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Malwation AIMA (Deprecated)

This Integration is part of the MalwationAIMA (Deprecated) Pack.#


Use ThreatZone instead.

Malwation AIMA malware analysis sandboxing.

Configure Malwation AIMA in Cortex#

Server URL (e.g.
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
Use system proxy settingsFalse
CAP API KeyIt is additional for MALWATION Content Analysis Platform.False


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Submits a sample to AIMA for analysis.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
environmentChoose what environment you want to run your submission. Possible values are: win7x64, win10x64. Default is win7x64.Required
isPublicPrivacy of the submission. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Required
entry_idEntry ID of the file to submit. Possible values are: .Required
timeoutDuration of the submission analysis. Possible values are: 1, 2, 5, 8. Default is 1.Optional
mouse_simulationEnable human simulation. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional
config_extractorMalware Config Extractor Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional
https_inspectionHttps inspection to read encrypted traffic. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional
full_memory_dumpIf you want to access MemProcFS Module enable this metafield. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional
enable_netEnable Internet Connection Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional
work_pathThe working path of the submission. Possible values are: desktop, appdata, windows, temp. Default is desktop.Optional
zip_passPassword of the zip file. Do not use if archive has no password.Optional
file_from_zipName of the sample in the zip file.Optional

Context Output#

AIMA.Analysis.UUIDStringUUID of sample.
AIMA.Analysis.URLStringURL of analysis of sample.

Command Example#

aima-upload-sample environment=win7x64 isPublic=true entry_id=79@4

Context Example#

"message": "File successfully uploaded, now you can track your submissions progress from /checkSubmissionStatus/2661ca6d-8989-45b1-b912-203fa2c60a21 or /getSubmission/2661ca6d-8989-45b1-b912-203fa2c60a21",
"uuid": "2661ca6d-8989-45b1-b912-203fa2c60a21",
"link": ""


Retrive the analysis result from AIMA Sandbox.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
uuidUUID of the submission.Required

Context Output#

AIMA.Result.STATUSStringThe status of the submission scanning process.
AIMA.Result.LEVELStringThreat Level of the scanned file. (malicious, suspicious or informative)
AIMA.Result.URLStringThe result page url of the submission.
AIMA.Result.MD5StringThe md5 hash of the submission.
AIMA.Result.INFOStringContains the file name, scan process status and public status.
AIMA.Result.SHA1StringThe sha1 hash of the submission.
AIMA.Result.SHA256StringThe sha256 hash of the submission.
AIMA.Result.IDStringThe ID of the submission

Command Example#

aima-get-result uuid=79@4

Context Example#

"submission": {
"file_info": {
"hashes": {
"md5": "6ac062d21f08f139d9f3d1e335e72e22",
"sha1": "9e967a759e894a83c4b693e81c031d7214a8e699",
"sha256": "564154a2e3647318ca40a5ffa68d06b1bd40b606cae1d15985e3d15097b512cd"
"original_name": "Kraken.exe",
"status_id": 5,
"isPublic": false,
"tags": [
"submission_date": "25.02.2022 16:49:26",
"level": "Malicious"
"uuid": "35b7d3f9-79e2-4d65-9a5a-01badcafc782",
"metafields": {
"environment": "Windows 7 x64",
"work_path": "Desktop",
"timeout": "2",
"mouse_simulation": false,
"config_extractor": false,
"https_inspection": false,
"full_memory_dump": false,
"enable_net": false
"resultURL": ""
"submissionLevel": "Malicious",
"statusID": 5,
"status": "Finished"


Submits sample to Malwation CAP for static analysis.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
entry_idThe entry id of the file.Required

Context Output#

CAP.Static.UUIDStringThe uuid value of the submission.

Command Example#

aima-cap-static-upload-sample entry_id=571@7d

Context Example#

"message": "File successfully uploaded d25d3ae7-78b4-4608-838e-beac5dacb39c.exe",
"uid": "d25d3ae7-78b4-4608-838e-beac5dacb39c"


Submits sample to Malwation CAP for mav analysis.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
entry_idThe Entry id of the file.Required

Context Output#

CAP.Mav.UUIDStringThe uuid value of the submission.

Command Example#

aima-cap-mav-upload-sample entry_id=571@7d

Context Example#

"message": "File successfully uploaded d25d3ae7-78b4-4608-838e-beac5dacb39c.exe",
"uid": "d25d3ae7-78b4-4608-838e-beac5dacb39c"


Retrive static analysis result from Malwation CAP.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
uuidThe uuid of the file.Required

Context Output#

CAP.Static.SCOREStringThread level of the scanned file. (malicious, suspicious or informative)
CAP.Static.WEIGHTNumberThe weight score of detection.
CAP.Static.STATUSStringThe status of the submission scanning process.
CAP.Static.YARAStringThe matched yara rules with sample.
CAP.Static.ENTROPYNumberThe entropy value of sample.

Command Example#

aima-cap-static-get-submission uuid=407aa78e-cd1c-4568-b1e2-616fce50cacc

Context Example#

"Score": [
"File Info": {
"Filename": "fb194ccc2992c2949541d967c2e0d4d14cc95049087cc9a89b76e85a1bd12a64.exe",
"Filesize": "127.50 KB",
"MD5": "c916be78c2c7705084ec93aa536955ad",
"SHA1": "e549f37404220e1be52ad6d23a62ba91b66d598b",
"SHA256": "fb194ccc2992c2949541d967c2e0d4d14cc95049087cc9a89b76e85a1bd12a64",
"SSDEEP": "1536:9r6sFY5eejw7xEx0vxEaqhIDImJ0b/6EKEcFpiOWBLD/tn0Kcl:9r68cK7xy0vxihIDImJ0bC77wB3VnbY",
"MIME Type": "application/x-dosexec",
"File Type": "PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows",
"Entropy": "5.81"
"Checksum": false,
"HasOverlay": false,
"File Header": {
"Machine": "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386",
"Number of Sections": 3,
"TimeDateStamp": "Sep 03 2021 18:03:53",
"Pointer to Symbol Table": 0,
"Number of Symbols": 0,
"Size of Optional Header": "224 bytes",
"Characteristics": 258
"Imphash": "f34d5f2d4577ed6d9ceec516c1f5a744",
"Imports": {
"mscoree.dll": [
"address": "0x402000",
"name": "_CorExeMain",
"blacklist": false
"Exports": null,
"Sections": [
"Name": ".text",
"Virtual Address": "0x2000",
"Virtual Size": "0x1e654",
"Raw Size": "0x1e800",
"Entropy": "5.82",
"MD5": "9156435bfbb4b37eedd339607096f2af"
"Name": ".rsrc",
"Virtual Address": "0x22000",
"Virtual Size": "0x1077",
"Raw Size": "0x1200",
"Entropy": "4.86",
"MD5": "a423593c987ffa8998c959f2412129f2"
"Name": ".reloc",
"Virtual Address": "0x24000",
"Virtual Size": "0xc",
"Raw Size": "0x200",
"Entropy": "0.08",
"MD5": "42bbc02695d421e6b2eb55c3c54ff7fe"
"Resources": [
"Name": "RT_VERSION",
"Size": "892.00 B",
"Offset": "0x000220a0",
"Type": "data",
"SHA256": "490fdec38fc44d7532cf20175c3679773df3321dab28de967cab68862db5b073",
"Entropy": "3.43"
"Name": "RT_MANIFEST",
"Size": "3.09 KB",
"Offset": "0x0002241c",
"Type": "XML 1.0 document, UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) text, with CRLF line terminators",
"SHA256": "51ac86fb532fb5883231be4ef7538255e6875d63fa62c8035d72f4d65c0ec114",
"Entropy": "5.01"
"Debug Info": null,
"Strings": [
"value": "L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.",
"hint": null,
"blacklist": false
"ATTCK": {},
"MBC": {},
"executable/pe/section/rsrc": [
"contain a resource (.rsrc) section"
"internal/limitation/file": [
"(internal) dotnet file limitation"
"runtime/dotnet": [
"compiled to the .NET platform"
"Matched YARA rules": [
"Analysis Time": 4.741647481918335


Retrive mav analysis result from Malwation CAP.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
uuidThe uuid value of submissionRequired

Context Output#

CAP.Mav.COUNTNumberThe count of the detection by engines.
CAP.Mav.SCOREStringThreat Level of the scanned file (malicious, suspicious or informative)
CAP.Mav.DETECTIONSNumberThe results of detections by engines.
CAP.Mav.STATUSStringThe status of the submission scanning process.

Command Example#

aima-cap-mav-upload-sample entry_id=571@7d

Context Example#

"scan_results": [
"Engine1": {
"infected": "false"
"Engine2": {
"infected": "true",
"name": "malware"
"Engine3": {
"infected": "true",
"name": "malware"
"detection": "2",
"status": "malicious"