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Intezer v2

This Integration is part of the Intezer Pack.#

Use the Intezer v2 integration to detect and analyze malware, based on code reuse.

Configure Intezer v2 in Cortex#

API KeyTrue
Intezer Analyze Base URLThe API address to intezer Analyze - i.e.
Use system proxy settingsFalse
Trust any certificate (not secure)False


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Checks file reputation of the given hash, supports SHA256, SHA1 and MD5

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
file_hashHash of the file to query. Supports SHA256, MD5 and SHA1.Required
wait_for_resultWaits for analysis result, support pollingOptional
intervalNumber of seconds between poll requestsOptional
timeoutNumber of seconds until polling timeoutOptional

Context Output#

Intezer.Analysis.IDstringIntezer analysis id
Intezer.Analysis.Statusstringstatus of the analysis
Intezer.Analysis.Typestringtype of the analysis

Command Example#

!intezer-analyze-by-hash file_hash="<file hash>"

Context Example#

"Intezer.Analysis": {
"Status": "Created",
"type": "File",
"ID": "59e2f081-45f3-4822-bf45-407670dcb4d7"

Human Readable Output#

Analysis created successfully: 59e2f081-45f3-4822-bf45-407670dcb4d7


Checks file reputation of the given URL

Notice: Submitting indicators using this command might make the indicator data publicly available. See the vendor’s documentation for more details.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
UrlUrl to query.Required

Context Output#

Intezer.Analysis.IDstringIntezer analysis id
Intezer.Analysis.Statusstringstatus of the analysis
Intezer.Analysis.Typestringtype of the analysis
URL.DatastringThe submitted Url
URL.Malicious.VendorstringFor malicious Url, the vendor that made the decision
URL.MetadataUnknownMetadata returned from Intezer analysis
URL.ExistsInIntezerBooleanDoes the url exists on intezer

Command Example#

!intezer-analyze-url url="<url>"

Context Example#

"Intezer.Analysis": {
"Status": "Created",
"type": "Url",
"ID": "59e2f081-45f3-4822-bf45-407670dcb4d7"

Human Readable Output#

Analysis created successfully: 59e2f081-45f3-4822-bf45-407670dcb4d7


Checks file reputation of the given hash, supports SHA256, SHA1 and MD5 by looking at the latest available report

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
file_hashHash of the file to query. Supports SHA256, MD5 and SHA1.Required

Context Output#

File.SHA256stringHash SHA256
File.Malicious.VendorstringFor malicious files, the vendor that made the decision
DBotScore.IndicatorstringThe indicator we tested
DBotScore.TypestringThe type of the indicator
DBotScore.VendorstringVendor used to calculate the score
DBotScore.ScorenumberThe actual score
File.MetadataUnknownMetadata returned from Intezer analysis (analysis id, analysis url, family, family type, sha256, verdict, sub_verdict). Metadata will be returned only for supported files.
File.ExistsInIntezerBooleanDoes the file exists on intezer genome database

Command Example#

intezer-get-latest-report file_hash="8cbf90aeab2c93b2819fcfd6262b2cdb"

Context Example#

"DBotScore": {
"Vendor": "Intezer",
"Indicator": "<some sha>>",
"Score": 0,
"Type": "hash"
"File": {
"ExistsInIntezer": true,
"SHA256": "<some sha256>",
"Metadata": {
"analysis_id": "006c54ba-3159-43a0-98a0-1c5032145f47",
"sub_verdict": "known_malicious",
"analysis_url": "",
"verdict": "malicious",
"family_id": "0b13c0d4-7779-4c06-98fa-4d33ca98f8a9",
"family_name": "WannaCry",
"sha256": "<some sha256>",
"is_private": true,
"analysis_time": "Wed, 19 Jun 2019 07:48:12 GMT"

Human Readable Output#

Intezer File analysis result
SHA256: some-sha256
Verdict: malicious (known_malicious)
Family: WannaCry
Analysis Report
analysis_id 006c54ba-3159-43a0-98a0-1c5032145f47
analysis_time Tue, 29 Jun 2021 13:40:01 GMT
family_id 0b13c0d4-7779-4c06-98fa-4d33ca98f8a9
family_name WannaCry
is_private false
sha256 some-sha256
sub_verdict known_malicious
verdict malicious


Checks file reputation for uploaded file (up to 150MB)

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
file_entry_idThe file entry id to upload.Required
related_alert_idsAn array of alert ids to associate with the file analysis.Required

Context Output#

Intezer.Analysis.IDstringIntezer analysis id
Intezer.Analysis.Statusstringstatus of the analysis
Intezer.Analysis.Typestringtype of the analysis
File.SHA256stringHash SHA256
File.Malicious.VendorstringFor malicious files, the vendor that made the decision
File.MetadataUnknownMetadata returned from Intezer analysis (analysis id, analysis url, family, family type, sha256, verdict, sub_verdict). Metadata will be returned only for supported files.
File.ExistsInIntezerBooleanDoes the file exists on intezer genome database

Command Example#

intezer-analyze-by-file file_entry_id=1188@6

Context Example#

"Intezer.Analysis": {
"Status": "Created",
"type": "File",
"ID": "675515a1-62e9-4d55-880c-fd46a7963a56"

Human Readable Output#

Analysis created successfully: 675515a1-62e9-4d55-880c-fd46a7963a56


Check the endpoint analysis status and get analysis result, supports polling.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
analysis_idThe analysis ID we want to get results for.Required
wait_for_resultWaits for analysis result, support pollingOptional
intervalNumber of seconds between poll requestsOptional
timeoutNumber of seconds until polling timeoutOptional

Context Output#

DBotScore.IndicatorstringThe indicator we tested
DBotScore.TypestringThe type of the indicator
DBotScore.VendorstringVendor used to calculate the score
DBotScore.ScorenumberThe actual score
Endpoint.MetadataUnknownMetadata returned from Intezer analysis (endpoint analysis id, endpoint analysis url, families, verdict, host_name)

Command Example#

intezer-get-endpoint-analysis-result analysis_id="9e3acdc3-b7ea-412b-88ae-7103eebc9398" wait_for_result="true"


Check the url analysis status and get analysis result, supports polling.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
analysis_idThe analysis ID we want to get results for.Required
wait_for_resultWaits for analysis result, support pollingOptional
intervalNumber of seconds between poll requestsOptional
timeoutNumber of seconds until polling timeoutOptional

Context Output#

DBotScore.IndicatorstringThe indicator we tested
DBotScore.TypestringThe type of the indicator
DBotScore.VendorstringVendor used to calculate the score
DBotScore.ScorenumberThe actual score
URL.DatastringThe submitted Url
URL.Malicious.VendorstringFor malicious Url, the vendor that made the decision
URL.MetadataUnknownMetadata returned from Intezer analysis
URL.ExistsInIntezerBooleanDoes the url exists on intezer

Command Example#

intezer-get-url-analysis-result analysis_id="9e3acdc3-b7ea-412b-88ae-7103eebc9398" wait_for_result="true"


Check the file analysis status and get analysis result, supports polling.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
analysis_idThe analysis ID we want to get results for.Required
wait_for_resultWaits for analysis result, support pollingOptional
intervalNumber of seconds between poll requestsOptional
timeoutNumber of seconds until polling timeoutOptional

Context Output#

DBotScore.IndicatorstringThe indicator we tested
DBotScore.TypestringThe type of the indicator
DBotScore.VendorstringVendor used to calculate the score
DBotScore.ScorenumberThe actual score
File.SHA256stringHash SHA256
File.SHA1stringHash SHA1
File.MD5stringHash MD5
File.Malicious.VendorstringFor malicious files, the vendor that made the decision
File.MetadataUnknownMetadata returned from Intezer analysis (analysis id, analysis url, family, family type, sha256, verdict, sub_verdict). Metadata will be returned only for supported files.
File.ExistsInIntezerBooleanDoes the file exists on intezer genome database

Command Example#

intezer-get-file-analysis-result analysis_id="9e3acdc3-b7ea-412b-88ae-7103eebc9398" wait_for_result="true"


Check the analysis status and get analysis result, support file and endpoint analysis

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
analysis_idThe analysis ID we want to get results for.Optional
analysis_typeThe type of the analysis. Possible values are: File, Endpoint, Url. Default is File.Optional
indicator_nameindicator to classify.Optional

Context Output#

DBotScore.IndicatorstringThe indicator we tested
DBotScore.TypestringThe type of the indicator
DBotScore.VendorstringVendor used to calculate the score
DBotScore.ScorenumberThe actual score
File.SHA256stringHash SHA256
File.SHA1stringHash SHA1
File.MD5stringHash MD5
File.Malicious.VendorstringFor malicious files, the vendor that made the decision
File.MetadataUnknownMetadata returned from Intezer analysis (analysis id, analysis url, family, family type, sha256, verdict, sub_verdict). Metadata will be returned only for supported files.
File.ExistsInIntezerBooleanDoes the file exists on intezer genome database
URL.DatastringThe submitted Url
Url.URLstringThe submitted Url (deprecated)
URL.Malicious.VendorstringFor malicious Url, the vendor that made the decision
Url.Malicious.VendorstringFor malicious Url, the vendor that made the decision (deprecated)
URL.MetadataUnknownMetadata returned from Intezer analysis
Url.MetadataUnknownMetadata returned from Intezer analysis (deprecated)
URL.ExistsInIntezerBooleanDoes the url exists on intezer
Url.ExistsInIntezerBooleanDoes the url exists on intezer (deprecated)
Endpoint.MetadataUnknownMetadata returned from Intezer analysis (endpoint analysis id, endpoint analysis url, families, verdict, host_name)

Command Example#

intezer-get-analysis-result analysis_id="9e3acdc3-b7ea-412b-88ae-7103eebc9398"

Context Example#

"DBotScore": {
"Vendor": "Intezer",
"Indicator": "<some sha>>",
"Score": 0,
"Type": "hash"
"File": {
"ExistsInIntezer": true,
"SHA256": "<some sha256>",
"Metadata": {
"analysis_id": "006c54ba-3159-43a0-98a0-1c5032145f47",
"sub_verdict": "known_malicious",
"analysis_url": "",
"verdict": "malicious",
"family_id": "0b13c0d4-7779-4c06-98fa-4d33ca98f8a9",
"family_name": "WannaCry",
"sha256": "<some sha256>",
"is_private": true,
"analysis_time": "Wed, 19 Jun 2019 07:48:12 GMT"
"Url: {
"ExistsInIntezer": true,
"URL": "",
"Metadata": {
"analysis_id": "70d09f68-c7a3-43a3-a8de-07ec31fbf4ed",
"domain_info": {
"creation_date": "1997-08-13 04:00:00.000000",
"domain_name": "",
"registrar": "TUCOWS, INC."
"indicators": [
"classification": "informative",
"text": "URL is accessible"
"classification": "informative",
"text": "Assigned IPv4 domain"
"classification": "informative",
"text": "Vaild IPv4 domain"
"ip": "",
"redirect_chain": [
"response_status": 301,
"url": ""
"response_status": 200,
"url": ""
"scanned_url": "",
"submitted_url": "",
"downloaded_file": {
"analysis_id": "8db9a401-a142-41be-9a31-8e5f3642db62",
"analysis_summary": {
"verdict_description": "This file contains code from malicious software, therefore it's very likely that it's malicious.",
"verdict_name": "malicious",
"verdict_title": "Malicious",
"verdict_type": "malicious"
"sha256": "4293c1d8574dc87c58360d6bac3daa182f64f7785c9d41da5e0741d2b1817fc7"
"summary": {
"description": "No suspicious activity was detected for this URL",
"title": "No Threats",
"verdict_name": "no_threats",
"verdict_type": "no_threats"

Human Readable Output#

Intezer File analysis result
SHA256: some-sha256
Verdict: malicious (known_malicious)
Family: WannaCry
Analysis Report
analysis_id 006c54ba-3159-43a0-98a0-1c5032145f47
analysis_time Tue, 29 Jun 2021 13:40:01 GMT
family_id 0b13c0d4-7779-4c06-98fa-4d33ca98f8a9
family_name WannaCry
is_private false
sha256 some-sha256
sub_verdict known_malicious
verdict malicious


Get a list of the analysis sub analyses

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
analysis_idThe analysis ID we want to get the sub analyses for.Required

Context Output#

Intezer.Analysis.IDstringIntezer analysis id
Intezer.Analysis.SubAnalysesIDsUnknownList of all sub analyses of the give analysis

Command Example#

intezer-get-sub-analyses analysis_id=006c54ba-3159-43a0-98a0-1c5032145f47

Context Example#

"Intezer.Analysis": {
"Status": "Done",
"type": "File",
"ID": "675515a1-62e9-4d55-880c-fd46a7963a56",
"SubAnalysesIDs": [

Human Readable Output#

Sub Analyses -
List of analyses ids


Get family information from Intezer Analyze

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
family_idThe Family ID.Required

Context Output#

Intezer.Family.IDstringFamily id in intezer genome database
Intezer.Family.NamestringFamily name
Intezer.Family.TypestringFamily Type

Command Example#

intezer-get-family-info family_id=006c54ba-3159-43a0-98a0-1c5032145f47

Context Example#

"Intezer.Family": {
"ID": "e710e4b3-3dd1-40ff-be74-9d8a95466ae4",
"Type": "malware",
"Name": "CobaltStrike"

Human Readable Output#

Family Info
FamilyId 006c54ba-3159-43a0-98a0-1c5032145f47
FamilyName Some Family Name
FamilyType Malware


Get All code reuse report for an analysis or sub analysis To get the code reuse results of a sub analysis you also must specify the "parent analysis",

For example - If you ran the command intezer-get-sub-analyses analysis_id=123 and got the sub analysis 456, you need to specify both in the command

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
analysis_idThe analysis ID (parent analysis in case we're trying to get sub abalysis) we want to get the code reuse for.Required
sub_analysis_idThe Sub Analysis we want to get the code reuse for.Optional

Context Output#

Intezer.Analysis.IDstringThe composed analysis ID
Intezer.Analysis.CodeReuseUnknownGeneral Code Reuse of the analysis
Intezer.Analysis.CodeReuseFamiliesUnknownList of the families appearing in the code reuse
Intezer.Analysis.SubAnalyses.CodeReuseUnknownGeneral Code Reuse of the analysis
Intezer.Analysis.SubAnalyses.CodeReuseFamiliesUnknownList of the families appearing in the code reuse
Intezer.Analysis.SubAnalyses.RootAnalysisstringThe Composed analysis id

Command Example#

# Get the code reuse of an analysis
intezer-get-analysis-code-reuse analysis_id=<Root analysis>
# Get the root analysis sub analyses
intezer-get-sub-analyses analysis_id=<Root analysis>
# Use one of the results to get the sub analysis code reuse
intezer-get-analysis-code-reuse analysis_id=<Root analysis> sub_analysis_id=<Sub Analysis Id>

Context Example#

"Intezer.Analysis": {
"Status": "Done",
"type": "File",
"ID": "675515a1-62e9-4d55-880c-fd46a7963a56",
"SubAnalyses": [
"ID": "Some sub analysis id",
"RootAnalysis": "675515a1-62e9-4d55-880c-fd46a7963a56",
"CodeReuse": {
"common_gene_count": 10,
"gene_count": 100,
"gene_type": "native_windows",
"unique_gene_count": 50
"CodeReuseFamilies": [
"family_id": "5be245ca-793c-4991-9329-c42d6365a530",
"family_name": "Microsoft Corporation",
"family_type": "application",
"reused_gene_count": 8

Human Readable Output#

This will show information about the analysis code reuse and families

Code Reuse
common_gene_count 544
gene_count 543
gene_type native_windows
unique_gene_count 0
family_id 0b13c0d4-7779-4c06-98fa-4d33ca98f8a9
family_name WannaCry
family_type malware
reused_gene_count 362
family_id 7ae9c0f1-5e81-4ed1-928d-d966a1b1525c
family_name Lazarus
family_type malware
reused_gene_count 33
... More Families if available


Get metadata for an analysis or sub analysis To get the metadata of a sub analysis you also must specify the "parent analysis",

For example - If you ran the command intezer-get-sub-analyses analysis_id=123 and got the sub analysis 456, you need to specify both in the command

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
analysis_idThe analysis ID we want to get the metadata for.Required
sub_analysis_idThe Sub Analysis we want to get the metadata for.Optional

Context Output#

Intezer.Analysis.IDstringThe composed analysis ID
Intezer.Analysis.MetadataUnknownThe Analysis metadata
Intezer.Analysis.SubAnalyses.MetadataUnknownThe Sub Analysis metadata

Command Example#

# Get the metadata of an analysis
intezer-get-analysis-metadata analysis_id=<Root analysis>
# Get the root analysis sub analyses
intezer-get-sub-analyses analysis_id=<Root analysis>
# Use one of the results to get the sub analysis code reuse
intezer-get-analysis-metadata analysis_id=<Root analysis> sub_analysis_id=<Sub Analysis Id>

Context Example#

"Intezer.Analysis": {
"Status": "Done",
"type": "File",
"ID": "675515a1-62e9-4d55-880c-fd46a7963a56",
"SubAnalyses": [
"ID": "some sub analyses id",
"RootAnalysis": "675515a1-62e9-4d55-880c-fd46a7963a56",
"Metadata": {
"sha1": "<sha1>",
"sha256": "<sha256>",
"md5": "<md5>",
"product": "product name",
"product_version": "5.4",
"ssdeep": "<ssdeep>",
"size_in_bytes": 15540,
"architecture": "i386",
"original_filename": "myfile.exe",
"compilation_timestamp": "2019:07:26 18:23:19+00:00",
"file_type": "pe",
"company": "Microsoft"

Human Readable Output#

Analysis Metadata
architecture i386
company Microsoft Corporation
compilation_timestamp 2009:07:13 23:19:35+00:00
file_type pe
md5 md5
original_filename LODCTR.EXE
product Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
product_version 6.1.7600.16385 ^^^
sha1 sha1
sha256 sha256
size_in_bytes 245760
ssdeep ssdeep


Gets the list of network and files IOCs of a specific analysis id.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
analysis_idThe analysis ID we want to get the IOCs for.Required

Context Output#

Intezer.Analysis.IDstringThe composed analysis ID
Intezer.Analysis.IOCsDictThe Analysis IOCs

Context Example#

"Intezer.Analysis": {
"Status": "Done",
"type": "File",
"ID": "675515a1-62e9-4d55-880c-fd46a7963a56",
"IOCs": {
"files": [
"path": "test_file_1.csv",
"sha256": "eeb1199f7db006e4d20086171cc312cf5bdf53682cc37997223ad0c15a27dc88",
"verdict": "malicious",
"family": "Turla",
"type": "Main file"
"network": [
"ioc": "",
"source": [
"Network communication"
"type": "ip"
"ioc": "",
"source": [
"Network communication"
"type": "domain"

Human Readable Output#

### Network IOCs
| ioc | source | type |
| | Network communication | ip |
| | Network communication | domain |
### Files IOCs
| family | path | sha256 | type | verdict |
| Turla | test_file_1.csv | eeb1199f7db006e4d20086171cc312cf5bdf53682cc37997223ad0c15a27dc88 | Main file | malicious |


Submit a new alert, including the raw alert information, to Intezer for processing.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
raw_alertThe raw alert as it stored in the context.Required
mappingThe mapping for the raw alert data.Required
sourceThe source of the alert.Required

Context Output#

Intezer.Alert.IDstringThe Alert ID
Intezer.Alert.StatusstringThe status of the Alert

Context Example#

"Intezer.Alert": {
"Status": "Done",
"ID": "675515a1-62e9-4d55-880c-fd46a7963a56"


Submit a suspicious phishing email in a raw format (.MSG or .EML) to Intezer for processing.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
email_file_entry_idThe email file entry id to upload.Required

Context Output#

Intezer.Alert.IDstringThe Alert ID
Intezer.Alert.StatusstringThe status of the Alert

Context Example#

"Intezer.Alert": {
"Status": "Done",
"ID": "675515a1-62e9-4d55-880c-fd46a7963a56"


Get an ingested alert triage and response information using alert ID.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
alert_idThe alert id to query.Required
wait_for_resultWaits for alert result, support polling.Optional

Context Output#

Intezer.Alert.IDstringThe Alert ID
Intezer.Alert.StatusstringThe Alert status
Intezer.Alert.ResultObjectThe full report of the alert
Intezer.Alert.Result.intezer_alert_urlObjectThe url for the alert result on Intezer Analyze
DBotScore.IndicatorstringThe indicator we tested
DBotScore.TypestringThe type of the indicator
DBotScore.VendorstringVendor used to calculate the score
DBotScore.ScorestringThe actual score
File.SHA256stringHash SHA256
File.SHA1stringHash SHA1
File.MD5stringHash MD5
URL.DatastringThe tested URL
URL.Malicious.VendorstringFor malicious URL, the vendor that made the decision
URL.RelationshipsobjectThe relationships between two urls
Intezer.Alert.Result.raw_alertobjectThe raw alert as submitted to Intezer
Intezer.Alert.Result.triage_result.alert_verdict_displaystringThe verdict of the alert
Intezer.Alert.Result.source_displaystringThe calculated verdict of the Alert
Intezer.Alert.Result.triage_result.risk_category_displaystringThe risk category of the Alert
Intezer.Alert.Result.response.user_recommended_actions_displaystringThe actions recommended by Intezer to be taken

Command Example#

# Get an alert result
intezer-get-alert-result alert_id=<Alert ID> wait_for_result=true

Context Example#

"Intezer.Analysis": {
"Status": "Done",
"ID": "675515a1-62e9-4d55-880c-fd46a7963a56",
"DBotScore": {
"Vendor": "Intezer",
"Indicator": "<some sha>>",
"Score": 0,
"Type": "file/url/domain/ip/endpoint"
"Result": {
"alert": {'alert_id': '111223', 'alert_title': '111223', 'alert_url': None, 'creation_time': '2023-07-24T12:26:06',
'creation_time_display': '24 Jul 23 | 12:26 UTC', 'device': {}, 'severity': 'high',
'severity_display': 'High'},
'alert_id': '111223',
'alert_sub_types': ['custom'],
'intezer_alert_url': '',
'raw_alert': {},
'response': {'automated_response_actions': [],
'iocs': {'files': [
{'family': None,
'path': 'some_path.sample',
'sha256': '<hash>',
'type': 'main_file',
'verdict': 'malicious'}
'network': [
{'ioc': '', 'source': ['Network communication'],
'type': 'ip'},
'status': 'escalated', 'status_display': 'Escalated',
'user_recommended_actions': [],
'user_recommended_actions_display': ''},
'scans': [{'collection_status': 'collected', 'file_analysis': {
'analysis_id': '<some_analysis_id>', 'analysis_time': '2023-07-24T11:00:28',
'analysis_url': '<some_analysis_id>',
'file_name': 'file_name.sample',
'iocs': {'files': [
{'family': None, 'path': 'some_path.sample',
'sha256': '<hash_of_file>', 'type': 'main_file',
'verdict': 'malicious'}],
'network': [
{'ioc': '', 'source': ['Network communication'],
'type': 'url'}]}, 'sha256': '<hash>',
'sub_verdict': 'known_malicious', 'ttps': [
{'tactic': 'Command And Control', 'tactic_id': 'TA0011', 'technique': 'Encrypted Channel',
'technique_id': 'T1573'}], 'sender': 'cs', 'source': 'cs',
'source_display': 'CrowdStrike',
'triage_result': {'alert_verdict': 'confirmed_threat', 'alert_verdict_display': 'Confirmed Threat',
'risk_category': 'generic_threat', 'risk_category_display': 'Generic Threat',
'risk_level': 'high',
'risk_score': 20, 'ttps': [
{'source': 'analysis', 'tactic': 'Command And Control', 'tactic_id': 'TA0011',
'technique': 'Encrypted Channel', 'technique_id': 'T1573'},
{'source': 'analysis', 'tactic': 'Execution', 'tactic_id': 'TA0002', 'technique': 'Shared Modules',
'technique_id': 'T1129'}]

Human Readable Output#

### Intezer Alert Result
Verdict: Confirmed Threat
Risk category: Generic Threat
Alert Link: