba ClearPass client identifier. | True |
Client Secret | HPE Aruba ClearPass client secret. | True |
Trust any certificate (not secure) | False | |
Use system proxy settings | False |
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
aruba-clearpass-endpoints-listGet a list of endpoints. An endpoint device is an Internet-capable hardware device on a TCP/IP network (e.g. laptops, smart phones, tablets, etc.)
Base Commandaruba-clearpass-endpoints-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
mac_address | MAC address of the required endpoint. If not given, all the endpoints will be returned. | Optional |
status | Status of the required endpoint. Possible values: Known, Unknown, Disabled. | Optional |
offset | Zero based offset to start from. Defaut is 0. | Optional |
limit | Maximum number of items to return in the range of 1 – 1000. Default is 25. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
HPEArubaClearPass.Endpoints.id | Number | The ID of the endpoint. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Endpoints.mac_address | string | The MAC address of the endpoint. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Endpoints.description | string | The description of the endpoint. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Endpoints.status | string | The status of the endpoint. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Endpoints.device_insight_tags | Unknown | List of Device Insight Tags. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Endpoints.attributes | Unknown | Additional attributes (key/value pairs) that may be stored with the endpoint. |
Command Example!aruba-clearpass-endpoints-list
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
HPE Aruba ClearPass endpoints
attributes description id mac_address status A: B
C: D
test: bad
test: btest 3001 005056894ae2 Known test: aaaaa aaaa 3002 001b44113ab7 Known
aruba-clearpass-endpoint-updateUpdates some fields of an endpoint.
Base Commandaruba-clearpass-endpoint-update
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
endpoint_id | Numeric ID of the endpoint. | Required |
mac_address | MAC address of the endpoint to be set. If not given, all the endpoints will be returned. | Optional |
status | Status of the endpoint to be set. Can be Known/Unknown/Disabled. Possible values: Known, Unknown, Disabled. | Optional |
description | Description of the endpoint to be set. | Optional |
device_insight_tags | A comma-separated list of Device Insight Tags. | Optional |
attributes | Additional attributes (key/value pairs) that may be stored with the endpoint. For example: [{"test1": "aaaaa"},{"test2":"good"}]. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
HPEArubaClearPass.Endpoints.id | Number | The ID of the endpoint. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Endpoints.mac_address | string | The MAC address of the endpoint. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Endpoints.description | string | The description of the endpoint. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Endpoints.status | string | The status of the endpoint. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Endpoints.device_insight_tags | Unknown | List of Device Insight Tags. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Endpoints.attributes | Unknown | Additional attributes (key/value pairs) that may be stored with the endpoint. |
Command Example!aruba-clearpass-endpoint-update endpoint_id=3001 description="test" status=Known
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
HPE Aruba ClearPass endpoints
attributes description id mac_address status A: B
C: D
test1: bad
test2: btest 3001 005056894ae2 Known
aruba-clearpass-attributes-listGet a list of attributes. Attributes allows you to specify unique sets of criteria for local users, guest users, endpoints, and devices. If no arguments were given, all of the attributes will be displayed.
Base Commandaruba-clearpass-attributes-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
attribute_id | Numeric ID of the required attribute. | Optional |
name | Name of the required attribute. | Optional |
entity_name | Entity name of the required attribute. Possible values are: Device, LocalUser, GuestUser, Endpoint, Onboard. | Optional |
offset | Zero-based offset to start from. Default is 0. | Optional |
limit | Maximum number of items to return in the range of 1 – 1000. Default is 25. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.id | Number | The ID of the attribute. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.name | string | The name of the attribute. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.entity_name | string | The entity name of the attribute. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.data_type | string | The data type of the attribute (can be one of the following - Boolean, Date, Day, IPv4Address, Integer32, List, MACAddress, String, Text, Time, TimeOfDay). |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.mandatory | Boolean | Whether this attribute is mandatory for the given entity_name. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.default_value | Unknown | Default value of the attribute. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.allow_multiple | Boolean | Whether to allow multiple values of the attribute with data type String only (API limitation). |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.allowed_value | Unknown | The allowed value for attribute with data type List (e.g., example1,example2,example3). |
Command Example!aruba-clearpass-attributes-list
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
HPE Aruba ClearPass attributes
allow_multiple data_type entity_name id mandatory name true String Device 35 false Controller Id true String Device 32 false Device Vendor true String Device 34 false Location false Boolean Device 3011 false new123 false Boolean Device 3043 false new_attribute_aviya true String Device 31 false new_name true String Device 33 false OS Version true String Device 38 false sysContact true String Device 37 false sysLocation true String Device 36 false sysName true String LocalUser 5 false Department true String LocalUser 6 false Designation true String LocalUser 2 false true String LocalUser 1 false Phone true String LocalUser 3 false Sponsor true String LocalUser 4 false Title false String GuestUser 41 false airgroup_enable false String GuestUser 42 false airgroup_shared false String GuestUser 46 false airgroup_shared_group false String GuestUser 45 false airgroup_shared_location false String GuestUser 44 false airgroup_shared_role false String GuestUser 47 false airgroup_shared_time false String GuestUser 43 false airgroup_shared_user true String GuestUser 16 false Company Name true String GuestUser 15 false Designation
aruba-clearpass-attribute-createCreate a new attribute.
Base Commandaruba-clearpass-attribute-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
name | Name of the attribute to be set. | Required |
entity_name | Entity name of the attribute to be set. Possible values: Device, LocalUser, GuestUser, Endpoint, Onboard. | Required |
data_type | Data Type of the attribute to be set. Possible values: Boolean, Date, Day, IPv4Address, Integer32, List, MACAddress, String, Text, Time, TimeOfDay. | Required |
mandatory | Whether to make this attribute mandatory for the given entity_name. Default is False. Possible values are: True, False. | Optional |
default_value | Default value of the attribute. Default is an empty string. | Optional |
allow_multiple | Whether to allow multiple values of the attribute with data type String only (API limitation). Default is False. Possible values are: True, False. | Optional |
allowed_value | Possible value for attribute with data type List only (API limitation) (e.g., example1,example2,example3). Default is an empty string. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.id | Number | The ID of the attribute. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.name | string | The name of the attribute. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.entity_name | string | The entity name of the attribute. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.data_type | string | The data type of the attribute. Can be one of the following: Boolean, Date, Day, IPv4Address, Integer32, List, MACAddress, String, Text, Time, TimeOfDay. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.mandatory | Boolean | Whether this attribute is mandatory for the given entity_name. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.default_value. | Unknown | Default value of the attribute. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.allow_multiple | Boolean | Whether to allow multiple values of the attribute with data type String only (API limitation). |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.allowed_value | Unknown | The allowed value for attribute with data type List (e.g., example1,example2,example3). |
Command Example!aruba-clearpass-attribute-create data_type=Boolean entity_name=Device name="new_attribute"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
HPE Aruba ClearPass new attribute
allow_multiple data_type entity_name id mandatory name false Boolean Device 3044 false new_attribute
aruba-clearpass-attribute-updateUpdate some fields of an attribute by the attribute's ID.
Base Commandaruba-clearpass-attribute-update
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
attribute_id | Numeric ID of the attribute to be updated. | Required |
name | Name of the attribute to be set. | Optional |
entity_name | Entity Name of the attribute to be set. Possible values: Device, LocalUser, GuestUser, Endpoint, Onboard. | Optional |
data_type | Data type of the attribute to be set. Possible values are: Boolean, Date, Day, IPv4Address, Integer32, List, MACAddress, String, Text, Time, TimeOfDay. | Optional |
mandatory | Whether to make this attribute mandatory for the given entity_name. Default is False. Possible values are: True, False. | Optional |
default_value | Default value of the attribute. Default is an empty string. | Optional |
allow_multiple | Whether to allow multiple values of the attribute with data type String only (API limitation). Default is False. Possible values are: True, False. | Optional |
allowed_value | Possible value for attribute with data type List only (API limitation) (e.g., example1,example2,example3). Default is an empty string. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.id | Number | The ID of the attribute. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.name | string | The name of the attribute. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.entity_name | string | The entity name of the attribute. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.data_type | string | The data type of the attribute. Can be one of the following: Boolean, Date, Day, IPv4Address, Integer32, List, MACAddress, String, Text, Time, TimeOfDay. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.mandatory | Boolean | Whether this attribute is mandatory for the given entity_name. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.default_value. | Unknown | Default value of the attribute. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.allow_multiple | Boolean | Whether to allow multiple values of the attribute with data type String only (API limitation). |
HPEArubaClearPass.Attributes.allowed_value | Unknown | The allowed value for attribute with data type List (e.g., example1,example2,example3). |
Command Example!aruba-clearpass-attribute-update attribute_id=31 name="Device Type" data_type=String
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
HPE Aruba ClearPass update attribute
allow_multiple data_type entity_name id mandatory name true String Device 31 false Device Type
aruba-clearpass-attribute-deleteDelete an attribute.
Base Commandaruba-clearpass-attribute-delete
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
attribute_id | Numeric ID of the attribute. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!aruba-clearpass-attribute-delete attribute_id=3043
Human Readable OutputHPE Aruba ClearPass attribute with ID: 3043 deleted successfully.
aruba-clearpass-active-sessions-listGet a list of active sessions.
Base Commandaruba-clearpass-active-sessions-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
session_id | ID of the active session. | Optional |
device_ip | IP address of the client. | Optional |
device_mac_address | MAC address of the client device. | Optional |
visitor_phone | The visitor’s phone number. | Optional |
limit | Maximum number of items to return in the range of 1 – 1000. Default is 25. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
HPEArubaClearPass.Sessions.ID | String | ID of the active session. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Sessions.Device_IP | String | IP address of the client. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Sessions.Device_mac_address | String | MAC address of the client device. |
HPEArubaClearPass.Sessions.state | String | The current state of the session (active, stale, closed). |
HPEArubaClearPass.Sessions.Visitor_phone | String | The visitor’s phone number. |
Command Example!aruba-clearpass-active-sessions-list
aruba-clearpass-active-session-disconnectDisconnect active session.
Base Commandaruba-clearpass-active-session-disconnect
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
session_id | ID of the session to disconnect. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
HPEArubaClearPass.Sessions.Error_code | Number | Error status code of the response (non-zero if a problem occurred). |
HPEArubaClearPass.Sessions.Response_message | String | Describes the result of the disconnected operation. |
Command Example!aruba-clearpass-active-session-disconnect session_id=123