McAfee ESM v2
McAfee ESM Pack.#
This Integration is part of theRun queries and receive alarms from Intel Security ESM. This integration was integrated and tested with version 11.3 of McAfee ESM v2. Previous versions have been declared EOL by the vendor.
Configure McAfee ESM v2 in CortexParameter | Description | Required |
url | Base URL (e.g.\) | True |
credentials | Username | True |
version | Version: (one of 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 11.1, 11.3) | True |
isFetch | Fetch incidents | False |
incidentType | Incident type | False |
fetchType | Fetch Types: cases, alarms, both (relevant only for fetch incident mode) | False |
startingFetchID | Start fetch after ID: (relevant only for fetch incident mode) | False |
fetchLimitCases | Fetch cases limit | False |
fetchTime | First fetch timestamp (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days, 3 months, 1 year) | False |
fetchLimitAlarms | Fetch alarms limit | False |
timezone | McAfee ESM Timezone in hours (e.g if ESM timezone is +0300 => then insert 3) | False |
insecure | Trust any certificate (not secure) | False |
proxy | Use system proxy settings | False |
Required PermissionsComponent | Permission |
Alarms | Alarm Management and View Data |
Cases | Incident Management Administrator and Incident Management User |
Watchlists | Watchlists |
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
esm-fetch-fieldsGets all fields that can be used in query filters, including type information for each field
Base Commandesm-fetch-fields
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!esm-fetch-fields
Human Readable Output#
name types AppID STRING CommandID STRING DomainID STRING HostID STRING ObjectID STRING UserIDDst STRING UserIDSrc STRING URL SSTRING Database_Name STRING Message_Text SSTRING Response_Time UINT32 Application_Protocol STRING Object_Type STRING Filename SSTRING From SSTRING To SSTRING Cc SSTRING Bcc SSTRING Subject SSTRING Method STRING User_Agent SSTRING Cookie SSTRING Referer SSTRING File_Operation STRING File_Operation_Succeeded STRING Destination_Filename SSTRING User_Nickname STRING Contact_Name STRING Contact_Nickname STRING Client_Version SSTRING Job_Name SSTRING Language SSTRING SWF_URL SSTRING TC_URL SSTRING RTMP_Application SSTRING Version SSTRING Local_User_Name SSTRING NAT_Details UINT16,IPV4 Network_Layer SIGID Transport_Layer SIGID Session_Layer SIGID Application_Layer SIGID HTTP_Layer SIGID HTTP_Req_URL SSTRING HTTP_Req_Cookie SSTRING HTTP_Req_Referer SSTRING HTTP_Req_Host SSTRING HTTP_Req_Method SSTRING HTTP_User_Agent SSTRING DNS_Name SSTRING DNS_Type STRING DNS_Class STRING Query_Response STRING Authoritative_Answer STRING SNMP_Operation STRING SNMP_Item_Type STRING SNMP_Version STRING SNMP_Error_Code STRING NTP_Client_Mode STRING NTP_Server_Mode STRING NTP_Request STRING NTP_Opcode STRING SNMP_Item SSTRING Interface STRING Direction STRING Sensor_Name STRING Sensor_UUID SSTRING Sensor_Type STRING Signature_Name SSTRING Threat_Name SSTRING Destination_Hostname SSTRING Category SSTRING Process_Name SSTRING Grid_Master_IP IP Response_Code STRING Device_Port UINT64 Device_IP IP PID UINT64 Target_Context SSTRING Source_Context SSTRING Target_Class SSTRING Policy_Name SSTRING Destination_Zone SSTRING Source_Zone SSTRING Queue_ID STRLIT Delivery_ID SSTRING Recipient_ID SSTRING Spam_Score FLOAT Mail_ID SSTRING To_Address SSTRING From_Address SSTRING Message_ID SSTRING Request_Type SSTRING SQL_Statement SSTRING External_EventID UINT64 Event_Class SSTRING Description SSTRING File_Hash GUID Mainframe_Job_Name SSTRING External_SubEventID UINT64 Destination_UserID SSTRING Source_UserID SSTRING Volume_ID SSTRING Step_Name SSTRING Step_Count SSTRING LPAR_DB2_Subsystem SSTRING Logical_Unit_Name SSTRING Job_Type SSTRING FTP_Command SSTRING File_Type SSTRING DB2_Plan_Name SSTRING Catalog_Name SSTRING Access_Resource SSTRING Table_Name SSTRING External_DB2_Server SSTRING External_Application SSTRING Creator_Name SSTRING Return_Code STRING Database_ID SSTRING Incoming_ID SSTRING Handle_ID UINT64 Destination_Network SSTRING Source_Network SSTRING Malware_Insp_Result SSTRING Malware_Insp_Action SSTRING External_Hostname SSTRING Privileged_User SSTRING Facility SSTRING Area SSTRING Instance_GUID GUID Logon_Type SSTRING Operating_System SSTRING File_Path SSTRING Agent_GUID GUID Reputation UINT64 URL_Category SSTRING Session_Status SSTRING Destination_Logon_ID SSTRING Source_Logon_ID SSTRING UUID GUID External_SessionID SSTRING Management_Server SSTRING Detection_Method SSTRING Target_Process_Name SSTRING Analyzer_DAT_Version FLOAT Forwarding_Status SSTRING Reason SSTRING Threat_Handled SSTRING Threat_Category SSTRING Device_Action SSTRING Database_GUID GUID SQL_Command SSTRING Destination_Directory SSTRING Directory SSTRING Mailbox SSTRING Handheld_ID UINT64 Policy_ID UINT64 Server_ID UINT64 Registry_Value SSTRING Registry_Key SSTRING Caller_Process SSTRING DAT_Version FLOAT Interface_Dest SSTRING Datacenter_Name SSTRING Datacenter_ID SSTRING Virtual_Machine_ID SSTRING Virtual_Machine_Name SSTRING PCAP_Name SSTRING Search_Query SSTRING Service_Name SSTRING External_Device_Name SSTRING External_Device_ID SSTRING External_Device_Type SSTRING Organizational_Unit SSTRING Privileges SSTRING Reputation_Name SSTRING Vulnerability_References SSTRING Web_Domain SSTRING Sub_Status SSTRING Status SSTRING Access_Privileges SSTRING Rule_Name SSTRING App_Layer_Protocol SSTRING Group_Name SSTRING Authentication_Type SSTRING New_Value SSTRING Old_Value SSTRING Security_ID SSTRING SHA1 SSTRING Reputation_Score FLOAT Parent_File_Hash GUID File_ID SSTRING Engine_List SSTRING Device_URL SSTRING Attacker_IP IPV4 Victim_IP IPV4 Incident_ID INT64 Attribute_Type SSTRING Access_Mask SSTRING Object_GUID GUID VPN_Feature_Name SSTRING Reputation_Server_IP IP DNS_Server_IP IP Hash_Type SSTRING Hash SSTRING Subcategory SSTRING Wireless_SSID SSTRING Share_Name SSTRING CnC_Host SSTRING Device_Confidence UINT64 SHA256 SSTRING AppID STRING CommandID STRING DSIDSigID SIGID Action UINT8 ASNGeoDst UINT64 DSID UINT64 ZoneDst UINT16 SigID SIGID GUIDSrc GUID NDDevIDSrc UINT16 ID UINT64 Protocol UINT8 NormID UINT32 ZoneSrc UINT16 FirstTime UINT32 SrcPort UINT16 AvgSeverity FLOAT DstPort UINT16 SrcIP IP GUIDDst GUID DstIP IP NDDevIDDst UINT16 SrcMac MAC_ADDRESS SessionID UINT64 ASNGeoSrc UINT64 DstMac MAC_ADDRESS LastTime UINT32
esm-searchPerform a query against Mcafee ESM SIEM
Base Commandesm-search
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
filters | Filter on the query results, should be a JSON string, of the format EsmFilter (read more on that here - https://<esm-ip>:<esm-port>/rs/esm/help/types/EsmFilter) | Required |
queryType | Type of query to run. Can be "EVENT", "FLOW", or "ASSETS". Default is "EVENT". | Optional |
timeOut | Maximum time to wait before timeout (in minutes). Default is 30. | Optional |
customStart | If the timeRange argument is set to CUSTOM, the start time for the time range. For example: 2017-06-01T12:48:16.734Z | Optional |
customEnd | If the timeRange argument is set to CUSTOM, the end time for the time range. For example: 2017-06-01T12:48:16.734Z | Optional |
fields | The fields that will be selected when this query is executed. | Optional |
limit | Query results can be limited to a maximum row count. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!esm-search timeRange="CURRENT_YEAR" filters="[{\"type\":\"EsmFieldFilter\",\"field\":{\"name\":\"SrcIP\"},\"operator\":\"IN\"}]" limit="3"
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputSearch results |Alert.IPSIDAlertID|Alert.SrcIP|Alert.SrcPort|Alert.DstIP|Alert.DstPort|Alert.Protocol|Alert.LastTime|Action.Name| |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--| | 144115188075855872|779674||0||0|n/a|2020-01-01T05:48:20Z|success | | 144115188075855872|779675||0||0|n/a|2020-01-01T05:48:22Z|success | | 144115188075855872|779676||0||0|n/a|2020-01-01T10:51:57Z|success |
esm-fetch-alarmsRetrieves a list of triggered alarms.
Base Commandesm-fetch-alarms
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
customStart | If the timeRange argument is set to CUSTOM, the start time for the time range. For example: 2017-06-01T12:48:16.734Z | Optional |
customEnd | If the timeRange argument is set to CUSTOM, the end time for the time range. For example: 2017-06-01T12:48:16.734Z | Optional |
assignedUser | User assigned to handle the triggered alarm. Use the 'ME' option to use the instance user, or use format EsmUser. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
McAfeeESM.Alarm.ID | number | Alarm ID. |
McAfeeESM.Alarm.summary | string | Alarm summary. |
McAfeeESM.Alarm.assignee | string | Alarm assignee. |
McAfeeESM.Alarm.severity | number | Alarm severity. |
McAfeeESM.Alarm.triggeredDate | date | Alarm triggered date. |
McAfeeESM.Alarm.acknowledgedDate | date | Alarm acknowledged date. |
McAfeeESM.Alarm.acknowledgedUsername | string | Alarm acknowledged username. |
McAfeeESM.Alarm.alarmName | string | Alarm name. |
McAfeeESM.Alarm.conditionType | number | Alarm condition type. |
Command Example!esm-fetch-alarms timeRange=CURRENT_MONTH
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
id acknowledgedDate acknowledgedUsername alarmName assignee conditionType severity summary triggeredDate 42710 Alarm Test ANALYST 22 50 Event rate exceeded 10 by 17 2020-06-24T13:05:43Z 42709 Alarm Test ANALYST 22 50 Event rate exceeded 10 by 1 2020-06-24T12:53:12Z 42708 Alarm Test ANALYST 22 50 Event rate exceeded 10 by 2 2020-06-24T11:32:08Z
esm-get-case-listGets a list of cases from McAfee ESM.
Base Commandesm-get-case-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
since | Filters for cases that were opened before this date. In the format "<number><timeunit>", for example: 1 day,30 minutes,2 weeks,6 months,1 year | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
McAfeeESM.Case.ID | number | Case ID. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Summary | string | The summary of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Status | string | The status of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.OpenTime | date | The date and time when the case was opened. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Severity | number | The severity of the case. |
Command Example!esm-get-case-list since="1 month"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
cases since 1 month
ID OpenTime Severity Status Summary 33262 2020-06-23T06:38:03Z 50 Open Signature ID 'Failed User Logon' (306-31) match found 33261 2020-06-22T12:04:09Z 50 Open Signature ID 'Failed User Logon' (306-31) match found 33264 2020-06-23T12:13:08Z 50 Open Signature ID 'Failed User Logon' (306-31) match found
esm-add-caseAdds a case to the system.
Base Commandesm-add-case
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
summary | The name of the case. | Required |
status | The status of the case. Run the esm-get-case-statuses command to view all statuses. | Optional |
assignee | User assigned to the case. | Optional |
severity | The severity of the case (1 - 100). | Optional |
organization | The organization assigned to the case. Run the esm-get-organization-list command to view all organizations. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
McAfeeESM.Case.ID | number | The ID of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Summary | string | The summary of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Status | string | The status of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.OpenTime | date | The open time of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Severity | number | The severity of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Assignee | string | The assignee of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Organization | string | The organization of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.EventList | Unknown | List of the case's events. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Notes | Unknown | List of the case's notes. |
Command Example!esm-add-case summary="McAfee ESM v2 add case"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Assignee ID OpenTime Organization Severity Status Summary ANALYST 33272 2020-06-24T13:10:01Z None 1 Open McAfee ESM v2 add case
esm-edit-caseEdit the details of an existing case.
Base Commandesm-edit-case
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | The ID of the case. | Required |
summary | The name of the case. | Optional |
severity | The new severity of the case (1 - 100). | Optional |
assignee | User assigned to the case. | Optional |
status | The new status of the case. Run the esm-get-case-statuses command to view all statuses. | Optional |
organization | The organization assigned to the case. Run the esm-get-organization-list command to view all organizations. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
McAfeeESM.Case.ID | number | The ID of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Summary | string | The summary of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Status | string | The status of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.OpenTime | date | The open time of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Severity | number | The severity of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Assignee | string | The assignee of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Organization | string | The organization of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.EventList | Unknown | List of the case's events. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Notes | Unknown | List of the case's notes. |
Command Example!esm-edit-case id="33266" summary="McAfee ESM v2 edit case"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Assignee ID OpenTime Organization Severity Status Summary ANALYST 33266 2020-06-24T10:54:21Z None 1 Open McAfee ESM v2 edit case
esm-get-case-statusesGets a list of valid case statuses from the system.
Base Commandesm-get-case-statuses
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!esm-get-case-statuses
Human Readable Output#
case statuses
id name default showInCasePane 2 Closed false false 11830 McAfee_ESM_v2_add_case false false 1 Open true true 11725 Research_1563355610148 false true 11825 TestMcAfee_ESM_v2 false false 11758 bbbb false false 11776 test false true 11777 test1 false false 11268 test2 false true 11267 test3 false true 11890 test_delete_case false false 11889 test_edit_case false false
esm-edit-case-statusEdits the status of a case.
Base Commandesm-edit-case-status
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
original_name | The name of the case status to edit. | Required |
new_name | The new name for the case status. | Required |
show_in_case_pane | Whether the status will display in the case pane. Can be "True" or "False". Default is "True". | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!esm-edit-case-status original_name=test_edit_case new_name=edited_case
Human Readable OutputEdited case status with ID: 11889
esm-get-case-detailGets the details of an existing case.
Base Commandesm-get-case-detail
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | The ID of the case. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
McAfeeESM.Case.ID | number | The ID of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Summary | string | The summary of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Status | string | The status of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.OpenTime | date | The open time of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Severity | number | The severity of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Assignee | string | The assignee of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Organization | string | The organization of the case. |
McAfeeESM.Case.EventList | Unknown | List of the case's events. |
McAfeeESM.Case.Notes | Unknown | List of the case's notes. |
Command Example!esm-get-case-detail id="33264"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Assignee ID OpenTime Organization Severity Status Summary ANALYST 33264 2020-06-23T12:13:08Z None 50 Open Signature ID 'Failed User Logon' (306-31) match found
esm-get-case-event-listGets case event details.
Base Commandesm-get-case-event-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
ids | Comma-separated list of event IDs. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
McAfeeESM.CaseEvent.ID | string | The ID of the event. |
McAfeeESM.CaseEvent.LastTime | date | The time the event was last updated. |
McAfeeESM.CaseEvent.Message | string | The message of the event. |
Command Example!esm-get-case-event-list ids="42687"
esm-add-case-statusAdds a status to the specified case.
Base Commandesm-add-case-status
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
name | The name of the case status. | Required |
show_in_case_pane | Whether the status will display in the case pane. Can be "True" or "False". Default is "True". | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!esm-add-case-status name=test_add_case
Human Readable OutputAdded case status : test_add_case
esm-delete-case-statusDeletes the status of a case.
Base Commandesm-delete-case-status
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
name | The name of the case status to delete. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!esm-delete-case-status name=test_delete_case
Human Readable OutputDeleted case status with ID: 11890
esm-get-organization-listGets a case organization.
Base Commandesm-get-organization-list
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
McAfeeESM.Organization.ID | number | Organization ID. |
McAfeeESM.Organization.Name | string | Organization name. |
Command Example!esm-get-organization-list
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
id name 2 ABC 1 Org
esm-get-user-listGets a list of all users.
Base Commandesm-get-user-list
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
McAfeeESM.User.ID | number | The ID of the user. |
McAfeeESM.User.Name | string | The ESM user name. |
McAfeeESM.User.Email | string | The email address of the user. |
McAfeeESM.User.SMS | string | The SMS details of the user. |
McAfeeESM.User.IsMaster | boolean | Whether the user is a master user. |
McAfeeESM.User.IsAdmin | boolean | Whether the user is an admin. |
Command Example!esm-get-user-list
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
User list
ID Name Groups IsMaster IsAdmin SMS 6 abcd [] false false 7 gavrieltest [1, 2] true true 1 ANALYST [2] true false
esm-acknowledge-alarmsMarks triggered alarms as acknowledged.
Base Commandesm-acknowledge-alarms
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alarmIds | Comma-separated list of triggered alarm IDs to be marked as acknowledged. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!esm-acknowledge-alarms alarmIds="42710"
Human Readable OutputAlarms has been Acknowledged.
esm-unacknowledge-alarmsMarks triggered alarms as unacknowledged.
Base Commandesm-unacknowledge-alarms
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alarmIds | Comma-separated list of triggered alarm IDs to be marked as unacknowledged. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!esm-unacknowledge-alarms alarmIds="42687"
Human Readable OutputAlarms has been Unacknowledged.
esm-delete-alarmsDeletes triggered alarms.
Base Commandesm-delete-alarms
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alarmIds | Comma-separated list of triggered alarm IDs to delete. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!esm-delete-alarms alarmIds="42709"
Human Readable OutputAlarms has been Deleted.
esm-get-alarm-event-detailsGets the details for the triggered alarm.
Base Commandesm-get-alarm-event-details
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
eventId | The event for which to get the details. Run the esm-list-alarm-events command to get the ID. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.ID | string | Event ID. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.SubType | string | Event type. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.Severity | number | Event severity. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.Message | string | Event message. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.LastTime | date | Event time. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.SrcIP | string | Source IP of the event. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.DstIP | string | Destination IP of the event. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.Cases | Unknown | A list of cases related to the event. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.Cases.ID | string | Case ID. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.Cases.OpenTime | date | Case creation time. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.Cases.Severity | number | Case severity. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.Cases.Status | string | Case status. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.Cases.Summary | string | Case summary. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.DstMac | string | Destination MAC address of the event. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.SrcMac | string | Source MAC address of the event. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.DstPort | string | Destination port of the event. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.SrcPort | string | Source port of the event. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.FirstTime | date | The first time for the event. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.NormalizedDescription | string | Normalized description of the event. |
Command Example!esm-get-alarm-event-details eventId=144115188075855872|802641
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Alarm events
Case DstIP DstMac DstPort FirstTime ID LastTime Message NormalizedDescription Severity SrcIP SrcMac SrcPort SubType {'ID': 33260, 'OpenTime': '2020-06-22T06:16:24Z', 'Severity': 50, 'Status': 'Open', 'Summary': "Signature ID 'Failed User Logon' (306-31) match found"} 00:00:00:00:00:00 0 2020-06-22T06:16:05Z 802641 2020-06-22T06:16:05Z Failed User Logon The Login category indicates events related to logging in to hosts or services. Belongs to Authentication: The authentication category indicates events relating to system access. 25 00:00:00:00:00:00 0 failure
esm-list-alarm-eventsGets a list of events related to the alarm.
Base Commandesm-list-alarm-events
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alarmId | The alarm for which to get the details. Run the esm-fetch-alarms command to get the ID. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.ID | string | Event ID. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.SubType | string | Event type. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.Severity | number | Event severity. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.Message | string | Event message. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.LastTime | date | Event time. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.SrcIP | string | Source IP of the event. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.DstIP | string | Destination IP of the event. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.Cases | Unknown | A list of cases related to the event. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.Cases.ID | string | Case ID. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.Cases.OpenTime | date | Case creation time. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.Cases.Severity | number | Case severity. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.Cases.Status | string | Case status. |
McAfeeESM.AlarmEvent.Cases.Summary | string | Case summary. |
Command Example!esm-list-alarm-events alarmId=42687
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Alarm events
DstIP DstMac DstPort FirstTime ID LastTime Message NormalizedDescription Severity SrcIP SrcMac SrcPort SubType 144115188075855872|802641 2020-06-22T06:16:05Z Failed User Logon 25 failure
esm-create-watchlistCreate a new watchlist.
Base Commandesm-create-watchlist
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
name | The new watchlist name. | Required |
type | The type of the new watchlist. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | string | The watchlist name | | number | The watchlist id |
McAfeeESM.Watchlist.type | string | The watchlist type |
Command Example!esm-create-watchlist name=test_watchlist type=IPAddress
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputWatchlist test_watchlist created.
esm-delete-watchlistDelete a watchlist.
Base Commandesm-delete-watchlist
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
ids | the watch list ids to delete. | Optional |
names | the watch list names to delete. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!esm-delete-watchlist names=test_watchlist
Human Readable OutputWatchlists removed
esm-watchlist-add-entryCreate a new watchlist entry.
Base Commandesm-watchlist-add-entry
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
watchlist_name | The watchlist name. | Optional |
watchlist_id | The watchlist id. | Optional |
values | The values you want to add to watchlist. (CSV format) | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!esm-watchlist-add-entry watchlist_name=test_watchlist values=,
Human Readable OutputWatchlist successfully updated.
esm-watchlist-delete-entryDelete watchlist entry.
Base Commandesm-watchlist-delete-entry
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
watchlist_name | The watchlist name. | Optional |
watchlist_id | The watchlist id. | Optional |
values | The values you want to remove from watchlist. (CSV format) | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!esm-watchlist-delete-entry watchlist_name=test_watchlist values=,
Human Readable OutputWatchlist successfully updated.
esm-watchlist-list-entriesGet watchlist entries.
Base Commandesm-watchlist-list-entries
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
watchlist_name | The watchlist name. | Optional |
watchlist_id | The watchlist id. | Optional |
limit | max count of values. | Required |
offset | values offset. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Unknown | The watchlist data | | string | The watchlist name |
Command Example!esm-watchlist-list-entries watchlist_name=test_watchlist
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
results from test_watchlist watchlist
esm-get-watchlistsReturns a list of watchlists' names and IDs.
Base Commandesm-get-watchlists
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
hidden | Whether to include hidden watchlists. Can be true or false. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Required |
dynamic | Whether to include dynamic watchlists. Can be true or false. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Required |
write_only | Whether to include write only watchlists. Can be true or false. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. | Required |
indexed_only | Whether to include indexed only watchlists. Can be true or false. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | string | The name of the watchlist. | | number | The ID of the watchlist. |
McAfeeESM.Watchlist.type | string | The type of the watchlist. |