Ivanti Heat
Ivanti Heat Pack.#
This Integration is part of theIvanti Heat service manager This integration was integrated and tested with version 2020.1.0.20200313 of Ivanti Heat
Configure Ivanti Heat in CortexParameter | Description | Required |
url | Server URL (e.g. https://example.net\) | True |
isFetch | Fetch incidents | False |
incidentType | Incident type | False |
insecure | Trust any certificate (not secure) | False |
proxy | Use system proxy settings | False |
token | API Token | True |
fetch_time | First fetch timestamp (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days) | False |
incident_name_field | The object field to use for incident name | True |
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
ivanti-heat-objects-listFetches business object records based on the defined filter values.
Base Commandivanti-heat-objects-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
rec-id | Buisiness object ID | Optional |
from | Start date of object records to return in the following format 2012-01-01T00:00:00Z. | Optional |
to | End date of object records to return in the following format 2012-01-01T00:00:00Z. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of object records to return | Optional |
offset | Starting record index to begin retrieving object records from | Optional |
search-query | Fetches business object records based on the defined search keyword | Optional |
object-type | Type of object record | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
IvantiHeat.incidents.RecId | String | Incident ID |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Subject | String | Incident subject |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Status | String | Incident status |
IvantiHeat.incidents.CreatedDateTime | Date | Incident createion time |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Symptom | String | Incident description |
IvantiHeat.incidents.OwnerTeam | String | Incident owner team |
IvantiHeat.incidents.IncidentNumber | Number | The incident number |
IvantiHeat.incidents.CreatedBy | String | The user who created the incident |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Owner | String | Incident owner |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Category | String | Incident category |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Priority | Number | Incident priority |
IvantiHeat.incidents.TypeOfIncident | String | Incident type |
IvantiHeat.incidents.ActualCategory | String | Incident actual category |
IvantiHeat.incidents.SocialTextHeader | String | Incident text header |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Email | String | Incident owner Email |
Command Example!ivanti-heat-objects-list object-type=problems search-query=email from=2011-09-01 to=2012-01-01
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
problems results
RecId Subject Status CreatedDateTime Urgency OwnerTeam CreatedBy Owner Category Description Priority ClosedDateTime SocialTextHeader 8383718895204FFBB3EC95E79C323966 Email down Resolved 2011-09-18T23:42:38Z Medium Problem Management johnny cash owner Accessibility Email down 4 2020-07-01T08:42:33Z Problem 103: Email down
ivanti-heat-object-updateUpdate details of a business object such as a change, problem, or incident.
Base Commandivanti-heat-object-update
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
rec-id | Buisiness object ID to update | Required |
fields | Fields values in json format to update in the record, e.g: {"Priority":5} | Required |
object-type | Type of object record | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
IvantiHeat.incidents.RecId | String | Incident ID |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Subject | String | Incident subject |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Status | String | Incident status |
IvantiHeat.incidents.CreatedDateTime | Date | Incident createion time |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Symptom | String | Incident description |
IvantiHeat.incidents.OwnerTeam | String | Incident owner team |
IvantiHeat.incidents.IncidentNumber | Number | The incident number |
IvantiHeat.incidents.CreatedBy | String | The user who created the incident |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Owner | String | Incident owner |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Category | String | Incident category |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Priority | Number | Incident priority |
IvantiHeat.incidents.TypeOfIncident | String | Incident type |
IvantiHeat.incidents.ActualCategory | String | Incident actual category |
IvantiHeat.incidents.SocialTextHeader | String | Incident text header |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Email | String | Incident owner Email |
Command Example!ivanti-heat-object-update fields={"Description":desc","Priority":1} object-type=problems rec-id=5874A667
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
54A667 updated successfully
RecId Subject Status CreatedDateTime Urgency OwnerTeam CreatedBy Owner Category Description Priority ClosedDateTime SocialTextHeader 54A667 Unable to open Office 2007/2010 files Resolved 2012-10-22T23:35:21Z Medium Problem Management Admin johnny cash Applications desc 1 2020-07-05T12:28:12Z Problem 106: Unable to open Office 2007/2010 files
ivanti-heat-object-deleteDelete a business object such as a change, problem, or incident by its Record ID.
Base Commandivanti-heat-object-delete
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
rec-id | Buisiness object ID | Required |
object-type | Type of object record | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!ivanti-heat-object-delete object-type=incidents rec-id=490C3
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputRecord 490C3 deleted successfully
ivanti-heat-object-attachment-downloadGet attachments from business objects by attachment ID.
Base Commandivanti-heat-object-attachment-download
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
attachment-id | The attachment ID | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!ivanti-heat-object-attachment-download attachment-id=C03CE103827944E59A4EC23498EA9C6A
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
ivanti-heat-object-attachment-uploadUpload attachments to business objects.
Base Commandivanti-heat-object-attachment-upload
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
entry-id | The entry ID of the file in XSOAR's context | Required |
rec-id | Buisiness object ID | Required |
object-type | Type of object record | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
IvantiHeat.Attachment.AttachmentId | String | The ID of the attachment |
IvantiHeat.Attachment.FileName | String | The name of the attachment |
IvantiHeat.Attachment.RecId | String | Attachement buisiness object ID |
Command Example!ivanti-heat-object-attachment-upload object-type=problem rec-id=D14D995B entry-id=18ab951
Context Example#
Human Readable Output11.jpg uploaded successfully, attachment ID: A3039BF750
ivanti-heat-object-perform-actionPerforms quick actions for a business object. For example, close, clone or resolve an incident or a problem.
Base Commandivanti-heat-object-perform-action
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
object-type | Type of object record | Required |
object-id | Buisiness object ID | Required |
action | The action to perform | Required |
request-data | The request body in JSON format | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!ivanti-heat-object-perform-action action=Close_Incident object-id=123ABC object-type=incidents request-data=${ivantiHeat.CloseIncidentJSON}
Human Readable OutputClose_Incident action success
ivanti-heat-object-createcreate business objects available out-of-the-box, such as a Change, Problem, Incident, or any custom defined business object of your choice.
Base Commandivanti-heat-object-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
object-type | Type of object record | Required |
fields | The request body in JSON format, or using script for create the request payload e.g IvantiHeatCloseIncidentExample | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
IvantiHeat.incidents.RecId | String | Incident ID |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Subject | String | Incident subject |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Status | String | Incident status |
IvantiHeat.incidents.CreatedDateTime | Date | Incident createion time |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Symptom | String | Incident description |
IvantiHeat.incidents.OwnerTeam | String | Incident owner team |
IvantiHeat.incidents.IncidentNumber | Number | The incident number |
IvantiHeat.incidents.CreatedBy | String | The user who created the incident |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Owner | String | Incident owner |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Category | String | Incident category |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Priority | Number | Incident priority |
IvantiHeat.incidents.TypeOfIncident | String | Incident type |
IvantiHeat.incidents.ActualCategory | String | Incident actual category |
IvantiHeat.incidents.SocialTextHeader | String | Incident text header |
IvantiHeat.incidents.Email | String | Incident owner Email |
Command Example``!ivanti-heat-object-create object-type=incidents fields=
{"Category":"Connectivity","ProfileLink":"1087E597","Symptom":"the description","Subject":"test incident","Service":"Desktop Service","Owner":"johnny cash"}````
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
incidents object created successfully
RecId Subject Status CreatedDateTime Symptom OwnerTeam IncidentNumber CreatedBy Owner Category Priority TypeOfIncident ActualCategory SocialTextHeader FDF08798DE test incident Active 2020-07-05T12:28:16Z the description Service Desk 152 Admin jcash Connectivity 3 user@domain.com Failure Connectivity Incident 112: test incident