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Atlassian Jira v3

This Integration is part of the Atlassian Jira Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.8.0 and later.

Use the Jira integration to manage issues and create Cortex XSOAR incidents from Jira projects. From Cortex XSOAR version 6.0 and above, the integration also mirrors issues to existing issue incidents in Cortex XSOAR. The integration now supports both OnPrem, and Cloud instances. This integration was integrated and tested with: Jira Cloud Platform V3 (for Cloud), Jira Software Cloud (for Cloud), Jira Server Platform 9.6.0 (for OnPrem), Jira Software Server 9.6.0 (for OnPrem).

Some changes have been made that might affect your existing content. If you are upgrading from a previous version of this integration, see Breaking Changes.

Configure Atlassian Jira V3 on Cortex XSOAR#

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.

  2. Search for Atlassian Jira V3.

  3. Authentication: Basic Authentication, Personal Access Token, and OAuth 2.0 are used for Jira Cloud and On-prem. Read the Authentication process in order to configure your instance

  4. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.

    Server URLThe base URL. For a Cloud instance, use the default URL as configured. For an OnPrem instance, use your respective domain.True
    Cloud IDThis field is used to configure the Jira Cloud.
    User nameused only for basic authentication methodFalse
    API keyused only for basic authentication methodFalse
    Callback URLused only for OAuth 2.0 methodFalse
    Client IDused only for OAuth 2.0 methodFalse
    Client Secretused only for OAuth 2.0 methodFalse
    Personal Access Tokenused only for the Personal Access Token methodFalse
    Query (in JQL) for fetching incidentsThe field that was selected in the "Issue Field to fetch by" can't be used. in the query.False
    Issue Field to fetch byThis is how the field (e.g, created date) is applied to the query: created >= {created date in last run} ORDER BY created ASCFalse
    Issue index to start fetching incidents fromThis parameter is dismissed if "id" is not chosen in "Issue Field to Fetch by". This will only fetch Jira issues that are part of the same project as the issue that is configured in this parameter. If this value is 0, then the fetch mechanism will automatically start the fetch from the smallest ID with respect to the fetch query.False
    Trust any certificate (not secure)False
    Use system proxy settingsFalse
    Fetch incidentsFalse
    Incident typeFalse
    Close Mirrored XSOAR IncidentWhen selected, marking the Jira issue as resolved will be mirrored in Cortex XSOAR, and will close the corresponding incident. Please make sure the `Resolved` field in your Jira instance is configured in order for this to work properly, if not, it will rely on if the status of the issue is changed to `Done`.False
    Mirroring DirectionFalse
    Attachment Entry Tag to JiraAdd this tag to an entry to mirror it as an attachment to Jira.False
    Attachment Entry Tag from JiraAdd this tag to an entry to mirror it as an attachment from Jira.False
    Comment Entry Tag to JiraAdd this tag to an entry to mirror it as a comment in Jira.False
    Comment Entry Tag from JiraAdd this tag to an entry to mirror it as a comment from Jira.False
    Fetch commentsFetch comments for a Jira ticket.False
    Fetch attachmentsFetch attachments for a Jira ticket.False
    Max incidents per fetchThe maximum allowed value is dictated by the Jira property ''. If you specify a value that is higher than this number, your search results will be truncated. Default value is 50.False
    Time range for initial data fetchThe time range to consider for the initial data fetch in format: <number> <unit>. This parameter is only relevant when selecting to fetch by created time, or updated time. Default is 3 days. For example: 2 minutes, 2 hours, 2 days, 2 months, 2 yearsFalse
  5. Check Authorization Flow In Cortex XSOAR in order to authenticate and test the connection.

Configure only one of the following fields:

  • Cloud ID - Used for Jira Cloud instance.
  • OnPrem - Leave the Cloud ID empty, and fill in the rest of the fields.
Cloud ID#
  1. Go to your Admin page.
  2. Click the Products tab on the top banner and choose the appropriate site under Sites and Products on the left side bar. Your Cloud ID will appear in the URL:{cloud_id}/users


Basic Authentication#

Leave the Client ID, Client Secret and Personal Access Token fields empty and fill in the following fields:

  • User name - Enter your user email.
  • API key - Enter the API token. To generate API token, see here
Basic Authentication permissions#

Ensure that you possess the necessary permissions by navigating to Project Settings > Permissions in the project. Locate permissions for the tasks listed below:

  • Browse projects
  • Create issues
  • Edit issues
  • Delete issues
  • Transition issues
  • Create attachments
  • Add comments
  • Link issues

Personal Access Token Authentication#

Leave the User name, API key, Client ID and Client Secret empty and fill in the following fields:

  • Personal Access Token - Enter the Personal Access Token you created for a user, see here

OAuth 2.0#

For both instances (Cloud ID & OnPrem), it is advised to use the Callback URL. The OProxy URL is a client side only web page which provides an easy interface to copy the obtained auth code from the authorization response to the integration configuration in the authorization flow steps. Optionally, if you don't want to use the OProxy URL, you can use a localhost URL on a port that is not used locally on your machine. For example: http://localhost:9004. You will then need to copy the code from the URL address bar in the response (see OAuth 2.0 authorization Flow In Cortex XSOAR).

Cloud authentication#

Go to your Developer console page, and choose the App you want to integrate with your instance. It must be of type OAuth 2.0. For creating a new app with type OAuth 2.0, click Create and choose OAuth 2.0 integration and follow the steps.

Callback URL#
  1. Go to the Authorization tab, and click Add on the authorization with type of OAuth 2.0 (3LO).
  2. Insert a Callback URL.
Client ID, Client Secret#
  1. Go to the Settings tab.
  2. Copy the Client ID and Secret to the Client ID and Client Secret fields, respectively.
Cloud Scopes#

The integration uses the offline_access scope, in order to retrieve refresh tokens.

Classic Scopes#
  • read:jira-work
  • read:jira-user
  • write:jira-work
Granular Scopes#
  • read:jql:jira
  • read:issue-details:jira
  • write:board-scope:jira-software
  • read:board-scope:jira-software
  • read:sprint:jira-software
  • read:epic:jira-software
  • write:sprint:jira-software

OnPrem authentication#

  1. Log in to Jira as a user with Jira Administrator permissions.
  2. Click the Jira Administration tab (the gear icon found in the top right corner) and click Applications.
  3. To create a new Application link, which will be used to integrate Cortex XSOAR with Jira:
    a. Click Application links under Integrations, found on the left side menu.
    b. Click Create link and choose External application with the Incoming direction.
  4. Fill in the required details as explained in the page, by inserting a Callback URL, and choosing the permission Write.
  5. Once the link is created, you will be able to see Client ID, and the Client secret, which are required in the configuration screen. Copy these values and paste them into the respective fields in the configuration screen.
OnPrem Scopes#


OAuth 2.0 authorization Flow In Cortex XSOAR#

  1. Create the authentication application as explained in the OAuth 2.0 section.
  2. Run the command !jira-oauth-start, where you will be presented with a URL to authenticate yourself.
  3. After authenticating, you will be redirected to the configured Callback URL, where you will retrieve the authorization code provided as a query parameter called code.
  4. Insert the retrieved authorization code as an argument to the !jira-oauth-complete command.
  5. Run the !jira-oauth-test to test the connection of the instance.
Authenticating using custom callback URL#

Custom callback URL

Authenticating using the oproxy callback URL#

Oproxy callback URL

Fetch Incidents#

When you enable incidents fetching, you have the option to configure a query which will be used to fetch Jira issues as incidents in Cortex XSOAR. The query uses one of the following fields in order to progressively fetch incidents:

  • id of Jira issues
  • created time of Jira issues
  • updated time of Jira issues (using this field may cause duplicates, so be wary)

If created time, or updated time is selected when fetching incidents for the first time, then the Time range for initial data fetch argument is used in the fetch query. By default, 50 issues are fetched for each call. If Fetch comments is enabled, The fetched incidents will include the comments in the Jira issue, and preview them in the form of a table in the incident info tab. If Fetch attachments is enabled, The fetched incidents will include the attachments in the Jira issue.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


  1. For OnPrem, all the commands use the WRITE scope, for Cloud, the required scopes for each command will be mentioned under the name of the command.
  2. For the commands that are shared between Jira V2 and V3, we still support the arguments from V2, but are configured to be hidden, and are prioritized when supplied to the commands, to not break backwards compatibility.


Download attachments for a specific issue (Will download a file to War Room).

Scope: read:jira-work

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
attachment_idA CSV list of the attachments' ID, which can be retrieved using the jira-get-issue command.Required

Context Output#

InfoFile.NameStringThe file name.
InfoFile.EntryIDStringThe EntryID of the file in the War Room.
InfoFile.SizeNumberThe size of the file (in bytes).
InfoFile.TypeStringThe file type, as determined by libmagic (same as displayed in file entries).
InfoFile.ExtensionStringThe file extension.
InfoFile.InfoStringBasic information of the file.

Command example#

!jira-issue-get-attachment attachment_id=16477

Context Example#

"InfoFile": {
"EntryID": "10906@33e912c0-76a9-4a08-8cc6-1b20b1980b20",
"Extension": "pdf",
"Info": "application/pdf",
"Name": "dummy.pdf",
"Size": 13264,
"Type": "PDF document, version 1.4, 1 pages (zip deflate encoded)"

Human Readable Output#


Deletes an issue in Jira. Issue's sub-tasks will also be deleted if there are any.

Scope: write:jira-work

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issueIdOrKeyDeprecated. Please use issue_id or issue_key.Optional
issue_idThe issue ID (Issue ID or key is required).Optional
issue_keyThe issue key (Issue ID or key is required).Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!jira-delete-issue issue_key=PROJECTKEY-114

Human Readable Output#

Issue deleted successfully.


Gets specific fields from a Jira issue and adds it to context dynamically.

Scope: read:jira-work

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issue_idThe issue ID (Issue ID or key is required).Optional
issue_keyThe issue key (Issue ID or key is required).Optional
issueIdDeprecated. Please use issue_id or issue_key.Optional
fieldDeprecated. Please use fields.Optional
fieldsThe fields to retrieve from the issue. For example field="customfield_164,labels".Optional

Context Output#

Ticket.IdStringThe ticket ID.
Ticket.KeyStringThe ticket key.
Ticket.AssigneeStringThe user assigned to the ticket.
Ticket.CreatorStringThe user who created the ticket.
Ticket.SummaryStringThe ticket summary.
Ticket.StatusStringThe ticket status.

Command example#

!jira-get-specific-field issue_key=PROJECTKEY-35 fields="watches,rank"

Context Example#

"Ticket": {
"Assignee": "Example User(",
"Attachments": [
"created": "2023-05-04T21:11:51.286+0300",
"filename": "dummy_attachment_content.txt",
"id": "16475",
"size": 13264
"created": "2023-05-04T21:32:57.042+0300",
"filename": "dummy.pdf",
"id": "16478",
"size": 13264
"Components": [
"Created": "2023-03-01T11:34:49.730+0200",
"Creator": "Example User(",
"Description": "Edited subbscription",
"DueDate": "2023-01-01",
"Id": "21487",
"Key": "PROJECTKEY-35",
"Labels": [
"LastSeen": "2023-05-08T19:02:34.151+0300",
"LastUpdate": "2023-05-08T19:07:44.900+0300",
"Priority": "Highest",
"ProjectName": "Company Snoozing App",
"Status": "Backlog",
"Summary": "Edited Summary",
"customfield_10019": {
"issueFieldDisplayName": "Rank",
"rawData": "0|i00kjb:"
"watches": {
"issueFieldDisplayName": "Watchers",
"rawData": {
"isWatching": true,
"self": "",
"watchCount": 1

Human Readable Output#


AssigneeCreatedCreatorDescriptionDue DateIdIssue TypeKeyLabelsPriorityProject NameReporterStatusSummaryTicket Link
Example User( User( subbscription2023-01-0121487StoryPROJECTKEY-35label1,
HighestCompany Snoozing AppExample User( Summary


Creates (or updates) an issue link.

Scope: write:jira-work

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
globalIdDeprecated. Please use global_id.Optional
global_idIf the global ID is provided and a remote issue link exists with that global ID, the remote issue link is updated.Optional
relationshipThe object relationship to the issue, for example: causes.Optional
urlThe URL link.Required
titleThe link title.Required
summaryThe link summary.Optional
issueIdDeprecated. Please use issue_id or issue_key.Optional
issue_idThe issue ID (Issue ID or key is required).Optional
issue_keyThe issue key (Issue ID or key is required).Optional
application_typeThe application type of the linked remote application. For example "com.atlassian.confluence".Optional
applicationTypeDeprecated. Please use application_type.Optional
application_nameThe application name of the linked remote application. For example "My Confluence Instance".Optional
applicationNameDeprecated. Please use application_name.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!jira-issue-add-link title="Demo" url="" issue_key=PROJECTKEY-35

Human Readable Output#

Remote Issue Link#



Gets the account ID for a given user attribute.

Scope: read:jira-user

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
attributeThe user attribute value. For Jira Cloud, this value can be the display name, or email address, and for Jira OnPrem, this value can be the display name, email address, or username.Required
max_resultsThe maximum number of users to fetch when searching for a matching user (default is 50). The maximum allowed value is dictated by the Jira property ''. If you specify a value greater than this number, your search results are truncated. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Jira.User.AttributeStringThe user's attribute.
Jira.User.AccountIdStringThe user's account ID.

Command example#

!jira-get-id-by-attribute attribute=Tomer

Context Example#

"Jira": {
"User": {
"AccountId": "12345",
"Attribute": "Tomer"

Human Readable Output#

The account ID that holds the attribute Tomer: 12345


Queries Jira issues.

Scope: read:jira-work

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
queryThe JQL query string.Required
start_atThe index (integer) of the first issue to return (0-based).Optional
startAtDeprecated. Please use start_at.Optional
max_resultsThe maximum number of users to fetch when searching for a matching user (default is 50). The maximum allowed value is dictated by the Jira property ''. If you specify a value greater than this number, your search results are truncated.Optional
maxResultsDeprecated. Please use max_results.Optional
headersDisplays the headers in human readable format.Optional
fieldsA CSV list of fields to return (Using the name or ID of the fields) to context data. Supplying all will return all the issue fields (which will include nested values), except for the comments, which can be retrieved using the !jira-get-comments command.Optional
extraFieldsDeprecated. Please use fields.Optional

Context Output#

Ticket.IdStringThe ticket ID.
Ticket.KeyStringThe ticket key.
Ticket.AssigneeStringThe user assigned to the ticket.
Ticket.CreatorStringThe user who created the ticket.
Ticket.SummaryStringThe ticket summary.
Ticket.DescriptionStringThe ticket's description.
Ticket.RawDescriptionStringThe ticket's raw description.
Ticket.LabelsArrayThe ticket's labels.
Ticket.ComponentsArrayThe ticket's components.
Ticket.StatusStringThe ticket status.
Ticket.PriorityStringThe ticket priority.
Ticket.ProjectNameStringThe ticket project name.
Ticket.DueDateDateThe due date.
Ticket.CreatedDateThe time the ticket was created.
Ticket.LastSeenDateThe last time the ticket was viewed.
Ticket.LastUpdateDateThe last time the ticket was updated.

Command example#

!jira-issue-query query="status!=done" max_results=2 fields="watches,rank"

Context Example#

"Ticket": [
"Assignee": "",
"Attachments": [
"created": "2023-03-26T18:06:24.325+0300",
"filename": "DemistoContent-InstallContentEnvironment-160822-0023-68.pdf",
"id": "16426",
"size": 17815
"Components": [],
"Created": "2023-03-01T11:59:18.202+0200",
"Creator": "Example User(",
"Description": "Dummy description",
"DueDate": "",
"Id": "21490",
"Key": "XSOAR-19",
"Labels": [],
"LastSeen": "",
"LastUpdate": "2023-05-04T21:41:44.516+0300",
"Priority": "Highest",
"ProjectName": "XSOARJiraV3",
"Status": "To Do",
"Summary": "something",
"customfield_10019": {
"issueFieldDisplayName": "Rank",
"rawData": "0|i00kjr:"
"watches": {
"issueFieldDisplayName": "Watchers",
"rawData": {
"isWatching": true,
"self": "",
"watchCount": 1
"Assignee": "",
"Attachments": [],
"Components": [],
"Created": "2023-03-01T14:10:55.495+0200",
"Creator": "Example User(",
"Description": "Dummy",
"DueDate": "",
"Id": "21494",
"Key": "XSOAR-18",
"Labels": [],
"LastSeen": "",
"LastUpdate": "2023-03-01T14:10:55.495+0200",
"Priority": "Medium",
"ProjectName": "XSOARJiraV3",
"Status": "To Do",
"Summary": "something something",
"customfield_10019": {
"issueFieldDisplayName": "Rank",
"rawData": "0|i00kkn:"
"watches": {
"issueFieldDisplayName": "Watchers",
"rawData": {
"isWatching": true,
"self": "",
"watchCount": 1

Human Readable Output#

Issue XSOAR-19#

AssigneeCreatedCreatorDescriptionDue DateIdIssue TypeKeyLabelsPriorityProject NameReporterStatusSummaryTicket Link
2023-03-01T11:59:18.202+0200Example User( description21490TaskXSOAR-19HighestXSOARJiraV3Example User( Dosomething

Issue XSOAR-18#

AssigneeCreatedCreatorDescriptionDue DateIdIssue TypeKeyLabelsPriorityProject NameReporterStatusSummaryTicket Link
2023-03-01T14:10:55.495+0200Example User( User( Dosomething something


Returns the ID offset, which is the ID of the first issue that was created in the current Jira instance, or the ID of the first issue with respect to the given query argument if given. You can use its result as the initial ID when fetching incidents by the issue id field.

Scope: read:jira-work

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
queryThe query that will be used to retrieve the first issue ID in it.Optional

Context Output#

Ticket.idOffSetStringThe ID offset.

Command example#

!jira-get-id-offset query="status!=done"

Context Example#

"Ticket": {
"idOffSet": "10161"

Human Readable Output#

ID Offset: 10161


Adds a new comment to an existing Jira issue.

Scope: write:jira-work

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issueIdDeprecated. Please use issue_id or issue_key.Optional
issue_idThe issue ID (Issue ID or key is required).Optional
issue_keyThe issue key (Issue ID or key is required).Optional
commentThe comment body.Required
visibilityThe roles that can view the comment, for example: Administrators.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!jira-issue-add-comment issue_key=PROJECTKEY-31 comment="New comment"

Human Readable Output#

Comment added successfully#

CommentIdTicket Link
New comment18456


Uploads a file attachment to an issue.

Scope: write:jira-work

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issueIdDeprecated. Please use issue_id or issue_key.Optional
issue_idThe issue ID (Issue ID or key is required).Optional
issue_keyThe issue key (Issue ID or key is required).Optional
uploadThe entry ID to upload.Required
attachment_nameThe attachment name to be displayed in Jira (overrides the original file name).Optional
attachmentNameDeprecated. Please use attachment_name.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!jira-issue-upload-file upload=10833@33e912c0-76a9-4a08-8cc6-1b20b1980b20 issue_key=PROJECTKEY-31

Human Readable Output#

Attachment added successfully#

Attachment LinkAttachment NameIdIssue Key


Delete an attachment from an issue.

Scope: write:jira-work

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
attachment_idThe attachment ID.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!jira-issue-delete-file attachment_id=ATTACHMENT_ID

Human Readable Output#

Attachment id ATTACHMENT_ID was deleted successfully.


Lists all possible transitions for a given ticket in its current status.

Scope: read:jira-work

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issueIdDeprecated. Please use issue_id or issue_key.Optional
issue_idThe issue ID (Issue ID or key is required).Optional
issue_keyThe issue key (Issue ID or key is required).Optional

Context Output#

Ticket.IdStringThe ticket ID.
Ticket.KeyStringThe ticket key.
Ticket.TransitionsObjectAn object that holds data about all possible transitions.
Ticket.Transitions.transitionsArrayAn array of all possible transitions.
Ticket.Transitions.ticketIdStringThe ticket ID.

Command example#

!jira-list-transitions issue_key=PROJECTKEY-35

Context Example#

"Ticket": {
"Key": "PROJECTKEY-35",
"Transitions": {
"ticketId": "PROJECTKEY-35",
"transitions": [
"In Development"

Human Readable Output#

List Transitions#

Transition Names
In Development


Modifies an issue in Jira. If the status or transition fields are given, then the other supplied fields should appear on the transition screen.

Scope: write:jira-work

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
parent_issue_keyThe parent issue key (if you're editing a sub-task). This argument is only relevant for Jira Cloud.Optional
parent_issue_idThe parent issue ID (if you're editing a sub-task). This argument is only relevant for Jira Cloud.Optional
actionWhether to append or rewrite the values. Only issue fields of type string or array support appending. If the field is of type string, then the new appended value will be: 'old value, new value', where they will be separated by a comma. Possible values are: append, rewrite. Default is rewrite.Optional
issueIdDeprecated. Please use issue_id or issue_key.Optional
issue_idThe issue ID (Issue ID or key is required).Optional
issue_keyThe issue key (Issue ID or key is required).Optional
issue_jsonThe issue object (in JSON format). This argument is for advanced users, as when utilizing this argument, one cannot use other arguments (it will raise an error) except the issue_id issue_eky action transition and status and must input all required arguments into the issue_json. In addition, when issue_json is used, it is not possible to use the project name but only the project key. For example {"fields":{"customfield_10037":"field_value", "summary": "some summary", "project": {"key": "<project_key>"}}}. For more information about this argument, see
issueJsonDeprecated. Please use issue_json.Optional
summaryThe issue summary.Optional
descriptionThe issue description.Optional
labelsA CSV list of labels.Optional
priorityThe issue priority, for example: High, Medium.Optional
due_dateThe due date for the issue (in the format yyyy-mm-dd).Optional
dueDateDeprecated. Please use due_date.Optional
assigneeThe name of the assignee. Relevant for Jira Server only. If you are using Jira Cloud, provide the assignee_id argument instead. Use the jira-get-id-by-attribute command to get the user's name.Optional
assignee_idThe account ID of the assignee. Relevant for Jira Cloud only. Use the jira-get-id-by-attribute command to get the user's account ID.Optional
statusThe issue status (Either choose the issue status or transition, but not both).Optional
transitionThe issue transition (Either choose the issue status or transition, but not both).Optional
environmentA text field for describing the environment in which the issue occurred. For example environment="IE9 on Windows 7".Optional
securityThe security level name of the issue. For example security="Anyone".Optional
componentsA CSV list of components. For example components="component1,component2". When using a Jira OnPrem instance, or using the action append, the entered components must already exist.Optional

Context Output#

Ticket.IdStringThe ticket ID.
Ticket.KeyStringThe ticket key.
Ticket.AssigneeStringThe user assigned to the ticket.
Ticket.CreatorStringThe user who created the ticket.
Ticket.SummaryStringThe ticket summary.
Ticket.DescriptionStringThe ticket's project description.
Ticket.RawDescriptionStringThe ticket's project raw description.
Ticket.LabelsArrayThe ticket's project labels.
Ticket.StatusStringThe ticket status.
Ticket.PriorityStringThe ticket priority.
Ticket.ProjectNameStringThe ticket project name.
Ticket.DueDateDateThe due date.
Ticket.CreatedDateThe time the ticket was created.
Ticket.LastSeenDateThe last time the ticket was viewed.
Ticket.LastUpdateDateThe last time the ticket was updated.

Command example#

!jira-edit-issue action=rewrite issue_key=PROJECTKEY-35 assignee_id=12345 description="Edited subbscription" due_date="2023-01-01" environment="Windows XP" labels="label1,label2" priority="Highest" security=Anyone status="Backlog" summary="Edited Summary"

Context Example#

"Ticket": {
"Assignee": "Example User(",
"Attachments": [
"created": "2023-05-07T20:00:59.121+0300",
"filename": "dummy_attachment_content.txt",
"id": "16504",
"size": 13264
"created": "2023-05-04T21:29:49.246+0300",
"filename": "dummy.pdf",
"id": "16477",
"size": 13264
"Components": [
"Created": "2023-03-01T11:34:49.730+0200",
"Creator": "Example User(",
"Description": "Edited subbscription",
"DueDate": "2023-01-01",
"Id": "21487",
"Key": "PROJECTKEY-35",
"Labels": [
"LastSeen": "2023-05-08T19:02:34.151+0300",
"LastUpdate": "2023-05-08T19:07:44.900+0300",
"Priority": "Highest",
"ProjectName": "Company Snoozing App",
"Status": "Backlog",
"Summary": "Edited Summary"

Human Readable Output#


AssigneeCreatedCreatorDescriptionDue DateIdIssue TypeKeyLabelsPriorityProject NameReporterStatusSummaryTicket Link
Example User( User( subbscription2023-01-0121487StoryPROJECTKEY-35label1,
HighestCompany Snoozing AppExample User( Summary


Assigns an assignee to an existing issue.

Scope: write:jira-work

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issue_idThe issue ID (Issue ID or key is required).Optional
issue_keyThe issue key (Issue ID or key is required).Optional
assigneeThe name of the assignee. Relevant for Jira Server only. If you are using Jira Cloud, provide the assignee_id argument instead. Use the jira-get-id-by-attribute command to get the user's name.Optional
assignee_idThe account ID of the assignee. Relevant for Jira Cloud only. Use the jira-get-id-by-attribute command to get the user's account ID.Optional

Context Output#

Ticket.IdStringThe ticket ID.
Ticket.KeyStringThe ticket key.
Ticket.AssigneeStringThe user assigned to the ticket.
Ticket.CreatorStringThe user who created the ticket.
Ticket.SummaryStringThe ticket summary.
Ticket.DescriptionStringThe ticket's project description.
Ticket.RawDescriptionStringThe ticket's project raw description.
Ticket.LabelsArrayThe ticket's project labels.
Ticket.StatusStringThe ticket status.
Ticket.PriorityStringThe ticket priority.
Ticket.ProjectNameStringThe ticket project name.
Ticket.DueDateDateThe due date.
Ticket.CreatedDateThe time the ticket was created.
Ticket.LastSeenDateThe last time the ticket was viewed.
Ticket.LastUpdateDateThe last time the ticket was updated.

Command example#

!jira-issue-assign issue_key=PROJECTKEY-35 assignee_id=12345

Context Example#

"Ticket": {
"Assignee": "Example User(",
"Attachments": [
"created": "2023-05-07T20:00:59.121+0300",
"filename": "dummy_attachment_content.txt",
"id": "16504",
"size": 13264
"created": "2023-05-04T21:29:49.246+0300",
"filename": "dummy.pdf",
"id": "16477",
"size": 13264
"Components": [
"Created": "2023-03-01T11:34:49.730+0200",
"Creator": "Example User(",
"Description": "Edited subbscription",
"DueDate": "2023-01-01",
"Id": "21487",
"Key": "PROJECTKEY-35",
"Labels": [
"LastSeen": "2023-05-08T19:02:34.151+0300",
"LastUpdate": "2023-05-08T19:07:44.900+0300",
"Priority": "Highest",
"ProjectName": "Company Snoozing App",
"Status": "Backlog",
"Summary": "Edited Summary"

Human Readable Output#


AssigneeCreatedCreatorDescriptionDue DateIdIssue TypeKeyLabelsPriorityProject NameReporterStatusSummaryTicket Link
Example User( User( subbscription2023-01-0121487StoryPROJECTKEY-35label1,
HighestCompany Snoozing AppExample User( Summary


Creates a new issue in Jira.

Scope: write:jira-work

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issue_json'The issue object (in JSON format). This argument is for advanced users, as when utilizing this argument, one cannot use other arguments (it will raise an error) and must input all required arguments into the issue_json. In addition, when issue_json is used, it is not possible to use the project name but only the project key. For example {"fields":{"customfield_10037":"field_value", "summary": "some summary", "project": {"key": "<project_key>"}}}. For more information about this argument, see'.Optional
issueJsonDeprecated. Please use issue_json.Optional
summaryThe summary of the issue (Summary value is required, either from the "summary" argument, or from the "issue_json" argument).Optional
project_keyThe project key with which to associate the issue (Project Key or name is required).Optional
projectKeyDeprecated. Please use project_key.Optional
issue_type_nameSelects an issue type by name, for example: "Problem". (Issue type name or id is required).Optional
issueTypeNameDeprecated. Please use issue_type_name.Optional
issue_type_idSelects an issue type by its numeric ID (Issue type name or id is required).Optional
issueTypeIdDeprecated. Please use issue_type_id.Optional
project_nameThe project name with which to associate the issue (Project Key or name is required).Optional
projectNameDeprecated. Please use project_name.Optional
descriptionA description of the issue.Optional
labelsA CSV list of labels.Optional
priorityThe priority of the issue, for example: High, Medium.Optional
due_dateThe due date for the issue (in the format yyyy-mm-dd).Optional
dueDateDeprecated. Please use due_date.Optional
assigneeThe name of the assignee. Relevant for Jira Server only. If you are using Jira Cloud, provide the assignee_id argument instead. Use the jira-get-id-by-attribute command to get the user's name.Optional
assignee_idThe account ID of the assignee. Relevant for Jira Cloud only. Use the jira-get-id-by-attribute command to get the user's account ID.Optional
reporter_idThe account ID of the reporter. Relevant for Jira Cloud only. Use the jira-get-id-by-attribute command to get the user's account ID.Optional
reporterThe name of the of the reporter. Relevant for Jira Server only. Please use reporter_id for Jira Cloud. Use the jira-get-id-by-attribute command to get the user's name.Optional
parent_issue_keyThe parent issue key (if you're creating a sub-task).Optional
parentIssueKeyDeprecated. Please use parent_issue_key.Optional
parent_issue_idThe parent issue ID (if you're creating a sub-task).Optional
parentIssueIdDeprecated. Please use parent_issue_id.Optional
environmentA text field for describing the environment in which the issue occurred. For example environment="IE9 on Windows 7".Optional
securityThe security level of the issue. For example security="Anyone".Optional
componentsThe component names of the issue. For example components="component1,component2". When using a Jira OnPrem instance, the entered components must already exist.Optional

Context Output#

Ticket.IdStringThe ticket ID.
Ticket.KeyStringThe ticket key.

Command example#

!jira-create-issue summary="Dummy Summary" assignee_id=12345 components="dummy-comp,New-Component" description="Dummy description" due_date="2023-01-01" environment="Windows XP" issue_type_name="Sub-task" labels="label1,label2" parent_issue_key=PROJECTKEY-35 priority=Highest project_name="Company Snoozing App" reporter_id=12345 security=Assignee

Context Example#

"Ticket": {
"Id": "21619",
"Key": "PROJECTKEY-145"

Human Readable Output#


IdKeyProject KeyTicket Link


Fetches an issue from Jira.

Scope: read:jira-work

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
fieldsA CSV list of fields to return (Using the name or ID of the fields) to context data. Supplying all will return all the issue fields (which will include nested values), except for the comments, which can be retrieved using the !jira-get-comments command.Optional
issueIdDeprecated. Please use issue_id or issue_key.Optional
issue_idThe issue ID (Issue ID or key is required).Optional
issue_keyThe issue key (Issue ID or key is required).Optional
headersDisplays the headers in human readable format.Optional
get_attachmentsIf "true", retrieves the issue attachments and downloads the file to the War Room. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional
getAttachmentsDeprecated. Please use get_attachments. Possible values are: true, false.Optional
expand_linksIf "true", expands the issue links (the linked issues and subtasks). Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional
expandLinksDeprecated. Please use expand_links. Possible values are: true, false.Optional

Note: When supplying the all value to the fields argument, then all the issue fields will be returned, and every issue field that was not parsed by the code, will be parsed in the following format: {customfield_1: SOME_NESTED_VALUE} -> {customfield_1: {issueFieldDisplayName: THE_DISPLAY_NAME_OF_THE_FIELD, rawData: SOME_NESTED_VALUE}}

Context Output#

Ticket.IdStringThe ticket ID.
Ticket.KeyStringThe ticket key.
Ticket.AssigneeStringThe user assigned to the ticket, in the form `Username(User email address)`.
Ticket.CreatorStringThe user who created the ticket.
Ticket.SummaryStringThe ticket summary.
Ticket.DescriptionStringThe ticket's project description.
Ticket.RawDescriptionStringThe ticket's project raw description.
Ticket.StatusStringThe ticket status.
Ticket.LabelsArrayThe ticket's labels.
Ticket.ComponentsArrayThe ticket's components.
Ticket.PriorityStringThe ticket priority.
Ticket.ProjectNameStringThe ticket project name.
Ticket.DueDateDateThe due date.
Ticket.CreatedDateThe time the ticket was created.
Ticket.LastSeenDateThe last time the ticket was viewed.
Ticket.LastUpdateDateThe last time the ticket was updated.
Ticket.Attachments.createdDateThe created time of the attachment.
Ticket.Attachments.filenameStringThe file name of the attachment.
Ticket.Attachments.idStringThe id of the attachment.
Ticket.Attachments.sizeNumberThe size (in bytes) of the attachment.
InfoFile.NameStringThe file name.
InfoFile.EntryIDStringThe ID for locating the file in the War Room.
InfoFile.SizeNumberThe size of the file (in bytes).
InfoFile.TypeStringThe file type, as determined by libmagic (same as displayed in file entries).
InfoFile.ExtensionStringThe file extension.
InfoFile.InfoStringBasic information about the file.

Command example#

!jira-get-issue issue_key=PROJECTKEY-35 expand_links=true fields=watches,rank get_attachments=true

Context Example#

"InfoFile": [
"EntryID": "10845@33e912c0-76a9-4a08-8cc6-1b20b1980b20",
"Extension": "png",
"Info": "image/png",
"Name": "1682340338180_home_screen_background_mirrored_from_xsoar.png",
"Size": 212597,
"Type": "PNG image data, 430 x 932, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced"
"EntryID": "10846@33e912c0-76a9-4a08-8cc6-1b20b1980b20",
"Extension": "txt",
"Info": "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
"Name": "dummy_attachment_content.txt",
"Size": 13264,
"Type": "PDF document, version 1.4, 1 pages (zip deflate encoded)"
"Ticket": [
"Assignee": "Example User(",
"Attachments": [
"created": "2023-04-24T15:46:18.919+0300",
"filename": "1682340338180_home_screen_background_mirrored_from_xsoar.png",
"id": "16466",
"size": 212597
"created": "2023-05-07T20:00:59.121+0300",
"filename": "dummy_attachment_content.txt",
"id": "16504",
"size": 13264
"Components": [
"Created": "2023-03-01T11:34:49.730+0200",
"Creator": "Example User(",
"Description": "Edited subbscription",
"DueDate": "2023-01-01",
"Id": "21487",
"Key": "PROJECTKEY-35",
"Labels": [
"LastSeen": "2023-05-08T19:02:34.151+0300",
"LastUpdate": "2023-05-08T19:05:03.569+0300",
"Priority": "Highest",
"ProjectName": "Company Snoozing App",
"Status": "Selected for Development",
"Summary": "Edited Summary",
"customfield_10019": {
"issueFieldDisplayName": "Rank",
"rawData": "0|i00kjb:"
"watches": {
"issueFieldDisplayName": "Watchers",
"rawData": {
"isWatching": true,
"self": "",
"watchCount": 1
"Assignee": "",
"Attachments": [
"created": "2023-03-26T18:06:24.325+0300",
"filename": "DemistoContent-InstallContentEnvironment-160822-0023-68.pdf",
"id": "16426",
"size": 17815
"Components": [],
"Created": "2023-03-01T11:59:18.202+0200",
"Creator": "Example User(",
"Description": "Dummy description",
"DueDate": "",
"Id": "21490",
"Key": "XSOAR-19",
"Labels": [],
"LastSeen": "",
"LastUpdate": "2023-05-04T21:41:44.516+0300",
"Priority": "Highest",
"ProjectName": "XSOARJiraV3",
"Status": "To Do",
"Summary": "something",
"customfield_10019": {
"issueFieldDisplayName": "Rank",
"rawData": "0|i00kjr:"
"watches": {
"issueFieldDisplayName": "Watchers",
"rawData": {
"isWatching": true,
"self": "",
"watchCount": 1

Human Readable Output#


AssigneeCreatedCreatorDescriptionDue DateIdIssue TypeKeyLabelsPriorityProject NameReporterStatusSummaryTicket Link
Example User( User(,
HighestCompany Snoozing AppExample User( ProgressXSOAR Meeting, Ammended summary

Issue XSOAR-19#

AssigneeCreatedCreatorDescriptionDue DateIdIssue TypeKeyLabelsPriorityProject NameReporterStatusSummaryTicket Link
2023-03-01T11:59:18.202+0200Example User( description21490TaskXSOAR-19HighestXSOARJiraV3Example User( Dosomething


Returns the comments added to a ticket.

Scope: read:jira-work

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitThe maximum number of results to return. Default is 50 and maximum is 5000. Default is 50.Optional
issueIdDeprecated. Please use issue_id or issue_key.Optional
issue_idThe issue ID (Issue ID or key is required).Optional
issue_keyThe issue key (Issue ID or key is required).Optional

Context Output#

Ticket.IdStringThe ID of the ticket.
Ticket.KeyStringThe ticket key.
Ticket.Comment.IdStringThe ID of the comment.
Ticket.Comment.CommentStringThe text of the comment.
Ticket.Comment.CreatedDateThe comment creation date.
Ticket.Comment.UpdatedDateThe comment updated date.
Ticket.Comment.UserStringThe user that created the comment.
Ticket.Comment.UpdateUserStringThe user that updated the comment.

Command example#

!jira-get-comments issue_key=PROJECTKEY-35 limit=2

Context Example#

"Ticket": {
"Comment": [
"Comment": "New comment",
"Created": "2023-05-04T21:29:51.036+0300",
"Id": "18423",
"UpdateUser": "Example User",
"Updated": "2023-05-04T21:29:51.036+0300",
"User": "Example User"
"Comment": "Dummy Link",
"Created": "2023-05-04T21:30:29.599+0300",
"Id": "18424",
"UpdateUser": "Example User",
"Updated": "2023-05-04T21:30:29.599+0300",
"User": "Example User"
"Id": "21487",
"Key": "PROJECTKEY-35"

Human Readable Output#


New comment2023-05-04T21:29:51.036+030018423Example User2023-05-04T21:29:51.036+0300Example User
Dummy Link2023-05-04T21:30:29.599+030018424Example User2023-05-04T21:30:29.599+0300Example User


Use this command to complete the authorization process. After copying the authorization code found in the query parameter code of the callback URL, paste the value in the command as an argument to finish the process.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
codeThe authorization code retrieved from the callback URL according to the documentation.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Human Readable Output#

Logged in successfully#

A refresh token was saved to the integration context. This token will be used to generate a new access token once the current one expires.


Use this command to start the authorization process. In order to authorize the instance, first run the command, and complete the process in the URL that is returned. You will then be redirected to the callback URL where you will copy the authorization code found in the query parameter code, and paste that value in the command !jira-ouath-complete as an argument to finish the process.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Human Readable Output#

In order to retrieve the authorization code, use the following link:
After authorizing, you will be redirected to the configured callback URL, where you will retrieve the authorization code provided as a query parameter called code, and insert it as an argument to the !jira-oauth-complete command


Use this command to test the connectivity of the Jira instance.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Human Readable Output#

Successful connection.


Delete a comment from an issue.

Scope: write:jira-work

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
comment_idThe comment ID.Required
issue_idThe issue ID (Issue ID or key is required).Optional
issue_keyThe issue key (Issue ID or key is required).Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!jira-issue-delete-comment issue_key=PROJECTKEY-35 comment_id=18423

Human Readable Output#

Comment deleted successfully.


Edit a comment that is part of an issue.

Scope: write:jira-work

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issue_idThe issue ID (Issue ID or key is required).Optional
issue_keyThe issue key (Issue ID or key is required).Optional
comment_idThe comment ID.Required
commentThe content of the comment to modify.Required
visibilityThe roles that can view the comment, for example: Administrators.Optional

Context Output#

Ticket.IdStringThe ID of the ticket.
Ticket.Comment.IdStringThe ID of the comment.
Ticket.Comment.CommentStringThe text of the comment.
Ticket.Comment.CreatedStringThe issue creation date.
Ticket.Comment.UserStringThe user that created the comment.

Command example#

!jira-issue-edit-comment issue_key=PROJECTKEY-35 comment_id=18425 comment="New Hello There"

Context Example#

"Ticket": {
"Comment": [
"Comment": "Dummy Link",
"Created": "2023-05-04T21:30:29.599+0300",
"Id": "18424",
"UpdateUser": "Example User",
"Updated": "2023-05-04T21:30:29.599+0300",
"User": "Example User"
"Comment": "New Hello There",
"Created": "2023-05-04T21:32:58.870+0300",
"Id": "18425",
"UpdateUser": "Example User",
"Updated": "2023-05-08T19:08:04.346+0300",
"User": "Example User"
"Comment": "Dummy Link",
"Created": "2023-05-04T21:33:29.986+0300",
"Id": "18426",
"UpdateUser": "Example User",
"Updated": "2023-05-04T21:33:29.986+0300",
"User": "Example User"
"Id": "21487",
"Key": "PROJECTKEY-35"

Human Readable Output#

The comment has been edited successfully


This command returns the issue fields, both system and custom fields.

Scope: read:jira-work

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitThe maximum number of results to return. This argument will be ignored if page or page_size arguments were given. Default value is 50.Optional
pageThe page number. Default value is 0.Optional
page_sizeThe number of requested results per page. Default value is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Jira.IssueField.idStringThe ID of the field.
Jira.IssueField.keyStringThe key of the field.
Jira.IssueField.nameStringThe name of the field.
Jira.IssueField.customStringWhether the field is a custom field.
Jira.IssueField.orderableStringWhether the content of the field can be used to order lists.
Jira.IssueField.navigableStringWhether the field can be used as a column on the issue navigator.
Jira.IssueField.searchableStringWhether the content of the field can be searched.
Jira.IssueField.clauseNamesArrayThe names that can be used to reference the field in an advanced search.
Jira.IssueField.scopeObjectThe scope of the field.
Jira.IssueField.scope.typeStringThe type of scope. Valid values: PROJECT, TEMPLATE
Jira.IssueField.scope.projectObjectThe project the item has scope in.
Jira.IssueField.scope.project.selfStringThe URL of the project details.
Jira.IssueField.scope.project.idStringThe ID of the project.
Jira.IssueField.scope.project.keyStringThe key of the project.
Jira.IssueField.scope.project.nameStringThe name of the project.
Jira.IssueField.scope.project.projectTypeKeyStringThe project type of the project. Valid values: software, service_desk, business
Jira.IssueField.scope.project.simplifiedBooleanWhether or not the project is simplified.
Jira.IssueField.scope.project.avatarUrlsObjectThe URLs of the project's avatars.
Jira.IssueField.scope.project.projectCategoryObjectThe category the project belongs to.
Jira.IssueField.scope.project.projectCategory.selfStringThe URL of the project category.
Jira.IssueField.scope.project.projectCategory.idStringThe ID of the project category.
Jira.IssueField.scope.project.projectCategory.descriptionStringThe name of the project category.
Jira.IssueField.scope.project.projectCategory.nameStringThe description of the project category.
Jira.IssueField.scope.typeStringThe type of scope. Valid values: PROJECT, TEMPLATE
Jira.IssueField.schemaObjectThe data schema for the field.
Jira.IssueField.schema.typeStringThe data type of the field.
Jira.IssueField.schema.itemsStringWhen the data type is an array, the name of the field items within the array.
Jira.IssueField.schema.systemStringIf the field is a system field, the name of the field.
Jira.IssueField.schema.customStringIf the field is a custom field, the URI of the field.
Jira.IssueField.schema.customIdNumberIf the field is a custom field, the custom ID of the field.
Jira.IssueField.schema.configurationObjectIf the field is a custom field, the configuration of the field.

Command example#

!jira-issue-list-fields page=1 page_size=2

Context Example#

"Jira": {
"IssueField": [
"clauseNames": [],
"custom": true,
"id": "customfield_10070",
"key": "customfield_10070",
"name": "Responders",
"navigable": true,
"orderable": true,
"schema": {
"custom": "com.atlassian.jira.modules.servicemanagement.responders-entity:responders-entity-field-cftype",
"customId": 10070,
"items": "string",
"type": "array"
"searchable": true,
"untranslatedName": "Responders"
"clauseNames": [
"Time to resolution"
"custom": true,
"id": "customfield_10071",
"key": "customfield_10071",
"name": "Time to resolution",
"navigable": true,
"orderable": true,
"schema": {
"custom": "com.atlassian.servicedesk:sd-sla-field",
"customId": 10071,
"type": "sd-servicelevelagreement"
"searchable": true,
"untranslatedName": "Time to resolution"

Human Readable Output#

Issue Fields#

CustomIdNameSchema TypeSearchable
truecustomfield_10071Time to resolutionsd-servicelevelagreementtrue


Moves issues to backlog. If the issues supplied are NOT part of a board that supports sprints, then the board_id argument is required. At most 50 issues may be moved at once.

Scope: write:board-scope:jira-software

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issuesThe issues to move to backlog.Required
board_idThe board ID. Can only be used with a Jira Cloud instance. Run the command jira-board-list to retrieve the boards' IDs.Optional
rank_before_issueTo rank the issues before the stated issue (supports issue key and ID). This argument can be used when supplying the board ID.Optional
rank_after_issueTo rank the issues after the stated issue (supports issue key and ID). This argument can be used when supplying the board ID.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!jira-issue-to-backlog issues="TSTPRD-3,TSTPRD-6" rank_before_issue="TSTPRD-4" board_id=12

Human Readable Output#

Issues were moved to Backlog successfully


Moves issues from backlog to board, the command does not work with boards with sprints. At most 50 issues may be moved at once. This command is only supported for Jira Cloud instances.

Scope: write:board-scope:jira-software

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issuesThe issues to move to board.Required
board_idThe board ID.Required
rank_before_issueTo rank the issues before the stated issue (supports issue key and ID).Optional
rank_after_issueTo rank the issues after the stated issue (supports issue key and ID).Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!jira-issue-to-board issues="PROJECTKEY-35,PROJECTKEY-39" board_id=14

Human Readable Output#

Issues were moved to Board successfully


Get board data. If board_id is given, then only the board that corresponds to the board_id is returned, otherwise, the the command will return boards that match the project_key_id, type, or board_name arguments.

Scopes: read:board-scope:jira-software, read:issue-details:jira

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
board_nameThe name of the board.Optional
board_idThe board ID.Optional
project_key_idThe project key or ID.Optional
typeThe type of the board. Allowed values are: scrum, kanban, simple. Possible values are: scrum, kanban, simple.Optional
limitThe maximum number of results to return. This argument will be ignored if page or page_size arguments were given. Default value is 50.Optional
pageThe page number. Default value is 0.Optional
page_sizeThe number of requested results per page. Default value is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Jira.Board.idNumberThe ID of the board.
Jira.Board.selfStringThe URL of the board.
Jira.Board.nameStringThe name of the board.
Jira.Board.typeStringThe type the board.
Jira.Board.adminsObjectThe administrators of the board.
Jira.Board.admins.usersObjectThe users who own the board.
Jira.Board.admins.users.selfStringThe URL of the user.
Jira.Board.admins.users.displayNameStringThe display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value.
Jira.Board.admins.users.activeStringWhether the user is active.
Jira.Board.admins.users.accountIdStringThe account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products.
Jira.Board.admins.users.avatarUrlsObjectThe avatars of the user.
Jira.Board.admins.groupsObjectThe groups who own the board.
Jira.Board.admins.groups.nameStringThe name of the group.
Jira.Board.admins.groups.selfStringThe URL of the group.
Jira.Board.locationObjectThe container that the board is located in.
Jira.Board.location.projectIdNumberThe project ID.
Jira.Board.location.userIdNumberThe user ID.
Jira.Board.location.userAccountIdStringThe user account ID.
Jira.Board.location.displayNameStringThe display name of the project.
Jira.Board.location.projectNameStringThe project name.
Jira.Board.location.projectKeyStringThe project key.
Jira.Board.location.projectTypeKeyStringThe type of the project.
Jira.Board.location.avatarURIStringThe avatar of the project.
Jira.Board.location.nameStringThe name of the project.
Jira.Board.canEditStringWhether the board can be edited.
Jira.Board.isPrivateStringWhether the board is private.
Jira.Board.favouriteStringWhether the board is selected as a favorite.

Command example#

!jira-board-list project_key_id=PROJECTKEY type=kanban

Context Example#

"Jira": {
"Board": {
"id": 14,
"location": {
"avatarURI": "",
"displayName": "Company Snoozing App (PROJECTKEY)",
"name": "Company Snoozing App (PROJECTKEY)",
"projectId": 10022,
"projectKey": "PROJECTKEY",
"projectName": "Company Snoozing App",
"projectTypeKey": "software"
"name": "PROJECTKEY board",
"self": "",
"type": "kanban"

Human Readable Output#


IDNameProject IDProject NameType
14PROJECTKEY board10022Company Snoozing Appkanban


Get issues from the backlog of a specific board. For Jira OnPrem, the board must be of type scrum.

Scopes: read:board-scope:jira-software, read:issue-details:jira

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
board_idThe board ID.Required
jql_queryA JQL query to filter the issues.Optional
limitThe maximum number of results to return. This argument will be ignored if page or page_size arguments were given. Default value is 50.Optional
pageThe page number. Default value is 0.Optional
page_sizeThe number of requested results per page. Default value is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Jira.BoardBacklog.boardIdNumberThe ID of the board.
Jira.BoardBacklog.Ticket.IdNumberThe ticket ID.
Jira.BoardBacklog.Ticket.KeyStringThe ticket key.
Jira.BoardBacklog.Ticket.AssigneeStringThe user assigned to the ticket.
Jira.BoardBacklog.Ticket.CreatorStringThe user who created the ticket.
Jira.BoardBacklog.Ticket.SummaryStringThe ticket summary.
Jira.BoardBacklog.Ticket.StatusStringThe ticket status.
Jira.BoardBacklog.Ticket.PriorityStringThe ticket priority.
Jira.BoardBacklog.Ticket.ProjectNameStringThe ticket project name.
Jira.BoardBacklog.Ticket.DueDateDateThe due date.
Jira.BoardBacklog.Ticket.CreatedDateThe time the ticket was created.
Jira.BoardBacklog.Ticket.LastSeenDateThe last time the ticket was viewed.
Jira.BoardBacklog.Ticket.LastUpdateDateThe last time the ticket was updated.

Command example#

!jira-board-backlog-list board_id=14 jql_query="status!=done" limit=2

Context Example#

"Jira": {
"BoardBacklog": {
"Ticket": [
"Assignee": "",
"Attachments": [],
"Components": [],
"Created": "2023-01-01T22:57:28.689+0200",
"Creator": "Example User(",
"Description": "",
"DueDate": "",
"Id": "21360",
"Key": "PROJECTKEY-1",
"Labels": [],
"LastSeen": "",
"LastUpdate": "2023-03-07T17:31:48.332+0200",
"Priority": "Medium",
"ProjectName": "Company Snoozing App",
"Status": "Backlog",
"Summary": "Start creating the company snoozing app"
"Assignee": "Example User()",
"Attachments": [],
"Components": [
"Created": "2023-01-30T16:42:47.476+0200",
"Creator": "Example User(",
"Description": "Complete this issue",
"DueDate": "2023-09-09",
"Id": "21424",
"Key": "PROJECTKEY-30",
"Labels": [
"LastSeen": "",
"LastUpdate": "2023-03-13T21:09:47.898+0200",
"Priority": "Highest",
"ProjectName": "Company Snoozing App",
"Status": "Backlog",
"Summary": "Issue for demo"
"boardId": "14"

Human Readable Output#

Backlog Issues#

2023-01-01T22:57:28.689+0200Example User( Snoozing AppExample User( creating the company snoozing app
Example User()2023-01-30T16:42:47.476+0200Example User( this issue2023-09-0921424EpicPROJECTKEY-30collab,
HighestCompany Snoozing AppExample User()BacklogIssue for demo


Get all issues from a specific board.

Scopes: read:board-scope:jira-software, read:issue-details:jira

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
board_idThe board ID.Required
jql_queryA JQL query to filter the issues.Optional
limitThe maximum number of results to return. This argument will be ignored if page or page_size arguments were given. Default value is 50.Optional
pageThe page number. Default value is 0.Optional
page_sizeThe number of requested results per page. Default value is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Jira.BoardIssue.boardIdNumberThe ID of the board.
Jira.BoardIssue.Ticket.IdNumberThe ticket ID.
Jira.BoardIssue.Ticket.KeyStringThe ticket key.
Jira.BoardIssue.Ticket.AssigneeStringThe user assigned to the ticket.
Jira.BoardIssue.Ticket.CreatorStringThe user who created the ticket.
Jira.BoardIssue.Ticket.SummaryStringThe ticket summary.
Jira.BoardIssue.Ticket.StatusStringThe ticket status.
Jira.BoardIssue.Ticket.PriorityStringThe ticket priority.
Jira.BoardIssue.Ticket.ProjectNameStringThe ticket project name.
Jira.BoardIssue.Ticket.DueDateDateThe due date.
Jira.BoardIssue.Ticket.CreatedDateThe time the ticket was created.
Jira.BoardIssue.Ticket.LastSeenDateThe last time the ticket was viewed.
Jira.BoardIssue.Ticket.LastUpdateDateThe last time the ticket was updated.

Command example#

!jira-board-issue-list board_id=14 jql_query="status!=done" limit=2

Context Example#

"Jira": {
"BoardIssue": {
"Ticket": [
"Assignee": "Example User()",
"Attachments": [],
"Components": [
"Created": "2023-01-30T16:35:50.482+0200",
"Creator": "Example User(",
"Description": "",
"DueDate": "2023-09-09",
"Id": "21423",
"Key": "PROJECTKEY-29",
"Labels": [
"LastSeen": "2023-05-07T17:40:56.751+0300",
"LastUpdate": "2023-03-26T18:26:06.762+0300",
"Priority": "Low",
"ProjectName": "Company Snoozing App",
"Status": "Selected for Development",
"Summary": "Issue for demo"
"Assignee": "",
"Attachments": [
"created": "2023-01-22T16:43:29.878+0200",
"filename": "Screen Shot 2022-10-19 at 20.09.46.png",
"id": "16387",
"size": 450738
"created": "2023-02-05T21:11:43.429+0200",
"filename": "stam.png",
"id": "16399",
"size": 450738
"Components": [],
"Created": "2023-01-03T10:25:17.257+0200",
"Creator": "Example User(",
"Description": "This issue is for creating the home page.",
"DueDate": "",
"Id": "21361",
"Key": "PROJECTKEY-2",
"Labels": [
"LastSeen": "",
"LastUpdate": "2023-02-26T18:24:04.172+0200",
"Priority": "Medium",
"ProjectName": "Company Snoozing App",
"Status": "Selected for Development",
"Summary": "Create Home Page (including the log in option)"
"boardId": "14"

Human Readable Output#

Board Issues#

Example User()2023-01-30T16:35:50.482+0200Example User(,
LowCompany Snoozing AppExample User()Selected for DevelopmentIssue for demo
2023-01-03T10:25:17.257+0200Example User( issue is for creating the home page.21361StoryPROJECTKEY-2Demisto,
MediumCompany Snoozing AppExample User( for DevelopmentCreate Home Page (including the log in option)


Get all sprints of a specific board.

Scope: read:sprint:jira-software

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
board_idThe board ID.Required
limitThe maximum number of results to return. This argument will be ignored if page or page_size arguments were given. Default value is 50.Optional
pageThe page number. Default value is 0.Optional
page_sizeThe number of requested results per page. Default value is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Jira.BoardSprint.boardIdStringThe ID of the board.
Jira.BoardSprint.SprintsObjectThe sprints in the board.
Jira.BoardSprint.Sprints.idNumberThe ID of the sprint.
Jira.BoardSprint.Sprints.selfStringThe URL of the sprint.
Jira.BoardSprint.Sprints.stateStringThe state of the sprint.
Jira.BoardSprint.Sprints.nameStringThe name of the sprint.
Jira.BoardSprint.Sprints.startDateStringThe starting date of the sprint.
Jira.BoardSprint.Sprints.endDateStringThe ending date of the sprint.
Jira.BoardSprint.Sprints.completeDateStringThe date the sprint was completed.
Jira.BoardSprint.Sprints.originBoardIdNumberThe ID of the origin board.
Jira.BoardSprint.Sprints.goalStringThe goal of the sprint.

Command example#

!jira-board-sprint-list board_id=12

Context Example#

"Jira": {
"BoardSprint": {
"Sprints": [
"endDate": "2023-02-27T15:12:00.000Z",
"goal": "",
"id": 4,
"name": "TSTPRD Sprint 1",
"originBoardId": 12,
"self": "",
"startDate": "2023-02-13T15:12:39.565Z",
"state": "active"
"endDate": "2023-02-23T14:57:00.000Z",
"goal": "Goal",
"id": 5,
"name": "TSTPRD Sprint 2",
"originBoardId": 12,
"self": "",
"startDate": "2023-02-07T14:57:00.000Z",
"state": "future"
"id": 6,
"name": "TSTPRD Sprint 3",
"originBoardId": 12,
"self": "",
"state": "future"
"boardId": "12"

Human Readable Output#


End DateIDNameStart DateState
2023-02-27T15:12:00.000Z4TSTPRD Sprint 12023-02-13T15:12:39.565Zactive
2023-02-23T14:57:00.000Z5TSTPRD Sprint 22023-02-07T14:57:00.000Zfuture
6TSTPRD Sprint 3future


Get all epics from a specific board

Scope: read:epic:jira-software

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
board_idThe board ID.Required
doneFilters results to epics that are either done or not done. This uses the Epic Status field, and not the Status field of the issue. Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
limitThe maximum number of results to return. This argument will be ignored if page or page_size arguments were given. Default value is 50.Optional
pageThe page number. Default value is 0.Optional
page_sizeThe number of requested results per page. Default value is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Jira.BoardEpic.boardIdNumberThe ID of the board.
Jira.BoardEpic.EpicsObjectHolds the data of the epic issues.
Jira.BoardEpic.Epics.idNumberThe ID of the epic.
Jira.BoardEpic.Epics.keyStringThe key of the epic.
Jira.BoardEpic.Epics.selfStringThe URL of the epic.
Jira.BoardEpic.Epics.nameStringThe name of the epic.
Jira.BoardEpic.Epics.summaryStringThe summary of the epic.
Jira.BoardEpic.Epics.doneBooleanWhether the epic has been completed or not.
Jira.BoardEpic.Epics.colorObjectData about the color of the epic.
Jira.BoardEpic.Epics.color.keyStringThe key of the color associated with the epic.

Command example#

!jira-board-epic-list board_id=14

Context Example#

"Jira": {
"BoardEpic": {
"Epics": [
"color": {
"key": "color_4"
"done": false,
"id": 21360,
"key": "PROJECTKEY-1",
"name": "Create Company Snoozing App",
"self": "",
"summary": "Start creating the company snoozing app"
"color": {
"key": "color_3"
"done": false,
"id": 21424,
"key": "PROJECTKEY-30",
"name": "New Epic",
"self": "",
"summary": "Issue for demo"
"boardId": "14"

Human Readable Output#


false21360PROJECTKEY-1Create Company Snoozing AppStart creating the company snoozing app
false21424PROJECTKEY-30New EpicIssue for demo


Get all issues in a sprint.

Scopes: read:sprint:jira-software, read:issue-details:jira, read:jql:jira

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
board_idThe board ID.Optional
sprint_idThe sprint ID.Required
jql_queryA JQL query to filter the issues.Optional
limitThe maximum number of results to return. This argument will be ignored if page or page_size arguments were given. Default value is 50.Optional
pageThe page number. Default value is 0.Optional
page_sizeThe number of requested results per page. Default value is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Jira.SprintIssues.boardIdStringThe ID of the board that the sprint belongs to.
Jira.SprintIssues.sprintIdStringThe ID of the sprint.
Jira.SprintIssues.Ticket.IdNumberThe ticket ID.
Jira.SprintIssues.Ticket.KeyStringThe ticket key.
Jira.SprintIssues.Ticket.AssigneeStringThe user assigned to the ticket.
Jira.SprintIssues.Ticket.CreatorStringThe user who created the ticket.
Jira.SprintIssues.Ticket.SummaryStringThe ticket summary.
Jira.SprintIssues.Ticket.StatusStringThe ticket status.
Jira.SprintIssues.Ticket.PriorityStringThe ticket priority.
Jira.SprintIssues.Ticket.ProjectNameStringThe ticket project name.
Jira.SprintIssues.Ticket.DueDateDateThe due date.
Jira.SprintIssues.Ticket.CreatedDateThe time the ticket was created.
Jira.SprintIssues.Ticket.LastSeenDateThe last time the ticket was viewed.
Jira.SprintIssues.Ticket.LastUpdateDateThe last time the ticket was updated.

Command example#

!jira-sprint-issue-list sprint_id=4

Context Example#

"Jira": {
"SprintIssues": {
"Ticket": [
"Assignee": "",
"Attachments": [],
"Components": [],
"Created": "2023-02-02T17:59:21.527+0200",
"Creator": "Example User(",
"Description": "Please finish this ASAP.",
"DueDate": "",
"Id": "21430",
"Key": "TSTPRD-5",
"Labels": [],
"LastSeen": "2023-05-07T19:11:24.324+0300",
"LastUpdate": "2023-05-07T19:11:25.682+0300",
"Priority": "Medium",
"ProjectName": "TestProd",
"Status": "To Do",
"Summary": "Hire managers DO NOT DELETE OR MOVE"
"Assignee": "",
"Attachments": [],
"Components": [],
"Created": "2023-02-02T16:44:38.839+0200",
"Creator": "Example User(",
"Description": "",
"DueDate": "",
"Id": "21427",
"Key": "TSTPRD-2",
"Labels": [],
"LastSeen": "2023-05-07T19:37:42.323+0300",
"LastUpdate": "2023-05-07T19:11:33.460+0300",
"Priority": "Medium",
"ProjectName": "TestProd",
"Status": "To Do",
"Summary": "Build UI DO NOT DELETE OR MOVE"
"Assignee": "",
"Attachments": [],
"Components": [],
"Created": "2023-02-02T16:45:37.346+0200",
"Creator": "Example User(",
"Description": "",
"DueDate": "",
"Id": "21429",
"Key": "TSTPRD-4",
"Labels": [],
"LastSeen": "2023-05-04T20:45:40.938+0300",
"LastUpdate": "2023-05-04T21:03:30.876+0300",
"Priority": "Medium",
"ProjectName": "TestProd",
"Status": "To Do",
"Summary": "Build testing env"
"boardId": "12",
"sprintId": "4"

Human Readable Output#

Sprint Issues in board 12#

2023-02-02T17:59:21.527+0200Example User( finish this ASAP.21430StoryTSTPRD-5MediumTestProdExample User( DoHire managers DO NOT DELETE OR MOVE
2023-02-02T16:44:38.839+0200Example User( User( DoBuild UI DO NOT DELETE OR MOVE
2023-02-02T16:45:37.346+0200Example User( User( DoBuild testing env


Moves issues to a sprint, for a given sprint ID. Issues can only be moved to open or active sprints. At most 50 issues may be moved at once.

Scope: write:sprint:jira-software

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issuesThe issues to move to the sprint.Required
sprint_idThe sprint ID.Required
rank_before_issueTo rank the issues before the stated issue (supports issue key and ID).Optional
rank_after_issueTo rank the issues after the stated issue (supports issue key and ID).Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!jira-sprint-issue-move issues=TSTPRD-4 sprint_id=4

Human Readable Output#

Issues were moved to the Sprint successfully


Get all issues that belong to an epic (Child Issues).

Scopes: read:epic:jira-software, read:issue-details:jira, read:jql:jira

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
epic_keyThe key of the epic. (The epic ID or key is required).Optional
epic_idThe ID of the epic. (The epic ID or key is required).Optional
jql_queryA JQL query to filter the issues.Optional
limitThe maximum number of results to return. This argument will be ignored if page or page_size arguments were given. Default value is 50.Optional
pageThe page number. Default value is 0.Optional
page_sizeThe number of requested results per page. Default value is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Jira.EpicIssues.boardIdStringThe ID of the board that holds the issues.
Jira.EpicIssues.epicIdStringThe ID of the epic that holds the issues.
Jira.EpicIssues.keyStringThe key of the epic.
Jira.EpicIssues.Ticket.IdNumberThe ticket ID.
Jira.EpicIssues.Ticket.KeyStringThe ticket key.
Jira.EpicIssues.Ticket.AssigneeStringThe user assigned to the ticket.
Jira.EpicIssues.Ticket.CreatorStringThe user who created the ticket.
Jira.EpicIssues.Ticket.SummaryStringThe ticket summary.
Jira.EpicIssues.Ticket.StatusStringThe ticket status.
Jira.EpicIssues.Ticket.PriorityStringThe ticket priority.
Jira.EpicIssues.Ticket.ProjectNameStringThe ticket project name.
Jira.EpicIssues.Ticket.DueDateDateThe due date.
Jira.EpicIssues.Ticket.CreatedDateThe time the ticket was created.
Jira.EpicIssues.Ticket.LastSeenDateThe last time the ticket was viewed.
Jira.EpicIssues.Ticket.LastUpdateDateThe last time the ticket was updated.

Command example#

!jira-epic-issue-list epic_key=PROJECTKEY-1 jql_query="status!=done"

Context Example#

"Jira": {
"EpicIssues": {
"Ticket": [
"Assignee": "",
"Attachments": [
"created": "2023-01-22T16:43:29.878+0200",
"filename": "Screen Shot 2022-10-19 at 20.09.46.png",
"id": "16387",
"size": 450738
"created": "2023-02-05T21:11:43.429+0200",
"filename": "stam.png",
"id": "16399",
"size": 450738
"Components": [],
"Created": "2023-01-03T10:25:17.257+0200",
"Creator": "Example User(",
"Description": "This issue is for creating the home page.",
"DueDate": "",
"Id": "21361",
"Key": "PROJECTKEY-2",
"Labels": [
"LastSeen": "",
"LastUpdate": "2023-02-26T18:24:04.172+0200",
"Priority": "Medium",
"ProjectName": "Company Snoozing App",
"Status": "Selected for Development",
"Summary": "Create Home Page (including the log in option)"
"Assignee": "",
"Attachments": [
"created": "2023-03-08T21:04:02.570+0200",
"filename": "DemistoContent-InstallContentEnvironment-160822-0023-68.pdf",
"id": "16401",
"size": 17815
"created": "2023-03-08T21:03:37.418+0200",
"filename": "Screen_Shot_2022-10-19_at_20.09.46 (2).png",
"id": "16400",
"size": 450738
"Components": [
"Created": "2023-03-07T17:31:48.225+0200",
"Creator": "Example User(",
"Description": "Dummy child description",
"DueDate": "",
"Id": "21496",
"Key": "PROJECTKEY-39",
"Labels": [
"LastSeen": "",
"LastUpdate": "2023-05-04T21:46:22.076+0300",
"Priority": "Medium",
"ProjectName": "Company Snoozing App",
"Status": "Selected for Development",
"Summary": "Dummy child issue - delete later"
"epicId": "21360"

Human Readable Output#

Child Issues in epic PROJECTKEY-1#

2023-01-03T10:25:17.257+0200Example User( issue is for creating the home page.21361StoryPROJECTKEY-2Demisto,
MediumCompany Snoozing AppExample User( for DevelopmentCreate Home Page (including the log in option)
2023-03-07T17:31:48.225+0200Example User( child description21496TaskPROJECTKEY-39Demisto,
MediumCompany Snoozing AppExample User( for DevelopmentDummy child issue - delete later


Returns a list of all issue link types.

Scope: read:jira-work

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

Jira.IssueLinkTypeObjectThe issue link type bean.
Jira.IssueLinkType.idStringThe ID of the issue link type.
Jira.IssueLinkType.inwardStringThe description of the issue link type inward link.
Jira.IssueLinkType.nameStringThe name of the issue link type.
Jira.IssueLinkType.outwardStringThe description of the issue link type outward link.
Jira.IssueLinkType.selfStringThe URL of the issue link type.

Command example#


Context Example#

"Jira": {
"IssueLinkType": [
"id": "10000",
"inward": "is blocked by",
"name": "Blocks",
"outward": "blocks",
"self": ""
"id": "10001",
"inward": "is cloned by",
"name": "Cloners",
"outward": "clones",
"self": ""
"id": "10002",
"inward": "is duplicated by",
"name": "Duplicate",
"outward": "duplicates",
"self": ""
"id": "10202",
"inward": "is reviewed by",
"name": "Post-Incident Reviews",
"outward": "reviews",
"self": ""
"id": "10201",
"inward": "is caused by",
"name": "Problem/Incident",
"outward": "causes",
"self": ""
"id": "10003",
"inward": "relates to",
"name": "Relates",
"outward": "relates to",
"self": ""

Human Readable Output#

Issue Link Types#

10000is blocked byBlocksblocks
10001is cloned byClonersclones
10002is duplicated byDuplicateduplicates
10202is reviewed byPost-Incident Reviewsreviews
10201is caused byProblem/Incidentcauses
10003relates toRelatesrelates to


Use this command to create a link between two issues.

Scope: write:jira-work

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
outward_issueThe key of the outward issue.Required
inward_issueThe key of the inward issue.Required
link_typeThe name of the link to apply. Use jira-issue-link-type-get to see available links.Required
commentA comment to add to the inward issue.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!jira-issue-to-issue-link inward_issue=PROJECTKEY-31 outward_issue=XSOAR-19 link_type="Post-Incident Reviews" comment="Dummy Link"

Human Readable Output#

Issue link created successfully


Dummy fetch

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Get remote data from a remote incident. This method does not update the current incident, and should be used for debugging purposes only.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idThe remote incident ID.Required
lastUpdateThe UTC timestamp in seconds of the last update. The incident is only updated if it was modified after the last update time. Default is 0.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Returns the list of fields to map in outgoing mirroring. This command is only used for debugging purposes.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Get the list of incidents that were modified since the last update time. This method is used for debugging purposes. The get-modified-remote-data command is used as part of the Mirroring feature that was introduced in Cortex XSOAR version 6.1.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
lastUpdateDate string representing the local time. The incident is only returned if it was modified after the last update time.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Updates the remote incident with local incident changes. This method is only used for debugging purposes and will not update the current incident.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Retrieves information about a specified Jira user. For on-prem instances, you should use the user's key and username to retrieve their details. For Cloud instances, user's account_id is required. If no identifier is supplied, information for the user the API credentials belong to is returned.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
keyThe user's key (On-prem only).Optional
usernameThe user's username (On-prem only).Optional
account_idThe user's account ID (Cloud only).Optional

Context Output#

Jira.Users.KeyUnknownThe user's key or ID.
Jira.Users.NameUnknownName of the user.
Jira.Users.EmailUnknownUser's email address.
Jira.Users.Display NameUnknownDisplay name for the user.
Jira.Users.ActiveUnknownIf the user is active or not.
Jira.Users.DeletedUnknownIf the user is deleted or not.
Jira.Users.TimezoneUnknownTimezone setting for the user.
Jira.Users.LocaleUnknownLocale setting for the user.
Jira.Users.AccountIDUnknownThe account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5. Required in requests.
Jira.Users.AccountTypeUnknownThe user account type. Can take the following values: atlassian, app, customer.

Command example#

!jira-get-user-info key=JIRAUSER10000

Context Example#

"Active": true,
"Deleted": false,
"Display Name": "John Doe",
"Email": "",
"Key": "JIRAUSER10000",
"Locale": "en_US",
"Name": "johndoe",
"Timezone": "America/Detroit"


Fetches questions and answers for forms tied to a Jira issue. This command requires Jira Service Desk, the ProForma plugin and an API user with Service Desk Team or higher permissions on the Jira project the forms are being pulled from.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issue_idThe issue ID.Required

Context Output#

JiraForms.IDUnknownThe ID of the form.
JiraForms.IssueUnknownIssue the form belongs to.
JiraForms.QuestionsUnknownQuestions for the form.

Command example#

!jira-issue-get-forms issue_id=TES-2

Context Example#

"ID": 1,
"Issue": "TES-2",
"Name": "8/9/2024 New Form",
"Questions": [
"Answer": {
"choices": [
"id": "26",
"label": "I have read and agree to the terms and conditions."
"Description": "",
"ID": "8",
"Key": "q_terms",
"Label": "",
"Type": "cm"
"Answer": {},
"Description": "",
"ID": "4",
"Key": "q_email",
"Label": "Email",
"Type": "te"
"Answer": {},
"Description": "",
"ID": "5",
"Key": "q_request_for",
"Label": "Name of person needing building access",
"Type": "tl"
"Answer": {},
"Description": "",
"ID": "6",
"Key": "q_description",
"Label": "Request description",
"Type": "pg"
"Answer": {
"text": "John"
"Description": "",
"ID": "1",
"Key": "q_name",
"Label": "Name",
"Type": "ts"
"Answer": {
"text": "555-555-1212"
"Description": "",
"ID": "2",
"Key": "q_phone",
"Label": "Phone",
"Type": "ts"
"Answer": {},
"Description": "",
"ID": "7",
"Key": "q_reason",
"Label": "Reason for access",
"Type": "pg"
"Answer": {},
"Description": "",
"ID": "3",
"Key": "q_job_title",
"Label": "Job title",
"Type": "ts"

Incident Mirroring#

You can enable incident mirroring between Cortex XSOAR incidents and Atlassian Jira V3 corresponding events (available from Cortex XSOAR version 6.0.0). To set up the mirroring:

  1. Enable Fetching incidents in your instance configuration.

  2. In the Mirroring Direction integration parameter, select in which direction the incidents should be mirrored:

    NoneTurns off incident mirroring.
    IncomingAny changes in Atlassian Jira V3 events (mirroring incoming fields) will be reflected in Cortex XSOAR incidents.
    OutgoingAny changes in Cortex XSOAR incidents will be reflected in Atlassian Jira V3 events (outgoing mirrored fields).
    Incoming And OutgoingChanges in Cortex XSOAR incidents and Atlassian Jira V3 events will be reflected in both directions.
  3. Optional: Check the Close Mirrored XSOAR Incident integration parameter to close the Cortex XSOAR incident when the corresponding event is closed in Atlassian Jira V3.

When mirroring incidents, you can make changes in Jira, which will be reflected in Cortex XSOAR, or vice versa. You can also attach files from either of the systems, which will then be available in the other system.

Newly fetched incidents will be mirrored in the chosen direction. However, this selection does not affect existing incidents. In order for the mirroring to work properly, please keep the timezone of the Jira profile public. Important Note: To ensure the mirroring works as expected, mappers are required, both for incoming and outgoing, to map the expected fields in Cortex XSOAR and Atlassian Jira V3.

9 Incident Fields have been added/updated to enhance the mirroring experience#

  • dbotMirrorTags - Determines the tags that you need to add in Cortex XSOAR for entries to be pushed to Jira, and entries coming from Jira (Attachments or comments entries)
    • You can set the tags for incoming entries in the instance configuration, using Attachment Entry Tag from Jira, and Comment Entry Tag from Jira.
    • You can set the tags for outgoing entries in the instance configuration, using Attachment Entry Tag to Jira, and Comment Entry Tag to Jira.
  • Jira Issue Type - Shows the type of the Jira issue.
  • JiraV3 Status - Shows the status of the Jira issue. You can press on it in the JiraV3 Incident Layout to see the available statuses that you can transition into, and press on one of them to change the status of the issue. Show Jira statuses
  • Jira Estimate - Shows the estimate of the Jira issue. The field can also be edited and mirrored out. Use the format 2w 4d 6h 45m (w - weeks, d - days, h - hours, m - minutes). Please add the Time Tracking field to the screen in your Jira projects in order for this field to work properly.
  • Jira Component - Shows the components of the Jira issue. The field can also be edited and mirrored out.
  • Source Created By - Shows the display name, and email of the user who created the Jira issue.
  • Jira Subtask - Shows the subtasks of the Jira issue in the form of a table.
  • Jira Project - Shows the project name where the Jira issue resides in.
  • Last Update Time - Shows the last updated time of the Jira issue.
  • Jira Comment - Shows the comments of the Jira issue in the form of a table.

Modify the incoming mapper#

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Objects Setup -> Classification and Mapping and click classifier-mapper-incoming-JiraV3.
  2. Under the Incident Type dropdown, select JiraV3 Incident.
  3. Change the mapping according to your needs.
  4. Save your changes.

Modify the outgoing mapper#

  1. Under Classification and Mapping, click classifier-mapper-outgoing-Jira.
  2. Under Select Instance dropdown, select the instance name you want to work with. The left side of the screen shows the Jira fields to map and the right side of the screen shows the Cortex XSOAR fields by which you are mapping. *Note: If Select Instance dropdown is empty, go to the integration's settings and under Incident Type select JiraV3 Incident and try again.
  3. Under Schema Type, select JiraV3 Incident. The Schema Type represents the Jira entity that you are mapping to. In our example it is an incident, but it can also be any other kind of ticket that Jira supports. Outgoing editor
  4. Under the Incident Type dropdown, select JiraV3 Incident.
  5. On the right side of the screen, under Incident, select the incident based on which you want to match.
  6. Change the mapping according to your needs.
  7. Save your changes.

Configure the following integration parameters in order to customize the mirroring feature#

  1. Mirror Direction:
    • Mirror outgoing incidents: If enabled, any incident data changed in existing fetched incidents will be reflected in the remote Jira server.
    • Mirror incoming incidents: If enabled, any incident data changed in the remote Jira server will be reflected in existing fetched incidents.
  2. Fetch incidents: Should be enabled in order to mirror in, and out new incidents.
  3. Incident type: In order to mirror out changes, and mirror in incoming changes, provide an incident type that is associated with a layout containing the fields you want to mirror. You can use 'JiraV3 Incident', which already has a built-in layout, and functionality fit for the JiraV3 Incident type.
  4. Attachment Entry Tag from Jira: Choose a tag to add to an attachment entry when mirroring in an attachment from Jira.
  5. Attachment Entry Tag to Jira: Choose a tag to add to an entry in order to mirror it as an attachment in Jira.
  6. Comment Entry Tag from Jira: Choose a tag to add to a note entry when mirroring in comments from Jira.
  7. Comment Entry Tag to Jira: Choose a tag to add to an entry in order to mirror it as a comment in Jira.
  8. Fetch Comments: Fetch comments for Jira ticket.
  9. Fetch Attachments: Fetch attachments for Jira ticket.
  10. Close Mirrored XSOAR Incident: Marking the Jira issue as resolved will be mirrored in Cortex XSOAR, and will close the corresponding incident. Please make sure the Resolved field in your Jira instance is configured in order for this to work properly, if not, it will rely on if the status of the issue is changed to Done.

Simple Mirroring flow#

  1. Create an incident in Jira. For the purpose of this use case, it can be a very simple incident. In Cortex XSOAR, the new ticket will be ingested in approximately one minute
  2. Add a note to the incident, which can be done using the Add Comment section in the JiraV3 Incident Layout. In the example below, we have written a comment from Cortex XSOAR to Jira. Add comment button
  3. Add the Comment Entry Tag to Jira tag that you've configured in the instance before. The default is: "comment tag".
  4. Add a file to the incident's War Room.
  5. Click Actions -> Tags and add the Attachment Entry Tag to Jira tag that you've configured in the instance before. The default is: "attachment tag".
    Add attachment with tag
  6. Go back to Incident Info and locate a field you've configured, or was already configured in the outgoing mapper that is displayed in the incident's layout. Change its value and click 'V' in the 'V/X' menu to save the changes. Changed value in layout
  7. Navigate back to the issue in Jira, and within approximately one minute, the changes will be reflected there as well.
  8. Change a Jira field you've configured in the incoming mapper.
  9. Go back to Cortex XSOAR and within approximately one minute, the changes will be reflected there as well.

Simple Comment and Attachment Mirroring flow#

Mirror out Comment#
  1. Press on the Press to add comment to Jira issue button in the Add Comment section.
  2. Add a comment and the tag that was configured in the Comment Entry Tag to Jira parameter.
  3. Once the comment is mirrored out to Jira, it will include the sentence Mirrored from Cortex XSOAR, to differentiate between comments mirrored from XSOAR, and normal comments. Mirrored out comment
Mirror in Comment#
  1. Add a comment inside the Jira issue.
  2. The newly added comment will be mirrored in to XSOAR as a note, with the addition of the sentence Jira Author: {Author name}, to know the author of the comment, and tagged with the tag configured in Comment Entry Tag from Jira parameter. Mirrored in comment
Mirror out Attachment#
  1. Add an attachment to the incident, and add the tag that was configured in the Attachment Entry Tag to Jira parameter.
  2. Once the attachment is reflected in Jira, the name of the file will have _mirrored_from_xsoar in it, to differentiate between attachments mirrored from XSOAR, and normal attachments.

Mirror out attachment

Mirror in Attachment#
  1. Once an attachment is mirrored in from Jira into XSOAR, the attachment will be tagged with the tag configured in Attahcment Entry Tag from Jira parameter. Mirror in attachment


  • The final source of truth of the incident for Cortex XSOAR are the values in Cortex XSOAR. Meaning, if you change the severity in Cortex XSOAR and then change it back in Jira, the final value that will be presented is the one in Cortex XSOAR. You can see a list of these fields for each incident under "Context Data" -> "dbotDirtyFields".
  • If you wish to mirror in and out Jira's custom fields, please see the Mirror In And Out Custom Fields section below.
  • If you wish to change the status of a JiraV3 Incident using the available transitions, please see the Change Ticket's Status Using Transitions section below.
  • If you wish to change the status of a JiraV3 Incident using the available statuses, please see the Change Ticket's Status section below.

Mirror In And Out Custom Fields#

Add a new custom field and add it to the incident type's layout#

Add a new custom field and add it to the incident type's layout:

1.Create a new incident field:

  1. Go to Settings -> Object Setup -> Incident Fields -> New Field
  2. Choose a field type. For example, for a label, you might want to use "Tag" as a type.
  3. Add a short description in the Tooltip box (not mandatory).
  4. Click on Attributes:
- Uncheck `Add to incident types` checkbox.
- For `Add to associated type`, select the incident type you want to work with, preferably choose `JiraV3 Incident`.

New incident field

2.Add the new incident field you've just created to the layout associated with the integration's incident type. In this example, the layout is "JiraV3 Incident Layout": Layout

Add the new field to the incoming mapper#

  1. Configure the Atlassian Jira V3 integration, and test the connection of the instance as explained in the Authentication.

  2. Make sure that:

    • Under "Incident type" you've selected the incident type you want to work with and it is the same one you've selected once you created the new field. In our example: JiraV3 Incident.
    • The option Fetch Incidents is checked.
    • You have filled the respective parameters for the fetch to work, as explained in Fetch Incidents
    • The Mirror Direction is set to Incoming And Outgoing. Finally, click Done, and wait for new JiraV3 Incidents to be pulled:
  3. Once you've finished the setup stage, go to the Mapper (incoming) field and select the mapper you want to work with by clicking on Select:

  4. Click on the button next to the Mapper (incoming) field in order to edit the selected mapper. It will open the Incident Incoming Mapping Editor. 1.For "Incident Type", please provide the incident type you've selected in the integration settings.
    2.In "Select Instance" choose the name of your instance. You can find it in the integration settings under Name. Once done, You'll see on the right side of the screen a JiraV3 Incident.

    • Note: If you want to work with a specific incident, in Get data select the option: Upload JSON and provide the wanted incident as JSON.
      In order to get the incident as JSON, you can see the section: How to get an incident as JSON below.
      On the left side, You'll see all JiraV3 Incident fields. 3.Use "Search Cortex XSOAR field…" in order to find your new incident field by searching its name.
      4.Once found, click on "Choose data path" and map it to the custom jira field: a.Find the jira field you want to map to this incident field on the right side, and click on its value. b.Then you will see the path you've selected under your new added field: New incident field mapping inNote: In this example: customfield_10097 is the Jira field ID we want to map. You can find IDs of custom fields for your field in Jira using this guide:Click HereNote: You can also type the path manually.
  5. Click "Save Version".

Add the new field to the outgoing mapper#

  1. Got to the configured Atlassian Jira V3 instance's settings.
  2. Go to the Mapper (outgoing) field and select the mapper you want to work with by clicking on "Select" (the same process we did with the incoming mapper).
  3. Click on the button next to the Mapper (outgoing) field in order to edit the selected mapper. It will open the "Incident Outgoing Mapping Editor".
  4. In "Select Instance" choose the name of your instance. You can find it in the integration settings under Name.
  5. Select one incident to work with by specifying it in the Incident list.
    1.On the right side you are now able to see your selected incident.
    2.On the left side you are able to see all the Jira fields you can map in the system.
  6. Search for the Jira field you want to map on the left side. In this example, we want to map customfield_10097New incident field mapping out
  7. Map the Jira field to the incident field you've created by clicking on Select incident field and type its name.
    *The name of the incident will not include spaces, underscores, capital letters, etc. for example: Jira Transitions will be transformed to "jiratransitions" once saved in the incident's context (you can see the name you need to select by fetching incidents after configuring the mapper in. In the "Incident" field select one of the new incidents that the edited mapper in has worked on. On the right side you should be able to see the new added field and the name you need to provide).
  8. Click the "Save Version" button.

How to get an incident as JSON#

  1. Use the !jira-get-issue command with the raw-response=true parameter. For example: !jira-get-issue issue_id=VIK-183 raw-response=true
  2. Click on view full JSON in a new tab.
  3. Click on Download as a file.
  4. Open the downloaded file and put its content inside a list, resulting in a list which contains only one item, the downloaded JSON.
  5. When selecting Upload JSON for Get data as mentioned above, you can upload the file using the Upload JSON option.

Change Ticket's Status Using Transitions or Statuses#

  1. Make sure you're using the 'JiraV3 Incident Layout' for displaying the incident which status you want to change. The reason this is required is that this layout is structured in a way that the script-JiraChangeTransition, script-JiraListTransition, JiraListStatus, and JiraChangeStatus scripts can work, which is crucial when you want to change the status of the issue.
  2. In order to change an incident status, open the incident you would like to update.
  3. Under Incident Info search for the Jira Transitions, or Jira Status field.
  4. Click on "Select" and choose the name of the transition or status to apply. Jira transitionJira status
  5. Click on the 'V' option in the 'V/X' menu.
  6. You can see the new status under 'Jira Status'.
  7. Go to Jira, and you will be able to see the new status there as well.

Breaking changes from the previous version of this integration - Atlassian Jira V3#

The following sections list the changes in this version.


The following commands were removed in this version#

  • jira-get-specific-field - This command was removed, and its functionality is implemented using the fields argument in the jira-get-issue command.

  • jira-append-to-field - This command was removed, and its functionality is implemented using the action argument when supplying it the value append in the jira-edit-issue command.


The following arguments were removed in this version#

In the jira-get-id-by-attribute command:

  • is_jirav2api - The command does not require this argument anymore.

The behavior of the following arguments were changed#

In the jira-create-issue command:

  • issueJson - This argument will override the other arguments supplied to the command.

In the jira-edit-issue command:

  • issueJson - This argument will override the other arguments supplied to the command.

In the jira-get-issue command:

  • get_attachments - Supplying this argument with the value true will return the attachments found in the specified issue as Entry Info File, and not as File.


Returns a page of issue type metadata for a specified project.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
project_id_or_keyThe ID or key of the project.Required
start_atThe index of the first item to return in a page of results (page offset). Default is 0.Optional
max_resultsThe maximum number of items to return per page. Between 0 and 200. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Jira.IssueType.AvatarIDNumberThe ID of the issue type's avatar.
Jira.IssueType.DescriptionStringThe description of the issue type.
Jira.IssueType.EntityIDStringUnique ID for next-gen projects.
Jira.IssueType.ExpandStringExpand options that include additional issue type metadata details in the response.
Jira.IssueType.IconURLStringThe URL of the issue type's avatar.
Jira.IssueType.IDStringThe ID of the issue type.
Jira.IssueType.NameStringThe name of the issue type.
Jira.IssueType.SelfStringThe URL of these issue type details.
Jira.IssueType.SubtaskBooleanWhether this issue type is used to create subtasks.
Jira.IssueType.ScopeObjectDetails of the next-gen projects the issue type is available in.
Jira.IssueType.Scope.typeStringThe type of scope. Valid values: PROJECT, TEMPLATE.
Jira.IssueType.Scope.projectObjectThe project the item has scope in.
Jira.IssueType.Scope.project.selfStringThe URL of the project details.
Jira.IssueType.Scope.project.idStringThe ID of the project.
Jira.IssueType.Scope.project.keyStringThe key of the project.
Jira.IssueType.Scope.project.nameStringThe name of the project.
Jira.IssueType.Scope.project.projectTypeKeyStringThe project type of the project. Valid values: software, service_desk, business.
Jira.IssueType.Scope.project.simplifiedBooleanWhether or not the project is simplified.
Jira.IssueType.Scope.project.avatarUrlsObjectThe URLs of the project's avatars.
Jira.IssueType.Scope.project.projectCategoryObjectThe category the project belongs to.
Jira.IssueType.Scope.project.projectCategory.selfStringThe URL of the project category.
Jira.IssueType.Scope.project.projectCategory.idStringThe ID of the project category.
Jira.IssueType.Scope.project.projectCategory.descriptionStringThe name of the project category.
Jira.IssueType.Scope.project.projectCategory.nameStringThe description of the project category.


Returns a page of field metadata for a specified project and issue type.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
project_id_or_keyThe ID or key of the project.Required
issue_type_idThe issue type ID.Required
start_atThe index of the first item to return in a page of results (page offset). Default is 0.Optional
max_resultsThe maximum number of items to return per page. Between 0 and 200. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Jira.IssueField.AllowedValuesArrayThe list of values allowed in the field.
Jira.IssueField.AutoCompleteUrlStringThe URL that can be used to automatically complete the field.
Jira.IssueField.ConfigurationObjectThe configuration properties.
Jira.IssueField.DefaultValueStringThe default value of the field.
Jira.IssueField.FieldIDStringThe field ID.
Jira.IssueField.HasDefaultValueBooleanWhether the field has a default value.
Jira.IssueField.KeyStringThe key of the field.
Jira.IssueField.NameStringThe name of the field.
Jira.IssueField.OperationsArrayThe list of operations that can be performed on the field.
Jira.IssueField.RequiredBooleanWhether the field is required.
Jira.IssueField.SchemaObjectThe data type for the field.
Jira.IssueField.Schema.typeStringThe data type of the field.
Jira.IssueField.Schema.itemsStringWhen the data type is an array, the name of the field items within the array.
Jira.IssueField.Schema.systemStringIf the field is a system field, the name of the field.
Jira.IssueField.Schema.customStringIf the field is a custom field, the URI of the field.
Jira.IssueField.Schema.customIdNumberIf the field is a custom field, the custom ID of the field.
Jira.IssueField.Schema.configurationObjectIf the field is a custom field, the configuration of the field.