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This Integration is part of the Jamf Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 5.5.0 and later.

Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) for Apple devices (Mac, iPhone, Apple TV, iPad). Can be used to control various configurations via different policies, install and uninstall applications, lock devices, smart groups searches, and more. This integration was integrated and tested with version 10.28.0 of jamf v2 JAMF classic API:

Configure jamf v2 on Cortex XSOAR#

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.

  2. Search for JAMF v2.

  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.

    Server URLTrue
    Client IDFalse
    Client SecretFalse
    Trust any certificate (not secure)False
    Use system proxy settingsFalse
  4. Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.

Required Permissions#

In order to run JAMF V2 commands, the user should have a set of minimum permissions on the Jamf Pro server. Changing permissions on Jamf Pro server can be done using the following steps inside the Jamf Pro management GUI:

1.Go to “Management Settings → All Settings → Jamf Pro User Accounts & Group”

2.Click on the relevant user which is going to be used inside the integration.

3.Click the “Edit” button.

4.Under the “Account” tab, set the “Privilege Set” to “Custom” (or create a new user with “Privilege Set” as “Custom” if you don’t want to change the existing user’s permissions)

5.Under the “Privileges” tab, tick the relevant checkboxes based on the detailed permissions list below.

6.Click the “Save” button.

Combined permissions for all of the commands:
Jamf Pro Server Objects → Computers → Read
Jamf Pro Server Objects → Computers → Create
Jamf Pro Server Objects → Users → Read
Jamf Pro Server Objects → Mobile Devices → Read
Jamf Pro Server Objects → Mobile Devices → Create
Jamf Pro Server Objects → Advanced Computer Searches → Read
Jamf Pro Server Settings → Apple Education Support → Read
Jamf Pro Server Actions → Send Computer Remote Lock Command
Jamf Pro Server Actions → Send Computer Remote Wipe Command
Jamf Pro Server Actions → Send Mobile Device Lost Mode Command
Jamf Pro Server Actions → Send Mobile Device Remote Wipe Command
Jamf Pro Server Actions → View Mobile Device Lost Mode Location


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Returns a list of all computers with their associated IDs. By default, returns the first 50 computers to the context (ID + name). This command is a replacement for jamf-get-computers in jamf v1 integration.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Computers → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitThe maximum number of results to be returned on each page. The maximum size is 200. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe number of the requested page. Default is 0.Optional

Context Output#

JAMF.Computer.idNumberThe computer ID.
JAMF.Computer.nameStringThe computer name.
JAMF.Computer.Paging.total_resultsNumberThe number of computers returned in this specific search.
JAMF.Computer.Paging.page_sizeNumberThe number of computers returned on each page.
JAMF.Computer.Paging.current_pageNumberThe number of the requested page.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-computers limit=3

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"Computer": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Computer 95"
"id": 2,
"name": "Computer 104"
"id": 3,
"name": "Computer 124"
"Paging": {
"current_page": 0,
"page_size": 3,
"total_results": 137

Human Readable Output#

Paging for get computers#

Current PagePage SizeTotal Results

Jamf get computers result#

1Computer 95
2Computer 104
3Computer 124


Returns the “basic” subset for all of the computers. The “basic” subset includes: MAC address, model, UDID, name, department, building, serial number, username, ID.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Computers → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitThe maximum number of results to be returned on each page. The maximum size is 200. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe number of the requested page. Default is 0.Optional

Context Output#

JAMF.Computer.idNumberThe computer ID.
JAMF.Computer.nameStringThe computer name.
JAMF.Computer.managedBooleanWhether the computer is managed.
JAMF.Computer.usernameStringThe computer username.
JAMF.Computer.modelStringThe computer model.
JAMF.Computer.departmentStringThe computer department.
JAMF.Computer.buildingStringThe computer building.
JAMF.Computer.mac_addressStringThe computer MAC address.
JAMF.Computer.udidStringThe computer UDID.
JAMF.Computer.serial_numberStringThe computer serial number.
JAMF.Computer.report_date_utcDateThe computer report date in UTC format.
JAMF.Computer.report_date_epochNumberThe computer report date in epoch format.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-computers-basic-subset limit=3

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"Computer": [
"building": "",
"department": "",
"id": 1,
"mac_address": "18:5B:35:CA:12:56",
"managed": false,
"model": "MacBookPro9,2",
"name": "Computer 95",
"report_date_epoch": 1617021852595,
"report_date_utc": "2021-03-29T12:44:12.595+0000",
"serial_number": "BA40F81C60A2",
"udid": "BA40F812-60A3-11E4-90B8-12DF261F2C7E",
"username": "user91"
"building": "",
"department": "",
"id": 2,
"mac_address": "",
"managed": false,
"model": "",
"name": "Computer 104",
"report_date_epoch": 1617021852853,
"report_date_utc": "2021-03-29T12:44:12.853+0000",
"serial_number": "",
"udid": "18F1FDEE-1730-4840-BA15-42744EA7A1EF",
"username": ""
"building": "",
"department": "",
"id": 3,
"mac_address": "",
"managed": false,
"model": "",
"name": "Computer 124",
"report_date_epoch": 1617021853383,
"report_date_utc": "2021-03-29T12:44:13.383+0000",
"serial_number": "",
"udid": "10BA9E1B-8992-4664-A34F-423154CB9B0E",
"username": ""
"Paging": {
"current_page": 0,
"page_size": 3,
"total_results": 137

Human Readable Output#

Paging for get computers#

Current PagePage SizeTotal Results

Jamf get computers result#

IDMac AddressNameSerial NumberUDIDUsername
118:5B:35:CA:12:56Computer 95BA40F81C60A2CA40F812-60A3-11E4-90B8-12DF261F2C7Euser91
2Computer 10418F1FDEE-1730-4840-BA15-42744EA7A1EF
3Computer 12410BA9E1B-8992-4664-A34F-423154CB9B0E


Returns the "general" subset of a specific computer, e.g.: name, MAC address, IP, serial number, UDID, etc.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Computers → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idThe computer ID.
To get the computer ID, run the jamf-get-computers command to get all computers names and IDs.

Context Output#

JAMF.Computer.idNumberThe computer ID.
JAMF.Computer.nameStringThe computer name.
JAMF.Computer.network_adapter_typeStringThe computer network adapter type.
JAMF.Computer.mac_addressDateThe computer MAC address.
JAMF.Computer.alt_network_adapter_typeStringThe computer alt network adapter type.
JAMF.Computer.alt_mac_addressStringThe computer alt MAC address.
JAMF.Computer.ip_addressStringThe computer IP address.
JAMF.Computer.last_reported_ipStringThe computer last reported IP address.
JAMF.Computer.serial_numberStringThe computer serial number.
JAMF.Computer.udidStringThe computer UDID.
JAMF.Computer.jamf_versionStringThe computer Jamf version.
JAMF.Computer.platformStringThe computer platform.
JAMF.Computer.barcode_1StringThe computer barcode_1.
JAMF.Computer.barcode_2StringThe computer barcode_2.
JAMF.Computer.asset_tagStringThe computer asset tag.
JAMF.Computer.remote_management.managedBooleanWhether the computer is remotely managed.
JAMF.Computer.remote_management.management_usernameStringThe computer remote management username.
JAMF.Computer.supervisedBooleanWhether the computer is supervised.
JAMF.Computer.mdm_capableBooleanWhether the computer is enabled for mobile device management (MDM).
JAMF.Computer.mdm_capable_usersBooleanThe computer has MDM capable users.
JAMF.Computer.report_dateDateThe computer report date.
JAMF.Computer.report_date_epochDateThe computer report date in epoch format.
JAMF.Computer.report_date_utcDateThe computer report date in UTC format.
JAMF.Computer.last_contact_timeDateThe computer last contact time.
JAMF.Computer.last_contact_time_epochDateThe computer last contact time in epoch format.
JAMF.Computer.last_contact_time_utcDateThe computer last contact time in UTC format.
JAMF.Computer.initial_entry_dateDateThe computer initial entry date.
JAMF.Computer.initial_entry_date_epochDateThe computer initial entry date in epoch format.
JAMF.Computer.initial_entry_date_utcDateThe computer initial entry date in UTC format.
JAMF.Computer.last_cloud_backup_date_epochNumberThe computer last cloud backup date in epoch format.
JAMF.Computer.last_cloud_backup_date_utcStringThe computer last cloud backup date in UTC format.
JAMF.Computer.last_enrolled_date_epochDateThe computer last enrolled date in epoch format.
JAMF.Computer.last_enrolled_date_utcDateThe computer last enrolled date in UTC format.
JAMF.Computer.mdm_profile_expiration_epochNumberThe computer MDM profile expiration in epoch format.
JAMF.Computer.mdm_profile_expiration_utcStringThe computer MDM profile expiration in UTC format.
JAMF.Computer.distribution_pointStringThe computer distribution point.
JAMF.Computer.susStringThe computer software updated service (SUS).
JAMF.Computer.netboot_serverStringThe computer netbbot server. computer site ID. computer site name.
JAMF.Computer.itunes_store_account_is_activeBooleanThe computer iTunes store account.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-computer-by-id id=1

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"Computer": {
"alt_mac_address": "B0:34:95:EC:97:C4",
"alt_network_adapter_type": "",
"asset_tag": "",
"barcode_1": "",
"barcode_2": "",
"distribution_point": "",
"id": 1,
"initial_entry_date": "2021-03-29",
"initial_entry_date_epoch": 1617021852322,
"initial_entry_date_utc": "2021-03-29T12:44:12.322+0000",
"ip_address": "",
"itunes_store_account_is_active": false,
"jamf_version": "9.6.29507.c",
"last_cloud_backup_date_epoch": 0,
"last_cloud_backup_date_utc": "",
"last_contact_time": "2014-10-24 10:26:55",
"last_contact_time_epoch": 1414146415335,
"last_contact_time_utc": "2014-10-24T10:26:55.335+0000",
"last_enrolled_date_epoch": 1414146339607,
"last_enrolled_date_utc": "2014-10-24T10:25:39.607+0000",
"last_reported_ip": "",
"mac_address": "18:5B:35:CA:12:56",
"mdm_capable": false,
"mdm_capable_users": {},
"mdm_profile_expiration_epoch": 0,
"mdm_profile_expiration_utc": "",
"name": "Computer 95",
"netboot_server": "",
"network_adapter_type": "",
"platform": "Mac",
"remote_management": {
"managed": false,
"management_password_sha256": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b812",
"management_username": ""
"report_date": "2021-03-29 12:44:12",
"report_date_epoch": 1617021852595,
"report_date_utc": "2021-03-29T12:44:12.595+0000",
"serial_number": "BA40F81C60A2",
"site": {
"id": -1,
"name": "None"
"supervised": false,
"sus": "",
"udid": "CA40F812-60A3-11E4-90B8-12DF261F2C7E"

Human Readable Output#

Jamf get computers result for computer ID: 1#

IDIP AddressJamf VersionMAC AddressNamePlatformSerial NumberUDID
1123. 95MacBA40F81C60A2CA40F812-60A3-11E4-90B8-12DF261F2C7E


Matches computers by specific characteristics and returns general data on each of the computers.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Computers → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitThe maximum number of results to be returned on each page. The maximum size is 200. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe number of the requested page. Default is 0.Optional
matchMatch computers by specific characteristics (supports wildcards) such as: name, UDID, serial_number, mac_address, username, realname, email. e.g.: “match=john*”, “match=C52F72FACB9T”.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.Computer.idNumberThe computer ID.
JAMF.Computer.nameStringThe computer name.
JAMF.Computer.udidStringThe computer UDID.
JAMF.Computer.serial_numberStringThe computer serial number.
JAMF.Computer.mac_addressStringThe computer MAC address.
JAMF.Computer.alt_mac_addressStringThe computer alt MAC address.
JAMF.Computer.asset_tagStringThe computer asset tag.
JAMF.Computer.bar_code_1StringThe computer barcode 1.
JAMF.Computer.bar_code_2StringThe computer barcode 2.
JAMF.Computer.usernameStringThe computer username.
JAMF.Computer.realnameStringThe computer real name.
JAMF.Computer.emailStringThe computer email address.
JAMF.Computer.email_addressStringThe computer email address.
JAMF.Computer.roomStringThe computer room.
JAMF.Computer.positionStringThe computer position.
JAMF.Computer.buildingStringThe computer building.
JAMF.Computer.building_nameStringThe computer building name.
JAMF.Computer.departmentStringThe computer department.
JAMF.Computer.department_nameStringThe computer department name.
JAMF.Computer.Paging.total_resultsNumberThe number of computers returned in this specific search.
JAMF.Computer.Paging.page_sizeNumberThe number of computers to be returned on each page.
JAMF.Computer.Paging.current_pageNumberThe number of the requested page.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-computer-by-match match="Computer 9*" limit=3

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"Computer": [
"alt_mac_address": "B0:34:95:EC:97:C4",
"asset_tag": "",
"bar_code_1": "",
"bar_code_2": "",
"building": "",
"building_name": "",
"department": "",
"department_name": "",
"email": "",
"email_address": "",
"id": 1,
"mac_address": "18:5B:35:CA:12:56",
"name": "Computer 95",
"position": "",
"realname": "User 91",
"room": "100 Walker Street\t \r\nLevel 14, Suite 3",
"serial_number": "BA40F81C60A2",
"udid": "CA40F812-60A3-11E4-90B8-12DF261F2C7E",
"username": "user91"
"alt_mac_address": "72:00:04:22:5F:10",
"asset_tag": "JS002221",
"bar_code_1": "",
"bar_code_2": "",
"building": "",
"building_name": "",
"department": "",
"department_name": "",
"email": "",
"email_address": "",
"id": 49,
"mac_address": "3C:15:C2:DC:7D:22",
"name": "Computer 9",
"position": "",
"realname": "User 81",
"room": "1011 Washington Avenue S\r\nSuite 350",
"serial_number": "CA41077660A3",
"udid": "CA41076C-60A3-11E4-90B8-12DF261F2C7E",
"username": "user81"
"alt_mac_address": "B8:8D:12:40:ED:6A",
"asset_tag": "JS000531",
"bar_code_1": "",
"bar_code_2": "",
"building": "",
"building_name": "",
"department": "",
"department_name": "",
"email": "",
"email_address": "",
"id": 56,
"mac_address": "3C:07:54:58:A4:E2",
"name": "Computer 92",
"position": "",
"realname": "User 72",
"room": "81 Freedom Hills Dr",
"serial_number": "CA40F73660A3",
"udid": "CA40F72C-60A3-11E4-90B8-12DF261F2C7E",
"username": "user72"
"Paging": {
"current_page": 0,
"page_size": 3,
"total_results": 10

Human Readable Output#

Paging for get computers#

Current PagePage SizeTotal Results

Jamf get computers result#

IDMac AddressNameSerial NumberUDIDUsername
118:5B:35:CA:12:56Computer 95BA40F81C60A2CA40F812-60A3-11E4-90B8-12DF261F2C7Euser91
493C:15:C2:DC:7D:22Computer 9CA41077660A3CA41076C-60A3-11E4-90B8-12DF261F2C7Euser81
563C:07:54:58:A4:E2Computer 92CA40F73660A3CA40F72C-60A3-11E4-90B8-12DF261F2C7Euser72


Returns the general subset for a specific computer according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Computers → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.idNumberThe computer ID.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.nameStringThe computer name.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.network_adapter_typeStringThe computer network adapter type.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.mac_addressDateThe computer MAC address.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.alt_network_adapter_typeStringThe computer alt network adapter type.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.alt_mac_addressStringThe computer alt MAC address.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.ip_addressStringThe computer IP address.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.last_reported_ipStringThe computer last reported IP address.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.serial_numberStringThe computer serial number.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.udidStringThe computer UDID.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.jamf_versionStringThe computer Jamf version.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.platformStringThe computer platform.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.barcode_1StringThe computer barcode 1.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.barcode_2StringThe computer barcode 2.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.asset_tagStringThe computer asset tag.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.remote_management.managedBooleanWhether the computer is remotely managed.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.remote_management.management_usernameStringThe computer managment username.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.supervisedBooleanWhether the computer is supervised.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.mdm_capableBooleanWhether the computer is MDM capable.
JAMF.Computer.general.mdm_capable_usersBooleanWhether the computer has MDM capable users.
JAMF.Computer.general.management_status.enrolled_via_depBooleanWhether the computer was enrolled via DEP.
JAMF.Computer.general.management_status.user_approved_enrollmentBooleanWhether the enrollment is user-approved.
JAMF.Computer.general.management_status.user_approved_mdmBooleanWhether the MDM is user-approved.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.report_dateDateThe computer report date.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.report_date_epochDateThe computer report date in epoch format.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.report_date_utcDateThe computer report date in UTC format.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.last_contact_timeDateThe computer last contact time.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.last_contact_time_epochDateThe computer last contact time in epoch format.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.last_contact_time_utcDateThe computer last contact time in UTC format.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.initial_entry_dateDateThe computer initial entry date.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.initial_entry_date_epochDateThe computer initial entry date in epoch format.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.initial_entry_date_utcDateThe computer initial entry date in UTC format.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.last_cloud_backup_date_epochNumberThe computer last cloud backup date in epoch format.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.last_cloud_backup_date_utcStringThe computer last cloud backup date in UTC format.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.last_enrolled_date_epochDateThe computer last enrolled date in epoch format.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.last_enrolled_date_utcDateThe computer last enrolled date in UTC format.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.mdm_profile_expiration_epochNumberThe computer MDM profile expiration in epoch format.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.mdm_profile_expiration_utcStringThe computer MDM profile expiration in UTC format.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.distribution_pointStringThe computer distribution point format.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.susStringThe computer SUS.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.netboot_serverStringThe computer netbbot server. computer site ID. computer site name.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.general.itunes_store_account_is_activeBooleanThe computer iTunes store account.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-computer-general-subset identifier=name identifier_value="Computer 95"

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"ComputerSubset": {
"computer": {
"general": {
"alt_mac_address": "B0:34:95:EC:97:C4",
"alt_network_adapter_type": "",
"asset_tag": "",
"barcode_1": "",
"barcode_2": "",
"distribution_point": "",
"id": 1,
"initial_entry_date": "2021-03-29",
"initial_entry_date_epoch": 1617021852322,
"initial_entry_date_utc": "2021-03-29T12:44:12.322+0000",
"ip_address": "",
"itunes_store_account_is_active": false,
"jamf_version": "9.6.29507.c",
"last_cloud_backup_date_epoch": 0,
"last_cloud_backup_date_utc": "",
"last_contact_time": "2014-10-24 10:26:55",
"last_contact_time_epoch": 1414146415335,
"last_contact_time_utc": "2014-10-24T10:26:55.335+0000",
"last_enrolled_date_epoch": 1414146339607,
"last_enrolled_date_utc": "2014-10-24T10:25:39.607+0000",
"last_reported_ip": "",
"mac_address": "18:5B:35:CA:12:56",
"mdm_capable": false,
"mdm_capable_users": {},
"mdm_profile_expiration_epoch": 0,
"mdm_profile_expiration_utc": "",
"name": "Computer 95",
"netboot_server": "",
"network_adapter_type": "",
"platform": "Mac",
"remote_management": {
"managed": false,
"management_password_sha256": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b812",
"management_username": ""
"report_date": "2021-03-29 12:44:12",
"report_date_epoch": 1617021852595,
"report_date_utc": "2021-03-29T12:44:12.595+0000",
"serial_number": "BA40F81C60A2",
"site": {
"id": -1,
"name": "None"
"supervised": false,
"sus": "",
"udid": "CA40F812-60A3-11E4-90B8-12DF261F2C7E"
"id": 1

Human Readable Output#

Jamf computer General subset result#

Alternate MAC addressIDIP addressMAC addressManagedNamePlatformSerial NumberUDID
B0:34:95:EC:97:C41123.243.192.2118:5B:35:CA:12:56falseComputer 95MacBA40F81C60A2CA40F812-60A3-11E4-90B8-12DF261F2C7E


Returns the location subset for a specific computer according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Computers → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.ComputerSubset.location.usernameStringThe computer username.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.location.realnameStringThe computer real name.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.location.real_nameStringThe computer real name.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.location.email_addressStringThe computer email address.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.location.positionStringThe computer position.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.location.phoneStringThe computer phone number.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.location.phone_numberStringThe computer phone number.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.location.departmentStringThe computer department.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.location.buildingStringThe computer building.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.location.roomStringThe computer room.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.idNumberThe computer ID.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-computer-location-subset identifier=name identifier_value="Computer 95"

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"ComputerSubset": {
"computer": {
"id": 1,
"location": {
"building": "",
"department": "",
"email_address": "",
"phone": "612-605-6625",
"phone_number": "612-605-6625",
"position": "",
"real_name": "User 91",
"realname": "User 91",
"room": "100 Walker Street\t \r\nLevel 14, Suite 3",
"username": "user91"

Human Readable Output#

Jamf computer Location subset result#

Email AddressPhoneReal NameRoomUsername
User91@email.com612-605-6625User 91100 Walker Street
Level 14, Suite 3


Returns the purchasing subset for a specific computer according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Computers → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.ComputerSubset.purchasing.is_purchasedBooleanIf the computer is purchased.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.purchasing.is_leasedBooleanIf the computer is leased.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.purchasing.po_numberStringThe computer PO number.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.purchasing.vendorStringThe computer vendor.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.purchasing.applecare_idStringThe computer AppleCare ID.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.purchasing.purchase_priceStringThe computer purchase price.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.purchasing.purchasing_accountStringThe computer purchase account.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.purchasing.po_dateStringThe computer PO date.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.purchasing.po_date_epochNumberThe computer PO date in epoch format.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.purchasing.po_date_utcStringThe computer PO date in UTC format.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.purchasing.warranty_expiresStringThe computer warranty expiration date.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.purchasing.warranty_expires_epochNumberThe computer warranty expiration date in epoch format.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.purchasing.warranty_expires_utcStringThe computer warranty expiration date in UTC format.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.purchasing.lease_expiresStringThe computer warranty lease expiration date.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.purchasing.lease_expires_epochNumberThe computer warranty lease expiration date in epoch time.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.purchasing.lease_expires_utcStringThe computer warranty lease expiration date in UTC format.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.purchasing.life_expectancyNumberThe computer life expectancy.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.purchasing.purchasing_contactStringThe computer purchasing contact.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.purchasing.os_applecare_idStringThe computer operating system AppleCare ID.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.purchasing.os_maintenance_expiresStringThe computer operating system maintenance expiration date.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.idNumberThe computer ID.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-computer-purchasing-subset identifier=name identifier_value="Computer 95"

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"ComputerSubset": {
"computer": {
"id": 1,
"purchasing": {
"applecare_id": "",
"attachments": [],
"is_leased": false,
"is_purchased": true,
"lease_expires": "",
"lease_expires_epoch": 0,
"lease_expires_utc": "",
"life_expectancy": 0,
"os_applecare_id": "",
"os_maintenance_expires": "",
"po_date": "",
"po_date_epoch": 0,
"po_date_utc": "",
"po_number": "",
"purchase_price": "",
"purchasing_account": "",
"purchasing_contact": "",
"vendor": "",
"warranty_expires": "",
"warranty_expires_epoch": 0,
"warranty_expires_utc": ""

Human Readable Output#

Jamf computer Purchasing subset result#

Is LeasedIs Purchased


Returns the peripherals subset for a specific computer according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Computers → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.ComputerSubset.peripheralsNumberThe computer peripherals.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.idNumberThe computer ID.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-computer-peripherals-subset identifier=name identifier_value="Computer 95"

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"ComputerSubset": {
"computer": {
"id": 1,
"peripherals": []

Human Readable Output#

Jamf computer Peripherals subset result#

No entries.


Returns the hardware subset for a specific computer according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Computers → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.makeStringThe computer maker.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.modelStringThe computer model.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.model_identifierStringThe computer model ID.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.os_nameStringThe computer operating system name.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.os_versionStringThe computer operating system version.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.os_buildStringThe computer operating system build.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.master_password_setBooleanWhether the master password is set for the computer.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.active_directory_statusStringThe computer active directory status.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.service_packStringThe computer service pack.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.processor_typeStringThe computer processor type.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.processor_architectureStringThe computer processor architecture.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.processor_speedNumberThe computer processor speed.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.processor_speed_mhzNumberThe computer processor speed in MHz.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.number_processorsNumberThe number of processors in the computer.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.number_coresNumberThe number of cores in the computer.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.total_ramNumberThe amount of RAM in the computer.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.total_ram_mbNumberThe amount of RAM in the computer in MB.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.boot_romStringThe computer boot ROM.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.bus_speedNumberThe computer bus speed.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.bus_speed_mhzNumberThe computer bus speed in MHz.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.battery_capacityNumberThe computer battery capacity.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.cache_sizeNumberThe computer cache size.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.cache_size_kbNumberThe computer cache size in KB.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.available_ram_slotsNumberThe number of available RAM slots.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.optical_driveStringThe computer optical drive.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.nic_speedStringThe computer NIC speed.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.smc_versionStringThe compute SMC version.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.ble_capableBooleanWhether the computer is BLE capable.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.supports_ios_app_installsBooleanIf the computer supports iOS app installations.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.sip_statusStringThe computer SIP status.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.gatekeeper_statusStringThe computer gatekeeper status.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.xprotect_versionStringThe computer xprotect version.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.institutional_recovery_keyStringThe computer institutional recovery key.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.hardware.disk_encryption_configurationStringThe computer disk encryption configuration. computer disk storage. computer model storage. computer revision storage. computer storage serial number. computer storage size. computer storage drive capacity in MB. computer storage connection type. computer storage smart status. computer storage partition name. computer storage partition size. computer storage partition type. computer storage partition capacity in MB. percentage of the storage partition that is full. amount of computer storage partition available in MB. computer storage partition filevault status. computer storage partition filevault percent. computer storage partition second filevault status. computer storage partition second filevault percent. available space on the computer storage partition boot drive in MB. computer storage partition logical volume group (lvg) UUID. computer storage partition logical volume (lv) UUID. computer storage partition physical volume (pv) UUID.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.idNumberThe computer ID.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-computer-hardware-subset identifier=id identifier_value="138"

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"ComputerSubset": {
"computer": {
"hardware": {
"active_directory_status": "Not Bound",
"available_ram_slots": 0,
"battery_capacity": 83,
"ble_capable": true,
"boot_rom": "1554. (iBridge: 18.16.14347.0.0,0)",
"bus_speed": 0,
"bus_speed_mhz": 0,
"cache_size": 8192,
"cache_size_kb": 8192,
"disk_encryption_configuration": "",
"filevault2_users": [
"gatekeeper_status": "App Store and identified developers",
"institutional_recovery_key": "Not Present",
"make": "Apple",
"mapped_printers": [],
"model": "MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2018)",
"model_identifier": "MacBookPro15,2",
"nic_speed": "10/100",
"number_cores": 4,
"number_processors": 1,
"optical_drive": "",
"os_build": "20D91",
"os_name": "macOS",
"os_version": "11.2.3",
"processor_architecture": "x86_64",
"processor_speed": 2700,
"processor_speed_mhz": 2700,
"processor_type": "Quad-Core Intel Core i7",
"service_pack": "",
"sip_status": "Enabled",
"smc_version": "",
"storage": [
"connection_type": "NO",
"disk": "disk0",
"drive_capacity_mb": 500277,
"model": "APPLE SSD AP0512M",
"partitions": [
"available_mb": 480067,
"boot_drive_available_mb": 480067,
"filevault2_percent": 0,
"filevault2_status": "Not Encrypted",
"filevault_percent": 0,
"filevault_status": "Not Encrypted",
"lvUUID": "",
"lvgUUID": "",
"name": "HD (Boot Partition)",
"partition_capacity_mb": 499963,
"percentage_full": 4,
"pvUUID": "",
"size": 499963,
"type": "boot"
"available_mb": 480067,
"filevault2_percent": 0,
"filevault2_status": "Not Encrypted",
"filevault_percent": 0,
"filevault_status": "Not Encrypted",
"name": "VM",
"partition_capacity_mb": 499963,
"percentage_full": 1,
"size": 499963,
"type": "other"
"available_mb": 480067,
"filevault2_percent": 0,
"filevault2_status": "Not Encrypted",
"filevault_percent": 0,
"filevault_status": "Not Encrypted",
"name": "Preboot",
"partition_capacity_mb": 499963,
"percentage_full": 1,
"size": 499963,
"type": "other"
"available_mb": 480067,
"filevault2_percent": 0,
"filevault2_status": "Not Encrypted",
"filevault_percent": 0,
"filevault_status": "Not Encrypted",
"name": "Update",
"partition_capacity_mb": 499963,
"percentage_full": 1,
"size": 499963,
"type": "other"
"available_mb": 480067,
"filevault2_percent": 0,
"filevault2_status": "Not Encrypted",
"filevault_percent": 0,
"filevault_status": "Not Encrypted",
"name": "Data",
"partition_capacity_mb": 499963,
"percentage_full": 1,
"size": 499963,
"type": "other"
"available_mb": 480067,
"filevault2_percent": 0,
"filevault2_status": "Not Encrypted",
"filevault_percent": 0,
"filevault_status": "Not Encrypted",
"name": "HD - Data",
"partition_capacity_mb": 499963,
"percentage_full": 1,
"size": 499963,
"type": "other"
"revision": "1161.80.",
"serial_number": "C02834600HKJN1N15",
"size": 500277,
"smart_status": "Verified"
"supports_ios_app_installs": false,
"total_ram": 16384,
"total_ram_mb": 16384,
"xprotect_version": "2144"
"id": 138

Human Readable Output#

Jamf computer Hardware subset result#

{'disk0': 500277}


Returns the certificates subset for a specific computer according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Computers → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.ComputerSubset.certificates.common_nameStringThe certificat common name.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.certificates.identityBooleanThe certificat identity.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.certificates.expires_utcDateThe certificat expiration date in UTC format.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.certificates.expires_epochNumberThe certificat expiration date in epoch format.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.certificates.nameStringThe certificat name.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.idNumberThe computer ID.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-computer-certificates-subset identifier=id identifier_value="138"

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"ComputerSubset": {
"computer": {
"certificates": [
"common_name": "",
"expires_epoch": 2249728390000,
"expires_utc": "2041-04-16T12:33:10.000+0000",
"identity": true,
"name": ""
"common_name": "Palo Alto Networks JSS Built-in Certificate Authority",
"expires_epoch": 1930290855000,
"expires_utc": "2031-03-03T07:54:15.000+0000",
"identity": false,
"name": ""
"common_name": "",
"expires_epoch": 2249728390000,
"expires_utc": "2041-04-16T12:33:10.000+0000",
"identity": true,
"name": ""
"common_name": "221D61D2-B794-4128-8FFF-8C4A618A9056",
"expires_epoch": 1682082455000,
"expires_utc": "2023-04-21T13:07:35.000+0000",
"identity": true,
"name": ""
"id": 138

Human Readable Output#

Jamf computer Certificates subset result#

Common NameExpires EpochExpires UTCIdentity
Palo Alto Networks JSS Built-in Certificate Authority19302908550002031-03-03T07:54:15.000+0000false


Returns the security subset for a specific computer according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Computers → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

PathTypeDescription computer activation lock. computer secure boot level. computer external boot level.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.idNumberThe computer ID.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-computer-security-subset identifier=name identifier_value="Computer 95"

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"ComputerSubset": {
"computer": {
"id": 1,
"security": {
"activation_lock": false,
"external_boot_level": "unknown",
"secure_boot_level": "unknown"

Human Readable Output#

Jamf computer Security subset result#

Common NameExpires UTCIdentity


Returns the software subset for a specific computer according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Computers → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

PathTypeDescription computer software's Unix executables. computer software's licensed software name. computer software that was installed by Jamf PRO. computer software that was installed either by an installer, an app or a software update. computer software that was cached by Jamf PRO. name of the available software updates. name of the available updates. name of the available update package. version of the available update. computer running service name. computer application name. computer application path. computer application version. computer application bundle ID. computer font name. computer font path. computer font version. computer plugin name. computer plugin path. computer plugin version.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.idNumberThe computer ID.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-computer-software-subset identifier=name identifier_value="Computer 95"

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"ComputerSubset": {
"computer": {
"id": 1,
"software": {
"applications": [
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "Activity",
"path": "/Applications/Utilities/Activity",
"version": "10.10.0"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "AirPort",
"path": "/Applications/Utilities/AirPort",
"version": "6.3.4"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "App",
"path": "/Applications/App",
"version": "2.0"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "Audio MIDI",
"path": "/Applications/Utilities/Audio MIDI",
"version": "3.0.6"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "",
"path": "/Applications/",
"version": "2.5"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "Bluetooth File",
"path": "/Applications/Utilities/Bluetooth File",
"version": "4.3.0"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "Boot Camp",
"path": "/Applications/Utilities/Boot Camp",
"version": "5.1.2"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "",
"path": "/Applications/",
"version": "10.8"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "",
"path": "/Applications/",
"version": "8.0"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "",
"path": "/Applications/",
"version": "3.10"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "ColorSync",
"path": "/Applications/Utilities/ColorSync",
"version": "4.10.0"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "",
"path": "/Applications/Utilities/",
"version": "10.10"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "",
"path": "/Applications/",
"version": "9.0"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "",
"path": "/Applications/",
"version": "1.8"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "",
"path": "/Applications/",
"version": "2.2.1"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "Digital Color",
"path": "/Applications/Utilities/Digital Color",
"version": "5.10"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "Disk",
"path": "/Applications/Utilities/Disk",
"version": "13"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "DVD",
"path": "/Applications/DVD",
"version": "5.7"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "",
"path": "/Applications/",
"version": "3.0"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "Font",
"path": "/Applications/Font",
"version": "5.0"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "Game",
"path": "/Applications/Game",
"version": "2.0"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "",
"path": "/Applications/Utilities/",
"version": "1.8"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "",
"path": "/Applications/Utilities/",
"version": "2.5"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "",
"path": "/Applications/",
"version": "1.1"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "Image",
"path": "/Applications/Image",
"version": "6.6"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "",
"path": "/Applications/",
"version": "12.0"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "Keychain",
"path": "/Applications/Utilities/Keychain",
"version": "9.0"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "",
"path": "/Applications/",
"version": "1.0"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "",
"path": "/Applications/",
"version": "8.0"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "",
"path": "/Applications/",
"version": "2.0"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "",
"path": "/Applications/",
"version": "8.0"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "Migration",
"path": "/Applications/Utilities/Migration",
"version": "5"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "Mission",
"path": "/Applications/Mission",
"version": "1.2"
"bundle_id": "",
"name": "",
"path": "/Applications/",
"version": "3.0"
"available_software_updates": [],
"available_updates": {},
"cached_by_casper": [],
"fonts": [],
"installed_by_casper": [],
"installed_by_installer_swu": [],
"licensed_software": [],
"plugins": [],
"running_services": [],
"unix_executables": []

Human Readable Output#

Jamf computer Software subset result#

Number of installed applicationsNumber of running services


Returns the extension attributes subset for a specific computer according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Computers → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.ComputerSubset.extension_attributes.idNumberThe computer extension attributes ID.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.extension_attributes.nameStringThe computer extension attributes name.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.extension_attributes.typeStringThe computer extension attributes type.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.extension_attributes.multi_valueBooleanThe computer extension attributes multi value.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.extension_attributes.valueStringThe computer extension attributes value.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.idNumberThe computer ID.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-computer-extension-attributes-subset identifier=name identifier_value="Computer 95"

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"ComputerSubset": {
"computer": {
"extension_attributes": [
"id": 5,
"multi_value": false,
"name": "Battery Cycle Count",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"id": 4,
"multi_value": false,
"name": "JNUC-2019-LabUser",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"id": 1,
"multi_value": false,
"name": "Local Password",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"id": 2,
"multi_value": false,
"name": "Test",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"id": 6,
"multi_value": false,
"name": "Tomer test",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"id": 7,
"multi_value": false,
"name": "tomer test 2",
"type": "Number",
"value": ""
"id": 3,
"multi_value": false,
"name": "Usage Policy Violation",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"id": 1

Human Readable Output#

Jamf computer ExtensionAttributes subset result#

5Battery Cycle CountStringfalse
1Local PasswordStringfalse
6Tomer testStringfalse
7tomer test 2Numberfalse
3Usage Policy ViolationStringfalse


Returns the groups accounts subset for a specific computer according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Computers → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.ComputerSubset.groups_accounts.computer_group_membershipsStringThe computer group memberships.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.groups_accounts.local_accounts.nameStringThe computer local account name.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.groups_accounts.local_accounts.realnameStringThe computer local account real name.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.groups_accounts.local_accounts.uidStringThe computer local account UID.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.groups_accounts.local_accounts.homeStringThe computer local account home.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.groups_accounts.local_accounts.home_sizeStringThe computer local account name size.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.groups_accounts.local_accounts.home_size_mbNumberThe computer local account size in MB.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.groups_accounts.local_accounts.administratorBooleanWhether the computer is the local account administrator.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.groups_accounts.local_accounts.filevault_enabledBooleanWhether the computer filevault is enabled.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.groups_accounts.user_inventories.disable_automatic_loginBooleanWhether automatic login is disabled.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.groups_accounts.user_inventories.user.usernameStringThe computer user inventories user's username.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.groups_accounts.user_inventories.user.password_history_depthStringNumber of unique passcodes before reuse.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.groups_accounts.user_inventories.user.password_min_lengthStringSmallest number of passcode characters allowed.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.groups_accounts.user_inventories.user.password_max_ageStringNumber of days until the passcode must be changed.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.groups_accounts.user_inventories.user.password_min_complex_charactersStringSmallest number of non-alphanumeric characters allowed.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.groups_accounts.user_inventories.user.password_require_alphanumericStringPasscode rule (must contain at least one letter and one number).
JAMF.ComputerSubset.idNumberThe computer ID.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-computer-groups-accounts-subset identifier=id identifier_value="138"

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"ComputerSubset": {
"computer": {
"groups_accounts": {
"computer_group_memberships": [
"All Managed Clients",
"Security: POODLE, All Clients at Risk",
"All Clients: OS X 10.10",
"Compliance: No Inventory Report for 14 Days",
"All Clients: Last Enrollment More Than 5 Days Ago",
"All Clients: Invalid Apple Software Update Catalog URL",
"All Clients: FDERecovery Agent is Present/Running and has Valid Individual Key",
"FileVault 2: Invalid Individual Key, Mgmt Account is NOT FV2 User",
"App: IntelliJ IDEA 13",
"Printers: Does not have Riverfront Building",
"FileVault 2: Invalid Individual Key, Mgmt Account is FV2 User",
"All Clients: Mavericks, Not Running 10.9.5",
"Printers: Does not have Minneapolis Office",
"FileVault 2: Invalid Individual Key, Mgmt Account is FV2 User, Has JAMF Institutional Key",
"Group Name",
"App: Genymotion Installed",
"Security: POODLE, Firefox Update Required (2014-10-15)",
"App: Microsoft Outlook 2011",
"Compliance: All Clients Not in Compliance",
"All Clients: Mountain Lion, Not Running 10.8.5",
"FileVault 2: Valid Individual Key, Needs Mgmt Account as FV2 User",
"Security: POODLE, Safari Updates Required (2014-10-15)",
"Security: POODLE, OS Updates Required",
"App: VMware Fusion Installed",
"Security: Shellshock, Patch Ineligible",
"Staff: Online Services",
"All Clients: No Assigned User (Not in Inventory)",
"FileVault 2: Valid Individual Key, Mgmt Account is FV2 User, has JAMF Institutional Key",
"Security: POODLE, Chrome Update Required (2014-10-15)",
"Security: Shellshock, Patch Required",
"FileVault 2: Has JAMF Institutional Key",
"App: TextExpander Installed",
"FileVault 2: Valid Individual Key, Needs JAMF Institutional Key",
"Security: Shellshock, Patch Applied",
"FileVault 2: Currently Encrypting",
"FileVault 2: Invalid Individual Key, Mgmt Account is FV2 User, Needs JAMF Institutional Key",
"App: Parallels Desktop Installed",
"FileVault 2: Invalid Individual Key, Mgmt Account is NOT FV2 User, Needs JAMF Institutional Key",
"App: RubyMine 6",
"Test Test",
"Compliance: FileVault 2 Not Enabled",
"Test Smart Group",
"local_accounts": [
"administrator": true,
"filevault_enabled": true,
"home": "/Users/test",
"home_size": "-1MB",
"home_size_mb": -1,
"name": "test",
"realname": "test",
"uid": "504"
"administrator": true,
"filevault_enabled": true,
"home": "/Users/user",
"home_size": "-1MB",
"home_size_mb": -1,
"name": "user",
"realname": "user",
"uid": "502"
"user_inventories": {
"disable_automatic_login": true,
"user": {
"password_history_depth": "",
"password_max_age": "",
"password_min_complex_characters": "",
"password_min_length": "4",
"password_require_alphanumeric": "false",
"username": "test"
"id": 138

Human Readable Output#

Jamf computer GroupsAccounts subset result#

Number of groupsNumber of local accounts


Returns the iPhones subset for a specific computer according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Computers → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.ComputerSubset.iphonesStringThe commputer related iPhones.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.idNumberThe computer ID.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-computer-iphones-subset identifier=id identifier_value="138"

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"ComputerSubset": {
"computer": {
"id": 138,
"iphones": []

Human Readable Output#

Jamf computer iphones subset result#

No entries.


Returns the configuration profiles subset for a specific computer according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Computers → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.ComputerSubset.configuration_profiles.idNumberThe configuration profile ID.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.configuration_profiles.nameStringThe configuration profile name.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.configuration_profiles.uuidStringThe configuration profile UUID.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.configuration_profiles.is_removableBooleanIf the configuration profile is removable.
JAMF.ComputerSubset.idNumberThe computer ID.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-computer-configuration-profiles-subset identifier=id identifier_value="138"

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"ComputerSubset": {
"computer": {
"configuration_profiles": [
"id": -1,
"is_removable": false,
"name": "",
"uuid": ""
"id": -1,
"is_removable": false,
"name": "",
"uuid": ""
"id": -2,
"is_removable": false,
"name": "",
"uuid": ""
"id": 138

Human Readable Output#

Jamf computer ConfigurationProfiles subset result#

Configuration profile IDIs Removable


Sends the "DeviceLock" command to a computer. This command logs the user out of the computer, restarts the computer, and then locks the computer. Optional: Displays a message on the computer when it locks.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Actions → Send Computer Remote Lock Command

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Computers → Create


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
passcodeA 6-digit passcode to be used to unlock the computer after it was locked.Required
idThe ID of the computer that you want to lock.Required
lock_messageA message to display on the locked screen.Optional

Context Output#

JAMF.ComputerCommand.nameStringThe command name.
JAMF.ComputerCommand.command_uuidStringThe command UDID.
JAMF.ComputerCommand.computer_idStringThe computer ID.

Command Example#

!jamf-computer-lock id=138 passcode=123456

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"ComputerCommand": {
"command_uuid": "2f410832-c87e-4b4c-aab7-8edaa22b2e08",
"computer_id": "138",
"name": "DeviceLock"

Human Readable Output#

Computer 138 locked successfully#

Command UUIDComputer IDName


Sends the “EraseDevice'' command to a computer. Permanently erases all the data on the computer and sets a passcode when required by the computer hardware type.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Actions → Send Computer Remote Wipe Command

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Computers → Create


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
passcodeA 6-digit passcode that locks the computer after being erased.Required
idThe ID of the computer that you want to erase.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.ComputerCommand.nameStringThe command name.
JAMF.ComputerCommand.command_uuidStringThe command UDID.
JAMF.ComputerCommand.computer_idStringThe computer ID.

Command Example#

!jamf-computer-erase id=138 passcode=123456

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"ComputerCommand": {
"command_uuid": "91cfac41-7826-4d73-b8b7-9ab34848f2f2",
"computer_id": "138",
"name": "EraseDevice"

Human Readable Output#

Computer 138 erased successfully#

Command UUIDComputer IDName


Returns a list of users with their IDs and names. By default, returns the first 50 users to the context (ID + name).

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Users → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitMaximum number of users to retrieve. The maximal value is 200. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe number of the requested page. Default is 0.Optional

Context Output#

JAMF.User.idNumberThe user ID.
JAMF.User.nameStringThe user name.
JAMF.User.Paging.total_resultsNumberThe number of users returned in this specific search.
JAMF.User.Paging.page_sizeNumberThe number of users to be returned on each page.
JAMF.User.Paging.current_pageNumberThe number of requested page.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-users limit=3

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"User": [
"id": 81,
"name": "AHarrison"
"id": 80,
"name": "David.Aspir"
"id": 76,
"name": "dummy00001"
"Paging": {
"current_page": 0,
"page_size": 3,
"total_results": 98

Human Readable Output#

Paging for get users#

Current PagePage SizeTotal Results

Jamf get users result#

Total results:98 Results per page: 3 Page: 0 |ID|Name| |---|---| | 81 | AHarrison | | 80 | David.Aspir | | 76 | dummy00001 |


Returns a specific user with general data about the user according to the given ID.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Users → Read

Jamf Pro Server Settings → Apple Education Support → Read (in order to view these fields: “enable_custom_photo_url” and “custom_photo_url”)


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idThe user ID.
To get the user ID, run the jamf-get-users command to get all user names and IDs.

Context Output#

JAMF.User.idNumberThe user ID.
JAMF.User.nameStringThe user name.
JAMF.User.full_nameStringThe user full name.
JAMF.User.emailStringThe user email.
JAMF.User.email_addressStringThe user email address.
JAMF.User.phone_numberStringThe user phone number.
JAMF.User.positionStringThe user position.
JAMF.User.managed_apple_idStringThe user managed Apple ID.
JAMF.User.enable_custom_photo_urlBooleanWhether the user custom photo URL is enabled.
JAMF.User.custom_photo_urlStringThe user custom photo URL.
JAMF.User.ldap_server.idNumberThe user LDAP server ID.
JAMF.User.ldap_server.nameStringThe user LDAP server name.
JAMF.User.extension_attributes.idNumberThe user extension attributes ID.
JAMF.User.extension_attributes.nameStringThe user extension attributes name.
JAMF.User.extension_attributes.typeStringThe user extension attributes type.
JAMF.User.extension_attributes.valueStringThe user extension attributes value.
JAMF.User.sites.idNumberThe user's site ID.
JAMF.User.sites.nameStringThe user's site name.
JAMF.User.links.total_vpp_code_countNumberThe user total VPP code acount.
JAMF.User.links.vpp_assignments.idNumberThe VPP assignment ID that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.vpp_assignments.nameStringThe VPP assignment name that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.computers.idNumberThe computer ID that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.computers.nameStringThe computer name that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.peripherals.idNumberThe peripherals ID that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.peripherals.nameStringThe peripherals name that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.mobile_devices.idStringThe mobile device ID that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.mobile_devices.nameStringThe mobile device name that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.user_groups.sizeNumberThe user group size.
JAMF.User.user_groups.user_group.idNumberThe user group ID.
JAMF.User.user_groups.user_group.nameStringThe user group name.
JAMF.User.user_groups.user_group.is_smartBooleanWhether the user group is smart.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-user-by-id id=1

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"User": {
"custom_photo_url": "",
"email": "",
"email_address": "",
"enable_custom_photo_url": false,
"extension_attributes": [
"id": 1,
"name": "vip",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"id": 2,
"name": "test user attribute",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"full_name": "User 28",
"id": 1,
"ldap_server": {
"id": -1,
"name": "None"
"links": {
"computers": [
"id": 16,
"name": "Computer 3"
"id": 42,
"name": "Computer 36"
"id": 85,
"name": "Computer 96"
"mobile_devices": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Device 71"
"id": 28,
"name": "Device 70"
"id": 31,
"name": "Device 114"
"peripherals": [],
"total_vpp_code_count": 0,
"vpp_assignments": []
"managed_apple_id": "",
"name": "user28",
"phone_number": "612-605-6625",
"position": "",
"sites": [],
"user_groups": {
"size": 0

Human Readable Output#

Jamf get user result#



Returns a specific user with general data about the user according to the given name.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Users → Read

Jamf Pro Server Settings → Apple Education Support → Read (in order to view these fields: “enable_custom_photo_url” and “custom_photo_url”)


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameThe user name.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.User.idNumberThe user ID.
JAMF.User.nameStringThe user name.
JAMF.User.full_nameStringThe user full name.
JAMF.User.emailStringThe user email.
JAMF.User.email_addressStringThe user email address.
JAMF.User.phone_numberStringThe user phone number.
JAMF.User.positionStringThe user position.
JAMF.User.managed_apple_idStringThe user managed Apple ID.
JAMF.User.enable_custom_photo_urlBooleanWhether the user custom photo URL is enabled.
JAMF.User.custom_photo_urlStringThe user custom photo URL.
JAMF.User.ldap_server.idNumberThe user LDAP server ID.
JAMF.User.ldap_server.nameStringThe user LDAP server name.
JAMF.User.extension_attributes.idNumberThe user extension attributes ID.
JAMF.User.extension_attributes.nameStringThe user extension attributes name.
JAMF.User.extension_attributes.typeStringThe user extension attributes type.
JAMF.User.extension_attributes.valueStringThe user extension attributes value. user's site ID. user's site name.
JAMF.User.links.total_vpp_code_countNumberThe user total VPP code acount.
JAMF.User.links.vpp_assignments.idNumberThe VPP assignment ID that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.vpp_assignments.nameStringThe VPP assignment name that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.computers.idNumberThe computer ID that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.computers.nameStringThe computer name that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.peripherals.idNumberThe peripherals ID that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.peripherals.nameStringThe peripherals name that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.mobile_devices.idStringThe mobile device ID that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.mobile_devices.nameStringThe mobile device name that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.user_groups.sizeNumberThe user groups size.
JAMF.User.user_groups.user_group.idNumberThe user group ID.
JAMF.User.user_groups.user_group.nameStringThe user group name.
JAMF.User.user_groups.user_group.is_smartBooleanWhether the user group is smart.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-user-by-name name=tomertest

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"User": {
"custom_photo_url": "",
"email": "",
"email_address": "",
"enable_custom_photo_url": false,
"extension_attributes": [
"id": 1,
"name": "vip",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"id": 2,
"name": "test user attribute",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"full_name": "tomer test",
"id": 97,
"ldap_server": {
"id": 2,
"name": "AD XSOAR Ninja"
"links": {
"computers": [
"id": 138,
"name": "itadmin MacBook Pro"
"id": 139,
"name": "Tomer Mac"
"mobile_devices": [
"id": 114,
"name": "test iPhone"
"peripherals": [],
"total_vpp_code_count": 0,
"vpp_assignments": []
"managed_apple_id": "",
"name": "tomertest",
"phone_number": "",
"position": "",
"sites": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Mainz"
"id": 2,
"name": "Test4"
"id": 7,
"name": "Alpha"
"user_groups": {
"size": 0

Human Readable Output#

Jamf get user result#



Returns a specific user with general data about the user according to the given email.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Users → Read

Jamf Pro Server Settings → Apple Education Support → Read (in order to view these fields: “enable_custom_photo_url” and “custom_photo_url”)


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
emailThe user email.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.User.idNumberThe user ID.
JAMF.User.nameStringThe user name.
JAMF.User.full_nameStringThe user full name.
JAMF.User.emailStringThe user email.
JAMF.User.email_addressStringThe user email address.
JAMF.User.phone_numberStringThe user phone number.
JAMF.User.positionStringThe user position.
JAMF.User.managed_apple_idStringThe user managed Apple ID.
JAMF.User.enable_custom_photo_urlBooleanWhether the user custom photo URL is enabled.
JAMF.User.custom_photo_urlStringThe user custom photo URL.
JAMF.User.ldap_server.idNumberThe user LDAP server ID.
JAMF.User.ldap_server.nameStringThe user LDAP server name.
JAMF.User.extension_attributes.idNumberThe user extension attributes ID.
JAMF.User.extension_attributes.nameStringThe user extension attributes name.
JAMF.User.extension_attributes.typeStringThe user extension attributes type.
JAMF.User.extension_attributes.valueStringThe user extension attributes value. user's site ID. user's site name.
JAMF.User.links.total_vpp_code_countNumberThe user total VPP code acount.
JAMF.User.links.vpp_assignments.idNumberThe VPP assignment ID that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.vpp_assignments.nameStringThe VPP assignment name that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.computers.idNumberThe computer ID that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.computers.nameStringThe computer name that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.peripherals.idNumberThe peripherals ID that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.peripherals.nameStringThe peripherals name that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.mobile_devices.idStringThe mobile device ID that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.links.mobile_devices.nameStringThe mobile device name that is linked to the user.
JAMF.User.user_groups.sizeNumberThe user groups size.
JAMF.User.user_groups.user_group.idNumberThe user group ID.
JAMF.User.user_groups.user_group.nameStringThe user group name.
JAMF.User.user_groups.user_group.is_smartBooleanIf the user group is smart.

Command Example#


Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"User": {
"custom_photo_url": "",
"email": "",
"email_address": "",
"enable_custom_photo_url": false,
"extension_attributes": [
"id": 1,
"name": "vip",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"id": 2,
"name": "test user attribute",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"full_name": "User 28",
"id": 1,
"ldap_server": [
"id": -1
"name": "None"
"links": [
"computer": [
"id": 85
"name": "Computer 96"
"mobile_device": [
"id": 31
"name": "Device 114"
"total_vpp_code_count": 0
"managed_apple_id": "",
"name": "user28",
"phone_number": "612-605-6625",
"position": "",
"sites": [],
"user_groups": []

Human Readable Output#

Jamf get user result#



Returns a list of devices with basic data on each. By default, returns the first 50 devices to the context (ID + name).

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Mobile Devices → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitMaximum number of devices to retrieve. Maximal value is 200. Default is 50.Optional
pageNumber of requested page. Default is 0.Optional

Context Output#

JAMF.MobileDevice.idNumberThe mobile device ID.
JAMF.MobileDevice.nameStringThe mobile device name.
JAMF.MobileDevice.device_nameStringThe mobile device name.
JAMF.MobileDevice.udidStringThe mobile device UDID.
JAMF.MobileDevice.serial_numberStringThe mobile device serial number.
JAMF.MobileDevice.phone_numberStringThe mobile device phone number.
JAMF.MobileDevice.wifi_mac_addressStringThe mobile device WIFI MAC address.
JAMF.MobileDevice.managedBooleanWhether the mobile device is managed.
JAMF.MobileDevice.supervisedBooleanWhether the mobile device is supervised.
JAMF.MobileDevice.modelStringThe mobile device model.
JAMF.MobileDevice.model_identifierStringThe mobile device model ID.
JAMF.MobileDevice.modelDisplayStringThe mobile device model display.
JAMF.MobileDevice.model_displayStringThe mobile device model display.
JAMF.MobileDevice.usernameStringThe mobile device username.
JAMF.MobileDevice.Paging.total_resultsNumberThe number of mobile devices returned in this specific search.
JAMF.MobileDevice.Paging.page_sizeNumberThe number of mobile devices to be returned on each page.
JAMF.MobileDevice.Paging.current_pageNumberThe number of the requested page.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-mobile-devices limit=3

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"MobileDevice": [
"device_name": "Device 71",
"id": 1,
"managed": true,
"model": "iPad 3rd Generation (Wi-Fi)",
"modelDisplay": "iPad 3rd Generation (Wi-Fi)",
"model_display": "iPad 3rd Generation (Wi-Fi)",
"model_identifier": "iPad3,1",
"name": "Device 71",
"phone_number": "612-605-6625",
"serial_number": "CA44F4D060A3",
"supervised": false,
"udid": "ca44f4c660a311e490b812df261f2c7e",
"username": "user28",
"wifi_mac_address": "B0:65:BD:4E:50:5D"
"device_name": "Device 4",
"id": 2,
"managed": true,
"model": "iPad mini (CDMA)",
"modelDisplay": "iPad mini (CDMA)",
"model_display": "iPad mini (CDMA)",
"model_identifier": "iPad2,7",
"name": "Device 4",
"phone_number": "612-605-6625",
"serial_number": "CA44CA9660A3",
"supervised": false,
"udid": "ca44ca8c60a311e490b812df261f2c7e",
"username": "user82",
"wifi_mac_address": "5C:96:9D:15:B7:CF"
"device_name": "Device 68",
"id": 3,
"managed": true,
"model": "iPad mini (Wi-Fi Only)",
"modelDisplay": "iPad mini (Wi-Fi Only)",
"model_display": "iPad mini (Wi-Fi Only)",
"model_identifier": "iPad2,5",
"name": "Device 68",
"phone_number": "612-605-6625",
"serial_number": "CA44F34060A3",
"supervised": true,
"udid": "ca44f33660a311e490b812df261f2c7e",
"username": "user60",
"wifi_mac_address": "1C:E6:2B:A5:62:51"
"Paging": {
"current_page": 0,
"page_size": 3,
"total_results": 114

Human Readable Output#

Paging for get mobile devices#

Current PagePage SizeTotal Results

Jamf get mobile devices result#

IDNameSerial NumberUDID
1Device 71CA44F4D060A3ca44f4c660a311e490b812df261f2c7e
2Device 4CA44CA9660A3ca44ca8c60a311e490b812df261f2c7e
3Device 68CA44F34060A3ca44f33660a311e490b812df261f2c7e


Returns the "general" subset of a specific mobile device, e.g.: name, MAC address, IP, serial number, UDID. etc.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#


Jamf Pro Server Objects → Mobile Devices → Read

*Jamf Pro Server Actions → Send Mobile Device Lost Mode Command

**Jamf Pro Server Actions → View Mobile Device Lost Mode Location

*In order to view these fields:
** In order to view these fields (has to be combined with “Send Mobile Device Lost Mode Command” permission)


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idGets the “general” subset of a specific device.
To get the mobile device ID, run the jamf-get-mobile-devices command to get all mobile devices names and IDs.

Context Output#

JAMF.MobileDevice.idNumberThe mobile device ID.
JAMF.MobileDevice.display_nameStringThe mobile device display name.
JAMF.MobileDevice.device_nameStringThe mobile device name.
JAMF.MobileDevice.nameStringThe mobile device name.
JAMF.MobileDevice.asset_tagStringThe mobile device asset ID.
JAMF.MobileDevice.last_inventory_updateStringThe date of the mobile device last inventory update.
JAMF.MobileDevice.last_inventory_update_epochDateThe date of the mobile device last inventory update in epoch format.
JAMF.MobileDevice.last_inventory_update_utcDateThe date of the mobile device last inventory update in UTC format.
JAMF.MobileDevice.capacityNumberThe mobile device capacity.
JAMF.MobileDevice.capacity_mbNumberThe mobile device capacity in MB.
JAMF.MobileDevice.availableNumberThe mobile device available storage.
JAMF.MobileDevice.available_mbNumberThe mobile device available storage in MB.
JAMF.MobileDevice.percentage_usedNumberThe percentage of memory used.
JAMF.MobileDevice.os_typeStringThe mobile device operating system type.
JAMF.MobileDevice.os_versionStringThe mobile device operating system version.
JAMF.MobileDevice.os_buildStringThe mobile device operating system build.
JAMF.MobileDevice.serial_numberStringThe mobile device serial number.
JAMF.MobileDevice.udidStringThe mobile device UDID.
JAMF.MobileDevice.initial_entry_date_epochDateThe mobile device initial entry date in epoch format.
JAMF.MobileDevice.initial_entry_date_utcDateThe mobile device initial entry date in UTC format.
JAMF.MobileDevice.phone_numberStringThe mobile device phone number.
JAMF.MobileDevice.ip_addressStringThe mobile device IP address.
JAMF.MobileDevice.wifi_mac_addressStringThe mobile device WIFI MAC address.
JAMF.MobileDevice.bluetooth_mac_addressStringThe mobile device bluetooth MAC address.
JAMF.MobileDevice.modem_firmwareStringThe mobile device modem fireware.
JAMF.MobileDevice.modelStringThe mobile device model.
JAMF.MobileDevice.model_identifierStringThe mobile device model ID.
JAMF.MobileDevice.model_numberStringThe mobile device model number.
JAMF.MobileDevice.modelDisplayStringThe mobile device model display.
JAMF.MobileDevice.model_displayStringThe mobile device model display.
JAMF.MobileDevice.device_ownership_levelStringThe mobile device ownership level.
JAMF.MobileDevice.enrollment_methodStringThe mobile device enrollment method.
JAMF.MobileDevice.last_enrollment_epochNumberThe mobile device last enrollment in epoch.
JAMF.MobileDevice.last_enrollment_utcStringThe mobile device last enrollment in UTC format.
JAMF.MobileDevice.mdm_profile_expiration_epochNumberThe mobile device MDM profile expiration in epoch format.
JAMF.MobileDevice.mdm_profile_expiration_utcStringThe mobile device MDM profile expiration in UTC format.
JAMF.MobileDevice.managedBooleanWhether the mobile device is managed.
JAMF.MobileDevice.supervisedBooleanWhether the mobile device is supervised.
JAMF.MobileDevice.exchange_activesync_device_identifierStringThe mobile device exchange active sync device ID.
JAMF.MobileDevice.sharedStringWhether the device is shared.
JAMF.MobileDevice.diagnostic_submissionStringThe mobile device diagnostic submission.
JAMF.MobileDevice.app_analyticsStringThe mobile device app analytics.
JAMF.MobileDevice.tetheredStringThe mobile device tethered status.
JAMF.MobileDevice.battery_levelNumberThe mobile device battery level.
JAMF.MobileDevice.ble_capableBooleanWhether the mobile device is BLE capable.
JAMF.MobileDevice.device_locator_service_enabledBooleanWhether the mobile device locator service is enabled.
JAMF.MobileDevice.do_not_disturb_enabledBooleanWhether the mobile device do not disturb is enabled.
JAMF.MobileDevice.cloud_backup_enabledBooleanWhether the mobile device cloud backup is enabled.
JAMF.MobileDevice.last_cloud_backup_date_epochDateThe mobile device last cloud update backup date in epoch format.
JAMF.MobileDevice.last_cloud_backup_date_utcDateThe mobile device last cloud update backup date in UTC format.
JAMF.MobileDevice.location_services_enabledBooleanWhether the mobile device location services is enabled.
JAMF.MobileDevice.itunes_store_account_is_activeBooleanWhether the mobile device iTunes store account is enabled.
JAMF.MobileDevice.last_backup_time_epochNumberThe mobile device last backup time in epoch format.
JAMF.MobileDevice.last_backup_time_utcStringThe mobile device last backup time in UTC format. mobile device site ID. mobile device site name.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-mobile-device-by-id id=114

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"MobileDevice": {
"app_analytics": "Not Enabled",
"asset_tag": "",
"available": 250989,
"available_mb": 250989,
"battery_level": 65,
"ble_capable": false,
"bluetooth_mac_address": "F8:E9:4E:8C:34:F5",
"capacity": 262144,
"capacity_mb": 262144,
"cloud_backup_enabled": true,
"device_locator_service_enabled": true,
"device_name": "\u05d6\u05d4\u05d1\u05d9\u05ea\u2019s iPhone",
"device_ownership_level": "Institutional",
"diagnostic_submission": "Not Enabled",
"display_name": "\u05d6\u05d4\u05d1\u05d9\u05ea\u2019s iPhone",
"do_not_disturb_enabled": false,
"enrollment_method": "User-initiated - no invitation",
"exchange_activesync_device_identifier": "U9J58M08ST4KHBH3FH15VD6KG1",
"id": 114,
"initial_entry_date_epoch": 1620740433498,
"initial_entry_date_utc": "2021-05-11T13:40:33.498+0000",
"ip_address": "",
"itunes_store_account_is_active": true,
"last_backup_time_epoch": 0,
"last_backup_time_utc": "",
"last_cloud_backup_date_epoch": 0,
"last_cloud_backup_date_utc": "",
"last_enrollment_epoch": 1620741624868,
"last_enrollment_utc": "2021-05-11T14:00:24.868+0000",
"last_inventory_update": "Tuesday, May 11 2021 at 2:00 PM",
"last_inventory_update_epoch": 1620741638658,
"last_inventory_update_utc": "2021-05-11T14:00:38.658+0000",
"location_services_enabled": false,
"managed": false,
"mdm_profile_expiration_epoch": 1683813623000,
"mdm_profile_expiration_utc": "2023-05-11T14:00:23.000+0000",
"model": "iPhone XS Max",
"modelDisplay": "iPhone XS Max",
"model_display": "iPhone XS Max",
"model_identifier": "iPhone11,6",
"model_number": "NT6J2LL",
"modem_firmware": "3.03.05",
"name": "test iPhone",
"os_build": "18E212",
"os_type": "iOS",
"os_version": "14.5.1",
"percentage_used": 4,
"phone_number": "",
"serial_number": "F2LXX5ZKKPHG",
"shared": "No",
"site": {
"id": -1,
"name": "None"
"supervised": false,
"tethered": "",
"udid": "00008020-001C285E3EE1002E",
"wifi_mac_address": "F8:E9:4E:96:21:FB"

Human Readable Output#

Jamf get mobile devices result on mobile ID:114#

Bluetooth MAC addressIDIP addressManagedModelModel NumberNameSerial NumberSupervisedUDIDWIFI MAC address
F8:E9:4E:8C:34:F5114123.243.192.22falseiPhone XS MaxNT6J2LLtest iPhoneF2LXX5ZKKPHGfalse00008020-001C285E3EE1002EF8:E9:4E:96:21:FB


Matches mobile devices by specific characteristics and returns general data on each one of the mobile devices.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Mobile Devices → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
matchThe specific characteristics by which to match devices such as: name, udid, serial_number, mac_address, username, email. e.g: “match=john*”, “match=C52F72FACB9T”. (Supports wildcards). Possible values are: .Required
limitMaximum number of devices to retrieve. (Maximal value is 200). Default is 50.Optional
pageThe number of the requested page. Default is 0.Optional

Context Output#

JAMF.MobileDevice.idNumberThe mobile device ID.
JAMF.MobileDevice.nameStringThe mobile device name.
JAMF.MobileDevice.udidStringThe mobile device UDID.
JAMF.MobileDevice.serial_numberStringThe mobile device serial number.
JAMF.MobileDevice.mac_addressStringThe mobile device MAC address.
JAMF.MobileDevice.wifi_mac_addressStringThe mobile device WIFI MAC address.
JAMF.MobileDevice.usernameStringThe mobile device username.
JAMF.MobileDevice.realnameStringThe mobile device real name.
JAMF.MobileDevice.emailStringThe mobile device user email address.
JAMF.MobileDevice.email_addressStringThe mobile device user email address.
JAMF.MobileDevice.roomStringThe mobile device room.
JAMF.MobileDevice.positionStringThe mobile device position.
JAMF.MobileDevice.buildingStringThe mobile device building.
JAMF.MobileDevice.building_nameStringThe mobile device building name.
JAMF.MobileDevice.departmentStringThe mobile device department.
JAMF.MobileDevice.department_nameStringThe mobile device department name.
JAMF.MobileDevice.Paging.total_resultsNumberThe number of mobile devices returned in this specific search.
JAMF.MobileDevice.Paging.page_sizeNumberThe number of mobile devices to be returned on each page.
JAMF.MobileDevice.Paging.current_pageNumberThe number of the requested page.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-mobile-device-by-match match="B0:65:BD:4E:50:5D"

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"MobileDevice": {
"Paging": {
"current_page": 0,
"page_size": 50,
"total_results": 1
"building": "",
"building_name": "",
"department": "",
"department_name": "",
"email": "",
"email_address": "",
"id": 1,
"mac_address": "B0:65:BD:4E:50:5D",
"name": "Device 71",
"position": "",
"realname": "User 28",
"room": "315 Graham Ave",
"serial_number": "CA44F4D060A3",
"udid": "ca44f4c660a311e490b812df261f2c7e",
"username": "user28",
"wifi_mac_address": "B0:65:BD:4E:50:5D"

Human Readable Output#

Paging for get mobile devices#

Current PagePage SizeTotal Results

Jamf get mobile devices result#

IDNameSerial NumberUDID
1Device 71CA44F4D060A3ca44f4c660a311e490b812df261f2c7e


Returns the general subset for a specific mobile device according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Mobile Devices → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.idStringThe mobile device ID.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.idNumberThe mobile device ID.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.display_nameStringThe mobile device display name.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.device_nameStringThe mobile device name.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.nameStringThe mobile device name.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.asset_tagStringThe mobile device asset ID.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.last_inventory_updateStringThe date of the mobile device last inventory update.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.last_inventory_update_epochDateThe date of the mobile device last inventory update in epoch format.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.last_inventory_update_utcDateThe date of the mobile device last inventory update in UTC format.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.capacityNumberThe mobile device capacity.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.capacity_mbNumberThe mobile device capacity in MB.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.availableNumberThe available memory in the mobile device.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.available_mbNumberThe available memory in the mobile device in MB.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.percentage_usedNumberThe percentage of memory used in the mobile device.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.os_typeStringThe mobile device operating system type.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.os_versionStringThe mobile device operating system version.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.os_buildStringThe mobile device operating system build.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.serial_numberStringThe mobile device serial number.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.udidStringThe mobile device UDID.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.initial_entry_date_epochDateThe mobile device initial entry date in epoch format.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.initial_entry_date_utcDateThe mobile device initial entry date in UTC format.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.phone_numberStringThe mobile device phone number.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.ip_addressStringThe mobile device IP address.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.wifi_mac_addressStringThe mobile device WIFI MAC address.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.bluetooth_mac_addressStringThe mobile device bluetooth MAC address.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.modem_firmwareStringThe mobile device modem fireware.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.modelStringThe mobile device model.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.model_identifierStringThe mobile device model ID.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.model_numberStringThe mobile device model number.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.modelDisplayStringThe mobile device model display.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.model_displayStringThe mobile device model display.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.device_ownership_levelStringThe mobile device ownership level.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.enrollment_methodStringThe mobile device enrollment method.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.last_enrollment_epochNumberThe mobile device last enrollment in epoch format.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.last_enrollment_utcStringThe mobile device last enrollment in UTC format.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.mdm_profile_expiration_epochNumberThe mobile device MDM profile expiration in epoch format.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.mdm_profile_expiration_utcStringThe mobile device MDM profile expiration in UTC format.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.managedBooleanWhether the mobile device is managed.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.supervisedBooleanWhether the mobile device is supervised.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.exchange_activesync_device_identifierStringThe mobile device exchange active sync device ID.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.sharedStringWhether the device is shared.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.diagnostic_submissionStringThe mobile device diagnostic submission.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.app_analyticsStringThe mobile device app analytics.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.tetheredStringThe mobile device tethered status.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.battery_levelNumberThe mobile device battery level.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.ble_capableBooleanWhether the mobile device is BLE capable.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.device_locator_service_enabledBooleanWhether the mobile device locator service is enabled.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.do_not_disturb_enabledBooleanWhether the mobile device do not disturb is enabled.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.cloud_backup_enabledBooleanWhether the mobile device cloud backup is enabled.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.last_cloud_backup_date_epochDateThe mobie device last cloud update backup date in epoch format.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.last_cloud_backup_date_utcDateThe mobie device last cloud update backup date in UTC format.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.location_services_enabledBooleanWhether the mobile device location services is enabled.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.itunes_store_account_is_activeBooleanWhether the mobile device iTunes store account is enabled.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.last_backup_time_epochNumberThe mobile device last backup time in epoch format.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.general.last_backup_time_utcStringThe mobile device last backup time in UTC format. mobile device site ID. mobile device site name.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-mobile-device-general-subset identifier=id identifier_value=1

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"MobileDeviceSubset": {
"mobiledevice": {
"general": {
"app_analytics": "Not Enabled",
"asset_tag": "",
"available": 9341,
"available_mb": 9341,
"battery_level": 72,
"ble_capable": true,
"bluetooth_mac_address": "B0:65:BD:4E:50:2A",
"capacity": 12495,
"capacity_mb": 12495,
"cloud_backup_enabled": true,
"device_locator_service_enabled": false,
"device_name": "Device 71",
"device_ownership_level": "Institutional",
"diagnostic_submission": "Not Enabled",
"display_name": "Device 71",
"do_not_disturb_enabled": false,
"enrollment_method": "",
"exchange_activesync_device_identifier": "",
"id": 1,
"initial_entry_date_epoch": 1617021510106,
"initial_entry_date_utc": "2021-03-29T12:38:30.106+0000",
"ip_address": "",
"itunes_store_account_is_active": true,
"last_backup_time_epoch": 0,
"last_backup_time_utc": "",
"last_cloud_backup_date_epoch": 1412270303000,
"last_cloud_backup_date_utc": "2014-10-02T17:18:23.000+0000",
"last_enrollment_epoch": 0,
"last_enrollment_utc": "",
"last_inventory_update": "Monday, March 29 2021 at 12:38 PM",
"last_inventory_update_epoch": 1617021510710,
"last_inventory_update_utc": "2021-03-29T12:38:30.710+0000",
"location_services_enabled": false,
"managed": true,
"mdm_profile_expiration_epoch": 0,
"mdm_profile_expiration_utc": "",
"model": "iPad 3rd Generation (Wi-Fi)",
"modelDisplay": "iPad 3rd Generation (Wi-Fi)",
"model_display": "iPad 3rd Generation (Wi-Fi)",
"model_identifier": "iPad3,1",
"model_number": "MD333LL",
"modem_firmware": "",
"name": "Device 71",
"os_build": "12A405",
"os_type": "iOS",
"os_version": "8.0.2",
"percentage_used": 25,
"phone_number": "",
"serial_number": "CA44F4D060A3",
"shared": "No",
"site": {
"id": -1,
"name": "None"
"supervised": false,
"tethered": "",
"udid": "ca44f4c660a311e490b812df261f2c7e",
"wifi_mac_address": "B0:65:BD:4E:50:5D"
"id": 1

Human Readable Output#

Jamf mobile device General subset result#

Bluetooth MAC addressIDIP addressManagedModelModel NumberNameSerial NumberSupervisedUDIDWIFI MAC address
B0:65:BD:4E:50:2A171.13.172.131trueiPad 3rd Generation (Wi-Fi)MD333LLDevice 71CA44F4D060A3falseca44f4c660a311e490b812df261f2c7eB0:65:BD:4E:50:5D


Returns the location subset for a specific mobile device according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Mobile Devices → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.idStringThe mobile device ID.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.location.usernameStringThe mobile device username.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.location.realnameStringThe mobile device real name.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.location.real_nameStringThe mobile device real name.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.location.email_addressStringThe mobile device email address.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.location.positionStringThe mobile device position.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.location.phoneStringThe mobile device phone number.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.location.phone_numberStringThe mobile device phone number.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.location.departmentStringThe mobile device department.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.location.buildingStringThe mobile device building.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.location.roomStringThe mobile device room.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-mobile-device-location-subset identifier=id identifier_value=1

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"MobileDeviceSubset": {
"mobiledevice": {
"id": 1,
"location": {
"building": "",
"department": "",
"email_address": "",
"phone": "612-605-6625",
"phone_number": "612-605-6625",
"position": "",
"real_name": "User 28",
"realname": "User 28",
"room": "315 Graham Ave",
"username": "user28"

Human Readable Output#

Jamf mobile device Location subset result#

Email AddressPhoneReal NameRoomUsername
User28@email.com612-605-6625User 28315 Graham Aveuser28


Returns the purchasing subset for a specific mobile device according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Mobile Devices → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.idStringThe mobile device ID.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.purchasing.is_purchasedBooleanWhether the mobile device is purchased.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.purchasing.is_leasedBooleanWhether the mobile device is leased.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.purchasing.po_numberStringThe mobile device PO number.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.purchasing.vendorStringThe mobile device vendor.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.purchasing.applecare_idStringThe mobile device AppleCare ID.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.purchasing.purchase_priceStringThe mobile device purchase price.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.purchasing.purchasing_accountStringThe mobile device purchase account.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.purchasing.po_dateStringThe mobile device purchase PO date.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.purchasing.po_date_epochNumberThe mobile device purchase PO date in epoch format.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.purchasing.po_date_utcStringThe mobile device purchase PO date in UTC format.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.purchasing.warranty_expiresStringThe mobile device warranty expiration date.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.purchasing.warranty_expires_epochNumberThe mobile device warranty expiration date in epoch format.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.purchasing.warranty_expires_utcStringThe mobile device warranty expiration date in UTC format.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.purchasing.lease_expiresStringThe mobile device lease expiration date.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.purchasing.lease_expires_epochNumberThe mobile device lease expiration date in epoch format.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.purchasing.lease_expires_utcStringThe mobile device lease expiration date in UTC format.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.purchasing.life_expectancyNumberThe mobile device life expectancy.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.purchasing.purchasing_contactStringThe mobile device purchasing contact.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-mobile-device-purchasing-subset identifier=id identifier_value=114

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"MobileDeviceSubset": {
"mobiledevice": {
"id": 114,
"purchasing": {
"applecare_id": "",
"attachments": [],
"is_leased": false,
"is_purchased": true,
"lease_expires": "",
"lease_expires_epoch": 0,
"lease_expires_utc": "",
"life_expectancy": 0,
"po_date": "",
"po_date_epoch": 0,
"po_date_utc": "",
"po_number": "",
"purchase_price": "",
"purchasing_account": "",
"purchasing_contact": "",
"vendor": "",
"warranty_expires": "",
"warranty_expires_epoch": 0,
"warranty_expires_utc": ""

Human Readable Output#

Jamf mobile device Purchasing subset result#

Is LeasedIs Purchased


Returns the applications subset for a specific mobile device according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Mobile Devices → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.idStringThe mobile device ID.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.applications.application_nameStringThe mobile device application name.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.applications.application_versionStringThe mobile device application version.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.applications.application_short_versionStringThe mobile device application short version.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.applications.identifierStringThe mobile device application ID.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-mobile-device-applications-subset identifier=id identifier_value=114

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"MobileDeviceSubset": {
"mobiledevice": {
"applications": [],
"id": 114

Human Readable Output#

Jamf mobile device Applications subset result#

Number of applications


Returns the security subset for a specific mobile device according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Mobile Devices → Read

*Jamf Pro Server Actions → Send Mobile Device Lost Mode Command

**Jamf Pro Server Actions → View Mobile Device Lost Mode Location

*In order to view these fields:
** In order to view these fields (has to be combined with “Send Mobile Device Lost Mode Command” permission)


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.idStringThe mobile device ID. the mobile device has data protection. the mobile device is block level encryption capable. the mobile device is file level encryption capable. the mobile device has a passcode present. the mobile device is passcode compliant. the mobile device is passcode compliant with profile. mobile device passcode lock grace period enforced. mobile device hardware encryption. the mobile device has activation lock enabled. mobile device security jailbreak detected. mobile device lost mode. the mobile device has lost mode enforced. mobile device lost mode enable issued date in epoch. mobile device lost mode enable issued date in UTC format. mobile device lost mode message. mobile device lost mode phone. mobile device lost mode footnote. mobile device lost location date in epoch format. mobile device lost location date in UTC format. mobile device security lost location latitude. mobile device security lost location longitude. mobile device security lost location altitude. mobile device security lost location speed. mobile device security lost location course. mobile device security lost location horizontal accuracy. mobile device security lost location vertical accuracy.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-mobile-device-security-subset identifier=id identifier_value=114

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"MobileDeviceSubset": {
"mobiledevice": {
"id": 114,
"security": {
"activation_lock_enabled": true,
"block_level_encryption_capable": true,
"data_protection": true,
"file_level_encryption_capable": true,
"hardware_encryption": 3,
"jailbreak_detected": "Unknown",
"lost_location_altitude": -1,
"lost_location_course": -1,
"lost_location_epoch": 1624265477602,
"lost_location_horizontal_accuracy": -1,
"lost_location_latitude": 0,
"lost_location_longitude": 0,
"lost_location_speed": -1,
"lost_location_utc": "2021-06-21T08:51:17.602+0000",
"lost_location_vertical_accuracy": -1,
"lost_mode_enable_issued_epoch": 1620740433498,
"lost_mode_enable_issued_utc": "2021-05-11T13:40:33.498+0000",
"lost_mode_enabled": "Unsupervised Device",
"lost_mode_enforced": false,
"lost_mode_footnote": "",
"lost_mode_message": "",
"lost_mode_phone": "",
"passcode_compliant": true,
"passcode_compliant_with_profile": true,
"passcode_lock_grace_period_enforced": "Immediate",
"passcode_present": true

Human Readable Output#

Jamf mobile device Security subset result#

Activation Lock EnabledBlock Level Encryption CapableData ProtectionFile Level Encryption CapableHardware EncryptionJailbreak DetectedLost Mode Enable Issued UTCLost Mode EnabledLost Mode EnforcedPasscode CompliantPasscode Lock Grace Period EnforcedPasscode PresentPhone
truetruetruetrue3Unknown2021-05-11T13:40:33.498+0000Unsupervised DevicefalsetrueImmediatetruetrue


Returns the network subset for a specific mobile device according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Mobile Devices → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.idStringThe mobile device ID. mobile device home carrier network. mobile device cellular technology. mobile device voice roaming enabled. mobile device network IMEI. mobile device network ICCID. mobile device network MEID. mobile device current carrier network. mobile device network carrier settings version. mobile device current mobile country code. mobile device current mobile network code. mobile device home mobile country code. mobile device home mobile network code. the mobile device has data roaming enabled. the mobile device has network roaming. mobile device network phone number.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-mobile-device-network-subset identifier=id identifier_value=114

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"MobileDeviceSubset": {
"mobiledevice": {
"id": 114,
"network": {
"carrier_settings_version": "",
"cellular_technology": "Both",
"current_carrier_network": "",
"current_mobile_country_code": "",
"current_mobile_network_code": "",
"data_roaming_enabled": false,
"home_carrier_network": "",
"home_mobile_country_code": "",
"home_mobile_network_code": "",
"iccid": "",
"imei": "35 727309 398808 9",
"meid": "35727309398808",
"phone_number": "",
"roaming": false,
"voice_roaming_enabled": "No"

Human Readable Output#

Jamf mobile device Network subset result#

Cellular TechnologyData Roaming EnabledImeiMeidVoice_roaming_enabled
Bothfalse35 727309 398808 935727309398808No


Returns the certificates subset for a specific mobile device according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Mobile Devices → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.idStringThe mobile device ID.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.certificates.sizeStringThe mobile device certificates size.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.certificates.certificate.common_nameStringThe mobile device certificate common name.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.certificates.certificate.identityBooleanWhether this is an identity certificate.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-mobile-device-certificates-subset identifier=id identifier_value=114

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"MobileDeviceSubset": {
"mobiledevice": {
"certificates": [
"common_name": "F53DA0E7-9CEC-436E-90A4-0128769F5A2A",
"expires_epoch": "1683813623000",
"expires_utc": "2023-05-11T14:00:23.000+0000",
"identity": true
"common_name": "Palo Alto Networks JSS Built-in Certificate Authority",
"expires_epoch": "1930290855000",
"expires_utc": "2031-03-03T07:54:15.000+0000",
"identity": false
"id": 114

Human Readable Output#

Jamf mobile device Certificates subset result#

Common NameExpires EpochExpires UTCIdentity
Palo Alto Networks JSS Built-in Certificate Authority19302908550002031-03-03T07:54:15.000+0000false


Returns the provisioning profiles subset for a specific mobile device according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Mobile Devices → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.idStringThe mobile device ID.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.provisioning_profiles.sizeNumberThe mobile device provisioning profiles size.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.provisioning_profiles.mobile_device_provisioning_profile.display_nameStringThe mobile device provisioning profiles display name.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.provisioning_profiles.mobile_device_provisioning_profile.expiration_dateStringThe mobile device provisioning profiles expiration date.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.provisioning_profiles.mobile_device_provisioning_profile.expiration_date_epochNumberThe mobile device provisioning profiles expiration date in epoch format.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.provisioning_profiles.mobile_device_provisioning_profile.expiration_date_utcStringThe mobile device provisioning profiles expiration date in UTC format.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.provisioning_profiles.mobile_device_provisioning_profile.uuidStringThe mobile device provisioning profiles UUID.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-mobile-device-provisioning-profiles-subset identifier=id identifier_value=114

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"MobileDeviceSubset": {
"mobiledevice": {
"id": 114,
"provisioning_profiles": []

Human Readable Output#

Jamf mobile device ProvisioningProfiles subset result#

No entries.


Returns the configuration profiles subset for a specific mobile device according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Mobile Devices → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.idStringThe mobile device ID.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.configuration_profiles.sizeNumberThe mobile device configuration profiles size.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.configuration_profiles.configuration_profile.display_nameStringThe mobile device configuration profiles display name.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.configuration_profiles.configuration_profile.versionStringThe mobile device configuration profiles version.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.configuration_profiles.configuration_profile.identifierNumberThe mobile device configuration profiles identifier.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.configuration_profiles.configuration_profile.uuidStringThe mobile device configuration profiles UUID.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-mobile-device-configuration-profiles-subset identifier=id identifier_value=114

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"MobileDeviceSubset": {
"mobiledevice": {
"configuration_profiles": [
"display_name": "MDM Profile",
"identifier": "00000000-0000-0000-A000-4A414D460003",
"uuid": "00000000-0000-0000-A000-4A414D460003",
"version": "1"
"id": 114

Human Readable Output#

Jamf mobile device ConfigurationProfiles subset result#

Display Nameidentifieruuidversion
MDM Profile00000000-0000-0000-A000-4A414D46000300000000-0000-0000-A000-4A414D4600031


Returns the mobile device groups subset for a specific mobile device according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Mobile Devices → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.idStringThe mobile device ID.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.mobile_device_groups.idNumberThe mobile device group ID.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.mobile_device_groups.nameStringThe mobile device group name.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-mobile-device-groups-subset identifier=id identifier_value=114

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"MobileDeviceSubset": {
"mobiledevice": {
"id": 114,
"mobile_device_groups": []

Human Readable Output#

Jamf mobile device MobileDeviceGroups subset result#

Number of groups


Returns the extension attributes subset for a specific mobile device according to the given arguments.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Mobile Devices → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
identifierThe identifier used to determine which computer is requested. Possible values: "id", "name", "udid", "serialnumber", and "macaddress". Possible values are: id, name, udid, serialnumber, macaddress.Required
identifier_valueThe value of the "identifier". For example, if you choose the "id" identifier, a computer ID should be passed. If you choose "macaddress" as the identifier, a computer’s MAC address should be passed, etc.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.idStringThe mobile device ID.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.extension_attributes.idNumberThe mobile device extension attribute ID.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.extension_attributes.nameStringThe mobile device extension attribute name.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.extension_attributes.typeStringThe mobile device extension attribute type.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.extension_attributes.multi_valueBooleanThe mobile device extension attribute multi value.
JAMF.MobileDeviceSubset.extension_attributes.valueStringThe mobile device extension attribute value.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-mobile-device-extension-attributes-subset identifier=id identifier_value=114

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"MobileDeviceSubset": {
"mobiledevice": {
"extension_attributes": [
"id": 9,
"multi_value": false,
"name": "Asset Selector",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"id": 4,
"multi_value": false,
"name": "rang",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"id": 6,
"multi_value": false,
"name": "rangal",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"id": 1,
"multi_value": false,
"name": "risk_test",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"id": 2,
"multi_value": false,
"name": "Sample",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"id": 5,
"multi_value": false,
"name": "Sample2",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"id": 3,
"multi_value": false,
"name": "Sample4",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"id": 7,
"multi_value": false,
"name": "Yuval Shapria",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"id": 8,
"multi_value": false,
"name": "Yuval Shapria",
"type": "String",
"value": ""
"id": 114

Human Readable Output#

Jamf mobile device ExtensionAttributes subset result#

9Asset SelectorStringfalse
7Yuval ShapriaStringfalse
8Yuval ShapriaStringfalse


Returns a list of computers with basic information on each.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Advanced Computer Searches → Read


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
applicationThe application’s name (supports wildcards).Required
versionThe application’s version (supports wildcards). Applicable only when “application” parameter value is set.Optional
limitMaximum number of devices to retrieve. (Maximal value is 200). Default is 50.Optional
pageThe number of the requested page. Default is 0.Optional

Context Output#

JAMF.ComputersByApp.Computer.idNumberThe computer ID.
JAMF.ComputersByApp.Computer.nameStringThe computer name.
JAMF.ComputersByApp.Computer.udidStringThe computer UDID.
JAMF.ComputersByApp.Computer.serial_numberStringThe computer serial number.
JAMF.ComputersByApp.Computer.mac_addressStringThe computer MAC address.
JAMF.ComputersByApp.ApplicationStringThe application the user serched for.
JAMF.ComputersByApp.Paging.total_resultsNumberThe number of computers returned in this specific search.
JAMF.ComputersByApp.Paging.page_sizeNumberThe number of computers to be returned on each page.
JAMF.ComputersByApp.Paging.current_pageNumberThe number of the requested page.

Command Example#

!jamf-get-computers-by-application application=safar* limit=3

Context Example#

"JAMF": {
"ComputersByApp": {
"Paging": {
"current_page": 0,
"page_size": 3,
"total_results": 96
"application": "safar*",
"computers": [
"id": 69,
"mac_address": "B8:E8:56:22:12:3E",
"name": "Computer 54",
"serial_number": "CA41014A60A3",
"udid": "CA410140-60A3-11E4-90B8-12DF261F2C7E"
"id": 25,
"mac_address": "40:6C:8F:1A:4B:10",
"name": "Computer 67",
"serial_number": "CA40EE4460A3",
"udid": "CA40EE3A-60A3-11E4-90B8-12DF261F2C7E"
"id": 24,
"mac_address": "00:88:65:41:14:B0",
"name": "Computer 31",
"serial_number": "CA40E50C60A3",
"udid": "CA40E502-60A3-11E4-90B8-12DF261F2C7E"

Human Readable Output#

Paging for get mobile devices#

Current PagePage SizeTotal Results

Jamf computers by application result#

Sum of computersversion


This is a beta command#

This is a beta command - couldn't be tested due to technical limitations. Enables “lost mode” on a specific device. Lost Mode is a feature that allows you to lock a mobile device and track the device's location. The device reports the GPS coordinates of the point where the device received the command. This feature adds additional protection to mobile devices and their data in the event that a device is lost or stolen.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Actions → Send Mobile Device Lost Mode Command

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Mobile Devices → Create


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idThe mobile device’s ID.Required
lost_mode_messageA message that is displayed on the device’s lock screen.Optional

Context Output#

JAMF.MobileDeviceCommands.nameStringThe mobile device command name.
JAMF.MobileDeviceCommands.statusStringThe mobile device command status.
JAMF.MobileDeviceCommands.management_idStringThe mobile device command management ID.
JAMF.MobileDeviceCommands.idStringThe mobile device command ID.

Command Example#

jamf-mobile-device-lost-mode id=114

Human Readable Output#

Computer 114 locked successfully#


This is a beta command#

This is a beta command - couldn't be tested due to technical limitations. Permanently erases all data on the device and deactivates the device.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#

Jamf Pro Server Actions → Send Mobile Device Remote Wipe Command

Jamf Pro Server Objects → Mobile Devices → Create


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idThe device’s ID.Required
preserve_data_planWhether to retain cellular data plans (iOS 11 or later). Possible values are: True, False. Default is False.Optional
clear_activation_codeWhether to clear activation lock on the device. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False.Optional

Context Output#

JAMF.MobileDeviceCommands.nameStringThe mobile device command name.
JAMF.MobileDeviceCommands.statusStringThe mobile device command status.
JAMF.MobileDeviceCommands.management_idStringThe mobile device command managment ID.
JAMF.MobileDeviceCommands.idStringThe mobile device command ID.

Command Example#

jamf-mobile-device-erase id=114

Human Readable Output#

Computer 114 erased successfully#


Returns information about an endpoint.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idThe endpoint ID.Optional
ipThe endpoint IP address.Optional
hostnameThe endpoint hostname.Optional

Context Output#

Endpoint.HostnameStringThe endpoint's hostname.
Endpoint.OSStringThe endpoint's operating system.
Endpoint.IPAddressStringThe endpoint's IP address.
Endpoint.IDStringThe endpoint's ID.
Endpoint.StatusStringThe endpoint's status.
Endpoint.IsIsolatedStringThe endpoint's isolation status.
Endpoint.MACAddressStringThe endpoint's MAC address.
Endpoint.VendorStringThe integration name of the endpoint vendor.

Command Example#

!endpoint id=138

Context Example#

"Endpoint": {
"Hostname": "test MacBook Pro",
"ID": 138,
"MACAddress": "F0:18:98:3F:DB:8E",
"OS": "Mac",
"Vendor": "JAMF v2"

Human Readable Output#

Cortex XDR Endpoint#

test MacBook Pro138F0:18:98:3F:DB:8EMacJAMF v2


Returns the configuration profiles subset for a specific mobile device according to the given arguments.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idThe ID of the mobile device.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.Mobile.ProfileConfiguration.general.idNumberThe ID of the configuration profile.
JAMF.Mobile.ProfileConfiguration.general.nameStringThe name of the configuration profile.
JAMF.Mobile.ProfileConfiguration.general.descriptionStringThe mobile device configuration description.
JAMF.Mobile.ProfileConfiguration.general.levelStringLevel of the configuration profile (System or User).
JAMF.Mobile.ProfileConfiguration.general.siteStringSite of the configuration profile.
JAMF.Mobile.ProfileConfiguration.general.categoryStringCategory of the configuration profile.
JAMF.Mobile.ProfileConfiguration.general.uuidStringUnique identifier of the mobile profile configuration.
JAMF.Mobile.ProfileConfiguration.general.deployment_methodStringInstall Automatically or Make Available in Self Service.
JAMF.Mobile.ProfileConfiguration.general.payloadsStringPayloads of the configuration profile for Mobile device.
JAMF.Mobile.ProfileConfiguration.scopeStringScope object of the configuration profile.
JAMF.Mobile.ProfileConfiguration.self_serviceStringSelf-service object of the configuration profile.


Returns the configuration profiles subset for a specific mobile device according to the given arguments.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idThe ID of the mobile device.Required

Context Output#

JAMF.OSX.ProfileConfiguration.general.idNumberThe ID of the configuration profile.
JAMF.OSX.ProfileConfiguration.general.nameStringThe name of the configuration profile.
JAMF.OSX.ProfileConfiguration.general.descriptionunknownThe mobile device configuration description.
JAMF.OSX.ProfileConfiguration.general.levelStringLevel of the configuration profile (System or User).
JAMF.OSX.ProfileConfiguration.general.siteStringSite of the configuration profile.
JAMF.OSX.ProfileConfiguration.general.categoryStringCategory of the configuration profile.
JAMF.OSX.ProfileConfiguration.general.uuidStringUnique identifier of the mobile profile configuration.
JAMF.OSX.ProfileConfiguration.general.distribution_methodStringInstall Automatically or Make Available in Self Service.
JAMF.OSX.ProfileConfiguration.general.payloadsStringPayloads of the configuration profile for OSX device.
JAMF.OSX.ProfileConfiguration.scopeStringScope object of the configuration profile.
JAMF.OSX.ProfileConfiguration.self_serviceStringSelf-service object of the configuration profile.